Any Indonesian?

Hey Harry, dulu malah udah ada Goosebumps. Terjemahan sih, tapi itu malah buku fisik. Ternyata makin nambah aja nih warga Indonesia. Aku malah udah lama ga buka forum ini :frowning:

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Brooo! I’m back! Gila, 2 tahun yg lalu. Sorry for the late late late reply. Laptop in the 80’s? What an experience. You were very lucky to be able to know IF in the early age of IF. Planetfall is one of the toughest IF out there and that was your first game? Lol

Waw waw, keren. Apresiasi untukmu. I’ll check it later. Aku yakin yg bikin CYOA atau CoG banyak melihat flesibilitas program kayak Twine, tapi entah deh kalo bikin yg parser based ada gak soalnya cara kerjanya beda banget. Aku sempet bikin thread pertanyaan di sini seputar bikin parser based IF pake bahasa selain Inggris,terutama bahasa Indonesia,ada banyak di sini Ga tau sih sekarang, 8 tahun sudah berlalu sejak thread ini ada, mungkin perkembangan teknologi udah makin maju.

Oya, salam mengenalmu Noven. Aku kenal IF secara official tahun 2012. Tapi ternyata aku pernah main IF sejak jaman game java hp jadul. Judulnya The Dark Eye. Itu CoG tapi ada elemen D&D, ada fitur roll dice juga. Waktu itu resolusi layar hp masih 240x320 wkwk.

I’ve looked for your twitter. I’ve left a trace somewhere on your blog, lol.

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Not IF at all, but at least an adventure game: Sumatra: Fate of Yandi. Maybe of interest for you.

Halo, semua… :smiley:

Sorry for bumping this old thread, but this is the only place I can find fellow Indonesian in this forum.

Are you guys still involved in IF now?

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I don’t think which part is the adjective and which is the noun is strictly indicated. You could name an object “blue book” (or “book blue” in your case) and Inform would just treat the whole thing as a noun if I understand correctly. The suffixication might be more problematic.


That’s not really a problem. Commands are usually in pure form anyway. Adverb is rarely used, right?

Regarding the adjectives, that’s true with Inform. I don’t know if that’s universally true. Depends on the library, I guess.


I just installed inform7 yesterday, and skimmed through the documentation.

Can we just use “understand” syntax to create aliases in bahasa Indonesia for the commands?

I tried with an example file, but it gave me error.

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Maybe you should just call the objects “buku biru” “buku” “biru” instead of messing with grammar? What’s the error message?

Edit: oh, I7. Sorry. I use I6 only.


Im not indonesian, but i love the food.


My goal is to make the game playable using Indonesian commands and English commands too. So, the player will be able to type PERIKSA, and the game will understand that word as EXAMINE. Something like “alias” in Unix shell.

I’ll give inform6 a try.


Is it easy to find Indonesian food in your local area?

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No Unfortunately. There are no authentic restaurants that I’ve found. Most are Chinese advertising Indo-China, serving noodles.


bumped this threat again after 2 years lmao. hai hai. depends on what you mean by involved. I have been playing other old game, apparently. It’s DOOM, created by John Romero, and he was involved in Infocom also became one of the interviewee in Get Lamp documentary, so playing DOOM really brings back my memory about IF. Haven’t played much IF lately.