I try make a system about buliding, it see like not have mistake but it call me
Error: <<Bulids>>: errors within widget contents (Error: <<print>>: bad evaluation: State.variables.bulid_non is undefined; Error: <<for>>: unsupported range expression type: undefined)
In your <<Bulids>> widget definition the _i temporary variable contains the Numerical index of the current for loop iteration, which you are using to display a number before each “Name” you are displaying.
But within the body of the <<button>> macro call you are comparing the captured Numerical value of _i to a String value, specifically one of the potential “Name” values. And those two values will never be equal, so that if condition will never be true.
I believe you really want to be capturing the value of the _name Temporary variable, instead of that of _i. And need to change your comparison to also use that captured _name instead of _i value. Capturing _name will also make the updating of the $bulid_non Array possible.
Ah shit. I know what is the reason about this, it is so foolish, I use the save to test. but save don’t record the new variable in StoryInit, if i anew, this system is able.