Anonymising rule names in output game file

I remember somewhere, somehow, reading something about Inform being able to - in the future? or now somehow? - anonymise rule names in the output story file. So even if the text was pulled out with glulxstrings etc it would say ‘rule 3’ or the like of instead of ‘the don’t drop things in the pond you idiot rule’.

Did that or will that happen, or is it happening? Sorry, I just couldn’t find the reference. I had a feeling I saw it done once. But it didn’t happen for me when I tried it from the Mac Inform app 10-1-2, whether using current Inform or 6G60.


It might be the memory economy use option? If not then the index lists other use options you can try.


Wow, you’re right. If you use memory economy, rule names aren’t included. Thanks.
