Anchorhead Music Playlist?

I just started playing Anchorhead, and it seems like it would be much moodier with some background instrumentals.

Does anyone know of a good playlist that already exists?


So far vibing with: Paths | Clouds Become Oceans

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Don’t know how “energetic” you want your playlist to be, but I’ve been getting into Russian Circles lately. It’s all instrumental, of course, but can get a bit heavy metal at times.

Here’s a YouTube playlist → Russian Circles


Russian Circles are the GOAT when it comes to instrumental Post-Metal. There are quite a few other bands out there doing the same thing like: If these Trees could talk, Pelican, Maudits, Aythis, God is an Astronaut, The Sun burns bright, A Burial at the Sea and many more. It’s a rabbit hole.

I also highly recommend the album “This is our Planet now” by Volkor X.