AI generated text adventure

GPT-2 is a predictive text model, which just means that it tries to predict what comes next after some text that you enter. That means if you give it
>Open door
It will try to predict what happens next, based on it’s training data. Let the user choose their next action based on the response, and you have the makings of a text adventure game.
This makes for a playable, if thoroughly weird, text adventure


I have no idea why I found this so mesmerizing. It takes some patience and is a bit frustrating, but it occasionally spits out chunks of slightly familiar, but disjointed imagery. It’s strange, but at some point I felt like I was trying to help it recall some old shared memory – like having a conversation with a person suffering dementia. I don’t mean this as a joke or to be disrespectful to people dealing with the real illness; I actually started to feel that. For example, it was satisfying when I switched from using “get” to “take” and got better results. (“Take all” was like a breakthrough moment.) Maybe I’m just having a sentimentally strange day.