Hello everyone. A friend said I should put my Adventure Creator/Player system here. Long ago I wrote one of these in Visual Basic, this version is written in PureBasic (thus the II).
Adventure Quest II is an old-school text Aventure System. Complete with Adventure Creator and Adventure Player. Adventures are built on your local SQLite Database and when completed are Exported to a JSON File. This JSON file can be imported and played by anyone with the Player.
NO Software knowledge is needed for adventure creation! Everything is screen driven.
Adventure Files are saved to your “Home” Folder in an “AdventureQuest” folder.
This Software is 100% Free.
I am looking for folks to use and suggest changes and enhancements, tweaks and changes. If there is a lot of interest, I can create Adventure sharing pages to my website!
Please feel free to download from my site:
PAHLabs com
Questions Comments an be posted here or feel free to email me directly, or via my website.
(For those concerned about entering your email in my site to download, No verification of address is required. I do not data mind or share personal information with anyone. Once a year I put out sales, those with valid emails will receive notification.)