Adventure Probe Convention 1991 - UK - The UK Text Adventure Scene on Video

It’s an honour to be able to share this now with everybody! The DVD was sent to me by someone who wishes to remain anonymous, and with a little work to restore the 4:3 ratio and clear up the sound we are ready to share it! I’ve also created a standalone video of just the interviews, in all cases i’ve tried to keep the original aesthetic in place.

This is a view into the Text Adventure Game community in the UK, early 90s (1991 to be exact), to the people who made it what it was, this shows what happened next after Magnetic Scrolls, Level 9 and the other commercial publishers handed the baton over to the community who ran with it and created a cottage industry of players, testers, hint lines, fanzines, publishers and creators, many of whom you will meet in these videos.

One fanzine in particular, Adventure Probe, really helped to bring everyone together, and it was they who created the Adventure Probe Convention (later the Adventure Convention) in 1990, and here now you can watch the 1991 convention.

The Playlist:

Adventure Probe Convention 1991:

The Interviews:

Hope you enjoy!



I’m overjoyed that this has finally been digitised especially as I neglected to order a copy back in the day. Watching it has made me feel both very young and very old at the same time. The only thing that remains as vivid on film as it is in my memory of that day is Mandy’s red jacket.

Only had a quick scroll through, but it’s lovely to see old faces of adventurers that are no longer with us and others, like the convention organiser Larry Horsfield, that are still writing games to this day!

Thanks for putting this one up, Adam. And I’m guessing, probably thanks to Sue too. :wink:


You’re all welcome, it was an honour and pleasure to get to do it - and I couldn’t possibly comment on Sue… :wink: :yum: