Adventure Game Scenarios in Real Life

I’m forgetful enough to have locked my keys in my vehicle many times over the years. I’ve unlocked car doors not only with many wire coat hangers, but twice with a length of wire from a chain link fence I painstaking worried back and forth to break free on each end, and once with 3 spiral notebooks I deconstructed and then wove the wire spirals together to get a wire stiff enough to grab the locking peg. That last one took quite some time and was honestly a desperation move; I was quite astonished when it finally worked.


That sounds like poor puzzle implementation!


Even worse, if you try it with just one, the wire breaks—so you need to go get another notebook to try again, and it makes you think that’s not the solution at all!


“This notebook keeps respawning. Obviously I’m not supposed to destroy it…”