Adv3lite Extension Issues

Multiple adv3lite extensions don’t seem to be working properly when adding them, for example subjtime will give this error when trying to compile with it:

 clockManager.execute() + 0x9A (arrow points here, not sure if that matters)
 clockManager._execute() + 0x51
 func#1a9f(clockManager) + 0xE
 forEachInstance(PreinitObject, function#00001a9f) + 0x18
 initAfterLoad() + 0x25xec() + 0x38
 _preinit() + 0x27
 _mainCommon(['debug\\adv3lite.t3'], nil) + 0x10
 _main(['debug\\adv3lite.t3']) + 0x12

Factrel also has issues and gives errors, most of the extensions work fine but a couple seem bugged unless I’m missing something.

Objtime also seems to be giving an issue where now that i’ve removed subjtime, it gives an error where it didn’t before, clicking the error brings me to nothing. But it works fine initially until subjtime is added and removed

CmdHelp is broken due to improperly formatted comments and maybe some other things
Collective is broken again due to improperly formatted comments and some other strange out of place lines in the code
DynamicRegion has one improper comment but works fine once it is removed
as stated Factrel is bugged/broken
Sysrules is bugged/broken
Subjtime is bugged/broken
and Objtime typically works unless you add subjtime and remove it, in which case it seems to stop functioning.

This will be very embarrassing if I’m simply doing something wrong, I’m placing them above my main code file but below the library file so I can’t imagine what, anyway while the comment issues are easy to fix I am not proficient enough to figure out the issues surrounding the rest


I’m not familiar with any of those extensions but I recommend removing/disabling all of them, then just adding back one at a time. Once you know you have one working correctly, move on to the next.


factrel. requires relations.t to be present also and included in the game before factrel.
I don’t get any issues with subjtime and objtime.
sysrules required rules to be included before it, but there were comment errors I’ve now just fixed.
There was one commenting error in CmdHelp which I’ve now corrected.
As you say, DynamicRegion has one comment error. I’ve now corrected this.
Collective had three formatting errors I’ve now corrected.

I’ve uploaded the corrected versions to GitHub. You can find them at adv3lite/extensions at master · EricEve/adv3lite.

I’ll check other extensions for this problem and have another poke at the systime/objtime problem this afternoon.

EDIT: I’ve now run through the other extensions and encountered no further problems. I’ve been unable to replicate the problem you found with objtime & subjtime.


Everything works now, my issue was forgetting to apply a clockEvent in the game code, thank you! I love adv3lite so far! (and factrel was indeed fine, I just didn’t have relations included before it, my bad!)

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