Twine Version: 2.1.0
Sugarcube 2.37.3
Hi All! I’m very next to this, but am finding it all quite fascinating. I’m trying to include a quest tracker in the Story Caption to display the “Title” of the active quest. It will currently work until I include an <> macro to provide an alternate option in the event that no quest/task is currently in the active array.
My quests themselves are in the setup object in StoryInit, as nothing changes about them. Here is the code :
<<set setup.tasks to {
"T001": {
"ID": "T001",
"Short": "Go to Work.",
"Long": "Make your way to the office and start the day. It's on the corner of High and Prince streets",
"Title": "Go to Work",
"Passage": "Work"
"T002": {
"ID": "T002",
"Short": "Service call #1.",
"Long": "Head back to Clarion street and fix the internet at your neighbour's house.",
"Title": "Service Call: Neighbour",
"Passage": "House 1"
Here is the section of code in StoryCaption that prints the “Title”:
<<nobr>>Active Task:
<<if $Active.includesAny()>>
<<=print setup.tasks[$Active[0]]["Title"]>>
I then also have arrays set up at the start of my story:
<<nobr>><<set $Active to []>>
<<set $Completed to []>>
Then finally a bit of code to add the current quest to the Active array when it starts:
<<run $Active.push("T001")>>
Everything else that I’ve currently implemented is working, namely alternative content in a passage when the player visits after the quest is activated, so I don’t think it’s a problem with the contents of the Array. I’ve checked it in test mode and it all looks like it should be working. What am I doing wrong?