Actions applying to two things?

Okay so I’m trying using Conversation Framework and Epistemology by Eric Eve. I want to make a game where you can talk to someone and you can press/pry them for more information but I can’t get it to work. Here’s an example of my current code.

Pressing someone is an action applying to two things. 
Understand "press [person] about [subject]" as pressing someone.

The Living room is a room.
Jason is an undescribed man in the Living Room.
Fight is a subject. 

After quizzing Jason about fight: 
        say "something about fight"; `

After pressing Jason about fight: 
	say "something new about fight";

If anyone knows how to make this work, I would appreciate it.

Try this:

Include Epistemology by Eric Eve.

Include Conversation Framework by Eric Eve.

Pressing it about is an action applying to two visible things.

Understand "press [someone] about [any known thing]" as pressing it about.

The Living room is a room.
Jason is a man in the Living Room.
Fight is a subject. Fight is familiar.

Report quizzing Jason about fight: 
		say "something about fight.".

Report pressing Jason about fight: 
	say "something new about fight.".
Test me with "ask Jason about fight / press Jason about fight".
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That worked!!! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!!!