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A post was split to a new topic: Path of Adventure
Yes, @system , I will! (Even though you just reminded me that the last post in this general category was five years ago, which makes me wonder, shouldn’t we post more “hay, i’m playing this game”, without any review expectations or game-specific threads? Just announce what piece of IF we’re reading/playing now like in the movie-thread and the offtopic games-thread and the book-thread? Non-committally announcing which IF we’re playing/reading?
Perhaps some more specific threads might branch off, or not…)
I’ve just completed the tutorial for Worldsmith and I’m ready to dive in for real. I know @Denk holds this game in high regards, and I hold Denk’s opinion in high regard, so I have high hopes for this one.
Great to hear that. Just in case, don’t do my mistake I did the first time around I played it. I thought the “story mode” would be a choice-based experience and “game mode” would be a parser experience
However, “story mode” is the full parser game, whereas “game mode” takes the first puzzle only but to an extreme difficulty level (you can choose how difficult though) - it is my impression that the first puzzle in the full game corresponds to the Apprentice difficulty in “game mode” and despite some randomness, in the full game you don’t need luck to succeed if you pay very much attention to the details.
Hah! Funny you should respond now. I was just about to give up.
Not because I made the same mistake as you, but because I’ve been hanging around in the Exam Room for ages.
I chose STORY-mode, played through the tutorial, and then my mentor sent me to my final examination. When I got there, my PARSER-HERO-EXPLORER instincts kicked in, and I’ve been EXAMINING every bit of my co-student’s equipment and ASKING them about everything and the weather too.
In a round-about way, your response just now reminded me that perhaps I should just stick to the actual examination-task to get through to the STORY, instead of asking all the other students about my clothes…
I mean, fantastic deep implementation, but it’s easy to get lost in that very first scene after the tutorial. Did you just get on with building your worlds required for the exam, or did you find something useful in talking to the other students?
Thanks for responding,
If I remember correctly, there isn’t any very old school hidden stuff before you have completed the exam so just ask the most obvious questions (I think you are given questions to choose from? don’t quite remember) and focus on building worlds but all instructions on building worlds are probably important to make the world succeed. However, you will at some point be able to visit your world (more than once? can’t remember) and … there is something mysterious going on there - very cool I think
And past the exam, you get to a more classical parser experience (IF Comp style, not very old school like e.g Larry Horsfield’s games), though with a highly original plot in my opinion. Good luck!
BTW: I have often thought about making a Quick start tutorial for those who can’t get past the first puzzle because not all parser fans like that strategy puzzle and don’t have the patience to beat it. Alternatively, I thought about giving players a save-file continuing after having beaten the first puzzle. But I don’t see my self doing that at the moment as I am a bit too busy these days
Thanks! I won’t be needing specific help to get through. Your quick response and assurance that there is an original story to look forward to is enough to motivate me.
And I will enjoy this first puzzle now that I know where to focus my attention.
Oh, and Happy New Year!
Thsnks Happy New Year too