I’m working to a small, simple TADS2 work, where for story reasons, the score is revealed only at the end of the story (or when the player/PC ended the story), and I share a very simple, neat way for hiding the score from the status line via replace:
replace scoreFormat: function(points, turns)
/* now return a string displaying ???/turns */
return '???/' + cvtstr(turns);
Hope this can helpful to people still appreciating TADS 2, and
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.
with the added adjective ‘up’ TADS2’s parser & library correctly handle commands like CLIMB UP, CLIMB UP LADDER, and for stairs, adding ‘upstairs’ to noun can even accept CLIMB UPSTAIRS and even the ungrammatical CLIMB UP UPSTAIRS (!)
Needless to say, one also needs the appropriate doClimb, e.g.
verDoClimb( actor ) = {}
doClimb( actor ) = { actor.travelTo( roof ); }
HTH and
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.