3rd person story

I’m creating a text adventure where the player is controlling a robot. I was also planning on the player having the ability to name the robot or something like that. Is there any way I can do this easily.

[name] opens the dorr
[name] is holding
item 1

There’s a built-in way to change narrative viewpoint. I haven’t done much with it, but this may answer your question: http://inform7.com/learn/man/WI_14_1.html

In one of my games, I had a cat the player could name. Here’s the source code to that. Many props to A.Schultz for helping me with it.

> Section 1.1 - Cat
> a cat is an animal in Among the Books.  "Lounging among the books is your cat, [Nickname of the cat in sentence case]."
> instead of saying hello to cat:
> 	say "You talk to [nickname of cat in sentence case] for a little bit.  Although he doesn't talk back, he pays keen attention to you and [italic type]meows[roman type] appropriately."
> the cat has some indexed text called the nickname.
> the nickname of the cat is "Bookstore Cat".
> understand the nickname property as describing the cat.
> rule for printing the name of the cat when the nickname of the cat is not "Bookstore Cat":
> 	say "[nickname of the cat in sentence case]"
> naming it with is an action applying to one thing and one topic.
> understand "name [something][text]" as naming it with.
> check naming it with:
> 	say "You can't name that."
> instead of naming the cat with "nothing":
> 	now the nickname of the cat is "nothing";
> 	now the cat is improper-named;
> 	say "You revoke your choice of cat-name."
> instead of naming the cat with something:
> 	let N be the indexed text;
> 	let N be the "[the topic understood]";
> 	replace the text "'" in N with "";
> 	now the nickname of the cat is "[N]";
> 	now the cat is proper-named;
> 	say "The cat is now known as [nickname of the cat in sentence case]."

Some, none, or all of this might help you. Enjoy!