Leaderboard (only for games played in 2025):
Player | Points |
Adam Bitcliffe | 25 |
Joey Jones | 5 |
This is for a new friendly competition/motivation system for playing longer games.
When I was in high school, we had a system called Accelerated Reader that assigned points to difficult, long books, and I was really motivated to read them because I wanted to rack up some high numbers.
So I’m going to start a similar system based on the length of games. I’m going to post a list of games on here that are longer than usual, with points assigned to how long it takes to complete them. I won’t base points on quality, as I feel like that could be kind of mean.
I’ll include a scoreboard at the end of this post for people who want to post publicly which games they’ve achieved, but this doesn’t have to be public at all, you could just use this for your own personal benefit.
Okay, here are the points!
[Note: I just took this from my list of reviews of games that lasted 2-10 hours. There are some truly awful and/or offensive games in this list, and some great ones. Please feel free to notify me of any games you feel should be listed or moved categories! There are some commercial CoG games on this list; basically all of them fit.]
Point Values
5 Points
2112, by George K. Algire
4x4 Archipelago, by Agnieszka Trzaska
80 DAYS, by inkle, Meg Jayanth
A Beauty Cold and Austere, by Mike Spivey
A Dark Room, by Michael Townsend
A Study in Steampunk: Choice by Gaslight, by Heather Albano
A Wise Use of Time, by Jim Dattilo
All Hope Abandon, by Eric Eve
All Things Devours by half sick of shadows
Anchorhead, by Michael Gentry
Anno 1700, by Finn Rosenløv
Arborea, by Richard Develyn
Ascension of Limbs, by AKheon
Asteroid Run: No Questions Asked, by Fay Ikin
Ataraxia, by Lauren O’Donoghue
Back In Time, by Stella MacDonald
Berrost’s Challenge, by Mark Hatfield
Blood Money, by Harris Powell-Smith
Bright Brave Knight Knave, by Andrew Schultz
Bureau of Strange Happenings, by Phil Riley
Cannery Vale, by Hanon Ondricek (as Keanhid Connor)
Castle Amnos, by John Evans
Chancellor, by Kevin Venzke
Cheree: Remembering My Murder, by Robert Goodwin
Choice of Magics, by Kevin Gold
Choice of Rebels: Uprising, by Joel Havenstone
Choice of Robots, by Kevin Gold
Choice of the Cat, by Jordan Reyne
Choice of the Vampire, by Jason Stevan Hill
Choices: And Their Souls Were Eaten, by Tin Man Games, Felicity Banks
Christminster, by Gareth Rees
Chronicon Apocalyptica, by Robert Davis
Chuk and the Arena, by Agnieszka Trzaska
Counterfeit Monkey, by Emily Short
Crème de la Crème, by Harris Powell-Smith
Curse of Eldor, by Stuart Allen
Custard & Mustard’s Big Adventure, by Christopher Merriner
D’ARKUN, by Michael Baltes
Detectiveland, by Robin Johnson
Doki Doki Literature Club, by Team Salvato
Domicile, by John Evans
Dr Horror’s House of Terror, by Ade McT
Drumsticks, by Luke A. Jones
Elite Status: Platinum Concierge, by Emily Short and Harris Powell-Smith
Encyclopedia of Elementals, by Adam Holbrook
Endless, Nameless, by Adam Cadre
Escape from Hell, by Nils Fagerburg
Escape from Terra, by Mike Gerwat
Evacuate, by Jeff Rissman
Even Some More Tales from Castle Balderstone, by Ryan Veeder
Excalibur, by J. J. Guest, G. C. Baccaris, and Duncan Bowsman
Fate of the Storm Gods, by Bendi Barrett
First Things First, by J. Robinson Wheeler
Fool!, by Ben Rovik
Forsaken Denizen, by C.E.J. Pacian
Frustration, by Jim MacBrayne
Got ID?, by Marc Valhara
Guttersnipe: Carnival of Regrets, by Bitter Karella
Guttersnipe: The Baleful Backwash, by Bitter Karella
Hansel et Gretel - La Revanche, by Corax
Happy Ever After, by Robert M. Camisa
Happyland, by Rob Fitzel
Hard Puzzle 2 : The Cow, The Stool and Other Animals, by Ade McT
Hard Puzzle 3 : Origins, by Ade McT
Hard Puzzle 4: The Ballad of Bob and Cheryl, by Ade McT
Hard Puzzle, by Ade McT
Have Orb, Will Travel, by Jim MacBrayne (as Older Timer)
Hawkstone, by Handsome McStranger
Heart of the House, by Nissa Campbell
Heroes Rise: HeroFall, by Zachary Sergi
Heroes Rise: The Hero Project, by Zachary Sergi
Hibernated 1 (Director’s Cut), by Stefan Vogt
Hildy, by J. Michael
Hill 160, by Mike Gerwat
I Contain Multitudes, by Wonaglot
I Didn’t Know You Could Yodel, by Andrew J. Indovina and Michael Eisenman
I Think The Waves Are Watching Me, by Bob McCabe
I, Cyborg, by Tracy Canfield
Illuminismo Iniziato, by Michael J. Coyne
Inside the Facility, by Arthur DiBianca
Invasion of the Angora-fetish Transvestites from the Graveyards of Jupiter, by Morten Rasmussen
Irvine Quik & the Search for the Fish of Traglea, by Duncan Bowsman
Kurusu City, by Kevin Venzke
La Tour d’Orastre, by Corax
Language Arts, by Jared Jackson
Large Machine, by Jon Ingold
Last-Minute Magic, by Ryan Veeder
Le Morte D’Arthur, by Chris Crawford
Life in a Northern Town, by People + Places
Lux, by Agnieszka Trzaska
Manifest No, by Kaemi Velatet
Mask of the Plague Doctor, by Peter Parrish
Miss Gosling’s Last Case, by Daniel M. Stelzer
My Mind’s Mishmash, by Robert Street
Mystery Fun House, by Scott Adams
Nothing Could be Further From the Truth, by Adam Wasserman
One Eye Open, by Caelyn Sandel (as Colin Sandel) and Carolyn VanEseltine
One Knight Stand, by A. Hazard
One Way Ticket, by Vitalii Blinov
Phoney Island, by Stefan Hoffmann
Pirate Adventure, by Scott Adams and Alexis Adams
Pon Para and the Great Southern Labyrinth, by Kyle Marquis
Queenlash, by Kaemi Velatet
Realm of Obsidian, by Amy Kerns
Reconciling Mother, by Plone Glenn
Retour vers l’extérieur, by No Game Without Stakes
Return of the Sword, by Older Timer (Jim Macbrayne)
Return to Castle Coris, by Larry Horsfield
Sage Sanctum Scramble, by Arthur DiBianca
Savoir-Faire, by Emily Short
Sidekick, by Charles Moore, Jr.
Silverworld, by Kyle Marquis
Six Silver Bullets, by William Dooling
Skies Above, by Arthur DiBianca
SLAMMED!, by Paolo Chikiamco
So Far, by Andrew Plotkin
Somewhere, Somewhen, by Jim MacBrayne
Sophie’s Adventure, by David Whyld
Sorcery! 2, by Steve Jackson and inkle
Sorcery! 3, by Steve Jackson and inkle
Sorcery! 4, by Steve Jackson and inkle
Spider and Web, by Andrew Plotkin
SPY INTRIGUE, by furkle
Star Tripper, by Sam Ursu
Stranded, by Rich Cummings
StupidRPG, by Steven Richards
Sugarlawn, by Mike Spivey
Sunset Over Savannah, by Ivan Cockrum
Sweet Dreams, by Papillon
The Abbey, by Steve Blanding
The Alchemist, by Jim MacBrayne (as Older Timer)
The Bat, by Chandler Groover
The Castle of Vourtram, by Alexandre Torres
The Count, by Scott Adams
The Cursèd Pickle of Shireton, by Hanon Ondricek
The Eagle’s Heir, by Jo Graham and Amy Griswold
The Elysium Enigma, by Eric Eve
The Euripides Enigma, by Larry Horsfield
The Faeries Of Haelstowne, by Christopher Merriner
The King of Shreds and Patches, by Jimmy Maher
The Last Just Cause, by Jeremy Carey-Dressler
The Little Match Girl 3: The Escalus Manifold, by Ryan Veeder
The Lost Islands of Alabaz, by Michael Gentry
The Magic Word, by B.J. Best
The Master’s Lair, by Stefan Hoffmann
The Maze Gallery, by Cryptic Conservatory, Paxton et al.
The Meteor, the Stone and a Long Glass of Sherbet
The Plant, by Mike Roberts
The Saltcast Adventure, by Beth Carpenter
the secret of vegibal island, by ralf tauscher
The Song of the Mockingbird, by Mike Carletta
The Spectators, by Amanda Walker
The Town Dragon, by David Cornelson
The Trials of Rosalinda, by Agnieszka Trzaska
The Wal*Mart Game, by thatguy
The Wand, by Arthur DiBianca
The White Bull, by Jim Aikin
The Witch, by Charles Moore
Theatre, by Brendon Wyber
Things that Happened in Houghtonbridge, by Dee Cooke
Threnody, by John “Doppler” Schiff
Tower Behind the Moon, by Kyle Marquis
Tristam Island, by Hugo Labrande
Uncle Mortimer’s Secret, by Jim MacBrayne
Under the Cognomen of Edgar Allan Poe, by Jim Nelson
Under They Thunder, by Andrew Schultz
Vain Empires
Vampire: The Masquerade — Night Road, by Kyle Marquis
Vampire: The Masquerade — Out for Blood, by Jim Dattilo
Vampire: The Masquerade — Parliament of Knives, by Jeffrey Dean
Wayhaven Chronicles: Book One, by Mishka Jenkins
Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Two, by Mishka Jenkins
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine, by Dim Bulb Games
Winter Break at Hogwarts, by Brian Davies
Xanix - Xixon Resurgence, by Larry Horsfield
Xen: The Contest, by Ian Shlasko
Yancy At The End Of The World!, by Naomi Norbez (call me Bez; e/he)
Zeppelin Adventure, by Robin Johnson
Zomburbia, by Charles Moore, Jr.
10 Points
Adventure, by William Crowther and Donald Woods
A Flustered Duck, by Jim Aikin
A Mind Forever Voyaging, by Steve Meretzky
A Roiling Original, by Andrew Schultz
Birmingham IV, by Peter Emery
Bullhockey 2 - The Return of the Leather Whip, by B F Lindsay
Bullhockey!, by B F Lindsay
Cryptozookeeper, by Robb Sherwin
Enlightened Master, by Ben Kidwell and Maevele Straw
Eric the Unready, by Bob Bates
Future Boy!, by Kent Tessman, Derek Lo, Dan Langan, and Nate Laguzza
Ghosts Within, by Kyriakos Athanasopoulos
Hollywood Hijinx
Losing Your Grip, by Stephen Granade
Lost Coastlines, by William Dooling
Lost in time, by Gerardo Adesso
Make It Good, by Jon Ingold
Nord and Bert Couldn’t Make Head or Tail of It, by Jeff O’Neill
Once and Future
Perdition’s Flames
Praser 5, by Andrew Plotkin
Repeat the Ending, by Drew Cook
Return to Ditch Day, by M.J. Roberts
Skybreak!, by William Dooling
Thaumistry: In Charm’s Way, by Bob Bates
The Shadow in the Cathedral, by Ian Finley and Jon Ingold
The Weight of a Soul, by Chin Kee Yong
Trigaea, by Adam Ipsen (RynGM)
Yon Astounding Castle! of some sort, by Tiberius Thingamus
15 Points
A Bunch of Keys, by Mike Gerwat
The Bibliophile, by MTW
Building, by Poster
Finn’s Big Adventure, by Larry Horsfield
Heaven’s Vault, by Inkle
Jolly Good: Cakes and Ale, by Kreg Segall
Little Girl In Monsterland, by Maurizio Colucci (as ‘Mike Stallone’)
Luminous Underground, by Phoebe Barton
Milliways: the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, by Max Fog
Murder Most Foul, by David Whyld
The Legend Lives
Unnkulian Underworld: The Unknown Unventure
Unnkulian Unventure II: The Secret of Acme
Unnkulia X, by Valentine Kopteltsev
Westfront PC: The Trials of Guilder, by Paul Allen Panks
Wishbringer, by Brian Moriarty
20 Points
1893: A World’s Fair Mystery, by Peter Nepstad
Ballyhoo, by Jeff O’Neill
Blue Lacuna, by Aaron A. Reed
Curses, by Graham Nelson
Enchanter, by Marc Blank, Dave Lebling
Enemies, by Andy Phillips
Hadean Lands, by Andrew Plotkin
Heist, by Andy Phillips
Heroine’s Mantle, by Andy Phillips
Infidel, by Michael Berlyn
Jigsaw, by Graham Nelson
Jinxter, by Georgina Sinclair, Michael Bywater
Leather Goddesses of Phobos, by Steve Meretzky
Lydia’s Heart, by Jim Aikin
Never Gives Up Her Dead, by Mathbrush
Not Just an Ordinary Ballerina, by Jim Aikin
Plundered Hearts, by Amy Briggs
Spellbreaker, by Dave Lebling
Sunless Sea, by Failbetter Games
Sunless Skies, by Failbetter Games
Time: All Things Come to an End, by Andy Phillipps
T-Zero, by Dennis Cunningham
The Guild of Thieves, by Rob Steggles
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky
The Hobbit, by Philip Mitchell and Veronika Megler
The Lurking Horror, by Dave Lebling
The Only Possible Prom Dress, by Jim Aikin
Trinity, by Brian Moriarty
Worlds Apart, by Suzanne Britton
Worldsmith, by Ade McT
Zork I, by Marc Blank and Dave Lebling
Zork II, by Dave Lebling, Marc Blank
Zork III, by Dave Lebling, Marc Blank
Zork, by Tim Anderson, Marc Blank, Bruce Daniels, and Dave Lebling
25 Points
Cragne Manor, by Ryan Veeder, Jenni Polodna et al.
Finding Martin, by G.K. Wennstrom
How Prince Quisborne the Feckless Shook His Title, by John Ziegler
Inside Woman, by Andy Phillips
SNOSAE, by R. Dale McDaniel
The Mulldoon Legacy, by Jon Ingold
(I may be overestimating Mulldoon legacy here).