2024 Seltani Slow Jam

Based on strong interest from the members of the Seattle / Tacoma IF group, this month we’re kicking off a Seltani game jam, open to everyone.

If you choose to participate, you’ll have two months to create your own Age in Seltani. We’ll have a check-in with participants on February 18th to discuss progress, solve problems together, and share encouragement. You’re welcome to share your finished work with the group at the Seattle / Tacoma IF group meeting in mid-March.

Here are the rules:

  1. Make one small, self-contained Age. Aim for a playtime of around 15-30 minutes (you can go bigger if you feel especially motivated).
  2. Incorporate semi-fantastical scenery, mechanical puzzles, steampunk influences, or whatever else excites you about working with Seltani.
  3. If your Age has elements that some people might not enjoy, add a content note summarizing those elements at the beginning.
  4. Be cool and try not to break anything on the server.

Feel free to use this topic to announce your intent to enter or to discuss ideas.


Can you give some info about Seltani, what Ages are, etc.?


There’s a lot to cover, but some places to start:

Seltani itself is at https://seltani.net/

The Seltani wiki gives an introduction to writing:


Here’s the link to the calendar event for our check-in on the 18th:

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