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CompetitionsThe place for announcements and discussions of competitions and jams, and their respective entries.
GeneralSelect a General sub-category, or post in top-level General if you are not sure where your topic should go. Messages may be moved and re-categorized later based on content.
AuthoringDiscussions about writing and coding IF and utilizing IF tools in other types of games and media.
Technical DevelopmentDiscussion of technical development for various systems - new interpreters, extensions, systems, and so forth.
PlayingTell us what you’re playing! Write reviews and essays about IF works, make and request recommendations, and learn how to get started playing IF. Please post spoilery hints and help requests under the “Game Hints” sub-category and use
[spoiler][/spoiler] tags where appropriate. |
Discusión en españolPuedes escribir un mensaje general en esta categoría o elegir una subcategoría según corresponda. Los temas pueden recategorizarse según sea necesario.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
Discussione in italianoQuesta categoria è per la discussione generale di IF in italiano.
Discussion en françaisDiscussions en français concernant la fiction interactive. N’hésitez pas à visiter également le forum dédié à la langue française à l’adresse suivante :