Writing a New Dialogue

Ok, so the first dialogue from this link: https://intfiction.org/t/introducing-a-new-character/3349/1
the coding worked beautifully, but now, I want to write another dialogue Imform gave me an error message: Problem. You wrote ‘Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing’ : but that seems to be an action already existing, so it cannot be redefined now. If you would like to reconfigure an action in the standard set - for instance if you prefer ‘unlocking’ to apply to only one thing, not two - create a new action for what you need (‘keyless unlocking’, perhaps) and then change the grammar to use the new action rather than the old (‘Understand “unlock [something]” as keyless unlocking.’). I’m sorry, but I don’t really understand what it wanted me to do. When I looked for the problem in my script, it highlighted this code: Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]” as talking to.

It say I need to make a new rule or something? Can anyone help please? Thanks lots.

As ‘talking to’ is not an inbuilt action, you must have already defined the ‘talking to’ action earlier on in the source text, or you’re also using an extension like Quip Based Conversations which defines the ‘talking to’ action.

Yes. The problem message “You wrote ‘Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing’ : but that seems to be an action already existing, so it cannot be redefined now”, means that “Talking to is an action etc.” appears twice in your source text (or both in your source text and in some extension you’re using). You probably want the talking to action as it is, so you should just erase the code that the IDE highlighted and go on writing any “Instead of talking to the hermit’s companion” and “Instead of talking to the crowd” etc. rules that you need.

I deleted what I wrote before and and wrote this

[code]Speaking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand “talk to [someone]” or “converse with [someone]” as talking to.
Check speaking to: say “[The noun] doesn’t reply.”

Instead of talking to the Hermit: say “[one of]‘Ummmmm,’ you say you gaze wondering to the not so good view that of the Madman’s face.[paragraph break]‘What do you think you’re doing? Kid?’ His voice is low and rough like gravel. He make the word ‘Kid,’ sound like the worst insult ever.[paragraph break]‘This wood.’ The Madman growled, gesturing to the pile of wood you are about to pick up. ‘Is mine. Everything within ten mile radius belongs to ME. Trees, water, the ground and this wood, are all mine. Me, Mr Green.’ The Madman say seriously and totally insane. You wonder briefly how such a person could possivly have such a normal sounding name.[paragraph break]‘I, Mr Green own this place and no one is allowed to touch ANYTHING I own.’ His voice is dangerously low.[paragraph break]‘Ummmm’ You say stun by the his tirade not managing a dignified reply. ‘I need the wood. I need to go home.’ You say desperate to get away now. Then you grabed the wood and began running as fast as you could away to the west away from where the sun roze.[paragraph break]‘You may run, but you will never get away from me.’ There is wild cackle in the Madman’s tone. One glace back and you wish you have not done so. A wild glint shines in dark, almost black eyes and the teeth was bared in a silent snarl. You decide not to keep talking to the Madman now.[stop]”.
What did I miss? Imform said theres’ something wrong with the “say” line. I checked the punctuation and I think that I didn’t miss out any quotations. Would love your help. Thanks :slight_smile: I don’t think Imform like me too much.

Hi Deain,

First off, [stop] at the end should be [stopping]. Also, the way you have it now, the whole thing is one single text dump. It looks like you want those to be separate responses. If so, the individual text options need to be separated by [or]. See Ch. 5.7 of the docs.

Finally, you’ve defined an action called “speaking to” and then referred to it as “talking to” in two other places in the code. You have to use the actual name of the action, in this case “speaking to.” It looks like from your previous post you already have a “talking to” action, which you’ve since deleted. Either way, the code won’t work as expected. Maybe something like this is what you’re looking for:[code]Lab is a room. The Hermit is a man in the Lab.

Speaking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand “talk to [someone]” or “converse with [someone]” as speaking to.
Check speaking to: say “[The noun] doesn’t reply.”

Instead of speaking to the Hermit: say “[one of]‘Ummmmm,’ you say you gaze wondering to the not so good view that of the Madman’s face.[or]‘What do you think you’re doing? Kid?’ His voice is low and rough like gravel. He make the word ‘Kid,’ sound like the worst insult ever.[or]‘This wood.’ The Madman growled, gesturing to the pile of wood you are about to pick up. ‘Is mine. Everything within ten mile radius belongs to ME. Trees, water, the ground and this wood, are all mine. Me, Mr Green.’ The Madman say seriously and totally insane. You wonder briefly how such a person could possibly have such a normal sounding name.[or]‘I, Mr Green own this place and no one is allowed to touch ANYTHING I own.’ His voice is dangerously low.[or]‘Ummmm’ You say stun by the his tirade not managing a dignified reply. ‘I need the wood. I need to go home.’ You say desperate to get away now. Then you grabbed the wood and began running as fast as you could away to the west away from where the sun rose.[or]‘You may run, but you will never get away from me.’ There is wild cackle in the Madman’s tone. One glace back and you wish you have not done so. A wild glint shines in dark, almost black eyes and the teeth was bared in a silent snarl. You decide not to keep talking to the Madman now.[stopping]”.

test me with “talk to hermit / g/g/g/g/g/g”.[/code]

oh, thanks Skinny Mike. I’ll do that :slight_smile:

Thanks mate, that’s exactly what I needed :slight_smile: