Strange Inter Issue Crashing Inform v10!

Hi all! It’s been a long time. Not sure if anyone still remembers me. Kinda stumped with how to deal with this issue.


Include (-

[ Parser__parse
	syntax line num_lines line_address i j k token l m inferred_go;
	cobj_flag = 0;
	parser_results-->ACTION_PRES = 0;
	parser_results-->NO_INPS_PRES = 0;
	parser_results-->INP1_PRES = 0;
	parser_results-->INP2_PRES = 0;
	meta = false;
    if (held_back_mode) {
        held_back_mode = false; wn = hb_wn;
        if (verb_wordnum > 0) i = WordAddress(verb_wordnum); else i = WordAddress(1);
        j = WordAddress(wn);
        if (i<=j) for (: i<j : i++) i->0 = ' ';
        i = NextWord();
        if (i == AGAIN1__WD or AGAIN2__WD or AGAIN3__WD) {
            ! Delete the words "then again" from the again buffer,
            ! in which we have just realised that it must occur:
            ! prevents an infinite loop on "i. again"

            i = WordAddress(wn-2)-buffer;
            if (wn > num_words) j = INPUT_BUFFER_LEN-1;
            else j = WordAddress(wn)-buffer;
            for (: i<j : i++) buffer3->i = ' ';

        VM_Tokenise(buffer, parse);
        jump ReParse;


	cobj_flag = 0;
	actors_location = ScopeCeiling(player);
    BeginActivity(READING_A_COMMAND_ACT); if (ForActivity(READING_A_COMMAND_ACT)==false) {
		num_words = WordCount(); players_command = 100 + num_words;
    } if (EndActivity(READING_A_COMMAND_ACT)) jump ReType;


    parser_inflection = name;

    ! Initially assume the command is aimed at the player, and the verb
    ! is the first word

    num_words = WordCount(); players_command = 100 + num_words;
    wn = 1; inferred_go = false;

    ! Re-tokenise:

    num_words = WordCount(); players_command = 100 + num_words; token_filter = 0;
    allow_plurals = true; ResetDescriptors();

    #Ifdef DEBUG;
    if (parser_trace >= 2) {
        print "[ ";
        for (i=0 : i<num_words : i++) {

            #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
            j = parse-->(i*2 + 1);
            #Ifnot; ! TARGET_GLULX
            j = parse-->(i*3 + 1);
            #Endif; ! TARGET_
            k = WordAddress(i+1);
            l = WordLength(i+1);
            print "~"; for (m=0 : m<l : m++) print (char) k->m; print "~ ";

            if (j == 0) print "?";
            else {
                #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
                if (UnsignedCompare(j, HDR_DICTIONARY-->0) >= 0 &&
                    UnsignedCompare(j, HDR_HIGHMEMORY-->0) < 0)
                     print (address) j;
                else print j;
                #Ifnot; ! TARGET_GLULX
                if (j->0 == $60) print (address) j;
                else print j;
                #Endif; ! TARGET_
            if (i ~= num_words-1) print " / ";
        print " ]^";
    #Endif; ! DEBUG
    verb_wordnum = 1;
    actor = player;
    actors_location = ScopeCeiling(player);
    usual_grammar_after = 0;


    scope_token = 0;
    action_to_be = NULL;

    ! Begin from what we currently think is the verb word

    wn = verb_wordnum;
    verb_word = NextWordStopped();
    ! If there's no input here, we must have something like "person,".

    if (verb_word == -1) {
        best_etype = STUCK_PE; jump GiveError;
	if (verb_word == comma_word) {
		best_etype = COMMABEGIN_PE; jump GiveError;

    ! Now try for "again" or "g", which are special cases: don't allow "again" if nothing
    ! has previously been typed; simply copy the previous text across

    if (verb_word == AGAIN2__WD or AGAIN3__WD) verb_word = AGAIN1__WD;
    if (verb_word == AGAIN1__WD) {
        if (actor ~= player) {
            best_etype = ANIMAAGAIN_PE;
			jump GiveError;
        #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
        if (buffer3->1 == 0) {
            PARSER_COMMAND_INTERNAL_RM('D'); new_line;
            jump ReType;
        #Ifnot; ! TARGET_GLULX
        if (buffer3-->0 == 0) {
            PARSER_COMMAND_INTERNAL_RM('D'); new_line;
            jump ReType;
        #Endif; ! TARGET_
        for (i=0 : i<INPUT_BUFFER_LEN : i++) buffer->i = buffer3->i;
		num_words = WordCount(); players_command = 100 + num_words;
    	jump ReParse;

    ! Save the present input in case of an "again" next time

    if (verb_word ~= AGAIN1__WD)
        for (i=0 : i<INPUT_BUFFER_LEN : i++) buffer3->i = buffer->i;

    if (usual_grammar_after == 0) {
        j = verb_wordnum;
        i = RunRoutines(actor, grammar);
        #Ifdef DEBUG;
        if (parser_trace >= 2 && actor.grammar ~= 0 or NULL)
            print " [Grammar property returned ", i, "]^";
        #Endif; ! DEBUG

        if ((i ~= 0 or 1) && (VM_InvalidDictionaryAddress(i))) {
            usual_grammar_after = verb_wordnum; i=-i;

        if (i == 1) {
            parser_results-->ACTION_PRES = action;
            parser_results-->NO_INPS_PRES = 0;
            parser_results-->INP1_PRES = noun;
            parser_results-->INP2_PRES = second;
            if (noun) parser_results-->NO_INPS_PRES = 1;
            if (second) parser_results-->NO_INPS_PRES = 2;
        if (i ~= 0) { verb_word = i; wn--; verb_wordnum--; }
        else { wn = verb_wordnum; verb_word = NextWord(); }
    else usual_grammar_after = 0;
    if (verb_word == 0) {
        i = wn; verb_word = LanguageIsVerb(buffer, parse, verb_wordnum);
        wn = i;

    ! If the first word is not listed as a verb, it must be a direction
    ! or the name of someone to talk to

    if (verb_word == 0 || ((verb_word->#dict_par1) & 1) == 0) {
        ! So is the first word an object contained in the special object "compass"
        ! (i.e., a direction)?  This needs use of NounDomain, a routine which
        ! does the object matching, returning the object number, or 0 if none found,
        ! or REPARSE_CODE if it has restructured the parse table so the whole parse
        ! must be begun again...

        wn = verb_wordnum; indef_mode = false; token_filter = 0; parameters = 0;
        @push actor; @push action; @push action_to_be;
        actor = player; meta = false; action = ##Go; action_to_be = ##Go;
        l = NounDomain(Compass, 0, 0);
        @pull action_to_be; @pull action; @pull actor;
        if (l == REPARSE_CODE) jump ReParse;

        ! If it is a direction, send back the results:
        ! action=GoSub, no of arguments=1, argument 1=the direction.

        if ((l~=0) && (l ofclass K3_direction)) {
            parser_results-->ACTION_PRES = ##Go;
            parser_results-->NO_INPS_PRES = 1;
            parser_results-->INP1_PRES = l;
            inferred_go = true;
            jump LookForMore;

    } ! end of first-word-not-a-verb
	! Only check for a comma (a "someone, do something" command) if we are
	! not already in the middle of one.  (This simplification stops us from
	! worrying about "robot, wizard, you are an idiot", telling the robot to
	! tell the wizard that she is an idiot.)

	if (actor == player) {
		for (j=2 : j<=num_words : j++) {
			if (i == comma_word) jump Conversation;
	jump NotConversation;

	! NextWord nudges the word number wn on by one each time, so we've now
	! advanced past a comma.  (A comma is a word all on its own in the table.)

	j = wn - 1;

	! Use NounDomain (in the context of "animate creature") to see if the
	! words make sense as the name of someone held or nearby

	wn = 1; lookahead = HELD_TOKEN;
	scope_reason = TALKING_REASON;
	l = NounDomain(player, actors_location, CREATURE_TOKEN);
	scope_reason = PARSING_REASON;
	if (l == REPARSE_CODE) jump ReParse;
	if (l == 0) {
		if (verb_word && ((verb_word->#dict_par1) & 1)) jump NotConversation;
		best_etype = MISSINGPERSON_PE; jump GiveError;


	! The object addressed must at least be "talkable" if not actually "animate"
	! (the distinction allows, for instance, a microphone to be spoken to,
	! without the parser thinking that the microphone is human).

	if (l hasnt animate && l hasnt talkable) {
 		best_etype = ANIMALISTEN_PE; noun = l; jump GiveError;

	! Check that there aren't any mystery words between the end of the person's
	! name and the comma (eg, throw out "dwarf sdfgsdgs, go north").

	if (wn ~= j) {
		if (verb_word && ((verb_word->#dict_par1) & 1)) jump NotConversation;
		best_etype = TOTALK_PE; jump GiveError;

	! The player has now successfully named someone.  Adjust "him", "her", "it":


	! Set the global variable "actor", adjust the number of the first word,
	! and begin parsing again from there.

	verb_wordnum = j + 1;

	! Stop things like "me, again":

	if (l == player) {
		wn = verb_wordnum;
		if (NextWordStopped() == AGAIN1__WD or AGAIN2__WD or AGAIN3__WD) {
			best_etype = ANIMAAGAIN_PE;
			jump GiveError;

	actor = l;
	actors_location = ScopeCeiling(l);
	#Ifdef DEBUG;
	if (parser_trace >= 1)
		print "[Actor is ", (the) actor, " in ", (name) actors_location, "]^";
	#Endif; ! DEBUG
	jump BeginCommand;
	if (verb_word == 0 || ((verb_word->#dict_par1) & 1) == 0) {
		verb_word = UnknownVerb(verb_word);
		if (verb_word ~= 0) jump VerbAccepted;
		best_etype = VERB_PE;
		jump GiveError;

    ! We now definitely have a verb, not a direction, whether we got here by the
    ! "take ..." or "person, take ..." method.  Get the meta flag for this verb:

    meta = ((verb_word->#dict_par1) & 2)/2;

    ! You can't order other people to "full score" for you, and so on...

    if (meta == 1 && actor ~= player) {
        best_etype = VERB_PE;
        meta = 0;
        jump GiveError;

    ! Now let i be the corresponding verb number...

    i = DictionaryWordToVerbNum(verb_word);

    ! ...then look up the i-th entry in the verb table, whose address is at word
    ! 7 in the Z-machine (in the header), so as to get the address of the syntax
    ! table for the given verb...

    #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
    syntax = (HDR_STATICMEMORY-->0)-->i;
    #Ifnot; ! TARGET_GLULX
    syntax = (#grammar_table)-->(i+1);
    #Endif; ! TARGET_

    ! ...and then see how many lines (ie, different patterns corresponding to the
    ! same verb) are stored in the parse table...

    num_lines = (syntax->0) - 1;

    ! ...and now go through them all, one by one.
    ! To prevent pronoun_word 0 being misunderstood,

    pronoun_word = NULL; pronoun_obj = NULL;

    #Ifdef DEBUG;
    if (parser_trace >= 1)
    	print "[Parsing for the verb '", (address) verb_word, "' (", num_lines+1, " lines)]^";
    #Endif; ! DEBUG

    best_etype = STUCK_PE; nextbest_etype = STUCK_PE;
    multiflag = false;

    ! "best_etype" is the current failure-to-match error - it is by default
    ! the least informative one, "don't understand that sentence".
    ! "nextbest_etype" remembers the best alternative to having to ask a
    ! scope token for an error message (i.e., the best not counting ASKSCOPE_PE).
    ! multiflag is used here to prevent inappropriate MULTI_PE errors
    ! in addition to its unrelated duties passing information to action routines
    line_address = syntax + 1;

    for (line=0 : line<=num_lines : line++) {

        ! Unpack the syntax line from Inform format into three arrays; ensure that
        ! the sequence of tokens ends in an ENDIT_TOKEN.

        line_address = UnpackGrammarLine(line_address);

        #Ifdef DEBUG;
        if (parser_trace >= 1) {
            if (parser_trace >= 2) new_line;
            print "[line ", line; DebugGrammarLine();
            print "]^";
        #Endif; ! DEBUG

        ! We aren't in "not holding" or inferring modes, and haven't entered
        ! any parameters on the line yet, or any special numbers; the multiple
        ! object is still empty.

        inferfrom = 0;
        parameters = 0;
        nsns = 0; special_word = 0;
        multiple_object-->0 = 0;
        multi_context = 0;
        etype = STUCK_PE; multi_had = 0;

        ! Put the word marker back to just after the verb

        wn = verb_wordnum+1;
        advance_warning = -1; indef_mode = false;
        for (i=0,m=false,pcount=0 : line_token-->pcount ~= ENDIT_TOKEN : pcount++) {
            scope_token = 0;

            if (line_ttype-->pcount ~= PREPOSITION_TT) i++;

            if (line_ttype-->pcount == ELEMENTARY_TT) {
                if (line_tdata-->pcount == MULTI_TOKEN) m = true;
                if (line_tdata-->pcount == MULTIEXCEPT_TOKEN or MULTIINSIDE_TOKEN  && i == 1) {
                    ! First non-preposition is "multiexcept" or
                    ! "multiinside", so look ahead.

                    #Ifdef DEBUG;
                    if (parser_trace >= 2) print " [Trying look-ahead]^";
                    #Endif; ! DEBUG

                    ! We need this to be followed by 1 or more prepositions.

                    if (line_ttype-->pcount == PREPOSITION_TT) {
                        ! skip ahead to a preposition word in the input
                        do {
                            l = NextWord();
                        } until ((wn > num_words) ||
                                 (l && (l->#dict_par1) & 8 ~= 0));

                        if (wn > num_words) {
                            #Ifdef DEBUG;
                            if (parser_trace >= 2)
                                print " [Look-ahead aborted: prepositions missing]^";
                            jump EmptyLine;

                        do {
                            if (PrepositionChain(l, pcount) ~= -1) {
                                ! advance past the chain
                                if ((line_token-->pcount)->0 & $20 ~= 0) {
                                    while ((line_token-->pcount ~= ENDIT_TOKEN) &&
                                           ((line_token-->pcount)->0 & $10 ~= 0))
                                } else {
                            } else {
                                ! try to find another preposition word
                                do {
                                    l = NextWord();
                                } until ((wn >= num_words) ||
                                         (l && (l->#dict_par1) & 8 ~= 0));

                                if (l && (l->#dict_par1) & 8) continue;

                                ! lookahead failed
                                #Ifdef DEBUG;
                                if (parser_trace >= 2)
                                    print " [Look-ahead aborted: prepositions don't match]^";
                                jump LineFailed;
                            if (wn <= num_words) l = NextWord();
                        } until (line_ttype-->pcount ~= PREPOSITION_TT);

                        ! put back the non-preposition we just read

                        if ((line_ttype-->pcount == ELEMENTARY_TT) &&
                        	(line_tdata-->pcount == NOUN_TOKEN)) {
                            l = Descriptors();  ! skip past THE etc
                            if (l~=0) etype=l;  ! don't allow multiple objects
                        	k = parser_results-->INP1_PRES; @push k; @push parameters;
                        	parameters = 1; parser_results-->INP1_PRES = 0;
                            l = NounDomain(actors_location, actor, NOUN_TOKEN, true);
                            @pull parameters; @pull k; parser_results-->INP1_PRES = k;
                            #Ifdef DEBUG;
                            if (parser_trace >= 2) {
                                print " [Advanced to ~noun~ token: ";
                                if (l == REPARSE_CODE) print "re-parse request]^";
                                else {
                                	if (l == 1) print "but multiple found]^";
                                	if (l == 0) print "error ", etype, "]^";
                                	if (l >= 2) print (the) l, "]^";
                            #Endif; ! DEBUG
                            if (l == REPARSE_CODE) jump ReParse;
                            if (l >= 2) advance_warning = l;

        ! Slightly different line-parsing rules will apply to "take multi", to
        ! prevent "take all" behaving correctly but misleadingly when there's
        ! nothing to take.

        take_all_rule = 0;
        if (m && params_wanted == 1 && action_to_be == ##Take)
            take_all_rule = 1;

        ! And now start again, properly, forearmed or not as the case may be.
        ! As a precaution, we clear all the variables again (they may have been
        ! disturbed by the call to NounDomain, which may have called outside
        ! code, which may have done anything!).

        inferfrom = 0;
        parameters = 0;
        nsns = 0; special_word = 0;
        multiple_object-->0 = 0;
        etype = STUCK_PE; multi_had = 1;
        wn = verb_wordnum+1;
		m = true;
        for (pcount=1 : : pcount++)
            if (line_token-->(pcount-1) == ENDIT_TOKEN) {
            	if (pcount >= 2) {
            		while ((((line_token-->(pcount-2))->0) & $10) ~= 0) pcount--;
            		if (found_ttype == PREPOSITION_TT) {
            			l = -1;
            			while (true) {
            				m = NextWordStopped();
            				if (m == -1) break;
            				l = m;
            			if (PrepositionChain(l, pcount-2) == -1) {
            				m = false;
							#Ifdef DEBUG;
							if (parser_trace >= 2)
								print "[line rejected for not ending with correct preposition]^";
							#Endif; ! DEBUG
						} else m = true;
		wn = verb_wordnum+1;

		if (m) for (pcount=1 : : pcount++) {
            pattern-->pcount = PATTERN_NULL; scope_token = 0;

            token = line_token-->(pcount-1);
            lookahead = line_token-->pcount;

            #Ifdef DEBUG;
            if (parser_trace >= 2)
                print " [line ", line, " token ", pcount, " word ", wn, " : ", (DebugToken) token,
            #Endif; ! DEBUG

            if (token ~= ENDIT_TOKEN) {
                scope_reason = PARSING_REASON;

                l = ParseToken(found_ttype, found_tdata, pcount-1, token);
                while ((l >= GPR_NOUN) && (l < -1)) l = ParseToken(ELEMENTARY_TT, l + 256);
                scope_reason = PARSING_REASON;

                if (l == GPR_PREPOSITION) {
                    if (found_ttype~=PREPOSITION_TT && (found_ttype~=ELEMENTARY_TT ||
                        found_tdata~=TOPIC_TOKEN)) params_wanted--;
                    l = true;
                    if (l < 0) l = false;
                        if (l ~= GPR_REPARSE) {
                            if (l == GPR_NUMBER) {
                                if (nsns == 0) special_number1 = parsed_number;
                                else special_number2 = parsed_number;
                                nsns++; l = 1;
                            if (l == GPR_MULTIPLE) l = 0;
                            parser_results-->(parameters+INP1_PRES) = l;
                            pattern-->pcount = l;
                            l = true;

                #Ifdef DEBUG;
                if (parser_trace >= 3) {
                    print "  [token resulted in ";
                    if (l == REPARSE_CODE) print "re-parse request]^";
                    if (l == 0) print "failure with error type ", etype, "]^";
                    if (l == 1) print "success]^";
                #Endif; ! DEBUG

                if (l == REPARSE_CODE) jump ReParse;
                if (l == false) break;
            else {

                ! If the player has entered enough already but there's still
                ! text to wade through: store the pattern away so as to be able to produce
                ! a decent error message if this turns out to be the best we ever manage,
                ! and in the mean time give up on this line

                ! However, if the superfluous text begins with a comma or "then" then
                ! take that to be the start of another instruction

                if (wn <= num_words) {
                    l = NextWord();
                    if (l == THEN1__WD or THEN2__WD or THEN3__WD or comma_word) {
                        held_back_mode = true; hb_wn = wn-1;
                    } else {
                        for (m=0 : m<32 : m++) pattern2-->m = pattern-->m;
                        pcount2 = pcount;
                        etype = UPTO_PE;

                ! Now, we may need to revise the multiple object because of the single one
                ! we now know (but didn't when the list was drawn up).

                if (parameters >= 1) {
                	if (parser_results-->INP1_PRES == 0) {
                	    l = ReviseMulti(parser_results-->INP2_PRES);
                	    if (l ~= 0) { etype = l; parser_results-->ACTION_PRES = action_to_be; break; }
                if (parameters >= 2) {
                	if (parser_results-->INP2_PRES == 0) {
            	        l = ReviseMulti(parser_results-->INP1_PRES);
                	    if (l ~= 0) { etype = l; break; }
                	} else {
                		k = parser_results-->INP1_PRES; l = parser_results-->INP2_PRES;
                		if (k && l) {
	                 		if ((multi_context==MULTIEXCEPT_TOKEN && k == l) ||
	                			((multi_context==MULTIINSIDE_TOKEN && k notin l && l notin k))) {
                				best_etype = NOTHING_PE;
                				parser_results-->ACTION_PRES = action_to_be; jump GiveError;

                ! To trap the case of "take all" inferring only "yourself" when absolutely
                ! nothing else is in the vicinity...

                if (take_all_rule == 2 && parser_results-->INP1_PRES == actor) {
                    best_etype = NOTHING_PE;
                    jump GiveError;

				if (multi_had > 1) {
                    best_etype = TOOFEW_PE;
                    jump GiveError;

                #Ifdef DEBUG;
                if (parser_trace >= 1) print "[Line successfully parsed]^";
                #Endif; ! DEBUG

                ! The line has successfully matched the text.  Declare the input error-free...

                oops_from = 0;

                ! ...explain any inferences made (using the pattern)...

                if (inferfrom ~= 0) {

                ! ...copy the action number, and the number of parameters...

                parser_results-->ACTION_PRES = action_to_be;
                parser_results-->NO_INPS_PRES = parameters;

                ! ...reverse first and second parameters if need be...

                if (action_reversed && parameters == 2) {
                    i = parser_results-->INP1_PRES;
                    parser_results-->INP1_PRES = parser_results-->INP2_PRES;
                    parser_results-->INP2_PRES = i;
                    if (nsns == 2) {
                        i = special_number1; special_number1 = special_number2;
                        special_number2 = i;

                ! ...and to reset "it"-style objects to the first of these parameters, if
                ! there is one (and it really is an object)...

                if (parameters > 0 && parser_results-->INP1_PRES >= 2)

                ! ...and return from the parser altogether, having successfully matched
                ! a line.

                if (held_back_mode) {
                    jump LookForMore;

            } ! end of if(token ~= ENDIT_TOKEN) else
        } ! end of for(pcount++)

        ! The line has failed to match.
        ! We continue the outer "for" loop, trying the next line in the grammar.

        if (etype > best_etype) best_etype = etype;
        if (etype ~= ASKSCOPE_PE && etype > nextbest_etype) nextbest_etype = etype;

        ! ...unless the line was something like "take all" which failed because
        ! nothing matched the "all", in which case we stop and give an error now.

        if (take_all_rule == 2 && etype==NOTHING_PE) break;

    } ! end of for(line++)

    ! The grammar is exhausted: every line has failed to match.

    etype = best_etype;
    if (actor ~= player) {
        if (usual_grammar_after ~= 0) {
            verb_wordnum = usual_grammar_after;
            jump AlmostReParse;
        m = wn; ! Save wn so extension authors can parse command errors if they want to
        wn = 1;
        while ((wn <= num_words) && (NextWord() ~= comma_word)) ;
        parser_results-->ACTION_PRES = ##Answer;
        parser_results-->NO_INPS_PRES = 2;
        parser_results-->INP1_PRES = actor;
        parser_results-->INP2_PRES = 1; special_number1 = special_word;
        actor = player;
        consult_from = wn; consult_words = num_words-consult_from+1;
        wn = m; ! Restore wn so extension authors can parse command errors if they want to
    ! If the player was the actor (eg, in "take dfghh") the error must be printed,
    ! and fresh input called for.  In three cases the oops word must be jiggled.

    if ((etype ofclass Routine) || (etype ofclass String)) {
        if (ParserError(etype) ~= 0) jump ReType;
    } else {
		if (verb_wordnum == 0 && etype == CANTSEE_PE) etype = VERB_PE;
		players_command = 100 + WordCount(); ! The snippet variable "player's command"
        if (ForActivity(PRINTING_A_PARSER_ERROR_ACT)) jump SkipParserError;
    pronoun_word = pronoun__word; pronoun_obj = pronoun__obj;

    if (etype == STUCK_PE) {    PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('A'); new_line; oops_from = 1; }
    if (etype == UPTO_PE) {
        for (m=0 : m<32 : m++) pattern-->m = pattern2-->m;
        pcount = pcount2;
    	if (inferred_go) {
    		print (name) parser_results-->INP1_PRES;
    	} else {
        print ".^";
    if (etype == NUMBER_PE) {   PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('D'); new_line; }
    if (etype == CANTSEE_PE) {  PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('E'); new_line; oops_from=saved_oops; }
    if (etype == TOOLIT_PE) {   PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('F'); new_line; }
    if (etype == NOTHELD_PE) {  PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('G'); new_line; oops_from=saved_oops; }
    if (etype == MULTI_PE) {    PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('H'); new_line; }
    if (etype == MMULTI_PE) {   PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('I'); new_line; }
    if (etype == VAGUE_PE) {    PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('J'); new_line; }
    if (etype == ITGONE_PE) {
        if (pronoun_obj == NULL) { PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('J'); new_line; }
        else { PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('K', noun); new_line; }
    if (etype == EXCEPT_PE) {   PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('L'); new_line; }
    if (etype == ANIMA_PE) {    PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('M'); new_line; }
    if (etype == VERB_PE) {     PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('N'); new_line; }
    if (etype == SCENERY_PE) {  PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('O'); new_line; }
    if (etype == JUNKAFTER_PE) {  PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('P'); new_line; }
    if (etype == TOOFEW_PE) {  PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('Q', multi_had); new_line; }
    if (etype == NOTHING_PE) {
    	if (parser_results-->ACTION_PRES == ##Remove &&
        	parser_results-->INP2_PRES ofclass Object) {
        	noun = parser_results-->INP2_PRES; ! ensure valid for messages
            if (noun has animate) { PARSER_N_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('C', noun); new_line; }
            else if (noun hasnt container or supporter) { PARSER_N_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('D', noun); new_line; }
            else if (noun has container && noun hasnt open)  { PARSER_N_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('E', noun); new_line; }
            else if (children(noun)==0) { PARSER_N_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('F', noun); new_line; }
            else parser_results-->ACTION_PRES = 0;
        if (parser_results-->ACTION_PRES ~= ##Remove) {
            if (multi_wanted==100) { PARSER_N_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('A'); new_line; }
            else                  {  PARSER_N_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('B'); new_line; }
    if (etype == NOTINCONTEXT_PE) { PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('R'); new_line; }
    if (etype == ANIMAAGAIN_PE) { PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('S'); new_line; }
    if (etype == COMMABEGIN_PE) { PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('T'); new_line; }
    if (etype == MISSINGPERSON_PE) { PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('U'); new_line; }
    if (etype == ANIMALISTEN_PE) { PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('V', noun); new_line; }
    if (etype == TOTALK_PE) { PARSER_ERROR_INTERNAL_RM('W'); new_line; }
    if (etype == ASKSCOPE_PE) {
        scope_stage = 3;
        if (scope_error() == -1) {
            best_etype = nextbest_etype;
            if (~~((etype ofclass Routine) || (etype ofclass String)))
            jump GiveError;

    if ((etype ofclass Routine) || (etype ofclass String)) jump ReType;
    say__p = 1;
    ! And go (almost) right back to square one...

    jump ReType;

    ! ...being careful not to go all the way back, to avoid infinite repetition
    ! of a deferred command causing an error.
    ! At this point, the return value is all prepared, and we are only looking
    ! to see if there is a "then" followed by subsequent instruction(s).


    if (wn > num_words) rtrue;

    i = NextWord();
    if (i == THEN1__WD or THEN2__WD or THEN3__WD or comma_word) {
        if (wn > num_words) {
           held_back_mode = false;
        hb_wn = wn;
        held_back_mode = true;
    best_etype = UPTO_PE;
    jump GiveError;
]; ! end of Parser__parse

-) replacing "Parser__parse".

The Testing Room is a Room.

So all I’ve done here is take the full parser function verbatim and put it in an I6 include with no changes to the parser function itself. However, this crashes Inform with an out-of-bounds memory access fatal error. I’ve traced the issue to these 2 lines.

i = RunRoutines(actor, grammar);
if (parser_trace >= 2 && actor.grammar ~= 0 or NULL)

Without the include, Inform generates this.

(i = RunRoutines(actor, A_grammar));
if ((((parser_trace >= 2)) && (((actor.grammar) ~= 0 or NULL))))

With the include, Inform generates this.

(i = RunRoutines(actor, grammar));
if ((((parser_trace >= 2)) && ((_final_propertyvalue(OBJECT_TY, actor, grammar) ~= 0 or NULL))))

It seems that since “A_grammar” is an array and “grammar” is a property, it’s trying to access a property as if it were an array, causing the error. I’m guessing the second line does a similar thing as it too gives the same error. Is there way to fix or work around this? I can’t seem to figure this out.

Also, this kinda seem more like an inter issue rather than an Inform one, so this might not be possible without an actual low level inter fix.

Many thanks in advance! :smiley:

Nice find. I’ve got no clue what’s going on, but I can tell you the same thing happens in the current development version. I expect your conclusion is correct that it would take a fix in the compiler to solve this.

bug reported as I7-2491

(It’s not an attractive approach, but you could modify the I6 generated by inform7 to change RunRoutines(actor, grammar) to RunRoutines(actor, A_grammar), then compile the I6 manually.)


Welcome back!

Are you actually trying to make use of the grammar property, or is it just that the unexpected modification is causing another issue?

I think the grammar property is purely vestigial in I7, so you may also be able to just bypass that part without losing any essential functionality. The simplest way to do this is to change the line

i = RunRoutines(actor, grammar);


i = 0; ! force parsing without grammar property; see DM4 p. 140

@Zed Thanks for the bug report. Manually compiling does work, even though it meant I couldn’t use the IDE.

@otistdog Wow! That fixes it in one shot! I originally commented out that line, saw that commands were no longer being recognised and assumed that this included essential functionality. Completely missed the fact that this was because “i” was set to “INPUT_BUFFER_LEN”! Makes total sense now! Thanks. :person_facepalming:

I wasn’t using the grammar property, it was just part of the original parser function. What really surprises me with this function is that it’s supposed to accept a property as its second argument yet it works when its second argument is an array and fails badly when its second argument is a property! It’s kinda looking like one of those c style glitches where two wrongs make a right and it keeps on working.

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From Ver 10 onwards, RunRoutines() expects an array of property metadata rather than a property as its second parameter (this being part of the new paradigm of treating properties and attributes more similarly, by referencing them through routines which can accept the metadata array of either as a parameter- meaning for example it’s not necessary for compiled I6 code to know or find out whether a user-declared I7 ‘either-or’ property has been implemented at I6 level as an attribute or a property).

EDIT (Prior to Ver 10, determining whether an I7 either-or property had been implemented as an attribute or a property required a very nasty hacky bit of I6 code)

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Yeah, this seems to a be a peculiar compiler error in that it exceptionally fails to compile grammar to A_grammar in contexts where an array of property metadata is now expected. Happens in any Include code that references the grammar property- not just parser__parse().

EDIT: Not sure if this has something to do with the traditional directive Include Grammar confusing the compiler as to the meaning of grammar?

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