Seeking Participants for Evaluating a GPT-4 Powered Text-based Interactive Fiction Authoring System

Hello IF community,

I’m currently working on my master’s thesis and have developed a prototype system that integrates GPT-4 to enhance the authoring process for text-based interactive fiction. While many AI tools focus on leveraging functionalities, this system prioritizes maintaining the author’s creative vision. It supports narrative engineers by streamlining the creation, coherence checking, and refining of interactive narratives.

I am looking for 3-4 narrative engineers and IF authors to interact with my system and provide feedback through a short questionnaire. The evaluation aims to determine: A) whether the system helps authors generate engaging narratives without needing programming skills, and B) if the generated content aligns with their creative vision. Your insights will be invaluable for refining the tool.

The system is online and easy to use, requiring no setup. It involves three steps: generating a background story, converting it into a protostory with branching paths, and checking narrative coherence and refinement based on feedback. It also offers a visualization functionality. Lastly, authors can interact and test the generated narratives using an AI-powered interface.

The purpose of this research is purely educational, and once the project is completed, the outcomes, including the paper, code, and other resources will be made open source to benefit the community.

If you are interested, please send your contact information to Participation involves interacting with the system and completing a questionnaire.

Thank you for considering this opportunity. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to your participation.

Best regards,


That might be a project worth doing. You have my email.

I am interested and I have sent you an e-mail

Interested and have sent you an email.

Also sent you an email. :slight_smile:

I took the time to use the tool and fill out the survey. When using the tool I did very little; I selected a genre (sci-fi), wrote a two sentence description of the setting, created a name for the protagonist, and wrote a two sentence description of it. You have the option to set some parameters for the story generation, such as number of events, number of end states, etc. I used the defaults. The system then auto-generated a CYOA style branching narrative story, which is also displayable as a graph. You have the option to ask the system to amend the story with additional text and regenerate it; I chose not to and kept the story as is. You can then press a button and the system will analyze the story for “cohesiveness” and output a list of suggestions. For each suggestion you have the option use it, ignore it, or amend it; I applied all the suggestions as is. At this point the story generation phase was complete and I was able to play the game! The game consists of short sections of text followed by numeric choices. After each choice another section of text and choices is generated and you continue making choices until the game is finished. The game that was created from my prompts was coherent and logical. I felt like my choices affected the narrative and the story proceeded to a satisfying conclusion.


Thank you for taking the time to use the tool and complete the survey. I appreciate your detailed feedback.

As soon as the project is complete, I will share the link to the paper, code, and other results here to benefit the community.