Is this still where I post what I send to Emily? Well, I’ll keep posting here until I’m told to go elsewhere.
[rant]Hello there! These are the things that have cropped up on the I7 board at IntFiction last month:
To make this one short: Teaspoon is seeing an issue (which doesn’t seem to have happened to anyone else yet) where switching tabs randomly shuts down the project. He then says “More playing around with it suggests that I can download the extension in 62 and put it in a game, then shut it down and open it up in 38 with no apparent random-close issues and the extension available.”
I PMd Teaspoon to check up on it and here’s the reply I got:
"Well, it turns out that 38 was capable of running extensions all along, and I just hadn’t realised it do to a combination of various factors (did you know you have to click on an inbuilt extension after you’ve written the “Include Such and Such by Such and Such” in your source code to get Inform to process the extension? I was not expecting a point-and-click-adventure with my coding). With this being the case, I’m actually pretty content with running 38 instead of 62.
I suppose the crashing might still be a problem for someone running 62 though, so…possibly the problem is not actually fixed yet.
I could try to figure out the trigger if this is useful for other people, but if it’s just me, I’m good for now."
So I’m not sure this is actually useful to you, but I figured I should at least tell you. After all, it’s a user that is having issues and decided not to use the latest version due to them. But it’s hard not being able to track the issue down.
In this thread, the issue that came up is related to … -of-a-kind. This is officially under review, I see, so I just wanted to let you know it cropped up again.
This is where the recent Mantis report came from. Also, Eleas noticed that ‘regular numbers can be written out as words, which works in all cases other than 0: “zero”, “nought”, “nil” or “null” all fail to be recognized.’ Could this be a small issue that merits a little update for consistency?
Apparently there’s an “if” statement with no body that should cause an error report, and it isn’t, which according to zarf looks like a compiler bug.
vlaviano unearthed It’s filed and being processed, and hasn’t come up elsewhere yet.
vlaviano made a detailed (as usual) study on disambiguation with “referring to part of a person using ‘his’ and ‘her’”. As usual most of it’s greek to me (or should I saw Inform 7, which is almost its own language anyway?), but he ends with a question and a statement no one’s addressed yet:
"- The one indefinite match case is special. Why?
- The parser’s notion of ownership should include parts of people."
Very simple one. It is felt that the documentation doesn’t really clarify what “person aksed” really is. It tends to create small misunderstandings. … ead#unread
zarf identified this as an actual bug. He also provides some workarounds. Sorry, but I can’t really summarise it as I’m not sure what it actually is.
The inclusion of an I6 line…
To say perform/@ (ph - phrase): (- if (0==0) {ph} -).
…breaks compilation in 6M62 with the “I have no idea what happened” error. Also, further down the thread, there’s a little bit of discussion (didn’t go anywhere much) about deprecated phrases.
This one also goes over my head. It appears there are inconsistencies when using multiple verb clauses in a description (say zarf and otistdog). Sample code was posted which gave otistdog “the impression that [he was] running into behavior that’s half-working (but is intended to be fully working).”
The language thing again! What happened this time is that someone is using an extension which the author cannot keep updated for 6M62 compatibility because he relies on the Italian Language Extension. So this language problem keeps cropping pu.
Very quick one. afeinman was looking for something, which matt w identified as:
“It’s the “prior named object.” (I feel like this used to be in the documentation somewhere, but now it seems to be only in Example 251.)”
I bring this up because the documentation might need updating in this instance. For clarity.[/rant]