Bela's 2024 ifcomp reviews

Hello, some minimal reviews. I’m not as well versed in IF as many of you here so I hope you can forgive my naivety.


I really love the use of design, typography and timing here. It’s something I wish I was better at. A lot of this story reads to me like I’m watching a title sequence from a film, which is really nice.

I also love the the very palpable sense of place the story has, partly aided by the halftone background images, but also the references in the text itself.

The story itself is a lot of things, terminally online, educational, irreverent, sexy, youthful, personal, embodied. It doesn’t take itself too seriously but treats the experience it renders with seriousness.

The way the experience is designed, melding in various textual sources into one reading area worked well to evoke the sense of displacement and blurring that happens when the same device is showing you communications from different contexts in your life, whilst you might be embroiled in another, completely different context.

Which isn’t to say this is a game purely about technology, it’s deeply interested in what it means to have a body, in positive and negative ways, about relationships and community.

For me there were times where the pacing was slower than I would have liked. There’s a lot to get through and although the majority of things that are mentioned have satisfying payoffs, there’s some components that felt a bit tangential for me when playing through in a single sitting.

That said, I enjoyed the submission and would recommend checking it out if you think you would be interested.


On the contrary, I love seeing reviews from people who aren’t intimately familiar with the customs of the community, because there are all sorts of things we old-timers take for granted. A new perspective on those can sometimes be sorely needed!


Second this!


** Verses **

Was very curious about this one from playing the opening. Pleasant visual style, interesting setting and a language I don’t speak.

I’m immediately quite impressed with the model of interaction this piece sets up. I’m not sure if this is common to IF works, but it works very well here with the theme of translation. The mode of interaction does a good job of using interaction for more than just Choice A or Choice B, the way you read the text is modified by the interactions that the game puts forward.

On a haptic note: Playing on mobile is quite different experience to clicking around on screen (the game involves a lot of clicking)

I did find myself frustrated at some moments, the rules of the analysis didn’t seem straight forward to me. This is obviously totally in keeping with the context of the game, but at some points did take me out of myself when I couldn’t figure out how to progress and suspected some kind of bug, but I got through them and am glad that I did.

Overall dark and baffling, dreamlike. I couldn’t fathom much of the deeper meanings on a first play through but I may come back to this one as it feels potent.