Start of a transcript of The Incredibly Mild Misadventures of Tom Trundle An Adolescent Reminiscence by B F Lindsay Release 1 / Serial number 201024 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) Identification number: //67982986-3A42-4E20-975E-167E795D7DCB// Interpreter version 1.3.5 / VM 3.1.2 / Library serial number 080126 Standard Rules version 3/120430 by Graham Nelson Epistemology version 9 by Eric Eve Conversation Framework version 12 by Eric Eve Conversation Responses version 7 by Eric Eve >d Digging a hole with my fingers was not an option. I could have sworn I saw an ant cross the food prep counter, then disappear. >l School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, probably the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was closed. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. >n (first opening the steel back door) But I didn't think the fifteen minutes was quite over. I didn't want to endanger Anne if I could avoid it. >z Time passed. >z Time passed. I felt like the fifteen minutes were up. Now I could go back and check out the back dump area again. >n (first opening the steel back door) I pushed the back door open, inviting the awful smells of the back garbage area into the pristine kitchen. I stepped back out the door, into the night. Dump Area A gravelly alcove just wide enough to take a garbage truck; a dumpster occupied the center of the school brick wall, on the south side, right next to the kitchen back door. The fence was to the north, stretching tightly between brick walls to the east and west. I could see Russel Street, and the trees beyond, through the sliding, remote controlled gate in the fence; the area was dimly lit by streetlights along Russel. Right next to the back door, on the wall, was what looked like a breaker box. The garbage crew must have taken out the trash; the smell wasn't as rancid as I thought it might be. But it still stank to hell. The kitchen back door was standing open. What was freakin' odd was that, though there were wide tire tracks in the gravel, like from a garbage truck, leading up to the dumpster, there wasn't even any evidence that there was a car here. >search gravel Looking around at the rocks, I found only wide tracks, like from a garbage truck, backing in and then driving out. I saw no other tracks. I stepped around the dumpster. Just beside it on the ground, I found a manhole cover, set into the pavement. I wasn't sure of the significance of it, right at that moment. >open box I pulled the cover of the box open, revealing some rows of switches. One of them was labelled FREEZER. >flip freezer That's not a verb I recognize. >turn freezer Noting that the switch was probably 'on', because I was just in the freezer, and the fans were going, I pulled the switch. I noted that the switch was now opposite its original position, which was probably 'off'. >open mahole with hook I couldn't see any such thing. >open manhole with hook The hook was a perfect fit for the eyehole. I then pulled it up by the crosspiece, and the manhole cover came up, and I dragged it off of the hole far enough to be able to climb in. I pulled the hook out. That's exactly what I did! I opened a manhole cover. You earned 10 points for helping me remember! >d I dropped down to the ground and put my feet into the hole. My feet found a short ladder, which I used to help me to the floor. Dim Room This looked like one end of a corridor that sloped slightly downward into the dark, to the west. A short metal ladder went up to a round hole over my head, where I could see the handle of the manhole cover that I moved; the handle was on the underside of the cover, which was lying partially over the hole. >w I advanced into the dark corridor. It seemed to go a long way, until I reached a low point. Dark Corridor This was just a tunnel that sloped upward to the east and west; I was in the low, middle part of it. >w I went further west into the corridor, and the floor rose gently with a slight slope as I went. I finally came to what looked like the west end of it. Under A Hatch This place was nearly identical to the one on the east end of the corridor; it had a metal ladder going a short way up the wall. But the ladder went up to a square hatch over my head, a hatch without a handle. I wasn't sure if it could be open from this side; I didn't see a keyhole. But if the Creep used this passage, then it should be possible to just push the hatch open, right? The dark corridor was to the east. >u I climbed up the ladder, butting the hatch open with my head. No telling how many friggin' heads have done this to that hatch. Just when I was able to see over floor level, I caught sight of the rear of a car. The car was running. And something else was making a whirring sound, like a garage door opening. And I could hear voices. One of them was the Creep. I stopped climbing and friggin' listened. "You got the potion?" said the raspy voice. I could hear another voice, but it was muffled, like it was inside the car. "I told you to WHISPER OR DISGUISE YOUR VOICE!" said the raspy voice. "You never know who might hear you!" Then the other voice said something which I could barely hear, like "Sorry". Then I heard a car door slam, and the whirring stopped. The car rolled away, and by then I realized that this was the garage of the auto shop area, next to the field house. Then the whirring started again, as the rollup door steadily lowered to the ground. I stayed motionless until I heard it touch the floor, and by then I heard the car drive away; of course I couldn't see what direction it went. When there was silence, I pulled myself out from under the hatch, which fell closed, covered by a green turf rug. I surveyed my surroundings. I was lucky; they forgot to turn out the lights before they left. I had an eerie sense that, though those goons had left the campus, my business here was not quite done. There was something, or things, that I had to do, before I could go and rescue Anne. Or try. At least I knew there wouldn't be any more of those stupid notes. Garage Now I knew a few things about cars, but not enough to know what parts, or tools, I was looking at, which were hanging up all over the shop. But I did know that there weren't any cars, here. The instructors must have taken their pieces of junk home with them; the concrete floor was clear. I could also tell that they drank a lot of coffee during classes; a coffee maker, with a coffee pot, was sitting on a shelf, plugged into the wall. The north wall was filled by a huge garage door, made for two cars. The only other door out was to the southeast; it was closed. The hatch I came out of was hidden by a green turf rug, which covered that part of the floor. >open coffee (the coffee maker) I opened up the reservoir, and noticed that it was dry--no water. There was also nothing in the filter basket, not even a filter. >take pot (putting the fourth note into the green backpack to make room) I tossed the fourth note into the backpack. My hands were already friggin' full. >put all in backpack bronze key: I tossed the bronze key into the backpack. keyring: I tossed the keyring into the backpack. creased notebook page: I tossed the creased notebook page into the backpack. steel hook: I tossed the steel hook into the backpack. steel key: I tossed the steel key into the backpack. baby bottle: I tossed the baby bottle into the backpack. ripped notebook: I tossed the ripped notebook into the backpack. fifth note: I tossed the fifth note into the backpack. unsmoked cigarette: I tossed the unsmoked cigarette into the backpack. big pretzel: I tossed the big pretzel into the backpack. credit card: I tossed the credit card into the backpack. yellow scrap: I tossed the yellow scrap into the backpack. pack of Vance peanut butter crackers: I tossed the pack of Vance peanut butter crackers into the backpack. >take pot I took the pot out of the coffee maker. >d As I pulled up the hatch, and part of the green turf rug came up with it, I noticed another torn yellow scrap of paper lying on the floor. I snatched it up before stepping back into the hole. Hatchway, under the garage This place was nearly identical to the one on the east end of the corridor; it had a metal ladder going a short way up the wall. But the ladder went up to a square hatch over my head, a hatch without a handle. The dark corridor was to the east. >x bottom It looked like the bottom part of the torn note I found earlier, behind the snack machine. It read-- kitchen freezer floor, under the shelves Auto Shop: garage floor, by the east wall We will keep in touch with you. Sincerely, Hugh Holbrook It looked like I found the passage going from the back dumpster area to the garage. And it looks like there's another one, with one end in the kitchen freezer...?? >e Dark Corridor This was just a tunnel that sloped upward to the east and west; I was in the low, middle part of it. >e I went back to the east end, where I first entered this passage, under the dump area. Dim Room This looked like one end of a corridor that sloped slightly downward into the dark, to the west. A short metal ladder went up to a round hole over my head, where I could see the handle of the manhole cover that I moved; the handle was on the underside of the cover, which was lying partially over the hole. >u I climbed up the ladder and hoisted myself back into the kitchen dump area. Dump Area A gravelly alcove just wide enough to take a garbage truck; a dumpster occupied the center of the school brick wall, on the south side, right next to the kitchen back door. The fence was to the north, stretching tightly between brick walls to the east and west. I could see Russel Street, and the trees beyond, through the sliding, remote controlled gate in the fence; the area was dimly lit by streetlights along Russel. Right next to the back door, on the wall, was what looked like a breaker box. The garbage crew must have taken out the trash; the smell wasn't as rancid as I thought it might be. But it still stank to hell. The kitchen back door was standing open. What was freakin' odd was that, though there were wide tire tracks in the gravel, like from a garbage truck, leading up to the dumpster, there wasn't even any evidence that there was a car here. On the darker side of the dumpster, there was a manhole cover, lying partially over a hole in the ground. >s I stepped back into the kitchen, glad to escape the thick miasma of the dump area. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. >w Cold Storage This room was cold. And just bare metal walls. They must have emptied it out for the week while school was out. A tiny lightbulb was shining above. The door out to the kitchen was open, to the east. The room wasn't totally empty. A rack of lab coats was here; Victor probably rolled it in to get it off the kitchen floor before waxing. A doorway to the west, with clear plastic curtains, beckoned me further in. >w I stepped back into the freezer. Walk-In Freezer This place wasn't much different, except for two things. One was that there were shelves lining the north wall; the opposite wall had a line of fans high up, which were absolutely still. The other was that it was bitter fuckin' cold in there, but it seemed to be getting warmer. Through the plastic curtain to the east was the warmer half of the cooler, and the door back into the kitchen beyond. On the floor under the shelves was a huge patch of ice. >remove rifle I took off the drill rifle. >break ice with rifle I gave the ice patch one frickin' hard knock on one edge with the butt of the rifle. I knocked away a big chunk. It was then that I saw the edge of a hatch(!). I then started hammering away at the patch, knocking chunks here and there. Before long, the hatch was completely uncovered. I kicked ice chunks clear of the curtain and hatch, so I wouldn't friggin' fall on my butt. >* HIT ICE should give a result That's not a verb I recognize. >e Cold Storage This room was cold. And just bare metal walls. They must have emptied it out for the week while school was out. A tiny lightbulb was shining above. The door out to the kitchen was open, to the east. The room wasn't totally empty. A rack of lab coats was here; Victor probably rolled it in to get it off the kitchen floor before waxing. A doorway to the west, with clear plastic curtains, beckoned me further in. >e I stepped back through the door into the kitchen. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. >e I couldn't go that way. I detected a small movement, on the prep counter, out of the corner of my eye. >se (first opening the swing-doors) I pushed open the swing-doors. Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. >e I might have attracted attention out in the halls, with the steel-cleated boots on; so I took them off, first. I went back into the hall. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. >s North Janitor's Closet And another floor sink. The door, to the north, was open, letting in light from the hall. A banister to the south marked the top of a spiral stairway leading down. >fill pot I turned the knob and filled the coffee pot with tepid water. >n I stepped out of the janitor's closet yet again. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. >w I went back up the hall, into the cafeteria. Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. Victor swept yet another bunch of crumbs into the row of dirt, and moved on to the next table. >nw As I started towards the kitchen doors, Victor cried, "Hey! The floor in there has fresh wax. Get some boots on, first." I saw a frown on his face as he went back to work. I desisted. >wear boots The things were so frickin' big that they fit neatly over my sneakers. >nw I went behind the counter towards the kitchen doors. (first opening the swing-doors) I pushed open the swing-doors. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. >n I stepped back out the door, into the night. Dump Area A gravelly alcove just wide enough to take a garbage truck; a dumpster occupied the center of the school brick wall, on the south side, right next to the kitchen back door. The fence was to the north, stretching tightly between brick walls to the east and west. I could see Russel Street, and the trees beyond, through the sliding, remote controlled gate in the fence; the area was dimly lit by streetlights along Russel. Right next to the back door, on the wall, was what looked like a breaker box. The garbage crew must have taken out the trash; the smell wasn't as rancid as I thought it might be. But it still stank to hell. The kitchen back door was standing open. What was freakin' odd was that, though there were wide tire tracks in the gravel, like from a garbage truck, leading up to the dumpster, there wasn't even any evidence that there was a car here. On the darker side of the dumpster, there was a manhole cover, lying partially over a hole in the ground. >d I dropped down to the ground and put my feet into the hole. My feet found a short ladder, which I used to help me to the floor. Dim Room This looked like one end of a corridor that sloped slightly downward into the dark, to the west. A short metal ladder went up to a round hole over my head, where I could see the handle of the manhole cover that I moved; the handle was on the underside of the cover, which was lying partially over the hole. >w I advanced into the dark corridor. It seemed to go a long way, until I reached a low point. Dark Corridor This was just a tunnel that sloped upward to the east and west; I was in the low, middle part of it. >w I walked back to the west end of the corridor. Hatchway, under the garage This place was nearly identical to the one on the east end of the corridor; it had a metal ladder going a short way up the wall. But the ladder went up to a square hatch over my head, a hatch without a handle. The dark corridor was to the east. >u I climbed the ladder and through the hatch again, into the garage. Garage Now I knew a few things about cars, but not enough to know what parts, or tools, I was looking at, which were hanging up all over the shop. But I did know that there weren't any cars, here. The instructors must have taken their pieces of junk home with them; the concrete floor was clear. I could also tell that they drank a lot of coffee during classes; a coffee maker was sitting on a shelf, plugged into the wall. The north wall was filled by a huge garage door, made for two cars. The only other door out was to the southeast; it was closed. The hatch I came out of was hidden by a green turf rug, which covered that part of the floor. >open maker That was already open. >put water in reservoir I filled the reservoir with the tepid water. >put pot in maker I put the coffee pot on the base plate. >close maker I closed the reservoir, also closing the filter basket. >push brew I pressed the button and for a moment, nothing happened. Then I saw a stream of hot water start dripping into the pot. I watched with indifference as the pot slowly filled. Or, actually, I watched with friggin' impatience. When was the thing going to frickin' finish..??? The machine gurgled and clicked, as water was being syphoned into the filter basket. After a few minutes, the pot was full of hot water. The button clicked back, indicating that the machine was done. >take pot I took the pot out of the coffee maker. >d I pulled up the hatch, and backed into the hole, going down. Hatchway, under the garage This place was nearly identical to the one on the east end of the corridor; it had a metal ladder going a short way up the wall. But the ladder went up to a square hatch over my head, a hatch without a handle. The dark corridor was to the east. >e Dark Corridor This was just a tunnel that sloped upward to the east and west; I was in the low, middle part of it. >e I went back to the east end, where I first entered this passage, under the dump area. Dim Room This looked like one end of a corridor that sloped slightly downward into the dark, to the west. A short metal ladder went up to a round hole over my head, where I could see the handle of the manhole cover that I moved; the handle was on the underside of the cover, which was lying partially over the hole. >u I climbed up the ladder and hoisted myself back into the kitchen dump area. Dump Area A gravelly alcove just wide enough to take a garbage truck; a dumpster occupied the center of the school brick wall, on the south side, right next to the kitchen back door. The fence was to the north, stretching tightly between brick walls to the east and west. I could see Russel Street, and the trees beyond, through the sliding, remote controlled gate in the fence; the area was dimly lit by streetlights along Russel. Right next to the back door, on the wall, was what looked like a breaker box. The garbage crew must have taken out the trash; the smell wasn't as rancid as I thought it might be. But it still stank to hell. The kitchen back door was standing open. What was freakin' odd was that, though there were wide tire tracks in the gravel, like from a garbage truck, leading up to the dumpster, there wasn't even any evidence that there was a car here. On the darker side of the dumpster, there was a manhole cover, lying partially over a hole in the ground. >s I stepped back into the kitchen, glad to escape the thick miasma of the dump area. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. I could have sworn I saw an ant cross the food prep counter, then disappear. >w Cold Storage This room was cold. And just bare metal walls. They must have emptied it out for the week while school was out. A tiny lightbulb was shining above. The door out to the kitchen was open, to the east. The room wasn't totally empty. A rack of lab coats was here; Victor probably rolled it in to get it off the kitchen floor before waxing. A doorway to the west, with clear plastic curtains, beckoned me further in. >w I stepped back into the freezer. Walk-In Freezer This place wasn't much different, except for two things. One was that there were shelves lining the north wall; the opposite wall had a line of fans high up, which were absolutely still. The other was that it was bitter fuckin' cold in there, but it seemed to be getting warmer. Through the plastic curtain to the east was the warmer half of the cooler, and the door back into the kitchen beyond. Under the shelves on the south wall, there was a square hatch in the floor. Lying on the floor along the north wall were chunks of ice from the ice patch I broke up. >put water on hatch I poured the hot water onto the hatch, careful to focus on the edges. Steam came up as I did so. I waited a minute for the water to seep in. Then I tugged up on the hatch, and I heard some ice cracking along the edges. A few more tries, and I got the hatch up! I was only able to pull it up till it hit the bottom shelf; under it I could see a ladder going a short way down into darkness. The hatch did not stay open on its own, it just fell closed. But I was sure that I could enter it. >save Ok. >d I pulled open the hatch, keeping it open with my body as I crawled backward through it. My foot found the ladder, and I climbed down it--it was a bit cold and wet--until I could touch the floor; the hatch closed as my head went down through it. When I got to the floor, I looked around. Dismal Basement The walls of this place were rough concrete, and very uneven. A steel ladder on the east wall went up to a square metal hatch. A very dark tunnel led north. That's exactly what I did! I found the fifth passage. You earned 15 points for helping me remember! >n I reluctantly stepped into the tunnel, wondering how long it was and where it led. Before long, I felt that I was no longer under the school campus. I passed a number of caved-in stairways that went nowhere, ladders without hatches. I stopped after about five hundred feet. Underground Passage This dark tunnel had cracked concrete walls and a dirt floor that went on for what seemed like several blocks. The air was stale and dusty. The tunnel continued north and south from here. >* 500 feet! That's not a verb I recognize. >x floor I couldn't see any such thing. >n I continued into the tunnel, breathing the stale friggin' air and dust; I almost had to shield my nose and mouth. It didn't seem like a well-used passage. Before I expected it, I came to a cave-in; the passage was blocked by broken concrete and debris. Then I noticed the ladder. Passage End The north wall here was completely made of broken concrete, dust and dirt that looked like it had fallen in from above. On the west wall was a ladder that went up to another manhole cover. I could see a handle hanging from the cover. The tunnel went south from here. >u I climbed up the ladder, and as soon as I could reach it, I pushed up the rusty handle of the manhole cover, and there seemed to be some resistance; I heard grass roots pop and break, and dirt fell in. Finally, I wrenched it to the side. As I did so, I heard a "ping" and then a "thud". As if someone had tripped on the cover and fallen. I peeked over the rim of the manhole, and for sure, someone had tripped over the edge of it and fell to the ground. After looking around for a minute, I hoisted myself up out of the hole to get a better look. I was surprised I could see anything; the sky seemed to be getting brighter, as if the Sun was getting ready to rise. Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was a robed figure. Lying near one hand of the robed figure was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. >x robed Was this the Creep?? I asked myself. But the more I looked, the more I doubted it. He seemed slender, was covered in a white terry-cloth robe, and on his feet were white socks. He was wearing a rubber mask over his head. A mask of an oversized baby! He appeared to be sleeping soundly; I could hear his breathing. >remove mask I gently tugged at the mask, while the man was snoozing peacefully on the ground. I felt like frickin' Shaggy from the Scooby-doo cartoons as I carefully pulled the mask off. I got the utter shock of my life. IT WAS WILL! I nearly jumped out of my freakin' flesh. What the hell was he doing here?? At that very moment, I heard something like a wooden door open from the direction of the thicket. And a familiar whisper. "Ssst ssst! How LONG does it take to PUT ON A MASK! Remember, Will! We have only UNTIL SUNRISE!" It was the Creep!! He must not have seen me. I heard the door slam closed. It was then that I put things together in my head. Will had partnered with the Creep to lure Anne, and possibly two other girls, into this ceremonial thingy. The yellow bottle lying nearby must be the potion that Will had concocted, following the recipe he wrote out on the notebook page! Somehow, I had to stop this arrangement. Here was Will, sleeping in a white robe, with the baby bottle full of potion nearby, and I was holding a mask. And I had seen the recipe. How could I grasp this opportunity?? In any case, a trip back to the campus was necessary. Somehow I didn't feel that I was done there. That's exactly what I did! I stole a rubber baby head. You earned 5 points for helping me remember! >* Eek That's not a verb I recognize. >* umm also there's more to do on campus? That's not a verb I recognize. >* Do I need to switch the potion? That's not a verb I recognize. >l Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >x will Will was sleeping peacefully, lying on the ground with a white terry-cloth robe on, and socks on his feet. He snorted and rustled a bit as I looked. The most peaceful I had ever seen him. I was very reluctant to wake him. I heard crickets chirping in the woods. >take robe I really didn't want to risk waking him. It was risky enough taking the mask. >wear mask I put the mask over my head, and it was freakin' awkward. The eye holes didn't exactly match up with my eyes. Which was probably a good frickin' thing, as was the fact that Will and I were basically the same height. I pulled the zipper, securing the mask to my neck. A slight wind blew through. >l Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >x bottle (the baby bottle) It was one of those big, transparent baby bottles, marked for just over twelve ounces. It had an attached rubber sucker top hanging open. >take it Got it. I heard an extra-loud snore come from Will. >l Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >take all yellow bottle: I probably shouldn't take it. What if Will wakes up and that madman finds him without the bottle?? He'd be in serious shit and I'd feel like shit. Will rustled a bit, then lay still. >empty yellow That's not a verb I recognize. >l Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. A slight wind blew through. >e Freakin' apprehensively, I walked into the darker part of the woods. Fortunately, it wasn't quite as dark as I thought it was, after taking a few steps. I came to what looked like a large wooden shack. Old Shack This was a small space in the thicker part of the woods. To the north was the wooden door to the shack; it was closed. As big as the shack was, it looked more like a barn. I could see light between some of the boards. The path back to the manhole cover went west; more woods were in every other direction. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >x boards I couldn't see any such thing. >x shack Gray, sunbaked boards, with some mold, like those barns you see off the side of the road going on car trips. I could see light through the cracks between some of the boards, to the left of the door, which was to the north. >x cracks Gray, sunbaked boards, with some mold, like those barns you see off the side of the road going on car trips. I could see light through the cracks between some of the boards, to the left of the door, which was to the north. >look through cracks The cracks were too narrow to see anything, other than just the light. It was flickering, like it came from a flame. >n But I wasn't in full costume, and who knows when the Creep would appear again? He'd clobber me. (first opening the wooden door) I jerked on the door, but it didn't budge an inch. >w Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >w I went towards the thinner part of the woods. There were no lights around, only the stars. No wonder Will tripped over the manhole cover. I stopped when I came to a vehicle parked among the bushes. Bushy Nook Bushes and sparse woods were all around here. A thin path went deeper into the woods to the east; it continued west through the trees, but I couldn't see an end to it. Parked in the middle of some bushes was a compact car, concealed almost up to the top. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >x car (the compact car) I could really only see the back of it; bushes rose up all around the rest of it. This person must have driven right into a hollow in the bushes, where it fit perfectly. I could see the hatch in the back of it. The license plate must be on the front. The car was a dirty yellow color; the back tires looked a bit muddy. I heard crickets chirping in the woods. >x pate I couldn't see any such thing. >x plate I couldn't see any such thing. >search car (the compact car) I really couldn't see into the car, the bushes were so thick. >open hatch I grabbed the bottom of the hatch and quickly realized that it wasn't even closed. Inside I saw a terrycloth robe. >wear robe (first taking the terrycloth robe) I lifted the robe out of the trunk. I wondered if it belonged to Will or did he just buy it for this occasion?? If I was to look like Will and completely disguised, I would need to strip down to my underwear and socks, first. Almost to my birthday suit. A grasshopper skipped over the tall grass nearby. That's exactly what I did! I stole another guy's robe. You earned 5 points for helping me remember! >remove clothes Probably ought to take off the custodian uniform, first. >remove uniform Though the uniform was freakin' baggy, I didn't think I could get the pants off over the boots. >remove boots I easily removed the clodhoppers. I heard crickets chirping in the woods. >remove all What do you want to remove those things from? >me I seemed to belong to myself. >remove uniform I dropped my stuff, took off the uniform, and picked my stuff back up. >remove clothes It was probably a better idea to change clothes somewhere underground, and somewhere near where my mission was to continue. I didn't want to be outdoors or where I could be seen by the custodians. Maybe in that long tunnel near where Will is sleeping? >e I went back to where I came up out of the manhole. Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. I heard an extra-loud snore come from Will. >d I got back down into the hole, and then pulled the manhole cover over me by the handle. I then hopped off of the ladder to the floor. Passage End The north wall here was completely made of broken concrete, dust and dirt that looked like it had fallen in from above. On the west wall was a ladder that went up to another manhole cover. I could see a handle hanging from the cover. The tunnel went south from here. >remove clothes I stripped to my skivvies and socks. >wear robe I put the robe on over my slender form. It covered me completely down to my socks. Now with the mask on, I should be completely indistinguishable from Will. >save Ok. >s Underground Passage This dark tunnel had cracked concrete walls and a dirt floor that went on for what seemed like several blocks. The air was stale and dusty. The tunnel continued north and south from here. >s I retreated back to the hatch under the freezer. Dismal Basement The walls of this place were rough concrete, and very uneven. A steel ladder on the east wall went up to a square metal hatch. A very dark tunnel led north. >s I couldn't go that way. >u Probably not a good idea to go up there in this getup. Probably should wear my other clothes, with the uniform over them, in case I run into Victor. >remove robe Probably should stay enrobed. The Creep could be around the corner! >* ugh That's not a verb I recognize. >n I walked into the tunnel again. I passed a number of caved-in stairways that went nowhere, ladders without hatches. I stopped after about five hundred feet. Underground Passage This dark tunnel had cracked concrete walls and a dirt floor that went on for what seemed like several blocks. The air was stale and dusty. The tunnel continued north and south from here. >remove robe Probably should stay enrobed. The Creep could be around the corner! >i I was carrying: a terrycloth robe (being worn) a baby bottle (open but empty) a rubber mask (being worn) a coffee pot (empty) a bottom half some rubber boots a dirty uniform a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads a green backpack (open) a pack of Vance peanut butter crackers a yellow scrap a credit card a big pretzel an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key a steel hook a creased notebook page my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill There was nothing in the pocket of the robe. >n I walked to the north end again, with the debris and the ladder. Passage End The north wall here was completely made of broken concrete, dust and dirt that looked like it had fallen in from above. On the west wall was a ladder that went up to another manhole cover. I could see a handle hanging from the cover. The tunnel went south from here. >wear clothes Probably ought to take off the robe, first. >remove robe Probably should stay enrobed. The Creep could be around the corner! >u I climbed back up out of the hole again. Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >remove robe (the terrycloth robe) Probably should stay enrobed. The Creep could be around the corner! I heard trees rustle as the wind blew through them. >restore Ok. >l Passage End The north wall here was completely made of broken concrete, dust and dirt that looked like it had fallen in from above. On the west wall was a ladder that went up to another manhole cover. I could see a handle hanging from the cover. The tunnel went south from here. >undo Passage End [Previous turn undone.] >undo Grassy Path [Previous turn undone.] >undo Grassy Path [Previous turn undone.] >undo Passage End [Previous turn undone.] >undo Passage End [Previous turn undone.] >undo Passage End [Previous turn undone.] >undo Underground Passage [Previous turn undone.] >undo Underground Passage [Previous turn undone.] >undo Underground Passage [Previous turn undone.] >undo Dismal Basement [Previous turn undone.] >undo Dismal Basement [Previous turn undone.] >undo Dismal Basement [Previous turn undone.] > I beg your pardon? >i I was carrying: a terrycloth robe (being worn) a baby bottle (open but empty) a rubber mask (being worn) a coffee pot (empty) a bottom half some rubber boots a dirty uniform a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads a green backpack (open) a pack of Vance peanut butter crackers a yellow scrap a credit card a big pretzel an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key a steel hook a creased notebook page my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill There was nothing in the pocket of the robe. >undo Dismal Basement [Previous turn undone.] >undo Dismal Basement [Previous turn undone.] >undo Dismal Basement [Previous turn undone.] >undo Underground Passage [Previous turn undone.] >undo Passage End [Previous turn undone.] >undo Passage End [Previous turn undone.] >undo Passage End [Previous turn undone.] >undo Passage End [Previous turn undone.] >undo Grassy Path [Previous turn undone.] >undo Bushy Nook [Previous turn undone.] >undo Bushy Nook [Previous turn undone.] >undo Bushy Nook [Previous turn undone.] >undo Bushy Nook [Previous turn undone.] >undo Bushy Nook [Previous turn undone.] >undo Bushy Nook [Previous turn undone.] >undo Bushy Nook [Previous turn undone.] >undo Bushy Nook [Previous turn undone.] >undo Bushy Nook [Previous turn undone.] >undo Bushy Nook [Previous turn undone.] >undo Bushy Nook [Previous turn undone.] >undo Bushy Nook [Previous turn undone.] >i I was carrying: a baby bottle (open but empty) a rubber mask (being worn) a coffee pot (empty) a bottom half some rubber boots (being worn) a dirty uniform (being worn) a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads (being worn) a green backpack (open) a pack of Vance peanut butter crackers a yellow scrap a credit card a big pretzel an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key a steel hook a creased notebook page my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill My pocket was empty. >search car (the compact car) I really couldn't see into the car, the bushes were so thick. >open hatch I grabbed the bottom of the hatch and quickly realized that it wasn't even closed. Inside I saw a terrycloth robe. A slight wind blew through. >take robe I lifted the robe out of the trunk. I wondered if it belonged to Will or did he just buy it for this occasion?? A grasshopper skipped over the tall grass nearby. That's exactly what I did! I stole another guy's robe. You earned 5 points for helping me remember! >e I went back to where I came up out of the manhole. Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. A grasshopper skipped over the tall grass nearby. >d I got back down into the hole, and then pulled the manhole cover over me by the handle. I then hopped off of the ladder to the floor. Passage End The north wall here was completely made of broken concrete, dust and dirt that looked like it had fallen in from above. On the west wall was a ladder that went up to another manhole cover. I could see a handle hanging from the cover. The tunnel went south from here. >s Underground Passage This dark tunnel had cracked concrete walls and a dirt floor that went on for what seemed like several blocks. The air was stale and dusty. The tunnel continued north and south from here. >s I retreated back to the hatch under the freezer. Dismal Basement The walls of this place were rough concrete, and very uneven. A steel ladder on the east wall went up to a square metal hatch. A very dark tunnel led north. >u I climbed up the ladder, butting the hatch open with my head. Then I hoisted myself up into the freezer again. The hatch closed behind me. Walk-In Freezer This place wasn't much different, except for two things. One was that there were shelves lining the north wall; the opposite wall had a line of fans high up, which were absolutely still. The other was that it was bitter fuckin' cold in there, but it seemed to be getting warmer. Through the plastic curtain to the east was the warmer half of the cooler, and the door back into the kitchen beyond. Under the shelves on the south wall, there was a square hatch in the floor. Lying on the floor along the north wall were chunks of ice from the ice patch I broke up. >e Cold Storage This room was cold. And just bare metal walls. They must have emptied it out for the week while school was out. A tiny lightbulb was shining above. The door out to the kitchen was open, to the east. The room wasn't totally empty. A rack of lab coats was here; Victor probably rolled it in to get it off the kitchen floor before waxing. A doorway to the west, with clear plastic curtains, beckoned me further in. >e I stepped back through the door into the kitchen. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. I detected a small movement, on the prep counter, out of the corner of my eye. >se (first opening the swing-doors) I pushed open the swing-doors. Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. >s (first opening the cafeteria doors) I pushed tentatively at the glass doors, but they were tightly locked. "We have to keep them locked," said Victor. Victor gave me yet another look, as if inviting me to friggin' leave. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. The swing-doors stopped swinging. >e I might have attracted attention out in the halls, with the steel-cleated boots on; so I took them off, first. I went back into the hall. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. >s North Janitor's Closet And another floor sink. The door, to the north, was open, letting in light from the hall. A banister to the south marked the top of a spiral stairway leading down. >fill bottle I turned the knob and filled the baby bottle with tepid water. >put crackers in bottle (first taking the pack of Vance peanut butter crackers) Got it. I put the pack of Vance peanut butter crackers into the baby bottle. >open crackers I struggled with the pack until the friggin' wrapper finally broke. Six cracker sandwiches spilled to the ground. I instinctively tossed the wrapper, didn't see where it went. >open crackers (first taking the peanut butter crackers) I collected the crackers from the ground. I was feeling a bit hungry. Give me a break, I hadn't eaten since I got that free pizza! I opened each of the cracker sandwiches and took the peanut butter off--it was firm enough to do it by hand. I ate each cracker as I did so, and stacked the discs of peanut butter into a chunk, six discs high. Now I had some peanut butter for the recipe! >put peanut butter in bottle I put the peanut butter into the baby bottle. >save Ok. >put salt in bottle (first taking the salt chunks) I didn't want to disfigure Ziggy's gift. Besides, as pretzels weren't my thing, it was probably a better idea to leave it alone until I found someone who wanted it. >x chunks They were pretty big, almost big enough to call them rock salt. >* come on That's not a verb I recognize. >eat pretzel Pretzels weren't my thing, and I wasn't hungry. But I felt it was a nice fuckin' gesture enough to hold onto it, at least until I could give it to someone who wanted it. >put peanut in pot I didn't want to get the peanut butter wet. >n I stepped out of the janitor's closet yet again. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. >i I was carrying: a terrycloth robe a baby bottle (open) some peanut butter a rubber mask (being worn) a coffee pot some tepid water a bottom half some rubber boots a dirty uniform (being worn) a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads (being worn) a green backpack (open) a yellow scrap a credit card a big pretzel an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key a steel hook a creased notebook page my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill My pocket was empty. >x pot It was one of those dinky two-cup pots. It was full of tepid water. >close bottle I twisted the rubber top back on, closing the bottle. >n There were no unlocked or open doors in that direction. >w I went back up the hall, into the cafeteria. Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. >nw As I started towards the kitchen doors, Victor cried, "Hey! The floor in there has fresh wax. Get some boots on, first." I saw a frown on his face as he went back to work. I desisted. >wear boots The things were so frickin' big that they fit neatly over my sneakers. A faint whiff of floor wax passed under my nose. >nw I went behind the counter towards the kitchen doors. (first opening the swing-doors) I pushed open the swing-doors. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. >n I stepped back out the door, into the night. Dump Area A gravelly alcove just wide enough to take a garbage truck; a dumpster occupied the center of the school brick wall, on the south side, right next to the kitchen back door. The fence was to the north, stretching tightly between brick walls to the east and west. I could see Russel Street, and the trees beyond, through the sliding, remote controlled gate in the fence; the area was dimly lit by streetlights along Russel. Right next to the back door, on the wall, was what looked like a breaker box. The garbage crew must have taken out the trash; the smell wasn't as rancid as I thought it might be. But it still stank to hell. The kitchen back door was standing open. What was freakin' odd was that, though there were wide tire tracks in the gravel, like from a garbage truck, leading up to the dumpster, there wasn't even any evidence that there was a car here. On the darker side of the dumpster, there was a manhole cover, lying partially over a hole in the ground. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >d I dropped down to the ground and put my feet into the hole. My feet found a short ladder, which I used to help me to the floor. Dim Room This looked like one end of a corridor that sloped slightly downward into the dark, to the west. A short metal ladder went up to a round hole over my head, where I could see the handle of the manhole cover that I moved; the handle was on the underside of the cover, which was lying partially over the hole. >n I couldn't go that way. >n I couldn't go that way. >w I advanced into the dark corridor. It seemed to go a long way, until I reached a low point. Dark Corridor This was just a tunnel that sloped upward to the east and west; I was in the low, middle part of it. >w I walked back to the west end of the corridor. Hatchway, under the garage This place was nearly identical to the one on the east end of the corridor; it had a metal ladder going a short way up the wall. But the ladder went up to a square hatch over my head, a hatch without a handle. The dark corridor was to the east. >u I climbed the ladder and through the hatch again, into the garage. Garage Now I knew a few things about cars, but not enough to know what parts, or tools, I was looking at, which were hanging up all over the shop. But I did know that there weren't any cars, here. The instructors must have taken their pieces of junk home with them; the concrete floor was clear. I could also tell that they drank a lot of coffee during classes; a coffee maker was sitting on a shelf, plugged into the wall. The north wall was filled by a huge garage door, made for two cars. The only other door out was to the southeast; it was closed. The hatch I came out of was hidden by a green turf rug, which covered that part of the floor. >d I pulled up the hatch, and backed into the hole, going down. Hatchway, under the garage This place was nearly identical to the one on the east end of the corridor; it had a metal ladder going a short way up the wall. But the ladder went up to a square hatch over my head, a hatch without a handle. The dark corridor was to the east. >e Dark Corridor This was just a tunnel that sloped upward to the east and west; I was in the low, middle part of it. >e I went back to the east end, where I first entered this passage, under the dump area. Dim Room This looked like one end of a corridor that sloped slightly downward into the dark, to the west. A short metal ladder went up to a round hole over my head, where I could see the handle of the manhole cover that I moved; the handle was on the underside of the cover, which was lying partially over the hole. >u I climbed up the ladder and hoisted myself back into the kitchen dump area. Dump Area A gravelly alcove just wide enough to take a garbage truck; a dumpster occupied the center of the school brick wall, on the south side, right next to the kitchen back door. The fence was to the north, stretching tightly between brick walls to the east and west. I could see Russel Street, and the trees beyond, through the sliding, remote controlled gate in the fence; the area was dimly lit by streetlights along Russel. Right next to the back door, on the wall, was what looked like a breaker box. The garbage crew must have taken out the trash; the smell wasn't as rancid as I thought it might be. But it still stank to hell. The kitchen back door was standing open. What was freakin' odd was that, though there were wide tire tracks in the gravel, like from a garbage truck, leading up to the dumpster, there wasn't even any evidence that there was a car here. On the darker side of the dumpster, there was a manhole cover, lying partially over a hole in the ground. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >s I stepped back into the kitchen, glad to escape the thick miasma of the dump area. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. >w Cold Storage This room was cold. And just bare metal walls. They must have emptied it out for the week while school was out. A tiny lightbulb was shining above. The door out to the kitchen was open, to the east. The room wasn't totally empty. A rack of lab coats was here; Victor probably rolled it in to get it off the kitchen floor before waxing. A doorway to the west, with clear plastic curtains, beckoned me further in. >w I stepped back into the freezer. Walk-In Freezer This place wasn't much different, except for two things. One was that there were shelves lining the north wall; the opposite wall had a line of fans high up, which were absolutely still. The other was that it was bitter fuckin' cold in there, but it seemed to be getting warmer. Through the plastic curtain to the east was the warmer half of the cooler, and the door back into the kitchen beyond. Under the shelves on the south wall, there was a square hatch in the floor. Lying on the floor along the north wall were chunks of ice from the ice patch I broke up. >d I went back down through the hatch, and it closed over me as I descended the ladder. Dismal Basement The walls of this place were rough concrete, and very uneven. A steel ladder on the east wall went up to a square metal hatch. A very dark tunnel led north. >n I walked into the tunnel again. I passed a number of caved-in stairways that went nowhere, ladders without hatches. I stopped after about five hundred feet. Underground Passage This dark tunnel had cracked concrete walls and a dirt floor that went on for what seemed like several blocks. The air was stale and dusty. The tunnel continued north and south from here. >n I walked to the north end again, with the debris and the ladder. Passage End The north wall here was completely made of broken concrete, dust and dirt that looked like it had fallen in from above. On the west wall was a ladder that went up to another manhole cover. I could see a handle hanging from the cover. The tunnel went south from here. >u I climbed back up out of the hole again. Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >x will Will was sleeping peacefully, lying on the ground with a white terry-cloth robe on, and socks on his feet. He snorted and rustled a bit as I looked. The most peaceful I had ever seen him. I was very reluctant to wake him. A slight wind blew through. >search white Which do you mean, the white robe or the white socks? >robe I took a quick and gentle look. There was nothing in the robe pocket, except a tiny note, which I took. Under the robe he wore only briefs. Not Will's usual attire, he usually wore a full suit of pajamas and never showed his hairless chest. >x tiny It said-- Knock, knock, knock, knockknock If there was only one thing Will was good at, it was taking notes. It must have been some kind of knocking code, which I should probably use when I find the door. A grasshopper skipped over the tall grass nearby. >e I walked back to the shack. Old Shack This was a small space in the thicker part of the woods. To the north was the wooden door to the shack; it was closed. As big as the shack was, it looked more like a barn. I could see light between some of the boards. The path back to the manhole cover went west; more woods were in every other direction. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >w Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >d I got back down into the hole, and then pulled the manhole cover over me by the handle. I then hopped off of the ladder to the floor. Passage End The north wall here was completely made of broken concrete, dust and dirt that looked like it had fallen in from above. On the west wall was a ladder that went up to another manhole cover. I could see a handle hanging from the cover. The tunnel went south from here. >remove boots I easily removed the clodhoppers. >remove uniform I dropped my stuff, took off the uniform, and picked my stuff back up. >remove clothese I couldn't see any such thing. >remove clothes I was carrying too many things already. >wear robe If I was to look like Will and completely disguised, I would need to strip down to my underwear and socks, first. Almost to my birthday suit. >put all in backpack rubber boots: I tossed the rubber boots into the backpack. dirty uniform: I tossed the dirty uniform into the backpack. tiny note: I tossed the tiny note into the backpack. terrycloth robe: I tossed the terrycloth robe into the backpack. baby bottle: I tossed the baby bottle into the backpack. coffee pot: But I didn't want to spill the pot into the backpack. Dah. bottom half: I tossed the bottom half into the backpack. drill rifle: The drill rifle was too big to fit into the backpack. >remove clothes I stripped to my skivvies and socks. >wear robe (first taking the terrycloth robe) Got it. I put the robe on over my slender form. It covered me completely down to my socks. Now with the mask on, I should be completely indistinguishable from Will. >wear mash I couldn't see any such thing. >wear mask I was already wearing that! >u I climbed back up out of the hole again. Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >e I walked back to the shack. Old Shack This was a small space in the thicker part of the woods. To the north was the wooden door to the shack; it was closed. As big as the shack was, it looked more like a barn. I could see light between some of the boards. The path back to the manhole cover went west; more woods were in every other direction. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >knock on door Before I knocked, I hesitated. There was something about my ensemble that did not feel right. Wasn't Will carrying something? A baby bottle? With potion in it?? I wondered if I should have the potion described in the recipe, and put it in a baby bottle, like Will seemed to have. >* why would I do that? That's not a verb I recognize. >w Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >d I got back down into the hole, and then pulled the manhole cover over me by the handle. I then hopped off of the ladder to the floor. Passage End The north wall here was completely made of broken concrete, dust and dirt that looked like it had fallen in from above. On the west wall was a ladder that went up to another manhole cover. I could see a handle hanging from the cover. The tunnel went south from here. >restore Ok. >i I was carrying: a terrycloth robe a baby bottle (open) some peanut butter a rubber mask (being worn) a coffee pot some tepid water a bottom half some rubber boots a dirty uniform (being worn) a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads (being worn) a green backpack (open) a yellow scrap a credit card a big pretzel an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key a steel hook a creased notebook page my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill My pocket was empty. >* OK just going to the walkthrough since this is too fiddly That's not a verb I recognize. >n I stepped out of the janitor's closet yet again. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. >w I went back up the hall, into the cafeteria. Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. >nw As I started towards the kitchen doors, Victor cried, "Hey! The floor in there has fresh wax. Get some boots on, first." I saw a frown on his face as he went back to work. I desisted. >w I crossed the cafeteria to the doorway, and was greeted by a hallway full of lockers. North Hall, at the lockers The north wall of this part of the hall was just solid lockers. On the south side were just a few classroom doors, with lockers in between them. I always thought this setup completely sucked, because just about everyone had to come into this area between classes. Whatever. Will's locker was at the very bottom, nearest the doorway to the cafeteria, which was to the east. The lockers continued to the west. >wear boots Probably not a good idea--the metal cleats would make too much noise, calling more attention to myself than I wanted. >e Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. >nw As I started towards the kitchen doors, Victor cried, "Hey! The floor in there has fresh wax. Get some boots on, first." I saw a frown on his face as he went back to work. I desisted. Victor swept yet another bunch of crumbs into the row of dirt, and moved on to the next table. >wear boots The things were so frickin' big that they fit neatly over my sneakers. A faint whiff of floor wax passed under my nose. >nw I went behind the counter towards the kitchen doors. (first opening the swing-doors) I pushed open the swing-doors. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. >w Cold Storage This room was cold. And just bare metal walls. They must have emptied it out for the week while school was out. A tiny lightbulb was shining above. The door out to the kitchen was open, to the east. The room wasn't totally empty. A rack of lab coats was here; Victor probably rolled it in to get it off the kitchen floor before waxing. A doorway to the west, with clear plastic curtains, beckoned me further in. >put pretzel on counter I couldn't see any such thing. >w I stepped back into the freezer. Walk-In Freezer This place wasn't much different, except for two things. One was that there were shelves lining the north wall; the opposite wall had a line of fans high up, which were absolutely still. The other was that it was bitter fuckin' cold in there, but it seemed to be getting warmer. Through the plastic curtain to the east was the warmer half of the cooler, and the door back into the kitchen beyond. Under the shelves on the south wall, there was a square hatch in the floor. Lying on the floor along the north wall were chunks of ice from the ice patch I broke up. >e Cold Storage This room was cold. And just bare metal walls. They must have emptied it out for the week while school was out. A tiny lightbulb was shining above. The door out to the kitchen was open, to the east. The room wasn't totally empty. A rack of lab coats was here; Victor probably rolled it in to get it off the kitchen floor before waxing. A doorway to the west, with clear plastic curtains, beckoned me further in. >e I stepped back through the door into the kitchen. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. >put pretzel on counter (first taking the big pretzel) Got it. I placed the big pretzel onto the counter, careful not to mess it up. >z Time passed. >z Time passed. >z Time passed. I could have sworn I saw an ant cross the food prep counter, then disappear. >z Time passed. I detected a small movement, on the prep counter, out of the corner of my eye. >z Time passed. >z Time passed. >z Time passed. >z Time passed. >z Time passed. >z Time passed. >se (first opening the swing-doors) I pushed open the swing-doors. Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. >nw I went behind the counter towards the kitchen doors. As soon as I re-entered the kitchen, I saw literally a pile of ants on the counter where I placed the big pretzel. They scurried away in a hurry when they saw me coming. Un-friggin'-fortunately, they completely consumed the big pretzel; all they left were the nuggets of salt from the pretzel. I felt bad about letting them destroy Ziggy's gift. But then, they probably needed it more than I did, didn't they? I felt better with that thought. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. On the food prep counter was some rock salt. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. The swing-doors stopped swinging. I could have sworn I saw an ant cross the food prep counter, then disappear. >* WHAT??? That's not a verb I recognize. >take salt I carefully scooped up the rock salt into my hand. >put salt in pot I didn't want to get the salt wet. >put salt in bottle I put the rock salt into the baby bottle. >x bottle It was one of those big, transparent baby bottles, marked for just over twelve ounces. It had an attached rubber sucker top hanging open. In the baby bottle were some rock salt and some peanut butter. >x creased It looked like some notes, in pencil, in Will's scratchy handwriting. For infinite love-- 1 ounce peanut butter handful of rock salt 12 ounces llama urine Must be mixed in exactly this way-- 1 Boil the urine 2 Add the peanut butter and the rock salt 3 Cool it down 4 Serve with an infant's drinking vessel Must be suckled by two virgins of choice in presence of one fully mature woman. Must be administered by a male virgin dressed as an infant. This must have been what Will was writing down in the library last week, from that stupid book...?? How freakin' bizzarre! I just couldn't see Will even getting ONE girl to agree to this, let alone three. Was Will THAT friggin' desperate?? It was then that I put things together in my head. Will had partnered with the Creep to lure Anne, and possibly two other girls, into this ceremonial thingy. The yellow bottle lying nearby must be the potion that Will had concocted, following the recipe he wrote out on the notebook page! Somehow, I had to stop this arrangement. Here was Will, sleeping in a white robe, with the baby bottle full of potion nearby, and I was holding a mask. And I had seen the recipe. How could I grasp this opportunity?? In any case, I felt I was still not done on campus. There was something I needed to do. I detected a small movement, on the prep counter, out of the corner of my eye. >take peanut Got it. >take salt I carefully scooped up the rock salt into my hand. >l School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. >e I couldn't go that way. >se (first opening the swing-doors) I pushed open the swing-doors. Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. Victor swept yet another bunch of crumbs into the row of dirt, and moved on to the next table. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. >e I might have attracted attention out in the halls, with the steel-cleated boots on; so I took them off, first. I went back into the hall. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. >s North Janitor's Closet And another floor sink. The door, to the north, was open, letting in light from the hall. A banister to the south marked the top of a spiral stairway leading down. >put bottle in sink The sink is probably dirty as hell. And this one cracked. >drink water There was nothing suitable to drink here. >empty bottle That's not a verb I recognize. >n I stepped out of the janitor's closet yet again. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. >e (first opening the north hall doors) They seemed to be locked. >s North Janitor's Closet And another floor sink. The door, to the north, was open, letting in light from the hall. A banister to the south marked the top of a spiral stairway leading down. >e I couldn't go that way. >w I couldn't go that way. >w I couldn't go that way. >sn That's not a verb I recognize. >n I stepped out of the janitor's closet yet again. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. >w I went back up the hall, into the cafeteria. Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. >w I crossed the cafeteria to the doorway, and was greeted by a hallway full of lockers. North Hall, at the lockers The north wall of this part of the hall was just solid lockers. On the south side were just a few classroom doors, with lockers in between them. I always thought this setup completely sucked, because just about everyone had to come into this area between classes. Whatever. Will's locker was at the very bottom, nearest the doorway to the cafeteria, which was to the east. The lockers continued to the west. >e Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. >e I went back into the hall. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. >d Digging a hole with my fingers was not an option. >n There were no unlocked or open doors in that direction. >d Digging a hole with my fingers was not an option. >e (first opening the north hall doors) They seemed to be locked. >s North Janitor's Closet And another floor sink. The door, to the north, was open, letting in light from the hall. A banister to the south marked the top of a spiral stairway leading down. >d Digging a hole with my fingers was not an option. >s Boiler Room This must have been a boiler room once. I saw a couple of large drums sitting against the north wall with large pipes coming out of them up top. Beside them some steps went north, up into the wall. The chute that I slid down, which is now a metal stairway, went up into the south wall. Next to it was a lever sticking out of the wall, in a horizontal position. The room was dry, dark, warm and stuffy. It was dimly lit by light coming down the metal stairway, from the library. >n I went back up the winding stairway. North Janitor's Closet And another floor sink. The door, to the north, was open, letting in light from the hall. A banister to the south marked the top of a spiral stairway leading down. >s Boiler Room This must have been a boiler room once. I saw a couple of large drums sitting against the north wall with large pipes coming out of them up top. Beside them some steps went north, up into the wall. The chute that I slid down, which is now a metal stairway, went up into the south wall. Next to it was a lever sticking out of the wall, in a horizontal position. The room was dry, dark, warm and stuffy. It was dimly lit by light coming down the metal stairway, from the library. >u I took some tentative steps onto the metal stairway. I wasn't so frickin' sure it would bear my weight or be any less slippery than it was as a chute. The climb was steep and I had to lean against one wall to keep my balance. Finally, I made it back up into the library. Library, back area This was kind of the most private area of the library. A study table with chairs was on the east side; a soft chair was sitting near the west wall, pulled away from the corner. Bookshelves lined the walls, except for the window on the north wall, the space behind the soft chair, and an opening to the south, between the bookcases, which led to the front of the library. A section of carpet behind the soft chair had been pulled away, to reveal what looked like another trap door, which had been pulled up open. >s Library, at the counter This carpeted area had the main counter along the west wall; a plush sofa, a square chair and a round chair made up a small reading area facing out towards the hall, which was to the south. Shelves of books covered the east wall, and more shelves flanked the way further into the library, to the north. The library office was to the west, past the counter. A card catalogue was on the other side of the office doorway. On the large counter was a large book. >s I stepped back into the hall. Middle Hall, at the library To the north was the huge open area that we call the school library. It was like a big display of books, everywhere. To the east was the end of the hall, at the steel doors; west the hall ended at the doorway into the Study Hall. >w I went back into the study hall. "Hello there, again, fella!" said Ulmer, as I entered the room. Study Hall This place sure didn't change since I was last there. All of the desks, including my usual scarred desk, were still in the same place, facing away from the north wall. And Mr Fendwhistle's desk is still in the same position. On the wall above the desk was the school clock. To the west, past the snack machines, was the exit to the schoolyard and the parking lot; east was the doorway into Middle Hall. Ulmer was here, scrubbing down desks. A cleaning cart sat next to the big desk up front. Ulmer tightened the loose top of one of the desks. >w Concession Area Again, I was back in the concession area, with its crappy snack machine and Poplicious soda machine. The double-doors to the west were closed, with a padlocked chain through the handles. The study hall was to the east, where I could see Ulmer working. >kick soda (the poplicious soda machine) I gave the machine a gentle kick, knowing Ulmer was nearby. I didn't want him to notice. But he seemed to know what I was doing. "Here, let me show you," he said. He gave the machine a good swift kick on the side, in a very specific place. And he deftly caught the soda can as it shot out. I was stunned. Handing it to me, he said, "Having worked here thirteen years has SOME benefits." "Though I don't know why anyone would drink that stuff. To each his own, I guess." He returned to his work. That's exactly what I did! I got Ulmer to get me some Poplicious without paying for it. You earned 5 points for helping me remember! >* geez That's not a verb I recognize. >take can I was already carrying that. >e Study Hall This place sure didn't change since I was last there. All of the desks, including my usual scarred desk, were still in the same place, facing away from the north wall. And Mr Fendwhistle's desk is still in the same position. On the wall above the desk was the school clock. To the west, past the snack machines, was the exit to the schoolyard and the parking lot; east was the doorway into Middle Hall. Ulmer was here, scrubbing down desks. A cleaning cart sat next to the big desk up front. >n I couldn't go that way. >e I went back through the doorway into the hall, stopping at the library. Middle Hall, at the library To the north was the huge open area that we call the school library. It was like a big display of books, everywhere. To the east was the end of the hall, at the steel doors; west the hall ended at the doorway into the Study Hall. >n I stepped into the library. Library, at the counter This carpeted area had the main counter along the west wall; a plush sofa, a square chair and a round chair made up a small reading area facing out towards the hall, which was to the south. Shelves of books covered the east wall, and more shelves flanked the way further into the library, to the north. The library office was to the west, past the counter. A card catalogue was on the other side of the office doorway. On the large counter was a large book. >n Walking between the rows of shelves, I approached the back of the library. Library, back area This was kind of the most private area of the library. A study table with chairs was on the east side; a soft chair was sitting near the west wall, pulled away from the corner. Bookshelves lined the walls, except for the window on the north wall, the space behind the soft chair, and an opening to the south, between the bookcases, which led to the front of the library. A section of carpet behind the soft chair had been pulled away, to reveal what looked like another trap door, which had been pulled up open. >d I took a cautious step down onto the stairway, knowing how slippery the metal was when it was a chute. The steps were very small and steep, and I had to be frickin' careful. Finally, I was back in the boiler room. Boiler Room This must have been a boiler room once. I saw a couple of large drums sitting against the north wall with large pipes coming out of them up top. Beside them some steps went north, up into the wall. The chute that I slid down, which is now a metal stairway, went up into the south wall. Next to it was a lever sticking out of the wall, in a horizontal position. The room was dry, dark, warm and stuffy. It was dimly lit by light coming down the metal stairway, from the library. >n I went back up the winding stairway. North Janitor's Closet And another floor sink. The door, to the north, was open, letting in light from the hall. A banister to the south marked the top of a spiral stairway leading down. >u Well, I HAVE felt like climbing the walls here... >n I stepped out of the janitor's closet yet again. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. >w I went back up the hall, into the cafeteria. Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. >nw As I started towards the kitchen doors, Victor cried, "Hey! The floor in there has fresh wax. Get some boots on, first." I saw a frown on his face as he went back to work. I desisted. >n I couldn't go that way. >wear boots The things were so frickin' big that they fit neatly over my sneakers. >nw I went behind the counter towards the kitchen doors. (first opening the swing-doors) I pushed open the swing-doors. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. I could have sworn I saw an ant cross the food prep counter, then disappear. >n I stepped back out the door, into the night. Dump Area A gravelly alcove just wide enough to take a garbage truck; a dumpster occupied the center of the school brick wall, on the south side, right next to the kitchen back door. The fence was to the north, stretching tightly between brick walls to the east and west. I could see Russel Street, and the trees beyond, through the sliding, remote controlled gate in the fence; the area was dimly lit by streetlights along Russel. Right next to the back door, on the wall, was what looked like a breaker box. The garbage crew must have taken out the trash; the smell wasn't as rancid as I thought it might be. But it still stank to hell. The kitchen back door was standing open. What was freakin' odd was that, though there were wide tire tracks in the gravel, like from a garbage truck, leading up to the dumpster, there wasn't even any evidence that there was a car here. On the darker side of the dumpster, there was a manhole cover, lying partially over a hole in the ground. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >d I dropped down to the ground and put my feet into the hole. My feet found a short ladder, which I used to help me to the floor. Dim Room This looked like one end of a corridor that sloped slightly downward into the dark, to the west. A short metal ladder went up to a round hole over my head, where I could see the handle of the manhole cover that I moved; the handle was on the underside of the cover, which was lying partially over the hole. >w I advanced into the dark corridor. It seemed to go a long way, until I reached a low point. Dark Corridor This was just a tunnel that sloped upward to the east and west; I was in the low, middle part of it. >w I walked back to the west end of the corridor. Hatchway, under the garage This place was nearly identical to the one on the east end of the corridor; it had a metal ladder going a short way up the wall. But the ladder went up to a square hatch over my head, a hatch without a handle. The dark corridor was to the east. >u I climbed the ladder and through the hatch again, into the garage. Garage Now I knew a few things about cars, but not enough to know what parts, or tools, I was looking at, which were hanging up all over the shop. But I did know that there weren't any cars, here. The instructors must have taken their pieces of junk home with them; the concrete floor was clear. I could also tell that they drank a lot of coffee during classes; a coffee maker was sitting on a shelf, plugged into the wall. The north wall was filled by a huge garage door, made for two cars. The only other door out was to the southeast; it was closed. The hatch I came out of was hidden by a green turf rug, which covered that part of the floor. >open maker I opened the reservoir again, noting that there was no water in it, and nothing in the filter basket, not even a filter. >put pot in maker I put the coffee pot on the base plate. >put soda in reservoir That hardly qualifies as a liquid. >open can I pulled the tab on the can and it made the familiar SSST sound. It was open. It was then that I remembered that Poplicious tasted and smelled like llama urine. >put soda in reservoir I filled the reservoir with the yellow soda. Here goes. >close maker I closed the reservoir, also closing the filter basket. >push brek I couldn't see any such thing. >push brew But there was already some tepid water in the pot. >empty pot That's not a verb I recognize. >* umm That's not a verb I recognize. >take pot I took the pot out of the coffee maker. >e I couldn't go that way. >s I couldn't go that way. >d I pulled up the hatch, and backed into the hole, going down. Hatchway, under the garage This place was nearly identical to the one on the east end of the corridor; it had a metal ladder going a short way up the wall. But the ladder went up to a square hatch over my head, a hatch without a handle. The dark corridor was to the east. >e Dark Corridor This was just a tunnel that sloped upward to the east and west; I was in the low, middle part of it. >e I went back to the east end, where I first entered this passage, under the dump area. Dim Room This looked like one end of a corridor that sloped slightly downward into the dark, to the west. A short metal ladder went up to a round hole over my head, where I could see the handle of the manhole cover that I moved; the handle was on the underside of the cover, which was lying partially over the hole. >u I climbed up the ladder and hoisted myself back into the kitchen dump area. Dump Area A gravelly alcove just wide enough to take a garbage truck; a dumpster occupied the center of the school brick wall, on the south side, right next to the kitchen back door. The fence was to the north, stretching tightly between brick walls to the east and west. I could see Russel Street, and the trees beyond, through the sliding, remote controlled gate in the fence; the area was dimly lit by streetlights along Russel. Right next to the back door, on the wall, was what looked like a breaker box. The garbage crew must have taken out the trash; the smell wasn't as rancid as I thought it might be. But it still stank to hell. The kitchen back door was standing open. What was freakin' odd was that, though there were wide tire tracks in the gravel, like from a garbage truck, leading up to the dumpster, there wasn't even any evidence that there was a car here. On the darker side of the dumpster, there was a manhole cover, lying partially over a hole in the ground. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >w I couldn't go that way. >w I couldn't go that way. >s I stepped back into the kitchen, glad to escape the thick miasma of the dump area. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. >w Cold Storage This room was cold. And just bare metal walls. They must have emptied it out for the week while school was out. A tiny lightbulb was shining above. The door out to the kitchen was open, to the east. The room wasn't totally empty. A rack of lab coats was here; Victor probably rolled it in to get it off the kitchen floor before waxing. A doorway to the west, with clear plastic curtains, beckoned me further in. >w I stepped back into the freezer. Walk-In Freezer This place wasn't much different, except for two things. One was that there were shelves lining the north wall; the opposite wall had a line of fans high up, which were absolutely still. The other was that it was bitter fuckin' cold in there, but it seemed to be getting warmer. Through the plastic curtain to the east was the warmer half of the cooler, and the door back into the kitchen beyond. Under the shelves on the south wall, there was a square hatch in the floor. Lying on the floor along the north wall were chunks of ice from the ice patch I broke up. >put water on hatch Pouring more water on the hatch didn't seem to make sense. >* no That's not a verb I recognize. >e Cold Storage This room was cold. And just bare metal walls. They must have emptied it out for the week while school was out. A tiny lightbulb was shining above. The door out to the kitchen was open, to the east. The room wasn't totally empty. A rack of lab coats was here; Victor probably rolled it in to get it off the kitchen floor before waxing. A doorway to the west, with clear plastic curtains, beckoned me further in. >e I stepped back through the door into the kitchen. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. >se (first opening the swing-doors) I pushed open the swing-doors. Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. >e I might have attracted attention out in the halls, with the steel-cleated boots on; so I took them off, first. I went back into the hall. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. >s North Janitor's Closet And another floor sink. The door, to the north, was open, letting in light from the hall. A banister to the south marked the top of a spiral stairway leading down. >put water on sink I emptied the coffee pot into the drain. >* whew That's not a verb I recognize. >put water on sink I couldn't see any such thing. >x bottle It was one of those big, transparent baby bottles, marked for just over twelve ounces. It had an attached rubber sucker top hanging open. >n I stepped out of the janitor's closet yet again. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. >w I went back up the hall, into the cafeteria. Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. A faint whiff of floor wax passed under my nose. >nw As I started towards the kitchen doors, Victor cried, "Hey! The floor in there has fresh wax. Get some boots on, first." I saw a frown on his face as he went back to work. I desisted. >wear boots The things were so frickin' big that they fit neatly over my sneakers. >nw I went behind the counter towards the kitchen doors. (first opening the swing-doors) I pushed open the swing-doors. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. I detected a small movement, on the prep counter, out of the corner of my eye. >n I stepped back out the door, into the night. Dump Area A gravelly alcove just wide enough to take a garbage truck; a dumpster occupied the center of the school brick wall, on the south side, right next to the kitchen back door. The fence was to the north, stretching tightly between brick walls to the east and west. I could see Russel Street, and the trees beyond, through the sliding, remote controlled gate in the fence; the area was dimly lit by streetlights along Russel. Right next to the back door, on the wall, was what looked like a breaker box. The garbage crew must have taken out the trash; the smell wasn't as rancid as I thought it might be. But it still stank to hell. The kitchen back door was standing open. What was freakin' odd was that, though there were wide tire tracks in the gravel, like from a garbage truck, leading up to the dumpster, there wasn't even any evidence that there was a car here. On the darker side of the dumpster, there was a manhole cover, lying partially over a hole in the ground. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >d I dropped down to the ground and put my feet into the hole. My feet found a short ladder, which I used to help me to the floor. Dim Room This looked like one end of a corridor that sloped slightly downward into the dark, to the west. A short metal ladder went up to a round hole over my head, where I could see the handle of the manhole cover that I moved; the handle was on the underside of the cover, which was lying partially over the hole. >w I advanced into the dark corridor. It seemed to go a long way, until I reached a low point. Dark Corridor This was just a tunnel that sloped upward to the east and west; I was in the low, middle part of it. >w I walked back to the west end of the corridor. Hatchway, under the garage This place was nearly identical to the one on the east end of the corridor; it had a metal ladder going a short way up the wall. But the ladder went up to a square hatch over my head, a hatch without a handle. The dark corridor was to the east. >u I climbed the ladder and through the hatch again, into the garage. Garage Now I knew a few things about cars, but not enough to know what parts, or tools, I was looking at, which were hanging up all over the shop. But I did know that there weren't any cars, here. The instructors must have taken their pieces of junk home with them; the concrete floor was clear. I could also tell that they drank a lot of coffee during classes; a coffee maker was sitting on a shelf, plugged into the wall. The north wall was filled by a huge garage door, made for two cars. The only other door out was to the southeast; it was closed. The hatch I came out of was hidden by a green turf rug, which covered that part of the floor. >put pot in maker I put the coffee pot on the base plate. >push brew I pressed the button and for a moment, nothing happened. Then I saw a stream of hot yellow water--or hot Poplicious--start dripping into the pot. I watched in wonder as the pot slowly filled. Or, actually, I watched with friggin' impatience. When was the thing going to frickin' finish..??? The machine gurgled and clicked, as soda was being syphoned into the filter basket. After a few minutes, the pot was full of hot Poplicious soda. The button clicked back, indicating that the machine was done. >x creased It looked like some notes, in pencil, in Will's scratchy handwriting. For infinite love-- 1 ounce peanut butter handful of rock salt 12 ounces llama urine Must be mixed in exactly this way-- 1 Boil the urine 2 Add the peanut butter and the rock salt 3 Cool it down 4 Serve with an infant's drinking vessel Must be suckled by two virgins of choice in presence of one fully mature woman. Must be administered by a male virgin dressed as an infant. This must have been what Will was writing down in the library last week, from that stupid book...?? How freakin' bizzarre! I just couldn't see Will even getting ONE girl to agree to this, let alone three. Was Will THAT friggin' desperate?? It was then that I put things together in my head. Will had partnered with the Creep to lure Anne, and possibly two other girls, into this ceremonial thingy. The yellow bottle lying nearby must be the potion that Will had concocted, following the recipe he wrote out on the notebook page! Somehow, I had to stop this arrangement. Here was Will, sleeping in a white robe, with the baby bottle full of potion nearby, and I was holding a mask. And I had seen the recipe. How could I grasp this opportunity?? In any case, I felt I was still not done on campus. There was something I needed to do. >put peanut butter in pot I dropped the peanut butter into the hot soda, and it started dissolving like crazy. Maybe that's how Poplicious is, when hot--it eats up frickin' anything. Soon the peanut butter was gone. >put salt in pot I dropped the rock salt into the hot soda, and it started dissolving like crazy. Maybe that's how Poplicious is, when hot--it eats up frickin' anything. Soon the salt was gone. Now I just had to wait until the stuff cooled off. >x creased It looked like some notes, in pencil, in Will's scratchy handwriting. For infinite love-- 1 ounce peanut butter handful of rock salt 12 ounces llama urine Must be mixed in exactly this way-- 1 Boil the urine 2 Add the peanut butter and the rock salt 3 Cool it down 4 Serve with an infant's drinking vessel Must be suckled by two virgins of choice in presence of one fully mature woman. Must be administered by a male virgin dressed as an infant. This must have been what Will was writing down in the library last week, from that stupid book...?? How freakin' bizzarre! I just couldn't see Will even getting ONE girl to agree to this, let alone three. Was Will THAT friggin' desperate?? It was then that I put things together in my head. Will had partnered with the Creep to lure Anne, and possibly two other girls, into this ceremonial thingy. The yellow bottle lying nearby must be the potion that Will had concocted, following the recipe he wrote out on the notebook page! Somehow, I had to stop this arrangement. Here was Will, sleeping in a white robe, with the baby bottle full of potion nearby, and I was holding a mask. And I had seen the recipe. How could I grasp this opportunity?? In any case, I felt I was still not done on campus. There was something I needed to do. >e I couldn't go that way. >take pot I took the pot out of the coffee maker. >d I pulled up the hatch, and backed into the hole, going down. Hatchway, under the garage This place was nearly identical to the one on the east end of the corridor; it had a metal ladder going a short way up the wall. But the ladder went up to a square hatch over my head, a hatch without a handle. The dark corridor was to the east. >e Dark Corridor This was just a tunnel that sloped upward to the east and west; I was in the low, middle part of it. >e I went back to the east end, where I first entered this passage, under the dump area. Dim Room This looked like one end of a corridor that sloped slightly downward into the dark, to the west. A short metal ladder went up to a round hole over my head, where I could see the handle of the manhole cover that I moved; the handle was on the underside of the cover, which was lying partially over the hole. >u I climbed up the ladder and hoisted myself back into the kitchen dump area. Dump Area A gravelly alcove just wide enough to take a garbage truck; a dumpster occupied the center of the school brick wall, on the south side, right next to the kitchen back door. The fence was to the north, stretching tightly between brick walls to the east and west. I could see Russel Street, and the trees beyond, through the sliding, remote controlled gate in the fence; the area was dimly lit by streetlights along Russel. Right next to the back door, on the wall, was what looked like a breaker box. The garbage crew must have taken out the trash; the smell wasn't as rancid as I thought it might be. But it still stank to hell. The kitchen back door was standing open. What was freakin' odd was that, though there were wide tire tracks in the gravel, like from a garbage truck, leading up to the dumpster, there wasn't even any evidence that there was a car here. On the darker side of the dumpster, there was a manhole cover, lying partially over a hole in the ground. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >push freezer I moved the switch back into its original position. >s I stepped back into the kitchen, glad to escape the thick miasma of the dump area. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. >w Cold Storage This room was cold. And just bare metal walls. They must have emptied it out for the week while school was out. A tiny lightbulb was shining above. The door out to the kitchen was open, to the east. The room wasn't totally empty. A rack of lab coats was here; Victor probably rolled it in to get it off the kitchen floor before waxing. A doorway to the west, with clear plastic curtains, beckoned me further in. I could hear the muffled sound of a fan constantly blowing, from behind the curtain. >w I stepped back into the freezer. Walk-In Freezer This place wasn't much different, except for two things. One was that there were shelves lining the north wall; the opposite wall had a line of fans high up, blowing with a constant humming noise. The other was that it was bitter fuckin' cold in there and I didn't know how much longer I could stay! Under the shelves on the south wall, there was a square hatch in the floor. Lying on the floor along the north wall were chunks of ice from the ice patch I broke up. I couldn't be sure how long I could stay here. It was very cold and freezing air was blowing directly on me. >put pot on shelf I put the coffee pot on the long shelves. My goosebumps just got bigger. >e I dove through the curtain, back into the warmer air of the cooler. Cold Storage This room was cold. And just bare metal walls. They must have emptied it out for the week while school was out. A tiny lightbulb was shining above. The door out to the kitchen was open, to the east. The room wasn't totally empty. A rack of lab coats was here; Victor probably rolled it in to get it off the kitchen floor before waxing. A doorway to the west, with clear plastic curtains, beckoned me further in. I could hear the muffled sound of a fan constantly blowing, from behind the curtain. >z Time passed. >w I stepped back into the freezer. Walk-In Freezer This place wasn't much different, except for two things. One was that there were shelves lining the north wall; the opposite wall had a line of fans high up, blowing with a constant humming noise. The other was that it was bitter fuckin' cold in there and I didn't know how much longer I could stay! Under the shelves on the south wall, there was a square hatch in the floor. Lying on the floor along the north wall were chunks of ice from the ice patch I broke up. On the long shelves was a coffee pot (in which was some hot soda). I couldn't be sure how long I could stay here. It was very cold and freezing air was blowing directly on me. >x pot It was one of those dinky two-cup pots. It was full of hot soda. My goosebumps just got bigger. >z Time passed. My teeth started chattering. I noticed that my hot Poplicious had cooled down significantly. I now had some fake frickin' love potion. That's exactly what I did! I followed a recipe exactly. You earned 15 points for helping me remember! >take pot Got it. I was serious. It was super cold in there. >e I dove through the curtain, back into the warmer air of the cooler. Cold Storage This room was cold. And just bare metal walls. They must have emptied it out for the week while school was out. A tiny lightbulb was shining above. The door out to the kitchen was open, to the east. The room wasn't totally empty. A rack of lab coats was here; Victor probably rolled it in to get it off the kitchen floor before waxing. A doorway to the west, with clear plastic curtains, beckoned me further in. >n I couldn't go that way. >e I stepped back through the door into the kitchen. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. I could have sworn I saw an ant cross the food prep counter, then disappear. >n I stepped back out the door, into the night. Dump Area A gravelly alcove just wide enough to take a garbage truck; a dumpster occupied the center of the school brick wall, on the south side, right next to the kitchen back door. The fence was to the north, stretching tightly between brick walls to the east and west. I could see Russel Street, and the trees beyond, through the sliding, remote controlled gate in the fence; the area was dimly lit by streetlights along Russel. Right next to the back door, on the wall, was what looked like a breaker box. The garbage crew must have taken out the trash; the smell wasn't as rancid as I thought it might be. But it still stank to hell. The kitchen back door was standing open. What was freakin' odd was that, though there were wide tire tracks in the gravel, like from a garbage truck, leading up to the dumpster, there wasn't even any evidence that there was a car here. On the darker side of the dumpster, there was a manhole cover, lying partially over a hole in the ground. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >save Ok. >put potion in bottle (the fake love potion in the baby bottle) I poured the potion into the baby bottle, thus completing the recipe. Next I had to figure out what to do with it. That's exactly what I did! I got the formula ready. You earned 5 points for helping me remember! >n I tried to slide the gate aside, but it would not budge. I would probably need a special controller to do that. >d I dropped down to the ground and put my feet into the hole. My feet found a short ladder, which I used to help me to the floor. Dim Room This looked like one end of a corridor that sloped slightly downward into the dark, to the west. A short metal ladder went up to a round hole over my head, where I could see the handle of the manhole cover that I moved; the handle was on the underside of the cover, which was lying partially over the hole. >n I couldn't go that way. >n I couldn't go that way. >d Digging a hole with my fingers was not an option. >w I advanced into the dark corridor. It seemed to go a long way, until I reached a low point. Dark Corridor This was just a tunnel that sloped upward to the east and west; I was in the low, middle part of it. >w I walked back to the west end of the corridor. Hatchway, under the garage This place was nearly identical to the one on the east end of the corridor; it had a metal ladder going a short way up the wall. But the ladder went up to a square hatch over my head, a hatch without a handle. The dark corridor was to the east. >e Dark Corridor This was just a tunnel that sloped upward to the east and west; I was in the low, middle part of it. >e I went back to the east end, where I first entered this passage, under the dump area. Dim Room This looked like one end of a corridor that sloped slightly downward into the dark, to the west. A short metal ladder went up to a round hole over my head, where I could see the handle of the manhole cover that I moved; the handle was on the underside of the cover, which was lying partially over the hole. >u I climbed up the ladder and hoisted myself back into the kitchen dump area. Dump Area A gravelly alcove just wide enough to take a garbage truck; a dumpster occupied the center of the school brick wall, on the south side, right next to the kitchen back door. The fence was to the north, stretching tightly between brick walls to the east and west. I could see Russel Street, and the trees beyond, through the sliding, remote controlled gate in the fence; the area was dimly lit by streetlights along Russel. Right next to the back door, on the wall, was what looked like a breaker box. The garbage crew must have taken out the trash; the smell wasn't as rancid as I thought it might be. But it still stank to hell. The kitchen back door was standing open. What was freakin' odd was that, though there were wide tire tracks in the gravel, like from a garbage truck, leading up to the dumpster, there wasn't even any evidence that there was a car here. On the darker side of the dumpster, there was a manhole cover, lying partially over a hole in the ground. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >s I stepped back into the kitchen, glad to escape the thick miasma of the dump area. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. >w Cold Storage This room was cold. And just bare metal walls. They must have emptied it out for the week while school was out. A tiny lightbulb was shining above. The door out to the kitchen was open, to the east. The room wasn't totally empty. A rack of lab coats was here; Victor probably rolled it in to get it off the kitchen floor before waxing. A doorway to the west, with clear plastic curtains, beckoned me further in. I could hear the muffled sound of a fan constantly blowing, from behind the curtain. >w I stepped back into the freezer. Walk-In Freezer This place wasn't much different, except for two things. One was that there were shelves lining the north wall; the opposite wall had a line of fans high up, blowing with a constant humming noise. The other was that it was bitter fuckin' cold in there and I didn't know how much longer I could stay! Under the shelves on the south wall, there was a square hatch in the floor. Lying on the floor along the north wall were chunks of ice from the ice patch I broke up. I couldn't be sure how long I could stay here. It was very cold and freezing air was blowing directly on me. >d I went back down through the hatch, and it closed over me as I descended the ladder. Dismal Basement The walls of this place were rough concrete, and very uneven. A steel ladder on the east wall went up to a square metal hatch. A very dark tunnel led north. >n I walked into the tunnel again. I passed a number of caved-in stairways that went nowhere, ladders without hatches. I stopped after about five hundred feet. Underground Passage This dark tunnel had cracked concrete walls and a dirt floor that went on for what seemed like several blocks. The air was stale and dusty. The tunnel continued north and south from here. >remove boots I easily removed the clodhoppers. >remove uniform I dropped my stuff, took off the uniform, and picked my stuff back up. >remove clothes I was carrying too many things already. >put all in backpack can of Poplicious soda: I tossed the can of Poplicious soda into the backpack. rubber boots: I tossed the rubber boots into the backpack. dirty uniform: I tossed the dirty uniform into the backpack. coffee pot: I tossed the coffee pot into the backpack. terrycloth robe: I tossed the terrycloth robe into the backpack. baby bottle: I tossed the baby bottle into the backpack. bottom half: I tossed the bottom half into the backpack. drill rifle: The drill rifle was too big to fit into the backpack. >remove clothes I stripped to my skivvies and socks. >wear robe (first taking the terrycloth robe) Got it. I put the robe on over my slender form. It covered me completely down to my socks. Now with the mask on, I should be completely indistinguishable from Will. >wear mask I was already wearing that! >n I walked to the north end again, with the debris and the ladder. Passage End The north wall here was completely made of broken concrete, dust and dirt that looked like it had fallen in from above. On the west wall was a ladder that went up to another manhole cover. I could see a handle hanging from the cover. The tunnel went south from here. >u I climbed back up out of the hole again. Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >search white robe (the terrycloth robe) The huge pocket was empty. >x tiny I couldn't see any such thing. >search will I took a quick and gentle look. There was nothing in the robe pocket, except a tiny note, which I took. Under the robe he wore only briefs. Not Will's usual attire, he usually wore a full suit of pajamas and never showed his hairless chest. I heard an extra-loud snore come from Will. >x tiny It said-- Knock, knock, knock, knockknock If there was only one thing Will was good at, it was taking notes. It must have been some kind of knocking code, which I should probably use when I find the door. A grasshopper skipped over the tall grass nearby. >e I walked back to the shack. Old Shack This was a small space in the thicker part of the woods. To the north was the wooden door to the shack; it was closed. As big as the shack was, it looked more like a barn. I could see light between some of the boards. The path back to the manhole cover went west; more woods were in every other direction. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >knock on door Before I knocked, I hesitated. There was something about my ensemble that did not feel right. Wasn't Will carrying something? A baby bottle? With potion in it?? >take bottle Got it. >knock on door I did the "knock, knock, knock, knockknock" bit on the door--three raps, each with a pause, followed by two quick ones. Finally, I heard some motion inside. There was a click, and the door flew open; I had to step back to dodge it. "Finally. I thought you would be out there for-fucking-EVER!" said the sharp, raspy whispering voice. I was facing a man in a plastic DARTH VADER mask! "Now just a minute," he said, as he took the baby bottle out of my hands. He gave it a good whiff. He smiled. "Yessss...genuine llama piss mixed with salt and peanut butter. It'll hit the spot!!" He guffawed as he closed it and handed it back to me. Please press SPACE to continue. He continued. "Well, it may be a while, I need some time, I am, ah, going over some information." He stepped towards another door inside, which was open, revealing some light. It was then that I noticed the three pillars inside the barn, and a torch that was perched on the pillar near the opposite wall. He turned around again to face me. "Meanwhile, feel free to visit with our guests." He motioned towards (yet another) manhole cover on the floor. "But don't get, ah, fresh. Yet!" He bellowed with laughter. "Remember to keep your mask on! And your robe!" Another guffaw. Please press SPACE to continue. "By the way, Will," he whispered, "I want to take a moment, to, ah, THANK you for your contribution to our ceremony. For the potion, ever so essential to the ritual. And for your assistance in, ah, securing our attendees." He took a somber posture. He gazed at me expectantly. At least I thought he did. Then I took the hint. In a whisper (I always had trouble doing Will's friggin' irregular voice), and careful about my wording, I said, "And I want to thank you, too, for providing the llama urine, and the girls. And the venue." I tried to sound excited. I stopped before saying too frickin' much. The Creep bowed. "I'll be in my study," he said, indicating the interior door. "Come in, make yourself at home, visit with the girls." He gave me another long look. "Girls who are soon to be TRULY OURS." That sounded ominous. "Oh yes," I whispered. Please press SPACE to continue. He turned around and went through the interior door, slamming it behind him. I thought I heard some humming. After a click, and a little more racket, there was silence. I stood there before the open shack door. Old Shack This was a small space in the thicker part of the woods. To the north was the wooden door to the shack; it was open. As big as the shack was, it looked more like a barn. I could see light between some of the boards. The path back to the manhole cover went west; more woods were in every other direction. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. That's exactly what I did! I successfully crashed the temple. You earned 15 points for helping me remember! >save Ok. >n I stepped into the shack, among the wooden pillars. Post Room There was a frickin' dreary feeling to this room. There were three wooden posts which were in a perfect triangle, one to either side of the room, the third near the back wall; this one had a lit torch stuck into the top of it, just above head height. Some twigs were piled high in the center of the triangle, on the floor. There was a knotty door in the west wall, and I could see light in between the cracks. The door back out was to the south. It was hanging open. Light from the torch reflected off of a manhole cover in the floor, which I spotted near the east wall. >x twigs A lot of big and small twigs and branches, piled together. Maybe this will become a fire? >x triangle I couldn't see any such thing. >x posts I couldn't see any such thing. >x post Which do you mean, the right post, the left post or the back post? >right It was about eight feet tall, and stuck deep into the ground. On it was etched a symbol that looked like a stick figure of a little girl in a skirt with a little bow in her hair, like you would see on a public bathroom door. > I beg your pardon? >x left It was about eight feet tall, and stuck deep into the ground. On it was etched a symbol that looked like a stick figure of a little girl in a skirt with a little bow in her hair, like you would see on a public bathroom door. >x back It was about eight feet tall, and stuck deep into the ground. On it was etched a symbol that looked like a stick figure of a woman wearing a skirt, like you would see on a public bathroom door. >l Post Room There was a frickin' dreary feeling to this room. There were three wooden posts which were in a perfect triangle, one to either side of the room, the third near the back wall; this one had a lit torch stuck into the top of it, just above head height. Some twigs were piled high in the center of the triangle, on the floor. There was a knotty door in the west wall, and I could see light in between the cracks. The door back out was to the south. It was hanging open. Light from the torch reflected off of a manhole cover in the floor, which I spotted near the east wall. >x torch It was blazing, standing straight up from the post, and lighting the place. >take it I couldn't reach it. >look in cracks I couldn't see any such thing. >w I didn't dare. Why give myself another chance to screw up with this guy?? >d But the hole was closed. By the manhole cover. >open cover I couldn't get a grip on it. I would probably need my hook. >open cover with hook (first taking the steel hook) Got it. The hook was a perfect fit for the eyehole. I then pulled it up by the crosspiece, and the manhole cover came up, and I dragged it off of the hole far enough to be able to climb in. I pulled the hook out. >d I dropped down to the ground and put my feet into the hole. My feet found a short ladder, which I used to help me to the floor. As I climbed down, it hit me. Will is involved in this. I can only think that he must have been so frickin' desperate for love, for SOMEthing from a woman, that he would do something like this. And join up with the Creep?? Is the Creep someone we know? Someone just as hard up, who would use some kind of mumbo-jumbo idiot-assed magic to gain a woman's sympathies? Would Will do shit like this? How long had they been planning this? I remember Will getting the 'recipe', last week. Oh, about the 'virgins' mentioned in the recipe. I can only wonder who these guys managed to kidnap. Will was at Liz's with me earlier today. Or yesterday, who knows what time it was, now. Is Liz one of them? And who is the other? Intent to find out, I looked around. Lit Hallway This looked like an old prison cell block. Like very old. The hallway stretched east of here, and I could see doors with barred windows up ahead, in a staggered pattern. Flaming torches placed here and there lit the way. A rusty ladder led upward to a manhole over my head. I could see the iron handle of the manhole cover, which was lying partially over the hole. On the wall near the ladder was an iron hook. Hanging from it was a rusty keyring. >x hook (the steel hook) A hook with a crosspiece on the straight end. It looked old, about an inch and a half long, but strong and sturdy. >take it I was already carrying that. >x iron Which do you mean, the iron handle or the iron hook? >hook It stuck out of the wall near the ladder. Hanging from it was a rusty keyring. >x rusty (the rusty ladder) It was a lot like the ladders in the underground passages I had been in. Metal and nailed to the wall. >x rusty keyring It looked very old and rusty. It had two old-timey keys on it which looked identical. >take it Got it. >e I passed a number of wooden doors, and from sheer force of friggin' habit, I pulled on every one of them, looking in every barred window. They all seemed to be dark. Finally, I found a door where light was coming out of the window. Lit Hallway, at the lighted door This torchlit hall continued east-west from here. One of the cell doors on the north wall, in this part of the hall, had flickering light shining through the window. >n (first opening the lighted cell door) I grabbed the handle and yanked on the door, back and forth. Then I heard a snort, then a female-sounding "ah! Wha?" Then another sound, like someone getting up off the floor. Suddenly I saw Anne's face. Her eyebrows raised, then frowned, as she yelled, "YOU, stay AWAY from me!", backing to the wall. It was then that I realized that I was still wearing that stupid rubber mask that I got off of Will. I unzipped it and yanked it off, saying, "Anne, it's me, Tom." She gave me a questioning look. "Tom?" She stepped up closer to the door. "Don't tell me that YOU'RE involved in this!? Tom, you REALLY disappoint me! I didn't think that you'd STOOP to this level! Helping that guy kidnap me! Tom, I am supposed to be in California, getting ready to be married! I didn't know that you were so VINDICTIVE!" She started to sob. Oh I hated that. "No, Anne. No." I tried to be quiet. "I WANT you to be happy, and have a good life. I didn't kidnap you. I came to RESCUE you!" She said, "Oh yeah? Then how the hell did you find me? Why the getup? How did you get here?" She kept sobbing, turning away from me. If only there was some way, or something that I could show her that would convince her that I was sincere. >i I was carrying: a rusty keyring a steel hook a baby bottle (closed) some fake love potion a tiny note a terrycloth robe (being worn) a rubber mask a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads a green backpack (open) a bottom half a coffee pot (empty) a dirty uniform some rubber boots a can of Poplicious soda (open but empty) a yellow scrap a credit card an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key a creased notebook page my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill There was nothing in the pocket of the robe. >show creased to anne (first taking the creased notebook page) Got it. I stuck the creased notebook page through the bars. Anne snatched it and read over it. "What is this supposed to mean to me?" she said, tossing it back to me >l Lit Hallway, at Anne's cell This torchlit hall continued east-west from here. One of the cell doors on the north wall, in this part of the hall, had flickering light shining through the window. I could see Anne inside the lighted cell, pacing around with her arms folded. >x anne She was dressed in her practical garb, faded old jeans and a loose western shirt. Her hair tied up in a topknot, and with tennis shoes on. She often dressed like that when she was travelling. Still makes guys like me drool. She looked like she had just cried, her eyes puffed. She also looked preoccupied, looking off into space. >e I could feel Anne's cold stare as I passed her door. I continued deeper into the hall, passing many closed doors and dark windows. I figured that I would find another lighted door, sooner or later. I didn't have long to go. I had reached a bend in the hall, and straight ahead to the east was a door with a subtle light coming through its window. Hall Corner The hall, coming from the west, made a bend here, continuing south. I could see torches and wooden doors going on forever in either direction. In the east wall near the corner was a door with a dimly lit window I thought I heard the sound of irregular breathing, probably from behind the cell door to the east. >e (first opening the dimly lit door) I grabbed the handle and yanked on the door, back and forth. I heard a shriek. I had to hold my friggin' ears. Then through the bars, I could see Liz's face. I could hardly believe it. Will and the Creep actually got her in here, too. "Tom! So you've come to rescue me? And you are disguised as Will to fool that other creep? You are so smart." She gave me a glowing look. I had to admit for a moment that I was flattered. Though I did detect a bit of patronization. Please press SPACE to continue. I really didn't want to go into a long story with a lot of details, so I just said, "Well, Liz, they kidnapped you and two other girls, as part of this weird ritual to get you all to fall in love with them." Liz said, "Well I figured that from the way they were dressed. I was sitting out on the beach with my, when he went to go get us a take-out dinner from Gérard's. About ten minutes later, this creep in a Darth Vader costume comes up. I thought it was my playing a joke on me, so my guard was off, and I played along." Please press SPACE to continue. She continued. "He put this rag to my mouth, and I was out. I thought he was making some joke about 'using the Force' to strangle me, putting his hand out to my mouth. I woke up just as I was being carried into this cell." Liz's eyes widened as she looked at me. "And I saw Will! He had a robe on, just like you do. And some stupid baby mask. As they were carrying me, it must have fallen off, it wasn't zipped down in the back, I think, and I saw his face. The other guy cursed Will as he walked off." Please press SPACE to continue. Liz then got reflective. She said, "You know, it's funny, about the Darth Vader guy. He talked in whispers, and so did Will. Why would Will want to do this to me? Did he want me so bad that he had to conspire with this other guy to 'get' me??" She made a gagging motion with her mouth. Then she grinned at me narrowly. "And how did you get into this picture?" Please press SPACE to continue. "I know one of the other victims," I said, flatly, choosing my details carefully. "They wanted her diary, and the dark guy forced me to get it for him. I found it, and after I gave it to him, I followed them, and you know the rest." "Well, Tom, you are certainly a very good guy!" She gave me another glowing look. Then her face got serious again. "So is my guy, and I'll bet he has the entire police force out looking for me by now." She looked away. Well, I certainly had no friggin' idea. The streets seemed quieter than a Sunday night. But I was duty-bound to get her out and back home. Please press SPACE to continue. Then Liz frowned. "Who else did they kidnap?" "Well, one girl that I know, and another one that I don't. Listen, Liz, we can't talk much longer, they are going to move ahead with their crap when the Sun rises, and I need to figure out an escape plan, like find another exit. You just sit tight, here, and I will come back for you." She smiled. "You are so sweet, being my hero." I half-smiled back. Lit Hallway, at Liz's cell The hall, coming from the west, made a bend here, continuing south. I could see torches and wooden doors going on forever in either direction. In the east wall near the corner was a door with a dimly lit window I could see Liz pacing around, through the window of her cell door. I heard Liz's cell door shake as she pulled on it. She let it go, hopelessly, stepping away. >x window (the dimly lit door) It was much like the other doors here, though I could see a dim beam of light flickering from the window, like from a poorly-lit torch. I could see Liz pacing around nervously in her cell. >x liz She had a kind of roughed-up look. Her hair was still tied up from earlier, and she had on a light, breezy summer blouse and gym pants, with thongs on her feet. And I could see her, ahem, bikini top through the blouse. She grinned at me when she caught me staring. >s As I started to walk away, Liz said, "Tom? You're not going to forget about me, here, are you?" I said, "Of course not. I'm going to figure out a way to get you all out of here." I looked back; she gave me a smile and a wink. I quickly said, "And neither will your boyfriend. As you said, he probably has half the county looking for you by now." Her smile disappeared. I then remembered that she had said that this guy was married. This being now Saturday morning, it wasn't so damn likely that he would be calling the police from work. Or from home; he would be at home with his wife, and he might be eaten up inside worried about Liz. I just don't see him, whoever he is, contacting the police from home, with his wife and/or family there, about some strange girl that he took to the beach for walks and dinner. On a whim, I asked her, "Who is your guy?" Her face fell again. "I....I...can't....tell you," she said, in halting tones. "Though I suppose you might find out." I nodded. "Well, let me see what I can do." I stepped away. "Okay, Tom. I'll be waiting," she said, with a grin, and then another wink. Somehow, I just didn't see how Will ever thought that Liz was a virgin. I went around the corner, following the hall to the south, looking into each window, checking each door, looking for the third girl. Nothing, no one. The hall seemed to take on a musty, mildewy smell. Feeling desperate, I came to the last door, which was moldy as hell at the bottom. I was relieved to see a flickering light through the barred window. Lit Hallway, at moldy door The air was musty and had a heavy feeling, in this part of the hall, which went back north from here. To the south I could see the end of the hall; from here, I sensed something strange about the walls there, which I couldn't quite put my finger on. In the west wall was the last cell door. It was incredibly moldy on the bottom. I could see a flickering light in the barred window of the cell. >look in window (the moldy door) I couldn't see anything through the small window, except the bare walls. I could hear the sound of steady breathing coming from the cell door. >w (first opening the moldy door) I grabbed the handle of the door and started yanking on it really hard, and slapping it with my hand. The door seemed a bit weak from the moisture, and splinters fell off of it, but it was still closed and locked tightly. Then I heard some intent footsteps. A girl appeared in the window, tall, with curly, fiery red hair. A stern face, with piercing blue eyes. Jeans, her arms folded over a tee-shirt, and leather shoes. Allison. "WHO the HELL are YOU?" she said, in a quietly cold voice. "I'm Tom," I said. "Tom Trundle." Please press SPACE to continue. Her eyes narrowed. "You're from my high school, aren't you?? Horace Lamb??" "Yeah, you graduated last year, when I was a sophomore." And she was still absolutely gorgeous, despite her hair looking a bit rough. And her freakin' obvious look of distrust. "Well, you're awfully friendly considering you just fucking kidnapped me!" she said, sharply. "What do you expect to get away with? Assuming, of course, I don't KICK YOUR ASS??" That came totally unexpected. And she looked totally capable of it. Please press SPACE to continue. And it would be totally arousing, if it weren't for the friggin' urgency of the situation. Clearing my throat, I said, "I expect to get you out of here, and back home with your father." Whoops. I really didn't mean to say that part, inviting frickin' emotionality. She stepped back a bit. " father?" She looked away, a bit stunned. "How do you know my Dad??" she said, in disbelief. Please press SPACE to continue. I said, "Ulmer? Ulmer Underwood? He's one of the night custodians at our school, isn't he? He told me about you. He said you moved out suddenly, and had not contacted him yet." She paused, looking down. Then she looked back up and said, incredulously, "Okay, so how did you know where I was?? Oh, wait a minute, wasn't that you I saw with Lord Vader, putting that rag to my face while he held me back?? You're wearing that same white robe, pretending to be Baby Luke Skywalker or some stupid shit." I said, "No, that wasn't me. Though I was disguised as that guy, so I could get down here and find you all. I knocked that guy out cold and stole his clothes and mask." Please press SPACE to continue. Still distrusting, she said, "And how did you find this place?" "You'll find this even harder to believe, but I know one of the victims, and the dark guy you're talking about wanted her diary. I had to bring it to him, to the school. That's where I met your father, and he talked about you. He said he missed you and wanted to see you..." I stopped when I noticed her crying. "Now I miss him so much..." she said between sobs. Please press SPACE to continue. Regaining her voice, Allison said, "Tom, I....I did something really stupid." To my questioning look (despite the urgency), she said, "Yes, even at eighteen we do stupid shit for love. You'll find that out." I already knew that. "This guy from our school. I thought I was in love with him. We planned to run away. He got me an apartment to stay in. I wanted to go to work, pay my way through college, majoring in mathematics. He wanted to help pay for it. In fact, he wanted me to marry him." I was wondering where this was going and what it had to do with her kidnapping. I soon found out. Please press SPACE to continue. She continued, "In fact, he showed me an engagement ring. It was getting too much for me. Too much too soon. I wasn't ready to marry him. Besides," she swallowed, pausing, looking away. "Besides, he was already married." Hunh?? That put me on the friggin' alert. Something about that was very familiar. To my stunned look, Allison said, "Yes. And he wanted a commitment from me. Before I could even get my own life off the ground. I told him I wasn't quite ready, yet. I needed to seriously think it over. That's when I really wanted to see Dad again. I told him I wanted to talk to my father about it." Please press SPACE to continue. "You have a really good father, Allison. He really misses you and I think he would give you sound advice," I said. Allison continued. "Well, that must have triggered something, because, just yesterday, he and this other dude came into the apartment, they were dressed just like you saw them, as Lord Vader, and the other guy said he was Baby Luke, and that they wanted to take me to a Star Wars convention, for Spring Break. He knew that I used to like Star Wars, so I sort of believed him. I told him that I wanted to invite my Dad, and I went to the telephone to call my father. Next thing I knew, I felt like I was struggling for my life." Please press SPACE to continue. I was more shocked at that than she knew. Allison's guy was the Creep. So I had to ask, "Allison, who is this guy you were with?" She looked down. "Tom, though I feel I can trust you, I really can't tell you right now. I can say that it was an older guy, much older, and that it was stupid. I didn't really love him. I was in love with idea of running away to start my own life, and Lord Vader was there to 'help' me. I had a very close relationship with my Dad, because Mom died years ago, and Dad works mainly overnight. He was there for me all the time, every waking hour. I just needed to take a breather." Please press SPACE to continue. I have to admit I really enjoyed Allison feeling free to be frickin' candid with me. I loved that. But I also knew that she was probably friggin' vulnerable, after leaving her father and then this ordeal. I had to keep my emotions in check. I had to focus on finding a way out, and getting her out of there. I said, "Allison, they are planning to tie you up to a post, and make you part of this sick love ceremony. Along with two other women. I need to get you out and find us a way out of this place." She beamed at me. Please press SPACE to continue. Then her eyes widened. "Hey, you're the kid who threw food at Steven Shultz at lunch three years ago, aren't you..!?" I looked down, with a grin. "Yeah, and I got detention. I wasn't too proud of that." "Baloney! You should be proud!" Okay, I was. And I swiftly added, "And you're the girl who slapped him silly around the same time, aren't you? For hitting on you? I loved hearing that." I really didn't know if it was him she slapped, but I took a chance. She beamed again. "And I got detention, too. But we really taught him a lesson, didn't we?" "Yeah, he got what was coming." We laughed. Please press SPACE to continue. I had to turn away. Time was running out. "Allison, I want to get you and the other two out of here, but first I need to find another exit. The only one I know of goes near our Creep." "I understand. You want us to be safe and get out safely." I felt something. Like I really connected with her. Almost too fast. And like I wanted it. Almost too much. I had to get a grip. Lit Hallway, at Allison's cell The air was musty and had a heavy feeling, in this part of the hall, which went back north from here. To the south I could see the end of the hall; from here, I sensed something strange about the walls there, which I couldn't quite put my finger on. In the west wall was the last cell door. It was incredibly moldy on the bottom. I could see a flickering light in the barred window of the cell. I could see Allison through the cell window, arms folded and pacing around. I could hear Allison tapping a foot nervously. >* I think I missed something with Ulmer That's not a verb I recognize. >x allison She was beautiful without trying. Long curly red hair, that spilled over her shoulders and "What next?" tee-shirt. Jeans that flowed down her legs to a pair of leather shoes. She seemed saturated with sweat; reasonable, given the humidity in the cell. She gave me a curious look when she caught me staring. Allison came up to the door, looking back and forth down the hallway. >s As I walked away, I heard Allison call out, "Good luck, Tom! I know that we will be out of here, soon." I turned back and saw her waving and grinning. "I'll be back for you, soon," I said. I was afraid that she might be the one who needed luck. I proceeded towards what looked like the end of the hall, and quickly realized what was so strange about it. Wet Room Every inch of the walls here was covered with moisture. And the air was so humid that I could feel water drip off of me. Though the light here was dim, I could see that though the walls to the east and west were clearly concrete, the south wall looked like a bunch of wooden boards, nailed neatly together. The hall went north from here. >x boards Though they looked neatly and seamlessly joined together, with many vertical boards crossed by narrow horizontal boards, they all seemed discolored, with some dark shit smeared all over them. Probably mold, given the moisture...?? Also, it seemed like this setup wasn't here, originally, like someone put the boards here, years ago. >kick boards As much as I would have liked to kick SOMEthing, kicking the wooden wall would not have relieved my seemingly permanent angst... >g As much as I would have liked to kick SOMEthing, kicking the wooden wall would not have relieved my seemingly permanent angst... >i I was carrying: a creased notebook page a rusty keyring a steel hook a baby bottle (closed) some fake love potion a tiny note a terrycloth robe (being worn) a rubber mask a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads a green backpack (open) a bottom half a coffee pot (empty) a dirty uniform some rubber boots a can of Poplicious soda (open but empty) a yellow scrap a credit card an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill There was nothing in the pocket of the robe. >open boards I put one hand on the wood, and it felt gunky and slimy. It gave a little, but I wasn't about to make myself sick from touching these boards. >pull boards That wall might as well be pure mold and I wasn't going to get sick that way. >wear glove I was already wearing that! >pull boards That wall might as well be pure mold and I wasn't going to get sick that way. >i I was carrying: a creased notebook page a rusty keyring a steel hook a baby bottle (closed) some fake love potion a tiny note a terrycloth robe (being worn) a rubber mask a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads a green backpack (open) a bottom half a coffee pot (empty) a dirty uniform some rubber boots a can of Poplicious soda (open but empty) a yellow scrap a credit card an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill There was nothing in the pocket of the robe. >hit boards with rifle I grabbed the rifle by the barrel, and after a few swings in the air, I gave the boards my best shot. It was so weak that nearly the whole thing collapsed after only one hit. I struck at it a few more times to knock away wood that was near the ground. I could see that the wall was hiding a dark area, where I could hear water trickling. I rubbed the rifle against a concrete wall to get rid of the slimy shit. >s I stepped over the rotted wood, into the dark area beyond it. More Pipes Huge pipes came down from the ceiling here, near the south wall. The air was just full of moisture, and I guessed that this was because of the many tiny leaks in the waterworks down here. Dim light from the hall came in through the huge opening I created to the north. I looked around carefully. Only then did I notice another metal ladder going up into the west wall, with the light reflecting off of it. How many freakin' ladders are there around here? >u I climbed up the ladder, though it was friggin' wet; I guess the rust compensated for the moisture, giving me more traction. I kept going until my head was within inches of a hatch handle. I gave the thing a push, wondering what place this hatch would bring me into. Though it opened silently, the thing was heavy as hell. I couldn't get it to stay open. Bracing my legs, I pushed on the hatch with all my friggin' might, throwing it open. It went up, and leaned into an open position. Then I hoisted myself up onto what looked like a neat, tiled floor. When my vision cleared, I realized where I was. Girls' Restroom Completely different from the boys' room, as I expected. No urinals, which didn't surprise me. More stalls; they were on both north and south walls. One good, long counter with uncracked sinks and one unbroken mirror. The floor was actually complete. Clean. And the room actually friggin' smelled good. I could actually look forward to using a place like this. Except that I am male. The exit was to the southeast. The tiled hatch through which I came was leaning open, away from the east wall, revealing a neat square hole in the floor. That's exactly what I did! I found a sixth passage. You earned 10 points for helping me remember! > I beg your pardon? >d I climbed back down into the plumbing area, careful not to friggin' close the hatch behind me. More Pipes Huge pipes came down from the ceiling here, near the south wall. The air was just full of moisture, and I guessed that this was because of the many tiny leaks in the waterworks down here. Dim light from the hall came in through the huge opening I created to the north. Yet another metal ladder climbed up into the west wall. >n Wet Room Every inch of the walls here was covered with moisture. And the air was so humid that I could feel water drip off of me. To the south, past where some rotted wood stuck to the ceiling, I could see a dark area, where I could hear water trickling. The hall went north from here. >w I couldn't go that way. >n I walked back to Allison's cell. Lit Hallway, at Allison's cell The air was musty and had a heavy feeling, in this part of the hall, which went back north from here. To the south I could see the end of the hall. In the west wall was the last cell door. It was incredibly moldy on the bottom. I could see a flickering light in the barred window of the cell. I could see Allison through the cell window, arms folded and pacing around. I could hear Allison tapping a foot nervously. >unlock door I think that that door needed a key. Allison looked at me through the window, then looked away. >unlock door with rusty keyring I unlocked the door with one of the rusty keys. Allison stepped out, grinning, but with a sense of urgency. "I can't wait to get out of this crappy place," she said, in a hushed tone, realizing that the Creep could be around the corner. She started going south towards the end of the hall. "I think I heard you knocking down something in this direction, right?" >n Allison looked back at me questioningly. "I thought we were going that way," she said, pointing to the end of the hall. I said, "There is another girl in one of the cells in this direction." "Okay," said Allison, "let's go help her." We walked back to Liz's cell. As we approached Liz's cell, Allison locked eyes with her. "Liz?" she cried. "Allison! What are you doing here?" cried Liz. "Long story, we're going to get you out!" They both beamed at me. I was getting tired of this beaming. Lit Hallway, at Liz's cell The hall, coming from the west, made a bend here, continuing south. I could see torches and wooden doors going on forever in either direction. In the east wall near the corner was a door with a dimly lit window Allison was here, examining the cell door closely. I could see Liz pacing around, through the window of her cell door. Allison and Liz exchanged looks, then Allison looked away. >unlock door with rusty keyring I unlocked and opened the door and she stepped out. "Let's go!" she said. Allison looked back at me, then exchanged looks with Liz. Hey, I was moving as fast as I could. >w Probably not a good idea, as that route might take us near the Creep, and even if we got past him, I still had no idea where we would be in the woods. Best to take the exit I found. Besides, I needed to protect Anne's identity; she might not have wanted anyone else I knew to see her here. Allison seemed to be pushing ahead, with Liz not far behind her. I didn't mind being behind them. >* huh? That's not a verb I recognize. >s As I walked, Liz looked back at me and grinned, with a wink. Lit Hallway, at Allison's cell The air was musty and had a heavy feeling, in this part of the hall, which went back north from here. To the south I could see the end of the hall. In the west wall was the last cell door. It was incredibly moldy on the bottom. I could see a flickering light in the barred window of the cell. Allison and Liz were here, trying to get me to hurry up. >s As I walked, Liz reached back, as if to grab my hand. She gave an innocent look as she retracted her reach. We followed Allison down the hall, to the rotten wood. Wet Room Every inch of the walls here was covered with moisture. And the air was so humid that I could feel water drip off of me. To the south, past where some rotted wood stuck to the ceiling, I could see a dark area, where I could hear water trickling. The hall went north from here. Allison and Liz were here, trying to get me to hurry up. >s As I walked, Liz said, "Reminds me of our nature walks when we were scouts." Allison looked back with a smile. We followed Allison into the plumbing area. She looked around, and noticed the ladder. "Ah, I see you found a ladder! Where does it go??" She didn't wait for an answer, starting up the ladder. Liz skipped along after her, slapping me on the shoulder. "You coming, Tom?" More Pipes Huge pipes came down from the ceiling here, near the south wall. The air was just full of moisture, and I guessed that this was because of the many tiny leaks in the waterworks down here. Dim light from the hall came in through the huge opening I created to the north. Yet another metal ladder climbed up into the west wall. Allison was standing on the ladder, looking back at me. Liz was standing right under her, urging me forward. Allison looked back at me, then exchanged looks with Liz. Hey, I was moving as fast as I could. >u I followed the girls up the ladder. I didn't mind. It turned me on that they seemed so eager to explore, particularly Allison, who turned around and said, "I wonder where this leads." Looking at me with a smile, she said, "But you already know, don't you, Tom?" When she turned her head upward again, she found out. "This is the girls' restroom at our...your school...isn't it? Wow, I never knew this passage ever existed! I wonder how many passages there are, here." I'd sure like to show her. Allison hoisted herself up onto the tiled floor, then helped Liz up. Liz helped me up, holding my hand just a bit too long. I didn't too terribly mind. Allison said, "Hey, it's probably around clock-out time for my Dad, he works in Middle Hall, maybe he's still there! Let's go!" she said, heading for the door. It felt so good to me for her to include me. Liz popped me on the butt, saying, "Let's hurry!" Girls' Restroom Completely different from the boys' room, as I expected. No urinals, which didn't surprise me. More stalls; they were on both north and south walls. One good, long counter with uncracked sinks and one unbroken mirror. The floor was actually complete. Clean. And the room actually friggin' smelled good. I could actually look forward to using a place like this. Except that I am male. The exit was to the southeast. Allison was at the door, with Liz, waiting impatiently for me to follow. The tiled hatch through which I came was leaning open, away from the east wall, revealing a neat square hole in the floor. >d We were on the campus now, and I saw no need to bring them back down there. Might as well finish the rescue, and then go back down. Allison seemed to be pushing ahead, with Liz not far behind her. I didn't mind being behind them. >sw I couldn't go that way. >n I couldn't go that way. >l Girls' Restroom Completely different from the boys' room, as I expected. No urinals, which didn't surprise me. More stalls; they were on both north and south walls. One good, long counter with uncracked sinks and one unbroken mirror. The floor was actually complete. Clean. And the room actually friggin' smelled good. I could actually look forward to using a place like this. Except that I am male. The exit was to the southeast. Allison was at the door, with Liz, waiting impatiently for me to follow. The tiled hatch through which I came was leaning open, away from the east wall, revealing a neat square hole in the floor. "Let's hurry, Tom!" urged Allison. Liz looked back at me and grinned. I didn't mind being included. >se (first opening the girls' room door) Allison pulled the door open, and we walked through it together. It began to briskly swing back closed. As I walked, Liz reached back, as if to grab my hand. She gave an innocent look as she retracted her reach. Just as I was coming out of the ladies' room after the girls, I saw Eddie(?!) approach from the cafeteria. "There you are!" he called out. He stopped in front of us, looking Liz and Allison up and down, both rolling their eyes at each other. "I see you've found your, ah, 'project'. Horror film??" Both girls grinned, and looked at me. Eddie continued. "My shift's over, and I noticed that you didn't lock the little gate. No big deal. I got worried and looked around for you. Can I have the keys back? Ulmer, one of my work buddies, is in the library, he will be there a while, when you need to leave." Allison's eyes widened. I gave him his set back. "Thank you." "Thank you!" I said. He didn't know how grateful I was. Then as he turned around, I said, "Hey Eddie, can you do us a favor? Liz needs a ride home." Liz gave me a questioning look. "I don't have a car. Can you give her a ride home?" Eddie smiled. "Sure," he said. Staring at Allison, he said, "What about the other young lady??" Allison promptly responded, "Oh don't worry about me, Ulmer is my Dad, I'm going to meet up with him." Eddie muttered, "Lucky Dad." More eye rolls. "Well, goodbye, Allison, it was great to see you again. Maybe we can talk later," said Liz as she stepped away. "Of course," said Allison, excitedly. As Liz walked away, she turned back to me, calling out, "Call me later. Okay?" I nodded. She blew me a kiss, as they disappeared into the cafeteria. I looked at Allison, who was fluttering her eyelashes, and grinning at me. Maybe. I highly doubted that I was her preferred 'type'. Please press SPACE to continue. Then Allison tried the double-doors. Of course, they were locked and resisted her attempt. Then she said, "Oh, I know a shortcut to the library! I used to play around here when I was a kid, while my Dad was working." She walked towards the janitor's closet. I knew what she was thinking when she looked back at me. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. Allison was standing near the open closet door, wanting to go inside. The girls' room door was swinging back. Allison seemed to be pushing ahead. I didn't mind being behind her. That's exactly what I did! I escorted Liz to relative safety....relatively safe with Eddie. You earned 15 points for helping me remember! >in I couldn't go that way. The girls' room door was swinging back. >s I entered the closet behind Allison. "Great, it's still here," she said, meaning the banister and stairs. She looked back at me as she started down the stairs. North Janitor's Closet And another floor sink. The door, to the north, was open, letting in light from the hall. A banister to the south marked the top of a spiral stairway leading down. Allison was standing on the spiral stairway, looking back at me. >d Digging a hole with my fingers was not an option. "Let's hurry, Tom!" urged Allison. I didn't mind being included. >s We went down into the boiler room. I was careful not to trip on the tiny steps, endangering Allison. And I didn't mind watching her climb down. When we got to the boiler room, she immediately noticed the steel steps going up, and the lever next to it. "I see you found it! They covered it up years ago, I am so glad you found it!" Boiler Room This must have been a boiler room once. I saw a couple of large drums sitting against the north wall with large pipes coming out of them up top. Beside them some steps went north, up into the wall. The chute that I slid down, which is now a metal stairway, went up into the south wall. Next to it was a lever sticking out of the wall, in a horizontal position. The room was dry, dark, warm and stuffy. It was dimly lit by light coming down the metal stairway, from the library. Allison was standing on the metal stairway, looking back at me. >u I climbed up the metal stairway, behind Allison, towards the square of light over our heads. "I haven't been up this way in years, since I was a child. I'm surprised the trapdoor up there is open, like I was hoping." Soon, we emerged into the library. Before I completed my ascent, I heard Allison cry "Daddy!" When I finally stepped out of the shaft, I saw Allison being completely embraced by the huge Ulmer. "My darling Allison," he said, tears running down his eyes. And hers. When they were finally done with mushy-mush, Allison turned to me and said, "Tom got me out!" Ulmer looked at me with a prideful smile. "I saw the trapdoor and thought maybe you had gone down it, so I was worried. I was about to go down myself. And somehow I knew you were here for some bigger reason," he said, glancing at my robe getup. "Other than working as a janitor at Lamb High." I said, "Yeah, well, Allison will tell you all about it." She winked at me; I smiled. Sensing the urgency, I continued, "I'd like to stick around, but there is still someone down there, and I'm needed. Also, you might want to call the police." Ulmer said, "Will do, buddy." Allison waved and blew me a kiss as they rushed out of the library. I turned and climbed back down to the boiler room. As I made my way back, I thought about Allison. I felt a real connection with her. Obviously, she was a so-called 'daddy's girl'. A girl...a excited about life, so independent. It was refreshing, even for just a minute or two, to be with someone who I didn't feel like I had to think for, or fix. But then she was probably vulnerable. And older than me. Will I call her? What was her number? Something told me to give her some time. Time to friggin' heal. Yeah, that would be good for her. And me. Getting back to the asylum halls brought me out of my walking slumber. Wet Room Every inch of the walls here was covered with moisture. And the air was so humid that I could feel water drip off of me. To the south, past where some rotted wood stuck to the ceiling, I could see a dark area, where I could hear water trickling. The hall went north from here. I knew that the sun MUST be rising by now. And I still had no idea what the hell I was going to do. Was I somehow going to get Anne out of her cell?? Or was I somehow going to go head-to-head against the Creep?? I knew that the police were coming--sooner or later--but I felt I had to DO SOMEthing to help save Anne. Plus, I had no idea how the police were going to find this place. I didn't know where it was, other than through the trap door in the ladies' room--Allison or Liz would show them, and that would take time. So, for now, I was on my own. Just when I had that thought, I barely heard a scream echo through the halls. At that point, I knew I had to face the Creep, head-on. That's exactly what I did! I escorted Allison to relative safety....with a relative. You earned 15 points for helping me remember! >s I could not, in good conscience, go back that way. I needed to go try to get Anne out of here in SOME way. >n I walked back to Allison's cell. Lit Hallway, at Allison's cell The air was musty and had a heavy feeling, in this part of the hall, which went back north from here. To the south I could see the end of the hall. In the west wall was the last cell door. It was incredibly moldy on the bottom. I could see a flickering light in the barred window of the cell. >* oh we're back That's not a verb I recognize. >n I went back up the hall, towards Liz's cell. Lit Hallway, at Liz's cell The hall, coming from the west, made a bend here, continuing south. I could see torches and wooden doors going on forever in either direction. In the east wall near the corner was a door with a dimly lit window. Far up the hall to the west, I could see something happening, a dark figure, probably the Creep, bending over another figure, probably Anne, who was lying on the floor. >w I began walking apprehensively towards the dark figure, which was obviously the frickin' Creep, doing something sinister to Anne. As I did so, he, in his stupid plastic Darth Vader mask, swiftly jerked his head up. "Ah, it's you," he cried in his raspy-assed whisper. "Tom! You might like to know that your stupid friend Will ran off like a fucking chicken when I found him wandering around outside! Don't come closer!" He took out a switchblade and held it to Anne's throat. I stopped in front of Anne's cell; close enough to see what was going on, but too far to do anything about it. Anne was out cold, and he had her hands and feet tied together in a complicated manner. She was hog-tied! The Creep had just finished tying her. He then paused, and fumbled around under his cape. "Shit!" he rasped. He then looked back up at me, pointing the switchblade at me. "If YOU even so much as FUCKING BREATHE on her, I will USE THE FUCKING FORCE!" That sounded very frickin' convincing. Please press SPACE to continue. He continued. "Oh by the way, that love potion? It's not worth PISS. It's not even REAL llama urine! Your stupid friend thought I had acquired it directly. I'd have had to go to South America for it! So that shit's no good. Your friend was stupid enough to believe that I was going to let him in on MY game! Oh, he has NO IDEA what the REAL game is! He just thought we were going to go through this stupid ceremony, where he would end up in, ah," here came that stupid droopy tone, "eternal love with two girls, and I would share this one with him." Then his tone changed back. "How PATHETIC! He didn't know he was just my henchman, and I was going to ditch him!" He guffawed loudly. He kept on freakin' talking, like any villain would. I was waiting for the part where he'd tell me what he was going to friggin' do to me. "I see that you helped the other two girls escape. You surprise me, Tom. I actually didn't think you'd put forth the FUCKING EFFORT! I didn't think you'd even give one tenth of one DAMN!" Please press SPACE to continue. He caught the look on my face. "Yes, I know you, Tom. I've observed your actions. You think you've got it all fucking figured out. You'd just slide through life. I have a lesson for you. While you get EVERYTHING you want, handed to you by the" that droopy tone again, "people who love you, there are actually people who have to WORK HARD to get ANYTHING. It's guys like you that I absolutely LOATHE." I never thought I would ever hear THAT word from anyone. Why didn't he just say 'hate'?? "Well it's about time you were taught a lesson. Things aren't so DAMN EASY. Not for other people while they clean up after you, while they work hard and hand you everything on a platter." He SO didn't freakin' know me. Please press SPACE to continue. "I'd just LOVE to bullshit with you, further, Tom, but my time is limited. Ah! I almost forgot. The first part of your lesson!" He pulled a heavy device out of his cape. "Had this made for me recently." He pushed a button on it. It must have been a remote controller of some kind. I immediately heard some rumbling and a wall slid out behind me and crashed into the north wall, completely closing up the passage behind me. "Pretty handy," he said. "Oh, about YOU. You see, Tom, because it's not all about YOU, as you might like it to be, I almost forgot. When I get YOUR WHORE, who is now MY WHORE out of here, I'm going to set the shack on FIRE. It's all set up. I just need to light certain key points. I'll leave the manhole open, so you can...sort while you're enjoying the smell, I'll be taking Anne on a life-changing trip to, ah, wherever. You see, we'll be in a partnership, of sorts." Please press SPACE to continue. He continued his raspy whispering. "Now don't move a FUCKING muscle!" He pointed up to the hole. "I'm going back up to get my other rope, I will have my eye on this hole. If you come up, you're fucking DEAD, I will kick your ASS back down, and believe me, I can." I don't know why he didn't just try to knock me out, but I also wasn't exactly going to freakin' give him a hint to do that. Instead, he backed away from me and then turned to climb up the ladder. He seemed to take his time, probably because the Darth Vader getup was heavy. I just watched him. And quickly tried to think of what I was going to do next. Lit Hallway, at Anne's cell This east-west hall was now blocked by a blank stone wall to the east. It ended to the west, where I saw the manhole in the ceiling, and the ladder going up to it, some distance away. One of the cell doors on the north wall, in this part of the hall, had flickering light shining through the window. I could see the Creep climbing up the ladder through the manhole. I could see Anne lying tied-up on the floor near the west end of the hall. The Creep was climbing in a deliberate fuckin' pace up the ladder, and was now almost to the hole. >save Ok. >i I was carrying: a creased notebook page a rusty keyring a steel hook a baby bottle (closed) some fake love potion a tiny note a terrycloth robe (being worn) a rubber mask a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads a green backpack (open) a bottom half a coffee pot (empty) a dirty uniform some rubber boots a can of Poplicious soda (open but empty) a yellow scrap a credit card an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill There was nothing in the pocket of the robe. The Creep was now halfway through the hole, getting ready to hoist himself up. >throw rifle at creep I stepped back, grabbing the backpack by the straps, and hurled it with all my strength at the Creep. But I guess it was just too light to fly predictably; it hit the wall beside the Creep. He just laughed and continued climbing. The Creep braced his legs on the ladder and pushed himself up through the hole. Now I was alone in the hall with Anne. >throw boots at creep I couldn't see any such thing. >x anne From where I was standing, I could see that her hands and feet were tied together, like some pig. She was dressed in her jeans and shirt, with her hair tied in a knot. >wake anne That seemed unnecessary. >untie anne Probably should get up closer to it. >w I stepped cautiously towards Anne. He could be back in moments. Lit Hallway This looked like an old prison cell block. Like very old. The hallway stretched east of here, and I could see doors with barred windows up ahead, in a staggered pattern. Flaming torches placed here and there lit the way. A rusty ladder led upward to a manhole over my head. I could see the iron handle of the manhole cover, which was lying partially over the hole. On the wall near the ladder was an iron hook. Anne was lying here, sleeping like a baby, with her hands and feet tied together. >x anne She looked so peaceful, like Will did, except far more frickin' appealing. Except for that rope keeping her hands and feet tied together behind her back. She was dressed in her jeans and shirt, with her hair tied in a knot. Suddenly I saw black booted feet come down through the manhole. The Creep was coming back down! >untie anne I really wasn't any freakin' good with knots, and certainly not with this one. I didn't even see either end of the rope. This dude must have been in the frickin' marines. The Creep was now about halfway down the ladder, and I could see that he was carrying a length of long rope slung around one shoulder. >hit creep As I got up close to push him off, he put a boot up to my mouth and said, "Don't even FUCKING TRY!" The Creep turned around and noticed me. He immediately pulled out his switchblade, pointing it at me. "YOU get the FUCK BACK OVER THERE." I did what I was told. He then went over to Anne, pulling the rope off of his shoulder. Lit Hallway, at Anne's cell This east-west hall was now blocked by a blank stone wall to the east. It ended to the west, where I saw the manhole in the ceiling, and the ladder going up to it, some distance away. One of the cell doors on the north wall, in this part of the hall, had flickering light shining through the window. >i I was carrying: a creased notebook page a rusty keyring a steel hook a baby bottle (closed) some fake love potion a tiny note a terrycloth robe (being worn) a rubber mask a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads a green backpack (open) a bottom half a coffee pot (empty) a dirty uniform some rubber boots a can of Poplicious soda (open but empty) a yellow scrap a credit card an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill There was nothing in the pocket of the robe. The Creep began tying the rope this way and that around Anne in various places. I couldn't really tell how he was doing it. >hit creep with guitar Probably should take off the acoustic guitar, first. >remove guitar I was carrying too many things already. >put all in backpack creased notebook page: I tossed the creased notebook page into the backpack. rusty keyring: I tossed the rusty keyring into the backpack. steel hook: I tossed the steel hook into the backpack. baby bottle: I tossed the baby bottle into the backpack. tiny note: I tossed the tiny note into the backpack. rubber mask: I tossed the rubber mask into the backpack. drill rifle: The drill rifle was too big to fit into the backpack. usual threads: I tossed the usual threads into the backpack. >remove guitar I lifted the strap of the guitar off my neck. >hit creep with guitar Smashing my guitar against a Creep wasn't part of my repertoire. Suddenly the Creep straightened up. "Now I am finished. And so are you!" he said, in his stupid, raspy voice. He looped the rope around his shoulder again, and started for the ladder. As he got up to the ladder, he turned around and said, "Goodbye, Tom." He gave me a salute. "MAYbe, we'll meet again." I said, "Yeah, maybe, when I FUCKING KILL YOU! After that, I'll have to visit you in HELL!" The Creep guffawed, casually starting up the ladder, the rope dangling between his shoulder and Anne. "Now for my favorite part," he muttered. "Doesn't she just look SEXY, all TIED UP!!?" I felt like killing him, now. >hit creep with guitar Smashing my guitar against a Creep wasn't part of my repertoire. The Creep was now halfway back up the ladder, with the rope swinging between him and Anne's body on the floor. >z Time passed. The Creep was halfway up through the hole, getting ready to hoist himself up. >z Time passed. The Creep hoisted himself up through the hole and out of sight. Soon the rope was pulled taught, and Anne's body started to slide towards the ladder. >z Time passed. Through some act of freakin' strength, or magic, Anne's body started rising in the air. Soon, she was halfway up the ladder. >u I tried flapping my wings, with predictable results. Okay this has gone far enough. And TOTALLY not how I remember it. Let's go back to where I saw the Creep first tying her up, okay? Please press SPACE to continue. Here we go... Lit Hallway, at Liz's cell The hall, coming from the west, made a bend here, continuing south. I could see torches and wooden doors going on forever in either direction. In the east wall near the corner was a door with a dimly lit window. Far up the hall to the west, I could see the Creep, bending over Anne, who was lying on the floor. >i I was carrying: a terrycloth robe (being worn) a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar a green backpack (open) my usual threads a rubber mask a tiny note a baby bottle (closed) some fake love potion a steel hook a rusty keyring a creased notebook page a bottom half a coffee pot (empty) a dirty uniform some rubber boots a can of Poplicious soda (open but empty) a yellow scrap a credit card an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill There was nothing in the pocket of the robe. >throw boots at creep I couldn't see any such thing. >l Lit Hallway, at Liz's cell The hall, coming from the west, made a bend here, continuing south. I could see torches and wooden doors going on forever in either direction. In the east wall near the corner was a door with a dimly lit window. Far up the hall to the west, I could see the Creep, bending over Anne, who was lying on the floor. >w I began walking apprehensively towards the dark figure, which was obviously the frickin' Creep, doing something sinister to Anne. As I did so, he, in his stupid plastic Darth Vader mask, swiftly jerked his head up. "Ah, it's you," he cried in his raspy-assed whisper. "Tom! You might like to know that your stupid friend Will ran off like a fucking chicken when I found him wandering around outside! Don't come closer!" He took out a switchblade and held it to Anne's throat. I stopped in front of Anne's cell; close enough to see what was going on, but too far to do anything about it. Anne was out cold, and he had her hands and feet tied together in a complicated manner. She was hog-tied! The Creep had just finished tying her. He then paused, and fumbled around under his cape. "Shit!" he rasped. He then looked back up at me, pointing the switchblade at me. "If YOU even so much as FUCKING BREATHE on her, I will USE THE FUCKING FORCE!" That sounded very frickin' convincing. Please press SPACE to continue. He continued. "Oh by the way, that love potion? It's not worth PISS. It's not even REAL llama urine! Your stupid friend thought I had acquired it directly. I'd have had to go to South America for it! So that shit's no good. Your friend was stupid enough to believe that I was going to let him in on MY game! Oh, he has NO IDEA what the REAL game is! He just thought we were going to go through this stupid ceremony, where he would end up in, ah," here came that stupid droopy tone, "eternal love with two girls, and I would share this one with him." Then his tone changed back. "How PATHETIC! He didn't know he was just my henchman, and I was going to ditch him!" He guffawed loudly. He kept on freakin' talking, like any villain would. I was waiting for the part where he'd tell me what he was going to friggin' do to me. "I see that you helped the other two girls escape. You surprise me, Tom. I actually didn't think you'd put forth the FUCKING EFFORT! I didn't think you'd even give one tenth of one DAMN!" Please press SPACE to continue. He caught the look on my face. "Yes, I know you, Tom. I've observed your actions. You think you've got it all fucking figured out. You'd just slide through life. I have a lesson for you. While you get EVERYTHING you want, handed to you by the" that droopy tone again, "people who love you, there are actually people who have to WORK HARD to get ANYTHING. It's guys like you that I absolutely LOATHE." I never thought I would ever hear THAT word from anyone. Why didn't he just say 'hate'?? "Well it's about time you were taught a lesson. Things aren't so DAMN EASY. Not for other people while they clean up after you, while they work hard and hand you everything on a platter." He SO didn't freakin' know me. Please press SPACE to continue. "I'd just LOVE to bullshit with you, further, Tom, but my time is limited. Ah! I almost forgot. The first part of your lesson!" He pulled a heavy device out of his cape. "Had this made for me recently." He pushed a button on it. It must have been a remote controller of some kind. I immediately heard some rumbling and a wall slid out behind me and crashed into the north wall, completely closing up the passage behind me. "Pretty handy," he said. "Oh, about YOU. You see, Tom, because it's not all about YOU, as you might like it to be, I almost forgot. When I get YOUR WHORE, who is now MY WHORE out of here, I'm going to set the shack on FIRE. It's all set up. I just need to light certain key points. I'll leave the manhole open, so you can...sort while you're enjoying the smell, I'll be taking Anne on a life-changing trip to, ah, wherever. You see, we'll be in a partnership, of sorts." Please press SPACE to continue. He continued his raspy whispering. "Now don't move a FUCKING muscle!" He pointed up to the hole. "I'm going back up to get my other rope, I will have my eye on this hole. If you come up, you're fucking DEAD, I will kick your ASS back down, and believe me, I can." I don't know why he didn't just try to knock me out, but I also wasn't exactly going to freakin' give him a hint to do that. Instead, he backed away from me and then turned to climb up the ladder. He seemed to take his time, probably because the Darth Vader getup was heavy. I just watched him. And quickly tried to think of what I was going to do next. Lit Hallway, at Anne's cell This east-west hall was now blocked by a blank stone wall to the east. It ended to the west, where I saw the manhole in the ceiling, and the ladder going up to it, some distance away. One of the cell doors on the north wall, in this part of the hall, had flickering light shining through the window. Anne was lying here, sleeping like a baby, with her hands and feet tied together. The Creep was climbing up the ladder through the manhole. The Creep was climbing in a deliberate fuckin' pace up the ladder, and was now almost to the hole. >throw boots at creep (first taking the rubber boots) Got it. The Creep was now halfway through the hole, getting ready to hoist himself up. >throw boots at creep The Creep braced his legs on the ladder and pushed himself up through the hole. Now I was alone in the hall with Anne. >throw boots at creep I couldn't see any such thing. >* huh? That's not a verb I recognize. >think about creep I wondered how I could somehow distract him?? Or maybe throw something at him when he is most freakin' vulnerable?? It would have to be that, because I sure couldn't whip him. >i I was carrying: some rubber boots a terrycloth robe (being worn) a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar a green backpack (open) my usual threads a rubber mask a tiny note a baby bottle (closed) some fake love potion a steel hook a rusty keyring a creased notebook page a bottom half a coffee pot (empty) a dirty uniform a can of Poplicious soda (open but empty) a yellow scrap a credit card an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill There was nothing in the pocket of the robe. >* I got nothing That's not a verb I recognize. >* ...oh the burnt pizza? That's not a verb I recognize. >* I don't think I can easily get that... That's not a verb I recognize. >restore Ok. >; That's not a verb I recognize. >l Dump Area A gravelly alcove just wide enough to take a garbage truck; a dumpster occupied the center of the school brick wall, on the south side, right next to the kitchen back door. The fence was to the north, stretching tightly between brick walls to the east and west. I could see Russel Street, and the trees beyond, through the sliding, remote controlled gate in the fence; the area was dimly lit by streetlights along Russel. Right next to the back door, on the wall, was what looked like a breaker box. The garbage crew must have taken out the trash; the smell wasn't as rancid as I thought it might be. But it still stank to hell. The kitchen back door was standing open. What was freakin' odd was that, though there were wide tire tracks in the gravel, like from a garbage truck, leading up to the dumpster, there wasn't even any evidence that there was a car here. On the darker side of the dumpster, there was a manhole cover, lying partially over a hole in the ground. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >s I stepped back into the kitchen, glad to escape the thick miasma of the dump area. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. >s I couldn't go that way. >e I couldn't go that way. I detected a small movement, on the prep counter, out of the corner of my eye. >se (first opening the swing-doors) I pushed open the swing-doors. Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. Victor swept yet another bunch of crumbs into the row of dirt, and moved on to the next table. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. >s (first opening the cafeteria doors) I pushed tentatively at the glass doors, but they were tightly locked. "We have to keep them locked," said Victor. A faint whiff of floor wax passed under my nose. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. The swing-doors stopped swinging. >e I might have attracted attention out in the halls, with the steel-cleated boots on; so I took them off, first. I went back into the hall. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. >s North Janitor's Closet And another floor sink. The door, to the north, was open, letting in light from the hall. A banister to the south marked the top of a spiral stairway leading down. >d Digging a hole with my fingers was not an option. >s Boiler Room This must have been a boiler room once. I saw a couple of large drums sitting against the north wall with large pipes coming out of them up top. Beside them some steps went north, up into the wall. The chute that I slid down, which is now a metal stairway, went up into the south wall. Next to it was a lever sticking out of the wall, in a horizontal position. The room was dry, dark, warm and stuffy. It was dimly lit by light coming down the metal stairway, from the library. >u I climbed slowly and carefully back up into the library. Library, back area This was kind of the most private area of the library. A study table with chairs was on the east side; a soft chair was sitting near the west wall, pulled away from the corner. Bookshelves lined the walls, except for the window on the north wall, the space behind the soft chair, and an opening to the south, between the bookcases, which led to the front of the library. A section of carpet behind the soft chair had been pulled away, to reveal what looked like another trap door, which had been pulled up open. >s Library, at the counter This carpeted area had the main counter along the west wall; a plush sofa, a square chair and a round chair made up a small reading area facing out towards the hall, which was to the south. Shelves of books covered the east wall, and more shelves flanked the way further into the library, to the north. The library office was to the west, past the counter. A card catalogue was on the other side of the office doorway. On the large counter was a large book. >s I stepped back into the hall. Middle Hall, at the library To the north was the huge open area that we call the school library. It was like a big display of books, everywhere. To the east was the end of the hall, at the steel doors; west the hall ended at the doorway into the Study Hall. >e I went back up the hall to the steel doors. Middle Hall, at the steel doors Immediately to the east of me were the steel doors leading into East Hall; they were closed. Down the hall to the west I could see the school library, on the right. Past that, I could see the doorway into the Study Hall. The janitor's closet door, through which I came into this hall, was to the south; it was standing open. >s Middle Janitor's Closet Yep, yet another janitor's closet, with another floor sink. The door, to the north, was open, letting in light from the hall. A dark passage led through a hole to the southeast. >s I couldn't go that way. >se Dark Passage It looks like I found another way into the basement of the building. Pipes and machinery were everywhere down here--and very little light, only from a tiny bulb somewhere overhead. I could see only two ways out of here: back up the stairway that I originally came down, and an opening leading into darkness northwest. >u I followed the steps back up to the break room, and stepped out from behind the refrigerator. East Janitor's Closet You could tell that this room was once a classroom; it was big with a window set into the door. Now it was a combination janitor's closet and break room for the custodians. They rigged up a floor sink in the corner, next to which was Scottie's mop bucket. I had moved an old refrigerator slightly away from the south wall, revealing a passage behind it; it had what looked like a schedule posted on its door. On a round table was an old TV set. Along the north wall was the long couch currently napped on by Scottie. The door out to the hall was to the west. Scottie was lying on the couch, snoozing and snoring like fuckin' crazy, muffled by the couch cushions. Leaning against the wall was a leather briefcase with 'S S' on the side. >w (first opening the east janitor's door) East Hall, south end This corner of the building had the fire escape to the south, which was these doors that had a handle with a red sign on it. To the east was the janitor's closet of this hall, with its door open. To the west were the steel doors leading into the South Hall. This hall continued north from here, lined on either side with closed classroom doors. I could hear muffled snoring coming from the closet to the east. >n I retraced my steps back to the lounge door. East Hall, at teacher's lounge I was near the south end of East Hall, just outside of the teacher's lounge, which was through the black door to the west. The hall led north, past the principal's office, and south, to the emergency exit. >w (first opening the lounge door) The door opened smoothly, and then started moving silently back to close. I stepped back into the lounge, and the aroma of cigarette smoke. Teacher's Lounge This lounge was hardly something to brag about. A long couch and a small sofa, each flanking a television set with a VCR underneath. Each looking like they had been donated by the local dump. Between the couch and the sofa was a tiny coffee table, with an ashtray on it. Against the west wall was a small counter with a microwave oven on it, beside which was a mini refrigerator. Another black door led east out into East Hall. The door I came in through was to the south. Ketchup was dripping down the front of the cabinet, from the mess I left inside the oven. I could also see a videotape here. The east lounge door was swinging quietly shut. >s (first opening the south lounge door) The door opened smoothly, and then started moving silently back to close. South Hall, east end I was at the east end of South Hall, where it ended at yet another set of steel double-doors. On the other side of these doors would be East Hall, which ran along the east side of the school. Just before the doors, in the north wall, was an odd door, painted black. It was open. The way back down the hall towards the gym was to the west. The lounge door was swinging quietly shut. >w I retraced my steps to the bulletin board. South Hall, at bulletin board Many classroom doors lined both sides of the hall, which went east-west from here. On the south wall was a bulletin board, with sliding glass doors, which was open. Across from the board, to the north, one classroom door was slightly ajar. It was the art room door. >w I went back to the gym, at the west end of the hall. Gym Entrance Now I was on the other side of the main gym doors, a set of steel double-doors to the west, which were closed. To the southwest was the janitor's closet; the door to this nook was open. To the north were glass double-doors that led outside--they had a chain with a padlock threaded through the handles. No frickin' going outside for me. This hall, the South Hall of the school with the junior-high classes, continued to the east. I could see a pizza box (closed) here. >w I wasn't about to walk onto that waxy floor with my flat sneakers. With no frickin' traction, I'd fall on my butt! >wear boots The things were so frickin' big that they fit neatly over my sneakers. >nw There were no unlocked or open doors in that direction. >w (first opening the steel double doors) I pulled the gym doors open by the handles. Among the Fans I was on the east side of the gym floor, near the steel doors, which were to the east. Those doors were open. To the southwest were some steps leading up into the bleachers. Some industrial fans had been set up here and there around the floor, to help dry the wax. To the west was the rest of the gym, and the door to the outside. One of the fans, an old one next to the doors, wasn't running. >w I trudged west back to the side-door of the gym, in my rubber boots. Gymnasium Compared to other schools, Lamb High had a really crappy gym. It was small, with bleachers on only one side of the basketball court. Not that I was really into sports, but when we had a basketball game, all of the spectators had to sit on that one side, so often fights would break out between fans of rival teams. Steps led up into the bleachers from here. A small hallway led south to the locker rooms. Across the gym floor to the east was the set of steel doors leading out to the hall; they were open. West was the side-door going outside. I had wedged it open with the saw horse. A number of huge fans had been placed around the periphery of the gym, blowing powerful gusts everywhere. >u I climbed the steps up into the gym bleachers. Gym Bleachers I was in another sea of sections of long seats, except these were polished wood and smelled of pine cleaner. Steps, to the northwest and northeast, led back down to the gym floor. >se I was already as high as I could go. The sound of the fans filled the gym; gusts of air blew in every direction. >sw I was already as high as I could go. The sound of the fans filled the gym; gusts of air blew in every direction. >d I trudged back down to the gym floor, going back to the west door. Gymnasium Compared to other schools, Lamb High had a really crappy gym. It was small, with bleachers on only one side of the basketball court. Not that I was really into sports, but when we had a basketball game, all of the spectators had to sit on that one side, so often fights would break out between fans of rival teams. Steps led up into the bleachers from here. A small hallway led south to the locker rooms. Across the gym floor to the east was the set of steel doors leading out to the hall; they were open. West was the side-door going outside. I had wedged it open with the saw horse. A number of huge fans had been placed around the periphery of the gym, blowing powerful gusts everywhere. >s Gym Hallway This short hall ended at the custodian's office door, which is closed, to the south. To the east was the door to the guys' locker room, which was closed; next to it to the southeast was the door to the girls' locker room, which was closed. To the north was the gym. >w I couldn't go that way. I could hear the fans going loudly in the gym to the north. I could also vaguely hear a tv set going behind the door to the south. >n Gymnasium Compared to other schools, Lamb High had a really crappy gym. It was small, with bleachers on only one side of the basketball court. Not that I was really into sports, but when we had a basketball game, all of the spectators had to sit on that one side, so often fights would break out between fans of rival teams. Steps led up into the bleachers from here. A small hallway led south to the locker rooms. Across the gym floor to the east was the set of steel doors leading out to the hall; they were open. West was the side-door going outside. I had wedged it open with the saw horse. A number of huge fans had been placed around the periphery of the gym, blowing powerful gusts everywhere. >w I pushed the door further open and stepped around the saw horse as I went. Gridiron Entrance I was in another lighted part of the lot, with a few cars, working and abandoned, parked here and there. Another huge gate to the south was closed over a driveway--which was the back way off of the campus. To the west, through another small gate, was my school's football field and track. East was the side-door into the gym, which was open, but swinging closed; I had put the saw horse in its way. The way back to the main parking lot was north. The small gate onto the field was open. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. The gym door was swinging silently closed. >n I stepped back out into the parking lot. School Parking I stood in the middle of the school parking lot, lit here and there by white street lights. I could see only the outlines of a few cars here, probably belonging to custodians. Or just abandoned. Whatever. To the northwest was the field house, where I first came onto the campus; to the north was the main gate. East was the porch in front of the study hall, in Middle Hall; northeast and southeast were the two courtyards to either side of it. To the south was the back gate, and the entrance to the gym and track. To the west and southwest was the tall fence around the track. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >nw I made my way back to the field house. Field House Front The parking lot was lit dimly by lights here and there. Only a few cars, probably belonging to the custodians, were there. The tennis court, to one side of the field house, was to the northeast. A metal stairway led to the upper floor of the house. The door to the auto shop building was to the northwest; it was next to the storage area to the north, where I emerged. To the southeast was more parking lot, and beyond that, the gym and football field; the fence around the track was to the west and south. To the east were the main school buildings. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. I heard a clacking sound as the gym door hit something, knocking it against the doorframe. >n Outdoor Storage This was a carport-like area at the field house, the part of the building where my school held its classes on handling and fixing outdoor equipment. Now at night, all the stuff was locked away in a large storage unit, whose door was to the east; this low-roofed area, where I was, was now empty. To the south was the seemingly-infinite parking lot. To the west was the blank wall of the auto shop building. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >n Lonely Gate A single gate, about as tall as me, was set into the fence to the south here. I noticed that this part of the fence was behind the two-story field house of my school's military training program, and outdoor equipment courses. Even in the streetlight, however, the building was entirely in shadow. The tree-lined road continued west, past the rollup door to the Auto Shop garage; the main gate to the school was east from here. The padlock on the gate was unlocked. Just about anyone can friggin' go in, now. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >n Only trees across the road. >s Before I stepped through the gate, I realized that I didn't have Anne's notebook with me. Maybe I should go get it, first?? >undo Lonely Gate [Previous turn undone.] >undo Lonely Gate [Previous turn undone.] >l Lonely Gate A single gate, about as tall as me, was set into the fence to the south here. I noticed that this part of the fence was behind the two-story field house of my school's military training program, and outdoor equipment courses. Even in the streetlight, however, the building was entirely in shadow. The tree-lined road continued west, past the rollup door to the Auto Shop garage; the main gate to the school was east from here. The padlock on the gate was unlocked. Just about anyone can friggin' go in, now. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >x box I couldn't see any such thing. >* I thought I left it somewhere around here That's not a verb I recognize. >l Lonely Gate A single gate, about as tall as me, was set into the fence to the south here. I noticed that this part of the fence was behind the two-story field house of my school's military training program, and outdoor equipment courses. Even in the streetlight, however, the building was entirely in shadow. The tree-lined road continued west, past the rollup door to the Auto Shop garage; the main gate to the school was east from here. The padlock on the gate was unlocked. Just about anyone can friggin' go in, now. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >e Russel Street Lamb High sure looked different at night from during the day; the streetlights seemed to highlight the front fence and the gate, which did not blend in so well with the background school pavement as it had during the day. I could see the padlocked gate to the south--no hope of getting in through there. The fence stretched further west, along the road. East was the way back home. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >e I walked east along the fence, past the rancid-smelling cafeteria back area, and then the trees, until they ended at a field, where the only feature was a ditch to either side of the road... Broad Field Here, the road went through a field of grass, leading east to the residential area which contained my parents' house and my bungalo. West, it led back to the school. To either side of the road was a large ditch. Streetlights guided me either way. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >w I approached the school. Russel Street Lamb High sure looked different at night from during the day; the streetlights seemed to highlight the front fence and the gate, which did not blend in so well with the background school pavement as it had during the day. I could see the padlocked gate to the south--no hope of getting in through there. The fence stretched further west, along the road. East was the way back home. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >w Lonely Gate A single gate, about as tall as me, was set into the fence to the south here. I noticed that this part of the fence was behind the two-story field house of my school's military training program, and outdoor equipment courses. Even in the streetlight, however, the building was entirely in shadow. The tree-lined road continued west, past the rollup door to the Auto Shop garage; the main gate to the school was east from here. The padlock on the gate was unlocked. Just about anyone can friggin' go in, now. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >undo Russel Street [Previous turn undone.] >undo Broad Field [Previous turn undone.] >undo Russel Street [Previous turn undone.] >undo Lonely Gate [Previous turn undone.] >undo Lonely Gate [Previous turn undone.] >undo Lonely Gate [Previous turn undone.] >undo Lonely Gate [Previous turn undone.] >undo Lonely Gate [Previous turn undone.] >undo Outdoor Storage [Previous turn undone.] >l Outdoor Storage This was a carport-like area at the field house, the part of the building where my school held its classes on handling and fixing outdoor equipment. Now at night, all the stuff was locked away in a large storage unit, whose door was to the east; this low-roofed area, where I was, was now empty. To the south was the seemingly-infinite parking lot. To the west was the blank wall of the auto shop building. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >e (first opening the storage door) I bent over and tried to lift it, but the door would not budge. I thought I had unlocked it. It must be stuck. Fuckin' bummer. Maybe there was another way into that storage space? It probably would have made a lot of noise anyways. Good thing I had already looked in the room behind it. >w That was the auto shop building; the door was to the south of here. >u I tried flapping my wings, with predictable results. >e (first opening the storage door) I bent over and tried to lift it, but the door would not budge. I thought I had unlocked it. It must be stuck. Fuckin' bummer. Maybe there was another way into that storage space? It probably would have made a lot of noise anyways. Good thing I had already looked in the room behind it. >s Field House Front The parking lot was lit dimly by lights here and there. Only a few cars, probably belonging to the custodians, were there. The tennis court, to one side of the field house, was to the northeast. A metal stairway led to the upper floor of the house. The door to the auto shop building was to the northwest; it was next to the storage area to the north, where I emerged. To the southeast was more parking lot, and beyond that, the gym and football field; the fence around the track was to the west and south. To the east were the main school buildings. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >u I grabbed the rail and began my slow, silent ascent upwards. This was the military area; my association with anything so regulated was tense to begin with. The door was open and I stepped in. JROTC Hall Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps, as it is known in many high schools. I called this Just ROTten to the Core Hall. But that was just my thing--I knew that we needed the military in our present world. I just didn't agree with how it was being used at the time. The east and west walls were covered with pictures of cadets, officers, plaques, and awards of all kinds. Open doorways led east and west. A blue pannelled door was to the northwest. To the north was a closed red door. The stairway led down back to the parking lot. I heard the sound of a television set coming from the door to the north. >d Field House Front The parking lot was lit dimly by lights here and there. Only a few cars, probably belonging to the custodians, were there. The tennis court, to one side of the field house, was to the northeast. A metal stairway led to the upper floor of the house. The door to the auto shop building was to the northwest; it was next to the storage area to the north, where I emerged. To the southeast was more parking lot, and beyond that, the gym and football field; the fence around the track was to the west and south. To the east were the main school buildings. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >ne I stepped between the field house and the tall fence onto the tennis court. Tennis Court Our tennis court was lit by bulbs set along the top of the tall fences on the north and south sides. I guess that was in case someone tried to break into the sports storage door of the building to the west. But I certainly never saw any security cameras anywhere at this school. A short net spanned the court. To the east was the area of the lot in front of the main gate. A break between the fence and the building led out to the southwest whence I came. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >n I could not walk through the fence. >w I walked into the sports storage area again. Sports Storage Room I knew from PE that this room must have been full of stuff, but I didn't know that it was such a fuckin' mess. Cans of tennis balls, tennis rackets, baseball bats, gloves, balls, padding, nets were piled everywhere here, against the black tar walls. I was surprised that none of it fell out when I opened the door. An outdoor basketball hoop, set on casters, was next to a small black door in the west wall. East was the way back out to the tennis court. >e Tennis Court Our tennis court was lit by bulbs set along the top of the tall fences on the north and south sides. I guess that was in case someone tried to break into the sports storage door of the building to the west. But I certainly never saw any security cameras anywhere at this school. A short net spanned the court. To the east was the area of the lot in front of the main gate. A break between the fence and the building led out to the southwest whence I came. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >i I was carrying: a coffee pot some fake love potion a can of Poplicious soda (open but empty) a terrycloth robe a baby bottle (open but empty) a rubber mask (being worn) a bottom half some rubber boots (being worn) a dirty uniform (being worn) a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads (being worn) a green backpack (open) a yellow scrap a credit card an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key a steel hook a creased notebook page my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill My pocket was empty. >x pizza I couldn't see any such thing. >s I could not walk through the fence. >e Main Gateway I was now on the south side of the front gate onto the campus, which was flanked by a tall fence. Soft white light, from the tennis court to the west, and the street lights on Russel Street, to the north, cast an eerie glow over the pavement. To the southeast was the entrance to Middle Hall, and my study hall. Southwest and south was the main parking lot. Around the corner of North Hall, to the east, was the north courtyard of the school. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >s I walked further into the middle of the parking lot. School Parking I stood in the middle of the school parking lot, lit here and there by white street lights. I could see only the outlines of a few cars here, probably belonging to custodians. Or just abandoned. Whatever. To the northwest was the field house, where I first came onto the campus; to the north was the main gate. East was the porch in front of the study hall, in Middle Hall; northeast and southeast were the two courtyards to either side of it. To the south was the back gate, and the entrance to the gym and track. To the west and southwest was the tall fence around the track. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >s Gridiron Entrance I was in another lighted part of the lot, with a few cars, working and abandoned, parked here and there. Another huge gate to the south was closed over a driveway--which was the back way off of the campus. To the west, through another small gate, was my school's football field and track. East was the side-door into the gym; I had it wedged open with a saw horse. The way back to the main parking lot was north. The small gate onto the field was open. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >e I pulled the gym door further open, and stepped into the gym, around the saw horse, and was immediately assaulted by the aroma of floor wax. Gymnasium Compared to other schools, Lamb High had a really crappy gym. It was small, with bleachers on only one side of the basketball court. Not that I was really into sports, but when we had a basketball game, all of the spectators had to sit on that one side, so often fights would break out between fans of rival teams. Steps led up into the bleachers from here. A small hallway led south to the locker rooms. Across the gym floor to the east was the set of steel doors leading out to the hall; they were open. West was the side-door going outside; this door was open, but swinging closed, with the saw horse in its way. A number of huge fans had been placed around the periphery of the gym, blowing powerful gusts everywhere. The gym door was swinging silently closed. >e With the rubber boots on, I stepped carefully across the gym floor, towards the steel doors. Among the Fans I was on the east side of the gym floor, near the steel doors, which were to the east. Those doors were open. To the southwest were some steps leading up into the bleachers. Some industrial fans had been set up here and there around the floor, to help dry the wax. To the west was the rest of the gym, and the door to the outside. One of the fans, an old one next to the doors, wasn't running. >s Probably not a good idea to go tracking up George's wax floor; I decided to stay along the east-west path between the doors. I heard a clacking sound as the gym door hit something, knocking it against the doorframe. >w I trudged west back to the side-door of the gym, in my rubber boots. Gymnasium Compared to other schools, Lamb High had a really crappy gym. It was small, with bleachers on only one side of the basketball court. Not that I was really into sports, but when we had a basketball game, all of the spectators had to sit on that one side, so often fights would break out between fans of rival teams. Steps led up into the bleachers from here. A small hallway led south to the locker rooms. Across the gym floor to the east was the set of steel doors leading out to the hall; they were open. West was the side-door going outside. I had wedged it open with the saw horse. A number of huge fans had been placed around the periphery of the gym, blowing powerful gusts everywhere. The sound of the fans filled the gym; gusts of air blew in every direction. >s Gym Hallway This short hall ended at the custodian's office door, which is closed, to the south. To the east was the door to the guys' locker room, which was closed; next to it to the southeast was the door to the girls' locker room, which was closed. To the north was the gym. >s (first opening the custodian's office door) It seemed to be locked. >w I couldn't go that way. >n Gymnasium Compared to other schools, Lamb High had a really crappy gym. It was small, with bleachers on only one side of the basketball court. Not that I was really into sports, but when we had a basketball game, all of the spectators had to sit on that one side, so often fights would break out between fans of rival teams. Steps led up into the bleachers from here. A small hallway led south to the locker rooms. Across the gym floor to the east was the set of steel doors leading out to the hall; they were open. West was the side-door going outside. I had wedged it open with the saw horse. A number of huge fans had been placed around the periphery of the gym, blowing powerful gusts everywhere. The sound of the fans filled the gym; gusts of air blew in every direction. >w I pushed the door further open and stepped around the saw horse as I went. Gridiron Entrance I was in another lighted part of the lot, with a few cars, working and abandoned, parked here and there. Another huge gate to the south was closed over a driveway--which was the back way off of the campus. To the west, through another small gate, was my school's football field and track. East was the side-door into the gym, which was open, but swinging closed; I had put the saw horse in its way. The way back to the main parking lot was north. The small gate onto the field was open. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. The gym door was swinging silently closed. >e I pulled the gym door further open, and stepped into the gym, around the saw horse, and was immediately assaulted by the aroma of floor wax. Gymnasium Compared to other schools, Lamb High had a really crappy gym. It was small, with bleachers on only one side of the basketball court. Not that I was really into sports, but when we had a basketball game, all of the spectators had to sit on that one side, so often fights would break out between fans of rival teams. Steps led up into the bleachers from here. A small hallway led south to the locker rooms. Across the gym floor to the east was the set of steel doors leading out to the hall; they were open. West was the side-door going outside; this door was open, but swinging closed, with the saw horse in its way. A number of huge fans had been placed around the periphery of the gym, blowing powerful gusts everywhere. The sound of the fans filled the gym; gusts of air blew in every direction. The gym door was swinging silently closed. >e With the rubber boots on, I stepped carefully across the gym floor, towards the steel doors. Among the Fans I was on the east side of the gym floor, near the steel doors, which were to the east. Those doors were open. To the southwest were some steps leading up into the bleachers. Some industrial fans had been set up here and there around the floor, to help dry the wax. To the west was the rest of the gym, and the door to the outside. One of the fans, an old one next to the doors, wasn't running. >e Gym Entrance Now I was on the other side of the main gym doors, a set of steel double-doors to the west, which were open. To the southwest was the janitor's closet; the door to this nook was open. To the north were glass double-doors that led outside--they had a chain with a padlock threaded through the handles. No frickin' going outside for me. This hall, the South Hall of the school with the junior-high classes, continued to the east. I could see a pizza box (closed) here. I heard a clacking sound as the gym door hit something, knocking it against the doorframe. >take pizza I couldn't see any such thing. >* oi That's not a verb I recognize. >take pizza box Got it. >open it I opened the pizza box, revealing a burnt pizza. The sound of the fans running inside the gym filled this part of the hallway. >e I closed the steel doors to the gym, instead of just leaving them open. I didn't want George to be suspicious. Those rubber boots, with the metal cleats, made a clacking noise on the floor--I took them off, so as not to alert anyone to my presence. I went east along the hall. I paused about halfway in, at the bulletin board. And an open door. South Hall, at bulletin board Many classroom doors lined both sides of the hall, which went east-west from here. On the south wall was a bulletin board, with sliding glass doors, which was open. Across from the board, to the north, one classroom door was slightly ajar. It was the art room door. >e I went back down the hall to the east. South Hall, east end I was at the east end of South Hall, where it ended at yet another set of steel double-doors. On the other side of these doors would be East Hall, which ran along the east side of the school. Just before the doors, in the north wall, was an odd door, painted black. It was closed. The way back down the hall towards the gym was to the west. >i I was carrying: a pizza box (open) a burnt pizza a coffee pot some fake love potion a can of Poplicious soda (open but empty) a terrycloth robe a baby bottle (open but empty) a rubber mask (being worn) a bottom half some rubber boots a dirty uniform (being worn) a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads (being worn) a green backpack (open) a yellow scrap a credit card an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key a steel hook a creased notebook page my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill My pocket was empty. >put potion in bottle (the fake love potion in the baby bottle) I poured the potion into the baby bottle, thus completing the recipe. Next I had to figure out what to do with it. That's exactly what I did! I got the formula ready. You earned 5 points for helping me remember! >e (first opening the south hall doors) I quietly and carefully pushed against the doors; they would not budge. >n (first opening the lounge door) The door opened smoothly, and then started moving silently back to close. I dove back into the fuckin' miasma left behind by cigarette smoke. Teacher's Lounge This lounge was hardly something to brag about. A long couch and a small sofa, each flanking a television set with a VCR underneath. Each looking like they had been donated by the local dump. Between the couch and the sofa was a tiny coffee table, with an ashtray on it. Against the west wall was a small counter with a microwave oven on it, beside which was a mini refrigerator. Another black door led east out into East Hall. The door I came in through was to the south. Ketchup was dripping down the front of the cabinet, from the mess I left inside the oven. I could also see a videotape here. The south lounge door was swinging quietly shut. >e (first opening the east lounge door) The door opened smoothly, and then started moving silently back to close. East Hall, at teacher's lounge I was near the south end of East Hall, just outside of the teacher's lounge, which was through the black door to the west. The hall led north, past the principal's office, and south, to the emergency exit. The lounge door was swinging quietly shut. >n I walked towards the principal's office again, in front of the Middle Hall doors. East Hall, at the school office Immediately to the west of me were the steel double-doors that led into Middle Hall. Directly across from them, to the east, were the plate glass doors to the principal's office; for some odd reason, the lights were on in there. The hall went both north and south from here. >n I went back north along the hall. I stopped about halfway to the north end of the hall, near the door to the audio-visual department. East Hall, at Audio-Visual On the east wall here was the door to the Audio-Visual department; next to it was the media drop box, which was hanging open. The hall ran north-south from here. >w There were no unlocked or open doors in that direction. >n I walked back north to the North Hall doors. East Hall, north end To the west was the steel double-doors leading into North Hall; to the north was another fire escape door. An open door to the east welcomed me into the Band Room. The way back down the hall was south. >w (first opening the north hall doors) They seemed to be locked. > I beg your pardon? >s East Hall, at Audio-Visual On the east wall here was the door to the Audio-Visual department; next to it was the media drop box, which was hanging open. The hall ran north-south from here. >s I walked south back down the hall, to the Middle Hall doors and the office. East Hall, at the school office Immediately to the west of me were the steel double-doors that led into Middle Hall. Directly across from them, to the east, were the plate glass doors to the principal's office; for some odd reason, the lights were on in there. The hall went both north and south from here. >s East Hall, at teacher's lounge I was near the south end of East Hall, just outside of the teacher's lounge, which was through the black door to the west. The hall led north, past the principal's office, and south, to the emergency exit. >s I walked towards the southeast corner of the building again. East Hall, south end This corner of the building had the fire escape to the south, which was these doors that had a handle with a red sign on it. To the east was the janitor's closet of this hall, with its door open. To the west were the steel doors leading into the South Hall. This hall continued north from here, lined on either side with closed classroom doors. >se There were no unlocked or open doors in that direction. >s And alert THE WHOLE BUILDING?? NO FRIGGIN' WAY. Opening that door will set off the fire alarm! Some idiot kid did that once and the consequences were heavy. I could hear muffled snoring coming from the closet to the east. >e East Janitor's Closet You could tell that this room was once a classroom; it was big with a window set into the door. Now it was a combination janitor's closet and break room for the custodians. They rigged up a floor sink in the corner, next to which was Scottie's mop bucket. I had moved an old refrigerator slightly away from the south wall, revealing a passage behind it; it had what looked like a schedule posted on its door. On a round table was an old TV set. Along the north wall was the long couch currently napped on by Scottie. The door out to the hall was to the west. Scottie was lying on the couch, snoozing and snoring like fuckin' crazy, muffled by the couch cushions. Leaning against the wall was a leather briefcase with 'S S' on the side. I heard a big muffled snort coming from the couch. >n I couldn't go that way. Scottie wheezed and coughed a bit. >d I went behind the refrigerator again, and down the steps into the dark area. Dark Passage It looks like I found another way into the basement of the building. Pipes and machinery were everywhere down here--and very little light, only from a tiny bulb somewhere overhead. I could see only two ways out of here: back up the stairway that I originally came down, and an opening leading into darkness northwest. >nw I squeezed my way into the opening, which soon became another narrow stairway leading up. It took me to another low hole, which I had to duck through. Then I found myself in another small closet. Middle Janitor's Closet Yep, yet another janitor's closet, with another floor sink. The door, to the north, was open, letting in light from the hall. A dark passage led through a hole to the southeast. >u Well, I HAVE felt like climbing the walls here... >n Middle Hall, at the steel doors Immediately to the east of me were the steel doors leading into East Hall; they were closed. Down the hall to the west I could see the school library, on the right. Past that, I could see the doorway into the Study Hall. The janitor's closet door, through which I came into this hall, was to the south; it was standing open. >n There were no unlocked or open doors in that direction. >w I went back down the hall towards the library. Middle Hall, at the library To the north was the huge open area that we call the school library. It was like a big display of books, everywhere. To the east was the end of the hall, at the steel doors; west the hall ended at the doorway into the Study Hall. >n I stepped into the library. Library, at the counter This carpeted area had the main counter along the west wall; a plush sofa, a square chair and a round chair made up a small reading area facing out towards the hall, which was to the south. Shelves of books covered the east wall, and more shelves flanked the way further into the library, to the north. The library office was to the west, past the counter. A card catalogue was on the other side of the office doorway. On the large counter was a large book. >n Walking between the rows of shelves, I approached the back of the library. Library, back area This was kind of the most private area of the library. A study table with chairs was on the east side; a soft chair was sitting near the west wall, pulled away from the corner. Bookshelves lined the walls, except for the window on the north wall, the space behind the soft chair, and an opening to the south, between the bookcases, which led to the front of the library. A section of carpet behind the soft chair had been pulled away, to reveal what looked like another trap door, which had been pulled up open. >n I couldn't go that way. >d I made another careful climb down the steps into the boiler room. Boiler Room This must have been a boiler room once. I saw a couple of large drums sitting against the north wall with large pipes coming out of them up top. Beside them some steps went north, up into the wall. The chute that I slid down, which is now a metal stairway, went up into the south wall. Next to it was a lever sticking out of the wall, in a horizontal position. The room was dry, dark, warm and stuffy. It was dimly lit by light coming down the metal stairway, from the library. >n I went back up the winding stairway. North Janitor's Closet And another floor sink. The door, to the north, was open, letting in light from the hall. A banister to the south marked the top of a spiral stairway leading down. >n I stepped out of the janitor's closet yet again. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. >w I went back up the hall, into the cafeteria. Cafeteria This was a huge, long room, full of formica tables with plastic chairs laid upside-down on them. Windows lined the north wall; a buffet line ran along that wall, to a counter in the northwest corner, behind which I could see the swing-doors going into the kitchen. To the south were the glass double-doors through which students could escape and get fresh air. East and west were doorways back out into the hall. I could hear the sound of fans going, through the kitchen doors. Sitting behind the lunch counter was the lost-and-found box. Victor was busy here, sweeping under the tables and chairs. >nw As I started towards the kitchen doors, Victor cried, "Hey! The floor in there has fresh wax. Get some boots on, first." I saw a frown on his face as he went back to work. I desisted. >wear boots The things were so frickin' big that they fit neatly over my sneakers. >nw I went behind the counter towards the kitchen doors. (first opening the swing-doors) I pushed open the swing-doors. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. The kitchen swing-doors were swinging slowly back and forth. >n I stepped back out the door, into the night. Dump Area A gravelly alcove just wide enough to take a garbage truck; a dumpster occupied the center of the school brick wall, on the south side, right next to the kitchen back door. The fence was to the north, stretching tightly between brick walls to the east and west. I could see Russel Street, and the trees beyond, through the sliding, remote controlled gate in the fence; the area was dimly lit by streetlights along Russel. Right next to the back door, on the wall, was what looked like a breaker box. The garbage crew must have taken out the trash; the smell wasn't as rancid as I thought it might be. But it still stank to hell. The kitchen back door was standing open. What was freakin' odd was that, though there were wide tire tracks in the gravel, like from a garbage truck, leading up to the dumpster, there wasn't even any evidence that there was a car here. On the darker side of the dumpster, there was a manhole cover, lying partially over a hole in the ground. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >s I stepped back into the kitchen, glad to escape the thick miasma of the dump area. School Kitchen I really couldn't see what Victor was talking about. The place looked absolutely clean. The food prep counter, the cabinets, the sinks, stoves and ovens; all were pristine and flashed in the light. Even the floor was clean; a couple of powerful fans were blowing on it and making quite a racket. To the west was a cooler door; it was open and cold air was streaming out of it. To the north was a steel door, the back door leading out to the dumpster area; it was standing open, letting in putrid smells from the area outside. To the southeast were the swing-doors leading back out to the cafeteria. >w Cold Storage This room was cold. And just bare metal walls. They must have emptied it out for the week while school was out. A tiny lightbulb was shining above. The door out to the kitchen was open, to the east. The room wasn't totally empty. A rack of lab coats was here; Victor probably rolled it in to get it off the kitchen floor before waxing. A doorway to the west, with clear plastic curtains, beckoned me further in. >w I stepped back into the freezer. Walk-In Freezer This place wasn't much different, except for two things. One was that there were shelves lining the north wall; the opposite wall had a line of fans high up, blowing with a constant humming noise. The other was that it was bitter fuckin' cold in there and I didn't know how much longer I could stay! Under the shelves on the south wall, there was a square hatch in the floor. Lying on the floor along the north wall were chunks of ice from the ice patch I broke up. I couldn't be sure how long I could stay here. It was very cold and freezing air was blowing directly on me. >save Ok. >d I went back down through the hatch, and it closed over me as I descended the ladder. Dismal Basement The walls of this place were rough concrete, and very uneven. A steel ladder on the east wall went up to a square metal hatch. A very dark tunnel led north. >n I walked into the tunnel again. I passed a number of caved-in stairways that went nowhere, ladders without hatches. I stopped after about five hundred feet. Underground Passage This dark tunnel had cracked concrete walls and a dirt floor that went on for what seemed like several blocks. The air was stale and dusty. The tunnel continued north and south from here. > I beg your pardon? >remove all What do you want to remove those things from? >me I seemed to belong to myself. >remove boots I easily removed the clodhoppers. >remove uniform I was carrying too many things already. >put all in backpack can of Poplicious soda: I tossed the can of Poplicious soda into the backpack. rubber boots: I tossed the rubber boots into the backpack. pizza box: The pizza box was too big to fit into the backpack. coffee pot: I tossed the coffee pot into the backpack. terrycloth robe: I tossed the terrycloth robe into the backpack. baby bottle: I tossed the baby bottle into the backpack. bottom half: I tossed the bottom half into the backpack. drill rifle: The drill rifle was too big to fit into the backpack. >remove unicorm I couldn't see any such thing. >i I was carrying: a pizza box (open) a burnt pizza a rubber mask (being worn) a dirty uniform (being worn) a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads (being worn) a green backpack (open) a bottom half a baby bottle (open) some fake love potion a terrycloth robe a coffee pot (empty) some rubber boots a can of Poplicious soda (open but empty) a yellow scrap a credit card an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key a steel hook a creased notebook page my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill My pocket was empty. >remove uniform I dropped my stuff, took off the uniform, and picked my stuff back up. >remove clothese I couldn't see any such thing. >remove clothes I stripped to my skivvies and socks. >wear robe (first taking the terrycloth robe) Got it. I put the robe on over my slender form. It covered me completely down to my socks. Now with the mask on, I should be completely indistinguishable from Will. >take bottle Got it. >n I walked to the north end again, with the debris and the ladder. Passage End The north wall here was completely made of broken concrete, dust and dirt that looked like it had fallen in from above. On the west wall was a ladder that went up to another manhole cover. I could see a handle hanging from the cover. The tunnel went south from here. >u I climbed back up out of the hole again. Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >e I walked back to the shack. Old Shack This was a small space in the thicker part of the woods. To the north was the wooden door to the shack; it was closed. As big as the shack was, it looked more like a barn. I could see light between some of the boards. The path back to the manhole cover went west; more woods were in every other direction. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >knock (the dirty uniform) I wasn't superstitious. >x tiny I couldn't see any such thing. >w Grassy Path This path went east-west, winding through dense trees and tall grass. Crickets chirped and frogs ribbeted all around me. To the west, the path seemed to go into a less dense area; to the east, it went into a darker thicket. Beside the path was the manhole cover that I moved aside. Lying on the ground, on the other side of the manhole cover, was Will, dressed in only a white robe and socks, sleeping soundly. Lying near Will was a baby bottle full of some brownish-yellow liquid. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. Will rustled a bit, then lay still. >search will I took a quick and gentle look. There was nothing in the robe pocket, except a tiny note, which I took. Under the robe he wore only briefs. Not Will's usual attire, he usually wore a full suit of pajamas and never showed his hairless chest. >e I walked back to the shack. Old Shack This was a small space in the thicker part of the woods. To the north was the wooden door to the shack; it was closed. As big as the shack was, it looked more like a barn. I could see light between some of the boards. The path back to the manhole cover went west; more woods were in every other direction. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. >read tiny It said-- Knock, knock, knock, knockknock If there was only one thing Will was good at, it was taking notes. It must have been some kind of knocking code, which I should probably use when I find the door. >knock (the dirty uniform) I wasn't superstitious. >knock on dor I couldn't see any such thing. >knock on door I did the "knock, knock, knock, knockknock" bit on the door--three raps, each with a pause, followed by two quick ones. Finally, I heard some motion inside. There was a click, and the door flew open; I had to step back to dodge it. "Finally. I thought you would be out there for-fucking-EVER!" said the sharp, raspy whispering voice. I was facing a man in a plastic DARTH VADER mask! "Now just a minute," he said, as he took the baby bottle out of my hands. He gave it a good whiff. He smiled. "Yessss...genuine llama piss mixed with salt and peanut butter. It'll hit the spot!!" He guffawed as he closed it and handed it back to me. Please press SPACE to continue. He continued. "Well, it may be a while, I need some time, I am, ah, going over some information." He stepped towards another door inside, which was open, revealing some light. It was then that I noticed the three pillars inside the barn, and a torch that was perched on the pillar near the opposite wall. He turned around again to face me. "Meanwhile, feel free to visit with our guests." He motioned towards (yet another) manhole cover on the floor. "But don't get, ah, fresh. Yet!" He bellowed with laughter. "Remember to keep your mask on! And your robe!" Another guffaw. Please press SPACE to continue. "By the way, Will," he whispered, "I want to take a moment, to, ah, THANK you for your contribution to our ceremony. For the potion, ever so essential to the ritual. And for your assistance in, ah, securing our attendees." He took a somber posture. He gazed at me expectantly. At least I thought he did. Then I took the hint. In a whisper (I always had trouble doing Will's friggin' irregular voice), and careful about my wording, I said, "And I want to thank you, too, for providing the llama urine, and the girls. And the venue." I tried to sound excited. I stopped before saying too frickin' much. The Creep bowed. "I'll be in my study," he said, indicating the interior door. "Come in, make yourself at home, visit with the girls." He gave me another long look. "Girls who are soon to be TRULY OURS." That sounded ominous. "Oh yes," I whispered. Please press SPACE to continue. He turned around and went through the interior door, slamming it behind him. I thought I heard some humming. After a click, and a little more racket, there was silence. I stood there before the open shack door. Old Shack This was a small space in the thicker part of the woods. To the north was the wooden door to the shack; it was open. As big as the shack was, it looked more like a barn. I could see light between some of the boards. The path back to the manhole cover went west; more woods were in every other direction. The sky had a light blue haze to it, as if the Sun was about to come up, making things more visible. That's exactly what I did! I successfully crashed the temple. You earned 15 points for helping me remember! >n I stepped into the shack, among the wooden pillars. Post Room There was a frickin' dreary feeling to this room. There were three wooden posts which were in a perfect triangle, one to either side of the room, the third near the back wall; this one had a lit torch stuck into the top of it, just above head height. Some twigs were piled high in the center of the triangle, on the floor. There was a knotty door in the west wall, and I could see light in between the cracks. The door back out was to the south. It was hanging open. Light from the torch reflected off of a manhole cover in the floor, which I spotted near the east wall. >d But the hole was closed. By the manhole cover. >open cover with hook (first taking the steel hook) Got it. The hook was a perfect fit for the eyehole. I then pulled it up by the crosspiece, and the manhole cover came up, and I dragged it off of the hole far enough to be able to climb in. I pulled the hook out. >d I dropped down to the ground and put my feet into the hole. My feet found a short ladder, which I used to help me to the floor. As I climbed down, it hit me. Will is involved in this. I can only think that he must have been so frickin' desperate for love, for SOMEthing from a woman, that he would do something like this. And join up with the Creep?? Is the Creep someone we know? Someone just as hard up, who would use some kind of mumbo-jumbo idiot-assed magic to gain a woman's sympathies? Would Will do shit like this? How long had they been planning this? I remember Will getting the 'recipe', last week. Oh, about the 'virgins' mentioned in the recipe. I can only wonder who these guys managed to kidnap. Will was at Liz's with me earlier today. Or yesterday, who knows what time it was, now. Is Liz one of them? And who is the other? Intent to find out, I looked around. Lit Hallway This looked like an old prison cell block. Like very old. The hallway stretched east of here, and I could see doors with barred windows up ahead, in a staggered pattern. Flaming torches placed here and there lit the way. A rusty ladder led upward to a manhole over my head. I could see the iron handle of the manhole cover, which was lying partially over the hole. On the wall near the ladder was an iron hook. Hanging from it was a rusty keyring. >take rusty (the rusty keyring) Got it. >i I was carrying: a rusty keyring a steel hook a tiny note a baby bottle (closed) some fake love potion a terrycloth robe (being worn) a pizza box (open) a burnt pizza a rubber mask (being worn) a dirty uniform a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads a green backpack (open) a bottom half a coffee pot (empty) some rubber boots a can of Poplicious soda (open but empty) a yellow scrap a credit card an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key a creased notebook page my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill There was nothing in the pocket of the robe. >n The cell door in that direction was dark and locked. >e I passed a number of wooden doors, and from sheer force of friggin' habit, I pulled on every one of them, looking in every barred window. They all seemed to be dark. Finally, I found a door where light was coming out of the window. Lit Hallway, at the lighted door This torchlit hall continued east-west from here. One of the cell doors on the north wall, in this part of the hall, had flickering light shining through the window. >n (first opening the lighted cell door) I grabbed the handle and yanked on the door, back and forth. Then I heard a snort, then a female-sounding "ah! Wha?" Then another sound, like someone getting up off the floor. Suddenly I saw Anne's face. Her eyebrows raised, then frowned, as she yelled, "YOU, stay AWAY from me!", backing to the wall. It was then that I realized that I was still wearing that stupid rubber mask that I got off of Will. I unzipped it and yanked it off, saying, "Anne, it's me, Tom." She gave me a questioning look. "Tom?" She stepped up closer to the door. "Don't tell me that YOU'RE involved in this!? Tom, you REALLY disappoint me! I didn't think that you'd STOOP to this level! Helping that guy kidnap me! Tom, I am supposed to be in California, getting ready to be married! I didn't know that you were so VINDICTIVE!" She started to sob. Oh I hated that. "No, Anne. No." I tried to be quiet. "I WANT you to be happy, and have a good life. I didn't kidnap you. I came to RESCUE you!" She said, "Oh yeah? Then how the hell did you find me? Why the getup? How did you get here?" She kept sobbing, turning away from me. If only there was some way, or something that I could show her that would convince her that I was sincere. >give note to anne (the tiny note to Anne) I stuck the tiny note through the bars. Anne snatched it and read over it. "What is this supposed to mean to me?" she said, tossing it back to me >i I was carrying: a rusty keyring a steel hook a tiny note a baby bottle (closed) some fake love potion a terrycloth robe (being worn) a pizza box (open) a burnt pizza a rubber mask a dirty uniform a drill rifle an oven glove (being worn) my acoustic guitar (being worn) my usual threads a green backpack (open) a bottom half a coffee pot (empty) some rubber boots a can of Poplicious soda (open but empty) a yellow scrap a credit card an unsmoked cigarette a fifth note my ripped notebook a steel key a creased notebook page my keyring my locker key my house key a bronze key a fourth note my green pencil some spare keys a lounge key a flashlight (providing light) a school anthem a folded sticky note a wire hanger, untwisted into a long wire a third note a remote controller a second note Will's note a torn note a ten-dollar bill There was nothing in the pocket of the robe. >give second note to anne (first taking the second note) Got it. I stuck the second note from the Creep through the bars. Anne snatched it and read over it. Her face changed. She handed it back to me. "You see," I said, "I actually tried to visit you toni...I mean...last night. I felt bad about what I said to you..." "I felt bad, too," she interjected. I went on. "So I had to see you, one more time, to try to make it right. I found the back door open." She got reflective, trying to remember something. "I was doing my wash. Then I was going to take a late flight. I had the back door open to bring in some fresh air. I opened the front door because I heard someone out there. I thought it was you. Next thing I knew, I was struggling with this dark figure. He hit me with something, on the back of my head." Please press SPACE to continue. "Then I woke up in the back of a car. I was tied up, couldn't move. I heard voices. Then the trunk was open, and the dark guy put this rag up to my face. Chloroform? I was out again. Whoever was with him, they must have carried me here." "Anne, I'm sorry, but you're underground," I said. "They must have lowered you down into the hallway through the manhole, then put you in here." Please press SPACE to continue. I went on. "I searched your house, and when I didn't find you, I almost called the police, but then the phone rang. I had to answer it. It was this Creep, the guy that kidnapped you." I then decided to spill my guts about the notebook, the one the Creep was going to blackmail her or others about. "He told me to find this notebook and give it to him, probably because of the phone numbers and names at the back of it. I found it under your pillow." "My diary?? Numbers and names?? Oh, ha ha, Tom. I always keep my diary close to me, and those are the names and numbers of my brothers and cousins! My appointment book has been destroyed. If this creep calls one of those numbers, he's going to get his ass clobbered." She gave me a slight grin. "They, and my fiancé, already know about my, ah, former profession..." She looked away. Please press SPACE to continue. I quickly continued, not wanting to dwell on that last remark. "He made me bring it to my school and then search all over campus for him. He left these stupid notes. I was scared, scared for you. I must have searched the entire campus." She looked at me with campassion and sorrow. "I finally found him and gave your diary to him. Then by chance I found these passages that went underground, and found him and this place, and I also found out what they were going to do and how. And I had to disguise myself like this to get down here, like one of the Creep's monks." Please press SPACE to continue. "Now I want to try to get you out of here. I don't know if I have the key to this door, but I do know that two other women may be held nearby. And I think those guys intend to do some kind of stupid love ceremony to get you all to fall in love with them." I was careful not to mention Will. I didn't even know what to think about Will, but I do know that now I couldn't lie for him. He won't learn unless he faces the music. "Well, Tom, you better go try to help those other girls. Don't worry about me, now." Please press SPACE to continue. Then I realized it might be difficult to get them all out at once. Reluctantly, I said, "Okay. But I will come for you, you know that, Anne." "I know," she said, quietly. "Because I love you." Oh no, I couldn't believe I let that slip. She turned away. She whispered, "You know, Tom, I'm about out of tears. So can you please just..." She turned back to me, with resolution. "Go get them out. Take them back to their families. I will take care of myself." She looked at me with calm assurance. One thing that I did not have. She was so good at that. When I turned away, she went back to her brooding. But much less in pain. She gave me a wink. "Go," she said, calmly. Lit Hallway, at Anne's cell This torchlit hall continued east-west from here. One of the cell doors on the north wall, in this part of the hall, had flickering light shining through the window. I could see Anne inside the lighted cell, pacing around with her arms folded. That's exactly what I did! I regained Anne's trust. You earned 5 points for helping me remember! >unlock door with rusty keyring I tried the old keys in the door; they would not turn in the keyhole. Damn. Anne looked hopeful for a moment, but then her face fell. >e As I walked away, I heard Anne whisper, "Tom? I...." I turned around to look at her. "I .... love you, too." I said, "I know." I continued down the hall. I thought I heard another sob coming from Anne's door. I continued deeper into the hall, passing many closed doors and dark windows. I figured that I would find another lighted door, sooner or later. I didn't have long to go. I had reached a bend in the hall, and straight ahead to the east was a door with a subtle light coming through its window. Hall Corner The hall, coming from the west, made a bend here, continuing south. I could see torches and wooden doors going on forever in either direction. In the east wall near the corner was a door with a dimly lit window >e (first opening the dimly lit door) I grabbed the handle and yanked on the door, back and forth. I heard a shriek. I had to hold my friggin' ears. Then through the bars, I could see Liz's face. I could hardly believe it. Will and the Creep actually got her in here, too. "Tom! So you've come to rescue me? And you are disguised as Will to fool that other creep? You are so smart." She gave me a glowing look. I had to admit for a moment that I was flattered. Though I did detect a bit of patronization. Please press SPACE to continue. I really didn't want to go into a long story with a lot of details, so I just said, "Well, Liz, they kidnapped you and two other girls, as part of this weird ritual to get you all to fall in love with them." Liz said, "Well I figured that from the way they were dressed. I was sitting out on the beach with my, when he went to go get us a take-out dinner from Gérard's. About ten minutes later, this creep in a Darth Vader costume comes up. I thought it was my playing a joke on me, so my guard was off, and I played along." Please press SPACE to continue. She continued. "He put this rag to my mouth, and I was out. I thought he was making some joke about 'using the Force' to strangle me, putting his hand out to my mouth. I woke up just as I was being carried into this cell." Liz's eyes widened as she looked at me. "And I saw Will! He had a robe on, just like you do. And some stupid baby mask. As they were carrying me, it must have fallen off, it wasn't zipped down in the back, I think, and I saw his face. The other guy cursed Will as he walked off." Please press SPACE to continue. Liz then got reflective. She said, "You know, it's funny, about the Darth Vader guy. He talked in whispers, and so did Will. Why would Will want to do this to me? Did he want me so bad that he had to conspire with this other guy to 'get' me??" She made a gagging motion with her mouth. Then she grinned at me narrowly. "And how did you get into this picture?" Please press SPACE to continue. "I know one of the other victims," I said, flatly, choosing my details carefully. "They wanted her diary, and the dark guy forced me to get it for him. I found it, and after I gave it to him, I followed them, and you know the rest." "Well, Tom, you are certainly a very good guy!" She gave me another glowing look. Then her face got serious again. "So is my guy, and I'll bet he has the entire police force out looking for me by now." She looked away. Well, I certainly had no friggin' idea. The streets seemed quieter than a Sunday night. But I was duty-bound to get her out and back home. Please press SPACE to continue. Then Liz frowned. "Who else did they kidnap?" "Well, one girl that I know, and another one that I don't. Listen, Liz, we can't talk much longer, they are going to move ahead with their crap when the Sun rises, and I need to figure out an escape plan, like find another exit. You just sit tight, here, and I will come back for you." She smiled. "You are so sweet, being my hero." I half-smiled back. Lit Hallway, at Liz's cell The hall, coming from the west, made a bend here, continuing south. I could see torches and wooden doors going on forever in either direction. In the east wall near the corner was a door with a dimly lit window I could see Liz pacing around, through the window of her cell door. >unlock door with rusty keyring As I fumbled with the rusty keyring, it hit me that I really didn't have a good getaway plan. I didn't even know if there were any other exits from this place, and the only one I knew of went through the shack, where I could be easily noticed by the Creep. If I freed Liz now, that may put her in even more danger. I should probably see if I could find an alternate exit...?? I could see Liz pacing around nervously in her cell. >s As I started to walk away, Liz said, "Tom? You're not going to forget about me, here, are you?" I said, "Of course not. I'm going to figure out a way to get you all out of here." I looked back; she gave me a smile and a wink. I quickly said, "And neither will your boyfriend. As you said, he probably has half the county looking for you by now." Her smile disappeared. I then remembered that she had said that this guy was married. This being now Saturday morning, it wasn't so damn likely that he would be calling the police from work. Or from home; he would be at home with his wife, and he might be eaten up inside worried about Liz. I just don't see him, whoever he is, contacting the police from home, with his wife and/or family there, about some strange girl that he took to the beach for walks and dinner. On a whim, I asked her, "Who is your guy?" Her face fell again. "I....I...can't....tell you," she said, in halting tones. "Though I suppose you might find out." I nodded. "Well, let me see what I can do." I stepped away. "Okay, Tom. I'll be waiting," she said, with a grin, and then another wink. Somehow, I just didn't see how Will ever thought that Liz was a virgin. I went around the corner, following the hall to the south, looking into each window, checking each door, looking for the third girl. Nothing, no one. The hall seemed to take on a musty, mildewy smell. Feeling desperate, I came to the last door, which was moldy as hell at the bottom. I was relieved to see a flickering light through the barred window. Lit Hallway, at moldy door The air was musty and had a heavy feeling, in this part of the hall, which went back north from here. To the south I could see the end of the hall; from here, I sensed something strange about the walls there, which I couldn't quite put my finger on. In the west wall was the last cell door. It was incredibly moldy on the bottom. I could see a flickering light in the barred window of the cell. I could hear the sound of steady breathing coming from the cell door. >w (first opening the moldy door) I grabbed the handle of the door and started yanking on it really hard, and slapping it with my hand. The door seemed a bit weak from the moisture, and splinters fell off of it, but it was still closed and locked tightly. Then I heard some intent footsteps. A girl appeared in the window, tall, with curly, fiery red hair. A stern face, with piercing blue eyes. Jeans, her arms folded over a tee-shirt, and leather shoes. Allison. "WHO the HELL are YOU?" she said, in a quietly cold voice. "I'm Tom," I said. "Tom Trundle." Please press SPACE to continue. Her eyes narrowed. "You're from my high school, aren't you?? Horace Lamb??" "Yeah, you graduated last year, when I was a sophomore." And she was still absolutely gorgeous, despite her hair looking a bit rough. And her freakin' obvious look of distrust. "Well, you're awfully friendly considering you just fucking kidnapped me!" she said, sharply. "What do you expect to get away with? Assuming, of course, I don't KICK YOUR ASS??" That came totally unexpected. And she looked totally capable of it. Please press SPACE to continue. And it would be totally arousing, if it weren't for the friggin' urgency of the situation. Clearing my throat, I said, "I expect to get you out of here, and back home with your father." Whoops. I really didn't mean to say that part, inviting frickin' emotionality. She stepped back a bit. " father?" She looked away, a bit stunned. "How do you know my Dad??" she said, in disbelief. Please press SPACE to continue. I said, "Ulmer? Ulmer Underwood? He's one of the night custodians at our school, isn't he? He told me about you. He said you moved out suddenly, and had not contacted him yet." She paused, looking down. Then she looked back up and said, incredulously, "Okay, so how did you know where I was?? Oh, wait a minute, wasn't that you I saw with Lord Vader, putting that rag to my face while he held me back?? You're wearing that same white robe, pretending to be Baby Luke Skywalker or some stupid shit." I said, "No, that wasn't me. Though I was disguised as that guy, so I could get down here and find you all. I knocked that guy out cold and stole his clothes and mask." Please press SPACE to continue. Still distrusting, she said, "And how did you find this place?" "You'll find this even harder to believe, but I know one of the victims, and the dark guy you're talking about wanted her diary. I had to bring it to him, to the school. That's where I met your father, and he talked about you. He said he missed you and wanted to see you..." I stopped when I noticed her crying. "Now I miss him so much..." she said between sobs. Please press SPACE to continue. Regaining her voice, Allison said, "Tom, I....I did something really stupid." To my questioning look (despite the urgency), she said, "Yes, even at eighteen we do stupid shit for love. You'll find that out." I already knew that. "This guy from our school. I thought I was in love with him. We planned to run away. He got me an apartment to stay in. I wanted to go to work, pay my way through college, majoring in mathematics. He wanted to help pay for it. In fact, he wanted me to marry him." I was wondering where this was going and what it had to do with her kidnapping. I soon found out. Please press SPACE to continue. She continued, "In fact, he showed me an engagement ring. It was getting too much for me. Too much too soon. I wasn't ready to marry him. Besides," she swallowed, pausing, looking away. "Besides, he was already married." Hunh?? That put me on the friggin' alert. Something about that was very familiar. To my stunned look, Allison said, "Yes. And he wanted a commitment from me. Before I could even get my own life off the ground. I told him I wasn't quite ready, yet. I needed to seriously think it over. That's when I really wanted to see Dad again. I told him I wanted to talk to my father about it." Please press SPACE to continue. "You have a really good father, Allison. He really misses you and I think he would give you sound advice," I said. Allison continued. "Well, that must have triggered something, because, just yesterday, he and this other dude came into the apartment, they were dressed just like you saw them, as Lord Vader, and the other guy said he was Baby Luke, and that they wanted to take me to a Star Wars convention, for Spring Break. He knew that I used to like Star Wars, so I sort of believed him. I told him that I wanted to invite my Dad, and I went to the telephone to call my father. Next thing I knew, I felt like I was struggling for my life." Please press SPACE to continue. I was more shocked at that than she knew. Allison's guy was the Creep. So I had to ask, "Allison, who is this guy you were with?" She looked down. "Tom, though I feel I can trust you, I really can't tell you right now. I can say that it was an older guy, much older, and that it was stupid. I didn't really love him. I was in love with idea of running away to start my own life, and Lord Vader was there to 'help' me. I had a very close relationship with my Dad, because Mom died years ago, and Dad works mainly overnight. He was there for me all the time, every waking hour. I just needed to take a breather." Please press SPACE to continue. I have to admit I really enjoyed Allison feeling free to be frickin' candid with me. I loved that. But I also knew that she was probably friggin' vulnerable, after leaving her father and then this ordeal. I had to keep my emotions in check. I had to focus on finding a way out, and getting her out of there. I said, "Allison, they are planning to tie you up to a post, and make you part of this sick love ceremony. Along with two other women. I need to get you out and find us a way out of this place." She beamed at me. Please press SPACE to continue. Then her eyes widened. "Hey, you're the kid who threw food at Steven Shultz at lunch three years ago, aren't you..!?" I looked down, with a grin. "Yeah, and I got detention. I wasn't too proud of that." "Baloney! You should be proud!" Okay, I was. And I swiftly added, "And you're the girl who slapped him silly around the same time, aren't you? For hitting on you? I loved hearing that." I really didn't know if it was him she slapped, but I took a chance. She beamed again. "And I got detention, too. But we really taught him a lesson, didn't we?" "Yeah, he got what was coming." We laughed. Please press SPACE to continue. I had to turn away. Time was running out. "Allison, I want to get you and the other two out of here, but first I need to find another exit. The only one I know of goes near our Creep." "I understand. You want us to be safe and get out safely." I felt something. Like I really connected with her. Almost too fast. And like I wanted it. Almost too much. I had to get a grip. Lit Hallway, at Allison's cell The air was musty and had a heavy feeling, in this part of the hall, which went back north from here. To the south I could see the end of the hall; from here, I sensed something strange about the walls there, which I couldn't quite put my finger on. In the west wall was the last cell door. It was incredibly moldy on the bottom. I could see a flickering light in the barred window of the cell. I could see Allison through the cell window, arms folded and pacing around. >s As I walked away, I heard Allison call out, "Good luck, Tom! I know that we will be out of here, soon." I turned back and saw her waving and grinning. "I'll be back for you, soon," I said. I was afraid that she might be the one who needed luck. I proceeded towards what looked like the end of the hall, and quickly realized what was so strange about it. Wet Room Every inch of the walls here was covered with moisture. And the air was so humid that I could feel water drip off of me. Though the light here was dim, I could see that though the walls to the east and west were clearly concrete, the south wall looked like a bunch of wooden boards, nailed neatly together. The hall went north from here. >hit boards with rifle I grabbed the rifle by the barrel, and after a few swings in the air, I gave the boards my best shot. It was so weak that nearly the whole thing collapsed after only one hit. I struck at it a few more times to knock away wood that was near the ground. I could see that the wall was hiding a dark area, where I could hear water trickling. I rubbed the rifle against a concrete wall to get rid of the slimy shit. >s I stepped over the rotted wood, into the dark area beyond it. More Pipes Huge pipes came down from the ceiling here, near the south wall. The air was just full of moisture, and I guessed that this was because of the many tiny leaks in the waterworks down here. Dim light from the hall came in through the huge opening I created to the north. I looked around carefully. Only then did I notice another metal ladder going up into the west wall, with the light reflecting off of it. How many freakin' ladders are there around here? >u I climbed up the ladder, though it was friggin' wet; I guess the rust compensated for the moisture, giving me more traction. I kept going until my head was within inches of a hatch handle. I gave the thing a push, wondering what place this hatch would bring me into. Though it opened silently, the thing was heavy as hell. I couldn't get it to stay open. Bracing my legs, I pushed on the hatch with all my friggin' might, throwing it open. It went up, and leaned into an open position. Then I hoisted myself up onto what looked like a neat, tiled floor. When my vision cleared, I realized where I was. Girls' Restroom Completely different from the boys' room, as I expected. No urinals, which didn't surprise me. More stalls; they were on both north and south walls. One good, long counter with uncracked sinks and one unbroken mirror. The floor was actually complete. Clean. And the room actually friggin' smelled good. I could actually look forward to using a place like this. Except that I am male. The exit was to the southeast. The tiled hatch through which I came was leaning open, away from the east wall, revealing a neat square hole in the floor. That's exactly what I did! I found a sixth passage. You earned 10 points for helping me remember! >d I climbed back down into the plumbing area, careful not to friggin' close the hatch behind me. More Pipes Huge pipes came down from the ceiling here, near the south wall. The air was just full of moisture, and I guessed that this was because of the many tiny leaks in the waterworks down here. Dim light from the hall came in through the huge opening I created to the north. Yet another metal ladder climbed up into the west wall. >n Wet Room Every inch of the walls here was covered with moisture. And the air was so humid that I could feel water drip off of me. To the south, past where some rotted wood stuck to the ceiling, I could see a dark area, where I could hear water trickling. The hall went north from here. >w I couldn't go that way. >n I walked back to Allison's cell. Lit Hallway, at Allison's cell The air was musty and had a heavy feeling, in this part of the hall, which went back north from here. To the south I could see the end of the hall. In the west wall was the last cell door. It was incredibly moldy on the bottom. I could see a flickering light in the barred window of the cell. I could see Allison through the cell window, arms folded and pacing around. I could hear Allison tapping a foot nervously. >unlock door with rusty keyring I unlocked the door with one of the rusty keys. Allison stepped out, grinning, but with a sense of urgency. "I can't wait to get out of this crappy place," she said, in a hushed tone, realizing that the Creep could be around the corner. She started going south towards the end of the hall. "I think I heard you knocking down something in this direction, right?" Allison seemed to be pushing ahead. I didn't mind being behind her. >n Allison looked back at me questioningly. "I thought we were going that way," she said, pointing to the end of the hall. I said, "There is another girl in one of the cells in this direction." "Okay," said Allison, "let's go help her." We walked back to Liz's cell. As we approached Liz's cell, Allison locked eyes with her. "Liz?" she cried. "Allison! What are you doing here?" cried Liz. "Long story, we're going to get you out!" They both beamed at me. I was getting tired of this beaming. Lit Hallway, at Liz's cell The hall, coming from the west, made a bend here, continuing south. I could see torches and wooden doors going on forever in either direction. In the east wall near the corner was a door with a dimly lit window Allison was here, examining the cell door closely. I could see Liz pacing around, through the window of her cell door. Allison looked closely at Liz's cell door, as if looking for a way to break it open. >unlock door with rusty keyring I unlocked and opened the door and she stepped out. "Let's go!" she said. >s As I walked, Liz looked back at me and grinned, with a wink. Lit Hallway, at Allison's cell The air was musty and had a heavy feeling, in this part of the hall, which went back north from here. To the south I could see the end of the hall. In the west wall was the last cell door. It was incredibly moldy on the bottom. I could see a flickering light in the barred window of the cell. Allison and Liz were here, trying to get me to hurry up. >s As I walked, Liz reached back, as if to grab my hand. She gave an innocent look as she retracted her reach. We followed Allison down the hall, to the rotten wood. Wet Room Every inch of the walls here was covered with moisture. And the air was so humid that I could feel water drip off of me. To the south, past where some rotted wood stuck to the ceiling, I could see a dark area, where I could hear water trickling. The hall went north from here. Allison and Liz were here, trying to get me to hurry up. Allison seemed to be pushing ahead, with Liz not far behind her. I didn't mind being behind them. >s As I walked, Liz looked back at me and grinned, with a wink. We followed Allison into the plumbing area. She looked around, and noticed the ladder. "Ah, I see you found a ladder! Where does it go??" She didn't wait for an answer, starting up the ladder. Liz skipped along after her, slapping me on the shoulder. "You coming, Tom?" More Pipes Huge pipes came down from the ceiling here, near the south wall. The air was just full of moisture, and I guessed that this was because of the many tiny leaks in the waterworks down here. Dim light from the hall came in through the huge opening I created to the north. Yet another metal ladder climbed up into the west wall. Allison was standing on the ladder, looking back at me. Liz was standing right under her, urging me forward. >u I followed the girls up the ladder. I didn't mind. It turned me on that they seemed so eager to explore, particularly Allison, who turned around and said, "I wonder where this leads." Looking at me with a smile, she said, "But you already know, don't you, Tom?" When she turned her head upward again, she found out. "This is the girls' restroom at our...your school...isn't it? Wow, I never knew this passage ever existed! I wonder how many passages there are, here." I'd sure like to show her. Allison hoisted herself up onto the tiled floor, then helped Liz up. Liz helped me up, holding my hand just a bit too long. I didn't too terribly mind. Allison said, "Hey, it's probably around clock-out time for my Dad, he works in Middle Hall, maybe he's still there! Let's go!" she said, heading for the door. It felt so good to me for her to include me. Liz popped me on the butt, saying, "Let's hurry!" Girls' Restroom Completely different from the boys' room, as I expected. No urinals, which didn't surprise me. More stalls; they were on both north and south walls. One good, long counter with uncracked sinks and one unbroken mirror. The floor was actually complete. Clean. And the room actually friggin' smelled good. I could actually look forward to using a place like this. Except that I am male. The exit was to the southeast. Allison was at the door, with Liz, waiting impatiently for me to follow. The tiled hatch through which I came was leaning open, away from the east wall, revealing a neat square hole in the floor. >se (first opening the girls' room door) Allison pulled the door open, and we walked through it together. It began to briskly swing back closed. As I walked, Liz reached back, as if to grab my hand. She gave an innocent look as she retracted her reach. Just as I was coming out of the ladies' room after the girls, I saw Eddie(?!) approach from the cafeteria. "There you are!" he called out. He stopped in front of us, looking Liz and Allison up and down, both rolling their eyes at each other. "I see you've found your, ah, 'project'. Horror film??" Both girls grinned, and looked at me. Eddie continued. "My shift's over, and I noticed that you didn't lock the little gate. No big deal. I got worried and looked around for you. Can I have the keys back? Ulmer, one of my work buddies, is in the library, he will be there a while, when you need to leave." Allison's eyes widened. I gave him his set back. "Thank you." "Thank you!" I said. He didn't know how grateful I was. Then as he turned around, I said, "Hey Eddie, can you do us a favor? Liz needs a ride home." Liz gave me a questioning look. "I don't have a car. Can you give her a ride home?" Eddie smiled. "Sure," he said. Staring at Allison, he said, "What about the other young lady??" Allison promptly responded, "Oh don't worry about me, Ulmer is my Dad, I'm going to meet up with him." Eddie muttered, "Lucky Dad." More eye rolls. "Well, goodbye, Allison, it was great to see you again. Maybe we can talk later," said Liz as she stepped away. "Of course," said Allison, excitedly. As Liz walked away, she turned back to me, calling out, "Call me later. Okay?" I nodded. She blew me a kiss, as they disappeared into the cafeteria. I looked at Allison, who was fluttering her eyelashes, and grinning at me. Maybe. I highly doubted that I was her preferred 'type'. Please press SPACE to continue. Then Allison tried the double-doors. Of course, they were locked and resisted her attempt. Then she said, "Oh, I know a shortcut to the library! I used to play around here when I was a kid, while my Dad was working." She walked towards the janitor's closet. I knew what she was thinking when she looked back at me. North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. Allison was standing near the open closet door, wanting to go inside. The girls' room door was swinging back. "Let's hurry, Tom!" urged Allison. I didn't mind being included. That's exactly what I did! I escorted Liz to relative safety....relatively safe with Eddie. You earned 15 points for helping me remember! >n There were no unlocked or open doors in that direction. The girls' room door was swinging back. >nw Allison was moving with friggin' urgency, and I didn't want to lose her. It wasn't a long way back to the school; I'd better go with her. Keep her safe. I could go back for Anne. The girls' room door was swinging back. Allison seemed to be pushing ahead. I didn't mind being behind her. The girls' room door swung quietly closed. >l North Hall, east end On the north wall were the only two restrooms in existence in the building--a boys' room to the northeast, and a girls' room to the northwest, with a few classroom doors beyond them. Classroom doors lined the south wall between the steel doors, which were to the east, and the doorway to the cafeteria area to the west. I could see the tables and chairs of the cafeteria, and the opposite doorway in the distance. The door to a cleaning closet was to the south; it was open. Allison was standing near the open closet door, wanting to go inside. Allison looked back at me, as if I wasn't moving fast enough. >s I entered the closet behind Allison. "Great, it's still here," she said, meaning the banister and stairs. She looked back at me as she started down the stairs. North Janitor's Closet And another floor sink. The door, to the north, was open, letting in light from the hall. A banister to the south marked the top of a spiral stairway leading down. Allison was standing on the spiral stairway, looking back at me. >d Digging a hole with my fingers was not an option. >n Better go with Allison, keep her safe. I could go back for Anne. Allison seemed to be pushing ahead. I didn't mind being behind her. >s We went down into the boiler room. I was careful not to trip on the tiny steps, endangering Allison. And I didn't mind watching her climb down. When we got to the boiler room, she immediately noticed the steel steps going up, and the lever next to it. "I see you found it! They covered it up years ago, I am so glad you found it!" Boiler Room This must have been a boiler room once. I saw a couple of large drums sitting against the north wall with large pipes coming out of them up top. Beside them some steps went north, up into the wall. The chute that I slid down, which is now a metal stairway, went up into the south wall. Next to it was a lever sticking out of the wall, in a horizontal position. The room was dry, dark, warm and stuffy. It was dimly lit by light coming down the metal stairway, from the library. Allison was standing on the metal stairway, looking back at me. Allison looked back at me, as if I wasn't moving fast enough. >u I climbed up the metal stairway, behind Allison, towards the square of light over our heads. "I haven't been up this way in years, since I was a child. I'm surprised the trapdoor up there is open, like I was hoping." Soon, we emerged into the library. Before I completed my ascent, I heard Allison cry "Daddy!" When I finally stepped out of the shaft, I saw Allison being completely embraced by the huge Ulmer. "My darling Allison," he said, tears running down his eyes. And hers. When they were finally done with mushy-mush, Allison turned to me and said, "Tom got me out!" Ulmer looked at me with a prideful smile. "I saw the trapdoor and thought maybe you had gone down it, so I was worried. I was about to go down myself. And somehow I knew you were here for some bigger reason," he said, glancing at my robe getup. "Other than working as a janitor at Lamb High." I said, "Yeah, well, Allison will tell you all about it." She winked at me; I smiled. Sensing the urgency, I continued, "I'd like to stick around, but there is still someone down there, and I'm needed. Also, you might want to call the police." Ulmer said, "Will do, buddy." Allison waved and blew me a kiss as they rushed out of the library. I turned and climbed back down to the boiler room. As I made my way back, I thought about Allison. I felt a real connection with her. Obviously, she was a so-called 'daddy's girl'. A girl...a excited about life, so independent. It was refreshing, even for just a minute or two, to be with someone who I didn't feel like I had to think for, or fix. But then she was probably vulnerable. And older than me. Will I call her? What was her number? Something told me to give her some time. Time to friggin' heal. Yeah, that would be good for her. And me. Getting back to the asylum halls brought me out of my walking slumber. Wet Room Every inch of the walls here was covered with moisture. And the air was so humid that I could feel water drip off of me. To the south, past where some rotted wood stuck to the ceiling, I could see a dark area, where I could hear water trickling. The hall went north from here. I knew that the sun MUST be rising by now. And I still had no idea what the hell I was going to do. Was I somehow going to get Anne out of her cell?? Or was I somehow going to go head-to-head against the Creep?? I knew that the police were coming--sooner or later--but I felt I had to DO SOMEthing to help save Anne. Plus, I had no idea how the police were going to find this place. I didn't know where it was, other than through the trap door in the ladies' room--Allison or Liz would show them, and that would take time. So, for now, I was on my own. Just when I had that thought, I barely heard a scream echo through the halls. At that point, I knew I had to face the Creep, head-on. That's exactly what I did! I escorted Allison to relative safety....with a relative. You earned 15 points for helping me remember! >save Ok. >take pizza (putting the usual threads into the green backpack to make room) I tossed the usual threads into the backpack. My hands were already friggin' full. >put all in backpack dirty uniform: I tossed the dirty uniform into the backpack. second note: I tossed the second note into the backpack. rusty keyring: I tossed the rusty keyring into the backpack. steel hook: I tossed the steel hook into the backpack. tiny note: I tossed the tiny note into the backpack. baby bottle: I tossed the baby bottle into the backpack. pizza box: The pizza box was too big to fit into the backpack. rubber mask: I tossed the rubber mask into the backpack. drill rifle: The drill rifle was too big to fit into the backpack. >take pizza Got it. >n I walked back to Allison's cell. Lit Hallway, at Allison's cell The air was musty and had a heavy feeling, in this part of the hall, which went back north from here. To the south I could see the end of the hall. In the west wall was the last cell door. It was incredibly moldy on the bottom. I could see a flickering light in the barred window of the cell. >w Allison's Cell This was just a blank cell. Nothing on the concrete walls, except a sizzling torch. The door was to the east. >w I couldn't go that way. >n I couldn't go that way. >e Lit Hallway, at Allison's cell The air was musty and had a heavy feeling, in this part of the hall, which went back north from here. To the south I could see the end of the hall. In the west wall was the last cell door. It was incredibly moldy on the bottom. I could see a flickering light in the barred window of the cell. >n I went back up the hall, towards Liz's cell. Lit Hallway, at Liz's cell The hall, coming from the west, made a bend here, continuing south. I could see torches and wooden doors going on forever in either direction. In the east wall near the corner was a door with a dimly lit window. Far up the hall to the west, I could see something happening, a dark figure, probably the Creep, bending over another figure, probably Anne, who was lying on the floor. >e Liz's Cell This was just a blank cell. Nothing on the concrete walls, except a lone, dim torch. The door was to the west. >w Lit Hallway, at Liz's cell The hall, coming from the west, made a bend here, continuing south. I could see torches and wooden doors going on forever in either direction. In the east wall near the corner was a door with a dimly lit window. Far up the hall to the west, I could see the Creep, bending over Anne, who was lying on the floor. >n I couldn't go that way. >s I went back south down the hall, to the moldy cell door. Lit Hallway, at Allison's cell The air was musty and had a heavy feeling, in this part of the hall, which went back north from here. To the south I could see the end of the hall. In the west wall was the last cell door. It was incredibly moldy on the bottom. I could see a flickering light in the barred window of the cell. >e I couldn't go that way. >w Allison's Cell This was just a blank cell. Nothing on the concrete walls, except a sizzling torch. The door was to the east. >take torch I didn't need it. >e Lit Hallway, at Allison's cell The air was musty and had a heavy feeling, in this part of the hall, which went back north from here. To the south I could see the end of the hall. In the west wall was the last cell door. It was incredibly moldy on the bottom. I could see a flickering light in the barred window of the cell. >n I went back up the hall, towards Liz's cell. Lit Hallway, at Liz's cell The hall, coming from the west, made a bend here, continuing south. I could see torches and wooden doors going on forever in either direction. In the east wall near the corner was a door with a dimly lit window. Far up the hall to the west, I could see the Creep, bending over Anne, who was lying on the floor. >n I couldn't go that way. >w I began walking apprehensively towards the dark figure, which was obviously the frickin' Creep, doing something sinister to Anne. As I did so, he, in his stupid plastic Darth Vader mask, swiftly jerked his head up. "Ah, it's you," he cried in his raspy-assed whisper. "Tom! You might like to know that your stupid friend Will ran off like a fucking chicken when I found him wandering around outside! Don't come closer!" He took out a switchblade and held it to Anne's throat. I stopped in front of Anne's cell; close enough to see what was going on, but too far to do anything about it. Anne was out cold, and he had her hands and feet tied together in a complicated manner. She was hog-tied! The Creep had just finished tying her. He then paused, and fumbled around under his cape. "Shit!" he rasped. He then looked back up at me, pointing the switchblade at me. "If YOU even so much as FUCKING BREATHE on her, I will USE THE FUCKING FORCE!" That sounded very frickin' convincing. Please press SPACE to continue. He continued. "Oh by the way, that love potion? It's not worth PISS. It's not even REAL llama urine! Your stupid friend thought I had acquired it directly. I'd have had to go to South America for it! So that shit's no good. Your friend was stupid enough to believe that I was going to let him in on MY game! Oh, he has NO IDEA what the REAL game is! He just thought we were going to go through this stupid ceremony, where he would end up in, ah," here came that stupid droopy tone, "eternal love with two girls, and I would share this one with him." Then his tone changed back. "How PATHETIC! He didn't know he was just my henchman, and I was going to ditch him!" He guffawed loudly. He kept on freakin' talking, like any villain would. I was waiting for the part where he'd tell me what he was going to friggin' do to me. "I see that you helped the other two girls escape. You surprise me, Tom. I actually didn't think you'd put forth the FUCKING EFFORT! I didn't think you'd even give one tenth of one DAMN!" Please press SPACE to continue. He caught the look on my face. "Yes, I know you, Tom. I've observed your actions. You think you've got it all fucking figured out. You'd just slide through life. I have a lesson for you. While you get EVERYTHING you want, handed to you by the" that droopy tone again, "people who love you, there are actually people who have to WORK HARD to get ANYTHING. It's guys like you that I absolutely LOATHE." I never thought I would ever hear THAT word from anyone. Why didn't he just say 'hate'?? "Well it's about time you were taught a lesson. Things aren't so DAMN EASY. Not for other people while they clean up after you, while they work hard and hand you everything on a platter." He SO didn't freakin' know me. Please press SPACE to continue. "I'd just LOVE to bullshit with you, further, Tom, but my time is limited. Ah! I almost forgot. The first part of your lesson!" He pulled a heavy device out of his cape. "Had this made for me recently." He pushed a button on it. It must have been a remote controller of some kind. I immediately heard some rumbling and a wall slid out behind me and crashed into the north wall, completely closing up the passage behind me. "Pretty handy," he said. "Oh, about YOU. You see, Tom, because it's not all about YOU, as you might like it to be, I almost forgot. When I get YOUR WHORE, who is now MY WHORE out of here, I'm going to set the shack on FIRE. It's all set up. I just need to light certain key points. I'll leave the manhole open, so you can...sort while you're enjoying the smell, I'll be taking Anne on a life-changing trip to, ah, wherever. You see, we'll be in a partnership, of sorts." Please press SPACE to continue. He continued his raspy whispering. "Now don't move a FUCKING muscle!" He pointed up to the hole. "I'm going back up to get my other rope, I will have my eye on this hole. If you come up, you're fucking DEAD, I will kick your ASS back down, and believe me, I can." I don't know why he didn't just try to knock me out, but I also wasn't exactly going to freakin' give him a hint to do that. Instead, he backed away from me and then turned to climb up the ladder. He seemed to take his time, probably because the Darth Vader getup was heavy. I just watched him. And quickly tried to think of what I was going to do next. Lit Hallway, at Anne's cell This east-west hall was now blocked by a blank stone wall to the east. It ended to the west, where I saw the manhole in the ceiling, and the ladder going up to it, some distance away. One of the cell doors on the north wall, in this part of the hall, had flickering light shining through the window. I could see the Creep climbing up the ladder through the manhole. I could see Anne lying tied-up on the floor near the west end of the hall. The Creep was climbing in a deliberate fuckin' pace up the ladder, and was now almost to the hole. >throw pizza at creep Taking the pizza with my champion grasp, assuming my champion frisbee stance, I hurled it hard as I frickin' could at the ground, where it skipped upward, sailing at him. With my always great precision, it struck his helmet, knocking it off, and shoving his head hard against the metal ladder. This knocked him out, and he fell backwards, landing on his back. Please press SPACE to continue. It was Mr Fendwhistle! Please press SPACE to continue. I should have frickin' known. He laid there, out cold, in his Vader costume, minus the helmet, which was rolling somewhere near Anne. Please press SPACE to continue. As I looked over his frickin' prostrate form, I heard some wheezing coming from Anne's direction. Her head shook side to side as she opened her eyes. She called out, "Tom??" I moved over to her, as she seemed to squirm in her bonds. I said, "You're safe now, Anne." She settled down, with a slight grin. Please press SPACE to continue. She moved her head to look around, seeing Fendwhistle lying clobbered on the ground. "I knocked him out while he was on the ladder. I think he was going to try to pull you up." To her questioning look, I said, "Fendwhistle. It was Mr Fendwhistle, a teacher from my school." She responded with an almost casual, "Well that fig..." She caught herself. Something hit me at that moment. "You knew him, didn't you?" trying to muster all my empathy and understanding. Please press SPACE to continue. With resignation, she sighed and said, downcast, "Yes. He was one of my clients. Asked me to marry him." To my look, she said, "I declined, of course. He just wasn't my type, plus he was already married. He even showed me a ring." Somehow that story just did not have the same effect on me this time. I just nodded in sympathy. Please press SPACE to continue. Then I realized the urgency of the moment. Fendy could wake up at any time. I said, "Anne, let me try to figure out how to get those ropes off of you, then we can tie ol' Fendy up until the authorities come, or we'll just leave him down here while we wait." Just then, I heard feet hustling around above the manhole. Then I heard a female voice (Liz?) cry, "There it is!" A face appeared, looking down through the hole. Please press SPACE to continue. It was a hardened face, over a plain white shirt. "Are you folks okay down there?" I said, "Yes. I am, but she needs assitance. She's tied up." At that moment, the man locked eyes with Anne. She showed just a bit too much stunned recognition. He gave only a detective's poker face, and then a smile. "Okay," he said, "Don't you worry, ma'am, we have an officer right here who can do just that. Don't you worry about a thing, ma'am." Her face calmed back down again. His head moved away from the hole as he walked away, calling out a name. She whispered, to me, "Oh Tom, this whole thing, leaving that life, was so much trouble. I can't even leave the state without trouble...." "I know, I know," I whispered, reassuringly. Please press SPACE to continue. "Tom, if I could, I would just forget the whole thing, change my mind and bring all my furniture back. My house still hasn't sold, I could take it off the market. I could stick around and make sure that jerk goes to jail. We could spend more time together." I got excited for a minute. But then, of course, reality set in. "Anne, you need real love in your life. You, that's the frickin' bottom line. You need love and real companionship, not something that ties you down to freakin' obligation until you can't do it any more. You don't need no touch-and-go relationships, especially not with teenage guys like me." Please press SPACE to continue. She looked downcast again. "Yes, you're right," she said. I leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I swear I saw a tear as she looked at me. "Tom, I will never forget you. And I will write. You will finally get to know my last name!" I laughed. I actually hoped that she would write. Please press SPACE to continue. A couple of officers came down the ladder and I helped them cut the ropes off of Anne. She was finally relieved to be free, even if only from the ropes. When we climbed up the ladder, and out of the hole, the detective walked out of the shack with her. She looked back at me as she talked to him. I gave her a smile. She smiled and looked away. Please press SPACE to continue. That was the last I saw of Anne. Please press SPACE to continue. The detective talked to me, and I answered his questions sincerely and honestly. He seemed to believe every word I said. Afterwards, he said, "Well, you seem like a concerned neighbor, and friend. And a hero. Son, you'd make a great detective," he said. "One day." It would sure beat pizza delivery. Or being a custodian. Or a monk. I had gathered that he had let Anne take the next flight to California, without trouble. She wasn't even required to be at Ol' Fendy's hearings. Last I heard, she was very happy. Please press SPACE to continue. Fendwhistle pled no contest, and was later sentenced to life imprisonment on three felony counts of kidnapping, one count of assault. I later heard that he had returned to the campus some time during the evening to leave those stupid notes for me. He found out about Anne and I while watching her house from the woods, about a month before the kidnapping. Please press SPACE to continue. They caught Will while he was running down the road. He actually flagged a police car down and was arrested without incident when Liz identifed him. He was the one that led them to the site above ground, and Liz was the one that showed them the manhole. Allison showed the trapdoor in the girls' room to the police, but they hit the blank stone wall just as I was attacking Fendy. Please press SPACE to continue. Will also pled no contest. And also got jail time. He was sentenced as a juvenile, for aiding and abetting. Conspiracy to kidnap, something like that. I did visit, eventually, when I was finally convinced that Will was involved purely out of his own naivety. Or naiveté as they say. Fendy recruited Will some days before the day I saw him with the strange book in the library. Will just HAD to get me to deliver that note to Liz. He wanted her to know about the things they were going to do together once she realized that they were in love. He thought it would supplement the ceremony later. Please press SPACE to continue. About a month later I would start visiting Will in jail. He was so frickin' downcast. Like he would never be able to be in a relationship, with this jail time on his record. I truly didn't know what to say to him. Likely he would have to go to another school to graduate, or do school in jail, get his GED. I told him maybe he could talk to a counselor, find out that love wasn't something that someone just decides to feel for someone. It just happens. And you just have to let it happen, and wash over you. And it's truly marvellous when it happens to both people, for each other, at the same time. And truly the utter frickin' pits when it doesn't. Please press SPACE to continue. Liz and Allison got together and became friends, again, despite their distance on the friggin' so-called 'social spectrum'. The only thing that really separated them was their fathers' incomes. Liz learned to be more 'herself' among schoolmates; Allison learned to be more 'business minded', whatever that is. Over Spring Break, Ulmer took them camping, and sang his new song, the one he played for me, to them. Though Allison moved into a new apartment, they were very happy to be together again. I stayed out of their picture, for a while. We all had emotional troubles to recover from. Soon after the interview, I was taken home. In a cab. The Bunco Springs Police Department is not a cab service. I then realized how tired I frickin' was. Please press SPACE to continue. I went directly to my bungalo and just flopped out on the bed. Now I could have MY Spring Break. And back to being a teenager. I didn't even check to see if my window was shut. I didn't care whether the door was closed, either. I just snoozed most of that Saturday, and flopped around for most of the next Sunday. Please press SPACE to continue. On Monday, I was hanging out, again, in my bungalo, laying around on the bed, back in my usual threads. Though I did keep the robe. Looking around lazily, I noticed the green backpack, lying empty on the floor near the window. And I remembered that I had a call to make. My Place (on the steel bed) Yep. My digs. Not too cavernous or shit, probably about as big as half a motel room. And everything within reach of the bed. Window on the south wall, which is open. My bed took up the east half of the room, my stereo set and closet, with a closed metal door, on the west side. You might have thought I put posters and crap on my walls, well I don't need shit like that. Rather against my wishes, my dad rigged up a telephone in here, fortunately a land line. I hate wireless. Oh, no john in here. I had to use the can in the house. Fuckin' bummer. And no clock. I didn't observe time out here. Mom would call me on my phone to wake me up mornings. I could see my acoustic guitar, a green backpack (empty) and a flashlight here. On the steel bed I could see a receipt. That's exactly what I did! I knocked off Fendy's helmet with a burnt pizza and my dynamite frisbee skills. You earned 20 points for helping me remember! >call jackie I picked up my phone and dialed the number on the tag. After a moment, there was a click and then a pause. Finally, a girl's voice said, "Hello?" I said, "Is Jack there, please?" "Jack? do you mean Jackie? That's me." "So, you're a girl, I thought you'd be a guy, because I found your backpack lying in a ditch near my school." I didn't think that green was particularly a girl's color, so I was shocked that Jackie was a girl. Please press SPACE to continue. She laughed. "So I'm supposed to be a guy? Because I have a 'green' backpack?? And not something pink, like a real girl. Okay, I'll try to be more guy-like, if you want." We both laughed. "So who are you?" "I'm Tom. Tom Trundle." "Tom. Tom Trundle. Well, I'm Jackie. Jackie Jordan." She paused. Then it hit me that she was the girl I once had a crush on before I met Anne. "Yes, that Jackie," she said, without me having to say a word. Please press SPACE to continue. Then I let it slip. "Well, I didn't realize you had such a lovely, musical voice." I nearly hit myself. "Aw," she said, "thank you!" "So, where shall we meet?" I asked. She said, "Well, I think we shall meet, ah, how about your house? I know where it is because I pass by it every day going to my guitar class! I'll swing by in my car!" Please press SPACE to continue. I said, "Great! Come by any time, I'll be home all day!" "How about now?" "Excellent!" I said. "Okay! See you soon," she said, musically, then hung up. Please press SPACE to continue. Somehow I felt that little something again. It was reinforced when I saw her out front of the house. Jeans, loose tee-shirt, with the words 'totally careless'. All lower-case pink letters, on a black background. Long, fiery red hair, in a beat-up old car. Of course, I made some crack about her being a girl driving a beat-up old car, by herself. She threatened to whip my ass. Playfully, of course. Okay, not totally playfully. I gave her the backpack. Which led to me telling her how I found it. How it served me well. Which led to me telling her my story about the three women and my best friend. Please press SPACE to continue. By that time, I was in her car, and she was driving. I sarcastically offered to drive, but she said, "I let NO man touch my ride. You take the wheel, your ASS is MINE!" Which prospect was not entirely unwelcome to me. It was love. Please press SPACE to continue. And soon there we were, sitting on the beach, strumming our guitars together, until the sun went down. Please press SPACE to continue. There is nothing like an unplanned good time. Please press SPACE to continue. And that, my friend, is how I met my girlfriend. *** Thank you for listening. *** Here is what I, ah, we did-- You helped me remember that I did the following things, and earned the following points-- went to my locker unexpectedly-- 10 points. picked up a stranger's backpack-- 10 points. made sure that Liz, ahem, was home-- 5 points. fulfilled an obligation to my best friend-- 20 points. completed my obligation to my friend-- 10 points. made sure Liz was not home-- 5 points. got a pizza for free-- 10 points. found Anne's diary-- 10 points. got someone else to take my burnt pizza-- 15 points. got another free pizza-- 10 points. got a spare set of keys for nothing-- 5 points. unblocked a hidden door-- 5 points. found another use for the TV remote-- 5 points. rappelled out of a vent with a shower curtain-- 10 points. became a custodian overnight-- 10 points. got something unlocked with a wire hanger-- 5 points. snatched a key from the lair of a deadly spider-- 10 points. did a microwave oven experiment-- 5 points. got a pretzel for returning stolen keys-- 5 points. broke into the principal's office via music-- 10 points. distracted Scottie-- 15 points. found Scottie's secret passage-- 10 points. made a grown man cry who wasn't even related to me-- 10 points. bullied a snack machine into giving me my crackers-- 5 points. offered healing through music-- 5 points. found the third passage-- 10 points. finding a way back up to the library-- 5 points. opened a manhole cover-- 10 points. found the fifth passage-- 15 points. stole a rubber baby head-- 5 points. stole another guy's robe-- 5 points. got Ulmer to get me some Poplicious without paying for it-- 5 points. followed a recipe exactly-- 15 points. got the formula ready-- 5 points. successfully crashed the temple-- 15 points. regained Anne's trust-- 5 points. found a sixth passage-- 10 points. escorted Liz to relative safety-- 15 points. escorted Allison to relative safety-- 15 points. knocked off Fendy's helmet with a burnt pizza and my dynamite frisbee skills-- 20 points. cold-called a girl-- 20 points. So you have earned 395 out of a possible 400, in 2653 turns. Let's see what more you can do. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command? > quit