>x haccp book If you need information about food, it is best to ask the staff. >take plate Taken. Monica takes a dish from the cupboard. >take carrots What do you want to take those things from? >put carrots on plate Don't be a hoarder, just take what you plan to use. >put food on plate You can't see any such thing. >put bread on plate Which do you mean, a slice of white bread or a slice of pumpernickel bread? >put slice of white bread on plate (first taking the slice of white bread) You put the slice of white bread on the dish. Monica takes a slice of white bread and puts it on the dish she is carrying. >put jam on slice of white bread Which do you mean, a blueberry jam portion jar or an apricot jam portion jar? >put apricot jam on slice of white bread There is no point in putting something inedible on a slice of white bread. Monica takes a knob of butter and puts it on the dish she is carrying. >open jar of apricot jam Which do you mean, a blueberry jam portion jar, an orange marmalade portion jar or an apricot jam portion jar? >open apricot jam portion jar You open the open apricot jam portion jar, revealing a portion of apricot jam. Monica takes a apricot jam portion jar and puts it on the dish she is carrying. >spread portion of apricot jam on slice of white bread Don't you think it's better to lean on your table? >x cheese A slice of the typical "grey cheese" from Sudtyrol. >put slice of grey cheese on plate Which do you mean, a slice of white bread, a slice of pumpernickel bread, a slice of speck or a slice of salami? >put grey cheese on plate (first taking the piece of Ahrntal grey cheese) You put the piece of Ahrntal grey cheese on the dish. >talk to cook "Good morning." "May I cook an egg for you?" ? the cook asks, then explains: ? "I can offer you a fried egg, an omelette or a crêpe." >fried egg "Bull's eye or scrambled?" ? she asks you to choose. >bull's eye "Your bull's eye fried egg will be ready in a couple of minutes." ? the cook says. The cook takes an egg, breaks it by tapping it on the edge of a frying pan and then carefully pours the contents into the pan. She throws the eggshell into a bin under the table. >wait Time passes. The egg cooks under the watchful eyes of the cook. The albumen has turned white and the yolk in the centre is as yellow as the sun. >wait Time passes. "Here's your bull's eye fried egg!" ? the cook says handing you the dish. >take egg It is best to keep your hands free for the dish the cook is about to pass to you. >take dish You take the dish from the cook. "Can I prepare something for you too, Miss?" ? the cook asks to Monica. "I would like a crêpe." ? Monica replies. "Good choice!" ? the cook confirms ? "It will be ready in a few minutes." >wait Time passes. >wait Time passes. >wait Time passes. "Here's your crêpe, Miss." ? the cook says to Monica handing her the dish. "Thank you." ? Monica says getting the dish. "Duty!" ? the cook replies. >s "Don't you take anything to drink?" ? Monica asks. >x drinks You can't see any such thing. >take cold drink (I only understood the first part of that ? trying anyway.) Next time, I suggest you write the command as: take cold You can't see any such thing. >x cold drinks (I only understood the first part of that ? trying anyway.) Next time, I suggest you write the command as: x cold You can't see any such thing. >x cupboard A cupboard in light fir wood. Under the top are two drawers, one on the left and one on the right. On the cupboard are six dishes, a jug of orange juice, a jug of apple juice, a jug of pear nectar, a bottle of water and a bottle of milk. >pour pear nectar into cup You can't see any such thing. >pour jug of pear nectar into cup You typed a rather long command and I didn't understand it. It's better to stick to simpler things like TAKE JUG. >take jug Which do you mean, the jug of orange juice, the jug of apple juice or the jug of pear nectar? >take jug of pear nectar Others need it too, you can't take it. >pour serving of pear nectar You can't see any such thing. >open jug of pear nectar It isn't something you can open. >dispense pear nectar from jug That noun did not make sense in this context. >pour jug of pear nectar into glass You typed a rather long command and I didn't understand it. It's better to stick to simpler things like TAKE KNIFE. >pour jug of pear nectar What do you want to pour the jug of pear nectar in? >pour jug of pear nectar into dish You can't pour liquids into the dish. >pour jug of pear nectar into cup You typed a rather long command and I didn't understand it. It's better to stick to simpler things like TAKE FIRST RED BASKET. >take cup You can't see any such thing. >look Buffet The buffet is a feast for the senses, featuring a variety of locally sourced and homemade delights. Guests can savor freshly baked artisanal breads, jams, and a selection of cheeses and cured meats, showcasing the flavors of the Dolomites. Monica is next to you. To the right is a wooden cupboard. On it are some empty dishes and containers with cold drinks. Next to the sideboard is a small table with a juicer on it and two small wooden crates of celery ribs and carrots. To the left is a table on which are bread, butter, jams, meats and cheese. Next to the buffet table there is another table, behind which a cook is on hand to cook the eggs that are in a basket. You can see a HACCP ingredients book here. >open cupboard It isn't something you can open. >x jug of pear nectar The jug is almost full of pear nectar. >x containers Which do you mean, an apricot jam portion jar, the left drawer, the right drawer, the juicer bowl, the juicer recess, the white bowl, the white basket, the brown basket, a blueberry jam portion jar, an orange marmalade portion jar or the wallet? >search left drawer You can't see inside, since the left drawer is closed. >open left drawer You open the left drawer, revealing ten empty glasses. >take glass Monica also takes a glass. She then closes the drawer. >pour jug of pear nectar into glass You pour pear nectar into the glass. Monica pours some orange juice in her glass. >s Dining room You can see a waitress here. Monica returns with you in the dining room and sits on the bench. Then she puts the dishes and the glass she has brought from the buffet on the table. >sit You get onto the bench. Monica is next to you. The waiter returns with a tray containing your order. "Here are your hot drinks!" ? he exclaims ? "A cup of soy cappuccino and a mug of hot chocolate." The waiter then places the contents of the tray on the table. (Monica first taking the crêpe) Monica eats her crêpe. It seems to have been really good, judging by her expression. >eat fried egg (first taking the bull's eye fried egg) You're carrying too many things already. Monica takes her mug of hot chocolate and drinks the hot chocolate. Then she puts the empty mug on the table. "The hot chocolate was really good," ? Monica states and suggests ? "why don't you try it?" >set plate on table I didn't understand that sentence. >set dish on table I didn't understand that sentence. >drink hot chocolate The mug belongs to Monica. "Drink your cup of soy cappuccino before it gets cold." ? Monica suggests you. The waiter leave. >drink soy cappuccino (first taking the cup of soy cappuccino) You're carrying too many things already. The waitress collects all the empty dishes, glasses and cups from the table. Then she goes to the kitchen. Monica spreads the knob of butter on her slice of white bread. >x hands You do not normally need to refer to specific parts of the body. >put plate on table You put the dish on the table. "Drink your cup of soy cappuccino before it gets cold." ? Monica suggests you. Monica opens the open apricot jam portion jar. >drink soy cappuccino (first taking the cup of soy cappuccino) You drink the soy cappuccino, leaving the cup empty. A creamy drink, with a sweet and delicate taste. Monica spreads the portion of apricot jam over the buttered slice of white bread. >spread portion of apricot jam on slice of white bread Which do you mean, the buttered slice of white bread dressed with a portion of apricot jam or the slice of white bread? >slice of white bread Which do you mean, the buttered slice of white bread dressed with a portion of apricot jam or the slice of white bread? >the slice of white bread Which do you mean, the buttered slice of white bread dressed with a portion of apricot jam or the slice of white bread? >spread portion of apricot jam on slice of white bread on plate that i just set down You typed a rather long command and I didn't understand it. It's better to stick to simpler things like TAKE CRISP LINEN. >spread portion of apricot jam on slice of white bread Which do you mean, the buttered slice of white bread dressed with a portion of apricot jam or the slice of white bread? >eat egg (first taking the bull's eye fried egg) You're carrying too many things already. Monica throws the open apricot jam portion jar in the round plastic container. >set cup on table I didn't understand that sentence. >put cup on table You put the empty cup on the table. (Monica first taking the buttered slice of white bread dressed with a portion of apricot jam) Monica eats the buttered slice of white bread dressed with a portion of apricot jam. ? "Delicious!" ? Monica exclaims ? "You really took me to a nice place." >spread portion of apricot jam on slice of white bread You typed a rather long command and I didn't understand it. It's better to stick to simpler things like TAKE RIGHT BACK POCKET. >spread apricot jam on bread Don't you think it's better to lean on your table? Monica takes her glass of orange juice and drinks the juice. After drinking Monica puts the glass of orange juice on the table again. >lean on table That noun did not make sense in this context. >lean on your table That noun did not make sense in this context. >drink pear nectar You drink the pear nectar, leaving the glass empty. A sweet nectar with the delicate flavour of freshly picked pears. >put glass on table (the empty glass on the table) You put the empty glass on the table. The waitress collects all the empty dishes, glasses and cups from the table. Then she goes to the kitchen. >spread apricot jam on bread Don't you think it's better to lean on your table? >eat slice of white bread (first taking the slice of white bread) You eat the slice of white bread. Not bad. >look Dining room (on the bench) The tables are elegantly set with crisp linens. Around the tables is a bench covered in dark green velvet. The reception area is to the west, to the north is the buffet area, and to the east a door leads to the kitchen. On the table in front of you are a dish, two knives, two teaspoons, two forks, two towels, a round plastic container and a written paper. You can see a waitress and a waiter here. Monica is next to you. >read paper Good morning Miss. Monica e Mr. Francesco At the bottom of this statement is a photo of the Three Peaks of Lavaredo on a sunny day like this one. >talk to monica You say hello to Monica. You have nothing specific in mind to discuss with Monica just now. >wait Time passes. >w "Why are you carrying the dish?" ? Monica asks. >put dish on table You put the dish on the table. >w "Before taking more food, eat what is on the table." ? Monica remembers you. (first getting off the bench) You stand up. Reception >e Dining room On the bench is Monica. You can also see a waitress and a waiter here. >sit You get onto the bench. Monica is next to you. >x dish On the dish is a piece of Ahrntal grey cheese. >eat cheese (first taking the piece of Ahrntal grey cheese) You eat the piece of Ahrntal grey cheese. Not bad. >talk to monica You say hello to Monica. You have nothing specific in mind to discuss with Monica just now. >wait Time passes. The waitress collects all the empty dishes, glasses and cups from the table. Then she goes to the kitchen. >w "Before taking more food, eat what is on the table." ? Monica remembers you. (first getting off the bench) You stand up. Reception >e Dining room On the bench is Monica. You can also see a waiter here. >sit You get onto the bench. Monica is next to you. >x dish On the dish is a bull's eye fried egg. >eat egg (first taking the bull's eye fried egg) You eat the bull's eye fried egg. Not bad. ? "There was a juice extractor at the buffet, I would love to try one of those juices." ? Monica says looking at you with sweet love eyes ? "Would you be so kind as to bring me one?" >n ? "My love!" ? Monica replies caressing you ? "You can choose the vegetable." You stand up and go to the buffet; Monica sends you a kiss. ? Buffet The buffet is a feast for the senses, featuring a variety of locally sourced and homemade delights. Guests can savor freshly baked artisanal breads, jams, and a selection of cheeses and cured meats, showcasing the flavors of the Dolomites. To the right is a wooden cupboard. On it are some empty dishes and containers with cold drinks. Next to the sideboard is a small table with a juicer on it and two small wooden crates of celery ribs and carrots. To the left is a table on which are bread, butter, jams, meats and cheese. Next to the buffet table there is another table, behind which a cook is on hand to cook the eggs that are in a basket. You can see a HACCP ingredients book here. >x juicer The machine takes the form of a large steel cylinder. At the top, a lid gives access to a container in which to place the vegetables from which the juice is extracted. At the bottom there is a recess in which a glass can be placed to collect the juice that comes out of a spout. On the right is a switch to turn the machine on and off. The juicer machine is currently switched off. >take glass from left drawer Look for specific nouns or directions; usually, concepts like the floor and ceiling, or relative directions like left and right, are not relevant. >take glass You can't see any such thing. >x drawer Which do you mean, the left drawer or the right drawer? >x left drawer You see nothing special about the left drawer. >open left drawer You open the left drawer, revealing ten empty glasses. >take glass Taken. >place glass in recess That noun did not make sense in this context. >put glass in recess You put the empty glass into the juicer recess. >put carrot in juicer The juicer bowl is closed. >open juicer bowl You open the juicer bowl. >put carrot in juicer "You cannot put a whole carrot in the machine, you have to chop it first." ? the cook suggests you. >chop carrot You should specify what you cut it with. >chop carrot with a knife It is better to lean on a chopping board. >put carrot on chopping board You place the carrot on the sturdy wooden chopping board. >chop carrot with knife You chop carrot using the knife in small pieces. >put carrot in juicer bowl (the chopped carrot in the juicer bowl) (first taking the chopped carrot) You put the chopped carrot into the juicer bowl. >put celery on chopping board You place the celery rib on the sturdy wooden chopping board. >chop celery with knife You chop celery rib using the knife in small pieces. >put celery in juicer bowl (the chopped celery rib in the juicer bowl) A chopped carrot is already in the juicer bowl. >close juicer bowl You close the juicer bowl. >turn on juicer You switch on the juicer and the carrot juice starts coming down into the glass. >wait Time passes. No more juice comes down. >turn off juicer You switch the juicer machine off. >x juicer bowl A black plastic lid covers the container. >empty juicer bowl What do you want to empty the juicer bowl in? >clean juicer Which do you mean, the juicer machine, the juicer bowl, the juicer recess or the juicer switch? >clean juicer bowl You rub the juicer bowl. >take glass You take the glass of carrot juice from the juicer. >s Dining room On the bench is Monica. You can also see a waitress and a waiter here. You return at your table and put the glass of carrot juice in front of Monica. "Here is your carrot juice." ? you say to Monica. Monica smiles and kisses you. ? "I love you!" ? she whispers sweetly in your ear. >wait Time passes. "Wouldn't it be better to sit down?" ? Monica asks. Monica takes her glass of carrot juice and drinks the juice. After drinking Monica puts the glass of carrot juice on the table again. >sit You get onto the bench. Monica is next to you. ? "We should find out what the weather is going to be like today and decide what to do." ? Monica says. ? "In any case, my suggestion is a visit to Cortina for a look at the shop windows." "It is always the same!" ? you reply ? "There are so many beautiful things to see, and all you can think of is to stroll along the windows." "Ok." ? Monica states ? "If the weather is good, we will do as you say, otherwise you will have to take me where you know. So ask someone for the weather forecast." >look Dining room (on the bench) The tables are elegantly set with crisp linens. Around the tables is a bench covered in dark green velvet. The reception area is to the west, to the north is the buffet area, and to the east a door leads to the kitchen. On the table in front of you are an empty glass, two knives, two teaspoons, two forks, two towels, a round plastic container and a written paper. You can see a waitress and a waiter here. Monica is next to you. >w (first getting off the bench) You stand up. Reception >talk to receptionist You say hello to the receptionist. You have nothing specific in mind to discuss with receptionist just now. >ask receptionist about weather "Do you know it might rain today?" ? you ask. "You can find the weather report in the hotel daily newsletter on your table." ? he explains. >e Dining room On the bench is Monica. You can also see a waitress here. ? "So, we still know nothing about the weather?" ? Monica asks. >sit You get onto the bench. Monica is next to you. >read newsletter You can't see any such thing. >x table On the table are two knives, two teaspoons, two forks, two towels, a round plastic container (in which is an open apricot jam portion jar (empty)) and a written paper. >read paper Good morning Miss. Monica e Mr. Francesco At the bottom of this statement is a photo of the Three Peaks of Lavaredo on a sunny day like this one. ? "So, we still know nothing about the weather?" ? Monica asks for the second time. >open paper It isn't something you can open. >x photo You can't see any such thing. >read weather You can't see any such thing. >read newsletter You can't see any such thing. >read hotel daily newsletter (Adverbs are almost never necessary.) Next time, I suggest you write the command as: read hotel newsletter You can't see any such thing. >read hotel newsletter You can't see any such thing. >w (first getting off the bench) You stand up. Reception >ask receptionist about newsletter "Where can I find the newsletter?" ? you ask. "You can find it on your table in the dining room." ? the receptionist reply. >e Dining room On the bench is Monica. You can also see a waiter and a waitress here. >sit You get onto the bench. Monica is next to you. >x table On the table are two knives, two teaspoons, two forks, two towels, a round plastic container (in which is an open apricot jam portion jar (empty)) and a written paper. ? "So, we still know nothing about the weather?" ? Monica asks for the third time. >read written paper Good morning Miss. Monica e Mr. Francesco At the bottom of this statement is a photo of the Three Peaks of Lavaredo on a sunny day like this one. >search paper You find nothing of interest. >x paper Good morning Miss. Monica e Mr. Francesco At the bottom of this statement is a photo of the Three Peaks of Lavaredo on a sunny day like this one. ? "So, we still know nothing about the weather?" ? Monica asks for the fourth time. >x photo You can't see any such thing. >read weather report You can't see any such thing. >read paper Good morning Miss. Monica e Mr. Francesco At the bottom of this statement is a photo of the Three Peaks of Lavaredo on a sunny day like this one. >read weather report You can't see any such thing. >turn paper You turn the written paper: now you see the back side. >read paper The daily newsletter There are several boxes whose titles are: "Weather report", "Tip of the day", "A legend of the Dolomites" and "Hike of the day". ? "So, we still know nothing about the weather?" ? Monica asks for the fifth time. >read weather report Weather report Today will be mostly sunny, except for some low clouds in the morning, which will dissipate quickly. In the late afternoon/evening, cloud formation and local rain showers are possible. Minimum temperatures between 8°C and 10°C, maximum temperatures between 20°C and 28°C. "This time you got lucky:" ? Monica admits ? "we'll go to the mountains." "Ciccio, read which hike they suggest." ? Monica adds. >read hike of the day Hike of the day Around the Three Peaks of Lavaredo The Three Peaks of Lavaredo, the symbol of the Dolomites, have always exerted a certain fascination, attracting climbers and hikers from all over the world. This is a true paradise for those who love hiking, mountaineering and vie ferrate. But that's not all... there are also some easy but breathtaking hikes, such as the tour around the Three Peaks of Lavaredo. The starting point for our walk is the Auronzo Hut (2,320 m). Crossing the Landro Valley we reach Lake Misurina, where we park our car. From here you can take the shuttle bus to the Auronzo Hut. Then we start our walk on the 101 path, which goes along the south side of the Three Peaks of Lavaredo to the Lavaredo Hut (2,344 m). From here take a small path to the left which leads to the Forcella di Lavaredo (2,454 m). There is a wonderful panoramic view, not only of the surrounding valleys, but also of the northern side of the Three Peaks of Lavaredo. Continue slightly downhill at the foot of Mount Paterno until you come to a fork, where you take the road that leads to the A. Locatelli Hut (2,405 m). Arriving at the refuge, after a walk of about 1.5 hours, we take a break and sit down on the grass to eat a typical snack of speck, salami and tomatoes. Then we start our way back, first to the Malga Lange (2,232 m, n. 105) and then, at the foot of the western face of the Three Peaks of Lavaredo, to the Auronzo Hut, from where we return to the car. "Sounds like a nice hike." ? Monica comments ? "From Misurina to Cortina is not a long way: on the way back we could stop." >read legend of the dolomites You can't find any such text. It's been a while since you've gone downstairs for breakfast, and now you feel the urge to go to the bathroom. You move a bit nervously, and Monica notices your discomfort. ? "Ciccio, sweetheart, are you all right?" ? Monica asks. "Go to the toilet, which is better." ? she suggests ? "If you can't find it, ask: someone will show you." >w (first getting off the bench) You stand up. Reception >look Reception The receptionist stands behind a tastefully crafted wooden desk, ready to assist guests with a genuine smile. Stairs lead to the upper floors. To the east is the dining room, along the wall is a door. >open door Which do you mean, the sliding door or the bathroom door? >open bathroom door You open the bathroom door. >enter bathroon You can't see any such thing. >enter bathroom Bathroom antechamber The small room is floored and covered with white tiles; on some tiles on the walls there are colorful drawings of flowers. There are three doors: one is made of light wood and leads outside, the other two are white, one facing east and the other west, for men and women respectively. Near each door there is an electrical wall switch. A lamp is at the ceiling, but it's off; the light comes from the wooden door. On a side there is the sink where you can wash your hands. >enter east facing door (I only understood the first part of that ? trying anyway.) Next time, I suggest you write the command as: enter east You must name something more substantial. >enter east You must name something more substantial. >enter east door (I only understood the first part of that ? trying anyway.) Next time, I suggest you write the command as: enter east You must name something more substantial. A cute girl, with long black hair, enters in the bathroom antechamber. >w (first opening the women's toilet door) The whole reception could see the inside of the toilet. The girl switches on the light. The girl closes the door. >w (first opening the women's toilet door) Be careful: this toilet is reserved for ladies! The girl switches on the women's toilet light, then she enters in the women's toilet and closes the door. >e (first opening the men's toilet door) Men's toilet The floor and walls are covered with white tiles. The wc is in the middle of the wall in front of you, above it is a large white button. >use wc An inevitable need has finally been resolved! >wash hands There is nothing to wash with. From the women's toilet you hear the sound of a flush. >press button You cleaned the bowl with the water flush. >w You can't go that way. You hear someone using the sink. >wait Time passes. >wait Time passes. >wait Time passes. >use sink You can't see any such thing. >exit Bathroom antechamber On a side there is the sink where you can wash your hands. >use sink Now your hands smell clean. >exit The whole reception could see the inside of the toilet. You forgot the light on. >turn off light You switched off the bathroom antechamber ceiling lamp. It is now pitch dark in here! >exit (first opening the bathroom door) The whole reception could see the inside of the toilet. >close door That's already closed. >look Darkness It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing. >turn on light You switched on the bathroom antechamber ceiling lamp. Bathroom antechamber The small room is floored and covered with white tiles; on some tiles on the walls there are colorful drawings of flowers. There are three doors: one is made of light wood and leads outside, the other two are white, one facing east and the other west, for men and women respectively. Near each door there is an electrical wall switch. The light comes from a ceiling lamp. On a side there is the sink where you can wash your hands. >close east door (I only understood the first part of that ? trying anyway.) Next time, I suggest you write the command as: close east You must name something more substantial. >close east You must name something more substantial. >close door You close the men's toilet door. >turn off light You switched off the bathroom antechamber ceiling lamp. It is now pitch dark in here! >exit (first opening the bathroom door) Reception >close bathroom door You close the bathroom door. >look Reception The receptionist stands behind a tastefully crafted wooden desk, ready to assist guests with a genuine smile. Stairs lead to the upper floors. To the east is the dining room, along the wall is a door. >e Dining room On the bench is Monica. You can also see a waiter and a waitress here. The receptionist walks away from his desk and comes into the dining room. The cook also comes here. Monica stands up and starts clapping, followed by all the other characters. Your game is over, you played very well and solved all the puzzles we set you. We all thank you for playing with us! *** The curtain closes *** Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command?