Start of a transcript of The House on Sycamore Lane An Interactive Fiction by Paul Michael Winters Release 3 / Serial number 191001 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) Identification number: //4D6A02BE-A14A-4DD8-A734-AAE8642D1560// Interpreter version 2.1.6 / VM 3.1.2 / Library serial number 080126 Standard Rules version 3/120430 by Graham Nelson Rideable Vehicles version 3 by Graham Nelson >about That's not a verb I recognise. >i You are carrying: a crumpled paper a backpack (being worn and open) some textbooks >x me As good-looking as ever. >l Outside School You're outside JFK Middle School. School got out a while ago, but you were staying behind, working on your science project. The school is to the south, but the doors are now locked tight. The school yard is to the east and a street lined with stately old trees heads north. There's a bike rack here. >read paper The crumpled up paper has the number 382 scribbled on it. >x textbooks There will be time for studying later. >x rack You're dirt bike is locked to the bike rack. >x doors You can't see any such thing. >x school You can't see any such thing. >s The doors are locked tight. >open doors You can't see any such thing. >open door You can't see any such thing. >x bike Which do you mean, your dirt bike, bike lock or the bike rack? >lock (bike lock) That's locked at the moment. >open lock (first unlocking bike lock) If only you could remember the combination. Didn't you write it down somewhere? >x lock Its a 3 digit numeric combination lock. >set lock to 382 After entering the combination, the lock slides open. >take lock There's no need to take the lock off the bike. >take bike (your dirt bike) You'd rather not carry your bike. You should ride it. >ride bike (your dirt bike) You mount your dirt bike. >l Outside School (on your dirt bike) You're outside JFK Middle School. School got out a while ago, but you were staying behind, working on your science project. The school is to the south, but the doors are now locked tight. The school yard is to the east and a street lined with stately old trees heads north. There's a bike rack here. >e School Yard (on your dirt bike) You're in the school yard where the younger students have recess. A trash can has been knocked over with trash strewn about. Among the trash, you see an old, dried up pepperoni stick. The school lies to the west. >take stick You take the old pepperoni stick. >x it It looks old and dried up, totally unappetizing. >x trash You see nothing special about the trash can. >search trash You find nothing of interest. >x students You can't see any such thing. >n You can't go that way. >w Outside School (on your dirt bike) You're outside JFK Middle School. School got out a while ago, but you were staying behind, working on your science project. The school is to the south, but the doors are now locked tight. The school yard is to the east and a street lined with stately old trees heads north. There's a bike rack here. >n Tree Lined Street (on your dirt bike) Tall oak trees line either side of the street, in front of old stately houses. The road continues to the north. As you walk down the street, Bobby Wheeler, the resident school bully jumps out from behind a hedge, with his Rottweiler Spike in tow. "Hey dweeb, give me five bucks and I won't smash in your nerdy face." The school is to the south. >n On the bike, you manage to swerve past Bobby's grasp, but Spike catches up and bars your path forward, growling at your viciously. >s Outside School (on your dirt bike) You're outside JFK Middle School. School got out a while ago, but you were staying behind, working on your science project. The school is to the south, but the doors are now locked tight. The school yard is to the east and a street lined with stately old trees heads north. There's a bike rack here. >n Tree Lined Street (on your dirt bike) Tall oak trees line either side of the street, in front of old stately houses. The road continues to the north. Bobby and Spike are here, blocking your passage to the north. The school is to the south. >i You are carrying: an old pepperoni stick a crumpled paper a backpack (being worn and open) some textbooks >give stick to bobby Bobby Wheeler doesn't seem interested. >give stick to spike Spike snatches the stick out of your hand and starts gnawing on the old pepperoni. >x spike You see nothing special about Spike the pit bull. >x bobby The school bully, Bobby Wheeler, is here looking smug. >n On the bike you are fast enough to evade Bobby's grasp, and Spike is too preoccupied with the pepperoni stick. You blaze past them in a blur. But as soon as you pass, Bobby runs after you in an all out sprint, and Spike follows! Bend in the road (on your dirt bike) The road bends left here. The stately homes and tall oak trees to the south make way for a dense forest of overgrown sycamores to the east. >e Bobby is still making chase, but Spike is nowhere to be seen. Sycamore Lane (on your dirt bike) The forest is very dense at this part of the road, save for a gravel path that winds its way to north, in front of which is a rusty old wrought iron gate. Through the trees you catch glimpses of large old house. The road heads east and west. >n (first opening wrought iron gate) With a loud groan, the iron gate opens a few inches but won't budge any farther. You'll never be able to fit your bike through the small gap in the gate. >exit bike I only understood you as far as wanting to exit. >out With a sigh, you get off the bike, worried that you may have seen it for the last time. >n The gate slowed them down a bit, but Bobby and Spike are still in hot pursuit. Outside house You are in front of an old, large estate. 13 Sycamore Lane has a long dark history. There were gruesome murders in the house nearly 100 years ago and the house has been a decaying shell ever since. Long considered haunted, it has been a magnet for ghost-hunters and adventure seekers until a few years back, when some teenagers died while exploring the house on Halloween night. Since then only the very brave and very foolish have entered. The front door is nailed shut and all the first storey windows are boarded up. The dirt path you are on splits in two and wraps around the house heading northeast and northwest. >nw Entrance to Cellar The path ends here with thick, dark forest in all directions. You see a creepy old wooden cellar door here, along the side of the house. Bobby runs up and comes to a stop. After seeing you are cornered, a big grin appears on his face. He starts slowly walking toward you punching his clenched fist into his hand. >d (first opening cellar door) There's a rusted old lock on the door, but with only the slightest force, you are able to pry it open as it turns to a pile of rust. You open the doors, and are met by inky blackness and the musty smell of years of decay. With some trepidation, you head down into the dark cellar. As you get to the bottom of the stairs, the door slams shut above you, and you hear a large thud on top of the door. "Good luck, nerd face." Bobby snarls from above. You hear him walking away, his cruel laughter slowly fading, then silence. You take a moment to take in your surroundings as your eyes adjust to the dim light. The house feels un-naturally cold and dead silent. Something feels wrong about it. Its then that you hear the faint sobbing of a child. Its quiet and indistinct, but undeniably real. The hair on your neck stands up as a shiver goes down your spine. Then as quickly as it started, the crying stops. Cellar Stairs You're at the foot of the cellar stairs. A few pinpricks of light give you just enough guidance to keep from running into the wall. The cellar continues to the east. >e Storage Cellar You're in what clearly has been used as a storage cellar. Countless boxes are strewn about, all moldy and collapsed from their own weight. You see a tool bench in the corner. There is also a rickety stairway leading upward. >take all There are none at all available! >x boxes They are so moldy that you'd rather not even get near them. >x bench (the tool bench) Its an old tool bench, beat up from years of neglect. It has a single drawer. >open drawer You open tool bench drawer, revealing a pair of pliers. >take pliers Taken. >x pliers Its a pair of slightly rusty, but still functional pliers. >u Mud Room This is a mud room, which serves as a transition from the outside to the inside. Pegs for coats line the walls, and shelves that probably held shoes, hats and gloves are all empty. There's a back door here, which looks hopelessly boarded shut. There's also a passage leading to the southeast and a set of stairs leading down. >x pegs They are fastened into the wall. >pull pegs It is fixed in place. >x shelves They are all empty. >se North Grand Foyer Your in the north end of an enormous Foyer. The floor is covered with old cracked marble tiles. The foyer continues to the south, and there are passages to the east and west. There's also a small passage to the northwest. A large set of double doors that must have lead to a terrace outside are boarded shut. >x tiles You can't see any such thing. >x floor You can't see any such thing. >w Library You walk into the library, and are startled to see a roaring fire in a large stone fireplace. The flames flicker and dance, casting creepy shadows on the walls. You look around but see no sign of who lit the fire. But you are more on edge, knowing that somebody else may be in the house. Beyond that, there are bookcases lining the walls, filled with ancient, dust covered books. There's also a large wooden desk here. >x fireplace The fireplace has a roaring fire. Through the flames you think you spot a passageway on the other side. >x fire The fireplace has a roaring fire. Through the flames you think you spot a passageway on the other side. >x bookcases You can't see any such thing. >x bookcase You can't see any such thing. >x book They are covered with countless books, most of which have seen better days. >search books (the ancient books) You find nothing of interest. >take books (the textbooks) Taken. >x desk The desk is made of some expensive hard wood and dominates this part of the room. It has a single top drawer. >open drawer You open top drawer, revealing a mallet. >take mallet Taken. >x it Its a wooden mallet good for hitting things. >enter fireplace You can't get through while the fire is burning. Maybe you could find something to douse the flames. >i You are carrying: a mallet some textbooks a pair of pliers a crumpled paper a backpack (being worn and open but empty) >hit fire with mallet >l Library You're in a library. There's a large stone fireplace here. There are bookcases lining the walls, filled with ancient, dust covered books. There's also a large wooden desk here. >e North Grand Foyer Your in the north end of an enormous Foyer. The floor is covered with old cracked marble tiles. The foyer continues to the south, and there are passages to the east and west. There's also a small passage to the northwest. A large set of double doors that must have lead to a terrace outside are boarded shut. >e Kitchen The kitchen was clearly designed to host large events. Two long rows of pine counter tops could have accommodated a dozen cooks. At the end of the counters is large, cast iron stove. Exits lead to the west and south, a butlers pantry is southwest and the servants" staircase leads up. A door that appears to lead outside is hopelessly boarded shut. >x tops They are large counters made out of pine, and appear to have seen many a meal. >search tops You find nothing of interest. >x stove The stove is rusted and corroded, and has certainly seen better days. It has an iron door in the front where the wood fire would be attended to. >search stove You can't see inside, since the wood burning stove is closed. >open it The iron door opens with a large groan, and a cloud of ash comes billowing out. Once the it clears you see a pair of kitchen shears, laying half covered in soot. >take shears As you touch the kitchen shears, a vision flashes before you're eyes: A man is holding the shears, but they are covered in blood. He throws them into the burning oven and slams the door shut. Then the vision passes. Taken. >sw Butler's Pantry You're in a butlers pantry that connects the dining room to the south, with the kitchen to the north. There's marble counter top here where the butler would have staged the food for the next course. Below the counter is a drawer. There's a small wooden door here. >open drawer You open the drawer, revealing some cooking twine. >take twine Taken. >x door The small wooden door is shut. >open it (first unlocking the small wooden door) You lack a key that fits the small wooden door. >n Kitchen The kitchen was clearly designed to host large events. Two long rows of pine counter tops could have accommodated a dozen cooks. At the end of the counters is large, cast iron stove. Exits lead to the west and south, a butlers pantry is southwest and the servants" staircase leads up. A door that appears to lead outside is hopelessly boarded shut. >sw Butler's Pantry You're in a butlers pantry that connects the dining room to the south, with the kitchen to the north. There's marble counter top here where the butler would have staged the food for the next course. Below the counter is a drawer. There's a small wooden door here. >s Grand Dining Room The splendor of this grand dining room is still evident despite its advanced state of decay. An enormously large dining table that spans the length of the room is pocked with stains and holes. The remnants of an old chandelier dominate the ceiling. Faded portraits of Lords and Ladies line the walls. There are entrances leading east and west, and a small doorway to the north. Out of the corner of you eye, you could swear one of the portraits slightly moved. >n Butler's Pantry You're in a butlers pantry that connects the dining room to the south, with the kitchen to the north. There's marble counter top here where the butler would have staged the food for the next course. Below the counter is a drawer. There's a small wooden door here. >s Grand Dining Room The splendor of this grand dining room is still evident despite its advanced state of decay. An enormously large dining table that spans the length of the room is pocked with stains and holes. The remnants of an old chandelier dominate the ceiling. Faded portraits of Lords and Ladies line the walls. There are entrances leading east and west, and a small doorway to the north. Out of the corner of you eye, you could swear one of the portraits slightly moved. >x table It must have been amazing to see in its original condition, but now its tarnished and worn with several holes in the surface revealing the floor below. Through one of those holes you catch a glint of reflective light. >search table You find nothing of interest. >look under table Under the table you see a tarnished silver fork >take fork You take the tarnished silver fork. >x it Somehow the looters missed this one bit of value, a badly tarnished silver fork. >x portraits The portrait is of a gruff old man in a suit, staring disapprovingly at any onlookers. On closer inspection you see his eyes appear to be slightly raised from the surface of the portrait. >x eye You can't see any such thing. >x eyes The eyes are slightly raised from the surface of the portrait. >touch eyes After touching the eyes, you feel them push inward making a distinct click. The portrait swings open revealing a dim passageway inside. >in Murky Passageway You're in a dark, murky passageway. There's a rusty iron ladder attached to the wall with several rungs missing. It heads up to the outlines of a trap door in the ceiling. There's also an opening in the wall leading to a the dining room. >u Doll Room You scamper up the ladder avoiding the missing rungs. At the top of it is a trap door. You push up the trap door and reveal a starling sight. The entire room is covered with dolls. You are surrounded by them. They line the walls and are piled up several feet high. The dolls seem to be staring at you with blank stares. There's a sturdy wooden door here with a deadbolt lock. >x dolls There are countless dolls of different shapes and sizes. Some are rag dolls, some are ornate porcelain dolls. All of them stare blankly at you. >search dolls You find nothing of interest. >take dolls There are way too many dolls to choose from. Unless you had a specific doll you wanted to take, you don't see the point. >x lock You can't see any such thing. >open door (first unlocking sturdy wooden door) You slide open the deadbolt. You open sturdy wooden door. >x door You see nothing special about sturdy wooden door. >e You can't go that way. >w You can't go that way. >s You can't go that way. >n East Upper Hall This appears to be the servants wing of the house. You see the servants quarters to north, a sturdy wooden door to the south, and the hallway continues to the west. In the ceiling you can make the outline of a rectangular opening. You hear the same child crying once again, this time much more distinct and coming from directly above you. Again, it ends as quickly as it started >u (first opening attic stairs) The stairs are out of reach. >i You are carrying: a tarnished silver fork some cooking twine some kitchen shears a mallet some textbooks a pair of pliers a crumpled paper a backpack (being worn and open but empty) >n Servants Quarters You find yourself in the common area of the servants quarters. There's a plain wooden table here which would have been the meeting place for the servants. The entrance to the servants dormitory lies to the north. There's also a hallway to the south, and a flight of stairs leading down. You can see a bucket (empty) here. >take bucket Taken. >x table Its a plain wooden table, with room for about ten. >search it You find nothing of interest. >look under it You find nothing of interest. >d Kitchen The kitchen was clearly designed to host large events. Two long rows of pine counter tops could have accommodated a dozen cooks. At the end of the counters is large, cast iron stove. Exits lead to the west and south, a butlers pantry is southwest and the servants" staircase leads up. A door that appears to lead outside is hopelessly boarded shut. >s East Hallway You're in the east hallway. The marble tile floor is cracked and faded and the wainscoting on the walls is rotting away. To the west is the dining room. Vines grow out of an entryway to the east and a hallway least north to a large kitchen. >w Grand Dining Room The splendor of this grand dining room is still evident despite its advanced state of decay. An enormously large dining table that spans the length of the room is pocked with stains and holes. The remnants of an old chandelier dominate the ceiling. Faded portraits of Lords and Ladies line the walls. There are entrances leading east and west, and a small doorway to the north. There's a portrait that has swung open from the wall, revealing an opening. >e East Hallway You're in the east hallway. The marble tile floor is cracked and faded and the wainscoting on the walls is rotting away. To the west is the dining room. Vines grow out of an entryway to the east and a hallway least north to a large kitchen. >x vines They are growing out from the room to the east. >e Conservatory You're in a large conservatory. Years of overgrowth have turned it into a maze of vines and tree limbs, many of which have smashed through the glass ceiling and walls. A small passageway leads north and an entrance a large hallway leads west. Sitting in one corner is a wooden steamer trunk almost totally obscured by the vines that have enveloped it. >x trunk Its a old wooden steamer trunk made of a dark hardwood and covered with ornate carvings. Its hopelessly tangled into a crisscross of vines. >open it The vines are just too strong to allow you to open the trunk. >cut vines You can't cut that. >i You are carrying: a bucket a tarnished silver fork some cooking twine some kitchen shears a mallet some textbooks a pair of pliers a crumpled paper a backpack (being worn and open but empty) >cut vines with shears As hard as you try, it won't cut through the tangled mass of foliage. You need to find a way to weaken them. >n Utility Closet You've entered a small utility closet cluttered with old greenhouse supplies, most of which are old beyond recognition. Some shelving lines the far wall. On the shelving are a dark green glass bottle (closed) and a trowel. >take all dark green glass bottle: Taken. trowel: Taken. >x trowel Its a run-of-the-mill garden trowel, good for digging small holes. >x bottle The ancient bottle has a plant leaf and faded skull and crossbones embossed on the outside. >open it With all your might, you try to open the bottle, but the lid won't budge. You need more leverage. >open it with pliers With the pliers you're able to get the lid off the bottle reveling a murky liquid with an acrid odor. >smell it You smell nothing unexpected. >x bottle The ancient bottle has a plant leaf and faded skull and crossbones embossed on the outside. In the dark green glass bottle is a murky liquid. >x liquid Its a murky liquid with an acrid smell. >smell it You smell nothing unexpected. >s Conservatory You're in a large conservatory. Years of overgrowth have turned it into a maze of vines and tree limbs, many of which have smashed through the glass ceiling and walls. A small passageway leads north and an entrance a large hallway leads west. Sitting in one corner is a wooden steamer trunk almost totally obscured by the vines that have enveloped it. >pour liquid on vines You pour the liquid on the vines. Before you're eyes you see the leaves wilt and turn brown. You're glad you didn't drink that! >open trunk The vines have weakened to the point that you are able to break through them and open the trunk. >x trunk Its a old wooden steamer trunk made of a dark hardwood and covered with ornate carvings. Its covered with dead, brittle vines. In the wooden steamer trunk is a brass key. >take key Taken. >search trunk The wooden steamer trunk is empty. >take it That's hardly portable. >move it You are unable to. >w East Hallway You're in the east hallway. The marble tile floor is cracked and faded and the wainscoting on the walls is rotting away. To the west is the dining room. Vines grow out of an entryway to the east and a hallway least north to a large kitchen. >w Grand Dining Room The splendor of this grand dining room is still evident despite its advanced state of decay. An enormously large dining table that spans the length of the room is pocked with stains and holes. The remnants of an old chandelier dominate the ceiling. Faded portraits of Lords and Ladies line the walls. There are entrances leading east and west, and a small doorway to the north. There's a portrait that has swung open from the wall, revealing an opening. >n Butler's Pantry You're in a butlers pantry that connects the dining room to the south, with the kitchen to the north. There's marble counter top here where the butler would have staged the food for the next course. Below the counter is a drawer. There's a small wooden door here. >unlock door (with the brass key) You unlock the small wooden door. >open it You open the small wooden door. >in You can't go that way. >w You can't go that way. >e You can't go that way. >nw You can't go that way. >sw You can't go that way. >ne You can't go that way. >se You can't go that way. >l Butler's Pantry You're in a butlers pantry that connects the dining room to the south, with the kitchen to the north. There's marble counter top here where the butler would have staged the food for the next course. Below the counter is a drawer. There's a open wooden door here, with stairs leading down. >d Wine Cellar This was most likely once an impressive wine cellar with wine casks lining the walls. All the casks are smashed or drained except one in the far back of the room, which still has its cork intact. >take all There are none at all available! >x cask Its a huge cask of wine. There's a small opening on the bottom of the cask with a cork in it. >open it The cork is too tight to remove by hand. >open it with pliers That doesn't seem to be something you can unlock. >x cork You see nothing special about cork. >i You are carrying: a brass key a trowel a dark green glass bottle a bucket a tarnished silver fork some cooking twine some kitchen shears a mallet some textbooks a pair of pliers a crumpled paper a backpack (being worn and open but empty) >pull cork Its lodged in too tight. Maybe find something to hit it with. >hit cork with mallet You hit the cork with the mallet and goes flying off, and splits into a hundred pieces. Wine starts to flow out of the hole. >fill bottle with wine You try to fill it but the opening is too small and you end up getting wine everywhere. >take cork You can't see any such thing. >fill bucket with wine The bucket is filled with wine. >l Wine Cellar This was most likely once an impressive wine cellar with wine casks lining the walls. All the casks are smashed or drained except one in the far back of the room, which has wine flowing from it. >i You are carrying: a brass key a trowel a dark green glass bottle a bucket some wine a tarnished silver fork some cooking twine some kitchen shears a mallet some textbooks a pair of pliers a crumpled paper a backpack (being worn and open but empty) >u Butler's Pantry You're in a butlers pantry that connects the dining room to the south, with the kitchen to the north. There's marble counter top here where the butler would have staged the food for the next course. Below the counter is a drawer. There's a open wooden door here, with stairs leading down. >s Grand Dining Room The splendor of this grand dining room is still evident despite its advanced state of decay. An enormously large dining table that spans the length of the room is pocked with stains and holes. The remnants of an old chandelier dominate the ceiling. Faded portraits of Lords and Ladies line the walls. There are entrances leading east and west, and a small doorway to the north. There's a portrait that has swung open from the wall, revealing an opening. >w South Grand Foyer Your in the south end of an enormous Foyer. The floor is covered with old cracked marble tiles, and a grand staircase leads up to an upper landing. On either side of the staircase are marble statues of women in flowing robes. The foyer continues to the north, and there are passages to the east and west. To the south you see the front door with nails sticking out all around the frame. With the right tool you might be able pry the door open. >x statues There is a left statue and a right statue. They their bodies are both facing inward toward each other, but their heads are rather awkwardly facing away, as if they didn't want to see each other. >x left You see nothing special about the left statue. >turn head You can't see any such thing. >turn left You are unable to. >turn right You are unable to. >move left statue You are unable to. >x right You see nothing special about the right statue. >x foor You can't see any such thing. >x door The large wooden front door has nails protruding along its perimeter. With the right tool, you might be able to pry them out. >x nails The large wooden front door has nails protruding along its perimeter. With the right tool, you might be able to pry them out. >pry That's not a verb I recognise. >pull nails It is fixed in place. >i You are carrying: a brass key a trowel a dark green glass bottle a bucket some wine a tarnished silver fork some cooking twine some kitchen shears a mallet some textbooks a pair of pliers a crumpled paper a backpack (being worn and open but empty) >pull nails with pliers I only understood you as far as wanting to pull the front door. >open front door The door is nailed shut tight. But with the right tool you might be able pry it open. >open front door with pliers You pull at the nails with the pliers but they just aren't budging. You'll need a better tool. >open front door with fork That doesn't seem to be something you can unlock. >w Drawing Room This must have been a beautiful room in better times, where the lord and lady of the house would entertain guests, but its now in an advanced state of decay. All the once ornate furniture in the room are in shambles and barely recognizable. There's medium size pot here where a long dead plant used to grow. A doorway leads to the north and a large entryway leads east. >x pot The pot is nothing more than rock hard dirt and a few dried up leaves. >take it That's hardly portable. >turn it You are unable to. >search it You find nothing of interest. >move it You are unable to. >shake it That's not a verb I recognise. >empty it That's not a verb I recognise. >look inside it You find nothing of interest. >push it You are unable to. >n Library You're in a library. There's a large stone fireplace here. There are bookcases lining the walls, filled with ancient, dust covered books. There's also a large wooden desk here. >e North Grand Foyer Your in the north end of an enormous Foyer. The floor is covered with old cracked marble tiles. The foyer continues to the south, and there are passages to the east and west. There's also a small passage to the northwest. A large set of double doors that must have lead to a terrace outside are boarded shut. >w Library You're in a library. There's a large stone fireplace here. There are bookcases lining the walls, filled with ancient, dust covered books. There's also a large wooden desk here. >pour wine on fire You pour the wine on the fire and manage to douse the flames. >in You can't go that way. >enter fireplace You make your way through the fireplace. >l Bottom of Spiral Staircase You're in the secret room behind the fireplace. A spiral staircase leads up, and the fireplace entrance is to the south. >u Observatory The room is octagonal, with windows on each of the eight walls. An antique telescope is here, pointing out one of the windows. The only exit is the spiral staircase from which you entered. >x windows The windows line the whole room. You look through them and get a little dizzy when you realize you are a good 30 feet above the ground. >x telescope Its made of copper, which has patinaed to a dark green. Its pointing down toward the forest. >look through telescope You go to look through the telescope, only to realize that the eyepiece is missing. >i You are carrying: a brass key a trowel a dark green glass bottle a bucket a tarnished silver fork some cooking twine some kitchen shears a mallet some textbooks a pair of pliers a crumpled paper a backpack (being worn and open but empty) >d Bottom of Spiral Staircase You're in the secret room behind the fireplace. A spiral staircase leads up, and the fireplace entrance is to the south. >u Observatory The room is octagonal, with windows on each of the eight walls. An antique telescope is here, pointing out one of the windows. The only exit is the spiral staircase from which you entered. >take telescope That's hardly portable. >d Bottom of Spiral Staircase You're in the secret room behind the fireplace. A spiral staircase leads up, and the fireplace entrance is to the south. >s You make your way through the fireplace. >l Library You're in a library. There's a large stone fireplace here. There are bookcases lining the walls, filled with ancient, dust covered books. There's also a large wooden desk here. >s Drawing Room This must have been a beautiful room in better times, where the lord and lady of the house would entertain guests, but its now in an advanced state of decay. All the once ornate furniture in the room are in shambles and barely recognizable. There's medium size pot here where a long dead plant used to grow. A doorway leads to the north and a large entryway leads east. >dig pot What do you want to dig the pot with? >trowel You dig for a while until the trowel hits something very distinctly metal. You keep digging until you find a cylindrical metal object. It looks like some kind of an eyepiece. You take it. >n Library You're in a library. There's a large stone fireplace here. There are bookcases lining the walls, filled with ancient, dust covered books. There's also a large wooden desk here. >n You make your way through the fireplace. >u Observatory The room is octagonal, with windows on each of the eight walls. An antique telescope is here, pointing out one of the windows. The only exit is the spiral staircase from which you entered. >put eyepiece in telescope That can't contain things. >put eyepiece on telescope The eyepiece snaps into place with a satisfying click. >look through telescope With the eyepiece in place you are able to look through the telescope. It's pointing to a small burial plot behind the house. At the center of its viewpoint is a gravestone. The gravestone is has no engravings, but someone has scratched the name EMILY across it. >d Bottom of Spiral Staircase You're in the secret room behind the fireplace. A spiral staircase leads up, and the fireplace entrance is to the south. >s You make your way through the fireplace. The flames that were once extinguished in the fireplace, come roaring back twice as strong as they were before, and with an odd blue hue to them. >x flames The fireplace has a fire much bigger than before. The blue flames almost look unnatural. >e North Grand Foyer Your in the north end of an enormous Foyer. The floor is covered with old cracked marble tiles. The foyer continues to the south, and there are passages to the east and west. There's also a small passage to the northwest. A large set of double doors that must have lead to a terrace outside are boarded shut. >s South Grand Foyer Your in the south end of an enormous Foyer. The floor is covered with old cracked marble tiles, and a grand staircase leads up to an upper landing. On either side of the staircase are marble statues of women in flowing robes. The foyer continues to the north, and there are passages to the east and west. To the south you see the front door with nails sticking out all around the frame. With the right tool you might be able pry the door open. >e Grand Dining Room The splendor of this grand dining room is still evident despite its advanced state of decay. An enormously large dining table that spans the length of the room is pocked with stains and holes. The remnants of an old chandelier dominate the ceiling. Faded portraits of Lords and Ladies line the walls. There are entrances leading east and west, and a small doorway to the north. There's a portrait that has swung open from the wall, revealing an opening. >s You can't go that way. >in Murky Passageway You're in a dark, murky passageway. There's a rusty iron ladder attached to the wall with several rungs missing. It heads up to the outlines of a trap door in the ceiling. There's also an opening in the wall leading to a the dining room. >u Doll Room The entire room is covered with dolls. You are surrounded by them. They line the walls and are piled up several feet high. The dolls seem to be staring at you with blank stares. You are surrounded by piles of dolls. There's an opening in the middle of the room with a ladder leading downward. There's a sturdy wooden door here with a deadbolt lock. >n East Upper Hall This appears to be the servants wing of the house. You see the servants quarters to north, a sturdy wooden door to the south, and the hallway continues to the west. In the ceiling you can make the outline of a rectangular opening. >w Upper Landing You are in the upper landing, which looks down on the grand foyer. From here, hallways lead to the east and west, and the stairway leads down. >w West Upper Hall The west upper hallway appears to be the residential wing where the owners would take residence. There are doors to the north and south. The hallway continues to the east and west, but a section of the ceiling has collapsed making further passage to the west impossible. >n Master Bedroom This is clearly the master bedroom of the house. Its twice the size of the other rooms and a has massive four poster bed. A vanity and chest of drawers line the walls. A door leads south to the hallway, and a bathroom lies to the wet. >x vanity You see nothing special about the vanity. >search it You find nothing of interest. >look under it You find nothing of interest. >move it It is fixed in place. >x chest It has drawers. >open drawers You open the chest of drawers, revealing some spectacles. >take spectacles As you touch the spectacles, a vision flashes before you're eyes: A woman is desperately trying to hold a man back. She frantically pushes him, hitting him in the face, knocking his spectacles off his face. His face twists in rage. Then the vision passes. Taken. >wear spectacles You can't wear those! >i You are carrying: some spectacles a brass key a trowel a dark green glass bottle a bucket a tarnished silver fork some cooking twine some kitchen shears a mallet some textbooks a pair of pliers a crumpled paper a backpack (being worn and open but empty) >x spectacles Its a pair of cracked and bent, mens spectacles. >x bed You see nothing special about the four poster bed. >search it You find nothing of interest. >look under itt You can't see any such thing. >look under it You find nothing of interest. >w Master Bathroom You've entered the master bathroom. There's a large claw foot tub here, as well as a sink and a toilet. >x tub Its white porcelain has ben worn and chipped away from years of decline. >search it The claw foot tub is empty. >move it You are unable to. >look under it You find nothing of interest. >x sink It's seen better days. All the fixtures are rusted in place. >search it Its no use. The plumbing stopped working decades ago. >look under it Its no use. The plumbing stopped working decades ago. >x toilet Its best just to leave that alone. >e Master Bedroom This is clearly the master bedroom of the house. Its twice the size of the other rooms and a has massive four poster bed. A vanity and chest of drawers line the walls. A door leads south to the hallway, and a bathroom lies to the wet. >s West Upper Hall The west upper hallway appears to be the residential wing where the owners would take residence. There are doors to the north and south. The hallway continues to the east and west, but a section of the ceiling has collapsed making further passage to the west impossible. >s Nursery You find yourself in what was clearly once a nursery, although any cheer left in the room has long since gone. A crib is set up in the corner of the room. Next to it, is a wooden rocking horse. The rocking horse is rocking very slightly, and then comes to a stop. >x crib The crib is made of wood and was once painted a powder blue color, although most of the paint has long since chipped away. In the crib you see a coloring book. In the crib is a coloring book. >take coloring Taken. >x it You leaf through the book. There are many drawings, but one drawing in particular catches your eye. Its of a Raggedy Anne style doll but instead of its characteristic smile, its mouth is formed into a frown. Next to the doll is a heart with the word Suzie scribbled inside it. >x horse Clearly well loved in its day, the rocking horse has been well used. The paint on the seat is visibly worn away from many hours of use. >search it You find nothing of interest. >move it It is fixed in place. >rock it That's not a verb I recognise. >l Nursery You find yourself in what was clearly once a nursery, although any cheer left in the room has long since gone. A crib is set up in the corner of the room. Next to it, is a wooden rocking horse. >e You can't go that way. >w You can't go that way. >s You can't go that way. >se You can't go that way. >sw You can't go that way. >ne You can't go that way. >nw You can't go that way. >n West Upper Hall The west upper hallway appears to be the residential wing where the owners would take residence. There are doors to the north and south. The hallway continues to the east and west, but a section of the ceiling has collapsed making further passage to the west impossible. >e Upper Landing You are in the upper landing, which looks down on the grand foyer. From here, hallways lead to the east and west, and the stairway leads down. >e East Upper Hall This appears to be the servants wing of the house. You see the servants quarters to north, a sturdy wooden door to the south, and the hallway continues to the west. In the ceiling you can make the outline of a rectangular opening. >s Doll Room The entire room is covered with dolls. You are surrounded by them. They line the walls and are piled up several feet high. The dolls seem to be staring at you with blank stares. You are surrounded by piles of dolls. There's an opening in the middle of the room with a ladder leading downward. There's a sturdy wooden door here with a deadbolt lock. >search dolls You find nothing of interest. >x suzie It's Raggedy Anne style doll, but instead of the normal smile, it's lips are drawn as a frown. It also feels like there is something solid in the middle, so it must be stuffed with more than just cotton. >open suzie You need to find a way to cut it. >take suzie After scouring through the pile of dolls, you finally find the doll you saw in the coloring book. Its hard to miss with it's distinctive frown. >i You are carrying: Suzie a coloring book some spectacles a brass key a trowel a dark green glass bottle a bucket a tarnished silver fork some cooking twine some kitchen shears a mallet some textbooks a pair of pliers a crumpled paper a backpack (being worn and open but empty) >cut suzie with shears You cut open the doll, and feel around inside. You find a metal hook with a loop on the end. You take it. >x hook Its a metal hook with a loop on the end. >tie twine to hook You managed to fashion a makeshift grappling hook. >n East Upper Hall This appears to be the servants wing of the house. You see the servants quarters to north, a sturdy wooden door to the south, and the hallway continues to the west. In the ceiling you can make the outline of a rectangular opening. >throw hook at trapdoor You can't see any such thing. >x ceiling There's an outline of retractable attic stairs. >throw hook at stairs You swing the grappling hook several times, and finally manage to hook the eye bolt. You pull the attic stairs down, revealing the dark attic above. >u Attic You're in an attic that appears to have been converted into a child's room. There's a doll house and some other toys here. In the corner is a child's bed. There is a large dark stain covering the center of the mattress. You shudder to imagine what it is. You can see alphabet blocks here. >x house Its falling apart from age and neglect. >search it You find nothing of interest. >move it It is fixed in place. >take it That's hardly portable. >x bed Its a small, very modest child's bed, with a horrific dark stain in the middle. >x toys They are all moldy and broken. >move bed It is fixed in place. >search bed You find nothing of interest. >look under bed You find nothing of interest. >take blocks As you touch the blocks, you hear the whisper of a little girl... "My name will release me!" You spin around but see no one. You aren't sure if you really hear that, or if it was just in your head. >say emily (to yourself) There is no reply. >x blocks There are five blocks here with letters on each side of each block. >set blocks to emily Try spelling a word with the alphabet blocks. >spell emily with blocks As you form the last letter of EMILY with the alphabet blocks, you see a flash of light. As it dims you see yourself in the attic, but it looks different, less run down. A tall man in a suit is here, yelling at woman dressed in a maids uniform. She is groveling at the mans feet, begging. She's clutching a locket in her hands. A little girl lays in the bed, crying. The man casts the woman away and raises his hand over the girl, a pair of kitchen shears in his hand. The woman throws herself at the man, scratching his face and knocking off his spectacles. He casts her aside takes the shears and ... The flash of light returns and you find yourself back. The hear the voice of the little girl again... "Burn the totems... set us free...". The voice fades away and you hear a deadly silence. >take blocks You already have that. >l Attic You're in an attic that appears to have been converted into a child's room. There's a doll house and some other toys here. In the corner is a child's bed. There is a large dark stain covering the center of the mattress. You shudder to imagine what it is. >d East Upper Hall This appears to be the servants wing of the house. You see the servants quarters to north, a sturdy wooden door to the south, and the hallway continues to the west. There are retractable attic stairs descending from the ceiling. >w Upper Landing You are in the upper landing, which looks down on the grand foyer. From here, hallways lead to the east and west, and the stairway leads down. >w West Upper Hall The west upper hallway appears to be the residential wing where the owners would take residence. There are doors to the north and south. The hallway continues to the east and west, but a section of the ceiling has collapsed making further passage to the west impossible. >w There's no way you can get past the collapsed wall. >s Nursery You find yourself in what was clearly once a nursery, although any cheer left in the room has long since gone. A crib is set up in the corner of the room. Next to it, is a wooden rocking horse. >w You can't go that way. >sw You can't go that way. >n West Upper Hall The west upper hallway appears to be the residential wing where the owners would take residence. There are doors to the north and south. The hallway continues to the east and west, but a section of the ceiling has collapsed making further passage to the west impossible. >n Master Bedroom This is clearly the master bedroom of the house. Its twice the size of the other rooms and a has massive four poster bed. A vanity and chest of drawers line the walls. A door leads south to the hallway, and a bathroom lies to the wet. >x vanity You see nothing special about the vanity. >x locket You can't see any such thing. >s West Upper Hall The west upper hallway appears to be the residential wing where the owners would take residence. There are doors to the north and south. The hallway continues to the east and west, but a section of the ceiling has collapsed making further passage to the west impossible. >e Upper Landing You are in the upper landing, which looks down on the grand foyer. From here, hallways lead to the east and west, and the stairway leads down. >d South Grand Foyer Your in the south end of an enormous Foyer. The floor is covered with old cracked marble tiles, and a grand staircase leads up to an upper landing. On either side of the staircase are marble statues of women in flowing robes. The foyer continues to the north, and there are passages to the east and west. To the south you see the front door with nails sticking out all around the frame. With the right tool you might be able pry the door open. >x locket You can't see any such thing. >n North Grand Foyer Your in the north end of an enormous Foyer. The floor is covered with old cracked marble tiles. The foyer continues to the south, and there are passages to the east and west. There's also a small passage to the northwest. A large set of double doors that must have lead to a terrace outside are boarded shut. >nw Mud Room This is a mud room, which serves as a transition from the outside to the inside. Pegs for coats line the walls, and shelves that probably held shoes, hats and gloves are all empty. There's a back door here, which looks hopelessly boarded shut. There's also a passage leading to the southeast and a set of stairs leading down. >d Storage Cellar You're in what clearly has been used as a storage cellar. Countless boxes are strewn about, all moldy and collapsed from their own weight. You see a tool bench in the corner. There is also a rickety stairway leading upward. >u Mud Room This is a mud room, which serves as a transition from the outside to the inside. Pegs for coats line the walls, and shelves that probably held shoes, hats and gloves are all empty. There's a back door here, which looks hopelessly boarded shut. There's also a passage leading to the southeast and a set of stairs leading down. >se North Grand Foyer Your in the north end of an enormous Foyer. The floor is covered with old cracked marble tiles. The foyer continues to the south, and there are passages to the east and west. There's also a small passage to the northwest. A large set of double doors that must have lead to a terrace outside are boarded shut. >w Library You're in a library. There's a large stone fireplace here. There are bookcases lining the walls, filled with ancient, dust covered books. There's also a large wooden desk here. The fireplace has a roaring fire with dancing blue flames. >x desk The desk is made of some expensive hard wood and dominates this part of the room. It has a single top drawer. >x drawer Top drawer is empty. >s Drawing Room This must have been a beautiful room in better times, where the lord and lady of the house would entertain guests, but its now in an advanced state of decay. All the once ornate furniture in the room are in shambles and barely recognizable. There's medium size pot here where a long dead plant used to grow. A doorway leads to the north and a large entryway leads east. >dig pot What do you want to dig the pot with? >trowel You dig for a while until the trowel hits something very distinctly metal. You keep digging until you find a cylindrical metal object. It looks like some kind of an eyepiece. You take it. >dig pot What do you want to dig the pot with? >trowel You dig for a while until the trowel hits something very distinctly metal. You keep digging until you find a cylindrical metal object. It looks like some kind of an eyepiece. You take it. >i You are carrying: an eyepiece alphabet blocks Suzie a coloring book some spectacles a brass key a trowel a dark green glass bottle a bucket a tarnished silver fork some kitchen shears a mallet some textbooks a pair of pliers a crumpled paper a backpack (being worn and open but empty) >n Library You're in a library. There's a large stone fireplace here. There are bookcases lining the walls, filled with ancient, dust covered books. There's also a large wooden desk here. The fireplace has a roaring fire with dancing blue flames. >burn blocks Try spelling a word with the alphabet blocks. >put blocks in fireplace Try spelling a word with the alphabet blocks. >put spectacles in fireplace That can't contain things. >put spectacles in fire Its quickly enveloped by the flames. The flames get slightly higher. >put blocks in fire Its quickly enveloped by the flames. The flames get slightly higher. >put shears in fire Its quickly enveloped by the flames. The flames get slightly higher. >x fork Somehow the looters missed this one bit of value, a badly tarnished silver fork. >s Drawing Room This must have been a beautiful room in better times, where the lord and lady of the house would entertain guests, but its now in an advanced state of decay. All the once ornate furniture in the room are in shambles and barely recognizable. There's medium size pot here where a long dead plant used to grow. A doorway leads to the north and a large entryway leads east. >e South Grand Foyer Your in the south end of an enormous Foyer. The floor is covered with old cracked marble tiles, and a grand staircase leads up to an upper landing. On either side of the staircase are marble statues of women in flowing robes. The foyer continues to the north, and there are passages to the east and west. To the south you see the front door with nails sticking out all around the frame. With the right tool you might be able pry the door open. >e Grand Dining Room The splendor of this grand dining room is still evident despite its advanced state of decay. An enormously large dining table that spans the length of the room is pocked with stains and holes. The remnants of an old chandelier dominate the ceiling. Faded portraits of Lords and Ladies line the walls. There are entrances leading east and west, and a small doorway to the north. There's a portrait that has swung open from the wall, revealing an opening. >x chandelier It must have been quite grand, but now its tarnished and broken. >search it You find nothing of interest. >take it That's hardly portable. >n Butler's Pantry You're in a butlers pantry that connects the dining room to the south, with the kitchen to the north. There's marble counter top here where the butler would have staged the food for the next course. Below the counter is a drawer. There's a open wooden door here, with stairs leading down. >x drawer The drawer was probably used for holding silverware or cooking supplies. Its open. >s Grand Dining Room The splendor of this grand dining room is still evident despite its advanced state of decay. An enormously large dining table that spans the length of the room is pocked with stains and holes. The remnants of an old chandelier dominate the ceiling. Faded portraits of Lords and Ladies line the walls. There are entrances leading east and west, and a small doorway to the north. There's a portrait that has swung open from the wall, revealing an opening. >e East Hallway You're in the east hallway. The marble tile floor is cracked and faded and the wainscoting on the walls is rotting away. To the west is the dining room. Vines grow out of an entryway to the east and a hallway least north to a large kitchen. >take all There are none at all available! >e Conservatory You're in a large conservatory. Years of overgrowth have turned it into a maze of vines and tree limbs, many of which have smashed through the glass ceiling and walls. A small passageway leads north and an entrance a large hallway leads west. Sitting in one corner is a wooden steamer trunk almost totally obscured by dead brittle vines. >n Utility Closet You've entered a small utility closet cluttered with old greenhouse supplies, most of which are old beyond recognition. Some shelving lines the far wall. >s Conservatory You're in a large conservatory. Years of overgrowth have turned it into a maze of vines and tree limbs, many of which have smashed through the glass ceiling and walls. A small passageway leads north and an entrance a large hallway leads west. Sitting in one corner is a wooden steamer trunk almost totally obscured by dead brittle vines. >w East Hallway You're in the east hallway. The marble tile floor is cracked and faded and the wainscoting on the walls is rotting away. To the west is the dining room. Vines grow out of an entryway to the east and a hallway least north to a large kitchen. >n Kitchen The kitchen was clearly designed to host large events. Two long rows of pine counter tops could have accommodated a dozen cooks. At the end of the counters is large, cast iron stove. Exits lead to the west and south, a butlers pantry is southwest and the servants" staircase leads up. A door that appears to lead outside is hopelessly boarded shut. >u Servants Quarters You find yourself in the common area of the servants quarters. There's a plain wooden table here which would have been the meeting place for the servants. The entrance to the servants dormitory lies to the north. There's also a hallway to the south, and a flight of stairs leading down. >n Servants Dormitory You've entered a very plain room, with almost no furniture and just a set of bunk beds. >x beds Several rows of bunk beds are set up in rows in this room. Like everything else here, they are in severe disrepair. Something under one of the beds catches your eye. >look under beds You see a small black journal under one of the beds >take journal You take the journal. >read it As you open it, a small silver locket drops out. You flip through the journal. Most of the pages are so old that the ink has faded and the pages are so brittle that they crumble. But you make out a few passages... "...the master forced me to..." "...he'll never take my girl away..." "...he was so angry when the she found out..." >read it >read journal >x locket Its a silver locket, meant to be worn as a necklace, although the chain is long gone. You open it and see a faded picture of a smiling little girl, no older than six. >s Servants Quarters You find yourself in the common area of the servants quarters. There's a plain wooden table here which would have been the meeting place for the servants. The entrance to the servants dormitory lies to the north. There's also a hallway to the south, and a flight of stairs leading down. >d Kitchen The kitchen was clearly designed to host large events. Two long rows of pine counter tops could have accommodated a dozen cooks. At the end of the counters is large, cast iron stove. Exits lead to the west and south, a butlers pantry is southwest and the servants" staircase leads up. A door that appears to lead outside is hopelessly boarded shut. >w North Grand Foyer Your in the north end of an enormous Foyer. The floor is covered with old cracked marble tiles. The foyer continues to the south, and there are passages to the east and west. There's also a small passage to the northwest. A large set of double doors that must have lead to a terrace outside are boarded shut. >w Library You're in a library. There's a large stone fireplace here. There are bookcases lining the walls, filled with ancient, dust covered books. There's also a large wooden desk here. The fireplace has a roaring fire with dancing blue flames. >put locket in fire You can't see any such thing. >burn locket You can't see any such thing. >x locket You can't see any such thing. >e North Grand Foyer Your in the north end of an enormous Foyer. The floor is covered with old cracked marble tiles. The foyer continues to the south, and there are passages to the east and west. There's also a small passage to the northwest. A large set of double doors that must have lead to a terrace outside are boarded shut. >e Kitchen The kitchen was clearly designed to host large events. Two long rows of pine counter tops could have accommodated a dozen cooks. At the end of the counters is large, cast iron stove. Exits lead to the west and south, a butlers pantry is southwest and the servants" staircase leads up. A door that appears to lead outside is hopelessly boarded shut. >e You can't go that way. >u Servants Quarters You find yourself in the common area of the servants quarters. There's a plain wooden table here which would have been the meeting place for the servants. The entrance to the servants dormitory lies to the north. There's also a hallway to the south, and a flight of stairs leading down. >n Servants Dormitory You've entered a very plain room, with almost no furniture and just a set of bunk beds. You can see a locket here. >take locket As you touch the locket, a vision flashes before you're eyes: A woman is looks at the picture in the locket and sobs, tears flowing and landing on it. Then the vision passes. Taken. >d You can't go that way. >s Servants Quarters You find yourself in the common area of the servants quarters. There's a plain wooden table here which would have been the meeting place for the servants. The entrance to the servants dormitory lies to the north. There's also a hallway to the south, and a flight of stairs leading down. >d Kitchen The kitchen was clearly designed to host large events. Two long rows of pine counter tops could have accommodated a dozen cooks. At the end of the counters is large, cast iron stove. Exits lead to the west and south, a butlers pantry is southwest and the servants" staircase leads up. A door that appears to lead outside is hopelessly boarded shut. >w North Grand Foyer Your in the north end of an enormous Foyer. The floor is covered with old cracked marble tiles. The foyer continues to the south, and there are passages to the east and west. There's also a small passage to the northwest. A large set of double doors that must have lead to a terrace outside are boarded shut. >w Library You're in a library. There's a large stone fireplace here. There are bookcases lining the walls, filled with ancient, dust covered books. There's also a large wooden desk here. The fireplace has a roaring fire with dancing blue flames. >put locket in fire Its quickly enveloped by the flames. The flames get slightly higher. As you throw the last item in the fire, your see a shadow rising from the flames. It hovers for a moment then evaporates into the ceiling above. The fire continues to grow and starts crackling loudly. Embers start floating up and landing around you. Before you know it the whole room starts to catch fire. You turn around to run out of the room, and a section of the ceiling collapses, narrowly missing you. In the middle rubble, you see a crowbar! >take crowbar Taken. The flames are spreading easily through the old rotten wood. >s Drawing Room This must have been a beautiful room in better times, where the lord and lady of the house would entertain guests, but its now in an advanced state of decay. All the once ornate furniture in the room are in shambles and barely recognizable. There's medium size pot here where a long dead plant used to grow. A doorway leads to the north and a large entryway leads east. Fire is licking up all the walls and heading the to ceiling. >e South Grand Foyer Your in the south end of an enormous Foyer. The floor is covered with old cracked marble tiles, and a grand staircase leads up to an upper landing. On either side of the staircase are marble statues of women in flowing robes. The foyer continues to the north, and there are passages to the east and west. To the south you see the front door with nails sticking out all around the frame. With the right tool you might be able pry the door open. The furniture has all caught fire. >open door with crowbar With a rush of adrenalin you are able to pry the door open with the crowbar. Sunlight comes streaming through the open door. The heat is starting to get intense. >s You rush out of the house without a moment to spare. Just as you clear the front porch, the whole second storey starts to collapse. You stand there for a while, watching the flames claim the house, hoping that it will cleanse the place and that Emily will finally find peace. After the last wall collapsed into a pile of rubble, you turn around and walk back down the path and through the iron gate. You're surprised and relieved to find your dirt bike just where you left it. You hop on your trusty bike and start the journey home. *** The end. *** Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command? >