I've been forced to liquidate my Accretion Group shares, but that's not the only interest I hold in the Royal Shipbreaking Company. The golden, semi-corporeal roots that bind Dor in place begin to turn silver, loosen, withdraw from her veins. Freed, she slumps forward at her desk. But this is just the start of her fight. Forsaken Denizen A text-only survival horror by C.E.J. Pacian. Release 17. Serial number 240821. Dialog compiler version 0m/03. Library version 0.46-fd. (Type if you have trouble getting started. Type to learn who made this possible.) Audit Department N: [LOCKED] E: Atrium Ethereal roots spill from cubicle to cubicle, entangling unconscious workers. Dor doubles over and retches. "What is this? Can any of you hear me?" (No-one in that room can hear her. I can, but have no way to reach her. I only hope she finds her bearings and decides to .) > transcript Transcript enabled. > east Atrium N: Custodian's Closet S: [CHAINED] W: Audit Department Golden roots dangle from broken skylights. Junker Antonia sits rooted to the ground, sucking in energy from across the building, pulsating with stored vigour. Dor stops dead in her tracks. "Who... what are you?" (Can't she see the blade-like talons? The needle teeth? The single, predatory cyber-eye? The way south is chained shut. If Dor doesn't flee to the immediately, she's in danger.) > examine antonia Dor risks a quick glance over Junker Antonia. In that fraction of a second, I can only imagine what Dor finds. Does she realise that this was once a human? Could she guess how long ago that was? Does she see past the cybernetic implants, the bio-engineered physique, the pompous affectations - and notice how Junker Antonia looks at her like she's a speck of dirt? > north Custodian's Closet S: Atrium A mosaic of safety posters peek out behind shelves of cleaning products and a dented locker. (Dor's the least prim person I know, for what that's worth. She won't hesitate to for anything useful.) > search Dor needs to pick something specific to search. > search locker Inside the locker, Dor finds some bolt cutters. (That's useful. I'm sure Dor will them.) > take bolt cutters Dor takes the bolt cutters from the locker. (They look heavy. I hope Dor is keeping an eye on her .) > status HEALTH MONITOR: Green OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts) LEFT HAND: bolt cutters () RIGHT HAND: (empty) SHOULDER BAG: (empty) (It looks like Dor can use these bolt cutters to if she goes back .) > south Atrium N: Custodian's Closet S: [CHAINED] W: Audit Department Golden roots dangle from broken skylights. Junker Antonia sits rooted to the ground, sucking in energy from across the building, pulsating with stored vigour. Junker Antonia fixes that glowing cyber-eye on Dor and raises a taloned hand. > cut chains Dor hefts the bolt cutters and cuts awkwardly through the chains. Junker Antonia sweeps long claws across Dor's body, splattering black blood on the floor. Dor screams. (Dor's health monitor beeps and changes to yellow.) > north Custodian's Closet S: Atrium A mosaic of safety posters peek out behind shelves of cleaning products and a dented locker. > examine posters The safety posters have nothing to say about vampiric roots or cyborg monsters. > search cleaning products Dor searches the shelves frantically. The cleaning products are all mild and non-toxic. > status HEALTH MONITOR: Yellow OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts) LEFT HAND: bolt cutters () RIGHT HAND: (empty) SHOULDER BAG: (empty) > south Atrium N: Custodian's Closet S: Tower District W: Audit Department Golden roots dangle from broken skylights. Junker Antonia sits rooted to the ground, sucking in energy from across the building, pulsating with stored vigour. Junker Antonia fixes that glowing cyber-eye on Dor and raises a taloned hand. > hit antonia with bolt cutters Dor swings the bolt cutters at Junker Antonia, but she easily bats them aside. Junker Antonia sweeps long claws across Dor's body, splattering black blood on the floor. Dor groans with pain. (Dor's health monitor beeps urgently and changes to red.) > south Dor emerges blinking into the daylight, struggling to take in what has happened to her city. Golden roots strangle every skyscraper, ensnare every denizen, drain them of their very life. She stumbles on, towards a small island of safety. Tower District N: Atrium W: Alizarine Road The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base, bearing three glowing fruit. The usual hologram of a stern POST mistress has been replaced by a glamorous princess. (Surely Dor will this holographic beauty.) > talk to post Dor breathes shakily, and considers what to say: 1. "Are you somewhere safe?" 2. "You saved me! Thank you!" 3. "I love you." > 2 Dor starts to speak, and then looks around at the devastation of her city. "I hate you," she sobs. Tears spill from her black eyes. "I hate you! I want to rip you to pieces and scatter you to the wind!" I wince. It's me. I'm the glamorous princess. "Of course," I say softly. "I want to grind you into dust beneath my heel!" I couldn't have known that accepting investment from the Accretion Group would lead to all this! But she's been through a lot. I take a deep breath. "Dor, darling, you're hurt. Let me help you." 1. "How?" 2. "I don't want your help." > 2 "I don't want your help." I raise an eyebrow. "A monstrous aristocrat from the Event Horizon just slashed you with her claws. Stop being stubborn and let me help you before you die." 1. "How?" > 1 "How?" This is a bad time to seem smug, but I'm still proud of what I achieved. "The Accretion Group are using your employee-issue GNOST implants to siphon energy. I don't have any influence on the Company anymore, but I formed a new one. Just me and you. And I can send you energy instead of taking it." "Cath," Dor says, "people are suffering and you're smiling." I know, but still. "Anyway, why don't you the glowing fruit?" > eat fruit Dor plucks one of the glowing fruit. It begins to disintegrate in her hand. She quickly eats it. (Dor's health monitor beeps and changes to yellow.) "See?" I say. "Our little company has sent energy to heal you." Dor exhales slowly. "And where did you get that extra energy from, Cath?" I just smile. Dor and I didn't last this long without learning how to avoid political arguments. "Now, come find me. I can get us away from all this." "You're at your Night Palace?" Dor asks. "You haven't moved it?" My palace hasn't been able to move under its own power for years, but I've never admitted that to Dor. "Still west of the Sun-Sider's Quarter," I say. > Dor blinks. (If you want to repeat the description of the current location, use the command . If you want time to pass, use .) > look Tower District N: Atrium W: Alizarine Road The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base, bearing two glowing fruit. My hologram hovers nearby. > eat fruit Dor plucks one of the glowing fruit. It begins to disintegrate in her hand. She quickly eats it. (Dor's health monitor beeps and changes to green.) > w (Checkpoint updated) Alizarine Road E: Tower District S: [LOCKED] W: Tower District Bridge A partisan sits in a pool of blood, propped up against a crashed ground-car. Just as Dor arrives, Junker Brutus leaves to the west - his elegant, dangerous and inhuman figure disappearing from view. "Another one?" Dor says. "And this one moves around. Great." > w Tower District Bridge E: Alizarine Road W: [BRIDGE RAISED] A small control hut sits beside the functional, metallic bulk of the bridge. Junker Brutus stalks here, grinning carnivorously. Junker Brutus lunges at Dor, his needle-toothed jaw wide open. > enter hut (There's not much room in the hut. Dor searches it from just outside.) Inside the control hut, Dor finds a lever, a button, a switch (off) and a sticky note. Dor sidesteps, leaving Junker Brutus chomping on the air. > read note The note is written in hurried handwriting: "I don't understand why you people need a reminder. These modern bridges are really simple to operate: "1. Turn on the switch to activate the warning lights. 2. Pull the lever to start the motor. 3. If it overheats, press the button to release coolant." Dor screams as Junker Brutus sinks needle teeth into her shoulder, spraying black blood. (Dor's health monitor beeps and changes to yellow.) > pull lever The lever moves slightly, but seems to be locked in place. Dor screams as Junker Brutus sinks needle teeth into her shoulder, spraying black blood. (Dor's health monitor beeps urgently and changes to red.) > east Alizarine Road E: Tower District S: [LOCKED] W: Tower District Bridge A partisan sits in a pool of blood, propped up against a crashed ground-car. > take partisan Dor can't take the partisan. > i HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts) LEFT HAND: bolt cutters () RIGHT HAND: (empty) SHOULDER BAG: (empty) > examine partisan He wears the nondescript olive fatigues of the Forsaken Militia. His eyes are open. Dor might be able to him. > talk to partisan As Dor approaches, the partisan jerks up an arm, aiming a gun at her. Dor raises her hands instinctively. "Sorry," he groans. He lets his arm fall to the ground and the gun slips from his limp fingers. "Not many left who aren't... We couldn't do anything... We failed..." Dor crouches down and extends a shaky hand to check for a pulse beneath the collar of his uniform. Then she stands back up and sighs. Her gaze wanders to his gun. Junker Brutus arrives from the west. > take gun Dor picks up the gyro gun, a little reluctantly. She checks the magazine. Empty. She'll need to find some bullets if it's to be any use to her. Junker Brutus lunges at Dor, his needle-toothed jaw wide open. > east Tower District N: Atrium W: Alizarine Road The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base, bearing a single glowing fruit. My hologram hovers nearby. > eat fruit Dor plucks the glowing fruit. It begins to disintegrate in her hand. She quickly eats it. (Dor's health monitor beeps and changes to yellow.) > eat fruit There is none of the strange fruit left. > w (Checkpoint updated) Alizarine Road E: Tower District S: [LOCKED] W: Tower District Bridge A dead partisan sits in a pool of blood, propped up against a crashed ground-car. Junker Brutus stalks here, grinning carnivorously. Junker Brutus lunges at Dor, his needle-toothed jaw wide open. > w Tower District Bridge E: Alizarine Road W: [BRIDGE RAISED] A small control hut sits beside the functional, metallic bulk of the bridge. In the control hut are a lever, a button, a switch (off) and a sticky note. Junker Brutus arrives from the east. > press switch Dor pushes the switch, but it doesn't move. Junker Brutus lunges at Dor, his needle-toothed jaw wide open. > e Alizarine Road E: Tower District S: [LOCKED] W: Tower District Bridge A dead partisan sits in a pool of blood, propped up against a crashed ground-car. Junker Brutus arrives from the west. > w Tower District Bridge E: Alizarine Road W: [BRIDGE RAISED] A small control hut sits beside the functional, metallic bulk of the bridge. In the control hut are a lever, a button, a switch (off) and a sticky note. > press button Dor pushes the button. There's a soft failure beep, and nothing happens. > examine lever The lever looks like it could be pushed or pulled. > examine switch The switch is off. > push switch Dor pushes the switch, but it doesn't move. > unlock lever The lever doesn't open. > examine button The button can be pressed, and that's about it. Junker Brutus arrives from the east. > east Alizarine Road E: Tower District S: [LOCKED] W: Tower District Bridge A dead partisan sits in a pool of blood, propped up against a crashed ground-car. > examine partisan The partisan is dead. Junker Brutus arrives from the west. > e Tower District N: Atrium W: Alizarine Road The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. My hologram hovers nearby. > talk to hologram "The bridge controls might seem complicated, but I'm sure someone must have written down the instructions. Just follow them to the letter." > w (Checkpoint updated) Alizarine Road E: Tower District S: [LOCKED] W: Tower District Bridge A dead partisan sits in a pool of blood, propped up against a crashed ground-car. Junker Brutus stalks here, grinning carnivorously. Junker Brutus lunges at Dor, his needle-toothed jaw wide open. > w Tower District Bridge E: Alizarine Road W: [BRIDGE RAISED] A small control hut sits beside the functional, metallic bulk of the bridge. In the control hut are a lever, a button, a switch (off) and a sticky note. Junker Brutus arrives from the east. > e Alizarine Road E: Tower District S: [LOCKED] W: Tower District Bridge A dead partisan sits in a pool of blood, propped up against a crashed ground-car. > examine blood Dor understandably avoids touching the pool of blood. > examine car Dor leans into the car and finds 5 bullets. Junker Brutus arrives from the west. > take bullets Dor doesn't need to micromanage her ammo. Junker Brutus lunges at Dor, his needle-toothed jaw wide open. > SHOOT BRUTUS Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Brutus and fires. The bullet blasts right through him with a golden splatter. Junker Brutus clutches the wound and howls. > w Tower District Bridge E: Alizarine Road W: [BRIDGE RAISED] A small control hut sits beside the functional, metallic bulk of the bridge. In the control hut are a lever, a button, a switch (off) and a sticky note. > turn on switch Dor flicks the switch. Flashing lights begin pulsating along the length of the bridge. Junker Brutus arrives from the east. > e Alizarine Road E: Tower District S: [LOCKED] W: Tower District Bridge A dead partisan sits in a pool of blood, propped up against a crashed ground-car. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. > w Tower District Bridge E: Alizarine Road W: [BRIDGE RAISED] A small control hut sits beside the functional, metallic bulk of the bridge. In the control hut are a lever, a button, a switch (on) and a sticky note. Junker Brutus stalks here, grinning carnivorously. Gold blood spills out between his needle teeth. Junker Brutus lunges at Dor, his needle-toothed jaw wide open. > e Alizarine Road E: Tower District S: [LOCKED] W: Tower District Bridge A dead partisan sits in a pool of blood, propped up against a crashed ground-car. Junker Brutus arrives from the west. > w Tower District Bridge E: Alizarine Road W: [BRIDGE RAISED] A small control hut sits beside the functional, metallic bulk of the bridge. In the control hut are a lever, a button, a switch (on) and a sticky note. > pull lever The lever clunks into place and the suspension bridge motors begin to chug to life briefly, before stopping with a hiss of steam. > press button Great gouts of steam burst out from the bridge motor and it roars to life. The bridge lowers into place. Dor can cross the river to the west now. > w Obsidian Riverbank E: Tower District Bridge W: Lower Illume The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. My hologram hovers nearby. "You're doing well, darling," I say. Meaning that she's still alive. "Just cross the city centre and you're at my Night Palace." > status HEALTH MONITOR: Yellow OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts) LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: (empty) SHOULDER BAG: bolt cutters () BULLETS: 4 > eat fruit There is none of the strange fruit left. > talk to hologram Dor looks everywhere but at me. "I'm sorry I said those things earlier." I pretend it didn't hurt. "Kind of enjoyed it, really. You should talk to me like that more often." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 4 (Stop talking.) > w (Checkpoint updated) Lower Illume N: Upper Illume E: Obsidian Riverbank W: Industrial District These are the old streets of the original city: grey brick buildings with peaked roofs crisscrossed with sagging, tangled cables. Behind the familiar skyline, obscuring the stormy face of Forsaken Edge, looming over even the incongruous silhouette of my Night Palace: a great golden tree spreads its branches across the sky. Dor's black eyes go wide and her mouth hangs open. She groans with despair. I can only imagine what it feels like to find the Haustorium, a blazing structure of nanomachines and pure energy, draining the life from her city. Junker Cordelia arrives from the north. > w Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. Junker Daluka prowls the city, a jewelled mace resting on her shoulder. Junker Daluka draws back the mace, ready to bring it down on Dor. > n Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > w Night Palace Crater N: Auto-Tailor E: Sun-Sider's Quarter S: [BARRICADED] W: [GUARDIAN] The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. My hologram hovers nearby. A mechanical guardian protects one of the Night Palace's enormous robotic landing legs. > x guardian Dor approaches the guardian, but stops when it begins to hum menacingly. > talk to hologram "Yes, darling?" 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 1 "I need advice." "How can I help?" 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 3. "What is a POST point?" 4. "I guess it's up to me now." > 1 "I don't know what to do next." "Come find me and I'll get us both out of here. I'm at my Night Palace." Dor knows well that my Night Palace has been standing west of the Sun-Sider's Quarter for years now. She need only head west from this unfortunate crater. 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 3. "What is a POST point?" 4. "I guess it's up to me now." > w (That action is currently disabled.) 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 3. "What is a POST point?" 4. "I guess it's up to me now." > 4 "I guess it's up to me now." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 4 (Stop talking.) > w The guardian blocks the way. "CLOSED BY ROYAL DECREE." I raise a holographic hand. "Let her pass you stupid machine!" "AUTHORISATION TOKEN REQUIRED." I stare at my ring finger. Oh shit. "Darling, do you remember where I was last wearing my Imperial Signet Ring?" Dor groans. > Dor blinks. (If you want to repeat the description of the current location, use the command . If you want time to pass, use .) > talk to hologram "Yes, darling?" 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 3 "We need to talk." "Let's." 1. "This is the second time you've saved my life." 2. "Is this just happening in Illume?" 3. "What is the Accretion Group? What are these monsters?" 4. "Why can the GNOST implants do these things?" 5. "WHAT IS THAT HUGE GOLDEN TREE IN THE SKY?" 6. "I've learned enough." > 6 "I've learned enough." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 1 "I need advice." "How can I help?" 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 3. "What is a POST point?" 4. "I guess it's up to me now." > 1 "I don't know what to do next." "You need to enter the Night Palace, darling." She sighs. "That stupid guardian machine of yours is in the way." "You can get past it with my Imperial Signet Ring," I say confidently. "And your ring is...?" "Somewhere very obvious," I say. "So obvious I don't need to spell it out." I have no idea where my ring is. Dor will just have to explore everywhere she can. 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 3. "What is a POST point?" 4. "I guess it's up to me now." > examine post (That action is currently disabled.) 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 3. "What is a POST point?" 4. "I guess it's up to me now." > 4 "I guess it's up to me now." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 4 (Stop talking.) > look Night Palace Crater N: Auto-Tailor E: Sun-Sider's Quarter S: [BARRICADED] W: [GUARDIAN] The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. My hologram hovers nearby. A mechanical guardian protects one of the Night Palace's enormous robotic landing legs. > n (Checkpoint updated) Auto-Tailor S: Night Palace Crater Robotic arms line the walls. In the centre of the room is a single button on a narrow pedestal. > search arms The arms end in fine needles, dainty scissors and thimbled hands. None would be much use for fighting monsters. > x button A button begs to be pushed, I suppose. > s Night Palace Crater N: Auto-Tailor E: Sun-Sider's Quarter S: [BARRICADED] W: [GUARDIAN] The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. My hologram hovers nearby. A mechanical guardian protects one of the Night Palace's enormous robotic landing legs. > e (Checkpoint updated) Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. Junker Daluka arrives from the south. > n Space Port S: Sun-Sider's Quarter The hangars are all either empty or locked down tight. That awful apian lazes on the steps, concealing his plasma beam emitter beneath shimmering wings, playing the part of a delicate drone instead of the ruthless assassin he really is. He pointedly and unconvincingly pretends not to notice Dor. > s Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. Junker Daluka prowls the city, a jewelled mace resting on her shoulder. Junker Daluka draws back the mace, ready to bring it down on Dor. > s Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. > s Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: [KEYCARD REQUIRED] The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > x paper It's open to the financial pages: "NEW MARTIAN TELEGRAPH "More troubled waters for the Royal Shipbreaking Company. Following a series of unwise investments, former majority shareholder Princess Cathabel X sold a controlling interest to the Accretion Group, but despite several rounds of restructuring and streamlining, profit growth remains lacklustre. "With the Princess now being forced to liquidate her assets, the Group - which has not been available for direct contact except through an automated fax line - is said to be considering more drastic options to recoup its losses." > s (Checkpoint updated) Alley N: Worker Habs E: Cube 96 S: [BARRICADED] A rusty pipe spills water into a drain blocked by piles of garbage. Junker Ferking scuttles around erratically, mantis arms poised. Junker Ferking's mantis arms dart out towards Dor. > e Cube 96 N: Warped Close E: Dor's Apartment S: [BARRICADED] W: Alley Golden roots ensnare the unconscious denizens of this hab cube. The lights are out and the coin-operated common area has malfunctioned. Although the noticeboard is still lit up. A stocky woman in a factory-worker's gas mask steps out of the darkness - sort of. The darkness seems to cling to her. She's completely shadow-corrupted! Her muffled voice dripping with derision, the woman says, "SCAR Team pencil pusher. Wrong part of town for you. 'Specially now." Dor doesn't show any fear. "I live here," she says. The woman cackles and fades back into the shadows, disappearing. A shiver runs down my back. > x noticeboard Someone has pinned a newspaper opinion piece to the noticeboard: "SHIPBREAKING OR WORLDBREAKING? "As the partisans of the Forsaken Militia continue their acts of terrorism across the Seventh Moon, and support for them seems to grow among unthinking denizens, I can only wonder how different things would be if more children were gifted telescopes. "With this simple and ancient device, anyone can see what has become of the Eighth Moon of Forsaken Edge - how it is being ground up by massive machines and compressed into gemstones, its denizens struggling to survive on a scrapheap of a world. "Here though, the Second Princess has modernised and revitalised our Royal Shipbreaking Company. The hard-but-honest work it offers may seem dangerous, with the attendant risk of shadow-corruption, but it proves our value to the Empire. And the brave members of the Shadow Corruption Advanced Rescue (SCAR) Team, shipped in specially from Luno, are dedicated to-" Here someone has pinned another clipping over the rest of the article. This one's just a headline: "MORE CUTS: SCAR TEAM DOWNSIZED 90%!" > e Dor's Apartment W: Cube 96 Not much room left with the desk, wardrobe and that uncomfortable bed crammed in here. > x bed Dor searches among the crumpled sheets and finds my Imperial Signet Ring. Well! After studying it for a few seconds and coming very close to putting my ring on her finger, Dor reverts to type and puts a cheap hair tie through it instead, which she then uses to tie up her long, white hair. > x desk Dor searches the desk, and finds her diary. > x diary Dor opens her diary and turns to... 1....the most recent entry. 2....an entry from a few years ago. 3....an entry from a long time ago. 4. (Close the diary.) > 3 ...an entry from a long time ago. "It's been three days since my last entry, funnily enough as long as I've been couch surfing at friends' places. I just couldn't stay with dad anymore. It's not like he's some paleo-bigot from the Sol Histories. He's just a bog standard Adumbral Traditionalist. Oracles pass their mantle onto their daughters. Priests to their sons. "Now that I've realised who I am, his priesthood has dead-ended. His life's work faces oblivion. Or liberalisation, which is the same thing to him. But I'm not the son he thinks he needs. "Anyway, I'm outstaying my welcome with everyone. Thinking of going to Illume and looking for work." 1....the most recent entry. 2....an entry from a few years ago. 3....an entry from a long time ago. 4. (Close the diary.) > 2 ...an entry from a few years ago. "Cath took me to the beach zone at Outré Coast today. I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot, so eventually I told her how I grew up in Outré and the constables used to chase us off the beach when I was a kid. "She looked at me so strangely then. I couldn't tell if it was sympathy or pity or embarrassment. "Sometimes being with her makes me feel like a princess. And sometimes I feel like her pet." (Ouch.) 1....the most recent entry. 2....an entry from a few years ago. 3....an entry from a long time ago. 4. (Close the diary.) > 1 ...the most recent entry. "They're downsizing the SCAR Team, although the amount of audit paperwork - and the number of shadow-corrupted workers - is the same. "I wonder about that part of me that won't let me quit and just be Cath's kept woman. "Although she's in a foul mood at the moment about something, so I guess it's not the time anyway..." 1....the most recent entry. 2....an entry from a few years ago. 3....an entry from a long time ago. 4. (Close the diary.) > 4 (Close the diary.) > x wardrobe Dor's wardrobe is small and sparse compared to that of a princess, but I have fond memories of all her outfits. There's her overalls, her jogging outfit, her laserball dress and her cyber dance gear. > search wardrobe In the wardrobe, Dor sees her cyber dance gear, her overalls, her jogging outfit, and her laserball dress. > search cyber dance gear A bright pink cybernetic bodysuit. > search overalls Some baggy overalls, with pockets. > search pockets Some baggy overalls, with pockets. > search overalls pockets Some baggy overalls, with pockets. > search jogging outfit A hoodie and leggings. > search laserball dress A halter dress with built-in shorts and laser targeting. > w Cube 96 N: Warped Close E: Dor's Apartment S: [BARRICADED] W: Alley Golden roots ensnare the unconscious denizens of this hab cube. The lights are out and the coin-operated common area has malfunctioned. Although the noticeboard is still lit up. > w Alley N: Worker Habs E: Cube 96 S: [BARRICADED] A rusty pipe spills water into a drain blocked by piles of garbage. Junker Ferking scuttles around erratically, mantis arms poised. Junker Ferking's mantis arms dart out towards Dor. > n Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: [KEYCARD REQUIRED] The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > n (Checkpoint updated) Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. Junker Cordelia arrives from the east. > n Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > w Night Palace Crater N: Auto-Tailor E: Sun-Sider's Quarter S: [BARRICADED] W: Robot Leg Joint The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. My hologram hovers nearby. A mechanical guardian protects one of the Night Palace's enormous robotic landing legs. The guardian scans the signet ring in Dor's hair and makes the bobbing motion that's as close as it gets to a bow. "YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS." > w (Checkpoint updated) Robot Leg Joint E: Night Palace Crater W: Palace Courtyard Dor is high above the Sun-Sider's Quarter, on the massive knee joint of a robotic landing leg. A dead, jetpack-equipped partisan dangles off the side by her gun belt. Junker Irereo floats serenely in the air. Junker Irereo reaches casually towards Dor. > take jetpack On closer inspection, it seems the partisan was killed when her jetpack exploded. Dor leaves it well alone. Dor steps to one side and Junker Irereo's hand passes her by. > w Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLAST SHIELD] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands in the centre of the courtyard, pointing dramatically at the sky. (Dor knows that the button to open the blast shield is in the palm of the statue's hand.) Junker Irereo arrives from the east. > press button Dor tries to reach the button, but the fingers of the Empress' pointing hand are in the way. Junker Irereo reaches casually towards Dor. Junker Jago arrives from the south. > s Servants' Hall N: Palace Courtyard A spartan but cosy little space. There are three numbered buttons on the wall beneath a handwritten notice. Button one is currently depressed. One of my mechanical guardians slumps broken-down in the corner. > read notice "Please remember to change the statue's pose regularly, to present the many varied aspects of our glorious Empress. "BUT ALWAYS SELECT POSE ONE AT THE END OF THE DAY! Poses two and three block access to our lady's chamber! "Significance of each pose: "1. Flight from the Old Twin Stars (adlocutio) 2. Founding of the Empire (serpentinata) 3. At the Event Horizon (odalisque) " > 2 Dor falters. She seems confused about what she's trying to do. (Enter the command if you want some pointers about how to play.) > press button 2 Dor presses button two. Button one pops back up. Mechanical sounds echo from the north. Junker Irereo arrives from the north. > n Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLAST SHIELD] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands twisted at the edge of the courtyard as if fighting invisible foes with clawed hands. (Dor knows that the button to open the blast shield is in the palm of the statue's hand.) Junker Jago swoops through the air, swift and vulturous. Junker Jago opens his jaw wide, flames flickering behind his needle teeth. > e Robot Leg Joint E: Night Palace Crater W: Palace Courtyard Dor is high above the Sun-Sider's Quarter, on the massive knee joint of a robotic landing leg. A dead, jetpack-equipped partisan dangles off the side by her gun belt. > x partisan Dor finds 5 bullets, and takes them. > i HEALTH MONITOR: Yellow OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: (empty) SHOULDER BAG: bolt cutters () BULLETS: 9 > x ring Dor touches the signet ring in her hair. For reassurance, I'd like to think. > w Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLAST SHIELD] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands twisted at the edge of the courtyard as if fighting invisible foes with clawed hands. (Dor knows that the button to open the blast shield is in the palm of the statue's hand.) Junker Irereo floats serenely in the air. Junker Irereo reaches casually towards Dor. > press button Dor reaches into the Empress' clawed hands to push the button. The blast shield opens with a mechanical clatter. Junker Irereo gently lays a hand on Dor's shoulder. She gasps as she feels the life energy being drawn from her body. (Dor's health monitor beeps urgently and changes to red.) > w The statue of the Empress blocks the door. Junker Irereo gently lays a hand on Dor's shoulder. She gasps as she feels the life energy being drawn from her body. The last of Dor's life energy is spent. She crumbles to dust. *** Dor has died. *** Would you like to: return to the last , a saved position, the program, or from the beginning? > checkpoint Robot Leg Joint E: Night Palace Crater W: Palace Courtyard Dor is high above the Sun-Sider's Quarter, on the massive knee joint of a robotic landing leg. A dead, jetpack-equipped partisan dangles off the side by her gun belt. Junker Irereo floats serenely in the air. Junker Irereo reaches casually towards Dor. > south Dor bumps into a wall. Junker Irereo gently lays a hand on Dor's shoulder. She gasps as she feels the life energy being drawn from her body. (Dor's health monitor beeps urgently and changes to red.) > checkpoint Robot Leg Joint E: Night Palace Crater W: Palace Courtyard Dor is high above the Sun-Sider's Quarter, on the massive knee joint of a robotic landing leg. A dead, jetpack-equipped partisan dangles off the side by her gun belt. Junker Irereo floats serenely in the air. Junker Irereo reaches casually towards Dor. > w Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLAST SHIELD] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands in the centre of the courtyard, pointing dramatically at the sky. (Dor knows that the button to open the blast shield is in the palm of the statue's hand.) > s Servants' Hall N: Palace Courtyard A spartan but cosy little space. There are three numbered buttons on the wall beneath a handwritten notice. Button one is currently depressed. One of my mechanical guardians slumps broken-down in the corner. Junker Jago swoops through the air, swift and vulturous. Junker Jago opens his jaw wide, flames flickering behind his needle teeth. > n Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLAST SHIELD] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands in the centre of the courtyard, pointing dramatically at the sky. (Dor knows that the button to open the blast shield is in the palm of the statue's hand.) Junker Irereo arrives from the east. > e Robot Leg Joint E: Night Palace Crater W: Palace Courtyard Dor is high above the Sun-Sider's Quarter, on the massive knee joint of a robotic landing leg. A dead, jetpack-equipped partisan dangles off the side by her gun belt. > x partisan Dor finds 5 bullets, and takes them. > e Night Palace Crater N: Auto-Tailor E: Sun-Sider's Quarter S: [BARRICADED] W: Robot Leg Joint The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. My hologram hovers nearby. A mechanical guardian protects one of the Night Palace's enormous robotic landing legs. > n (Checkpoint updated) Auto-Tailor S: Night Palace Crater Robotic arms line the walls. In the centre of the room is a single button on a narrow pedestal. > press button An automated voice proclaims, "Please state your password to access your order." What does Dor say? > dor "Incorrect password." > s Night Palace Crater N: Auto-Tailor E: Sun-Sider's Quarter S: [BARRICADED] W: Robot Leg Joint The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. My hologram hovers nearby. A mechanical guardian protects one of the Night Palace's enormous robotic landing legs. > w (Checkpoint updated) Robot Leg Joint E: Night Palace Crater W: Palace Courtyard Dor is high above the Sun-Sider's Quarter, on the massive knee joint of a robotic landing leg. A dead, jetpack-equipped partisan dangles off the side by her gun belt. Junker Irereo floats serenely in the air. Junker Irereo reaches casually towards Dor. > w Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLAST SHIELD] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands in the centre of the courtyard, pointing dramatically at the sky. (Dor knows that the button to open the blast shield is in the palm of the statue's hand.) > s Servants' Hall N: Palace Courtyard A spartan but cosy little space. There are three numbered buttons on the wall beneath a handwritten notice. Button one is currently depressed. Junker Jago swoops through the air, swift and vulturous. One of my mechanical guardians slumps broken-down in the corner. Junker Jago opens his jaw wide, flames flickering behind his needle teeth. > n Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLAST SHIELD] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands in the centre of the courtyard, pointing dramatically at the sky. (Dor knows that the button to open the blast shield is in the palm of the statue's hand.) Junker Irereo floats serenely in the air. Junker Irereo reaches casually towards Dor. > e Robot Leg Joint E: Night Palace Crater W: Palace Courtyard Dor is high above the Sun-Sider's Quarter, on the massive knee joint of a robotic landing leg. A dead, jetpack-equipped partisan dangles off the side by her gun belt. > w Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLAST SHIELD] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands in the centre of the courtyard, pointing dramatically at the sky. (Dor knows that the button to open the blast shield is in the palm of the statue's hand.) Junker Irereo floats serenely in the air. Junker Irereo reaches casually towards Dor. > shoot irereo Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Irereo and fires. The bullet clips him. Junker Irereo is knocked to the ground. Slowly, he begins to rise back into the air. > s Servants' Hall N: Palace Courtyard A spartan but cosy little space. There are three numbered buttons on the wall beneath a handwritten notice. Button one is currently depressed. Junker Jago swoops through the air, swift and vulturous. One of my mechanical guardians slumps broken-down in the corner. Junker Jago opens his jaw wide, flames flickering behind his needle teeth. > shoot jago Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Jago and fires. The bullet blasts right through him with a golden splatter. Junker Jago is knocked to the ground. Slowly, he begins to rise back into the air. > x guardian So this is where it got to. Its legs have been broken and it seems to be switched off. Junker Jago opens his jaw wide, flames flickering behind his needle teeth. > shoot jago Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Jago and fires. The bullet blasts right through him with a golden splatter. Junker Jago bursts apart in a shower of golden particles. > x note "Please remember to change the statue's pose regularly, to present the many varied aspects of our glorious Empress. "BUT ALWAYS SELECT POSE ONE AT THE END OF THE DAY! Poses two and three block access to our lady's chamber! "Significance of each pose: "1. Flight from the Old Twin Stars (adlocutio) 2. Founding of the Empire (serpentinata) 3. At the Event Horizon (odalisque) " > press 3 Dor presses button three. Button one pops back up. Mechanical sounds echo from the north. Junker Irereo arrives from the north. > shoot irereo Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Irereo and fires. The bullet blasts right through him with a golden splatter. Junker Irereo is knocked to the ground. Slowly, he begins to rise back into the air. > n Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLAST SHIELD] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, reclines seductively at the edge of the courtyard. Stop looking at my mother like that, Dor! (Dor knows that the button to open the blast shield is in the palm of the statue's hand.) > press button Dor tries to reach the button, but the Empress' hand is flat against her stomach. > s Servants' Hall N: Palace Courtyard A spartan but cosy little space. There are three numbered buttons on the wall beneath a handwritten notice. Button three is currently depressed. Junker Irereo floats serenely in the air. The shadow beneath him pulsates nauseatingly. One of my mechanical guardians slumps broken-down in the corner. Junker Irereo reaches casually towards Dor. > shoot irereo Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Irereo and fires. The bullet blasts right through him with a golden splatter. Junker Irereo bursts apart in a shower of golden particles. > press 2 Dor presses button two. Button three pops back up. Mechanical sounds echo from the north. > n Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLAST SHIELD] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands twisted at the edge of the courtyard as if fighting invisible foes with clawed hands. (Dor knows that the button to open the blast shield is in the palm of the statue's hand.) > press button Dor reaches into the Empress' clawed hands to push the button. The blast shield opens with a mechanical clatter. > s Servants' Hall N: Palace Courtyard A spartan but cosy little space. There are three numbered buttons on the wall beneath a handwritten notice. Button two is currently depressed. One of my mechanical guardians slumps broken-down in the corner. > press 3 Dor presses button three. Button two pops back up. Mechanical sounds echo from the north. > n Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLOCKED BY STATUE] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, reclines seductively at the edge of the courtyard. > w The statue of the Empress blocks the door. > s Servants' Hall N: Palace Courtyard A spartan but cosy little space. There are three numbered buttons on the wall beneath a handwritten notice. Button three is currently depressed. One of my mechanical guardians slumps broken-down in the corner. > press 1 Dor presses button one. Button three pops back up. Mechanical sounds echo from the north. > n Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: Princess Chamber A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands in the centre of the courtyard, pointing dramatically at the sky. > w Princess Chamber E: Palace Courtyard The four-poster bed and vanity have been pushed into one corner to make room for an auto-hacker and holo-transmitter. I, Princess Cathabel X, am here, in a pleated dress, with my Space Corps jacket draped over my shoulders. > talk to cathabel x Dor puts her hands on my arms, gently, as if worried I'll break. "Let's get to the space port," I say, "ride my solar sail sub-orbital. We'll be safe at the Outré Coast." Abruptly, Dor pulls me into a crushing embrace. I know she'd want me to ignore the tears I feel against my neck. I sigh. "You won't leave, will you?" 1. "People are suffering, Cath..." > 1 "People are suffering, Cath... so many people. How could we do nothing?" "Of course," I say, though it's more that Dor won't leave her city and I won't leave her. I suspected this was coming and I've given it some thought. "You'll need to get into the VEC. Strike right for their heart. Get more people in our little company first, though." Dor gives me an extremely dubious look. 1. "Why?" > 1 "Why?" I hear my voice growing cold. "These junkers aren't all the Accretion Group has to offer, Dor. They're its rank and file. The lowest of the parasites. If you want to hurt the real powerbrokers, you'll need more energy than I can offer by myself." That look again. "Given my current circumstances," I clarify, "what reserves I had are almost exhausted. We need fresh blood." After a breath, Dor steps back from me and nods. She knows when to be practical about things. 1. "How do I get into the VEC?" > 1 "How do I get into the VEC?" I laugh awkwardly. "Well, my access won't get you in, not anymore. But my keycard will get you into the purification facility. Perhaps you can find some survivors in there." I produce the keycard from my jacket pocket and place it on the bed. > take keycard Dor takes the royal keycard from the four-poster bed. > e Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: Princess Chamber A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands in the centre of the courtyard, pointing dramatically at the sky. > s Servants' Hall N: Palace Courtyard A spartan but cosy little space. There are three numbered buttons on the wall beneath a handwritten notice. Button one is currently depressed. One of my mechanical guardians slumps broken-down in the corner. > x note "Please remember to change the statue's pose regularly, to present the many varied aspects of our glorious Empress. "BUT ALWAYS SELECT POSE ONE AT THE END OF THE DAY! Poses two and three block access to our lady's chamber! "Significance of each pose: "1. Flight from the Old Twin Stars (adlocutio) 2. Founding of the Empire (serpentinata) 3. At the Event Horizon (odalisque) " > 2 Dor falters. She seems confused about what she's trying to do. (Enter the command if you want some pointers about how to play.) > press 2 Dor presses button two. Button one pops back up. Mechanical sounds echo from the north. > n Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLOCKED BY STATUE] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands twisted at the edge of the courtyard as if fighting invisible foes with clawed hands. > press button The blast shield is already open. > e Robot Leg Joint E: Night Palace Crater W: Palace Courtyard Dor is high above the Sun-Sider's Quarter, on the massive knee joint of a robotic landing leg. A dead, jetpack-equipped partisan dangles off the side by her gun belt. > e Night Palace Crater N: Auto-Tailor E: Sun-Sider's Quarter S: [BARRICADED] W: Robot Leg Joint The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. My hologram hovers nearby. A mechanical guardian protects one of the Night Palace's enormous robotic landing legs. > e (Checkpoint updated) Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. A tall figure steps out of the dazzling aura of the Haustorium, fixing three shining cyber-eyes on Dor. The Viscount has arrived. "DEGENERATE." 1. "Who are you?" 2. "Why are you doing this?" 3. "Leave me alone!" > 3 "Leave me alone!" But the Viscount ignores her, reaching out with long arms. Get out of there, Dor! > s Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. Junker Daluka prowls the city, a jewelled mace resting on her shoulder. Junker Daluka draws back the mace, ready to bring it down on Dor. The towering Viscount easily follows Dor with long, striding steps. > s Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: [KEYCARD REQUIRED] The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. Silver roots snag at the Viscount, and he retreats. "SOON." > w A heavy-duty keycard lock blocks Dor's way. > scan keycard Dor falters. She seems confused about what she's trying to do. (Enter the command if you want some pointers about how to play.) > x keycard Dor can the to open the purification facility lock. > swipe keycard Dor swipes the keycard in the lock. It emits a pleasant beep and a clunk. > w (Checkpoint updated) Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. A small battery sits on the floor. > read logbook "The core in Bay 3 completely decomposed. The cheap fucking shadow-sinks they gave us overflowed almost right away. "I pulled all the batteries to lock it down before anything came through. "If you need to get back in there, you can a battery each socket, but remember that 50 units of power isn't enough to work the door, and if it goes over 60 the safety shutdown triggers to prevent an overload. Same if the resistance is less than 15 units." > x battery Dor finds a label that reads: "Power: 5 units / Resistance: 5 units" > x sockets Dor looks overwhelmed by the machinery as a whole, but she might be able to do something with the single, double or triple socket. Junker Hama arrives from the south. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. A large battery sits on the floor. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > s Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. A small battery sits on the floor. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. A medium battery sits on the floor. Junker Hama arrives from the north. > take battery Dor's hands are full. She'll have to drop something to pick up the medium battery. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. A small battery sits on the floor. Junker Gudrun arrives from the north. > e Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > drop bolt cutters Dor puts the bolt cutters in the POST point. > i HEALTH MONITOR: Yellow OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: (empty) SHOULDER BAG: keycard () BULLETS: 4 > w (Checkpoint updated) Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. A small battery sits on the floor. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. A large battery sits on the floor. > x battery Dor finds a label that reads: "Power: 15 units / Resistance: 5 units" > take battery Dor takes the large battery. > press button An automated voice booms: "PURGING SHADOW-SINKS. EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY." Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 100%." > s Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. A small battery sits on the floor. > x single socket The single socket is empty. > x double socket The double socket is empty. Junker Hama arrives from the south. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. A medium battery sits on the floor. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. A small battery sits on the floor. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > e Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > put large battery in post Dor puts the large battery in the POST point. > x post In the POST point, Dor sees a large battery and some bolt cutters. Dor can also while she's here. > save Dor tries, but is unable to save her data. > w (Checkpoint updated) Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. A small battery sits on the floor. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. A medium battery sits on the floor. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > take battery Dor takes the medium battery. Junker Gudrun's spines shoot out, lancing into Dor like a human pincushion. She pulls them out quickly, hands shaking from the venom. (Dor's health monitor beeps urgently and changes to red.) > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. A small battery sits on the floor. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > e Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a large battery and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > x medium battery Dor finds a label that reads: "Power: 10 units / Resistance: 5 units" > w (Checkpoint updated) Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. A small battery sits on the floor. > put medium battery in triple socket Dor puts the medium battery in the triple socket. The gauges show: POWER 30 / RESISTANCE: 5 > put small battery in double socket (first attempting to take the small battery) Dor takes the small battery. Dor puts the small battery in the double socket. The gauges show: POWER 40 / RESISTANCE: 10 Junker Hama arrives from the south. > e Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a large battery and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > take large battery Dor takes the large battery from the POST point. > w (Checkpoint updated) Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > e Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. > w (Checkpoint updated) Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. Junker Hama arrives from the north. > press button An automated voice booms: "PURGING SHADOW-SINKS. EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY." Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 100%." Junker Hama twitches and screams as the writhing shadows entangle her. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > put large battery in single socket Dor puts the large battery in the single socket. The gauges show: POWER 55 / RESISTANCE: 15 The door to the west suddenly grinds and whirs its way open. > w Core Bay 3 E: Purification Facility S: Old Shipbreaking Yard The machinery here has been warped, melted, twisted beyond recognition. It drips darkness. Something has burrowed a neat hole in the facility, leading south, into utter blackness. Someone has left a crowbar lying here. That shadow-corrupted woman steps out of the darkness, and this time she's not alone. There are countless other figures, all shrouded in gloom. My heart is in my throat, but if Dor feels any fear, she's hiding it perfectly. "You don't want to be here," the woman says from behind her gas mask, "SCAR Team." 1. "I'm not the one who should be afraid to be here." 2. "What have you got against the SCAR Team?" 3. "How have you survived?" 4. "Please help me." 5. "Actually, just go away." > 3 "How have you survived?" The crowd of figures and the woman fade away briefly into the darkness. "Do you think they can hurt us now?" the woman asks. "Do you think their roots can catch us?" 1. "I'm not the one who should be afraid to be here." 2. "What have you got against the SCAR Team?" 3. "Please help me." 4. "Actually, just go away." > 2 "What have you got against the SCAR Team?" The shadowy figures gather closer around Dor. "What SCAR Team, pencil-pusher?" asks the woman. "When that core decomposed and we got pulled into adumbral space, I don't remember a SCAR Team coming for us." An echoey chorus of agreement from the crowd. It's with uncharacteristic meekness that Dor says, "There were cutbacks." "Well," the woman says. "I guess that's okay then. Maybe it had to be this way. Maybe it's for the best." 1. "I'm not the one who should be afraid to be here." 2. "Please help me." 3. "Actually, just go away." > 2 "Please help me." "I am helping," the woman says. "I'm telling you to go back the way you came, before she gets here." "But," Dor says, and her expression hints at something very complicated that she can't seem to get out. The woman seems to almost take pity on her. "I know. But with the path you're on right now, this is all I can do." 1. "I'm not the one who should be afraid to be here." 2. "Actually, just go away." > 1 "I'm not the one who should be afraid to be here." She smirks audibly. "Normally, maybe. But one of those monsters got in here. A big one. And the shadows don't agree with her at all. You should get out of here while you can." 1. "Who is it that's coming?" > 1 "Who is it that's coming?" "Follow this rift," the woman says, "and you'll find out. Or stay here and she'll come to you. But we've wasted enough time. I'll leave you to it." The woman and her crowd of shadows fade away into the darkness. Somewhere far to the south, a distorted voice cries out, "HELP ME!" > take crowbar Dor takes the crowbar. There is a distant clattering, as of something large and many-limbed turning on the spot. > s Old Shipbreaking Yard N: Core Bay 3 S: Adumbral Space The rusting guts of starships from the Ancient Flotilla are strewn across the landscape, turning it into a wasteland of toxic chemicals and extradimensional shadows. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > s Adumbral Space N: Old Shipbreaking Yard E: Collapsed Hab Cube A shadow creature floats at the edge of reality: eyeless and indifferent. A severed, aristocratic arm is caught in its stinging tendrils. Dor has stumbled into the presence of the Countess! Towering, formidable... shadow-corrupted. One of her arms ends in a stump that drips gold blood. The Countess whips Dor with a spidery arm, launching her back the way she came. Old Shipbreaking Yard N: Core Bay 3 S: Adumbral Space The rusting guts of starships from the Ancient Flotilla are strewn across the landscape, turning it into a wasteland of toxic chemicals and extradimensional shadows. Dor lands with a sickening crunch. The Countess' spidery limbs reach for her body, dragging it slowly back into the shadows. *** Dor has died. *** Would you like to: return to the last , a saved position, the program, or from the beginning? > checkpoint Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. Junker Gudrun arrives from the south. > press button An automated voice booms: "PURGING SHADOW-SINKS. EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY." Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 100%." Junker Gudrun twitches and hisses as the writhing shadows entangle her. > s Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > press button An automated voice booms: "PURGING SHADOW-SINKS. EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY." Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 100%." Junker Hama convulses and whines as the writhing shadows entangle her. > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 80%." Junker Hama trembles and screeches as the writhing shadows entangle her. > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 60%." Junker Hama twitches and whines as the writhing shadows entangle her. > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 40%." Junker Hama spasms and hisses as the writhing shadows entangle her. > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 20%." Junker Hama convulses and screams as the writhing shadows entangle her. > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. The shadows spilling from the vents peter out and stop. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > s Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. > press button An automated voice booms: "PURGING SHADOW-SINKS. EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY." Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 100%." > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > e Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > w (Checkpoint updated) Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. Junker Hama arrives from the north. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 20%." Junker Hama arrives from the north. Junker Hama spasms and howls as the writhing shadows entangle her. > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. The shadows spilling from the vents peter out and stop. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW CORE PURIFICATION PROCESS COMPLETE." Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. > press button An automated voice booms: "PURGING SHADOW-SINKS. EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY." Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 100%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 80%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 60%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 40%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 20%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. The shadows spilling from the vents peter out and stop. > s Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 80%." Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. The "PURGE" button begins to flash again. Dor is caught in Junker Hama's crushing tentacles. She wrestles free, bruised and gasping for air. Junker Hama snatches Dor up in her tentacles again. This time, Dor doesn't have the strength to stop herself from being twisted into a broken mess. *** Dor has died. *** Would you like to: return to the last , a saved position, the program, or from the beginning? > checkpoint Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. Junker Hama arrives from the north. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 20%." > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > e Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > w (Checkpoint updated) Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. > x button It's labelled "PURGE". > press button An automated voice booms: "PURGING SHADOW-SINKS. EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY." Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 100%." > s Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 60%." > s Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. Junker Gudrun arrives from the north. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 20%." > s Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. Junker Gudrun arrives from the south. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. Junker Hama arrives from the north. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. The "PURGE" button begins to flash again. > press button An automated voice booms: "PURGING SHADOW-SINKS. EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY." Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 100%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 80%." > s Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > e Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > w (Checkpoint updated) Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. > x button It's labelled "PURGE". > x core A huge, featureless sphere that's of no use to Dor. Junker Gudrun arrives from the north. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. Junker Gudrun arrives from the south. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 80%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. The "PURGE" button begins to flash again. > press button An automated voice booms: "PURGING SHADOW-SINKS. EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY." Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 100%." Junker Hama arrives from the south. Junker Hama trembles and hisses as the writhing shadows entangle her. > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 80%." Junker Hama convulses and screams as the writhing shadows entangle her. > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 60%." Junker Hama twitches and whines as the writhing shadows entangle her. > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 40%." Junker Hama trembles and screeches as the writhing shadows entangle her. > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 20%." Junker Hama convulses and screams as the writhing shadows entangle her. > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. The shadows spilling from the vents peter out and stop. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. > s Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. Junker Hama arrives from the north. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > shoot gudrun Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Gudrun and fires. The bullet blasts right through her with a golden splatter. Dor is caught in Junker Hama's crushing tentacles. She wrestles free, bruised and gasping for air. Junker Hama snatches Dor up in her tentacles again. This time, Dor doesn't have the strength to stop herself from being twisted into a broken mess. *** Dor has died. *** Would you like to: return to the last , a saved position, the program, or from the beginning? > restore Failed to restore the game state. Would you like to: return to the last , a saved position, the program, or from the beginning? > checkpoint Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. Junker Hama flits between the brightest lights, her myriad tentacles casting bizarre shadows. Junker Gudrun skulks through the facility, bristling with spines. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. Countless tentacles shoot out from Junker Hama towards Dor. Junker Gudrun inhales deeply. Her spines retract slightly, preparing to shoot out. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. The shadows spilling from the vents peter out and stop. Junker Gudrun arrives from the south. > shoot gudrun Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Gudrun and fires. The bullet blasts right through her with a golden splatter. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 20%." Junker Gudrun juts her spines out in an unconscious defensive spasm. > shoot gudrun Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Gudrun and fires. The bullet blasts right through her with a golden splatter. Junker Gudrun bursts apart in a shower of golden particles. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 40%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 60%." Junker Hama arrives from the south. > shoot hama Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Hama and fires. The bullet blasts right through her with a golden splatter. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 80%." Junker Hama's tentacles retract reflexively, coiling around her. > shoot hama Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Hama and fires. The bullet blasts right through her with a golden splatter. Junker Hama bursts apart in a shower of golden particles. The "PURGE" button begins to flash again. > south Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > put large batter in single socket Dor looks like she wants to put something in the single socket, but is confused about exactly what. (Use the command to check what's in the current location.) > e Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > x post In the POST point, Dor sees some bolt cutters. Dor can also while she's here. > i HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: keycard () SHOULDER BAG: the large battery BULLETS: 0 > w (Checkpoint updated) Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: [NO POWER] Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > put large battery in single socket Dor puts the large battery in the single socket. The gauges show: POWER 55 / RESISTANCE: 15 The door to the west suddenly grinds and whirs its way open. > w Core Bay 3 E: Purification Facility S: Old Shipbreaking Yard The machinery here has been warped, melted, twisted beyond recognition. It drips darkness. Something has burrowed a neat hole in the facility, leading south, into utter blackness. Someone has left a crowbar lying here. That shadow-corrupted woman steps out of the darkness, and this time she's not alone. There are countless other figures, all shrouded in gloom. My heart is in my throat, but if Dor feels any fear, she's hiding it perfectly. "You don't want to be here," the woman says from behind her gas mask, "SCAR Team." 1. "I'm not the one who should be afraid to be here." 2. "What have you got against the SCAR Team?" 3. "How have you survived?" 4. "Please help me." 5. "Actually, just go away." > 1 "I'm not the one who should be afraid to be here." She smirks audibly. "Normally, maybe. But one of those monsters got in here. A big one. And the shadows don't agree with her at all. You should get out of here while you can." 1. "What have you got against the SCAR Team?" 2. "How have you survived?" 3. "Please help me." 4. "Actually, just go away." > 1 "What have you got against the SCAR Team?" The shadowy figures gather closer around Dor. "What SCAR Team, pencil-pusher?" asks the woman. "When that core decomposed and we got pulled into adumbral space, I don't remember a SCAR Team coming for us." An echoey chorus of agreement from the crowd. It's with uncharacteristic meekness that Dor says, "There were cutbacks." "Well," the woman says. "I guess that's okay then. Maybe it had to be this way. Maybe it's for the best." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Please help me." 3. "Actually, just go away." > 1 "How have you survived?" The crowd of figures and the woman fade away briefly into the darkness. "Do you think they can hurt us now?" the woman asks. "Do you think their roots can catch us?" 1. "Please help me." 2. "Actually, just go away." > 1 "Please help me." "I am helping," the woman says. "I'm telling you to go back the way you came, before she gets here." "But," Dor says, and her expression hints at something very complicated that she can't seem to get out. The woman seems to almost take pity on her. "I know. But with the path you're on right now, this is all I can do." 1. "Who is it that's coming?" > 1 "Who is it that's coming?" "Follow this rift," the woman says, "and you'll find out. Or stay here and she'll come to you. But we've wasted enough time. I'll leave you to it." The woman and her crowd of shadows fade away into the darkness. Somewhere far to the south, a distorted voice cries out, "HELP ME!" > take crowbar Dor takes the crowbar. There is a distant clattering, as of something large and many-limbed turning on the spot. > s Old Shipbreaking Yard N: Core Bay 3 S: Adumbral Space The rusting guts of starships from the Ancient Flotilla are strewn across the landscape, turning it into a wasteland of toxic chemicals and extradimensional shadows. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > n Core Bay 3 E: Purification Facility S: Old Shipbreaking Yard The machinery here has been warped, melted, twisted beyond recognition. It drips darkness. Something has burrowed a neat hole in the facility, leading south, into utter blackness. A distorted voice cries out, "HELP ME!" The voice grows closer! > e Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. > press button An automated voice booms: "PURGING SHADOW-SINKS. EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY." Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 100%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 80%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 60%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 40%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 20%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. The shadows spilling from the vents peter out and stop. > s Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 80%." > x core Dor finds a silver-dusted shadow worm and picks it up gently in cupped hands. Holding it close to her lips, she whispers something that I can't quite hear. The worm chirps happily and fades away. Back at the POST point, a new glowing fruit appears. (My darling Dor! How did she know how to do that?) The "PURGE" button begins to flash again. > press button An automated voice booms: "PURGING SHADOW-SINKS. EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY." Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 100%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 80%." > s Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > e Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base, bearing a single glowing fruit. In the POST point, Dor sees some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > status HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: keycard () SHOULDER BAG: crowbar () BULLETS: 0 > eat fruit Dor plucks the glowing fruit. It begins to disintegrate in her hand. She quickly eats it. (Dor's health monitor beeps and changes to yellow.) > w (Checkpoint updated) Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 20%." > x core Dor searches the shadow core, but finds nothing else. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 40%." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 60%." > s Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > w Core Bay 3 E: Purification Facility S: Old Shipbreaking Yard The machinery here has been warped, melted, twisted beyond recognition. It drips darkness. Something has burrowed a neat hole in the facility, leading south, into utter blackness. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > s Old Shipbreaking Yard N: Core Bay 3 S: Adumbral Space The rusting guts of starships from the Ancient Flotilla are strewn across the landscape, turning it into a wasteland of toxic chemicals and extradimensional shadows. Dor has stumbled into the presence of the Countess! Towering, formidable... shadow-corrupted. One of her arms ends in a stump that drips gold blood. The Countess whips Dor with a spidery arm, launching her back the way she came. Core Bay 3 E: Purification Facility S: Old Shipbreaking Yard The machinery here has been warped, melted, twisted beyond recognition. It drips darkness. Something has burrowed a neat hole in the facility, leading south, into utter blackness. (Dor's health monitor beeps urgently and changes to red.) > e Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > s Core Bay 2 N: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a recently purified shadow core. The "PURGE" button is unlit. > x core A huge, featureless sphere that's of no use to Dor. > n Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > n Core Bay 1 S: Purification Facility Industrial machinery surrounds a corrupted shadow core. A button marked with "PURGE" flashes urgently. > press button An automated voice booms: "PURGING SHADOW-SINKS. EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY." Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 100%." > x button It's labelled "PURGE". Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 80%." > x core Dor searches the shadow core, but finds nothing else. Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 60%." > x crowbar Dor can use this to a . Writhing shadows spill from the vents, coiling around Dor's feet. She seems completely unperturbed. The automated voice booms: "SHADOW-SINKS AT 40%." > s Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > e Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > talk to hologram "Yes, darling?" 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 1 "I need advice." "How can I help?" 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 3. "What is a POST point?" 4. "I need a password for the Auto-Tailor." 5. "I guess it's up to me now." > 1 "I don't know what to do next." "Have you explored the Industrial District thoroughly? Especially now you've found a crowbar." 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 3. "What is a POST point?" 4. "I need a password for the Auto-Tailor." 5. "I guess it's up to me now." > 4 "I need a password for the Auto-Tailor." "Darling, you get a password when you have an outfit to collect from the Auto-Tailor. We can make an order for you once things are back to normal." (You'll unlock passwords for the Auto-Tailor when you complete the game.) 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 3. "What is a POST point?" 4. "I guess it's up to me now." > 4 "I guess it's up to me now." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 4 (Stop talking.) > save Dor tries, but is unable to save her data. > n (Checkpoint updated) Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. A tall figure steps out of the dazzling aura of the Haustorium, fixing three shining cyber-eyes on Dor. The Viscount has found Dor again. "WORKSHY." > s Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. Silver roots snag at the Viscount, and he retreats. "PATIENCE." > s (Checkpoint updated) Alley N: Worker Habs E: Cube 96 S: [BARRICADED] A rusty pipe spills water into a drain blocked by piles of garbage. > x pipe Dor spends some time jumping to try and reach the pipe, but she's not able to get to it. > x crowbar Dor can use this to a . > pry pipe Dor spends some time jumping to try and reach the pipe, but she's not able to get to it. > pry barricade With great effort, Dor dismantles the barricade with the crowbar. > s Quarantine Zone N: Alley W: Collapsed Hab Cube Bright yellow warning tape criss-crosses a rough hole in a hab cube, leading west, into utter blackness. There is a distant clattering, as of something large and many-limbed turning on the spot. > w Collapsed Hab Cube E: Quarantine Zone W: Adumbral Space Boiling shadows have eaten into the cube's support pillars, collapsing walls and ceilings into piles of rubble. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > w Adumbral Space N: Old Shipbreaking Yard E: Collapsed Hab Cube A shadow creature floats at the edge of reality: eyeless and indifferent. A severed, aristocratic arm is caught in its stinging tendrils. The Countess scrabbles out of the darkness: towering and many-limbed; dripping gold blood from the stump of an arm. The Countess whips Dor with a spidery arm, launching her back the way she came. Collapsed Hab Cube E: Quarantine Zone W: Adumbral Space Boiling shadows have eaten into the cube's support pillars, collapsing walls and ceilings into piles of rubble. Dor lands with a sickening crunch. The Countess' spidery limbs reach for her body, dragging it slowly back into the shadows. *** Dor has died. *** Would you like to: return to the last , a saved position, the program, or from the beginning? > checkpoint Alley N: Worker Habs E: Cube 96 S: [BARRICADED] A rusty pipe spills water into a drain blocked by piles of garbage. > pry barricade With great effort, Dor dismantles the barricade with the crowbar. > s Quarantine Zone N: Alley W: Collapsed Hab Cube Bright yellow warning tape criss-crosses a rough hole in a hab cube, leading west, into utter blackness. There is a distant clattering, as of something large and many-limbed turning on the spot. > w Collapsed Hab Cube E: Quarantine Zone W: Adumbral Space Boiling shadows have eaten into the cube's support pillars, collapsing walls and ceilings into piles of rubble. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > e Quarantine Zone N: Alley W: Collapsed Hab Cube Bright yellow warning tape criss-crosses a rough hole in a hab cube, leading west, into utter blackness. A distorted voice cries out, "COME HERE!" The voice grows closer! > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > n Alley N: Worker Habs E: Cube 96 S: Quarantine Zone A rusty pipe spills water into a drain blocked by piles of garbage. > n Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > w (Checkpoint updated) Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > w Core Bay 3 E: Purification Facility S: Old Shipbreaking Yard The machinery here has been warped, melted, twisted beyond recognition. It drips darkness. Something has burrowed a neat hole in the facility, leading south, into utter blackness. There is a distant clattering, as of something large and many-limbed turning on the spot. > s Old Shipbreaking Yard N: Core Bay 3 S: Adumbral Space The rusting guts of starships from the Ancient Flotilla are strewn across the landscape, turning it into a wasteland of toxic chemicals and extradimensional shadows. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > n Core Bay 3 E: Purification Facility S: Old Shipbreaking Yard The machinery here has been warped, melted, twisted beyond recognition. It drips darkness. Something has burrowed a neat hole in the facility, leading south, into utter blackness. A distorted voice cries out, "YOU THERE!" The voice grows closer! > e Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > w Core Bay 3 E: Purification Facility S: Old Shipbreaking Yard The machinery here has been warped, melted, twisted beyond recognition. It drips darkness. Something has burrowed a neat hole in the facility, leading south, into utter blackness. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. The Countess scrabbles out of the darkness: towering and many-limbed; dripping gold blood from the stump of an arm. The shadows cling to her, preventing her from fully emerging from the hole. The Countess swipes at Dor, unable to reach her. "PLEASE HELP!" > hit countess with crowbar Dor swings the crowbar at the Countess, but she easily bats it aside. The Countess swipes at Dor, unable to reach her. "COME HERE!" > e Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > e Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > talk to hologram "Yes, darling?" 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 1 "I need advice." "How can I help?" 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "One of those monsters has got stuck in a shadow-corrupted zone." 3. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 4. "What is a POST point?" 5. "I guess it's up to me now." > 2 "One of those monsters has got stuck in a shadow-corrupted zone." "Yes, and it looks like she makes a beeline for you whenever you set foot in there. There's two different ways into that zone, isn't there?" 1. "Good point." 2. "Yes, and?" > 1 "Good point." 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "One of those monsters has got stuck in a shadow-corrupted zone." 3. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 4. "What is a POST point?" 5. "I guess it's up to me now." > 5 "I guess it's up to me now." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 4 (Stop talking.) > s (Checkpoint updated) Alley N: Worker Habs E: Cube 96 S: Quarantine Zone A rusty pipe spills water into a drain blocked by piles of garbage. > s Quarantine Zone N: Alley W: Collapsed Hab Cube Bright yellow warning tape criss-crosses a rough hole in a hab cube, leading west, into utter blackness. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > w Collapsed Hab Cube E: Quarantine Zone W: Adumbral Space Boiling shadows have eaten into the cube's support pillars, collapsing walls and ceilings into piles of rubble. There is a distant clattering, as of something large and many-limbed turning on the spot. > w Adumbral Space N: Old Shipbreaking Yard E: Collapsed Hab Cube A shadow creature floats at the edge of reality: eyeless and indifferent. A severed, aristocratic arm is caught in its stinging tendrils. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > take arm Dor's hands are full. She'll have to drop something to pick up the aristocratic arm. A distorted voice cries out, "HELP ME!" The voice grows closer! > drop crowbar If Dor drops the crowbar here, it may be difficult to get it back. Is she really sure? > no > e Collapsed Hab Cube E: Quarantine Zone W: Adumbral Space Boiling shadows have eaten into the cube's support pillars, collapsing walls and ceilings into piles of rubble. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > e Quarantine Zone N: Alley W: Collapsed Hab Cube Bright yellow warning tape criss-crosses a rough hole in a hab cube, leading west, into utter blackness. A distorted voice cries out, "YOU THERE!" The voice grows closer! > n Alley N: Worker Habs E: Cube 96 S: Quarantine Zone A rusty pipe spills water into a drain blocked by piles of garbage. > n Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > drop crowbar Dor puts the crowbar in the POST point. > s (Checkpoint updated) Alley N: Worker Habs E: Cube 96 S: Quarantine Zone A rusty pipe spills water into a drain blocked by piles of garbage. > s Quarantine Zone N: Alley W: Collapsed Hab Cube Bright yellow warning tape criss-crosses a rough hole in a hab cube, leading west, into utter blackness. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > w Collapsed Hab Cube E: Quarantine Zone W: Adumbral Space Boiling shadows have eaten into the cube's support pillars, collapsing walls and ceilings into piles of rubble. There is a distant clattering, as of something large and many-limbed turning on the spot. > w Adumbral Space N: Old Shipbreaking Yard E: Collapsed Hab Cube A shadow creature floats at the edge of reality: eyeless and indifferent. A severed, aristocratic arm is caught in its stinging tendrils. Dor has stumbled into the presence of the Countess! Towering, formidable... shadow-corrupted. One of her arms ends in a stump that drips gold blood. The Countess whips Dor with a spidery arm, launching her back the way she came. Collapsed Hab Cube E: Quarantine Zone W: Adumbral Space Boiling shadows have eaten into the cube's support pillars, collapsing walls and ceilings into piles of rubble. Dor lands with a sickening crunch. The Countess' spidery limbs reach for her body, dragging it slowly back into the shadows. *** Dor has died. *** Would you like to: return to the last , a saved position, the program, or from the beginning? > checkpoint Alley N: Worker Habs E: Cube 96 S: Quarantine Zone A rusty pipe spills water into a drain blocked by piles of garbage. > i HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: (empty) SHOULDER BAG: keycard () BULLETS: 0 > n Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a crowbar and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > w (Checkpoint updated) Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > w Core Bay 3 E: Purification Facility S: Old Shipbreaking Yard The machinery here has been warped, melted, twisted beyond recognition. It drips darkness. Something has burrowed a neat hole in the facility, leading south, into utter blackness. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > s Old Shipbreaking Yard N: Core Bay 3 S: Adumbral Space The rusting guts of starships from the Ancient Flotilla are strewn across the landscape, turning it into a wasteland of toxic chemicals and extradimensional shadows. There is a distant clattering, as of something large and many-limbed turning on the spot. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. The Countess scrabbles out of the darkness: towering and many-limbed; dripping gold blood from the stump of an arm. The Countess whips Dor with a spidery arm, launching her back the way she came. Core Bay 3 E: Purification Facility S: Old Shipbreaking Yard The machinery here has been warped, melted, twisted beyond recognition. It drips darkness. Something has burrowed a neat hole in the facility, leading south, into utter blackness. Dor lands with a sickening crunch. The Countess' spidery limbs reach for her body, dragging it slowly back into the shadows. *** Dor has died. *** Would you like to: return to the last , a saved position, the program, or from the beginning? > checkpoint Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > w Core Bay 3 E: Purification Facility S: Old Shipbreaking Yard The machinery here has been warped, melted, twisted beyond recognition. It drips darkness. Something has burrowed a neat hole in the facility, leading south, into utter blackness. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. There is a distant clattering, as of something large and many-limbed turning on the spot. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. A distorted voice cries out, "COME HERE!" The voice grows closer! > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. The Countess scrabbles out of the darkness: towering and many-limbed; dripping gold blood from the stump of an arm. The shadows cling to her, preventing her from fully emerging from the hole. The Countess swipes at Dor, unable to reach her. "PLEASE HELP!" > e Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > e Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a crowbar and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > s (Checkpoint updated) Alley N: Worker Habs E: Cube 96 S: Quarantine Zone A rusty pipe spills water into a drain blocked by piles of garbage. Junker Ferking scuttles around erratically, mantis arms poised. Junker Ferking's mantis arms dart out towards Dor. > s Quarantine Zone N: Alley W: Collapsed Hab Cube Bright yellow warning tape criss-crosses a rough hole in a hab cube, leading west, into utter blackness. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > w Collapsed Hab Cube E: Quarantine Zone W: Adumbral Space Boiling shadows have eaten into the cube's support pillars, collapsing walls and ceilings into piles of rubble. There is a distant clattering, as of something large and many-limbed turning on the spot. > w Adumbral Space N: Old Shipbreaking Yard E: Collapsed Hab Cube A shadow creature floats at the edge of reality: eyeless and indifferent. A severed, aristocratic arm is caught in its stinging tendrils. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > take arm Dor approaches the creature without showing any fear and raises her face to its bell-shaped body. She whispers something that I can't quite hear. The tendrils relax and Dor takes the severed arm. The stingers seem to have no effect on her. A distorted voice cries out, "YOU THERE!" The voice grows closer! > e Collapsed Hab Cube E: Quarantine Zone W: Adumbral Space Boiling shadows have eaten into the cube's support pillars, collapsing walls and ceilings into piles of rubble. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > e Quarantine Zone N: Alley W: Collapsed Hab Cube Bright yellow warning tape criss-crosses a rough hole in a hab cube, leading west, into utter blackness. A distorted voice cries out, "COME HERE!" The voice grows closer! > n Alley N: Worker Habs E: Cube 96 S: Quarantine Zone A rusty pipe spills water into a drain blocked by piles of garbage. Junker Egil glides eerily over the ground. Junker Egil draws back and takes a menacing, gurgling breath. > n Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a crowbar and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > x arm Dor doesn't seem to want to look at the severed arm too closely. > w (Checkpoint updated) Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > w Core Bay 3 E: Purification Facility S: Old Shipbreaking Yard The machinery here has been warped, melted, twisted beyond recognition. It drips darkness. Something has burrowed a neat hole in the facility, leading south, into utter blackness. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. There is a distant clattering, as of something large and many-limbed turning on the spot. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. A distorted voice cries out, "HELP ME!" The voice grows closer! > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. Something scrabbles in the darkness, drawing slowly closer. > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. The Countess scrabbles out of the darkness: towering and many-limbed; dripping gold blood from the stump of an arm. The shadows cling to her, preventing her from fully emerging from the hole. The Countess swipes at Dor, unable to reach her. "USELESS CREATURE!" > put arm on countess Dor can't put things on the Countess. The Countess swipes at Dor, unable to reach her. "COME HERE!" > use arm There are no DNA locks here. The Countess swipes at Dor, unable to reach her. "PLEASE HELP!" > x arm Dor doesn't seem to want to look at the severed arm too closely. The Countess swipes at Dor, unable to reach her. "COME HERE!" > x stump Dor looks like she wants to examine something, but is confused about exactly what. > x arm Dor doesn't seem to want to look at the severed arm too closely. The Countess swipes at Dor, unable to reach her. "COME CLOSER!" > give arm to countess Dor has already given too much to those things. > e Purification Facility N: Core Bay 1 E: Worker Habs S: Core Bay 2 W: Core Bay 3 Golden roots entrap dozens of masked workers. The esoteric machinery here has single, double and triple sockets. A logbook is tucked beneath the gauges. In the single socket, Dor sees a large battery. In the double socket, Dor sees a small battery. In the triple socket, Dor sees a medium battery. > e Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a crowbar and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > talk to hologram "Yes, darling?" 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 1 "I need advice." "How can I help?" 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 3. "What is a POST point?" 4. "I guess it's up to me now." > 4 "I guess it's up to me now." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 2 "I found something useful." "Tell me." 1. "Some bolt cutters." 2. "A gyro gun." 3. "A crowbar." 4. "A keycard." 5. "A severed arm from one of those monsters. A big one." 6. "Your signet ring." 7. "My wardrobe." 8. "That's enough about what I found." > 5 "A severed arm from one of those monsters. A big one." "You don't have to show me!" I say quickly. "But I'm sorry to say that the DNA in that arm probably has more privileges than I do right now. It might help you get into the VEC." 1. "Some bolt cutters." 2. "A gyro gun." 3. "A crowbar." 4. "A keycard." 5. "A severed arm from one of those monsters. A big one." 6. "Your signet ring." 7. "My wardrobe." 8. "That's enough about what I found." > 8 "That's enough about what I found." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 4 (Stop talking.) > 4 Dor falters. She seems confused about what she's trying to do. (Enter the command if you want some pointers about how to play.) > look Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a crowbar and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > e (Checkpoint updated) Warped Close E: [BARRICADED] S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. > x barricade A sturdy but improvised barricade. The crowbar from the purification facility should be able to it. > x partisan Dor finds 5 bullets, and takes them. > x fax "FROM: Dad TO: Sal "Of course your friend isn't worried - it's not nearly as dangerous for a newcomer to work for the Royal Shipbreaking Company. But you're a HUMAN! You're risking shadow-corruption working for a SUN-SIDER PRINCESS! "We're all eagerly waiting for you to come to your senses and return home." > w Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a crowbar and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > put arm in post Dor puts the aristocratic arm in the POST point. > take crowbar Dor takes the crowbar from the POST point. > e (Checkpoint updated) Warped Close E: [BARRICADED] S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. Junker Egil glides eerily over the ground. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. Junker Egil draws back and takes a menacing, gurgling breath. > w Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an aristocratic arm and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > e (Checkpoint updated) Warped Close E: [BARRICADED] S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. Junker Egil glides eerily over the ground. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. Junker Egil draws back and takes a menacing, gurgling breath. Junker Ferking arrives from the south. > s Cube 96 N: Warped Close E: Dor's Apartment S: [BARRICADED] W: Alley Golden roots ensnare the unconscious denizens of this hab cube. The lights are out and the coin-operated common area has malfunctioned. Although the noticeboard is still lit up. Junker Egil arrives from the north. > n Warped Close E: [BARRICADED] S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. Junker Ferking scuttles around erratically, mantis arms poised. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. Junker Ferking's mantis arms dart out towards Dor. > w Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an aristocratic arm and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > e (Checkpoint updated) Warped Close E: [BARRICADED] S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. Junker Ferking scuttles around erratically, mantis arms poised. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. Junker Ferking's mantis arms dart out towards Dor. > w Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an aristocratic arm and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > e (Checkpoint updated) Warped Close E: [BARRICADED] S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. > pry barricade With great effort, Dor dismantles the barricade with the crowbar. > w Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an aristocratic arm and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > put crowbar in post Dor puts the crowbar in the POST point. > take arm Dor takes the aristocratic arm from the POST point. > e (Checkpoint updated) Warped Close E: Pawnbrokers S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. Junker Egil glides eerily over the ground. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. Junker Egil draws back and takes a menacing, gurgling breath. > e Pawnbrokers W: Warped Close Furniture and electronics are stacked in precarious piles. Someone in a black boiler suit and visor drops down behind Dor and holds a knife to her throat. "Your money or your life," she says. 1. "We both know I don't have any money, Lis." 2. "We both know you don't have the guts, Lis." 3. "Stop flirting, Lis, I'm not interested." > 3 "Stop flirting, Lis, I'm not interested." "As if I'd ever want a sell-out like you." Dor raises an eyebrow. "I must remember our history quite differently from you." The black-clad Lis lowers her knife, clambers onto the pile of furniture, and perches looking down at Dor, waiting. 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "All this stuff is yours, of course." 3. "Please help me." 4. "Can I see your GNOST implant?" 5. "Goodbye, Lis." > 1 "How have you survived?" Lis manages to look smug, even with her face covered by the visor. "Same as I always have. But they still found out it was me somehow." Dor sighs. "I told you, I didn't tell anyone anything." "Well they blacklisted my GNOST implant. I'm guessing I'm not tangled up in that weird stuff because it's not connected. And when those cyborg cyclopses showed up, I just hid." Dor's expression is stony. "Same as you always have." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "All this stuff is yours, of course." 3. "Please help me." 4. "Can I see your GNOST implant?" 5. "Goodbye, Lis." > 2 "All this stuff is yours, of course." Lis grins. "Of course. Who else's would it be?" 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "All this stuff is yours, of course." 3. "Please help me." 4. "Can I see your GNOST implant?" 5. "Goodbye, Lis." > 4 "Can I see your GNOST implant?" "Why?" Lis asks flatly. "So I can connect you to a new company. One opposing the Accretion Group and everything that's happening." "Why in the deepest, darkest shadows would I do that?" Dor spreads her hands, taking in the room full of junk. "Is your plan to live the rest of your life in here?" Lis says nothing for a long, drawn out moment, and then pulls down the back of her collar. Dor touches two fingers to the spot where her implant should be, and a ghostly silver root connects there. Lis flinches. "Cold hands, Doris." (Dor gains a silver bullet.) 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "All this stuff is yours, of course." 3. "Please help me." 4. "Goodbye, Lis." > 3 "Please help me." Lis peers out of the front of the shop. "I'm not leaving here. I don't have a death wish." "Then stay, but I'm going back out there and if you have anything that can help me, now's the time." Lis tuts. "You needy bitch." But she opens a drawer in the furniture pile below her and reveals an electric lockpick. "A tool for legitimate business," she explains. 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "All this stuff is yours, of course." 3. "Goodbye, Lis." > 3 "Goodbye, Lis." She makes a disapproving noise. > w Warped Close E: Pawnbrokers S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. Junker Egil glides eerily over the ground. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. Junker Egil draws back and takes a menacing, gurgling breath. > w Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a crowbar and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > i HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: keycard () SHOULDER BAG: aristocratic arm () BULLETS: 5, +1 silver > talk to hologram "Yes, darling?" 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 1 "I need advice." "How can I help?" 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 3. "What is a POST point?" 4. "I guess it's up to me now." > 1 "I don't know what to do next." "So the VEC is closed with a DNA lock, and you have the severed arm of one of those monsters... Arms have DNA in them, don't they?" 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 3. "What is a POST point?" 4. "I guess it's up to me now." > 4 "I guess it's up to me now." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 4 (Stop talking.) > save Dor saves her data. > n (Checkpoint updated) Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. Junker Cordelia arrives from the north. A tall figure steps out of the dazzling aura of the Haustorium, fixing three shining cyber-eyes on Dor. The Viscount has found Dor again. "REPROBATE." > e Lower Illume N: Upper Illume E: Obsidian Riverbank W: Industrial District These are the old streets of the original city: grey brick buildings with peaked roofs crisscrossed with sagging, tangled cables. The Haustorium looms over the skyline to the north. The towering Viscount easily follows Dor with long, striding steps. > e Obsidian Riverbank E: Tower District Bridge W: Lower Illume The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a crowbar and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. Silver roots snag at the Viscount, and he retreats. "COWARD." > w (Checkpoint updated) Lower Illume N: Upper Illume E: Obsidian Riverbank W: Industrial District These are the old streets of the original city: grey brick buildings with peaked roofs crisscrossed with sagging, tangled cables. The Haustorium looms over the skyline to the north. A tall figure steps out of the dazzling aura of the Haustorium, fixing three shining cyber-eyes on Dor. The Viscount has found Dor again. "WEAKLING." > n Upper Illume N: [DNA LOCK] S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. Junker Daluka prowls the city, a jewelled mace resting on her shoulder. Junker Daluka draws back the mace, ready to bring it down on Dor. The towering Viscount easily follows Dor with long, striding steps. > n A DNA lock blocks Dor's way. Junker Daluka's mace hits Dor hard in the arm. She cries out in pain. Dor collapses to the ground and Junker Daluka raises her mace for one final strike. *** Dor has died. *** Would you like to: return to the last , a saved position, the program, or from the beginning? > restore Game loaded. Worker Habs > look Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a crowbar and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > n (Checkpoint updated) Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. A tall figure steps out of the dazzling aura of the Haustorium, fixing three shining cyber-eyes on Dor. The Viscount has found Dor again. "REPROBATE." > e Lower Illume N: Upper Illume E: Obsidian Riverbank W: Industrial District These are the old streets of the original city: grey brick buildings with peaked roofs crisscrossed with sagging, tangled cables. The Haustorium looms over the skyline to the north. The towering Viscount easily follows Dor with long, striding steps. > n Upper Illume N: [DNA LOCK] S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. Junker Daluka prowls the city, a jewelled mace resting on her shoulder. Junker Daluka draws back the mace, ready to bring it down on Dor. The towering Viscount easily follows Dor with long, striding steps. > w Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. Junker Cordelia prowls the city, dragging a jagged, gilded sword. Junker Cordelia raises the sword over her head, preparing to strike. The towering Viscount easily follows Dor with long, striding steps. > e Upper Illume N: [DNA LOCK] S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. Junker Daluka prowls the city, a jewelled mace resting on her shoulder. Junker Daluka draws back the mace, ready to bring it down on Dor. The towering Viscount easily follows Dor with long, striding steps. > s Lower Illume N: Upper Illume E: Obsidian Riverbank W: Industrial District These are the old streets of the original city: grey brick buildings with peaked roofs crisscrossed with sagging, tangled cables. The Haustorium looms over the skyline to the north. The towering Viscount easily follows Dor with long, striding steps. > n Upper Illume N: [DNA LOCK] S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. Junker Daluka prowls the city, a jewelled mace resting on her shoulder. Junker Daluka draws back the mace, ready to bring it down on Dor. The towering Viscount easily follows Dor with long, striding steps. > w Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. Junker Cordelia prowls the city, dragging a jagged, gilded sword. Junker Cordelia raises the sword over her head, preparing to strike. The towering Viscount easily follows Dor with long, striding steps. > s Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. The towering Viscount easily follows Dor with long, striding steps. > s Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a crowbar and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. Silver roots snag at the Viscount, and he retreats. "COWARD." > talk to hologram "Yes, darling?" 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 1 "I need advice." "How can I help?" 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 3. "What is a POST point?" 4. "I guess it's up to me now." > 2 "How do I deal with these monsters?!" This isn't really my field of expertise, but I try my best. "Have you tried avoiding them? If they see you, they'll try to kill you, but maybe if you leave and wait a bit, they'll wander away?" Dor nods as if I'm giving good advice. "I think that might work sometimes. Although it might be a bit slow." "Then make sure to search everywhere for bullets," I say, "and don't be afraid to use them when there's something in your way. Even if you don't have the ammo to finish them off, I bet winging them will still give you a small opening." 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 3. "What is a POST point?" 4. "I guess it's up to me now." > 4 "I guess it's up to me now." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 4 (Stop talking.) > e (Checkpoint updated) Warped Close E: Pawnbrokers S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. Junker Egil glides eerily over the ground. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. Junker Egil draws back and takes a menacing, gurgling breath. > w Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a crowbar and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > n (Checkpoint updated) Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. A tall figure steps out of the dazzling aura of the Haustorium, fixing three shining cyber-eyes on Dor. The Viscount has found Dor again. "WEAKLING." > shoot viscount Dor loads the gyro gun with the silver bullet, aims carefully and blasts the Viscount directly between his three cyber-eyes. Silver roots squirm out of the cracks in the street, looping around him and draining him until his desiccated remains crumble to dust. With his last breath, the Viscount gasps, "OUTRAGE..." > e Lower Illume N: Upper Illume E: Obsidian Riverbank W: Industrial District These are the old streets of the original city: grey brick buildings with peaked roofs crisscrossed with sagging, tangled cables. The Haustorium looms over the skyline to the north. Junker Cordelia arrives from the north. > w Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. > n Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > e Upper Illume N: [DNA LOCK] S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. Junker Daluka prowls the city, a jewelled mace resting on her shoulder. Junker Daluka draws back the mace, ready to bring it down on Dor. > shoot daluka Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Daluka and fires. The bullet blasts right through her with a golden splatter. Junker Daluka throws a small tantrum, smashing the mace repeatedly into the ground. Junker Cordelia arrives from the south. > w Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > s Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. > e Lower Illume N: Upper Illume E: Obsidian Riverbank W: Industrial District These are the old streets of the original city: grey brick buildings with peaked roofs crisscrossed with sagging, tangled cables. The Haustorium looms over the skyline to the north. Junker Cordelia prowls the city, dragging a jagged, gilded sword. Junker Cordelia raises the sword over her head, preparing to strike. > n Upper Illume N: [DNA LOCK] S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. Junker Daluka prowls the city, a jewelled mace resting on her shoulder. Her glowing cyber-eye sputters and sparks. Junker Daluka draws back the mace, ready to bring it down on Dor. > shoot daluka Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Daluka and fires. The bullet blasts right through her with a golden splatter. Junker Daluka bursts apart in a shower of golden particles. > use arm on dna lock Dor looks like she wants to use something, but is confused about exactly what. > i HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: keycard () SHOULDER BAG: aristocratic arm () BULLETS: 3 > put keycard in bag Let's trust Dor to juggle her items how she wishes. > open dna lock The DNA lock beeps and pops open. The way north is now unbarred. > n Value Enhancement Centre Foyer E: [ARCHDUKE] S: Upper Illume W: [ARCHDUKE] The swollen bulk of the Archduke fills the foyer. Giant golden roots sprout from his gut and sink into the ground. The Archduke fixes his five shining cyber-eyes on Dor and inhales deeply. "DISGUSTING LITTLE THING!" > talk to archduke The Archduke does not seem to deem Dor worthy of an answer. The Archduke bats at Dor and sends her flying into a wall. "SUCH INSIGNIFICANT CREATURES." Dor doesn't have the strength to stop the Archduke as he finally swallows her whole. "DOWN THE HATCH." *** Dor has died. *** Would you like to: return to the last , a saved position, the program, or from the beginning? > chcckpoint Please type one of the given words. Would you like to: return to the last , a saved position, the program, or from the beginning? > checkpoint Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. A tall figure steps out of the dazzling aura of the Haustorium, fixing three shining cyber-eyes on Dor. The Viscount has found Dor again. "WEAKLING." > shoot viscount Dor loads the gyro gun with the silver bullet, aims carefully and blasts the Viscount directly between his three cyber-eyes. Silver roots squirm out of the cracks in the street, looping around him and draining him until his desiccated remains crumble to dust. With his last breath, the Viscount gasps, "OUTRAGE..." > i HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: keycard () SHOULDER BAG: aristocratic arm () BULLETS: 5 > n Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > e Upper Illume N: [DNA LOCK] S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. Junker Cordelia prowls the city, dragging a jagged, gilded sword. Junker Cordelia raises the sword over her head, preparing to strike. > shoot cordelia Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Cordelia and fires. The bullet blasts right through her with a golden splatter. Junker Cordelia rages, waving her sword in the air. > shoot cordelia Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Cordelia and fires. The bullet blasts right through her with a golden splatter. Junker Cordelia bursts apart in a shower of golden particles. > save (Dor can only save at a POST point.) > open dna lock The DNA lock beeps and pops open. The way north is now unbarred. > n Value Enhancement Centre Foyer E: [ARCHDUKE] S: Upper Illume W: [ARCHDUKE] The swollen bulk of the Archduke fills the foyer. Giant golden roots sprout from his gut and sink into the ground. The Archduke fixes his five shining cyber-eyes on Dor and inhales deeply. "DISGUSTING LITTLE BUG!" > shoot archduke Dor aims carefully at the Archduke and squeezes off a shot. The bullet seems to evaporate in mid-air, dissipating with a hiss of super-heated steam before reaching him. "THEY NEVER LEARN!" > s Upper Illume N: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. > w Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > s Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. Junker Daluka arrives from the east. > s Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a crowbar and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > talk to hologram "Yes, darling?" 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 1 "I need advice." "How can I help?" 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "There's a huge monster blocking the way into the VEC." 3. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 4. "What is a POST point?" 5. "I guess it's up to me now." > 2 "There's a huge monster blocking the way into the VEC." "I don't think your normal bullets will have much of an effect on it, but if you can link more people to our company, perhaps I can help. Have you looked for survivors around the hab cubes? Perhaps near your apartment?" 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "There's a huge monster blocking the way into the VEC." 3. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 4. "What is a POST point?" 5. "I guess it's up to me now." > 5 "I guess it's up to me now." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 4 (Stop talking.) > i HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: keycard () SHOULDER BAG: aristocratic arm () BULLETS: 2 > e (Checkpoint updated) Warped Close E: Pawnbrokers S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. Junker Egil glides eerily over the ground. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. Junker Egil draws back and takes a menacing, gurgling breath. > e Pawnbrokers W: Warped Close Furniture and electronics are stacked in precarious piles. An electric lockpick sits in an open drawer. Lis perches on the pile of furniture, looking down at Dor. > x silver bullet Dor looks like she wants to examine something, but is confused about exactly what. > x lockpick Dor can use this to a . > take lockpick Dor's hands are full. She'll have to drop something to pick up the electric lockpick. > w Warped Close E: Pawnbrokers S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. Junker Egil glides eerily over the ground. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. Junker Egil draws back and takes a menacing, gurgling breath. > w Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a crowbar and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > put arm in post Dor puts the aristocratic arm in the POST point. > e (Checkpoint updated) Warped Close E: Pawnbrokers S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. > e Pawnbrokers W: Warped Close Furniture and electronics are stacked in precarious piles. An electric lockpick sits in an open drawer. Lis perches on the pile of furniture, looking down at Dor. > take lockpick Dor takes the electric lockpick. > w Warped Close E: Pawnbrokers S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. > w Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an aristocratic arm, a crowbar, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > put lockpick in post Dor puts the electric lockpick in the POST point. > e (Checkpoint updated) Warped Close E: Pawnbrokers S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. > e Pawnbrokers W: Warped Close Furniture and electronics are stacked in precarious piles. Lis perches on the pile of furniture, looking down at Dor. > talk to lis "What is it, Doris?" 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "All this stuff is yours, of course." 3. "Goodbye, Lis." > 1 "How have you survived?" Lis manages to look smug, even with her face covered by the visor. "Same as I always have. But they still found out it was me somehow." Dor sighs. "I told you, I didn't tell anyone anything." "Well they blacklisted my GNOST implant. I'm guessing I'm not tangled up in that weird stuff because it's not connected. And when those cyborg cyclopses showed up, I just hid." Dor's expression is stony. "Same as you always have." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "All this stuff is yours, of course." 3. "Goodbye, Lis." > 2 "All this stuff is yours, of course." Lis grins. "Of course. Who else's would it be?" 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "All this stuff is yours, of course." 3. "Goodbye, Lis." > 3 "Goodbye, Lis." She makes a disapproving noise. > w Warped Close E: Pawnbrokers S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. > w Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an electric lockpick, an aristocratic arm, a crowbar, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > x implant Dor finds the small bump on the back of her neck where the GNOST implant is. It's still there. > x gnost Dor finds the small bump on the back of her neck where the GNOST implant is. It's still there. > x silver bullet Dor looks like she wants to examine something, but is confused about exactly what. > save Dor saves her data. > n (Checkpoint updated) Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. > n Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > e Upper Illume N: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. > n Value Enhancement Centre Foyer E: [ARCHDUKE] S: Upper Illume W: [ARCHDUKE] The swollen bulk of the Archduke fills the foyer. Giant golden roots sprout from his gut and sink into the ground. The Archduke fixes his five shining cyber-eyes on Dor and inhales deeply. "WORTHLESS LITTLE CREATURE!" > use implant Dor finds the small bump on the back of her neck where the GNOST implant is. It's still there. The Archduke bats at Dor and sends her flying into a wall. "SUCH INSIGNIFICANT CREATURES." Dor doesn't have the strength to stop the Archduke as he finally swallows her whole. "DOWN THE HATCH." *** Dor has died. *** Would you like to: return to the last , a saved position, the program, or from the beginning? > restore Game loaded. Worker Habs > i HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: (empty) SHOULDER BAG: keycard () BULLETS: 2 > x silver bullet Dor looks like she wants to examine something, but is confused about exactly what. > talk to hologram "Yes, darling?" 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 2 "I found something useful." "Tell me." 1. "Some bolt cutters." 2. "A gyro gun." 3. "A crowbar." 4. "An electric lockpick." 5. "A keycard." 6. "A severed arm from one of those monsters. A big one." 7. "Your signet ring." 8. "My wardrobe." 9. "That's enough about what I found." > 2 "A gyro gun." "Do you really know how to use it?" I ask. "When I was a kid," Dor says, "my no-good friends stole one of these from a partisan dead drop. We used it to shoot bottles and shadow-corrupted rats." And she kept hold of it, long after it was rusted and broken, so she could mug a sun-sider in Upper Illume. But she doesn't need to tell me that part. 1. "Some bolt cutters." 2. "A gyro gun." 3. "A crowbar." 4. "An electric lockpick." 5. "A keycard." 6. "A severed arm from one of those monsters. A big one." 7. "Your signet ring." 8. "My wardrobe." 9. "That's enough about what I found." > 4 "An electric lockpick." "And where did you get such a dubious item?" Dor doesn't meet my eye. "Y'know, it's a big city. Got all types in it." "I see. Well I'm sure it'll get you through any old fashioned locks in your way." 1. "Some bolt cutters." 2. "A gyro gun." 3. "A crowbar." 4. "An electric lockpick." 5. "A keycard." 6. "A severed arm from one of those monsters. A big one." 7. "Your signet ring." 8. "My wardrobe." 9. "That's enough about what I found." > 9 "That's enough about what I found." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 4 (Stop talking.) > n (Checkpoint updated) Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. > n Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > e Upper Illume N: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. > s Lower Illume N: Upper Illume E: Obsidian Riverbank W: Industrial District These are the old streets of the original city: grey brick buildings with peaked roofs crisscrossed with sagging, tangled cables. The Haustorium looms over the skyline to the north. Junker Daluka arrives from the west. > w Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. > n Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > n Space Port S: Sun-Sider's Quarter The hangars are all either empty or locked down tight. That awful apian lazes on the steps, concealing his plasma beam emitter beneath shimmering wings, playing the part of a delicate drone instead of the ruthless assassin he really is. He pointedly and unconvincingly pretends not to notice Dor. > talk to apian Dor waves sheepishly. "Hello?" The drone sighs with a flex of his abdomen and a soft whisper from his spiracles. "Some humans are still loose then? I'm waiting for my ride home, but I'm afraid they won't let you on." 1. "Please help me." > 1 "Please help me." He looks Dor up and down and then twitches his antennae. "Let me introduce myself: Zras, Free-Fiancé of the Far Hive. Whatever this mess is, I promise you there's nothing I can do about it." Dor stares at him for a moment and seems to come to a conclusion. 1. "I think I know who you are." 2. "You weren't able to get blood from a stone?" 3. "You found out Cathabel is broke, didn't you?" > 3 "You found out Cathabel is broke, didn't you?" This is, of course, a crass oversimplification of my complex financial situation. But I wouldn't expect Dor or that apian menace to understand. He talks without looking at Dor, as if to himself. "Do you know that we apians struggle to understand the concept of 'bankruptcy'? Your Princess took resources from us, promising to pay back an even greater amount. That promise was broken. Killing her would risk conflict between the Empire and the Hive, but they could at least send someone to gauge the honesty of her accounts." "Pretty honestly empty, right?" Dor says. Oh, this is painful to listen to. Zras just shrugs with one set of arms. 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Can I purchase your services?" 3. "You don't have a GNOST implant, do you?" 4. "Goodbye then." > 1 "How have you survived?" "Those one-eyed things can't get anything out of me, and they wouldn't have a good time if they tried." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Can I purchase your services?" 3. "You don't have a GNOST implant, do you?" 4. "Goodbye then." > 3 "You don't have a GNOST implant, do you?" There is a long pause while Zras musters the level of condescension he plainly feels is appropriate. "No, I do not." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Can I purchase your services?" 3. "Goodbye then." > 2 "Can I purchase your services?" Without even looking at her, Zras says, "You can't afford me." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Can I purchase your services?" 3. "Goodbye then." > 3 "Goodbye then." "Fare thee well." > s Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > n Space Port S: Sun-Sider's Quarter The hangars are all either empty or locked down tight. Zras lazes on the steps, concealing his plasma beam emitter beneath shimmering wings, playing the part of a delicate drone instead of the ruthless assassin he really is. > unlock hangar The hangars don't open. > x lockpick Dor looks like she wants to examine something, but is confused about exactly what. > i HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: (empty) SHOULDER BAG: keycard () BULLETS: 2 > s Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > s Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. > s Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an electric lockpick, an aristocratic arm, a crowbar, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > take lockpick Dor takes the electric lockpick from the POST point. > n (Checkpoint updated) Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. Junker Daluka arrives from the east. > n Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > n Space Port S: Sun-Sider's Quarter The hangars are all either empty or locked down tight. Zras lazes on the steps, concealing his plasma beam emitter beneath shimmering wings, playing the part of a delicate drone instead of the ruthless assassin he really is. > x lockpick Dor can use this to a . > pick lock There's no lock that needs picking here now. > open hangar The hangars don't open. > s Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > w Night Palace Crater N: Auto-Tailor E: Sun-Sider's Quarter S: [BARRICADED] W: Robot Leg Joint The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an aristocratic arm, a crowbar, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A mechanical guardian protects one of the Night Palace's enormous robotic landing legs. > w (Checkpoint updated) Robot Leg Joint E: Night Palace Crater W: Palace Courtyard Dor is high above the Sun-Sider's Quarter, on the massive knee joint of a robotic landing leg. A dead, jetpack-equipped partisan dangles off the side by her gun belt. > w Palace Courtyard N: [LOCKED] E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLOCKED BY STATUE] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands twisted at the edge of the courtyard as if fighting invisible foes with clawed hands. > n Dor tries to go north, but her way is blocked by an old-fashioned lock. > pick lock Dor jams the electric lockpick into the lock and holds down the trigger. It whirs and grinds for a while - and then the lock pops open. > n Library S: Palace Courtyard Tall bookshelves crowd around a writing desk. A file box is tucked under one of the shelves. > search box Dor searches the file box, and finds a time-dilated bond certificate. > read certificate Dor starts reading the time-dilated bond certificate but quickly gets bored. It looks valuable, at least. > take certificate Dor's hands are full. She'll have to drop something to pick up the time-dilated bond certificate. > s Palace Courtyard N: Library E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLOCKED BY STATUE] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands twisted at the edge of the courtyard as if fighting invisible foes with clawed hands. > e Robot Leg Joint E: Night Palace Crater W: Palace Courtyard Dor is high above the Sun-Sider's Quarter, on the massive knee joint of a robotic landing leg. A dead, jetpack-equipped partisan dangles off the side by her gun belt. > e Night Palace Crater N: Auto-Tailor E: Sun-Sider's Quarter S: [BARRICADED] W: Robot Leg Joint The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an aristocratic arm, a crowbar, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A mechanical guardian protects one of the Night Palace's enormous robotic landing legs. > put lockpick in post Dor puts the electric lockpick in the POST point. > w (Checkpoint updated) Robot Leg Joint E: Night Palace Crater W: Palace Courtyard Dor is high above the Sun-Sider's Quarter, on the massive knee joint of a robotic landing leg. A dead, jetpack-equipped partisan dangles off the side by her gun belt. > w Palace Courtyard N: Library E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLOCKED BY STATUE] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands twisted at the edge of the courtyard as if fighting invisible foes with clawed hands. > n Library S: Palace Courtyard Tall bookshelves crowd around a writing desk. A file box is tucked under one of the shelves. In the file box, Dor sees a time-dilated bond certificate. > take certificate Dor takes the time-dilated bond certificate from the file box. > s Palace Courtyard N: Library E: Robot Leg Joint S: Servants' Hall W: [BLOCKED BY STATUE] A statue of the Empress, with braided hair and armoured spacesuit, stands twisted at the edge of the courtyard as if fighting invisible foes with clawed hands. > e Robot Leg Joint E: Night Palace Crater W: Palace Courtyard Dor is high above the Sun-Sider's Quarter, on the massive knee joint of a robotic landing leg. A dead, jetpack-equipped partisan dangles off the side by her gun belt. > e Night Palace Crater N: Auto-Tailor E: Sun-Sider's Quarter S: [BARRICADED] W: Robot Leg Joint The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an electric lockpick, an aristocratic arm, a crowbar, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A mechanical guardian protects one of the Night Palace's enormous robotic landing legs. > save Dor saves her data. > x certificate The time-dilated bond certificate looks rather valuable. > e (Checkpoint updated) Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > n Space Port S: Sun-Sider's Quarter The hangars are all either empty or locked down tight. Zras lazes on the steps, concealing his plasma beam emitter beneath shimmering wings, playing the part of a delicate drone instead of the ruthless assassin he really is. > talk to zras "Hello again," Dor says. Zras waves a hand lazily. "How dost thou, shadowed lady?" 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Can I purchase your services?" 3. "Can I interest you in a time-dilated bond certificate?" 4. "Goodbye then." > 3 "Can I interest you in a time-dilated bond certificate?" Zras waves one of his four arms disdainfully. "I don't know what one of those is and I don't care." Dor looks at the time-dilated bond certificate as if it's betrayed her. Perhaps she should just leave it in a POST point for safe keeping. 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Can I purchase your services?" 3. "Can I interest you in a time-dilated bond certificate?" 4. "Goodbye then." > 2 "Can I purchase your services?" Without even looking at her, Zras says, "You can't afford me." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Can I purchase your services?" 3. "Can I interest you in a time-dilated bond certificate?" 4. "Goodbye then." > 4 "Goodbye then." "Farewell." > s Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > s Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. Junker Daluka prowls the city, a jewelled mace resting on her shoulder. Junker Daluka draws back the mace, ready to bring it down on Dor. > s Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an electric lockpick, an aristocratic arm, a crowbar, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > put certificate in post The POST point sucks the time-dilated bond certificate deep inside with great eagerness. A tinny voice announces: "Matured investment received. 1000 Thaler-Joules added to your account. Current balance: TJ 1000." Dor blinks. "Excuse me?" Oh. Oh, shadows! Dor is now richer than me. I need to sit down... > talk to hologram "Yes, darling?" 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 3 "We need to talk." "That's not ominous at all. About what?" 1. "This is the second time you've saved my life." 2. "Is this just happening in Illume?" 3. "What is the Accretion Group? What are these monsters?" 4. "Why can the GNOST implants do these things?" 5. "What does VEC stand for?" 6. "WHAT IS THAT HUGE GOLDEN TREE IN THE SKY?" 7. "I met an apian drone at the space port!" 8. "I've learned enough." > 7 "I met an apian drone at the space port!" "Oh really?" Dor looks really pleased with herself. "Yep. He had four arms and wings and an exoskeleton!" I bite back the patronising comments. Dor's never met an apian before. It's adorable really, although she'd pour scorn on someone who acted this way about meeting a newcomer. "Oh," Dor adds, "and apparently you owe the Hive a lot of money?" Right. "Let's change the subject!" 1. "This is the second time you've saved my life." 2. "Is this just happening in Illume?" 3. "What is the Accretion Group? What are these monsters?" 4. "Why can the GNOST implants do these things?" 5. "What does VEC stand for?" 6. "WHAT IS THAT HUGE GOLDEN TREE IN THE SKY?" 7. "I met an apian drone at the space port!" 8. "I've learned enough." > 4 "Why can the GNOST implants do these things?" "The real question is why can they do anything else? If all they did was suck the life out of you, no-one would ever agree to them." 1. "This is the second time you've saved my life." 2. "Is this just happening in Illume?" 3. "What is the Accretion Group? What are these monsters?" 4. "Why can the GNOST implants do these things?" 5. "What does VEC stand for?" 6. "WHAT IS THAT HUGE GOLDEN TREE IN THE SKY?" 7. "I met an apian drone at the space port!" 8. "I've learned enough." > 5 "What does VEC stand for?" "Value Enhancement Centre. It's a mobile base that the Accretion Group sends to investments that they feel aren't producing enough of a return." Dor says, "So, like your Night Palace then." "No! Maybe, a little, but not in the ways that matter!" 1. "This is the second time you've saved my life." 2. "Is this just happening in Illume?" 3. "What is the Accretion Group? What are these monsters?" 4. "Why can the GNOST implants do these things?" 5. "What does VEC stand for?" 6. "WHAT IS THAT HUGE GOLDEN TREE IN THE SKY?" 7. "I met an apian drone at the space port!" 8. "I've learned enough." > 6 "WHAT IS THAT HUGE GOLDEN TREE IN THE SKY?" "The Haustorium is the literal structure of the Accretion Group, made of nanomachines and stolen life energy. The roots that have trapped the people of Illume are part of the Haustorium." "Oh," Dor says. "Is that all." 1. "This is the second time you've saved my life." 2. "Is this just happening in Illume?" 3. "What is the Accretion Group? What are these monsters?" 4. "Why can the GNOST implants do these things?" 5. "What does VEC stand for?" 6. "WHAT IS THAT HUGE GOLDEN TREE IN THE SKY?" 7. "I met an apian drone at the space port!" 8. "I've learned enough." > 8 "I've learned enough." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 2 "I found something useful." "Tell me." 1. "Some bolt cutters." 2. "A gyro gun." 3. "A crowbar." 4. "An electric lockpick." 5. "A keycard." 6. "A severed arm from one of those monsters. A big one." 7. "Your signet ring." 8. "My wardrobe." 9. "Some kind of finance thing." 10. "That's enough about what I found." > 9 "Some kind of finance thing." I squirm. "I was looking at my credit balance," Dor says smugly, "maybe I could take you out somewhere nice? Buy you some fancy clothes?" I make an annoyed face at her. This is awful, and the worst part is I kind of like it. 1. "Some bolt cutters." 2. "A gyro gun." 3. "A crowbar." 4. "An electric lockpick." 5. "A keycard." 6. "A severed arm from one of those monsters. A big one." 7. "Your signet ring." 8. "My wardrobe." 9. "Some kind of finance thing." 10. "That's enough about what I found." > 10 "That's enough about what I found." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 4 (Stop talking.) > n (Checkpoint updated) Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. Junker Daluka prowls the city, a jewelled mace resting on her shoulder. Junker Daluka draws back the mace, ready to bring it down on Dor. > n Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > n Space Port S: Sun-Sider's Quarter The hangars are all either empty or locked down tight. Zras lazes on the steps, concealing his plasma beam emitter beneath shimmering wings, playing the part of a delicate drone instead of the ruthless assassin he really is. > talk to zras "Hello again," Dor says. Zras waves a hand lazily. "Well be with you, my lady." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Can I purchase your services for 1000 Thaler-Joules?" 3. "Goodbye then." > 2 "Can I purchase your services for 1000 Thaler-Joules?" Zras sits bolt upright, then catches himself and relaxes. "What do you think I can do that's worth that much to you?" Dor looks pointedly at his plasma beam emitter. He adjusts his wings. "Very well. Can you whistle?" In answer, Dor purses her lips and makes a pathetic little noise. Zras winces. "Good enough. Well, just and I'll turn up. Once per thousand Thaler-Joules. As long you're still in this city somewhere." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Can I purchase your services for 1000 Thaler-Joules?" 3. "Goodbye then." > 3 "Goodbye then." "Adieu." > s Sun-Sider's Quarter N: Space Port E: Upper Illume S: Industrial District W: Night Palace Crater Officially this is the New Martian District, but even us sun-siders call it by the local name. > e Upper Illume N: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. > n Value Enhancement Centre Foyer E: [ARCHDUKE] S: Upper Illume W: [ARCHDUKE] The swollen bulk of the Archduke fills the foyer. Giant golden roots sprout from his gut and sink into the ground. The Archduke fixes his five shining cyber-eyes on Dor and inhales deeply. "AWFUL LITTLE THING!" > whistle Dor whistles feebly. Zras swoops down from above, wings spread wide. His plasma beam flashes and... the Archduke lazily slaps him away. The apian launches up into the air and disappears as suddenly as he arrived. "This never happened!" > s Upper Illume N: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. > s Lower Illume N: Upper Illume E: Obsidian Riverbank W: Industrial District These are the old streets of the original city: grey brick buildings with peaked roofs crisscrossed with sagging, tangled cables. The Haustorium looms over the skyline to the north. > w Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. > s Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an electric lockpick, an aristocratic arm, a crowbar, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > e (Checkpoint updated) Warped Close E: Pawnbrokers S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. > e Pawnbrokers W: Warped Close Furniture and electronics are stacked in precarious piles. Lis perches on the pile of furniture, looking down at Dor. > talk to lis "What is it, Doris?" 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "All this stuff is yours, of course." 3. "Goodbye, Lis." > 1 "How have you survived?" Lis manages to look smug, even with her face covered by the visor. "Same as I always have. But they still found out it was me somehow." Dor sighs. "I told you, I didn't tell anyone anything." "Well they blacklisted my GNOST implant. I'm guessing I'm not tangled up in that weird stuff because it's not connected. And when those cyborg cyclopses showed up, I just hid." Dor's expression is stony. "Same as you always have." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "All this stuff is yours, of course." 3. "Goodbye, Lis." > 3 "Goodbye, Lis." She makes a disapproving noise. > help (Forsaken Denizen by C.E.J. Pacian This is a text-based survival horror game. Dor responds to simple commands that you type at the ">" prompt. What she does will be related by me, Princess Cathabel X. Don't worry, I'm a completely reliable narrator. Move Dor around with compass directions (, , , ). Repeat the room description with . Dor should everything (you can abbreviate it to ) and keep an eye on her . She can to pass the time. She'll also need to and things, monsters, people and documents. Other actions she can take will show up on her , depending on what she's holding. She might also read about things she can do, or be told about them by other people. Sometimes, if a lot is going on, I might stop and wait for you to press any key. You can use to see a full list of the commands Dor understands, if you're ever unsure.) > status HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: (empty) SHOULDER BAG: keycard () BULLETS: 2 MONEY: 1000 Thaler-Joules > w Warped Close E: Pawnbrokers S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. > w Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an electric lockpick, an aristocratic arm, a crowbar, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > x roots The silver roots bear no fruit. > equip silver bullet Dor falters. She seems confused about what she's trying to do. (Enter the command if you want some pointers about how to play.) > put silver bullet in gun Dor looks like she wants to put something in the gyro gun, but is confused about exactly what. > talk to hologram "Yes, darling?" 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 1 "I need advice." "How can I help?" 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "There's a huge monster blocking the way into the VEC." 3. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 4. "What is a POST point?" 5. "I guess it's up to me now." > 2 "There's a huge monster blocking the way into the VEC." "I don't think your normal bullets will have much of an effect on it, but if you can link more people to our company, perhaps I can help. Have you looked for survivors around the hab cubes? Perhaps near your apartment?" 1. "I don't know what to do next." 2. "There's a huge monster blocking the way into the VEC." 3. "How do I deal with these monsters?!" 4. "What is a POST point?" 5. "I guess it's up to me now." > 5 "I guess it's up to me now." 1. "I need advice." 2. "I found something useful." 3. "We need to talk." 4. (Stop talking.) > 4 (Stop talking.) > e (Checkpoint updated) Warped Close E: Pawnbrokers S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. > s Cube 96 N: Warped Close E: Dor's Apartment S: [BARRICADED] W: Alley Golden roots ensnare the unconscious denizens of this hab cube. The lights are out and the coin-operated common area has malfunctioned. Although the noticeboard is still lit up. Junker Ferking scuttles around erratically, mantis arms poised. Junker Egil glides eerily over the ground. Junker Ferking's mantis arms dart out towards Dor. Junker Egil draws back and takes a menacing, gurgling breath. > w Alley N: Worker Habs E: Cube 96 S: Quarantine Zone A rusty pipe spills water into a drain blocked by piles of garbage. > n Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an electric lockpick, an aristocratic arm, a crowbar, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > i HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: (empty) SHOULDER BAG: keycard () BULLETS: 2 MONEY: 1000 Thaler-Joules > take crowbar Dor takes the crowbar from the POST point. > e (Checkpoint updated) Warped Close E: Pawnbrokers S: Cube 96 W: Worker Habs A dead partisan in a bandolier slumps in the shadows of this crooked street. Junker Egil glides eerily over the ground. A ripped fax flutters in the breeze. Junker Egil draws back and takes a menacing, gurgling breath. > s Cube 96 N: Warped Close E: Dor's Apartment S: [BARRICADED] W: Alley Golden roots ensnare the unconscious denizens of this hab cube. The lights are out and the coin-operated common area has malfunctioned. Although the noticeboard is still lit up. Junker Ferking scuttles around erratically, mantis arms poised. Junker Ferking's mantis arms dart out towards Dor. > shoot ferking Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Ferking and fires. The bullet strikes him directly in his single shining cyber-eye. Junker Ferking bursts apart in a shower of golden particles. > pry barricade With great effort, Dor dismantles the barricade with the crowbar. > s Apartment 186 N: Cube 96 A bare room with a mattress, a water cubicle and a pristine display case. An almost see-through young woman with short white hair sits on the mattress in cute little pyjamas, balancing a huge gyro rifle on her lap and keeping it aimed at the doorway. "Oh hello!" she says in a high, almost sing-song voice. "You're my neighbour, aren't you? Lucky I didn't blow your head off!" > talk to woman She holds out a hand. "The name's Nel, neighbour." Dor shakes it. "I'm Dor." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "That's a pretty big gun." 3. "Please help me." 4. "Can I see your GNOST implant?" 5. "Goodbye." > 2 "That's a pretty big gun." Nel hugs the rifle. "A dead partisan had it. I decided they didn't need it anymore. Only time I fired at one of those monsters, I missed - but it got the idea!" Dor laughs softly, then says, firmly: "Keep hold of it. And save your ammo." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "That's a pretty big gun." 3. "Please help me." 4. "Can I see your GNOST implant?" 5. "Goodbye." > 4 "Can I see your GNOST implant?" "Sure!" Nel says enthusiastically. "Um, but can I ask why?" "I can connect you to a new company. One opposing the Accretion Group and everything that's happening." "Oh, that sounds good! Of course." She swings the rifle away and turns to show her back to Dor. Dor touches two fingers to the spot where her implant should be, and a ghostly silver root connects there. Nel laughs musically. "That tickled!" (Dor gains a silver bullet.) 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "That's a pretty big gun." 3. "Please help me." 4. "Goodbye." > 1 "How have you survived?" Nel gestures to herself with one hand. "Well, I have phase syndrome." Oh! I remember now! It's a condition some newcomers are born with. Incurable, last I heard. Usually presents in the first two decades of life. Dor grimaces. "My cousin had it." Nel says, "The symptoms started a few orbits ago. The law says that if they fire me within ninety days of a diagnosis like this, it's discrimination - so they fired me on day ninety-one. For low productivity. They had a point, really. You try being productive with phase syndrome." Dor says, "Shit." "Anyway, my GNOST implant got blacklisted for non-payment of rent. I probably would have been evicted if this hadn't all happened. But everyone with a working implant seems to be caught up in that gold stuff? I'm pretty lucky in a lot of ways." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "That's a pretty big gun." 3. "Please help me." 4. "Goodbye." > 3 "Please help me." Nel looks dismayed. "I move pretty slowly these days, especially with this thing." She hefts the rifle. "And I don't really have anything I can give you. Sorry." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "That's a pretty big gun." 3. "Goodbye." > 3 "Goodbye." Nel waves cheerfully. "Don't be a stranger!" > n Cube 96 N: Warped Close E: Dor's Apartment S: Apartment 186 W: Alley Golden roots ensnare the unconscious denizens of this hab cube. The lights are out and the coin-operated common area has malfunctioned. Although the noticeboard is still lit up. > i HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: keycard () SHOULDER BAG: crowbar () BULLETS: 1, +1 silver MONEY: 1000 Thaler-Joules > w Alley N: Worker Habs E: Cube 96 S: Quarantine Zone A rusty pipe spills water into a drain blocked by piles of garbage. > n Worker Habs N: Industrial District E: Warped Close S: Alley W: Purification Facility The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an electric lockpick, an aristocratic arm, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. A teleprinted newspaper lies on the ground. > n (Checkpoint updated) Industrial District N: Sun-Sider's Quarter E: Lower Illume S: Worker Habs The shadows here are the same deep black as Dor's eyes, and the glowing roots of the Haustorium seem to avoid them. Junker Daluka prowls the city, a jewelled mace resting on her shoulder. Junker Daluka draws back the mace, ready to bring it down on Dor. > e Lower Illume N: Upper Illume E: Obsidian Riverbank W: Industrial District These are the old streets of the original city: grey brick buildings with peaked roofs crisscrossed with sagging, tangled cables. The Haustorium looms over the skyline to the north. > n Upper Illume N: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. > n Value Enhancement Centre Foyer E: [ARCHDUKE] S: Upper Illume W: [ARCHDUKE] The swollen bulk of the Archduke fills the foyer. Giant golden roots sprout from his gut and sink into the ground. The Archduke fixes his five shining cyber-eyes on Dor and inhales deeply. "DISGUSTING LITTLE BUG!" > shoot archduke with silver bullet Dor looks like she wants to attack something, but is confused about exactly what. > shoot archduke Dor loads the gyro gun with the silver bullet, aims carefully and blasts the Archduke directly between his five cyber-eyes. Silver roots writhe out of the cracks in the foyer floor, stabbing into the Archduke's vast bulk and squirming into his flesh. His stomach bursts open, spilling golden entrails and silver roots, but somehow he still clings to life. "I WON'T GO!" > s Upper Illume N: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. > s Lower Illume N: Upper Illume E: Obsidian Riverbank W: Industrial District These are the old streets of the original city: grey brick buildings with peaked roofs crisscrossed with sagging, tangled cables. The Haustorium looms over the skyline to the north. > e Obsidian Riverbank E: Tower District Bridge W: Lower Illume The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an electric lockpick, an aristocratic arm, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. > e (Checkpoint updated) Tower District Bridge E: Alizarine Road W: Obsidian Riverbank A small control hut sits beside the functional, metallic bulk of the bridge. In the control hut are a lever, a button, a switch (on) and a sticky note. > e Alizarine Road E: Tower District S: [LOCKED] W: Tower District Bridge A dead partisan sits in a pool of blood, propped up against a crashed ground-car. Junker Brutus stalks here, grinning carnivorously. Gold blood spills out between his needle teeth. Junker Brutus lunges at Dor, his needle-toothed jaw wide open. > shoot brutus Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Brutus and fires. The bullet blasts right through him with a golden splatter. Junker Brutus bursts apart in a shower of golden particles. > e Tower District N: Atrium W: Alizarine Road The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an electric lockpick, an aristocratic arm, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. > i HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: keycard () SHOULDER BAG: crowbar () BULLETS: 0 MONEY: 1000 Thaler-Joules > put keycard in post Dor puts the royal keycard in the POST point. > take lockpick Dor takes the electric lockpick from the POST point. > w (Checkpoint updated) Alizarine Road E: Tower District S: [LOCKED] W: Tower District Bridge A dead partisan sits in a pool of blood, propped up against a crashed ground-car. > pick lock Dor jams the electric lockpick into the lock and holds down the trigger. It whirs and grinds for a while - and then the lock pops open. > s Shady Office N: Alizarine Road Crammed full of boxes and containers. A defaced royal portrait hangs crooked on the wall. A half-burned fax sits on the floor. > read fa Dor looks like she wants to read something, but is confused about exactly what. > read fax It seems to be one part of a longer conversation: "FROM: Alpha Six TO: Alpha Cell HQ "No, you don't get it. You think that going to the Event Horizon has changed them somehow, made them monstrous. "But the whole deal with that place is that TIME BARELY PASSES. For them, all of their investments succeed or fail in the blink of an eye, with no consequences. "What I'm trying to make you understand is that the aristos of the Accretion Group were ALREADY LIKE THAT." > search boxes Dor finds a silver-dusted shadow worm and picks it up gently in cupped hands. Holding it close to her lips, she whispers something that I can't quite hear. The worm chirps happily and fades away. Back at the POST point, a new glowing fruit appears. > x portrait Not a portrait of me, surprisingly enough, but of my brother, the Third Prince. He was the first in our family to see Forsaken Edge as more than an unruly population to suppress. Yes, he had the moons ground up and compressed into gemstones, denizens be damned - he was the kind of man who'd end up assassinated by his own bodyguard - but if it wasn't for him, would I have taken an interest in the Royal Shipbreaking Company? Would I have ever met Dor? She looks behind the painting, finds nothing, and leaves it hanging crooked. > look Shady Office N: Alizarine Road Crammed full of boxes and containers. A defaced royal portrait hangs crooked on the wall. A half-burned fax sits on the floor. > search containers Dor finds 3 bullets, and takes them. > n Alizarine Road E: Tower District S: Shady Office W: Tower District Bridge A dead partisan sits in a pool of blood, propped up against a crashed ground-car. > e Tower District N: Atrium W: Alizarine Road The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base, bearing a single glowing fruit. In the POST point, Dor sees a royal keycard, an aristocratic arm, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. > n (Checkpoint updated) Atrium N: Custodian's Closet S: Tower District W: Audit Department Golden roots dangle from broken skylights. Junker Antonia sits rooted to the ground, sucking in energy from across the building, pulsating with stored vigour. Junker Antonia fixes that glowing cyber-eye on Dor and raises a taloned hand. > shoot antonia Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Antonia and fires. The bullet blasts right through her with a golden splatter. Junker Antonia is knocked flat and begins struggling to get back up. > shoot antonia Dor aims the gyro gun at Junker Antonia and fires. The bullet blasts right through her with a golden splatter. Junker Antonia explodes with a gruesome splat. Her roots squirm painfully back into the ground. > w Audit Department N: [LOCKED] E: Atrium Ethereal roots spill from cubicle to cubicle, entangling unconscious workers. > pick lock Dor jams the electric lockpick into the lock and holds down the trigger. It whirs and grinds for a while - and then the lock pops open. > n Break Room S: Audit Department The vending machine has been broken open. Food packets litter the curved sofa and low table. A translucent man in a SCAR Team jacket is sitting on the floor. He leaps to his feet when Dor enters, eyes wide. "Samuel?" Dor says. "What are you still doing here?" > talk to samuel "Samuel," Dor says. "Denizen," Samuel says, stiffly, "it's, like, such a relief to see a friendly face." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Why aren't you back on Luno?" 3. "Please help me." 4. "Can I see your GNOST implant?" 5. "Goodbye, Samuel." > 4 "Can I see your GNOST implant?" Samuel looks confused. "But it's not working. They made me redundant." "I know," Dor says. "But I can connect you to a new company. One opposing the Accretion Group and everything that's happening." He looks shocked. "Like, I don't want to get in trouble." I see a glimmer of anger in Dor's black eyes. "How long are those snacks going to last you, Samuel? How long will this door stand up to those monsters if they come for you? Are you just going to do nothing and hope it all gets better?" Samuel opens and closes his mouth several times. The glimmer flashes. "Show me your implant, citizen." Wisely, Samuel turns around and pulls down the collar of his jacket. Dor touches two fingers to the spot where his implant should be, and a ghostly silver root connects there. (Dor gains a silver bullet.) 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Why aren't you back on Luno?" 3. "Please help me." 4. "Goodbye, Samuel." > 1 "How have you survived?" Samuel glances at the vending machine. "My GNOST implant stopped working when they let me go, so that's why that gold stuff hasn't come for me? I think? And when those monsters turned up I just locked the door." Dor looks at the vending machine and raises her eyebrows. He cringes. "It's the one place I knew I could steal food from that isn't alarmed." Samuel looks ashamed, but I know that Dor's thinking something like, "Fucking amateur." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Why aren't you back on Luno?" 3. "Please help me." 4. "Goodbye, Samuel." > 2 "Why aren't you back on Luno?" He laughs unhappily. "So apparently it's in my contract that if I'm let go I have to pay back the expense of my 'training'. You know, that basic orientation that didn't tell me anything I didn't already know? And, like, the first mandatory payment came out of my account before I was able to buy a ticket home. Left me broke." Dor says, "Someone should've warned you about that. Sorry." Samuel shrugs. "The real kicker is, it's not a legal contract clause for a citizen. But it's not like I could afford a lawyer to do anything about it." A long silence stretches between them. They may both be newcomers, but only Samuel is a citizen of the Empire of the Final Sun. 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Why aren't you back on Luno?" 3. "Please help me." 4. "Goodbye, Samuel." > 3 "Please help me." Samuel looks around eagerly. "Of course, denizen. You take anything you want from that vending machine." Dor smiles unconvincingly. "Thanks." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Why aren't you back on Luno?" 3. "Goodbye, Samuel." > 3 "Goodbye, Samuel." "Bye Denizen Deweakes," Samuel says, like she's still his boss, leaving a nice awkward air between the two of them. Good grief. > search food Dor selects one of her favourite brands of junk snack and quickly chomps through it. (Her health monitor complains briefly.) > look Break Room S: Audit Department The vending machine has been broken open. Food packets litter the curved sofa and low table. Samuel is standing here sheepishly in his SCAR Team jacket. > s Audit Department N: Break Room E: Atrium Ethereal roots spill from cubicle to cubicle, entangling unconscious workers. > e Atrium N: Custodian's Closet S: Tower District W: Audit Department Golden roots dangle from broken skylights. > s Tower District N: Atrium W: Alizarine Road The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base, bearing a single glowing fruit. In the POST point, Dor sees a royal keycard, an aristocratic arm, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. > save Dor saves her data. > w (Checkpoint updated) Alizarine Road E: Tower District S: Shady Office W: Tower District Bridge A dead partisan sits in a pool of blood, propped up against a crashed ground-car. > w Tower District Bridge E: Alizarine Road W: Obsidian Riverbank A small control hut sits beside the functional, metallic bulk of the bridge. In the control hut are a lever, a button, a switch (on) and a sticky note. > w Obsidian Riverbank E: Tower District Bridge W: Lower Illume The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base, bearing a single glowing fruit. In the POST point, Dor sees a royal keycard, an aristocratic arm, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. > w (Checkpoint updated) Lower Illume N: Upper Illume E: Obsidian Riverbank W: Industrial District These are the old streets of the original city: grey brick buildings with peaked roofs crisscrossed with sagging, tangled cables. The Haustorium looms over the skyline to the north. Junker Daluka prowls the city, a jewelled mace resting on her shoulder. Junker Daluka draws back the mace, ready to bring it down on Dor. > n Upper Illume N: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. > n Value Enhancement Centre Foyer E: [ARCHDUKE] S: Upper Illume W: [ARCHDUKE] The swollen bulk of the Archduke fills the foyer. Silver roots writhe through his body, threatening to pull him apart. The Archduke fixes his five shining cyber-eyes on Dor and inhales deeply. "DEGENERATE LITTLE SHADOW!" > shoot archduke Dor loads the gyro gun with the silver bullet, aims carefully and blasts the Archduke directly between his five cyber-eyes. The silver roots renew their assault on the Archduke, tearing him limb from limb and dragging the pieces down into the floor. "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" Toxic golden vapours erupt from his belly as he dies, driving Dor back to the south. Upper Illume N: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer S: Lower Illume W: Sun-Sider's Quarter Dor was always ill-at-ease here, a feeling magnified now the Haustorium has set down its roots around the VEC just to the north. > n Value Enhancement Centre Foyer E: Growth S: Upper Illume W: Streamlining The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base, bearing a single glowing fruit. In the POST point, Dor sees a royal keycard, an aristocratic arm, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. "Look, darling!" I exclaim. "Look what he was sitting on this whole time!" > status HEALTH MONITOR: Red OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: crowbar () SHOULDER BAG: electric lockpick () BULLETS: 1 MONEY: 1000 Thaler-Joules > eat fruit Dor plucks the glowing fruit. It begins to disintegrate in her hand. She quickly eats it. (Dor's health monitor beeps and changes to yellow.) > e (Checkpoint updated) Growth N: Meeting Rooms W: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer The cubicles here are choked with golden roots. The mummified workers twitch and moan infrequently. > n Meeting Rooms E: [BARRICADED] S: Growth W: Space Elevator Lobby Shiny corridors lined with incomprehensible motivational posters and a small metallic panel. > s Growth N: Meeting Rooms W: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer The cubicles here are choked with golden roots. The mummified workers twitch and moan infrequently. > w Value Enhancement Centre Foyer E: Growth S: Upper Illume W: Streamlining The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees a royal keycard, an aristocratic arm, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. > put lockpick in post Dor puts the electric lockpick in the POST point. > take crowbar Dor already has the crowbar. > i HEALTH MONITOR: Yellow OUTFIT: business casual (white blouse, black shorts), Imperial Signet Ring LEFT HAND: gyro gun () RIGHT HAND: (empty) SHOULDER BAG: crowbar () BULLETS: 1 MONEY: 1000 Thaler-Joules > Dor blinks. (If you want to repeat the description of the current location, use the command . If you want time to pass, use .) > e (Checkpoint updated) Growth N: Meeting Rooms W: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer The cubicles here are choked with golden roots. The mummified workers twitch and moan infrequently. > n Meeting Rooms E: [BARRICADED] S: Growth W: Space Elevator Lobby Shiny corridors lined with incomprehensible motivational posters and a small metallic panel. > pry barricade With great effort, Dor dismantles the barricade with the crowbar. > e Conference Room 3 W: Meeting Rooms A circular conference table dominates the room, with a couple of filing cabinets against the wall. A gaunt sun-sider woman is huddled in the corner. > talk to woman The woman looks up at Dor eagerly. Her eyes are red and her lips cracked. "Finally! Are you from Tech Support?" I'm shocked to see Dor looking contrite. "Audit Team. SCAR second lead." The woman looks baffled. "What good is that to me?" "Let's find out. I'm Dor, by the way." "Karla," the woman says, eventually. 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Please help me." 3. "Can I see your GNOST implant?" 4. "Goodbye." > 1 "How have you survived?" "I'm not sure I have. My GNOST implant lost its connection a few weeks- sorry, orbits ago and I filed a support ticket right away. I kept getting bounced between different Technical Synergy Agents, answering the same questions over and over. I just want to get it fixed! I can't work without it! They're paying me to come into the office and fail to connect to anything! For weeks! What is this going to mean for my performance review?" Dor takes all that in. "I think, really, you have been quite lucky." Seeing Karla's expression, she quickly adds, "Even if you don't feel like it. And what about all the weird tentacles and monsters?" Karla waves a hand in the direction of the rest of the VEC. "The Board knows what it's doing. They have millennia of combined experience." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Please help me." 3. "Can I see your GNOST implant?" 4. "Goodbye." > 3 "Can I see your GNOST implant?" Karla almost starts to turn around, but then changes her mind. "Do you think I want to let someone who's not an authorised Technical Synergy Agent fuck about with my implant? And give them more excuses to pass my support ticket back and forth?" I can see Dor considering a wealth of different avenues, including, I expect, some spectacular lies. But in the end, she settles for the truth. "I can connect you to a new company. One opposing the Accretion Group and everything that's happening." "That's even worse," Karla says. "Stay away from me." Dor says, "I thought you'd feel that way. Never mind, then." 1. "How have you survived?" 2. "Please help me." 3. "Goodbye." > 3 "Goodbye." Karla says nothing. > s Dor bumps into a wall. > look Conference Room 3 W: Meeting Rooms A circular conference table dominates the room, with a couple of filing cabinets against the wall. Karla is huddled in the corner. > search cabinets Dor finds 3 bullets in one of the filing cabinets. I suppose this place is even more mercenary than it seems. > search table Dor searches the conference table, and finds a share certificate. > x certificate The share certificate looks rather valuable. > take certificate Dor takes the share certificate from the conference table. > w Meeting Rooms E: Conference Room 3 S: Growth W: Space Elevator Lobby Shiny corridors lined with incomprehensible motivational posters and a small metallic panel. > s Growth N: Meeting Rooms W: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer The cubicles here are choked with golden roots. The mummified workers twitch and moan infrequently. > w Value Enhancement Centre Foyer E: Growth S: Upper Illume W: Streamlining The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an electric lockpick, a royal keycard, an aristocratic arm, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. > w (Checkpoint updated) Streamlining N: Cafeteria E: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer The cubicles here are choked with golden roots, but the desiccated workers still move with jerky, shuddering motions. Junker Nennius drags four, long-clawed arms behind him. One of my mechanical guardians slumps broken-down in the corner. Junker Nennius swings his four arms rapidly at Dor. > n Cafeteria E: Space Elevator Lobby S: Streamlining The tables are pristine and deserted. Junker Mavia moves so fast that she seems to stand still. One moment she's here, the next she's there. Junker Mavia fixes her single cyber-eye on Dor. > e Space Elevator Lobby N: [NO ELEVATOR] E: Meeting Rooms W: Cafeteria There's a gold button next to the ornate doors. Thick golden roots tangle around the gigantic elevator cable that disappears up into the sky. Junker Khuit sashays through the VEC, her glowing cyber-eye shifting between soothing pinks and purples. Junker Lupa stomps through the VEC, barely fitting beneath the ceiling. Junker Khuit draws close to Dor, fixing that mesmerising cyber-eye on her. Junker Lupa raises an enormous fist. > e Meeting Rooms E: Conference Room 3 S: Growth W: Space Elevator Lobby Shiny corridors lined with incomprehensible motivational posters and a small metallic panel. > x panel Dor opens the panel to find a single button marked "START". > press button As soon as Dor pushes the start button, unintelligible holographic charts and runes begin strobing through the air. A painfully neutral artificial voice says, "Displaying figure 1 of 5." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. A painfully neutral artificial voice says, "Displaying figure 2 of 5." Junker Mavia arrives from the west. Junker Mavia fixes her cyber-eye on the flickering holograms and rasps to herself. > w Space Elevator Lobby N: [NO ELEVATOR] E: Meeting Rooms W: Cafeteria There's a gold button next to the ornate doors. Thick golden roots tangle around the gigantic elevator cable that disappears up into the sky. Junker Khuit sashays through the VEC, her glowing cyber-eye shifting between soothing pinks and purples. Junker Lupa stomps through the VEC, barely fitting beneath the ceiling. Junker Khuit draws close to Dor, fixing that mesmerising cyber-eye on her. Junker Lupa raises an enormous fist. > e Meeting Rooms E: Conference Room 3 S: Growth W: Space Elevator Lobby Shiny corridors lined with incomprehensible motivational posters and a small metallic panel. Holographic runes and charts spin through the air. Junker Mavia moves so fast that she seems to stand still. One moment she's here, the next she's there. A painfully neutral artificial voice says, "Displaying figure 4 of 5." Junker Lupa arrives from the west. Junker Lupa fixes her cyber-eye on the twitching holograms and growls to herself. Junker Mavia fixes her cyber-eye on the spasming holograms and rasps to herself. > w Space Elevator Lobby N: [NO ELEVATOR] E: Meeting Rooms W: Cafeteria There's a gold button next to the ornate doors. Thick golden roots tangle around the gigantic elevator cable that disappears up into the sky. > press button Dor presses the gold button. An automated voice announces: "The space elevator is now in transit. Please wait here for its arrival." > wait Dor waits, looking around furtively. The automated voice announces: "Space elevator descent 10 percent complete." Junker Nennius arrives from the west. > e The automated voice announces: "Thank you for requesting the space elevator. The elevator will now return to orbit." Meeting Rooms E: Conference Room 3 S: Growth W: Space Elevator Lobby Shiny corridors lined with incomprehensible motivational posters and a small metallic panel. Junker Lupa stomps through the VEC, barely fitting beneath the ceiling. Junker Mavia moves so fast that she seems to stand still. One moment she's here, the next she's there. Junker Lupa raises an enormous fist. Junker Mavia fixes her single cyber-eye on Dor. > w Space Elevator Lobby N: [NO ELEVATOR] E: Meeting Rooms W: Cafeteria There's a gold button next to the ornate doors. Thick golden roots tangle around the gigantic elevator cable that disappears up into the sky. Junker Nennius drags four, long-clawed arms behind him. The automated voice announces: "Space elevator descent 10 percent complete." Junker Nennius swings his four arms rapidly at Dor. > w The automated voice announces: "Thank you for requesting the space elevator. The elevator will now return to orbit." Cafeteria E: Space Elevator Lobby S: Streamlining The tables are pristine and deserted. Junker Khuit sashays through the VEC, her glowing cyber-eye shifting between soothing pinks and purples. Junker Khuit draws close to Dor, fixing that mesmerising cyber-eye on her. > e Space Elevator Lobby N: [NO ELEVATOR] E: Meeting Rooms W: Cafeteria There's a gold button next to the ornate doors. Thick golden roots tangle around the gigantic elevator cable that disappears up into the sky. Junker Nennius drags four, long-clawed arms behind him. The automated voice announces: "Space elevator descent 10 percent complete." Junker Nennius swings his four arms rapidly at Dor. > w The automated voice announces: "Thank you for requesting the space elevator. The elevator will now return to orbit." Cafeteria E: Space Elevator Lobby S: Streamlining The tables are pristine and deserted. Junker Khuit sashays through the VEC, her glowing cyber-eye shifting between soothing pinks and purples. Junker Khuit draws close to Dor, fixing that mesmerising cyber-eye on her. > e Space Elevator Lobby N: [NO ELEVATOR] E: Meeting Rooms W: Cafeteria There's a gold button next to the ornate doors. Thick golden roots tangle around the gigantic elevator cable that disappears up into the sky. Junker Lupa stomps through the VEC, barely fitting beneath the ceiling. Junker Nennius drags four, long-clawed arms behind him. The automated voice announces: "Space elevator descent 10 percent complete." Junker Lupa raises an enormous fist. Junker Nennius swings his four arms rapidly at Dor. > w The automated voice announces: "Thank you for requesting the space elevator. The elevator will now return to orbit." Cafeteria E: Space Elevator Lobby S: Streamlining The tables are pristine and deserted. Junker Khuit sashays through the VEC, her glowing cyber-eye shifting between soothing pinks and purples. Junker Khuit draws close to Dor, fixing that mesmerising cyber-eye on her. > s Streamlining N: Cafeteria E: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer The cubicles here are choked with golden roots, but the desiccated workers still move with jerky, shuddering motions. One of my mechanical guardians slumps broken-down in the corner. > e Value Enhancement Centre Foyer E: Growth S: Upper Illume W: Streamlining The purple cylinder of a POST point juts up from the ground. Silver roots cling to its base. In the POST point, Dor sees an electric lockpick, a royal keycard, an aristocratic arm, and some bolt cutters. My hologram hovers nearby. > e (Checkpoint updated) Growth N: Meeting Rooms W: Value Enhancement Centre Foyer The cubicles here are choked with golden roots. The mummified workers twitch and moan infrequently. Junker Mavia moves so fast that she seems to stand still. One moment she's here, the next she's there. Junker Mavia fixes her single cyber-eye on Dor. > n Meeting Rooms E: Conference Room 3 S: Growth W: Space Elevator Lobby Shiny corridors lined with incomprehensible motivational posters and a small metallic panel. > press button As soon as Dor pushes the start button, unintelligible holographic charts and runes begin strobing through the air. A painfully neutral artificial voice says, "Displaying figure 1 of 5." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. A painfully neutral artificial voice says, "Displaying figure 2 of 5." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. A painfully neutral artificial voice says, "Displaying figure 3 of 5." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. A painfully neutral artificial voice says, "Displaying figure 4 of 5." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. A painfully neutral artificial voice says, "Displaying figure 5 of 5." > press button Dor pushes the button, but nothing new happens. The holographic displays blink out of existence just as suddenly as they appeared. > well ok then! Dor falters. She seems confused about what she's trying to do. (Enter the command if you want some pointers about how to play.)