Here begins a transcript of interaction with TRINITY An Interactive Fantasy Copyright (C)1986 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved. Trinity is a trademark of Infocom, Inc. Interpreter 1 Version C Release 12 / Serial Number 860926 >w Cottage An iron cauldron, brown with the crust of years, squats in the middle of this tiny chamber. Coils of steam writhe from its depths, filling the air with a greasy stench that makes your nose wrinkle. Luckily, the front and back doors are both wide open. A crudely drawn map hangs upon the wall. The biggest book you've ever seen lies open on a pedestal in the corner. >w Bluff A spectacular crop of toadstools extends far and wide across the valley below. Narrow trails curve southeast and southwest, away from the edge of the bluff. To the east stands a little cottage, nestled in a shady copse. The front door is open. The magpie beats its wings. >sw Chasm's Brink The chasm at your feet is striped with colorful layers of rock. Narrow paths twist northeast and northwest, uneasily close to the edge. Other trails lead off into the forest. To the north, a rocky mesa towers like a golf tee from the depths of the chasm. Only thirty feet separate you from its flattened summit. An oak tree lies fallen across the chasm. >w North Bog A thick, suffocating miasma lingers among the trees; the black earth is squishy with corruption. You can hear dripping liquids and other moist sounds close by. Paths wander off in many directions. High rock walls curve away to the north and southwest. A big Venus flytrap is growing nearby. Its crimson jaws are wide open, exposing a cavity that gleams with sweet-smelling ichor. The magpie sharpens its beak. >se Bottom of Stairs The triangular structure before you must be thousands of feet high. It divides the sky like a razor, casting a stern, precise shadow over the surrounding landscape. A narrow stairway climbs north, up the hypotenuse of the triangle. Footpaths converge on the stair from every direction. You see an umbrella, a bag of crumbs, a piece of paper and an axe here. >drop cage You put down the birdcage. The magpie mutters, "Awk! Killed in the light of a crescent moon." >i You're holding a splinter (providing light). You're wearing a wristwatch, and you have a small coin and a credit card in your pocket. >w South Bog The ground is damp and squishy underfoot, especially along the stream that wanders west and southeast between the black trees. >w Waterfall A curtain of water tumbles off the western cliffs into a deep, rocky pool. From there, a mountain stream wanders off into the forest. Footpaths follow the stream east, past a giant toadstool. The white door in its stem is closed. A flight of stone steps has been hewn into the face of the north cliff. >n You carefully ascend the stone steps. Cemetery Gloomy statues lie toppled among the tombstones, their broken limbs and heads scattered like the carnage of a ghastly battle. A granite crypt lies across the ground. Beyond it rises the mound of an ancient barrow. A black tunnel leads north, into the barrow. Sudden drops fall away on every side but south, where a flight of stone steps descends the cliff. >n Barrow The splinter's ghostly flicker does little to dispel the gloom of this subterranean passage. Craggy walls bend away to the north and south. A small hole is visible in the wall. A clatter breaks the silence! You turn, and watch helplessly as a spiked door crashes down across the south exit. Something just moved. You peer uneasily beyond the pool of light around the splinter. Nothing. Then, as your eyes adjust, you descry a vaguely human outline crouched against the tunnel wall. "Barrow wight," mutters a voice in your ear. >x wight One of the barrow wight's eyes dangles from its socket on a moist pink nerve. The other glares back at you from the darkness of the tunnel. >x hole The hole is quite small. The barrow wight studies you with its red eye. >i You're holding a splinter (providing light). You're wearing a wristwatch, and you have a small coin and a credit card in your pocket. >z Time passes. The barrow wight licks a stream of drool off its chin. >z Time passes. >z Time passes. The barrow wight's breathing echoes in the tunnel. >z Time passes. The barrow wight sharpens its claws on a rock. >z Time passes. The barrow wight is watching you with interest. >z Time passes. The barrow wight rubs its eye, then turns to squint at you. >z Time passes. >z Time passes. The barrow wight growls in its throat. >z Time passes. The barrow wight studies you with its red eye. >z Time passes. The barrow wight licks a stream of drool off its chin. >d You don't see any exit that way. >e There's no exit that way. >w There's no exit that way. >n The barrow wight covers its eye with its claws and bellows something awful as you pass. Ossuary Naked slopes veer upward on every side, forming a natural hollow that is filled to a depth of several inches with human bones. The only exit is a dark opening to the south. A giant toadstool is flourishing in the rich fertilizer. The white door in its stem is closed. >x bones The bones are bleached white from years in the sun. They range from bits of rib and skull to complete skeletons. >get bones As you sift dispiritedly through the bones, a skeleton key, still clutched in a long-dead hand, catches your eye. >x key Its slender form reminds you of a crooked finger. >s Barrow The splinter's ghostly flicker does little to dispel the gloom of this subterranean passage. Craggy walls bend away to the north and south. A barrow wight is lurking in the darkness close at hand. A small hole is visible in the wall. >put key in hole You're not holding that. >n The barrow wight stumbles out of your way. Ossuary Naked slopes veer upward on every side, forming a natural hollow that is filled to a depth of several inches with human bones. The only exit is a dark opening to the south. A giant toadstool is flourishing in the rich fertilizer. The white door in its stem is closed. There's a skeleton key here. >get key You gently pry the skeleton key out from between the fingers. [Your score just went up by 1 point. The total is now 27 out of 100.] >s Barrow The splinter's ghostly flicker does little to dispel the gloom of this subterranean passage. Craggy walls bend away to the north and south. A barrow wight is lurking in the darkness close at hand. A small hole is visible in the wall. >put key in hole The skeleton key slides into the hole with a satisfying click. The barrow wight's breathing echoes in the tunnel. >turn key You slowly twist the key in the hole. The ground under your feet is moving! You leap out of the way, and watch as a hidden slope opens up beneath the keyhole. [Your score just went up by 1 point. The total is now 28 out of 100.] The barrow wight stomps its feet and howls with rage. >w There's no exit that way. >look Barrow The splinter's ghostly flicker does little to dispel the gloom of this subterranean passage. Craggy walls bend away to the north and south; chill vapors rise from a slope that descends into darkness. A barrow wight is lurking in the darkness close at hand. A skeleton key is sticking out of the wall. >s The spiked door blocks your path. >d You slide down into gloom that grows colder and colder... Ice Cavern You're in a vast underground cavern, cold enough to see your breath. Icicles on the ceiling glitter in the light shining in through an opening in the east wall. Beyond it, a curtain of water fills the cavern with its splashing roar. With a rusty creak, the slope behind you retracts into the ceiling. A clatter and thump fill the cavern with a sinister echo. Then everything is quiet. >e You edge your way around the waterfall. Waterfall A curtain of water tumbles off the western cliffs into a deep, rocky pool. From there, a mountain stream wanders off into the forest. Footpaths follow the stream east, past a giant toadstool. The white door in its stem is closed. A flight of stone steps has been hewn into the face of the north cliff. >w You edge around the curtain of water. Ice Cavern You're in a vast underground cavern, cold enough to see your breath. Icicles on the ceiling glitter in the light shining in through an opening in the east wall. Beyond it, a curtain of water fills the cavern with its splashing roar. >e You edge your way around the waterfall. Waterfall A curtain of water tumbles off the western cliffs into a deep, rocky pool. From there, a mountain stream wanders off into the forest. Footpaths follow the stream east, past a giant toadstool. The white door in its stem is closed. A flight of stone steps has been hewn into the face of the north cliff. >n You carefully ascend the stone steps. Cemetery Gloomy statues lie toppled among the tombstones, their broken limbs and heads scattered like the carnage of a ghastly battle. A granite crypt lies across the ground. Beyond it rises the mound of an ancient barrow. A black tunnel leads north, into the barrow. Sudden drops fall away on every side but south, where a flight of stone steps descends the cliff. >n Barrow The splinter's ghostly flicker does little to dispel the gloom of this subterranean passage. Craggy walls bend away to the north and south. A barrow wight is slavering noisily in the darkness close at hand. A skeleton key is sticking out of the wall. A clatter breaks the silence! You turn, and watch helplessly as a spiked door crashes down across the south exit. The barrow wight sharpens its claws on a rock. >d You don't see any exit that way. >turn key You slowly twist the key in the hole. The ground under your feet is moving! You leap out of the way, and watch as a hidden slope opens up beneath the keyhole. The barrow wight stomps its feet and howls with rage. >s The spiked door blocks your path. >d You slide down into gloom that grows colder and colder... Ice Cavern You're in a vast underground cavern, cold enough to see your breath. Icicles on the ceiling glitter in the light shining in through an opening in the east wall. Beyond it, a curtain of water fills the cavern with its splashing roar. With a rusty creak, the slope behind you retracts into the ceiling. A clatter and thump fill the cavern with a sinister echo. Then everything is quiet. >e You edge your way around the waterfall. Waterfall A curtain of water tumbles off the western cliffs into a deep, rocky pool. From there, a mountain stream wanders off into the forest. Footpaths follow the stream east, past a giant toadstool. The white door in its stem is closed. A flight of stone steps has been hewn into the face of the north cliff. >e South Bog The ground is damp and squishy underfoot, especially along the stream that wanders west and southeast between the black trees. >e Bottom of Stairs The triangular structure before you must be thousands of feet high. It divides the sky like a razor, casting a stern, precise shadow over the surrounding landscape. A narrow stairway climbs north, up the hypotenuse of the triangle. Footpaths converge on the stair from every direction. You see a birdcage, an umbrella, a bag of crumbs, a piece of paper and an axe here. Inside the birdcage you see a magpie. >i You're holding a splinter (providing light). You're wearing a wristwatch, and you have a small coin and a credit card in your pocket. >e The Bend An exhausted stream trickles into a river that bends to the south and east. The opposite shore is veiled behind a thick mist. Paths meander off in many directions from the river's edge. >n Under Cliff Smooth walls of rock vault straight up and then lean inward, forming a natural roof that partially hides the sky. Trails lead out from under the cliff in many directions. A swarm of bees has staked out this formation for itself by building an enormous hive under the arch. The faint buzzing sound from the hive is magnified by the cliff's acoustics into a loud, frightening drone. >save [SAVE completed.] >x hive The gray mass of the beehive hangs down from the overhanging cliff. A dark opening in the bottom is low enough to reach. >search hive Little can be seen from where you're standing. >put hand in hive You reach recklessly into the hive, and feel something sticky at your fingertips. Then a sharp, burning pain sears your hand like fire! Howling with agony, you yank your arm out of the hive and shake a gigantic bee off your swelling hand. The giant bee spit-polishes its stinger. >w Chasm's Brink The chasm at your feet is striped with colorful layers of rock. Narrow paths twist northeast and northwest, uneasily close to the edge. Other trails lead off into the forest. To the north, a rocky mesa towers like a golf tee from the depths of the chasm. Only thirty feet separate you from its flattened summit. An oak tree lies fallen across the chasm. You hear a familiar buzz nearby. A soap bubble appears high overhead. It hovers for a moment before it bursts with a flabby pop. >z Time passes. You hear the bee circling above your head. >z Time passes. The giant bee evades your flying hands, and plants a second sting right in the middle of your forehead. You scream with blinding agony. A voice in your ear sniggers, "One more like that, and you've had it." A soap bubble appears high overhead. It hovers for a moment before it bursts with a flabby pop. >w North Bog A thick, suffocating miasma lingers among the trees; the black earth is squishy with corruption. You can hear dripping liquids and other moist sounds close by. Paths wander off in many directions. High rock walls curve away to the north and southwest. A big Venus flytrap is growing nearby. Its crimson jaws are wide open, exposing a cavity that gleams with sweet-smelling ichor. Buzzing angrily, the giant bee hovers close by. The sweet smell of the flytrap stops the bee in mid-buzz. Forgetting its anger, the insect hovers above the open jaws, then touches down to sample the glistening ichor. Click! The flytrap snaps shut. After a few minutes, the faint buzzing dies away. A soap bubble appears high overhead. It hovers for a moment before it bursts with a flabby pop. >x me Aside from your London vacation outfit, you're wearing a wristwatch. >diagnose You feel much as you'd expect, considering what you've been through. >i You're holding a splinter (providing light). You're wearing a wristwatch, and you have a small coin and a credit card in your pocket. >x hand Your fingers are still there. >x honey You can't see any honey here. >e Chasm's Brink The chasm at your feet is striped with colorful layers of rock. Narrow paths twist northeast and northwest, uneasily close to the edge. Other trails lead off into the forest. To the north, a rocky mesa towers like a golf tee from the depths of the chasm. Only thirty feet separate you from its flattened summit. An oak tree lies fallen across the chasm. A soap bubble appears high overhead. It hovers for a moment before it bursts with a flabby pop. >e Under Cliff Smooth walls of rock vault straight up and then lean inward, forming a natural roof that partially hides the sky. Trails lead out from under the cliff in many directions. A swarm of bees has staked out this formation for itself by building an enormous hive under the arch. The faint buzzing sound from the hive is magnified by the cliff's acoustics into a loud, frightening drone. >get honey You can't see any honey here. >put hand in hive You reach recklessly into the hive, and feel something sticky at your fingertips. Without hesitation, you yank your arm out of the hive and find your hand gleaming with a golden handful of honey. [Your score just went up by 3 points. The total is now 31 out of 100.] >w Chasm's Brink The chasm at your feet is striped with colorful layers of rock. Narrow paths twist northeast and northwest, uneasily close to the edge. Other trails lead off into the forest. To the north, a rocky mesa towers like a golf tee from the depths of the chasm. Only thirty feet separate you from its flattened summit. An oak tree lies fallen across the chasm. >ne Bluff A spectacular crop of toadstools extends far and wide across the valley below. Narrow trails curve southeast and southwest, away from the edge of the bluff. To the east stands a little cottage, nestled in a shady copse. The front door is open. >e Cottage An iron cauldron, brown with the crust of years, squats in the middle of this tiny chamber. Coils of steam writhe from its depths, filling the air with a greasy stench that makes your nose wrinkle. Luckily, the front and back doors are both wide open. A crudely drawn map hangs upon the wall. The biggest book you've ever seen lies open on a pedestal in the corner. >x honey It's all over your hand. >put honey in cauldron The honey sticks stubbornly to your hand. >put hand in cauldron You plunge your hand into the boiling liquid. Ouch! At least you got that honey off your fingers. [Your score just went up by 1 point. The total is now 32 out of 100.] >save [SAVE completed.] >eat honey You lick all the honey off your fingers. Yum. >