Start of a transcript of: Zugzwang An Interactive Battle by Vanessa Jygon and Eleanor Jimmy Release 1 / Serial number 240709 / Inform 7 v10.1.2 Inform 7 v10.1.2 Identification number: //FF82551A-1B5F-4E48-96DF-78F805BE1A6A// Standard interpreter 1.1 (1C) >x me Sun-baked, scarred, mud to his belly, blood on his face. >i The Last Pawn will need to go into battle first. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >* badass (Noted.) >i The Last Pawn will need to go into battle first. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >x me Sun-baked, scarred, mud to his belly, blood on his face. >l The Moment Before Battle The Last Pawn gathers his wits about him. His order was to become the weapon that they lost. To do this he must fight and learn the secret moves of his savage enemies who surround him on all cardinal sides. >abot The Last Pawn will need to go into battle first. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >about The Last Pawn will need to go into battle first. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >w The Walls A great rock of obsidian rises up before the Pawn. He wonders how he can possible defeat this immovable lump. Hitting it, the pawn's blows merely glance off. THE PAWN HAS LEARNED FORTIFY! The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >i The Last Pawn will only need to look, examine, go (N, E, S, W), or attack. Attacks: Fortify. >attack The Pawn tries another hit at the Rock, but it has no effect. >n The Wrymspires The Pawn wanders towards the great wyrmspires that spiral out of the jungle. He hears a bone-rattling cry: it's the Wyrm Knight! Wearing gleaming black armour, adorned with spikes, the Wyrm Knight flies her draconic mount. The Wyrm flies off to the side before veering at a sharp angle at the Pawn! The Pawn ducks as a cascade of fire rains down on him. THE PAWN HAS LEARNED FLAMES! The Pawn can go to: The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >x knight The Wyrm Knight can be briefly glimpsed flying between the spires. >w The Walls The Pawn tries another hit at the Rock, but it has no effect. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >x rock A mountain of obsidian protects this hostile jungle. >flames The Pawn bathes the great Rock in waves of cleansing fire. The Rock sits, unmoved as ever. >n The Wrymspires Spiralling above, the Wyrm Knight is too high to hit with conventional attacks. The Pawn can go to: The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >fortify The Wyrm Knight rides at an oblique angle, showering flames at the Pawn. The Pawn stands there, and takes the blow with his rocky skin. >flames The wyrm rains down fire from above, ridden by its expert rider. The pawn returns the flames, but it has no effect on either the wyrm or the Knight. >w The Walls The Pawn tries another hit at the Rock, but it has no effect. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >fortify The Pawn stands still before the obsidian mountain. The Rock stands stiller. >s The Deep Jungle The pawn walks among the huge trees of the deeper jungle. One of them stirs, its two knothole eyes gleaming like smouldering coals. It's the King of Ebony! The Pawn charges but is tangled by a glorious burst of flowers. Every step he takes towards the beast, he is twisted round by glorious bouquets! THE PAWN HAS LEARNED FLOWERS! The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >x king The King of Ebony stands tall on his tangled throne of roots. Two black knotholes follow the Pawn's movements. >flames The Pawn launches a fireball at the King of Ebony. The tree lifts a great branch to bat the burst of flames out the way. Roots burst from the ground, trapping the Pawn, tying its hands down. With another flame burst, he's free. THE PAWN HAS LEARNED SNARE! >fortify The Pawn stands still, hardening his skin. The King of Ebony stands still, slowly photosynthesising. >flowers The Pawn summons forth flowers but for each bursting bouquet the King matches with his own more verdant volley. He is, for now, the greater combat-florist. >flames The Pawn attacks with a barrage of flame. The King's bark crackles off to reveal his dense core within. >snare The Pawn tries to lift a root to ensnare the King, but the King has power of all roots in his domain, and the roots fail to do the Pawn's bidding. >flames The Pawn sends forth more fire, but it seems to have no effect on the King of Ebony. >fortify The Pawn stands still, hardening his skin. The King of Ebony stands still, slowly photosynthesising. >snare The Pawn tries to lift a root to ensnare the King, but the King has power of all roots in his domain, and the roots fail to do the Pawn's bidding. >flowers The Pawn summons forth flowers but for each bursting bouquet the King matches with his own more verdant volley. He is, for now, the greater combat-florist. >flame The Last Pawn will only need to look, examine, go (N, E, S, W), or attack. Attacks: Flowers, Flames, Snare, Fortify. >flames The Pawn sends forth more fire, but it seems to have no effect on the King of Ebony. >n The Wrymspires Spiralling above, the Wyrm Knight is too high to hit with conventional attacks. The Pawn can go to: The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >snare Roots burst up out of the ground and climb the spires, searching for the Wyrm Knight. The Pawn wills the roots to go further, but his power is not yet strong enough to command the trees at this distance. >flowers The flowers grow up part of the wyrmspires, but they're unable to touch the Knight as she flies above. >w The Walls The Pawn tries another hit at the Rock, but it has no effect. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >snare Dozens of roots burst forth from the ground and snake up the huge Rock. Even ensnared, the rock is as yet undefeated. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >flames The Pawn bathes the great Rock in waves of cleansing fire. The Rock sits, unmoved as ever. >flowers The Pawn spreads forth a great bed of flowers that cover the rock, widening the cracks. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >flames The Pawn bathes the great Rock in waves of cleansing fire. The Rock sits, unmoved as ever. >fortify The Pawn stands still before the obsidian mountain. The Rock stands stiller. >snare The roots twist tighter across the great Rock, but still the mountain stands. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >e As the Pawn leaves, fresh layers of silt spill out across the Rock, clearing its facings and sealing its cracks. The Temple Complex The Last Pawn walks in amidst the jungle beneath the obsidian pillars that hold up the temple. He catches a glimpse of the Black Cardinal running above, rochet rippling. Black scripture flies through the air. The pawn dives out of the way of a blast of raw theology. Well, two can play at that game. THE PAWN HAS LEARNED THEOLOGY! The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Walls (W). >x cardinal The Cardinal sidles at strange angles here. >theology The Pawn trades dictates with the priest upon the pillars, but that priest always has a clever answer. >snare Roots spiral up the pillars of the temple complex, seeking out the shifty bishop. But the Cardinal refuses to be ensnared! Weaving slippery apologetics around himself, he always steps diagonally out of danger. >flowers The Pawn casts forth a spray of flowers that grow around the pillars, but they never gain purchase on the Cardinal. >flames The Pawn sprays fire around the temple complex but the Cardinal is always a step ahead, burning holy scripture raining down from the pillars above. >fortify The Pawn hardens his heart. The Cardinal continues to step from pillar to pillar. >i The Last Pawn will only need to look, examine, go (N, E, S, W), or attack. Attacks: Flowers, Flames, Theology, Snare, Fortify. >n The Wrymspires Spiralling above, the Wyrm Knight is too high to hit with conventional attacks. The Pawn can go to: The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >theology With ecclesiastical verve, our hero spews forth refined postulates at the Wyrm Knight. The Knight clasps her ears at her helmet while the wyrm lets out an ear-piercing screech. THE PAWN HAS LEARNED SCREECH! >snare Roots burst up out of the ground and climb the spires, searching for the Wyrm Knight. The Pawn wills the roots to go further, but his power is not yet strong enough to command the trees at this distance. >theology As soon as the Pawn begins his litany once again, the wyrm drowns him out with its powerful screeching. >flames The wyrm rains down fire from above, ridden by its expert rider. The pawn returns the flames, but it has no effect on either the wyrm or the Knight. >w The Walls The Pawn tries another hit at the Rock, but it has no effect. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >snare Dozens of roots burst forth from the ground and snake up the huge Rock. Even ensnared, the rock is as yet undefeated. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >flowers The Pawn spreads forth a great bed of flowers that cover the rock, widening the cracks. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >screech The Rock, flowered and vine-wrapped succumbs with the Pawn's screech. The obsidian tower rumbles, crumbles, claimed by jungle!. THE PAWN HAS GROWN STRONGER! The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >* extra period, there (Noted.) >l The Walls The wildness of the jungle is bounded by a rough stone wall. The once mighty Rock of the wall is nowhere to be seen. >x rock The once mighty Rock of the wall has crumbled. >n The Wrymspires Spiralling above, the Wyrm Knight is too high to hit with conventional attacks. The Pawn can go to: The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >snare Flexing his muscles, the Pawn sends out a great twist of roots from the ground. They hurtle through the air towards the Wyrm Knight. The Knight barrel rolls to the left. The pawn has seen this coming and second net of roots bursts up from behind the wyrmspires directly at the Knight! The wyrm sets forth a burst of flames but it's too late! The pair are tangled in the roots and pulled to the earth. The Pawn strolls along the furrow where they landed and saps their power, reducing the once great knight and wyrm to dust. THE PAWN HAS GROWN STRONGER! The Pawn can go to: The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >* "second" should be "a second", I think (Noted.) >x knight The Wyrm Knight has been beaten. >l The Wrymspires The wyrmspires jut out from the jungle at strange angles, the twisted obsidian towers dotted with dens and docking bays for the wyrms. The Wyrm Knight has been beaten. >x wyrm The Wyrm Knight has been beaten. >x towers That noun did not make sense in this context. >x tower The Pawn will need to go to The Walls first! >e The Temple Complex The pawn tries to tackle the tricksome bishop, but he stays on the temple pillars, untouchable. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Walls (W). >snare The Cardinal refuses to be ensnared! Weaving slippery apologetics around himself, he always steps diagonally out of danger. >flowers The Pawn casts forth a spray of flowers that grow around the pillars, but they never gain purchase on the Cardinal. >fortify The Pawn hardens his heart. The Cardinal continues to step from pillar to pillar. >flames The Pawn sprays fire around the temple complex but the Cardinal is always a step ahead, burning holy scripture raining down from the pillars above. >theology The Pawn trades dictates with the priest upon the pillars, but that priest always has a clever answer. >i The Last Pawn will only need to look, examine, go (N, E, S, W), or attack. Attacks: Flowers, Flames, Theology, Screech, Snare, Fortify. >screeh The Last Pawn will only need to look, examine, go (N, E, S, W), or attack. Attacks: Flowers, Flames, Theology, Screech, Snare, Fortify. >screech Stalking amongst the pillars, our hero at last spies the Cardinal, hopping along the narrow temple walkways. The Pawn issues an almighty screech that pierces the quiet of the jungle. The Cardinal clasps his ears and begins to speak theology in a hurried voice, but he is drowned out by the Pawn's cries. Steadily, the Pawn gains on his holy foe, climbing up one of the pillars and shattering the Cardinal with a long final scream. THE PAWN HAS GROWN STRONGER! The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Walls (W). >s The Deep Jungle The Pawn charges at the great tree, but is tangled up in flowers once again. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >flames The Pawn sends forth more fire, but it seems to have no effect on the King of Ebony. >theology Reading about sanctification of en passant, the Pawn hurls dogma at the King of Ebony. The tree stands impassively, it has heard it all before. >screech The great tree stands impassively as the Pawn screeches. The King of the jungle will not be so easily swayed. >i The Last Pawn will only need to look, examine, go (N, E, S, W), or attack. Attacks: Flowers, Flames, Theology, Screech, Snare, Fortify. >flowers Shards of smoking trees jut up about the Ebony King like the leaning columns of a time-lost temple. Between these verdant ruins, the black liege sends forth a shock of flowers, sprouting, bursting, encroaching. The Pawn matches these with his own. Blossom falls upon blossom. Stamens spray pollen in a staccato blast. As mighty as he is now, the Pawn still cedes ground. Our hero has stepped as far as he can with the power of his fallen foes and the blessing of his fallen friends. There is only one last thing to do. His skin virescent, a wreath of thorns choking his throat, he coughs up a wet wad of petals. A sap tear sticks to his cheek, his form disappears in the blooms. The final fighter of the bonelands is now but a shrub. The peon, peonies. THE PAWN HAS BEEN SACRIFICED! The jungle shakes as the Ebony King indulges in a long low laugh. The flowers about the Pawn's petrified form wilt, drooping. The shrub stands tall and the greenery drops away. But it is not a mere peon standing there. Pearlescent, clean, gleaming in the skyborne radiance that scours the jungle clearing, a pillar of light, a spectre of hope... a Queen Reborn! The King of Ebony creaks, sending forth his tendrils to ensnare this new Queen. But she cannot be taken so easily. The vegetation sets alight around her, the sap bubbles and steams from branches. She swoops forward, straight and true, directly at the great tree. The King is bisected! Split asunder! Cracked and undone is the last of the jungle lords, the liege of the black lands, the foul deceiver, scion of all wrongness! The Queen Reborn stands between the two sides of the downed king as they fall away. Her voice is a peal of a bell. It rings twice across the jungle. *** "Check. Mate." *** Would you like to RESTART or QUIT? > undo Please give one of the answers above. Would you like to RESTART or QUIT? > restart Our hero, the Last Pawn, on orders from his distant king, is deep in enemy jungle. No longer among the clean pearlescence of his native bone parlours. His brothers in arms sacrificed in the scorched broodinglands. Zugzwang An Interactive Battle by Vanessa Jygon and Eleanor Jimmy Release 1 / Serial number 240709 / Inform 7 v10.1.2 The Moment Before Battle The Last Pawn gathers his wits about him. His order was to become the weapon that they lost. To do this he must fight and learn the secret moves of his savage enemies who surround him on all cardinal sides. >watch party (This takes place during a watch party and you will now see commentary.) >n The Wrymspires The Pawn wanders towards the great wyrmspires that spiral out of the jungle. He hears a bone-rattling cry: it's the Wyrm Knight! Wearing gleaming black armour, adorned with spikes, the Wyrm Knight flies her draconic mount. The Wyrm flies off to the side before veering at a sharp angle at the Pawn! The Pawn ducks as a cascade of fire rains down on him. THE PAWN HAS LEARNED FLAMES! ESTHER: I stand by Wyrm Knight. She has to lose because of the story, but I've been working on a fix-it fic... PAIGE: Yeah I read it on your blog, but I still don't see how she could get with the Virgin Queen when... ESTHER: It's complicated. I'll explain later, but it involves the eternal recurrence stuff from the second book. The Pawn can go to: The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >w The Walls A great rock of obsidian rises up before the Pawn. He wonders how he can possible defeat this immovable lump. Hitting it, the pawn's blows merely glance off. THE PAWN HAS LEARNED FORTIFY! NORA: The Rock is the worst enemy. It never does anything. SOFIA: It's a metaphor for the false promise of stoicism. You can take and take and take and pretend everything is fine, but eventually if you don't make a change you will get worn down. NORA: Oh I get it. Like don't put up with an abusive relationship with a guy? SOFIA: Or the state, or the market... The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >x me Sun-baked, scarred, mud to his belly, blood on his face. >i The Last Pawn will only need to look, examine, go (N, E, S, W), or attack. Attacks: Flames, Fortify. >flames The Pawn bathes the great Rock in waves of cleansing fire. The Rock sits, unmoved as ever. >fortify The Pawn stands still before the obsidian mountain. The Rock stands stiller. ESTHER: In the books the Pawn actually fortifies for three days to come up with a plan WESLEY: Glad they didn't do that here. Imagine the run time! >n The Wrymspires Spiralling above, the Wyrm Knight is too high to hit with conventional attacks. The Pawn can go to: The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >fortify The Wyrm Knight rides at an oblique angle, showering flames at the Pawn. The Pawn stands there, and takes the blow with his rocky skin. >flames The wyrm rains down fire from above, ridden by its expert rider. The pawn returns the flames, but it has no effect on either the wyrm or the Knight. >s The Deep Jungle The pawn walks among the huge trees of the deeper jungle. One of them stirs, its two knothole eyes gleaming like smouldering coals. It's the King of Ebony! The Pawn charges but is tangled by a glorious burst of flowers. Every step he takes towards the beast, he is twisted round by glorious bouquets! THE PAWN HAS LEARNED FLOWERS! PAIGE: They did a good job with the flowers. They look amazing. ESTHER: I still think they should have been bolder and done the whole film in black and white. SOFIA: If the film wanted to make a bold message, it wouldn't have been made. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >flowers The Pawn summons forth flowers but for each bursting bouquet the King matches with his own more verdant volley. He is, for now, the greater combat-florist. >flames The Pawn launches a fireball at the King of Ebony. The tree lifts a great branch to bat the burst of flames out the way. Roots burst from the ground, trapping the Pawn, tying its hands down. With another flame burst, he's free. THE PAWN HAS LEARNED SNARE! PAIGE: I kinda hate these fakeouts. These moments of peril never work when you've only got one guy left alive. No one thinks the film is about to end. ESTHER: I've read the book a million times and I'm still on the edge of my seat each time. WESLEY: They should have just straight up strangled him with vines. End the series there. Can you imagine? Two minutes brutal choking scene and then credits? SOFIA: I read this modernist short story that ends a bit like that except it was set in this execution factory and the torturer... NORA: ...Ugh, can we not?? >snare The Pawn tries to lift a root to ensnare the King, but the King has power of all roots in his domain, and the roots fail to do the Pawn's bidding. >flames The Pawn attacks with a barrage of flame. The King's bark crackles off to reveal his dense core within. >fortify The Pawn stands still, hardening his skin. The King of Ebony stands still, slowly photosynthesising. >i The Last Pawn will only need to look, examine, go (N, E, S, W), or attack. Attacks: Flowers, Flames, Snare, Fortify. >flowers The Pawn summons forth flowers but for each bursting bouquet the King matches with his own more verdant volley. He is, for now, the greater combat-florist. >w The Walls The Pawn tries another hit at the Rock, but it has no effect. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >flowers The Pawn spreads forth a great bed of flowers that cover the rock, widening the cracks. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >snare Dozens of roots burst forth from the ground and snake up the huge Rock. Even ensnared, the rock is as yet undefeated. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >n As the Pawn leaves, fresh layers of silt spill out across the Rock, clearing its facings and sealing its cracks. The Wrymspires Spiralling above, the Wyrm Knight is too high to hit with conventional attacks. The Pawn can go to: The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >snare Roots burst up out of the ground and climb the spires, searching for the Wyrm Knight. The Pawn wills the roots to go further, but his power is not yet strong enough to command the trees at this distance. >flower The Last Pawn will only need to look, examine, go (N, E, S, W), or attack. Attacks: Flowers, Flames, Snare, Fortify. >flowers The flowers grow up part of the wyrmspires, but they're unable to touch the Knight as she flies above. >e The Temple Complex The Last Pawn walks in amidst the jungle beneath the obsidian pillars that hold up the temple. He catches a glimpse of the Black Cardinal running above, rochet rippling. Black scripture flies through the air. The pawn dives out of the way of a blast of raw theology. Well, two can play at that game. THE PAWN HAS LEARNED THEOLOGY! SOFIA: Interesting how they portray learning as something foul. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Walls (W). >theology The Pawn trades dictates with the priest upon the pillars, but that priest always has a clever answer. ESTHER: Another bit that was better in the books. There, the whole religious language all has special meanings and he throws it all back at them. NORA: That would not have worked for a film. WESLEY: Yeah you get sick-ass beams this way. Way better. >flames The Pawn sprays fire around the temple complex but the Cardinal is always a step ahead, burning holy scripture raining down from the pillars above. NORA: That priest always gave me the creeps. >snare Roots spiral up the pillars of the temple complex, seeking out the shifty bishop. But the Cardinal refuses to be ensnared! Weaving slippery apologetics around himself, he always steps diagonally out of danger. WESLEY: He gonna bash the bishop, if you know what I mean. >flowers The Pawn casts forth a spray of flowers that grow around the pillars, but they never gain purchase on the Cardinal. ESTHER: In the books you get to read some of the Black Cardinal's writings and he sort of has a point, about the hardwood trees being the heart of the jungle, the lungs of the earth SOFIA: I remember now, it's almost got a deep ecology element to it. >i The Last Pawn will only need to look, examine, go (N, E, S, W), or attack. Attacks: Flowers, Flames, Theology, Snare, Fortify. >fortify The Pawn hardens his heart. The Cardinal continues to step from pillar to pillar. >n The Wrymspires Spiralling above, the Wyrm Knight is too high to hit with conventional attacks. The Pawn can go to: The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >theology With ecclesiastical verve, our hero spews forth refined postulates at the Wyrm Knight. The Knight clasps her ears at her helmet while the wyrm lets out an ear-piercing screech. THE PAWN HAS LEARNED SCREECH! SOFIA: The beamification of conflict in popular cinema is an insidious element of the military industrial complex. The use of force is abstracted which both reinforces and... WESLEY: Sick. Ass. Beams. He's shooting hurty words from his mouth. >screech The Wyrm above screeches and the Pawn screeches back in response. It does no harm to either beast or rider. NORA: I never understood this bit. He knows it's not going to work?? WESLEY: Sometimes you just gotta scream. You know you're getting nowhere, so it's the only thing you can do. PAIGE: What's that philosophy? Absurdism? SOFIA: Onanism. >w The Walls The Pawn tries another hit at the Rock, but it has no effect. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >screec The Last Pawn will only need to look, examine, go (N, E, S, W), or attack. Attacks: Flowers, Flames, Theology, Screech, Snare, Fortify. >screech Opening his mouth, the Pawn lets out a long, intense screech. The sonic waves begin to send tiny fissures along the body of the Rock. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >snare Dozens of roots burst forth from the ground and snake up the huge Rock. Even ensnared, the rock is as yet undefeated. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >theology The Pawn spends some time talking at the Rock. The Rock just sits there. PAIGE: What I don't get is the bit where the Wyrm Knight tries to block out Theology by covering her helmet. It's not like her helmet has ear holes. ESTHER: It's another dumb movie thing, in the books... NORA: They just talk for ages. I had to skip that chapter. It was so boring. ESTHER: You skipped a chapter? It's the culmination of the Corruption of the Teachings arc, the downfall of the Grey Border Promise, the... NORA: Nothing was happening! ESTHER: Ugh. I bet you're the kind of person that skips prologues. NORA: What's a... ESTHER: Nevermind. Let's just watch the film. >i The Last Pawn will only need to look, examine, go (N, E, S, W), or attack. Attacks: Flowers, Flames, Theology, Screech, Snare, Fortify. >flowers The Rock, cracked and vine-wrapped, blooms! Booms! The flowers burst out of its pores. The fractures become gullies and the obsidian tower crumbles.. THE PAWN HAS GROWN STRONGER! ESTHER: The book death for the Dreadrock is way better, they lose all the pebble plantation backstory. PAIGE: They didn't set it up in the film-verse, I guess cos the second film was already bloated. It's just the Rock here. SOFIA: That "Dreadrock" story was some of the most flagrant anti-blackness in the series. It was like a bingo for othering stereotypes. ESTHER: Is it better representation to just cut the whole story for a character? The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Temple Complex (E). >n The Wrymspires Spiralling above, the Wyrm Knight is too high to hit with conventional attacks. The Pawn can go to: The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >theology As soon as the Pawn begins his litany once again, the wyrm drowns him out with its powerful screeching. >snare Flexing his muscles, the Pawn sends out a great twist of roots from the ground. They hurtle through the air towards the Wyrm Knight. The Knight barrel rolls to the left. The pawn has seen this coming and second net of roots bursts up from behind the wyrmspires directly at the Knight! The wyrm sets forth a burst of flames but it's too late! The pair are tangled in the roots and pulled to the earth. The Pawn strolls along the furrow where they landed and saps their power, reducing the once great knight and wyrm to dust. THE PAWN HAS GROWN STRONGER! ESTHER: Oh my sweet angel Wyrm Knight. You know if you read between the lines in the novel she basically lives on, as an echo that stays with the Virgin Queen. WESLEY: How do you "read between the lines"? That's empty page. PAIGE: She means give it a close reading. See what's not said by what is said. WESLEY: Is now a bad time to mention I never finished the last book? ESTHER: What!? WESLEY: Eh. I've seen the film nearly twice now. Reading is hard. I've probably got the ADHDs. ESTHER: (Being an annoying dickhead isn't a disorder...) The Pawn can go to: The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >e The Temple Complex The pawn tries to tackle the tricksome bishop, but he stays on the temple pillars, untouchable. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Walls (W). >snare The Cardinal refuses to be ensnared! Weaving slippery apologetics around himself, he always steps diagonally out of danger. PAIGE: The Cardinal is seriously slaying in his robes. >theolog The Last Pawn will only need to look, examine, go (N, E, S, W), or attack. Attacks: Flowers, Flames, Theology, Screech, Snare, Fortify. >theology The Pawn trades dictates with the priest upon the pillars, but that priest always has a clever answer. >fortify The Pawn hardens his heart. The Cardinal continues to step from pillar to pillar. >flames The Pawn sprays fire around the temple complex but the Cardinal is always a step ahead, burning holy scripture raining down from the pillars above. WESLEY: I thought that was a dressing gown. >flowers The Pawn casts forth a spray of flowers that grow around the pillars, but they never gain purchase on the Cardinal. >screech Stalking amongst the pillars, our hero at last spies the Cardinal, hopping along the narrow temple walkways. The Pawn issues an almighty screech that pierces the quiet of the jungle. The Cardinal clasps his ears and begins to speak theology in a hurried voice, but he is drowned out by the Pawn's cries. Steadily, the Pawn gains on his holy foe, climbing up one of the pillars and shattering the Cardinal with a long final scream. THE PAWN HAS GROWN STRONGER! The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S) and The Walls (W). >s The Deep Jungle The Pawn charges at the great tree, but is tangled up in flowers once again. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >screech The great tree stands impassively as the Pawn screeches. The King of the jungle will not be so easily swayed. WESLEY: Reee! Reee! PAIGE: Wesley, don't do that. SOFIA: It's not my house but I'd still kick you out. NORA: He was literally just making the same sound as the Pawn, I don't get it? WESLEY: Don't worry Norry, they're so tolerant they're intolerant. ESTHER: Shhhh everyone, this next bit's really good. >snare The Pawn tries to lift a root to ensnare the King, but the King has power of all roots in his domain, and the roots fail to do the Pawn's bidding. >flames The Pawn sends forth more fire, but it seems to have no effect on the King of Ebony. >theology Reading about sanctification of en passant, the Pawn hurls dogma at the King of Ebony. The tree stands impassively, it has heard it all before. >i The Last Pawn will only need to look, examine, go (N, E, S, W), or attack. Attacks: Flowers, Flames, Theology, Screech, Snare, Fortify. >snare The Pawn tries to lift a root to ensnare the King, but the King has power of all roots in his domain, and the roots fail to do the Pawn's bidding. >fortify The Pawn stands still, hardening his skin. The King of Ebony stands still, slowly photosynthesising. >flowers Shards of smoking trees jut up about the Ebony King like the leaning columns of a time-lost temple. Between these verdant ruins, the black liege sends forth a shock of flowers, sprouting, bursting, encroaching. The Pawn matches these with his own. Blossom falls upon blossom. Stamens spray pollen in a staccato blast. As mighty as he is now, the Pawn still cedes ground. Our hero has stepped as far as he can with the power of his fallen foes and the blessing of his fallen friends. There is only one last thing to do. His skin virescent, a wreath of thorns choking his throat, he coughs up a wet wad of petals. A sap tear sticks to his cheek, his form disappears in the blooms. The final fighter of the bonelands is now but a shrub. The peon, peonies. THE PAWN HAS BEEN SACRIFICED! The jungle shakes as the Ebony King indulges in a long low laugh. The flowers about the Pawn's petrified form wilt, drooping. The shrub stands tall and the greenery drops away. But it is not a mere peon standing there. Pearlescent, clean, gleaming in the skyborne radiance that scours the jungle clearing, a pillar of light, a spectre of hope... a Queen Reborn! The King of Ebony creaks, sending forth his tendrils to ensnare this new Queen. But she cannot be taken so easily. The vegetation sets alight around her, the sap bubbles and steams from branches. She swoops forward, straight and true, directly at the great tree. The King is bisected! Split asunder! Cracked and undone is the last of the jungle lords, the liege of the black lands, the foul deceiver, scion of all wrongness! The Queen Reborn stands between the two sides of the downed king as they fall away. Her voice is a peal of a bell. It rings twice across the jungle. "Check. Mate.". As the jungle burns, the screen fills with a brilliant light. The film is over. SOFIA: I think I get the ending now. It's saying that to make the change in the world, you can't do it alone, you have to build off of what everyone else has done NORA: I don't see why he had to die! Everyone dies in this series, it's depressing. ESTHER: It's life-affirming! PAIGE: The themes were there from the beginning I think. Back in Castling, when the Tusk Squire skewers himself to the door of the Ivory Tower. SOFIA: Looking back, the symbolism was NOT subtle. WESLEY: You're all reading into it too much. The film is an excuse for some kickass CGI fights. NORA: I don't know why we don't get told what happens to the new Queen. Does she marry that crusty Oak King? Or are they already married? I don't get it. ESTHER: I could explain. NORA: It's okay, I don't care that much. WESLEY: That's the spirit! Man, Paige this was a blast. I'm glad you didn't give up on us. SOFIA: Well, it's been sort of fun. I should be off though. See you at the litter-pick, Esther? ESTHER: Sure thing. Gonna miss you at the meadows when you go back. SOFIA: And I'm not back at Easter. But you should come up! I've got free use of the college punts. NORA: I need to head off too. Work night. WESLEY: Can I hit you up again? For a lift? PAIGE: ... ESTHER: Just us now, like in English class. PAIGE: I kinda relate to the Last Pawn. He didn't give up, but he still lost everything. I dunno. I see you guys so little now. ESTHER: He... She changed. We all change. We're only 19 once. Maybe in ten years time we'll still be besties. Maybe we'll be strangers. But we'll still have the times we had. Like tonight. So thanks. *** THE LAST PAWN DIDN'T GIVE UP *** Would you like to RESTART or QUIT? > restart Our hero, the Last Pawn, on orders from his distant king, is deep in enemy jungle. No longer among the clean pearlescence of his native bone parlours. His brothers in arms sacrificed in the scorched broodinglands. Zugzwang An Interactive Battle by Vanessa Jygon and Eleanor Jimmy Release 1 / Serial number 240709 / Inform 7 v10.1.2 The Moment Before Battle The Last Pawn gathers his wits about him. His order was to become the weapon that they lost. To do this he must fight and learn the secret moves of his savage enemies who surround him on all cardinal sides. >checkmate The Last Pawn will need to go into battle first. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >checkmate The Last Pawn will need to go into battle first. The Pawn can go to: The Wrymspires (N), The Deep Jungle (S), The Temple Complex (E) and The Walls (W). >