SPELLBREAKER An Interactive Fantasy Copyright (c) 1985 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved. SPELLBREAKER is a trademark of Infocom, Inc. Release 87 / Serial number 860904 Council Chamber You are in the Council Chamber of the ancient Guild Hall at Borphee. To the south is the entry of the Guild Hall. There is a meeting of the guildmasters going on. You are standing among a group of about ten sorcerers, each the master of an Enchanters Guild chapter somewhere in the land. >i You are carrying: a magic burin a knife a spell book Sneffle of the Guild of Bakers is addressing the gathering. "Do you know what this is doing to our business? Do you know how difficult it is to make those yummy butter pastries by hand? When a simple 'gloth' spell would fold the dough 83 times it was possible to make a profit, but now 'gloth' hardly works, and when it does, it usually folds the dough too often and the butter melts, or it doesn't come out the right size, or..." He stops, apparently overwhelmed by the prospect of a world where the pastries have to be hand-made. "Can't you do anything about this? You're supposed to know all about magic!" >read book My Spell Book The yomin spell (mind probe). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). The frotz spell (cause something to give off light). The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book). The malyon spell (animate). The jindak spell (detect magic). The lesoch spell (gust of wind). Hoobly of the Guild of Brewers stands, gesturing at the floury baker. "You don't know what trouble is! Lately, what comes out of the vats, like as not, is cherry flavored or worse. The last vat, I swear it, tasted as if grues had been bathing in it. It takes magic to turn weird vegetables and water into good Borphee beer. Well, without magic, there isn't going to be any beer!" This statement has a profound effect on portions of the crowd. You can hear rumblings from the back concerning Enchanters. The word "traitors" rises out of nowhere. Your fellow Enchanters are looking at one another nervously. >examine burin This is a magical burin, used for inscribing objects with words or runes of magical import. Such a burin also gives you the ability to write spell scrolls. A tall, gruff fellow begins to speak. This is Gzornenplatz of the Guild of Huntsmen. "I'm a simple man, and I don't know much about magic. But I do know that the wild beasts are kept out of the towns and villages not just by the huntsmen, but by spells as well. Just yesterday, one of my men was attacked and badly wounded by a troop of rat-ants. They'd slipped the bounds set down by a 'fripple' spell somehow. Are we going to let the sorcerers loose rat-ants on us, and worse?" He sits, glaring significantly at the now-angry clump of mages around you. >learn jindack I don't know the word "jindack." >learn jindak Using your best study habits, you learn the jindak spell. As the huntsman's accusations are being absorbed and discussed, Ardis of the Guild of Poets takes the floor. He begins to talk about magic rhyming and spelling aids, and their lack. In the midst of his splendid peroration, just as he was sketching out an insulting mythological allusion in iambic hexameter, the poet turns even greener than usual. His chin elongates and his skin begins to look sort of slimy. In the blink of an eye there stands at the podium, not the orator, but rather a large orange newt. "Breek! Co-ax! Co-ax!" it protests. As you look around the room in shock, you discover that Ardis is not alone. Each and every guildmaster in the room has been turned into a frog, salamander, or other amphibian! All but one, that is: yourself! No! There is one other survivor. At the rear of the room, a shadowy figure in a dark cloak slips quietly out the door. >out Guild Hall This is the entrance to the Guild Hall in Borphee. To the north is the Council Chamber, and to the south is an exit leading outside. Little is left of the sumptuous buffet lunch. Only a loaf of bread and some smoked fish remains. A shadowy figure in a dark cloak is running out the door. The shadowy figure, its cloak billowing, charges south into Belwit Square. >s Belwit Square This is Belwit Square. To the north is the ancient Guild Hall. A wide cobblestone street runs east and west. To the south is the storied Manse, home of the Mayors of Borphee for generations. A shadowy figure in a dark cloak flees across the square. The sinister figure, its face hidden in the shadows of a dark cowl, turns to face you. It nonchalantly jumps into the air, where it is engulfed in a huge explosion. A thick and acrid cloud of orange smoke fills the square. There is no sign of the figure. >examine smoke This is a fairly standard cloud of orange smoke, a side effect of a certain class of teleportation spells. These spells are favored by those of a less than honest nature, as the cloud of orange smoke serves to conceal their usually hasty departures. >smell it It smells vaguely of orange peels, but the predominant motif is less pleasant and more acrid. >read book My Spell Book The blorple spell (explore an object's mystic connections). The yomin spell (mind probe). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). The frotz spell (cause something to give off light). The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book). The malyon spell (animate). The jindak spell (detect magic). The lesoch spell (gust of wind). Oddly enough, you have never before seen or heard of the blorple spell which now graces (or defaces?) your book. >learn lesoch Using your best study habits, you learn the lesoch spell. >lesoch smoke A small gust of wind begins to roil the cloud. The cloud is unimpressed. The wind builds, slowly but inexorably, to hurricane force. The cloud starts to unravel at the edges, and then gives up and dissipates. Left behind on the ground is a small featureless white cube. >examine cube This is a featureless white cube. >jindak cube This spell detects magic in a large area, so directing it at a specific object is unnecessarily precise. The cube is glowing with a faint blue glow. >get cube Taken. >verbose Verbose descriptions. Belwit Square This is Belwit Square. To the north is the ancient Guild Hall. A wide cobblestone street runs east and west. To the south is the storied Manse, home of the Mayors of Borphee for generations. >w You wander around for a while and end up back in the square. >e You wander around for a while and end up back in the square. >n Guild Hall This is the entrance to the Guild Hall in Borphee. To the north is the Council Chamber, and to the south is an exit leading outside. Little is left of the sumptuous buffet lunch. Only a loaf of bread and some smoked fish remains. >get all smoked fish: Taken. chunk of rye bread: Taken. >read book My Spell Book The blorple spell (explore an object's mystic connections). The yomin spell (mind probe). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). The frotz spell (cause something to give off light). The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book). The malyon spell (animate). The jindak spell (detect magic). The lesoch spell (gust of wind). >save Okay. >s Belwit Square This is Belwit Square. To the north is the ancient Guild Hall. A wide cobblestone street runs east and west. To the south is the storied Manse, home of the Mayors of Borphee for generations. >w You wander around for a while and end up back in the square. >e You wander around for a while and end up back in the square. >s A remarkably surly guard blocks your way. >examine guard He looks very zealous. >learn malyon Using your best study habits, you learn the malyon spell. >malyon guard Nothing happens, as the mayoral guards are quite well-protected from spells. >i You are carrying: a chunk of rye bread a smoked fish a cube a magic burin a knife a spell book >learn n You don't have that spell, if indeed that is a spell. >learn blorble I don't know the word "blorble." >learn blorple Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell. >learn blorple Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell yet another time. >n Guild Hall This is the entrance to the Guild Hall in Borphee. To the north is the Council Chamber, and to the south is an exit leading outside. >n Council Chamber You are in the Council Chamber of the ancient Guild Hall at Borphee. To the south is the entry of the Guild Hall. Scurrying wetly hither and yon around you are many brightly colored newts, efts, and salamanders. Toads and frogs hop excitedly about. >save Okay. >blorple cube Abruptly, your surroundings shift. It is pitch black. >frotz break You used the word "break" in a way that I don't understand. >frotz bread There is an almost blinding flash of light as the chunk of rye bread begins to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the chunk of rye bread is now a serviceable light source. Packed Earth This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down. >save Okay. >i You are carrying: a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a smoked fish a magic burin a knife a spell book >e As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand. Hall of Stone This is a long hall built of crudely dressed stone. The blocks are as tall as you and the ceiling invisible in the gloom above. Dirt trickles from gaps in the walls and ceiling. The atmosphere is oppressive, and there is a dry, stale smell all around. The corridor extends north and south from here. >s Ruins Room Here the main corridor opens into a vast underground space. Your light can barely illuminate a fraction of it. All around are cyclopean blocks of stone, crudely carved statues, and constructs of unimaginable purpose. Nearby the portico of a building has collapsed, and a pillar has smashed the pavement and exposed a small channel filled with swiftly rushing water. Water stains indicate that at one time the water flooded the entire area. Wedged against a pillar, as though by rushing water, is a zipper. >examine zipper This is a silver zipper about two feet long, with very fine teeth. The zipper is closed. >open it Opening the zipper reveals a dimly lit hole. >i You are carrying: a cube a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a smoked fish a magic burin a knife a spell book >put bread in zipper Done. >look in zipper It's bright inside, and you can see a chunk of rye bread, and a flimsy scroll. >examine scroll You can't make out anything. >get it You don't have that. >get scroll You don't have that. >examine flimsy scroll You can't make out anything. >i You are carrying: a cube a smoked fish a magic burin a knife a spell book >reach in hole You reach into the zipper and feel something. >reach in hole You reach into the zipper and feel something. >get something I don't know the word "something." >look in hole It's bright inside, and you can see a chunk of rye bread, and a flimsy scroll. >examine zipper This is a silver zipper about two feet long, with very fine teeth. The zipper is open. >frotz zipper There is an almost blinding flash of light as the zipper begins to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the zipper is now a serviceable light source. >look in zipper It's bright inside, and you can see a chunk of rye bread, and a flimsy scroll. >get scroll You don't have that. >get zipper Taken. >get scroll Taken. >examine it The scroll reads "girgol spell: stop time." The spell is long and complicated. >put fish in zipper Done. >put knife in zipper Done. >i You are carrying: a flimsy scroll a zipper (providing light) The zipper contains: a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a cube a magic burin a spell book >put scroll in zipper Done. >i You are carrying: a zipper (providing light) The zipper contains: a flimsy scroll a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a cube a magic burin a spell book >quench I don't know the word "quench." >extinguish zipper The magical glow fades. >l Ruins Room Here the main corridor opens into a vast underground space. Your light can barely illuminate a fraction of it. All around are cyclopean blocks of stone, crudely carved statues, and constructs of unimaginable purpose. Nearby the portico of a building has collapsed, and a pillar has smashed the pavement and exposed a small channel filled with swiftly rushing water. Water stains indicate that at one time the water flooded the entire area. >examine water You see nothing special about the water. >read book My Spell Book The blorple spell (explore an object's mystic connections). The yomin spell (mind probe). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). The frotz spell (cause something to give off light). The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book). The malyon spell (animate). The jindak spell (detect magic). The lesoch spell (gust of wind). >n Hall of Stone This is a long hall built of crudely dressed stone. The blocks are as tall as you and the ceiling invisible in the gloom above. Dirt trickles from gaps in the walls and ceiling. The atmosphere is oppressive, and there is a dry, stale smell all around. The corridor extends north and south from here. >n Smooth Room Here a long north-south corridor meets an east-west cross corridor whose walls are polished to almost mirror smoothness. Just to your north is a huge scaly mass which fills the entire cross corridor. Its thickness is more than three times your height and its length is unguessable. The scaly wall begins to move, undulating back and forth in the confined space. A musty odor permeates the air, and you hear scales scraping on stone. Finally, an enormous head slides into view from the east and stops with one monstrous eye staring coldly at you. You notice something unusual about the huge serpent: the tail, which trails out of the western hole, disappears into the gaping maw of the creature. You realize that the monster must be huge enough to make a complete loop! >examine wall You'll have to be more specific about which one you mean. >examine serpent It is huge, filling the entire corridor it occupies. It stares at you balefully, hissing like a small steam engine. It appears completely unconcerned that it has swallowed its own tail. >learn malyon Using your best study habits, you learn the malyon spell. >malyon serpent Wow! It looks like the serpent is now alive! What a magician you are! >read book My Spell Book The blorple spell (explore an object's mystic connections). The yomin spell (mind probe). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). The frotz spell (cause something to give off light). The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book). The malyon spell (animate). The jindak spell (detect magic). The lesoch spell (gust of wind). >learn yomin Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell. >yomin serpent The serpent is bored, constricted, and caged. It's in a surly mood, thinking of its past. It was once a simple temple snake, well fed on sacrifices. It was too well fed, for it grew great, and its pride grew as well. For declaring itself the greatest of snakes, it was prisoned here, forced to swallow its own tail in mimicry of the true master of serpents. That was an age ago. >l Smooth Room Here a long north-south corridor meets an east-west cross corridor whose walls are polished to almost mirror smoothness. Just to your north is a huge scaly mass which fills the entire cross corridor. Its thickness is more than three times your height and its length is unguessable. >serpent, hello "Sssss..." You can't understand the serpent. >e The serpent fills the entire corridor. There is no space to squeeze by. >w The serpent fills the entire corridor. There is no space to squeeze by. You are beginning to tire. >n The serpent completely fills the passage. >s Hall of Stone This is a long hall built of crudely dressed stone. The blocks are as tall as you and the ceiling invisible in the gloom above. Dirt trickles from gaps in the walls and ceiling. The atmosphere is oppressive, and there is a dry, stale smell all around. The corridor extends north and south from here. >learn blorple Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell yet another time. >blorple cube Abruptly, your surroundings shift. Packed Earth This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down. >save Okay. >sleep Ah, sleep! It's been a long day, and rest will do you good. You stretch out on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully. You dream of an alchemist bent over his retorts, alembics, stinks and smokes. You awaken. >l Packed Earth This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down. >s As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand. Cliff Middle A narrow ledge, barely wide enough to stand on, interrupts the cliff here. There is a dirty scroll here. >get scroll Taken. >read it The scroll reads "throck spell: cause plants to grow." >gnusto throck Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the throck spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied. >u Cliff Top This is the upper end of a narrow, winding path up a sheer cliff. From here you can see that any further extension of the path was destroyed by a rock slide at some relatively recent time. There are many rocks precariously balanced above you. It looks like the slightest disturbance could bring them down on you. Frustratingly, you can see the remains of a small building just beyond the dangerous area, but there is no way to get there from here. Something you've done has disturbed the rocks above! Dirt and small stones are trickling down. It looks like the whole dike is about to give way! >u The pile of rocks looks so unsteady that attempting to climb over it could set off an avalanche. Huge rocks and boulders are tumbling down, making an almost continuous curtain above you. If you don't do something soon, you will die! >u I don't think that you can climb up an avalanche. You are swept away down the cliff face by thousands of tons of rock. A huge cloud of dust blowing away down the valley is your only memorial. **** You have died **** You are floating in a dark, silent realm of nothingness. You don't know how much time passes, but eventually you hear the sound of soft footsteps. A figure in a dark cloak comes near. In a voice like ashes, it speaks: "How nice to see you again. Unfortunately, I still have need of you, so this foolishness can't be allowed. You'll have to go back." You find yourself falling down a deep well of darkness, as the figure recedes into infinite distances. Boneyard This is a room of bones. Shoulder blades make up the floor, skulls the walls and leg bones the door frames. The west exit leads into darkness, but the doorway to the north opens onto a seemingly normal street scene. >w Oddly, although there appears to be an exit there, you can't seem to force your way through it. >n Belwit Square This is Belwit Square. To the north is the ancient Guild Hall. A wide cobblestone street runs east and west. To the south is the storied Manse, home of the Mayors of Borphee for generations. >restore Okay. >x me I don't know the word "x." >examine me You are beginning to tire, and in good health. >sleep Ah, sleep! It's been a long day, and rest will do you good. You stretch out on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully. You dream of an alchemist bent over his retorts, alembics, stinks and smokes. You awaken. >s As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand. Cliff Middle A narrow ledge, barely wide enough to stand on, interrupts the cliff here. There is a dirty scroll here. >get scroll Taken. >read it The scroll reads "throck spell: cause plants to grow." >gnusto throck Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the throck spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied. >d Cliff Bottom This is the bottom of a sheer cliff which towers above you. Jumbled rockfalls are all around you. A goat track (at best) leads up, and a well-worn trail heads west. >w Cave Entrance A well-worn trail terminates here where a cave enters the cliff-side to the north. Outside the cave is a litter of bones, old hides and brush. The smell that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer cliff. You hear a noise from within the cave that sounds like a sneeze. >smell cave It smells just like a room. >n Cave This is a natural fissure in the rock which was enlarged with crude skill into a spacious and comfortable room, at least if you're fond of caves. The floor is dirt, hard packed in some parts, loose in others. A low passage leads down. A large ogre bars the passage. >examine ogre This is a fairly typical mountain ogre. His carbuncles are a brilliant purple, and his hair is matted down with something slick and unpleasant-smelling. His eyes are watering and his nose is running, which doesn't make him any more attractive. His whole body is covered by dirty brown fur. He looks like a particularly ill-favored bear. >ogre, hello The ogre grunts nastily at you. The ogre sneezes. >read book My Spell Book The throck spell (cause plants to grow). The blorple spell (explore an object's mystic connections). The yomin spell (mind probe). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). The frotz spell (cause something to give off light). The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book). The malyon spell (animate). The jindak spell (detect magic). The lesoch spell (gust of wind). >learn yomin Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell. The ogre sneezes. >yomin ogre The casting feels wrong, and sure enough, your fingers grow numb. >learn yomin Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell. >yomin ogre The casting feels wrong, and sure enough, a huge ball of green light appears, then dissipates. >learn yomin Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell. The ogre sneezes. >yomin ogre The casting feels wrong, and sure enough, your whole body feels as if your funny bone has been struck. The ogre sneezes. >learn yomin Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell. >yomin ogre You get the impression of discomfort and annoyance. This is apparently not just for the usual ogreish reasons (general nastiness, bad temper, and lice) but because the ogre is suffering from hay fever. The ogre, impatient with your presence and your impudent intrusion, tramples you to a pulp. **** You have died **** You are floating in a dark, silent realm of nothingness. You don't know how much time passes, but eventually you hear the sound of soft footsteps. A figure in a dark cloak comes near. In a voice like ashes, it speaks: "How nice to see you again. Unfortunately, I still have need of you, so this foolishness can't be allowed. You'll have to go back." You find yourself falling down a deep well of darkness, as the figure recedes into infinite distances. Boneyard This is a room of bones. Shoulder blades make up the floor, skulls the walls and leg bones the door frames. The west exit leads into darkness, but the doorway to the north opens onto a seemingly normal street scene. > Hot key -- Undo one turn Continue input... l Cave This is a natural fissure in the rock which was enlarged with crude skill into a spacious and comfortable room, at least if you're fond of caves. The floor is dirt, hard packed in some parts, loose in others. A low passage leads down. A large ogre bars the passage. The ogre, impatient with your presence and your impudent intrusion, tramples you to a pulp. **** You have died **** You are floating in a dark, silent realm of nothingness. You don't know how much time passes, but eventually you hear the sound of soft footsteps. A figure in a dark cloak comes near. In a voice like ashes, it speaks: "How nice to see you again. Unfortunately, I still have need of you, so this foolishness can't be allowed. You'll have to go back." You find yourself falling down a deep well of darkness, as the figure recedes into infinite distances. Boneyard This is a room of bones. Shoulder blades make up the floor, skulls the walls and leg bones the door frames. The west exit leads into darkness, but the doorway to the north opens onto a seemingly normal street scene. > Hot key -- Undo one turn Continue input... s Cave Entrance A well-worn trail terminates here where a cave enters the cliff-side to the north. Outside the cave is a litter of bones, old hides and brush. The smell that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer cliff. You hear a noise from within the cave that sounds like a sneeze. >n Cave This is a natural fissure in the rock which was enlarged with crude skill into a spacious and comfortable room, at least if you're fond of caves. The floor is dirt, hard packed in some parts, loose in others. A low passage leads down. A large ogre bars the passage. The ogre sneezes. >s Cave Entrance A well-worn trail terminates here where a cave enters the cliff-side to the north. Outside the cave is a litter of bones, old hides and brush. The smell that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer cliff. >learn blorple Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell. >blorple cube Abruptly, your surroundings shift. Packed Earth This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down. >w As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand. Cave Entrance A well-worn trail terminates here where a cave enters the cliff-side to the north. Outside the cave is a litter of bones, old hides and brush. The smell that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer cliff. >learn blorple Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell. You hear a noise from within the cave that sounds like a sneeze. >blorple cube Abruptly, your surroundings shift. Packed Earth This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down. >n Oddly, although there appears to be an exit there, you can't seem to force your way through it. >save Okay. >d You pull back at the edge, noticing just in time that the hole in the floor opens into thin air which goes a long way down before anything solid is reached. >d As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand. Midair You are in midair. You are dizzyingly high above a trackless wilderness to the east of a range of jagged mountains. You have begun to fall. Suddenly, from above, you are hit by a crashing blow! You twist and see that a huge bird has taken you in its talons. The bird is nearly the size of an elephant. It closes its huge claws gently around you, squawks (nearly suffocating you with its fetid breath), and takes off towards the west. >learn blorple Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell. The roc gains height and heads west towards the distant Flathead Mountains. >learn yomin Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell yet another time. The roc continues to fly west towards the mountains. >yomin roc The roc grips you firmly in its talons. Your attempts to cast a spell just make it hold you tighter. You are rapidly approaching a rocky eyrie containing an enormous nest. >read book My Spell Book The throck spell (cause plants to grow). The blorple spell (explore an object's mystic connections). The yomin spell (mind probe). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). The frotz spell (cause something to give off light). The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book). The malyon spell (animate). The jindak spell (detect magic). The lesoch spell (gust of wind). The roc circles over its nest, settles to the ground, and releases you. In Roc Nest This nest is made from skillfully woven tree trunks, small bushes, and large amounts of mud and roc guano for glue. Giant black feathers are everywhere. In the center of the nest is an egg the size of a small wagon. Nestled beneath the egg is a featureless white cube. The roc perches on the side of the nest, watching you intently. There is a stained scroll here. >get scroll, cube stained scroll: Taken. cube: The roc, convinced you are threatening its precious egg, drives you away before you can snatch the cube. >blorple cube Abruptly, your surroundings shift. Packed Earth This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down. >read scroll Which scroll do you mean, the stained scroll or the flimsy scroll? >stained The scroll reads "caskly spell: cause perfection." >gnusto caskly Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the caskly spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied. >get flimsy Taken. >read it The scroll reads "girgol spell: stop time." The spell is long and complicated. >save Okay. >s As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand. Cliff Middle A narrow ledge, barely wide enough to stand on, interrupts the cliff here. >u Cliff Top This is the upper end of a narrow, winding path up a sheer cliff. From here you can see that any further extension of the path was destroyed by a rock slide at some relatively recent time. There are many rocks precariously balanced above you. It looks like the slightest disturbance could bring them down on you. Frustratingly, you can see the remains of a small building just beyond the dangerous area, but there is no way to get there from here. >z Time passes... >z Time passes... >z Time passes... >u The pile of rocks looks so unsteady that attempting to climb over it could set off an avalanche. Something you've done has disturbed the rocks above! Dirt and small stones are trickling down. It looks like the whole dike is about to give way! >z Time passes... Huge rocks and boulders are tumbling down, making an almost continuous curtain above you. If you don't do something soon, you will die! >restore Okay. >s As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand. Cliff Middle A narrow ledge, barely wide enough to stand on, interrupts the cliff here. >u Cliff Top This is the upper end of a narrow, winding path up a sheer cliff. From here you can see that any further extension of the path was destroyed by a rock slide at some relatively recent time. There are many rocks precariously balanced above you. It looks like the slightest disturbance could bring them down on you. Frustratingly, you can see the remains of a small building just beyond the dangerous area, but there is no way to get there from here. >u The pile of rocks looks so unsteady that attempting to climb over it could set off an avalanche. >u The pile of rocks looks so unsteady that attempting to climb over it could set off an avalanche. >u The pile of rocks looks so unsteady that attempting to climb over it could set off an avalanche. Something you've done has disturbed the rocks above! Dirt and small stones are trickling down. It looks like the whole dike is about to give way! >girgol rocks As you cast the spell, the flimsy scroll vanishes! This spell stops time in a large area, so directing it at a specific object is unnecessarily precise. At first, nothing happens. Then you notice subtle changes in your surroundings. Nothing is moving. You can see dust motes hanging in midair, and a tiny gnat, its wings motionless, unknowingly defying gravity. >examine rocks You can see that the rocks are no longer falling. Dust hangs suspended in the air. Rocks appear wired in place. The mountainside that threatened to bury you floats serenely in midair. >u Even frozen in place, the rocks are so jumbled that you can't climb up them. You would need full mountaineering equipment even to try. >restore Okay. >s As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand. Cliff Middle A narrow ledge, barely wide enough to stand on, interrupts the cliff here. >u Cliff Top This is the upper end of a narrow, winding path up a sheer cliff. From here you can see that any further extension of the path was destroyed by a rock slide at some relatively recent time. There are many rocks precariously balanced above you. It looks like the slightest disturbance could bring them down on you. Frustratingly, you can see the remains of a small building just beyond the dangerous area, but there is no way to get there from here. >u The pile of rocks looks so unsteady that attempting to climb over it could set off an avalanche. >u The pile of rocks looks so unsteady that attempting to climb over it could set off an avalanche. >u The pile of rocks looks so unsteady that attempting to climb over it could set off an avalanche. Something you've done has disturbed the rocks above! Dirt and small stones are trickling down. It looks like the whole dike is about to give way! >u The pile of rocks looks so unsteady that attempting to climb over it could set off an avalanche. Huge rocks and boulders are tumbling down, making an almost continuous curtain above you. If you don't do something soon, you will die! >girgol As you cast the spell, the flimsy scroll vanishes! At first, nothing happens. Then you notice that the rocks are no longer falling. Dust hangs suspended in the air. Rocks appear wired in place. The mountainside that threatened to bury you floats serenely in midair. >u Boulder You are clinging to a boulder that is floating in midair. There are many other boulders around, also floating, and lots of dust and dirt, also not moving. One particularly large boulder with good handholds is above you. Below you is the cliff face. >u Boulder You are clinging to a boulder that is floating in midair. There are many other boulders around, also floating, and lots of dust and dirt, also not moving. A nice oblong boulder is above, and another large one is below you. >u Boulder You are clinging to a boulder that is floating in midair. There are many other boulders around, also floating, and lots of dust and dirt, also not moving. Below you is a long oblong boulder. Above you there are no more boulders, but there is a continuation of the trail that you were on. >u Mountain Top This is the top of the mountain. There is a crudely built stone hut nearby to the west. There is a gold coin here. >examine coin This is a gold 500 zorkmid piece. >get it Taken. >save Okay. >w Stone Hut The hut is made of irregular stones. The walls are chinked with moss, mud, small stones, a featureless white cube, and an occasional old fur. There is an exit to the east. Squatting on the floor is a wild-haired, bearded hermit who is looking at you with ill-concealed dislike. >examine hermit The old man is clothed in goatskin rags. He has a long, tangled beard and dirty matted hair. >learn yomin Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell yet another time. >yomin hermit The hermit is worried that you will rob him. He is very suspicious. He's been up here on the mountain for so long that his brains are slightly curdled. >examine cube This is a featureless white cube. You hear a gigantic rush of sound as an avalanche tumbles down the mountain. >ask hermit about cube "I've been living up here for many years. Wanted to get away from people. Too much noise, too much talk, too much jabber-jabber all the time. I've been building this hut for years, too. Couldn't find the right keystone. It would always collapse after a while, so I never moved into it. I kept hoping to get it right some day; no training in stonemasonry. One day there was a presence on the mountain, like a cloud had come over. Then there was smoke, orange smoke, I think. The next day I found that stone sitting on top of a rock not five minutes' walk from here. It was perfect." >examine keystone This is a featureless white cube. >l Stone Hut The hut is made of irregular stones. The walls are chinked with moss, mud, small stones, a featureless white cube, and an occasional old fur. There is an exit to the east. Squatting on the floor is a wild-haired, bearded hermit who is looking at you with ill-concealed dislike. >i You are carrying: a gold coin a cube a zipper The zipper contains: a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a magic burin a spell book >hermit, give me the keystone He's a taciturn old buzzard and doesn't respond. >examine fur It looks exactly as you would expect. >get it You're an enchanter, not a garbage collector. >read book My Spell Book The caskly spell (cause perfection). The throck spell (cause plants to grow). The blorple spell (explore an object's mystic connections). The yomin spell (mind probe). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). The frotz spell (cause something to give off light). The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book). The malyon spell (animate). The jindak spell (detect magic). The lesoch spell (gust of wind). >i You are carrying: a gold coin a cube a zipper The zipper contains: a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a magic burin a spell book >l Stone Hut The hut is made of irregular stones. The walls are chinked with moss, mud, small stones, a featureless white cube, and an occasional old fur. There is an exit to the east. Squatting on the floor is a wild-haired, bearded hermit who is looking at you with ill-concealed dislike. >save Okay. >