"Tarot Challenge: Ultimate Edition" by Ryan Veeder Hall of Cards is a room. Chapter 1 - Define Cards A tarot card is a kind of thing. [Suits is initially { "Swords", "Cups", "Pentacles", "Wands" }. Ranks is initially { "Ace", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Page", "Knight", "Queen", "King" }. When play begins: repeat with oursuit running through Suits: repeat with ourrank running through Ranks: say "The [ourrank] of [oursuit] is a tarot card.[paragraph break]"] The Ace of Swords is a tarot card. The Two of Swords is a tarot card. The Three of Swords is a tarot card. The Four of Swords is a tarot card. The Five of Swords is a tarot card. The Six of Swords is a tarot card. The Seven of Swords is a tarot card. The Eight of Swords is a tarot card. The Nine of Swords is a tarot card. The Ten of Swords is a tarot card. The Page of Swords is a tarot card. The Knight of Swords is a tarot card. The Queen of Swords is a tarot card. The King of Swords is a tarot card. The Ace of Cups is a tarot card. The Two of Cups is a tarot card. The Three of Cups is a tarot card. The Four of Cups is a tarot card. The Five of Cups is a tarot card. The Six of Cups is a tarot card. The Seven of Cups is a tarot card. The Eight of Cups is a tarot card. The Nine of Cups is a tarot card. The Ten of Cups is a tarot card. The Page of Cups is a tarot card. The Knight of Cups is a tarot card. The Queen of Cups is a tarot card. The King of Cups is a tarot card. The Ace of Pentacles is a tarot card. The Two of Pentacles is a tarot card. The Three of Pentacles is a tarot card. The Four of Pentacles is a tarot card. The Five of Pentacles is a tarot card. The Six of Pentacles is a tarot card. The Seven of Pentacles is a tarot card. The Eight of Pentacles is a tarot card. The Nine of Pentacles is a tarot card. The Ten of Pentacles is a tarot card. The Page of Pentacles is a tarot card. The Knight of Pentacles is a tarot card. The Queen of Pentacles is a tarot card. The King of Pentacles is a tarot card. The Ace of Wands is a tarot card. The Two of Wands is a tarot card. The Three of Wands is a tarot card. The Four of Wands is a tarot card. The Five of Wands is a tarot card. The Six of Wands is a tarot card. The Seven of Wands is a tarot card. The Eight of Wands is a tarot card. The Nine of Wands is a tarot card. The Ten of Wands is a tarot card. The Page of Wands is a tarot card. The Knight of Wands is a tarot card. The Queen of Wands is a tarot card. The King of Wands is a tarot card. 0 The Fool is a a tarot card. I The Magician is a tarot card. II The High Priestess is a tarot card. III The Empress is a tarot card. IV The Emperor is a tarot card. V The Hierophant is a tarot card. VI The Lovers is a tarot card. VII The Chariot is a tarot card. VIII Justice is a tarot card. IX The Hermit is a tarot card. X The Wheel of Fortune is a tarot card. XI Strength is a tarot card. XII The Hanged Man is a tarot card. XIII Death is a tarot card. XIV Temperance is a tarot card. XV The Devil is a tarot card. XVI The Tower is a tarot card. XVII The Star is a tarot card. XVIII The Moon is a tarot card. XIX The Sun is a tarot card. XX Judgement is a tarot card. XXI The World is a tarot card. Chapter 2 - The Correct Card The correct card is a tarot card that varies. Definition: A tarot card is incorrect if it is not the correct card. To assign the next correct card: let cardpicked be false; repeat through Table of Correct Tarot Cards: if cardpicked is false: if usedyet entry is false: now usedyet entry is true; now cardpicked is true; now the correct card is card entry; present a tarot challenge; if cardpicked is false: say "'That's all the correct cards, so I guess you win!'"; end the story; Table of Correct Tarot Cards usedyet card false Four of Pentacles false XI Strength false XV The Devil Chapter 3 - Setting Up the Challenge To present a tarot challenge: repeat with leftovercard running through tarot cards enclosed by the location: remove leftovercard from play; let layout be a list of tarot cards; add the correct card to layout; let badcard1 be a random incorrect tarot card; add badcard1 to layout; let badcard2 be a random incorrect tarot card; add badcard2 to layout; sort layout in random order; repeat with newcard running through layout: now newcard is in the location; say "Madam Sosostris places [the list of visible tarot cards] before you and tells you to pick the right one." Chapter 4 - Taking a Card Understand "pick [something]" as taking. Instead of taking a tarot card: if the noun is the correct card: say "'That's correct!' says Madam Sosostris. "; assign the next correct card; otherwise: say "'That's incorrect!' says Madam Sosostris. Am I spelling that right? Anyway, you have to start over.[paragraph break]"; repeat through Table of Correct Tarot Cards: now usedyet entry is false; assign the next correct card; Chapter 5 - When Play Begins When play begins: assign the next correct card;