Start of a transcript of Let's Play: Ancient Greek Punishment: The Text Adventure An Interactive Fiction by Pippin Barr Release 1 / Serial number 190916 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) Type HELP for help. Identification number: //596E9043-0977-49B5-99D7-BD24F02D5998// Interpreter version 2.1.6 / VM 3.1.2 / Library serial number 080126 Standard Rules version 3/120430 by Graham Nelson Room Description Headings version 1/090620 by Erwin Genstein Simple Chat version 4 by Mark Tilford >l The Bank of the River Styx Here you are on the gritty beach at the edge of the famous River Styx. The water flows sluggishly by. You can see Charon's ferry and Charon here. >x me You look deader than you remember looking. >i You are carrying nothing. >x beach Apparently death is a beach, too. Not much of a beach day, though. >x river The river seems to sneer at you. >search beach You find nothing of interest. >search river You find nothing of interest. >enter river If you ever knew how to swim, you don't anymore. >x ferry It's Charon's ferry, not totally unlike a small dinghy. Right now it is moored at the bank of the river, its oars lying lengthwise along the bench seats, ready to shove off. >x charon Charon is one tall drink of stagnant water. His eyes look sourly out from beneath a cowl. He is holding a clipboard. >x clipboard Charon irritably angles the clipboard away from you, but not before you've seen the list of names he's expecting for the trip across the river: Sisyphus Tantalus Prometheus Danaids Zeno >talk to charon You start trying to speak, but there's something in your mouth. Perhaps you should spit it out. >spit You spit a small coin into your hand. >give coin to charon (the obol to Charon) Charon looks at you wearily, "No paying until you tell me who you are." (Maybe you should talk to him first.) >talk to charon Before you can get a word in, Charon monotones, "And you are?" Recalling the list of names on the clipboard, you say: 1) "I'm Sisyphus!" 2) "I'm Tantalus!" 3) "I'm Prometheus!" 4) "I'm a Danaid!" 5) "I'm Zeno!" 6) "Never mind..." >> 1 Charon looks at you blankly, "Sure. Pay me.". He holds out a bony hand. >pay (Charon) You hand over the small coin. Charon drops it into a pocket and gestures at the ferry. You should probably get in. >x ferry It's Charon's ferry, not totally unlike a small dinghy. Right now it is moored at the bank of the river, its oars lying lengthwise along the bench seats, ready to shove off. >get in Charon takes pains not to help you step into the ferry, but you make it in alright. Charon sets about unmooring the ferry. >l The Bank of the River Styx (in Charon's ferry) Here you are on the gritty beach at the edge of the famous River Styx. The water flows sluggishly by. You can see Charon here. Charon steps deftly into the ferry and takes up his position at the oars. >push charon Stop being so pushy! With a series of surprisingly muscular pulls on the oars, Charon sends the ferry across the river. You barely have time to take in the gloomy fog and lack of scenery before the prow of the boat grinds onto the gritty sand of a beach. Charon looks at you implacably. You intuit that it's time for you to get out. >get out You manage to jump out of the ferry clumsily. Before he departs, Charon tells you that you can skip his ferry in the future by simply announcing yourself immediately, such as by saying "Sisyphus" or similar. His duty discharged, Charon oars away without giving you a another thought. >l Bottom of the Hill A grey, gritty beach meets the edge of the river. A low, bare hill rises gently upward. You can see a worryingly large boulder here. >x boulder That really is a lot of rock. There is a grey post-it note stuck to the boulder at eye-level. >read note The note just says Push me. The post-it note suddenly tears off the boulder in a gust of wind and loops madly away into the distance. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. A Little Way Up the Hill Just above the beach the grit-sand turns into a packed dirt of the same colour. The occasional sprig of dead grass serves to liven it up. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. Partway Up the Hill The hill slopes up and down away from you, formidable in its general featurelessness. It looks like you're exactly half-way up. Or down. You can see a swan here. >x swan As soon as you look directly at the swan, it's not there anymore. Maybe it was a trick of the light. Obeying gravity, the boulder rolls calmly down the hill. >push rock You'll need to head back down the hill if you want to do anything with the boulder. The boulder rolls down the hill. Below, you see the boulder settle into place at the bottom of the hill. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >d A Little Way Up the Hill Just above the beach the grit-sand turns into a packed dirt of the same colour. The occasional sprig of dead grass serves to liven it up. >d Bottom of the Hill A grey, gritty beach meets the edge of the river. A low, bare hill rises gently upward. You can see a worryingly large boulder here. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. A Little Way Up the Hill Just above the beach the grit-sand turns into a packed dirt of the same colour. The occasional sprig of dead grass serves to liven it up. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. Partway Up the Hill The hill slopes up and down away from you, formidable in its general featurelessness. It looks like you're exactly half-way up. Or down. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. A Fair Way Up the Hill A continuation of this relentless expanse of hillside. There seems to be a small hole in the dirt. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. Quite Far Up the Hill Far enough up the hill to be out of breath if you don't get out much. Like the rest of the hill, this part is made entirely out of dirt. You can see a way out here. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. Nearly the Top of the Hill It's so barren up here you can't even imagine something growing, and you have a pretty good imagination. The fog, however, does appear to be coalescing into strange shapes here. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. The Top of the Hill The view is disappointing. The boulder is here at last! You can see a plinth (on which is a book) here. [Your score has gone up by 1 point.] The boulder slips from your grasp as though it has a mind of its own and starts rolling back down the hill. The rumbling sounds it makes is suspiciously like Zeus's laughter. >take book It's chained to the plinth. The boulder rolls down the hill. >x plinth A minimalist marble plinth. On the plinth is a book. The boulder rolls down the hill. >read book It's "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus. Apparently you ought to be happy right about now. The boulder rolls down the hill. >be happy You try to imagine yourself happy, but it doesn't seem to work. Thanks for nothing, Camus. The boulder rolls down the hill. >x me You look deader than you remember looking. The boulder rolls down the hill. Below, you see the boulder settle into place at the bottom of the hill. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >l The Top of the Hill The view is disappointing. You should really go get the boulder. You can see a plinth (on which is a book) here. >d Nearly the Top of the Hill It's so barren up here you can't even imagine something growing, and you have a pretty good imagination. The fog, however, does appear to be coalescing into strange shapes here. >x fog The swirling fog almost looks like Zeus. >take it You try to take some and it goes about as well as expected. >x fog The swirling fog almost looks like an exhausted man. >x fog The swirling fog almost looks like an exhausted man. >x fog The swirling fog almost looks like Zeus. >x fog The swirling fog almost looks like a swan. >d Quite Far Up the Hill Like the rest of the hill, this part is made entirely out of dirt. You can see a way out here. >out But you aren't in anything at the moment. >x way There is no way out. >l Quite Far Up the Hill Like the rest of the hill, this part is made entirely out of dirt. >x dirt Not as dirty as you'd have thought. >d A Fair Way Up the Hill A continuation of this relentless expanse of hillside. There seems to be a small hole in the dirt. >x hole A small absence of dirt amidst the dirt. In the hole is a folded note. >take note The note has just one word on it: xyzzy Just as you finish reading it, the note blows sharply out of your hand and off into the distance. >xyzzy Nothing happens. Magic isn't real. You could swear you can hear Zeus chuckling somewhere just out of view. >l A Fair Way Up the Hill A continuation of this relentless expanse of hillside. There seems to be a small hole in the dirt. >d Partway Up the Hill The hill slopes up and down away from you, formidable in its general featurelessness. It looks like you're exactly half-way up. Or down. >d A Little Way Up the Hill Just above the beach the grit-sand turns into a packed dirt of the same colour. The occasional sprig of dead grass serves to liven it up. >d Bottom of the Hill A grey, gritty beach meets the edge of the river. A low, bare hill rises gently upward. You can see a worryingly large boulder here. >d You can't go that way. >sisyphus It sure is. >say sisyphus (to yourself) There is no reply. >l Bottom of the Hill A grey, gritty beach meets the edge of the river. A low, bare hill rises gently upward. You can see a worryingly large boulder here. >Sisyphus It sure is. >w You can't go that way. >out But you aren't in anything at the moment. >x river The river seems to sneer at you. >enter river If you ever knew how to swim, you don't anymore. >x beach Apparently death is a beach, too. Not much of a beach day, though. >search beach You find nothing of interest. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. A Little Way Up the Hill Just above the beach the grit-sand turns into a packed dirt of the same colour. The occasional sprig of dead grass serves to liven it up. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. Partway Up the Hill The hill slopes up and down away from you, formidable in its general featurelessness. It looks like you're exactly half-way up. Or down. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. A Fair Way Up the Hill A continuation of this relentless expanse of hillside. There seems to be a small hole in the dirt. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. Quite Far Up the Hill Far enough up the hill to be out of breath if you don't get out much. Like the rest of the hill, this part is made entirely out of dirt. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. Nearly the Top of the Hill It's so barren up here you can't even imagine something growing, and you have a pretty good imagination. The fog, however, does appear to be coalescing into strange shapes here. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. The Top of the Hill The view is disappointing. The boulder is here at last! You can see a plinth (on which is a book) here. [Your score has gone up by 1 point.] The boulder slips from your grasp as though it has a mind of its own and starts rolling back down the hill. The rumbling sounds it makes is suspiciously like Zeus's laughter. >push rock You'll need to head back down the hill if you want to do anything with the boulder. The boulder rolls down the hill. >d Nearly the Top of the Hill It's so barren up here you can't even imagine something growing, and you have a pretty good imagination. The fog, however, does appear to be coalescing into strange shapes here. The boulder rolls down the hill. >d Quite Far Up the Hill Like the rest of the hill, this part is made entirely out of dirt. The boulder rolls down the hill. >d A Fair Way Up the Hill A continuation of this relentless expanse of hillside. There seems to be a small hole in the dirt. The boulder rolls down the hill. >d Partway Up the Hill The hill slopes up and down away from you, formidable in its general featurelessness. It looks like you're exactly half-way up. Or down. The boulder rolls down the hill. Below, you see the boulder settle into place at the bottom of the hill. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >push rock You'll need to head back down the hill if you want to do anything with the boulder. >push rock You'll need to head back down the hill if you want to do anything with the boulder. >d A Little Way Up the Hill Just above the beach the grit-sand turns into a packed dirt of the same colour. The occasional sprig of dead grass serves to liven it up. >d Bottom of the Hill A grey, gritty beach meets the edge of the river. A low, bare hill rises gently upward. You can see a worryingly large boulder here. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. A Little Way Up the Hill Just above the beach the grit-sand turns into a packed dirt of the same colour. The occasional sprig of dead grass serves to liven it up. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. Partway Up the Hill The hill slopes up and down away from you, formidable in its general featurelessness. It looks like you're exactly half-way up. Or down. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. A Fair Way Up the Hill A continuation of this relentless expanse of hillside. There seems to be a small hole in the dirt. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. Quite Far Up the Hill Far enough up the hill to be out of breath if you don't get out much. Like the rest of the hill, this part is made entirely out of dirt. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. Nearly the Top of the Hill It's so barren up here you can't even imagine something growing, and you have a pretty good imagination. The fog, however, does appear to be coalescing into strange shapes here. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. The Top of the Hill The view is disappointing. The boulder is here at last! You can see a plinth (on which is a book) here. [Your score has gone up by 1 point.] The boulder slips from your grasp as though it has a mind of its own and starts rolling back down the hill. The rumbling sounds it makes is suspiciously like Zeus's laughter. >u You can't go that way. The boulder rolls down the hill. >read book It's "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus. Apparently you ought to be happy right about now. The boulder rolls down the hill. >be happy You try to imagine yourself happy, but it doesn't seem to work. Thanks for nothing, Camus. The boulder rolls down the hill. >e You can't go that way. The boulder rolls down the hill. >out But you aren't in anything at the moment. The boulder rolls down the hill. Below, you see the boulder settle into place at the bottom of the hill. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >l The Top of the Hill The view is disappointing. You should really go get the boulder. You can see a plinth (on which is a book) here. >x view You can't see any such thing. >x plinth A minimalist marble plinth. On the plinth is a book. >push it Stop being so pushy! >open it It isn't something you can open. >break it Wrong game. >sit on it No rest for the wicked. >climb it Leave climbing for the living. >i You are carrying nothing. >s You can't go that way. >n You can't go that way. >e You can't go that way. >w You can't go that way. >ne You can't go that way. >nw You can't go that way. >se You can't go that way. >sw You can't go that way. >l The Top of the Hill The view is disappointing. You should really go get the boulder. You can see a plinth (on which is a book) here. >d Nearly the Top of the Hill It's so barren up here you can't even imagine something growing, and you have a pretty good imagination. The fog, however, does appear to be coalescing into strange shapes here. >enter fog That's not something you can enter. >search fog You find nothing of interest. >hug fog You can only do that to something animate. >x fog The swirling fog almost looks like a bull. >d Quite Far Up the Hill Like the rest of the hill, this part is made entirely out of dirt. >take dirt You're not here to dig holes. >search dirt You find nothing of interest. >d A Fair Way Up the Hill A continuation of this relentless expanse of hillside. There seems to be a small hole in the dirt. >x hole A small absence of dirt amidst the dirt. >search hole The hole is empty. >enter hole That's not something you can enter. >close hole It isn't something you can close. >open it It isn't something you can open. >s You can't go that way. >d Partway Up the Hill The hill slopes up and down away from you, formidable in its general featurelessness. It looks like you're exactly half-way up. Or down. >x hill It's a good, solid hill. It probably never gets depressed. >d A Little Way Up the Hill Just above the beach the grit-sand turns into a packed dirt of the same colour. The occasional sprig of dead grass serves to liven it up. >x grass It's dead, Jim. >take it Leave it alone, it's been through enough. >s You can't go that way. >d Bottom of the Hill A grey, gritty beach meets the edge of the river. A low, bare hill rises gently upward. You can see a worryingly large boulder here. >break boulder Wrong game. >x it That really is a lot of rock. >turn it Nothing obvious happens. >take it That would be hilarious, but it's too big, too heavy, and too destined to punish you for that. >push rock into river You can't see any such thing. >push rock down You can't go that way. >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. A Little Way Up the Hill Just above the beach the grit-sand turns into a packed dirt of the same colour. The occasional sprig of dead grass serves to liven it up. >d Bottom of the Hill A grey, gritty beach meets the edge of the river. A low, bare hill rises gently upward. Obeying gravity, the boulder rolls calmly down the hill. The boulder rolls into view. The boulder settles ponderously back at its starting position. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. A Little Way Up the Hill Just above the beach the grit-sand turns into a packed dirt of the same colour. The occasional sprig of dead grass serves to liven it up. >d Bottom of the Hill A grey, gritty beach meets the edge of the river. A low, bare hill rises gently upward. Obeying gravity, the boulder rolls calmly down the hill. The boulder rolls into view. The boulder settles ponderously back at its starting position. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. A Little Way Up the Hill Just above the beach the grit-sand turns into a packed dirt of the same colour. The occasional sprig of dead grass serves to liven it up. >d Bottom of the Hill A grey, gritty beach meets the edge of the river. A low, bare hill rises gently upward. Obeying gravity, the boulder rolls calmly down the hill. The boulder rolls into view. The boulder settles ponderously back at its starting position. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. A Little Way Up the Hill Just above the beach the grit-sand turns into a packed dirt of the same colour. The occasional sprig of dead grass serves to liven it up. >d Bottom of the Hill A grey, gritty beach meets the edge of the river. A low, bare hill rises gently upward. Obeying gravity, the boulder rolls calmly down the hill. The boulder rolls into view. The boulder settles ponderously back at its starting position. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >push rock You furrow your brow and heave the boulder forward. A Little Way Up the Hill Just above the beach the grit-sand turns into a packed dirt of the same colour. The occasional sprig of dead grass serves to liven it up. >d Bottom of the Hill A grey, gritty beach meets the edge of the river. A low, bare hill rises gently upward. Obeying gravity, the boulder rolls calmly down the hill. The boulder rolls into view. The boulder settles ponderously back at its starting position. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >die That's not a verb I recognise. >l Bottom of the Hill A grey, gritty beach meets the edge of the river. A low, bare hill rises gently upward. You can see a worryingly large boulder here. >search boulder You find nothing of interest. >l Bottom of the Hill A grey, gritty beach meets the edge of the river. A low, bare hill rises gently upward. You can see a worryingly large boulder here. >Tantalus That particular magical incantation only works at the start of the game. Now that you're here, you're stuck here. If you want to get out so bad you can always restart or quit. >Sisyphus It sure is. >I am Sisyphus It sure is. >restart Are you sure you want to restart? yes Let's Play: Ancient Greek Punishment: The Text Adventure An Interactive Fiction by Pippin Barr Release 1 / Serial number 190916 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) Type HELP for help. The Bank of the River Styx Here you are on the gritty beach at the edge of the famous River Styx. The water flows sluggishly by. You can see Charon's ferry and Charon here. >x clipboard Charon irritably angles the clipboard away from you, but not before you've seen the list of names he's expecting for the trip across the river: Sisyphus Tantalus Prometheus Danaids Zeno >talk to charon You start trying to speak, but there's something in your mouth. Perhaps you should spit it out. >spit You spit a small coin into your hand. >talk to charon Before you can get a word in, Charon monotones, "And you are?" Recalling the list of names on the clipboard, you say: 1) "I'm Sisyphus!" 2) "I'm Tantalus!" 3) "I'm Prometheus!" 4) "I'm a Danaid!" 5) "I'm Zeno!" 6) "Never mind..." >> 2 Charon looks at you blankly, "Sure. Pay me.". He holds out a bony hand. >pay (Charon) You hand over the small coin. Charon drops it into a pocket and gestures at the ferry. You should probably get in. >get in Charon takes pains not to help you step into the ferry, but you make it in alright. Charon sets about unmooring the ferry. >z Time passes. Charon steps deftly into the ferry and takes up his position at the oars. >z Time passes. With a series of surprisingly muscular pulls on the oars, Charon sends the ferry across the river. You barely have time to take in the gloomy fog and lack of scenery before the prow of the boat grinds onto the gritty sand of a beach. Charon looks at you implacably. You intuit that it's time for you to get out. >out You manage to jump out of the ferry clumsily. Charon hops out of the ferry behind you and leads to you the pool set into the ground at the top of the slope of the beach. He points and you wade into the centre of the water. Satisfied you're in position, Charon turns and walks back to the ferry. A Desolate Beach (in the pool) You are standing in a stone-lined pool of water set into the ground up from the beach. An apple tree extends its branches above you. A single apple hangs from a single branch. You can see Charon's ferry (in which is Charon) here. You're starving. Before he departs, Charon tells you that you can skip his ferry in the future by simply announcing yourself immediately, such as by saying "Tantalus" or similar. His duty discharged, Charon oars away without giving you a another thought. >x water Crystal clear, eminently drinkable water. There is a blue post-it note floating on the surface. You haven't eaten in forever. >read note Which do you mean, the nothingred post-it note stuck to the apple or the blue post-it note? >red The note on the apple says Eat me. Just after you finish reading it, the post-it note blows off the apple and away into the distance. You wish you had something to drink. >x blue The note floating in the water says Drink me. After you read it, the post-it note is plucked from the water by a gust of wind and flaps wetly into the distance. You're feeling really hungry. >eat apple You reach up to pluck the apple from its branch, but as you do a gust of wind blows the branch up and away from you. It only resettles when you give up and drop your arm down again. The wind made a sound oddly like Zeus's laughter. [Your score has not changed.] Your stomach gurgles. >drink water You stoop to drink some water, but it recedes as fast as you move toward it until the bottom of the pool is completely dry. Upon standing, the water rushes back in up to your waist. The gurgling sound it make sounds oddly like Zeus's laughter. [Your score has not changed.] You haven't eaten in forever. >l A Desolate Beach (in the pool) You are standing in a stone-lined pool of water set into the ground up from the beach. An apple tree extends its branches above you. A single apple hangs from a single branch. You wish you had something to eat. >drink apple Your drinking days are over. You're feeling really hungry. >eat water Your eating days are over. You wish you had something to drink. >drink water You stoop to drink some water, but it recedes as fast as you move toward it until the bottom of the pool is completely dry. Upon standing, the water rushes back in up to your waist. The gurgling sound it make sounds oddly like Zeus's laughter. [Your score has not changed.] You need to drink something. >eat apple You reach up to pluck the apple from its branch, but as you do a gust of wind blows the branch up and away from you. It only resettles when you give up and drop your arm down again. The wind made a sound oddly like Zeus's laughter. [Your score has not changed.] You're feeling really thirsty. >restart Are you sure you want to restart? y Let's Play: Ancient Greek Punishment: The Text Adventure An Interactive Fiction by Pippin Barr Release 1 / Serial number 190916 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) Type HELP for help. The Bank of the River Styx Here you are on the gritty beach at the edge of the famous River Styx. The water flows sluggishly by. You can see Charon's ferry and Charon here. >x clipboard Charon irritably angles the clipboard away from you, but not before you've seen the list of names he's expecting for the trip across the river: Sisyphus Tantalus Prometheus Danaids Zeno >spit You spit a small coin into your hand. >talk to charon Before you can get a word in, Charon monotones, "And you are?" Recalling the list of names on the clipboard, you say: 1) "I'm Sisyphus!" 2) "I'm Tantalus!" 3) "I'm Prometheus!" 4) "I'm a Danaid!" 5) "I'm Zeno!" 6) "Never mind..." >> 3 Charon looks at you blankly, "Sure. Pay me.". He holds out a bony hand. >pay (Charon) You hand over the small coin. Charon drops it into a pocket and gestures at the ferry. You should probably get in. >in You can't go that way. >get in Charon takes pains not to help you step into the ferry, but you make it in alright. Charon sets about unmooring the ferry. >z Time passes. Charon steps deftly into the ferry and takes up his position at the oars. >z Time passes. With a series of surprisingly muscular pulls on the oars, Charon sends the ferry across the river. You barely have time to take in the gloomy fog and lack of scenery before the prow of the boat grinds onto the gritty sand of a beach. Charon looks at you implacably. You intuit that it's time for you to get out. >out You manage to jump out of the ferry clumsily. Charon jumps lightly out of the ferry behind you and leads to you the imposing black rock embedded in the beach. With his guidance you lie down on top of it and Charon chains you securely in place. This done, he descends from the rock and returns to the ferry. [Your score has gone up by 10 points.] The Rock (chained to the rock) Beneath what passes for daylight here, an unpleasantly jagged black rock rises from the ash colored sand of the beach. You are chained to the rock. There is a yellow post-it note stuck just next to your head. You can see Charon and Charon's ferry here. Before he departs, Charon tells you that you can skip his ferry in the future by simply announcing yourself immediately, such as by saying "Prometheus" or similar. His duty discharged, Charon oars away without giving you a another thought. >read note The note on the rock says Wait. Just after you finish reading it, the post-it note blows off the rock and away into the distance. An eagle appears on the horizon. >x rock It's very black and very rocky. A set of chains are firmly attached to the rock. They also happen to be firmly attaching you to it. The eagle is getting close. >x chain The chains are weirdly yellow in colour. They definitely work though. The eagle is right above you. >x eagle It is way too close for comfort. The eagle lands heavily beside you. You feel an urge to struggle. >struggle You thrash in your chains desperately. It's enough to disturb the eagle, which flaps up into the air. >z Time passes. The eagle lands heavily beside you. You feel an urge to writhe. >z Time passes. The eagle pecks out some of your liver. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >z Time passes. The eagle eats some of your liver. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >z Time passes. The eagle swallows some of your liver. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >z Time passes. The eagle swallows some of your liver. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >z Time passes. The eagle tears out some of your liver. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >z Time passes. The eagle pecks out some of your liver. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >z Time passes. The eagle rips out some of your liver. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >z Time passes. The eagle tears out some of your liver. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >z Time passes. The eagle pecks out some of your liver. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >z Time passes. The eagle rips out some of your liver. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >struggle You struggle in your chains desperately. It's enough to disturb the eagle, which flaps up into the air. >restart Are you sure you want to restart? yes Let's Play: Ancient Greek Punishment: The Text Adventure An Interactive Fiction by Pippin Barr Release 1 / Serial number 190916 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) Type HELP for help. The Bank of the River Styx Here you are on the gritty beach at the edge of the famous River Styx. The water flows sluggishly by. You can see Charon's ferry and Charon here. >x clipboard Charon irritably angles the clipboard away from you, but not before you've seen the list of names he's expecting for the trip across the river: Sisyphus Tantalus Prometheus Danaids Zeno >spit You spit a small coin into your hand. >talk (to Charon) Before you can get a word in, Charon monotones, "And you are?" Recalling the list of names on the clipboard, you say: 1) "I'm Sisyphus!" 2) "I'm Tantalus!" 3) "I'm Prometheus!" 4) "I'm a Danaid!" 5) "I'm Zeno!" 6) "Never mind..." >> 4 Charon looks at you blankly, "Sure. Pay me.". He holds out a bony hand. >pay (Charon) You hand over the small coin. Charon drops it into a pocket and gestures at the ferry. You should probably get in. >get in Charon takes pains not to help you step into the ferry, but you make it in alright. Charon sets about unmooring the ferry. >z Time passes. Charon steps deftly into the ferry and takes up his position at the oars. >z Time passes. With a series of surprisingly muscular pulls on the oars, Charon sends the ferry across the river. You barely have time to take in the gloomy fog and lack of scenery before the prow of the boat grinds onto the gritty sand of a beach. Charon looks at you implacably. You intuit that it's time for you to get out. >out You manage to jump out of the ferry clumsily. Before he departs, Charon tells you that you can skip his ferry in the future by simply announcing yourself immediately, such as by saying "Danaid" or similar. His duty discharged, Charon oars away without giving you a another thought. >l An Arid Beach The sand here is bone dry. Rising out of the ground is a fountain and a little distance from it is a basin. You can see a jug here. >x fountain (the fountain) A small fountain perpetually shooting water a short way up into the air before it cascades down into a shallow bowl. >x water Cool, clear water. >x basin (the basin) A wide basin intended for holding liquid. Let's say water. There is a white post-it note stuck to the rim. >read note The note says Fill me. Just after you finish reading it, the post-it note blows off the rim of the basin and away into the distance. >take jug Taken. >fill jug You fill the jug with water from the fountain. >fill basin (the basin) You carefully pour the water in the jug into the basin. It streams in nicely, catching what little light there is. [Your score has gone up by 1 point.] >fill jug You fill the jug with water from the fountain. The water in the basin drains out through several holes with a bubbling noise that sounds like Zeus's laughter. The escaped water immediately dissapates into the sand. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >fill basin (the basin) You carefully pour the water in the jug into the basin. It streams in nicely, catching what little light there is. [Your score has gone up by 1 point.] >fill jug You fill the jug with water from the fountain. The water in the basin drains out through several holes with a bubbling noise that sounds like Zeus's laughter. The escaped water immediately dissapates into the sand. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >fill basin (the basin) You carefully pour the water in the jug into the basin. It streams in nicely, catching what little light there is. [Your score has gone up by 1 point.] >drink water Your drinking days are over. The water in the basin drains out through several holes with a bubbling noise that sounds like Zeus's laughter. The escaped water immediately dissapates into the sand. [Your score has gone down by 1 point.] >restart Are you sure you want to restart? y Let's Play: Ancient Greek Punishment: The Text Adventure An Interactive Fiction by Pippin Barr Release 1 / Serial number 190916 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) Type HELP for help. The Bank of the River Styx Here you are on the gritty beach at the edge of the famous River Styx. The water flows sluggishly by. You can see Charon's ferry and Charon here. >spit You spit a small coin into your hand. >x clipboard Charon irritably angles the clipboard away from you, but not before you've seen the list of names he's expecting for the trip across the river: Sisyphus Tantalus Prometheus Danaids Zeno >talk (to Charon) Before you can get a word in, Charon monotones, "And you are?" Recalling the list of names on the clipboard, you say: 1) "I'm Sisyphus!" 2) "I'm Tantalus!" 3) "I'm Prometheus!" 4) "I'm a Danaid!" 5) "I'm Zeno!" 6) "Never mind..." >> 5 Charon looks at you blankly, "Sure. Pay me.". He holds out a bony hand. >pay (Charon) You hand over the small coin. Charon drops it into a pocket and gestures at the ferry. You should probably get in. >get in Charon takes pains not to help you step into the ferry, but you make it in alright. Charon sets about unmooring the ferry. >z Time passes. Charon steps deftly into the ferry and takes up his position at the oars. >z Time passes. With a series of surprisingly muscular pulls on the oars, Charon sends the ferry across the river. You barely have time to take in the gloomy fog and lack of scenery before the prow of the boat grinds onto the gritty sand of a beach. Charon looks at you implacably. You intuit that it's time for you to get out. >out You manage to jump out of the ferry clumsily. Charon points you toward the starting line drawn in the sand and you walk obediently over to it. A Flat Beach (at the starting line) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are at the start line. You can see Charon's ferry (in which is Charon) here. Before he departs, Charon tells you that you can skip his ferry in the future by simply announcing yourself immediately, such as by saying "Zeno" or similar. His duty discharged, Charon oars away without giving you a another thought. >x track It looks like someone used a stick of driftwood to draw the crude boundaries that lead north to the flag at the finish line. >x north You see nothing unexpected in that direction. >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are half-way to the flag. [Your score has gone up by 0.5 points.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are three-quarters of the way to the flag. [Your score has gone up by 0.25 points.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are seven-eighths of the way to the flag. [Your score has gone up by 0.125 points.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are fifteen-sixteenths of the way to the flag. [Your score has gone up by 0.0625 points.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are thirty-one thirty-seconds of the way to the flag. [Your score has gone up by 0.03125 points.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are sixty-three sixty-fourths of the way to the flag. [Your score has gone up by 0.015625 points.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are a hundred and twenty-seven hundred and twenty-eighths of the way to the flag. [Your score has gone up by 0.0078125 points.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are two hundred and fifty-five two hundred and fifty-sixths of the way to the flag. [Your score has gone up by 0.00390625 points.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are five hundred and eleven five hundred and twelfths of the way to the flag. [Your score has gone up by 0.001953125 points.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are so close the flag you can taste it. [Your score has gone up by close to nothing.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are practically standing on the flag, but not quite. [Your score has gone up by barely anything.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are incredibly close to finishing the race. [Your score has gone up by very little indeed.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are practically standing on the flag, but not quite. [Your score has gone up by basically nothing.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are practically standing on the flag, but not quite. [Your score has gone up by a negligible amount.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are practically standing on the flag, but not quite. [Your score has gone up by almost nothing.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You have very nearly finished the race. [Your score has gone up by almost nothing.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are extremely close to the flag. [Your score has gone up by very little indeed.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are practically standing on the flag, but not quite. [Your score has gone up by a truly tiny amount.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You have very nearly finished the race. [Your score has gone up by almost nothing.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You have very nearly finished the race. [Your score has gone up by a miniscule amount.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are extremely close to the flag. [Your score has gone up by a truly tiny amount.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You have very nearly finished the race. [Your score has gone up by barely anything.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are extremely close to the flag. [Your score has gone up by very little indeed.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are practically standing on the flag, but not quite. [Your score has gone up by almost nothing.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are incredibly close to finishing the race. [Your score has gone up by basically nothing.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are incredibly close to finishing the race. [Your score has gone up by close to nothing.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are incredibly close to finishing the race. [Your score has gone up by a miniscule amount.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are extremely close to the flag. [Your score has gone up by basically nothing.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You have very nearly finished the race. [Your score has gone up by barely anything.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are so close the flag you can taste it. [Your score has gone up by a miniscule amount.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are so close the flag you can taste it. [Your score has gone up by a miniscule amount.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are incredibly close to finishing the race. [Your score has gone up by a negligible amount.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are so close the flag you can taste it. [Your score has gone up by a miniscule amount.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are practically standing on the flag, but not quite. [Your score has gone up by a negligible amount.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are incredibly close to finishing the race. [Your score has gone up by basically nothing.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You have very nearly finished the race. [Your score has gone up by basically nothing.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You are extremely close to the flag. [Your score has gone up by very little indeed.] >n You run furiously and cover half the distance to the flag! A Flat Beach (on the track) The beach extends off into the fog. A straight track of about 100 meters has been sketched into the sand leading north away from the river with the starting line closest to the water. You can see a green flag in the distance at the end of the track. You have very nearly finished the race. [Your score has gone up by a truly tiny amount.] >quit Are you sure you want to quit?