Game transcript mode ON. Type a backtick ( ` ) character at the start of an input to make a comment in your transcript. Type TSTOP to save your transcript. The living room is dark except for the spectral, annoyed light of Great-Grandad McSween's ghost. You see the ghost of Great-Grandad McSween. Exits: South, West. >X GHOST The ghost of Great-Grandad McSween has a distinctly annoyed expression on his spectral face. It's most likely due to the current situation, but to be honest you've never seen him look any other way. >TALK GHOST 'Look, it's simple,' says Great-Grandad McSween. 'When you see one of those two reprobates, just open the box to capture them. Let's get this done nice and quickly and I won't have to involve your mum and dad.' >OPEN BOX Best to catch the other ghosts first before helping Great-Grandad McSween back into the box. >W The kitchen is full of party food. From outside, you can hear the sounds of your parents setting up for the Hallowe'en party. You see the ghost of Great-Uncle Angus, the windows and the window blinds. Exits: East. As you walk into the kitchen, your breath quickens. The ghost of Great-Uncle Angus is here, helping himself to the party food - and you can see your mum outside, setting up the Hallowe'en party in the garden. If she sees the ghost, you'll be in big trouble! You'll have to find a way to block her view - quickly! >X WINDOW Through the windows, you can see your mum setting up the Hallowe'en party. All the neighbours will be coming round later. There'll be fireworks and lots of food. You're looking forward to it... but you need to get these ghosts back in their box first. You glance, panicked, at your mum in the garden. Surely it's only a matter of time until she looks up. You have to block her view somehow! >X BLINDS Plastic miniblinds for the kitchen windows. Outside, your mum stands up and starts looking around. You're nearly out of time! She'll see the ghost if you don't do something now! >CLOSE BLINDS You rush over and pull the blinds closed, breathing a sigh of relief. If nothing else, at least you're safe from your mum's eagle eyes for now. >X GHOST The ghost of Great-Uncle Angus is making no attempt to hide from you - in fact, you're not sure he's even noticed you. With the remnants of his sense of taste, he's pressing his ghostly tongue against the party food. As ever, Mum and Dad have made piles and piles of treacle toffee. When Great-Uncle Angus was alive, he could never manage to eat the stuff due to his lack of teeth - but he always loved the taste. >OPEN BOX You grasp the hardwood box with both hands and open it up. An unearthly whistle emanates from the box! The ghost of Great-Uncle Angus gives a slight shriek as his spectral essence is sucked back into the box and you slam it shut. You feel slightly guilty, but you know it's where he belongs. >I You are carrying: \ \ (*) the darkwood box\ >X BOX It's made of a beautifully carved dark wood. The fact that it's now shrunken makes the carvings look more intricate. >L The kitchen is full of party food. From outside, you can hear the sounds of your parents setting up for the Hallowe'en party. You see the windows and the window blinds. Exits: East. >E The living room is dark except for the spectral, annoyed light of Great-Grandad McSween's ghost. You see the ghost of Great-Grandad McSween. Exits: South, West. >S You're in the entryway of the house. Stairs lead upwards. Exits: North, Up. >U You're on the upstairs landing. Stairs lead downwards. Exits: West, Down. >D You're in the entryway of the house. Stairs lead upwards. Exits: North, Up. >U You're on the upstairs landing. Stairs lead downwards. Exits: West, Down. >W This is the bedroom of your younger sisters, Flora and Effie. You see Effie and Flora. Exits: East. >X EFFIE Effie is giggling at some stupid joke. She's wearing a witch's hat, which is flapping around a bit strangely. >X FLORA Flora is telling Effie bad Hallowe'en jokes. >TALK EFFIE 'Go away!' says Effie. 'You're supposed to be helping Mum and Dad with the party.' >TALK FLORA 'What do you want?' says Flora suspiciously. 'We're busy getting our costumes ready.' >E You're on the upstairs landing. Stairs lead downwards. Exits: West, Down. >D You're in the entryway of the house. Stairs lead upwards. Exits: North, Up. >N The living room is dark except for the spectral, annoyed light of Great-Grandad McSween's ghost. You see the ghost of Great-Grandad McSween. Exits: South, West. >TALK GHOST Great-Grandad McSween looks at you in exasperation. 'You've not caught them all yet. Hurry up before they cause any trouble!' >OPEN BOX Best to catch the other ghosts first before helping Great-Grandad McSween back into the box. >W The kitchen is full of party food. From outside, you can hear the sounds of your parents setting up for the Hallowe'en party. You see the windows and the window blinds. Exits: East. >OPEN BLINDS You open the blinds again. >L The kitchen is full of party food. From outside, you can hear the sounds of your parents setting up for the Hallowe'en party. You see the windows and the window blinds. Exits: East. >HELP For guidance on changing the display and sound options, type OPTIONS. Type QUIT or RESTART to restart the game. Type TSTART to start a transcript and TSTOP to stop it. All transcripts, comments, bug reports and other feedback are welcome! Please send them to >OPTIONS To change the font and styling to one of the default Adventuron themes, type THEME 1, THEME 2, THEME 3, THEME 4, THEME 5 or THEME 6. To return to the original game theme, type THEME 0. To increase or decrease the font size, use the browser controls (Ctrl +/- on Windows, Command +/- on Mac). >HINT The other ghost is in the bedroom. >HHHHMMMM You don't need to 'hhhhmmmm' in this game. >E The living room is dark except for the spectral, annoyed light of Great-Grandad McSween's ghost. You see the ghost of Great-Grandad McSween. Exits: South, West. >S You're in the entryway of the house. Stairs lead upwards. Exits: North, Up. >U You're on the upstairs landing. Stairs lead downwards. Exits: West, Down. >W This is the bedroom of your younger sisters, Flora and Effie. You see Effie, Flora and Effie's hat. Exits: East. >OH A HAT NOW You don't need to 'oh' in this game. >X HAT At the edges of Effie's hat, you can see a faint spectral glow. >TAKE HAT You dart forward and pull Effie's hat off her head. 'Hey!' she shrieks, grabbing at you. But before she can snatch it back, the ghost of Great-Aunty Morag flies out of the hat and starts whirling around the room! You drop the hat, contemplating your next move. Effie grabs it and jams it back on her head. >L This is the bedroom of your younger sisters, Flora and Effie. You see Effie, Flora, Effie's hat and the ghost of Great-Aunty Morag. Exits: East. >TALK GHOST The ghost of Great-Aunty Morag is whirling too fast to talk. >X GHOST You see nothing special about the ghost. >TALK EFFIE Effie appears too overawed by the sight of Great-Aunty Morag's ghost to talk right now. >TALK FLORA 'I can't believe you let the ghosts out AGAIN,' says Flora, rolling her eyes. >LOL You don't need to 'lol' in this game. >OPEN BOX You grasp the hardwood box with both hands and open it up. An unearthly whistle emanates from the box! The ghost of Great-Aunty Morag gives a slight shriek as her spectral essence is sucked back into the box and you slam it shut. You feel slightly guilty, but you know it's where she belongs. You've managed to catch both of the errant ghosts! Time to take the box back to Great-Grandad McSween. >L This is the bedroom of your younger sisters, Flora and Effie. You see Effie, Flora and Effie's hat. Exits: East. You've managed to catch both of the errant ghosts! Time to take the box back to Great-Grandad McSween. >TALK EFFIE Effie makes a face at you. You've managed to catch both of the errant ghosts! Time to take the box back to Great-Grandad McSween. >TALK FLORA Flora gives you a 'talk to the hand' gesture. You've managed to catch both of the errant ghosts! Time to take the box back to Great-Grandad McSween. >TAKE HAT You've already discovered the ghost of Great-Aunty Morag under Effie's hat! You've managed to catch both of the errant ghosts! Time to take the box back to Great-Grandad McSween. >BOOOO You don't need to 'boooo' in this game. You've managed to catch both of the errant ghosts! Time to take the box back to Great-Grandad McSween. >E You're on the upstairs landing. Stairs lead downwards. Exits: West, Down. You've managed to catch both of the errant ghosts! Time to take the box back to Great-Grandad McSween. >D You're in the entryway of the house. Stairs lead upwards. Exits: North, Up. You've managed to catch both of the errant ghosts! Time to take the box back to Great-Grandad McSween. >N The living room is dark except for the spectral, annoyed light of Great-Grandad McSween's ghost. You see the ghost of Great-Grandad McSween. Exits: South, West. >TALK GHOST Great-Grandad McSween looks at the box in your hands. 'Have you caught both ghosts? Give the box to me so I can join them.' >OPEN BOX Best just to give the box to Great-Grandad McSween so he can finish this up himself. >GIVE BOX Great-Grandad McSween looks at you for a moment, then nods. 'Good work,' he says grudgingly, and gestures for you to open the box one last time so he can allow himself to be sucked in. As his spectral form disappears and you slam the box shut, it instantly becomes heavier and you find yourself dropping it. Within a few seconds, it has become coffin-sized again. As quickly as you can, you drag the coffin back to its place in the cellar. It would have made a really cool decoration... but it'll have to wait for some other time when you're a little less clumsy! You managed to get all the ghosts back in the box! You win! << START >> When a white arrow appears on the screen, press the down key to continue reading the text. When a yellow box flashes on the screen, like this, press enter or click the mouse to continue. Objects are highlighted in yellow. You can right-click on them to select common verbs. Ghost Hunt © Dee Cooke 2024 | Created for EctoComp 2024 Version 0.1.0 | Adventuron 1.0.0 Beta 83 Adventuron system created by Chris Ainsley ( In-game font: 'Hourglass' by Damien Guard Cover font: 'Elephant Italic' Playtesting by Daniel Stelzer and Tabitha Cover image by Dee Cooke, with a little help from GIMP Type HELP during the game for help. Type OPTIONS for help with toggling the display settings. Type TSTART to start a transcript and TSTOP to stop it (it will save to your browser downloads). All transcripts, comments, bug reports and other feedback are welcome! Please send them to Turns out, it was a really bad idea to make the darkwood coffin the centrepiece of the living room Hallowe'en decorations. Despite the fact that it looked really cool... Anyway, you accidentally knocked it open while you were dragging it up from the cellar, and now you've carelessly set free the ghosts of your ancestors. Whoops! The ghost of Great-Grandad McSween is glaring at you from beside the hearth. 'You have to put them both back into the box!' he says, gesturing towards the now-shrunken darkwood box on the floor. 'They can't go haunting the house on Hallowe'en night of all nights.' You pick up the box guiltily. 'Right...' 'And don't even think about leaving the house. I've bound the door so you don't have second thoughts. You can enjoy that garden party when you've re-captured them!' The living room is dark except for the spectral, annoyed light of Great-Grandad McSween's ghost. You see the ghost of Great-Grandad McSween. Exits: South, West. >TSTOP