Start of a transcript of: Hildy An Interactive Fiction by J Michael Release 1 / Serial number 240825 / Inform 7 v10.1.2 Inform 7 v10.1.2 Identification number: //ED44ADAE-3B89-46D2-A228-92B99C9ADB0A// Interpreter version 2.2.1 / VM 3.1.3 Rideable Vehicles version 3 by Graham Nelson Variable Time Control version 4 by Eric Eve >l Hallway The living quarters of the senior members of the Circle of Enchanters line both sides of this corridor. The lobby and the apprentice quarters lie to the south. >x lobby You can't see any such thing. >x What do you want to examine? >s You see nothing unexpected in that direction. >s Lobby This is the entrance to the Hall of the Accardi Chapter of the Guild of Enchanters. Its lavish architecture and elegant style are the envy of the members of lesser guilds the world over. Passages lead in several directions, but the apprentice quarters are to the northwest. >nw Apprentice Quarters This is the common area for the dormitories that house the guild apprentices. The living quarters for the female apprentices are to the southwest and the living quarters for the male apprentices are to the northwest. The lobby is to the southeast. >sw Female Dormitory Doors along both sides of this east-west hall lead to shared dorm rooms for the female apprentices. The door to your room is to the north. The common room lies to the east and at the western end of the hall a staircase leads down. >e Apprentice Quarters This is the common area for the dormitories that house the guild apprentices. The living quarters for the female apprentices are to the southwest and the living quarters for the male apprentices are to the northwest. The lobby is to the southeast. >sw Female Dormitory Doors along both sides of this east-west hall lead to shared dorm rooms for the female apprentices. The door to your room is to the north. The common room lies to the east and at the western end of the hall a staircase leads down. >n (first opening the room door) It seems to be locked. >i You are wearing: some disgusting robes You are carrying: a spell book >open door It seems to be locked. >unlock door You lack a key that fits the room door. >* my own room? I didn't understand that sentence. >x robes These are the standard robes given to apprentices. Yours are currently covered with a great deal of what used to be on the inside of a very unfortunate cave troll. >x book Hildy's Spell Book The plumdo spell (teleport to a chosen location, or to its nearest empty space, within ten feet of the caster). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). That's funny, the plumdo spell has been altered. The "or to its nearest empty space" bit wasn't there before (2). >f 2 2. The plumdo spell can be used to teleport yourself up to ten feet toward an object (ex. PLUMDO BOX) or a direction (ex. PLUMDO NORTH). However, it cannot be used to teleport through walls, doors or doorways of any kind. A while back you discovered that if you plumdo yourself into an object significantly less dense than your own body structure, the target will explode around you. After you demonstrated this technique on the cave troll's belly at your examination this afternoon, somebody apparently altered the spell so that casting plumdo on an object will teleport you next to it, but not directly into the space that it occupies. >rezrov door You don't have that spell memorized. >read rezrov You seem to be trying to cast a spell, but something may have been worded incorrectly. >read spell Hildy's Spell Book The plumdo spell (teleport to a chosen location, or to its nearest empty space, within ten feet of the caster). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). >memorize rezrov Using your best habits, you learn the rezrov spell (3). >f 3 3. The MEMORIZE command can be abbreviated as "mem" if you wish. >rezrov door The door glows with a brilliant golden light! You hear a distinct click and the light fades away. >open door You open the room door. >n You start to step in the room, but you are immediately shoved back out and the door is slammed in your face. "What do you think you're doing?" screams your roommate from the other side of the door. "You're not stepping one foot in this room covered in troll guts! Go away!" >diss roommate I didn't understand that sentence. >d Bath This is the bathing area for your dormitory. It is a large, underground cavern dimly lit by a soft carpet of phosphorescent moss. A number of alcoves have been carved into the walls of the cavern. A staircase to the east leads back to your dormitory. >take bath You can't bathe out here. You need to enter one of the alcoves. >n As you enter the alcove, the opening back to the main cavern turns opaque, offering you perfect privacy. Alcove A steaming whirlpool sits in the floor of this chamber. In the moss surrounding the pool are growing several toomfoo sponges. In one wall is a chute for delivering dirty clothes, towels, etc. to the laundry below. You can see a shelf (on which is a fluffy pink towel) here. >take off robe You take off the disgusting robes. An eruption of stampeding footsteps and boisterous chatter from the stairwell outside the chamber tells you that the Accardi Lucksuckers (4) have finished their practice and are heading to the baths. >f 4 4. The guild's field snooker (5) team. >f 5 5. Field snooker is a sport with an exciting and noble history. The history of the perpetually last place Lucksuckers is neither of those things. >put robe on Ugh. Fine, but putting the robes back on almost makes you gag. You put on the disgusting robes. >l Alcove A steaming whirlpool sits in the floor of this chamber. In the moss surrounding the pool are growing several toomfoo sponges. In one wall is a chute for delivering dirty clothes, towels, etc. to the laundry below. You can see a shelf (on which is a fluffy pink towel) here. >close door You can't see any such thing. >take off robe You take off the disgusting robes. >save Ok. >put robe in chute You place the disgusting robes into the chute and they slide away. A moment later, you hear faint cries of disgust and alarm coming from the laundry chute. >get in pool You shouldn't take things into the whirlpool. >i You are wearing: nothing You are carrying: a spell book >drop book You shouldn't set things on the ground in here as they could too easily fall into the whirlpool. >l Alcove A steaming whirlpool sits in the floor of this chamber. In the moss surrounding the pool are growing several toomfoo sponges. In one wall is a chute for delivering dirty clothes, towels, etc. to the laundry below. You can see a shelf (on which is a fluffy pink towel) here. >put book on shelf You put the spell book on the shelf. >get in pool You step into the whirlpool and lower yourself into the water. AHHHHH.....that is so very nice! For a time, you just lie back, close your eyes and soak, trying to empty your mind of any thought except how good this feels... Please press SPACE to continue. After a while, you reach up and grab one of the toomfoo sponges growing near the edge of the whirlpool. You gratefully scrub away the troll guts, paying a great deal of attention to your hair. It takes quite a while before you feel clean again, but eventually (and regretfully) you climb out of the whirlpool. Alcove A steaming whirlpool sits in the floor of this chamber. In the moss surrounding the pool are growing several toomfoo sponges. In one wall is a chute for delivering dirty clothes, towels, etc. to the laundry below. You can see a shelf (on which are a spell book and a fluffy pink towel) here. [Your score has just gone up by five points.] >put on towel You don't have that! >get towel Taken. >put on towel You wrap the towel snugly around yourself, tucking in one corner. The towel clings uncomfortably to your wet skin. >get book Taken. >l Alcove A steaming whirlpool sits in the floor of this chamber. In the moss surrounding the pool are growing several toomfoo sponges. In one wall is a chute for delivering dirty clothes, towels, etc. to the laundry below. You can see a shelf here. >s Bath This is the bathing area for your dormitory. It is a large, underground cavern dimly lit by a soft carpet of phosphorescent moss. A number of alcoves have been carved into the walls of the cavern. A staircase to the east leads back to your dormitory. It appears that most of the alcoves are now occupied by the field snooker players, as the openings leading to those alcoves are opaque. >e Your wet feet slip several times as you climb up the stairs. Female Dormitory Doors along both sides of this east-west hall lead to shared dorm rooms for the female apprentices. The door to your room is to the north. The common room lies to the east and at the western end of the hall a staircase leads down. >n (first opening the room door) Dorm Room (Your Side) This is your side of the room that you share with your roommate Mabellabeth. It isn't much, but it's home. You can see the same standard furniture that every apprentice gets. A closet stretches from the western wall to about halfway across the room, offering each of you some privacy. Near the door is a chute for delivering dirty clothes, towels, etc. to the laundry below. Huh. You were expecting a package today. Normally the postal nymph leaves packages on your bed when you are away from the apprentice quarters, but there's nothing there. You can see a desk (on which are a memorizing headband, a pair of gnusto glasses and a pair of ekato gloves) here. >x headband It is a flexible U-shaped accessory worn in such a way as to keep hair away from one's face. You invented this particular headband. When wearing it, spells that you have memorized are "stored" in the headband, preventing them from being forgotten. Its spells are cleared when you remove the headband. You showed it to Master Disandretta, but she merely dubbed it "less than useless." >put on headband You put on the memorizing headband. Your scalp itches for just a moment after putting on the memorizing headband, but the feeling soon passes. >x glasses These glasses are one of your inventions. Nothing is more tedious than having to memorize and cast the gnusto spell onto a scroll just to get a spell written into your spell book. The one who wears these glasses will gnusto a spell into his or her spell book just by reading the scroll the spell is written on (6). >put on glasses You put on the pair of gnusto glasses. Your eyes water for a few moments after putting on the glasses, but the sensation goes away quickly. >x gloves These black lace fingerless gloves are your invention. Infused with the power of the ekato spell, they greatly increase the carrying capacity of the wearer. You showed them to Master Rostopher, but he found them to be "unnecessary and unfashionable in equal measure." >get gloves Taken. >l Dorm Room (Your Side) This is your side of the room that you share with your roommate Mabellabeth. It isn't much, but it's home. You can see the same standard furniture that every apprentice gets. A closet stretches from the western wall to about halfway across the room, offering each of you some privacy. Near the door is a chute for delivering dirty clothes, towels, etc. to the laundry below. You can see a desk here. >open closet As you reach for the closet, you are reminded that you are out of clean clothes. If only that package had been delivered... You open the closet, revealing a denim berzio jacket and a bullwhip. >x jacket This jacket is your own invention: a denim jacket infused with the magic of the berzio potion, obviating the need for food or drink for its wearer. You showed it to Master Helistar, but she was unimpressed, saying that "berzio is a potion, not a fashion statement." You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. >x bullwhip It is ten feet long and made of braided leather. Your great-grandfather used it for maintaining control of his hungus herd. He gifted it to you on your eighth birthday and you have become quite proficient with it (7). >f 7 7. You can whip things with the bullwhip using the "whip [something]" command. If you try going a direction while the bullwhip is wrapped around something overhead, you will swing the direction indicated. >put on jacket It's customary to put some clothes on before putting on a jacket. >l Dorm Room (Your Side) This is your side of the room that you share with your roommate Mabellabeth. It isn't much, but it's home. You can see the same standard furniture that every apprentice gets. A closet stretches from the western wall to about halfway across the room, offering each of you some privacy. Near the door is a chute for delivering dirty clothes, towels, etc. to the laundry below. You can see a desk here. >ask roomy about clothes You can't see any such thing. >ask mabel about clothes You can't see any such thing. >ask mabellabeth about clothes You can't see any such thing. >x roommate You can't see any such thing. >x chute The chute is basically a slot in the wall that leads down to the laundry far below the guild. >x bed It's a plain bed. It is irritatingly package-free. >l Dorm Room (Your Side) This is your side of the room that you share with your roommate Mabellabeth. It isn't much, but it's home. You can see the same standard furniture that every apprentice gets. A closet stretches from the western wall to about halfway across the room, offering each of you some privacy. Near the door is a chute for delivering dirty clothes, towels, etc. to the laundry below. You can see a desk here. >x desk It's a very simple wooden desk. >x roomate's desk You can't see any such thing. >x roommate's bed You can't see any such thing. >x other bed It's a plain bed. It is irritatingly package-free. >i You are wearing: a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband a fluffy pink towel You are carrying: a pair of ekato gloves a spell book >get bullwhip Taken. >i You are wearing: a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband a fluffy pink towel You are carrying: a bullwhip a pair of ekato gloves a spell book >put on gloves You put on the pair of ekato gloves. A brief tingling sensation starts in your palms and creeps up to your shoulders. When it passes, you feel...different. It's hard to explain. Your body looks completely normal, but you now feel as if you have one hundred arms. Your body has finally dried off (8). >f 8 8. It probably would have been faster to use the towel, don't you think? >* but less efficient! haha! I didn't understand that sentence. >i You are wearing: a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband a fluffy pink towel You are carrying: a bullwhip a spell book >n Dorm Room (Mabellabeth's Side) This is Mabellabeth's side of the room that you share. (Naturally, Mabellabeth insisted that she get the side with a window.) You can see the same furniture that every apprentice gets. A closet stretches from the western wall to about halfway across the room, offering each of you some privacy. Mabellabeth is on her bed, reading a magazine. >ask roomy about package You can't see any such thing. >ask mabel about package "Oh, right. I forgot." Mabellabeth reaches behind the bed and pulls out a cylindrical package, which she tosses in your general direction. She then says with bright eyes and a false smile, "And hey, tell that kripping postal nymph that the next time she leaves your kripping mail on my bed, I'm going to throw it out the kripping window, mmkay?" Without waiting for a response, she goes back to reading her magazine. >ask mabel about anger issues Mabellabeth ignores you completely. Mabellabeth offers no response. >i You are wearing: a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband a fluffy pink towel You are carrying: a bullwhip a spell book >get package Taken. >l Dorm Room (Mabellabeth's Side) This is Mabellabeth's side of the room that you share. (Naturally, Mabellabeth insisted that she get the side with a window.) You can see the same furniture that every apprentice gets. A closet stretches from the western wall to about halfway across the room, offering each of you some privacy. Mabellabeth is on her bed, reading a magazine. >x desk It's a very simple wooden desk. >x bed It looks just like yours, except this one has an obnoxious roommate on it. >x mabel Your roommate is the girl that all the guys seem to fawn over. She's pretty, popular, comes from a rich family and would never explode a cave troll in the middle of an examination. She is wearing pajamas and she appears to be reading a magazine while doing her best to pretend that you don't exist. >s Dorm Room (Your Side) This is your side of the room that you share with your roommate Mabellabeth. It isn't much, but it's home. You can see the same standard furniture that every apprentice gets. A closet stretches from the western wall to about halfway across the room, offering each of you some privacy. Near the door is a chute for delivering dirty clothes, towels, etc. to the laundry below. You can see a desk here. >open package As you open the package, it disappears in a flash of light, leaving behind a scarlet scroll! >x scroll The noogle spell (dress the target in an outfit perfect for his or her personality). The scarlet scroll and your spell book both glow with a brilliant golden light. When the light fades, you see that the scarlet scroll has disappeared. [Your score has just gone up by five points.] >noogle You don't have that spell memorized. >mem noogle Using your best habits, you learn the noogle spell. The spell seems extremely clear and fixed in your mind. >noogle You boldly cast the noogle spell at your surroundings. Naturally, the spell crackles and dies. Nothing else happens. >l Dorm Room (Your Side) This is your side of the room that you share with your roommate Mabellabeth. It isn't much, but it's home. You can see the same standard furniture that every apprentice gets. A closet stretches from the western wall to about halfway across the room, offering each of you some privacy. Near the door is a chute for delivering dirty clothes, towels, etc. to the laundry below. You can see a desk here. >take off towel (first closing the room door) You take off the fluffy pink towel. >noogle You boldly cast the noogle spell at your surroundings. Naturally, the spell crackles and dies. Nothing else happens. >x me You are Hildegund (Hildy for short), a twenty-year-old apprentice enchantress at the Accardi Guild of Enchanters. You are naked. >read book Hildy's Spell Book The noogle spell (dress the target in an outfit perfect for his or her personality). The plumdo spell (teleport to a chosen location, or to its nearest empty space, within ten feet of the caster). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). >noogle me POOF! You are surrounded by a cloud of pink smoke. When it dissipates, you find that you are wearing the perfect outfit! >* FAB ulous! I didn't understand that sentence. >score You have so far scored 10 out of a possible 75, in 70 turns. >l Dorm Room (Your Side) This is your side of the room that you share with your roommate Mabellabeth. It isn't much, but it's home. You can see the same standard furniture that every apprentice gets. A closet stretches from the western wall to about halfway across the room, offering each of you some privacy. Near the door is a chute for delivering dirty clothes, towels, etc. to the laundry below. You can see a desk here. >i You are wearing: a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a bullwhip a spell book a fluffy pink towel >wear jacket You put on the denim berzio jacket. You didn't realize it until right now, but you are feeling a bit hungry. The feeling passes as soon as you put on the jacket. >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a bullwhip a spell book a fluffy pink towel You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. >x t shirt It's a lime green shirt and super comfortable. >x high tops They are bright orange and fit your feet perfectly. >l Dorm Room (Your Side) This is your side of the room that you share with your roommate Mabellabeth. It isn't much, but it's home. You can see the same standard furniture that every apprentice gets. A closet stretches from the western wall to about halfway across the room, offering each of you some privacy. Near the door is a chute for delivering dirty clothes, towels, etc. to the laundry below. You can see a desk here. >x chute The chute is basically a slot in the wall that leads down to the laundry far below the guild. >x closet The closet is open. >close closet You close the closet. >n Dorm Room (Mabellabeth's Side) This is Mabellabeth's side of the room that you share. (Naturally, Mabellabeth insisted that she get the side with a window.) You can see the same furniture that every apprentice gets. A closet stretches from the western wall to about halfway across the room, offering each of you some privacy. Mabellabeth is on her bed, reading a magazine. Mabellabeth glances at you. She snorts, but says nothing and returns to her magazine. >open closet One look from Mabellabeth stops you cold. >s Dorm Room (Your Side) This is your side of the room that you share with your roommate Mabellabeth. It isn't much, but it's home. You can see the same standard furniture that every apprentice gets. A closet stretches from the western wall to about halfway across the room, offering each of you some privacy. Near the door is a chute for delivering dirty clothes, towels, etc. to the laundry below. You can see a desk here. >s (first opening the room door) You place the fluffy pink towel into the chute (9) and it slides away. Female Dormitory Doors along both sides of this east-west hall lead to shared dorm rooms for the female apprentices. The door to your room is to the north. The common room lies to the east and at the western end of the hall a staircase leads down. >f 9 9. It has been asked many times why a guild of magic-users needs a laundry service, but it was long ago discovered that brogmoids are surprisingly efficient launderers who delight in being employed as such. And brogmoids that are busy laundering are not busy doing the three other things they are good at: loitering around local shops, painting poorly spelled graffiti on various landmarks, and begetting more brogmoids. >l Female Dormitory Doors along both sides of this east-west hall lead to shared dorm rooms for the female apprentices. The door to your room is to the north. The common room lies to the east and at the western end of the hall a staircase leads down. >e "Hey, thanks for closing the door!" cries a heavily sarcastic voice from behind you right before the door to your room slams shut. Apprentice Quarters This is the common area for the dormitories that house the guild apprentices. The living quarters for the female apprentices are to the southwest and the living quarters for the male apprentices are to the northwest. The lobby is to the southeast. >sw Female Dormitory Doors along both sides of this east-west hall lead to shared dorm rooms for the female apprentices. The door to your room is to the north. The common room lies to the east and at the western end of the hall a staircase leads down. >open door You open the room door. >e "Hey, thanks for closing the door!" cries a heavily sarcastic voice from behind you right before the door to your room slams shut. Apprentice Quarters This is the common area for the dormitories that house the guild apprentices. The living quarters for the female apprentices are to the southwest and the living quarters for the male apprentices are to the northwest. The lobby is to the southeast. >* thanks for all the sunlight you bring to every day, Mabel! You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom. >se Lobby This is the entrance to the Hall of the Accardi Chapter of the Guild of Enchanters. Its lavish architecture and elegant style are the envy of the members of lesser guilds the world over. Passages lead in several directions, but the apprentice quarters are to the northwest. Frobar enters from the library. "Oh, good," he says. "You're early!" Frobar walks over, carrying a brass lantern. "Excellent," he says, looking you up and down. "It looks like you've remembered everything." He offers you an elbow, which you clasp with both hands as he begins chanting a long, complicated spell. As his voice rises to a crescendo, gusts of wind threaten to knock you off your feet and green and golden lights swirl around the both of you, obscuring everything else from sight. As Frobar finishes the last word of the spell, there is a loud BOOP! and everything goes dark... Please press SPACE to continue. A moment later, you find yourself standing in a dark woods. "This is the Forest of Berlyn in the western foothills of the Flathead Mountains," Frobar says. "It is a good place for one to think. Whenever I've had a difficult decision to make or a stubborn problem to think over, I come here." He hands you his brass lantern. "You'd better take this," he says. He looks around, takes a deep breath and sighs with contentment. "This place has been good to me, Hildy. Perhaps it will be good to you as well. Walk around and think things through. I'll meet you in these woods in a few hours and I won't have any trouble finding you." He gives you an affectionate pat on the shoulder and wanders a few yards away before disappearing among the same violent pyrotechnics that brought you both here. And now, you are alone. Woods This is a dark, but not unpleasant woods. The animal sounds here are quaint, rather than menacing. Paths wander off in several directions (10). [Your score has just gone up by five points.] >f 10 10. If this forest truly does border the Flathead Mountains, then Frobar just transported the two of you across the Flathead Ocean in a heartbeat. That's no small feat (11). >f 11 11. The world of Zork, being a flat disc that rests upon the shoulders of The Great Brogmoid, has only one time zone, so the clock in the status bar is unchanged. >* noted I didn't understand that sentence. >l Woods This is a dark, but not unpleasant woods. The animal sounds here are quaint, rather than menacing. Paths wander off in several directions. Something out of the corner of your eye catches your attention, but when you turn your head, nothing is there. >n Woods This is a dark, but not unpleasant woods. The animal sounds here are quaint, rather than menacing. Paths wander off in several directions. A bluish light flickers back among the trees and then vanishes. >s Woods This is a dark, but not unpleasant woods. The animal sounds here are quaint, rather than menacing. Paths wander off in several directions. A shimmering blue light approaches through the trees. As it comes closer, the light coalesces into the form of a translucent blue coyote. You hold your breath, uncertain what to do. The coyote is carrying something in its mouth, which it drops on the ground before stepping back a few paces. >talk to coyote For information on how to communicate with others in this story, use the INTRO command. >ask coyote about woods While clearly magical in nature, the coyote does not seem capable of human speech. >l Woods This is a dark, but not unpleasant woods. The animal sounds here are quaint, rather than menacing. Paths wander off in several directions. You can see a crumpled parchment and a coyote (providing light) here. >x parchment The parchment is not much bigger than the palm of your hand. The following is printed on it in neat, but very faded writing: JC Z rk id r at Und und Sh ping M l G t Un gro d E pire E ch nter's St ff: 10zm Pl id S cks: 5zm ax: 30zm T tal: 45zm Jelly 1 th, 882 The coyote gives you a meaningful look before running to the north. >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a brass lantern a bullwhip a spell book You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. >get parchment Taken. >n Woods This is a dark, but not unpleasant woods. The animal sounds here are quaint, rather than menacing. Paths wander off in several directions. You can see a coyote (providing light) here. The coyote gives you a meaningful look before running to the east. >e Dense Woods This is a dark forest. The trees and vegetation are closer here than in other parts of the woods, making navigation a bit more precarious. Still, the animal sounds here are quaint, rather than menacing. Paths twist away in several directions. You can see a coyote (providing light) here. The coyote gives you a meaningful look before running to the southeast. >se Dense Woods This is a dark forest. The trees and vegetation are closer here than in other parts of the wood, making navigation a bit more precarious. Still, the animal sounds here are quaint, rather than menacing. Paths twist away in several directions. You can see a coyote (providing light) here. The coyote gives you a meaningful look before running to the east. >e Foothills Here the going is tougher as the land slopes up toward the Flathead Mountains. You can see a coyote (providing light) here. The coyote gives you a meaningful look before running farther up. >u Cave Entrance You are standing at the entrance to a cave, well hidden among the thick forest of the foothills. You'd never have found it without the coyote's help. You can see a coyote (providing light) here. The coyote gives you a meaningful look before running inside the cave. >in Cave This cave is roomy and dry with plenty of space for you to stand. The cave continues to the southeast. You can see a coyote (providing light) here. The coyote looks at you once more and then it fades into nothingness, its mysterious task apparently complete. >se Tight Slope This is an uncomfortably steep tunnel. The ceiling is quite low here, forcing you to crouch your way through. You can continue northwest or down from here. >d Tight Slope Navigating this section of the tunnel is quite unnerving. This slope is exceedingly steep and the ceiling of the cave is no more than three feet above the cave floor, forcing you to crawl through on your belly. You can continue up or down from here. >d Fissures This room is large enough for you to move around freely and it gradually slopes down toward the north. Its only other notable features are two thin fissures in the rock: a horizontal one in the ceiling near the top of the slope and a vertical one in the northern wall. >x vertical fissure The vertical crack is about six or seven feet high, but fewer than three feet wide. >x horizontal fissure The horizontal crack is six or seven feet wide, but fewer than three feet from top to bottom. >enter vertical fissure Paved Passage (East) This is a wide east/west passage, the floor of which has been paved. There is a fissure in the southern wall. The eastern end of the passage has been blocked by a cave-in. >s Fissures This room is large enough for you to move around freely and it gradually slopes down toward the north. Its only other notable features are two thin fissures in the rock: a horizontal one in the ceiling near the top of the slope and a vertical one in the northern wall. >n Paved Passage (East) This is a wide east/west passage, the floor of which has been paved. There is a fissure in the southern wall. The eastern end of the passage has been blocked by a cave-in. >s Fissures This room is large enough for you to move around freely and it gradually slopes down toward the north. Its only other notable features are two thin fissures in the rock: a horizontal one in the ceiling near the top of the slope and a vertical one in the northern wall. >enter horizontal fissure Tight Slope Navigating this section of the tunnel is quite unnerving. This slope is exceedingly steep and the ceiling of the cave is no more than three feet above the cave floor, forcing you to crawl through on your belly. You can continue up or down from here. >d Fissures This room is large enough for you to move around freely and it gradually slopes down toward the north. Its only other notable features are two thin fissures in the rock: a horizontal one in the ceiling near the top of the slope and a vertical one in the northern wall. >n Paved Passage (East) This is a wide east/west passage, the floor of which has been paved. There is a fissure in the southern wall. The eastern end of the passage has been blocked by a cave-in. >w Paved Passage (West) This is a wide east/west passage, the floor of which has been paved. Hanging upside down from the center of the ceiling is an immense colony of bats. Upon seeing the bat colony, you gasp in horror and plaster yourself against the wall, unable to move (12). >f 12 12. chiroptophobia (noun): an intense and irrational fear of bats. >e Trembling, you take a few tentative steps, but it's no good and you rush back to the safety of the wall. Averting your eyes from the ceiling, you try to slow your breathing and get a grip on yourself. You can't bear the thought of walking under all of those bats, but you might be able to do it at a run... >run w Keeping your eyes firmly on the ground, you take off running west as fast as you can. Startled by your approach, the colony above bursts into a furious squeaking and flapping of wings. Ignoring the horrible sound, you keep running until you reach... Please press SPACE to continue. Spiral Staircase (Top) This is the uppermost portion of a shaft that descends into the darkness. A spiral staircase has been constructed to make it possible to safely reach the bottom of the shaft. There is also a passage to the east. >d Spiral Staircase (Bottom) This is the lowermost portion of a shaft that ascends into the darkness. A spiral staircase has been constructed to make it possible to climb to the top of the shaft. There is also a passage to the west. >w Great Bridge (East) This is the eastern terminus of a truly impressive covered bridge that spans a vast underground canyon. The bridge is fifteen feet wide and the lowest overhead beams are about five feet above your head, with the ceiling itself much higher than that. >w Great Bridge (East of Collapse) This is the center of a truly impressive covered bridge that spans a vast underground canyon. The bridge is fifteen feet wide and the lowest overhead beams are about five feet above your head, with the ceiling itself much higher than that. Unfortunately, time has not been kind to this portion of the bridge. A large section of floor has completely collapsed, leaving a ten-foot gap of emptiness between here and the western side. >whip beams CRACK! The bullwhip snaps smartly around the beam above the middle of the hole. >save Ok. >w With a firm grip on the whip, you jump out and s-w-i-n-g over the gaping hole! You land triumphantly on the far side and with a practiced flip of the wrist, shake the bullwhip loose from the beam before rolling it back up. Please press SPACE to continue. Great Bridge (West of Collapse) This is the center of a truly impressive covered bridge that spans a vast underground canyon. The bridge is fifteen feet wide and the lowest overhead beams are about five feet above your head, with the ceiling itself much higher than that. Unfortunately, time has not been kind to this portion of the bridge. A large section of floor has completely collapsed, leaving a ten-foot gap of emptiness between here and the eastern side. >w Great Bridge (West) This is the western terminus of a truly impressive covered bridge that spans a vast underground canyon. The bridge is fifteen feet wide and the lowest overhead beams are about four feet above your head, with the ceiling itself much higher than that. >w Mall Entrance This is the eastern entrance to the Great Underground Shopping Mall. Back in the heyday of the GUE, this mall would be teeming with citizens of all ages, but it was a special hangout for the empire's youth on the weekends. Now it reflects a mere shadow of its former glory. The glass in the doors shattered long ago and the sign above them has been vandalized. Strangely, even the engraved portrait of Dimwit Flathead has been replaced. You can't think of any reason why somebody would do that. >* SHOP ping! I didn't understand that sentence. >w Lower Level This is the lower level of what must have once been a majestic shopping mall. This north/south concourse is covered by an elaborate ceiling separating this level from the level above it. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris, signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. Some magical power remains as the overhead lights flicker on and off intermittently, drawing your attention to the elaborately decorated ceiling. One store remains intact to the west. >x ceiling The ceiling above this section of the mall is quite elaborate. It is an arched ceiling painted with frescoes depicting major and minor events in the lives of The Twelve Flatheads. Given the style, you suspect that it was painted by Leonardo Flathead himself (13). >f 13 13. Well, that and the fact that the historical Leonardo was a slight balding figure, while every image of him in the fresco depicts a towering, ruddy figure with bulging pectorals and long, flowing blond hair. >intro I. HINTS: To find contact information for the author, learn how the magic system works, or get help with the story and its puzzles, type "hint" at any time. II. FOOTNOTES: From time to time, you may see a number in parentheses that looks something like this (1). Whenever that happens, type "Footnote #" where # is the number in parentheses. This will give you access to humorous asides, tiny hints or additional information. III. COMMUNICATION: To communicate verbally with other characters, use the "ask about" command. For example: "Ask Jane about the clock." Showing things to characters can also get a valuable reaction. For example: "Show dagger to Wadsworth." IV. DIAGNOSE and SCORE: The "diagnose" command will inform you of your current physical condition. The "score" command will tell you your current score. It takes no turns or game time to complete these actions. V. SAVE OFTEN: This is an adventure game and there is no adventure without danger. Do yourself a favor and save often! VI. EXITS: Visible exits will normally be listed in the status bar at the top of the screen. To see these instructions again, just type "intro" . >f count I didn't understand that number. >score You have so far scored 15 out of a possible 75, in 122 turns. >diagnose You are feeling fine. >l Lower Level This is the lower level of what must have once been a majestic shopping mall. This north/south concourse is covered by an elaborate ceiling separating this level from the level above it. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris, signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. One store remains intact to the west. >w Waldenscrolls Although the structure of the store is intact, it appears to have been ransacked. The store is littered with shelves that have either been knocked over or completely destroyed. The only piece of furniture that seems to have been left upright is a display in the center of the store. >x display The display is a waist-high pedestal with a sign affixed to it that reads as follows: THE FLARO SPELL! Turn the dreariest day sunny with this spell that causes a brilliant burst of sunlight to appear over your location! Never worry about cloudy days ruining picnics or backyard barbecues ever again! Unfortunately, the display is empty. >x pedestal The display is a waist-high pedestal with a sign affixed to it that reads as follows: THE FLARO SPELL! Turn the dreariest day sunny with this spell that causes a brilliant burst of sunlight to appear over your location! Never worry about cloudy days ruining picnics or backyard barbecues ever again! Unfortunately, the display is empty. >x book Hildy's Spell Book The noogle spell (dress the target in an outfit perfect for his or her personality). The plumdo spell (teleport to a chosen location, or to its nearest empty space, within ten feet of the caster). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). >search display Note: In this story, the SEARCH, EXAMINE and X commands will all yield the same results and can be used interchangeably. This note will not repeat. Please press any key to continue. The display is a waist-high pedestal with a sign affixed to it that reads as follows: THE FLARO SPELL! Turn the dreariest day sunny with this spell that causes a brilliant burst of sunlight to appear over your location! Never worry about cloudy days ruining picnics or backyard barbecues ever again! Unfortunately, the display is empty. >l Waldenscrolls Although the structure of the store is intact, it appears to have been ransacked. The store is littered with shelves that have either been knocked over or completely destroyed. The only piece of furniture that seems to have been left upright is a display in the center of the store. >x shelves It takes some time to search through the prone shelves, but eventually you find one book that somehow escaped the vandals. As you bend to pick it up, you pause when a puff of multi-colored smoke appears out of nowhere and then dissipates unceremoniously. When nothing else happens, you shrug your shoulders and pick up the book. >x book Which do you mean, the dusty book or the spell book? >dusty Although Waldenscrolls specialized in spell scrolls, apparently they also sold the odd book now and then. This one is odder than most. It is a ponderous tome covering the obscure (and extremely dull) study of temporal thaumaturgical semiotics. At the moment, you can't think of any possible use this book could be to you. >read dusty book Although Waldenscrolls specialized in spell scrolls, apparently they also sold the odd book now and then. This one is odder than most. It is a ponderous tome covering the obscure (and extremely dull) study of temporal thaumaturgical semiotics. At the moment, you can't think of any possible use this book could be to you. >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a dusty book a crumpled parchment a brass lantern a bullwhip a spell book You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. The overhead lights flicker back on. >read crumpled parchment The parchment is not much bigger than the palm of your hand. The following is printed on it in neat, but very faded writing: JC Z rk id r at Und und Sh ping M l G t Un gro d E pire E ch nter's St ff: 10zm Pl id S cks: 5zm ax: 30zm T tal: 45zm Jelly 1 th, 882 >l Waldenscrolls Although the structure of the store is intact, it appears to have been ransacked. The store is littered with shelves that have either been knocked over or completely destroyed. The only piece of furniture that seems to have been left upright is a display in the center of the store. >take display That's hardly portable. >e BAM! You walk face first into an invisible barrier as you attempt to leave the store. >drop dusty book Dropped. >e Lower Level This is the lower level of what must have once been a majestic shopping mall. This north/south concourse is covered by an elaborate ceiling separating this level from the level above it. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris, signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. One store remains intact to the west. >w Waldenscrolls Although the structure of the store is intact, it appears to have been ransacked. The store is littered with shelves that have either been knocked over or completely destroyed. The only piece of furniture that seems to have been left upright is a display in the center of the store. You can see a dusty book here. >get book (the dusty book) A puff of multi-colored smoke appears out of nowhere and then dissipates unceremoniously. Taken. The overhead lights go out. >e BAM! You walk face first into an invisible barrier as you attempt to leave the store. The overhead lights flicker back on. >read spell book Hildy's Spell Book The noogle spell (dress the target in an outfit perfect for his or her personality). The plumdo spell (teleport to a chosen location, or to its nearest empty space, within ten feet of the caster). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). >plumdo e You don't have that spell memorized. >mem plumdo Using your best habits, you learn the plumdo spell. The spell seems extremely clear and fixed in your mind. >plumdo e As you finish the final words of the spell, you point dramatically to the east and...the spell fizzles and dies. You remember from your earlier lessons that the plumdo spell cannot be used to transport through walls, doors or doorways of any kind. The overhead lights go out. >mem rezrov Using your best habits, you learn the rezrov spell. The spell seems extremely clear and fixed in your mind. The overhead lights flicker back on. >rezrov barrier You seem to be trying to cast a spell, but something may have been worded incorrectly. >rezrov You boldly cast the rezrov spell at your surroundings. Naturally, the spell crackles and dies. Nothing else happens. The overhead lights go out. >e BAM! You walk face first into an invisible barrier as you attempt to leave the store. The overhead lights flicker back on. >x dusty book Although Waldenscrolls specialized in spell scrolls, apparently they also sold the odd book now and then. This one is odder than most. It is a ponderous tome covering the obscure (and extremely dull) study of temporal thaumaturgical semiotics. At the moment, you can't think of any possible use this book could be to you. The overhead lights go out. >drop parchment Dropped. The overhead lights flicker back on. >e BAM! You walk face first into an invisible barrier as you attempt to leave the store. >get parchment Taken. >drop book Which do you mean, the dusty book or the spell book? >dusty Dropped. >e Lower Level This is the lower level of what must have once been a majestic shopping mall. This north/south concourse is covered by an elaborate ceiling separating this level from the level above it. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris, signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. One store remains intact to the west. You notice something unusual about the fresco on the ceiling. >x fresco As you examine the fresco in more detail, you note that in the background of many scenes, an unearthly being can be seen performing obscene and unspeakable acts of depravity. Intense feelings of dread and disgust overwhelm you and you lower your eyes, unable to look any longer. The overhead lights go out. >n Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. The overhead lights flicker back on. >n Cinema Lobby The lobby of the Great Underground Cinema is intact and in fairly good shape considering its age. Some posters advertising the movies "Now Showing" when the Empire fell in 883 hang around the room. The ticket booth is to the north, the will call window is to the east and the concession stand is to the west. A hallway to the northwest leads to the theater itself and the way south leads back to the mall proper. >nw West Hall After several yards, this hall bends to the north to run alongside the western wall of the theater. There is an advertisement on one wall. A door leading into the theater is closed. Extremely loud moaning, wailing and other unsettling noises are coming from the other side of that door. It might be the movie making those noises. Then again, it might not. >x ad The advertisement reads, "Only a sucker would forget his Diddlebucker!" Beneath the words is an artistic rendition of a large tub of buttery Diddlebucker brand popcorn. The overhead lights go out. >save Ok. >e (first opening the door) As you head to the door, a gigantic puff of green smoke appears between you and the entrance to the theater. The smoke dissipates, leaving behind a nine-foot tall cyclops! "You have ticket?" thunders the giant, glaring down at you suspiciously with its lone eye. How do you respond?>no "No ticket, no show," the cyclops rumbles. It's clear that the cyclops isn't going anywhere, so you decide that now would be a good time to think things over elsewhere. Please press SPACE to continue. Cinema Lobby The lobby of the Great Underground Cinema is intact and in fairly good shape considering its age. Some posters advertising the movies "Now Showing" when the Empire fell in 883 hang around the room. The ticket booth is to the north, the will call window is to the east and the concession stand is to the west. A hallway to the northwest leads to the theater itself and the way south leads back to the mall proper. The overhead lights flicker back on. >n As you step up to the booth, a puff of yellow smoke appears out of nowhere and then dissipates unceremoniously. Nothing else happens and the booth appears to be empty, so you make your way back to the center of the lobby. >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a crumpled parchment a brass lantern a bullwhip a spell book You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. >l Cinema Lobby The lobby of the Great Underground Cinema is intact and in fairly good shape considering its age. Some posters advertising the movies "Now Showing" when the Empire fell in 883 hang around the room. The ticket booth is to the north, the will call window is to the east and the concession stand is to the west. A hallway to the northwest leads to the theater itself and the way south leads back to the mall proper. >e Will Call Window The overhead lights go out. As you step up to the window, a puff of pink smoke appears on the other side of the glass. The smoke dissipates, leaving behind an ancient-looking elf. "Good evening," she croaks. "And welcome to the Great Underground Cinema. What name are your tickets under?" What name do you give?>hildy The elf looks through a drawer under the window for a moment, but finds nothing. "I'm sorry," she says. "We don't have any tickets under that name." With that, she vanishes in another puff of pink smoke. Defeated, you step back from the window. Cinema Lobby The lobby of the Great Underground Cinema is intact and in fairly good shape considering its age. Some posters advertising the movies "Now Showing" when the Empire fell in 883 hang around the room. The ticket booth is to the north, the will call window is to the east and the concession stand is to the west. A hallway to the northwest leads to the theater itself and the way south leads back to the mall proper. >w As you step up to the concession stand, a puff of blue smoke appears out of nowhere and then dissipates unceremoniously. Nothing else happens. It appears that the cinema's food, snacks and beverages were all pillaged long ago, so you make your way back to the center of the lobby. >s Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. >e Lower Level Northeast You are standing at the western end of a short hallway off the main section of the mall. There is one store at the eastern end called "The Sharper Mage" which appears to be intact. The floor in front of you is covered in green slime, preventing further travel to the east. >x ceiling It's about as ceilingish as you'd expect it be. >whip ceiling With a loud CRACK! you crack the whip at the ceiling. Nothing else happens. The overhead lights flicker back on. >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a crumpled parchment a brass lantern a bullwhip a spell book You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. >x lantern The brass lantern is currently switched on. The overhead lights go out. >l Lower Level Northeast You are standing at the western end of a short hallway off the main section of the mall. There is one store at the eastern end called "The Sharper Mage" which appears to be intact. The floor in front of you is covered in green slime, preventing further travel to the east. >turn off lantern You switch the brass lantern off. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue (14). >f 14 14. The grue is a sinister, lurking presence in the dark places of the earth with insatiable appetite. Its favorite diet ranges fron adventurers to enchanters. Its appetite is only tempered by its fear of light. >z Time passes. Oh, no! A lurking grue slithered into the room and devoured you! *** You have been eaten by a grue. *** In that game you scored 15 out of a possible 75, in 169 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command? > undo Darkness [Previous turn undone.] >turn on lantern You switch the brass lantern on. The overhead lights flicker back on. >l Darkness It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue (14). Lower Level Northeast You are standing at the western end of a short hallway off the main section of the mall. There is one store at the eastern end called "The Sharper Mage" which appears to be intact. The floor in front of you is covered in green slime, preventing further travel to the east. >x slime Slimes of many different colors are known to grow in the dark corners of the underground. All of them are dangerous, but none more so than the green variety, which has been known to melt through a suit of armor in seconds. It is a silent testament to the length of time the mall has been unused that this slime has grown as large as it has, covering the entire floor between here and the store at the eastern end of the hall. The overhead lights go out. >whip store With a loud CRACK! you crack the whip at The Sharper Mage. Nothing else happens. >whip slime No, the green slime would likely destroy any part of your whip that touched it. >x ceiling It's about as ceilingish as you'd expect it be. >w Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. The overhead lights flicker back on. >w Lower Level Northwest This is a short, enclosed hallway off the main section of the mall. There are no stores here and the destruction seems to be minimal. A door with the word "Maintenance" stenciled on it lies to the south. You can see a Vendbot here. >x vendbot Vendbots were all the rage a while back. These short, magically-powered automata could roll along a predetermined route within a designated space, offering various wares to eager customers. There is a placard affixed to the Vendbot's chest. The Vendbot is slumped over and appears to be inert. >read placard The placard depicts various snacks that were popular before the fall of the Great Underground Empire (Jolly Adventurers, Bottle Corks, Crossbow Gum, Blockheads and Kettles) as well as various personal care products (shaving cream, toothpaste, makeup compacts and deodorant). Below the images is written the following: To purchase something from the Vendbot, say "BUY [ITEM] FROM [VENDBOT'S NAME]." Another fine product of the Frobozz Magic Vendbot Company. >buy cream from vendbot The Vendbot is in no condition to interact with you. >shake vendbot (first taking the Vendbot) What, are you planning on giving the Vendbot a piggyback ride? >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a crumpled parchment a brass lantern a bullwhip a spell book You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. >open vendbot It isn't something you can open. >l Lower Level Northwest This is a short, enclosed hallway off the main section of the mall. There are no stores here and the destruction seems to be minimal. A door with the word "Maintenance" stenciled on it lies to the south. You can see a Vendbot here. The overhead lights go out. >s (first opening the door) It seems to be locked. >rezrov You boldly cast the rezrov spell at your surroundings. Naturally, the spell crackles and dies. Nothing else happens. >read spell book Hildy's Spell Book The noogle spell (dress the target in an outfit perfect for his or her personality). The plumdo spell (teleport to a chosen location, or to its nearest empty space, within ten feet of the caster). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). >rezrov door The door glows with a brilliant golden light! You hear a distinct click and the light fades away. >s (first opening the door) Maintenance This is a smallish room full of odd arcane machines of mysterious design. The machines seem to be connected to a panel on one wall. The overhead lights flicker back on. A mechanical-sounding voice speaks from nowhere, saying, "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >x machines While each machine has mechanical parts, it is clear that magic plays a significant role in its operation. The machines must have each had a name printed on them at one time, but most of them have worn away over the years. Based on the ones that are still legible, it looks like these machines fuel the magical power in the mall, allowing for the lights to stay on and so forth. While some of the machines seem to be functioning completely or in part, others are dark and still. You take special notice of five of the machines with legible names: Lighting - This machine seems to be turning on and off at random intervals. Structural Reinforcement: Lower Concourse - This machine appears to be working. Structural Reinforcement: Upper Concourse - This machine is working, but it is making odd clanking and grinding noises. Structural Reinforcement: Lower Stores - This machine appears to be non-functional. Structural Reinforcement: Upper Stores - This machine appears to be non-functional. The overhead lights go out. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >x panel The main section of the panel consists of nine buttons aligned in three columns labeled "a," "b" and "c" and three rows labeled "1," "2" and "3." Some of the buttons are lit and others are dark. abc xoo 1 xox 2 xox 3 There is a label affixed near the bottom of the panel and below that, a red handle. There are some scratches on the wall below the handle. The overhead lights flicker back on. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >read label In tiny print, the label reads as follows: An "o" indicates a button that is glowing. An "x" indicates a button that is dark. To push a button, identify the button by its column and its row. For example, "PUSH C3" will push the button in the lower right corner of the panel. Pulling the red handle will reset the buttons to their initial state. All buttons must be glowing for magical power to be fully restored to all mall services. Another fine product of the Frobozz Magic Panel Company. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >l Maintenance This is a smallish room full of odd arcane machines of mysterious design. The machines seem to be connected to a panel on one wall. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >x panel The main section of the panel consists of nine buttons aligned in three columns labeled "a," "b" and "c" and three rows labeled "1," "2" and "3." Some of the buttons are lit and others are dark. abc xoo 1 xox 2 xox 3 There is a label affixed near the bottom of the panel and below that, a red handle. There are some scratches on the wall below the handle. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oxo 1 oox 2 xox 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a2 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xxo 1 xxx 2 oox 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc ooo 1 oxx 2 oox 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push b2 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oxo 1 xoo 2 oxx 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push b1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xox 1 xxo 2 oxx 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >read label In tiny print, the label reads as follows: An "o" indicates a button that is glowing. An "x" indicates a button that is dark. To push a button, identify the button by its column and its row. For example, "PUSH C3" will push the button in the lower right corner of the panel. Pulling the red handle will reset the buttons to their initial state. All buttons must be glowing for magical power to be fully restored to all mall services. Another fine product of the Frobozz Magic Panel Company. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >pull handle You pull the handle down and it flips back up to its original position. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons is now the following: abc xoo 1 xox 2 xox 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xoo 1 xoo 2 xxo 3 The overhead lights go out. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xoo 1 xox 2 xox 3 The overhead lights flicker back on. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oxo 1 oox 2 xox 3 The overhead lights go out. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xoo 1 xox 2 xox 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push b1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oxx 1 xxx 2 xox 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xox 1 oxx 2 xox 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xox 1 oxo 2 xxo 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c2 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xoo 1 oox 2 xxx 3 The overhead lights flicker back on. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xoo 1 ooo 2 xoo 3 The overhead lights go out. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oxo 1 xoo 2 xoo 3 The overhead lights flicker back on. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oox 1 xox 2 xoo 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >puxh a3 I didn't understand that sentence. >push a3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oox 1 oox 2 oxo 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oox 1 ooo 2 oox 3 The overhead lights go out. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oox 1 xoo 2 xxx 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xxx 1 ooo 2 xxx 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c2 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xxo 1 oxx 2 xxo 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc ooo 1 xxx 2 xxo 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push b2 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oxo 1 ooo 2 xoo 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oox 1 oox 2 xoo 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oox 1 ooo 2 xxx 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oox 1 xoo 2 oox 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push b1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xxo 1 xxo 2 oox 3 The overhead lights flicker back on. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc ooo 1 oxo 2 oox 3 The overhead lights go out. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc ooo 1 oxx 2 oxo 3 The overhead lights flicker back on. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >puxh b3 I didn't understand that sentence. >push b3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc ooo 1 oox 2 xox 3 The overhead lights go out. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc ooo 1 ooo 2 xxo 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc ooo 1 xoo 2 ooo 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a2 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xoo 1 oxo 2 xoo 3 The overhead lights flicker back on. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xoo 1 xxo 2 oxo 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oxo 1 oxo 2 oxo 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push b2 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc ooo 1 xox 2 ooo 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c2 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oox 1 xxo 2 oox 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oxo 1 xxx 2 oox 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc oxo 1 oxx 2 xxx 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push b2 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc ooo 1 xoo 2 xox 3 The overhead lights go out. "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a2 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xoo 1 oxo 2 oox 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push b2 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc xxo 1 xox 2 oxx 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push a1 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc ooo 1 oox 2 oxx 3 "Warning: Structural integrity has been compromised." >push c3 Click. The orientation of lit and unlit buttons on the panel has changed. abc ooo 1 ooo 2 ooo 3 All of the arcane machines spring to life. The overhead lights stop their flickering and remain on. The mechanical-sounding voice says, "Structural integrity has been restored," before falling blissfully silent. Music starts playing, seemingly from out of nowhere and an odd whining sound starts up just outside this room. >l Maintenance This is a smallish room full of odd arcane machines of mysterious design. The machines seem to be connected to a panel on one wall. >x machines While each machine has mechanical parts, it is clear that magic plays a significant role in its operation. The machines must have each had a name printed on them at one time, but most of them have worn away over the years. Based on the ones that are still legible, it looks like these machines fuel the magical power in the mall, allowing for the lights to stay on and so forth. They all seem to be functioning in good order. >n Lower Level Northwest This is a short, enclosed hallway off the main section of the mall. There are no stores here and the destruction seems to be minimal. A door with the word "Maintenance" stenciled on it lies to the south. You can see a Vendbot here. The whining sound is coming from the Vendbot, which appears to be powering up. Its eyes have lit up and there are little mechanical whirring noises coming from inside its chassis. Suddenly, the whining sound stops and the Vendbot turns its lighted eyes on you. A synthesized voice speaks to you: "Reinitialization incomplete due to minor data loss. Probable cause: It has been more than six hundred thirteen thousand one hundred seventy-three hours since this unit's last activation. Please assign the unit a new personality matrix." A slot opens up on the side of the Vendbot. It is flashing red. >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a crumpled parchment a brass lantern a bullwhip a spell book You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. "Please assign this unit a new personality matrix," repeats the Vendbot. The open slot on the side of the Vendbot is flashing red. >put parchment in vendbot The slot is not designed for things like the crumpled parchment. "Please assign this unit a new personality matrix," repeats the Vendbot. The open slot on the side of the Vendbot is flashing red. >ask vendbot about matrix The Vendbot is in no condition to interact with you. "Please assign this unit a new personality matrix," repeats the Vendbot. The open slot on the side of the Vendbot is flashing red. >s Maintenance This is a smallish room full of odd arcane machines of mysterious design. The machines seem to be connected to a panel on one wall. >x panel The main section of the panel consists of nine buttons aligned in three columns labeled "a," "b" and "c" and three rows labeled "1," "2" and "3." Some of the buttons are lit and others are dark. abc ooo 1 ooo 2 ooo 3 There is a label affixed near the bottom of the panel and below that, a red handle. There are some scratches on the wall below the handle. >x scratches It appears someone scratched a message in the wall at some time in the past. The words are faded and indistinct, but you can make out the following: Co m n Sol t on C 1 3 A C2 >lol, ok! You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom. >n Lower Level Northwest This is a short, enclosed hallway off the main section of the mall. There are no stores here and the destruction seems to be minimal. A door with the word "Maintenance" stenciled on it lies to the south. You can see a Vendbot here. "Please assign this unit a new personality matrix," repeats the Vendbot. The open slot on the side of the Vendbot is flashing red. >e Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. >e Lower Level Northeast You are standing at the western end of a short hallway off the main section of the mall. There is one store at the eastern end called "The Sharper Mage" which appears to be intact. The floor in front of you is covered in green slime, preventing further travel to the east. >w Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. >n Cinema Lobby The lobby of the Great Underground Cinema is intact and in fairly good shape considering its age. Some posters advertising the movies "Now Showing" when the Empire fell in 883 hang around the room. The ticket booth is to the north, the will call window is to the east and the concession stand is to the west. A hallway to the northwest leads to the theater itself and the way south leads back to the mall proper. >s Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. >in You can't go that way. >u You step into the elevator which appears to be nothing more than a transparent shaft without panels, doors or visible machinery of any kind. A brief puff of wind hits you from below and you accelerate toward the ceiling! At the last moment, a gap opens in the ceiling just long enough for you to pass through it before it closes again beneath you. When your upward momentum stops, you step out of the elevator onto the upper level of the mall. Upper Level North This is the northern end of the upper level of the mall. The destruction is just as bad up here as it is on the lower level. It looks like many of these stores collapsed onto the stores beneath them at some point, taking out two stores at once in the process. The Food Court is to the north and there is a store to the west which appears to be intact. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. >w Bab-Witches This was a popular magigame store back in the day. Home magigame systems were wildly popular during the height of the Great Underground Empire and Bab-Witches sold nearly every magiware program one could ever want. Unfortunately, it looks like this store was looted of nearly all of its wares long ago. You can see a magiware cartridge here. >get cartridge Taken. >x cartridge The script on it is very faded. You can make out the following: RUFUS ON...YE P..ATE: MALE Another................... Fro..zz Magic ..ndb.t ...sonal..y ..t..x Co..any. >l Bab-Witches This was a popular magigame store back in the day. Home magigame systems were wildly popular during the height of the Great Underground Empire and Bab-Witches sold nearly every magiware program one could ever want. Unfortunately, it looks like this store was looted of nearly all of its wares long ago. >e Upper Level North This is the northern end of the upper level of the mall. The destruction is just as bad up here as it is on the lower level. It looks like many of these stores collapsed onto the stores beneath them at some point, taking out two stores at once in the process. The Food Court is to the north and there is a store to the west which appears to be intact. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. >n Food Court This was once a grand plaza surrounded by a large number of food vendors offering delights from all over the Great Underground Empire. Weary shoppers could find a bite to eat here and a moment's rest before charging back into the maelstrom of commercial euphoria that was the main concourse of the mall. None of that former glory exists today. Whatever tables and chairs once existed are long gone. A pizzeria to the northeast is the only vendor still standing, the others all having collapsed some time in the past. An exit to the caverns outside has similarly been completely blocked by a cave-in. There is a restroom to the west. >w Restroom This is not a nice place. While most of the rest of the mall has been damaged by time, cave-ins and thieves, this room has been changed into something...unwholesome. The plumbing fixtures have all been removed and grotesque symbols have been carved into every available surface: floor, ceiling and walls. You don't recognize any of the symbols, but looking at them makes you feel unclean, like you're being secretly watched by someone plagued with nasty, profane thoughts. The only surface free of these symbols is the wall-length mirror which has been painted completely black with strange words painted across it in giant red letters. You do not like standing in here. >x mirror Its placement, size and shape make it obvious that this large rectangle was once a mirror hanging over sinks which have long since been removed. But the entire reflective surface has been hidden underneath a coat of black paint and the words "Gash hovor Zava Dreden" have been painted across it. >read words Gash hovor Zava Dreden >e Gash hovor Zava Dreden >l Gash hovor Zava Dreden >w Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Your mind is whirling around that one phrase over and over and over and over and over and just when you decide to give yourself over to the incipient madness, it stops and you find yourself somewhere else... Please press SPACE to continue. Abyss You are in total darkness, yet you can clearly see yourself and all of your possessions as if they were well lit. Some distance away (distance and direction don't make a lot of sense here) you can make out a chest of some kind. Like you, it is inexplicably visible in the darkness. >l Abyss You are in total darkness, yet you can clearly see yourself and all of your possessions as if they were well lit. Some distance away (distance and direction don't make a lot of sense here) you can make out a chest of some kind. Like you, it is inexplicably visible in the darkness. >x chest From here you can tell that it's closed and made of wood. >open chest The chest is too far away. >read book Hildy's Spell Book The noogle spell (dress the target in an outfit perfect for his or her personality). The plumdo spell (teleport to a chosen location, or to its nearest empty space, within ten feet of the caster). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). >plumdo chest As you finish the final words of the spell, you point dramatically at the chest and...CRACK! You pop out of existence and explode back into existence right next to the chest. Abyss (Near Chest) You are in total darkness, yet you can clearly see yourself and all of your possessions as if they were well lit. You can see a chest (closed) here. >open chest It seems to be locked. >rezrov chest The chest glows with a brilliant golden light! You hear a distinct click and the light fades away. >open chest You open the chest, revealing a manuscript, a magenta vial and some fragments of linen. >x manuscript It consists of a bundle of pages of sickly-looking yellowish parchment covered in a spidery scrawl of black ink. You can make no sense of the words. It is no language that you have ever seen. >read manuscript It consists of a bundle of pages of sickly-looking yellowish parchment covered in a spidery scrawl of black ink. You can make no sense of the words. It is no language that you have ever seen. The darkness begins to swirl around you and you feel yourself being taken elsewhere by strange forces... Please press SPACE to continue. Waldenscrolls Although the structure of the store is intact, it appears to have been ransacked. The store is littered with shelves that have either been knocked over or completely destroyed. The only piece of furniture that seems to have been left upright is a display in the center of the store. You can see a dusty book here. >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a magiware cartridge a crumpled parchment a brass lantern a bullwhip a spell book You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. >get dusty book A puff of multi-colored smoke appears out of nowhere and then dissipates unceremoniously. Taken. >e BAM! You walk face first into an invisible barrier as you attempt to leave the store. >rezrov barrier You seem to be trying to cast a spell, but something may have been worded incorrectly. >rezrov door You seem to be trying to cast a spell, but something may have been worded incorrectly. >drop dusty book Dropped. >e Lower Level This is the lower level of what must have once been a majestic shopping mall. This north/south concourse is covered by an elaborate ceiling separating this level from the level above it. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris, signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. One store remains intact to the west. >n Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. >u You step into the elevator and ascend to the upper level of the mall. Upper Level North This is the northern end of the upper level of the mall. The destruction is just as bad up here as it is on the lower level. It looks like many of these stores collapsed onto the stores beneath them at some point, taking out two stores at once in the process. The Food Court is to the north and there is a store to the west which appears to be intact. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. >n Food Court This was once a grand plaza surrounded by a large number of food vendors offering delights from all over the Great Underground Empire. Weary shoppers could find a bite to eat here and a moment's rest before charging back into the maelstrom of commercial euphoria that was the main concourse of the mall. None of that former glory exists today. Whatever tables and chairs once existed are long gone. A pizzeria to the northeast is the only vendor still standing, the others all having collapsed some time in the past. An exit to the caverns outside has similarly been completely blocked by a cave-in. There is a restroom to the west. >w Restroom This is not a nice place. While most of the rest of the mall has been damaged by time, cave-ins and thieves, this room has been changed into something...unwholesome. The plumbing fixtures have all been removed and grotesque symbols have been carved into every available surface: floor, ceiling and walls. You don't recognize any of the symbols, but looking at them makes you feel unclean, like you're being secretly watched by someone plagued with nasty, profane thoughts. The only surface free of these symbols is the wall-length mirror which has been painted completely black with strange words painted across it in giant red letters. You do not like standing in here. >read mirror Its placement, size and shape make it obvious that this large rectangle was once a mirror hanging over sinks which have long since been removed. But the entire reflective surface has been hidden underneath a coat of black paint and the words "Gash hovor Zava Dreden" have been painted across it. >e Gash hovor Zava Dreden >e Gash hovor Zava Dreden >e Gash hovor Zava Dreden >e Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Gash hovor Zava Dreden Your mind is whirling around that one phrase over and over and over and over and over and just when you decide to give yourself over to the incipient madness, it stops and you find yourself somewhere else... Please press SPACE to continue. Abyss You are in total darkness, yet you can clearly see yourself and all of your possessions as if they were well lit. Some distance away (distance and direction don't make a lot of sense here) you can make out a chest of some kind. Like you, it is inexplicably visible in the darkness. >plumdo chest As you finish the final words of the spell, you point dramatically at the chest and...CRACK! You pop out of existence and explode back into existence right next to the chest. Abyss (Near Chest) You are in total darkness, yet you can clearly see yourself and all of your possessions as if they were well lit. You can see a chest (in which are a manuscript, a magenta vial and some fragments of linen) here. >get vial Taken. >get linen Taken. >get manuscript Taken. >read manuscript It consists of a bundle of pages of sickly-looking yellowish parchment covered in a spidery scrawl of black ink. You can make no sense of the words. It is no language that you have ever seen. >read manuscript It consists of a bundle of pages of sickly-looking yellowish parchment covered in a spidery scrawl of black ink. You can make no sense of the words. It is no language that you have ever seen. >read manuscript It consists of a bundle of pages of sickly-looking yellowish parchment covered in a spidery scrawl of black ink. You can make no sense of the words. It is no language that you have ever seen. >read manuscript It consists of a bundle of pages of sickly-looking yellowish parchment covered in a spidery scrawl of black ink. You can make no sense of the words. It is no language that you have ever seen. >x vial Written on the vial are the words "shisa potion (comprehend other languages)." >drink vial You drink the potion. As the last drop goes down your throat, the vial vanishes. The darkness begins to swirl around you and you feel yourself being taken elsewhere by strange forces... Please press SPACE to continue. Food Court This was once a grand plaza surrounded by a large number of food vendors offering delights from all over the Great Underground Empire. Weary shoppers could find a bite to eat here and a moment's rest before charging back into the maelstrom of commercial euphoria that was the main concourse of the mall. None of that former glory exists today. Whatever tables and chairs once existed are long gone. A pizzeria to the northeast is the only vendor still standing, the others all having collapsed some time in the past. An exit to the caverns outside has similarly been completely blocked by a cave-in. There is a restroom to the west. >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a manuscript some fragments of linen a magiware cartridge a crumpled parchment a brass lantern a bullwhip a spell book You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. >read manuscript The first part of the document tells the story of a cruel nobleman named Zava Dreden whose pursuit of immortality led him to learning the dark and perverted forms of magic necessary to turn himself into a vampire lord. Over the next several years, he converted thousands of his fellow countrymen into ghoulish slaves upon whom he fed in order to maintain his powers. Eventually, a cadre of the land's most powerful mages confronted him and although he proved too powerful to destroy, they were able to banish him from their realm to an abyss of eternal incarceration. There is an odd thing about this section of the document. It reads like a straight history, but the kingdoms mentioned are unfamiliar to you and the geography described matches no lands that you recognize. The second half of the document is a kind of political manifesto purporting to be written by Dreden himself. It briefly details his escape from the abyss, but after that point it consists mostly of ravings harshly condemning humanity for its perfidy as well as its lack of will, competence and vision. Reading it is an unpleasant experience. >l Food Court This was once a grand plaza surrounded by a large number of food vendors offering delights from all over the Great Underground Empire. Weary shoppers could find a bite to eat here and a moment's rest before charging back into the maelstrom of commercial euphoria that was the main concourse of the mall. None of that former glory exists today. Whatever tables and chairs once existed are long gone. A pizzeria to the northeast is the only vendor still standing, the others all having collapsed some time in the past. An exit to the caverns outside has similarly been completely blocked by a cave-in. There is a restroom to the west. >s Upper Level North This is the northern end of the upper level of the mall. The destruction is just as bad up here as it is on the lower level. It looks like many of these stores collapsed onto the stores beneath them at some point, taking out two stores at once in the process. The Food Court is to the north and there is a store to the west which appears to be intact. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. >d You step into the elevator and float serenely in the shaft. After a moment, a brief puff of wind pushes down upon you as a gap in the floor opens just long enough for you to pass through it. You continue to descend smoothly and when your downward momentum stops, you step out of the elevator onto the lower level of the mall. Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. >s Lower Level This is the lower level of what must have once been a majestic shopping mall. This north/south concourse is covered by an elaborate ceiling separating this level from the level above it. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris, signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. One store remains intact to the west. >w Waldenscrolls Although the structure of the store is intact, it appears to have been ransacked. The store is littered with shelves that have either been knocked over or completely destroyed. The only piece of furniture that seems to have been left upright is a display in the center of the store. You can see a dusty book here. >read dusty book A puff of multi-colored smoke appears out of nowhere and then dissipates unceremoniously. Taken. Although Waldenscrolls specialized in spell scrolls, apparently they also sold the odd book now and then. This one is odder than most. It is a ponderous tome covering the obscure (and extremely dull) study of temporal thaumaturgical semiotics. At the moment, you can't think of any possible use this book could be to you. >read book Which do you mean, the dusty book or the spell book? >dusty Although Waldenscrolls specialized in spell scrolls, apparently they also sold the odd book now and then. This one is odder than most. It is a ponderous tome covering the obscure (and extremely dull) study of temporal thaumaturgical semiotics. At the moment, you can't think of any possible use this book could be to you. >drop book Which do you mean, the dusty book or the spell book? >e Which do you mean, the dusty book or the spell book? >dusty You throw the dusty book to the east. It bounces off of an invisible barrier and lands at your feet. Disappointed, you pick it back up. >drop book Which do you mean, the dusty book or the spell book? >dusty Dropped. >e Lower Level This is the lower level of what must have once been a majestic shopping mall. This north/south concourse is covered by an elaborate ceiling separating this level from the level above it. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris, signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. One store remains intact to the west. >n Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. >w Lower Level Northwest This is a short, enclosed hallway off the main section of the mall. There are no stores here and the destruction seems to be minimal. A door with the word "Maintenance" stenciled on it lies to the south. You can see a Vendbot here. "Please assign this unit a new personality matrix," repeats the Vendbot. The open slot on the side of the Vendbot is flashing red. >put cartridge in slot The cartridge slides into the robot and the slot closes. The Vendbot trembles for a moment. Suddenly, one of his eyes winks out and he starts bellowing in a surprising West Quendorian brogue. "Yarrrr, I be Rufus One-Eye!" he cries, while rolling toward the east. "And I be carryin' the finest booty ye never heard tale of. Come see me wares! Ye won't be disappointed, I promise ye that, me hearties! Yo ho!" His voice trails off as he heads east and then disappears around the corner to the south. [Your score has just gone up by five points.] >read sign You can't see any such thing. >read placard You can't see any such thing. >x rufus You can't see any such thing. >x vendbot You can't see any such thing. >e Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. You can see Rufus One-Eye here. >read placard The placard depicts various snacks that were popular before the fall of the Great Underground Empire (Jolly Adventurers, Bottle Corks, Crossbow Gum, Blockheads and Kettles) as well as various personal care products (shaving cream, toothpaste, makeup compacts and deodorant). Below the images is written the following: To purchase something from the Vendbot, say "BUY [ITEM] FROM [VENDBOT'S NAME]." Another fine product of the Frobozz Magic Vendbot Company. Rufus One-Eye continues his journey to the south. >buy cream from rufus You can't see any such thing. >s Before you take a step, the background music stops abruptly and a ghastly voice screeches throughout the mall. "My, my," it says. "You have been a busy girl, haven't you? Whatever your insignificant plans are, they matter not. You will die here, and quite soon, I think. At first I enjoyed the momentary diversion of watching you, but all good things must come to an end. Sadly, you are no exception." After a beat of silence, the music starts back up. You lower your hands, only now realizing that you have been covering your ears with your hands in a vain attempt to suppress the horrible voice. Shaken, you continue south. Please press SPACE to continue. Lower Level This is the lower level of what must have once been a majestic shopping mall. This north/south concourse is covered by an elaborate ceiling separating this level from the level above it. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris, signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. One store remains intact to the west. You can see Rufus One-Eye here. >save Ok. >read placard The placard depicts various snacks that were popular before the fall of the Great Underground Empire (Jolly Adventurers, Bottle Corks, Crossbow Gum, Blockheads and Kettles) as well as various personal care products (shaving cream, toothpaste, makeup compacts and deodorant). Below the images is written the following: To purchase something from the Vendbot, say "BUY [ITEM] FROM [VENDBOT'S NAME]." Another fine product of the Frobozz Magic Vendbot Company. Rufus One-Eye continues his journey to the south. >buy baking soda from rufus That noun did not make sense in this context. >ask rufus about products You can't see any such thing. >s Lower Level South This is the southern end of the lower level. The destruction is even more pervasive here as a section of the upper level collapsed at some point in the past, leaving a large pile of rubble covering the floor almost from wall to wall. There are two stores here that are still intact: a Quendorian Phoenix to the east and a JC Zorkmid to the south. You can see Rufus One-Eye here. Something in the large pile of rubble catches your eye. >x rubble This pile of concrete, glass, metal, wood and other debris almost completely covers the lower level floor from one wall to the other and towers far above your head. As you move your gaze over the rubble, a sparkling light catches your eye deep in its center. Rufus One-Eye circles around and continues his journey to the north. >x light There's a small empty space in the middle of the pile. It's hard to say for sure, but there's a sparkling object in that space that might be a scroll. >get scroll You can't reach it from here. >plumdo scroll Unfortunately, the debris blocks most of your view of the center of the pile and you cannot plumdo to a place that you cannot see clearly. >climb rubble The pile of rubble looks far too dangerous to climb. >x rubble This pile of concrete, glass, metal, wood and other debris almost completely covers the lower level floor from one wall to the other and towers far above your head. As you move your gaze over the rubble, a sparkling light catches your eye deep in its center. >read spell book Hildy's Spell Book The noogle spell (dress the target in an outfit perfect for his or her personality). The plumdo spell (teleport to a chosen location, or to its nearest empty space, within ten feet of the caster). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). >l Lower Level South This is the southern end of the lower level. The destruction is even more pervasive here as a section of the upper level collapsed at some point in the past, leaving a large pile of rubble covering the floor almost from wall to wall. There are two stores here that are still intact: a Quendorian Phoenix to the east and a JC Zorkmid to the south. >e Quendorian Phoenix You can still find Quendorian Phoenix stores around, their clothing marketed towards students, apprentices and other young adults. This store, like much of the mall, has been vandalized and its wares have long since disappeared. A door lies to the east. >e (first opening the door) BRAWWGGHHH! With an inhuman howl, a wretched figure charges from the dressing room and shoves you back into the store, knocking you onto your backside! As you scramble to your feet, you get a better look at your assailant. At one time, it was probably a handsome young man, but now it is a nightmarish figure of rotten gray flesh barely covered with shredded clothing. You recognize it as a ghoul (15). The ghoul charges and plows into you, knocking you to the ground. You quickly get back to your feet. >f 15 15. You have learned a great deal about ghouls during your apprenticeship. Somewhat like zombies, a ghoul is a human being whose soul was trapped in its corpse at the moment of death by a malevolent being of significant magical power to whom the ghoul is now enslaved. >e The ghoul is standing between you and the door. The ghoul charges and plows into you, knocking you to the ground. You quickly get back to your feet. >diagnose You are bruised and a bit sore from your encounter with the ghoul, but it's nothing too serious. >w Lower Level South This is the southern end of the lower level. The destruction is even more pervasive here as a section of the upper level collapsed at some point in the past, leaving a large pile of rubble covering the floor almost from wall to wall. There are two stores here that are still intact: a Quendorian Phoenix to the east and a JC Zorkmid to the south. The ghoul arrives from the east. The ghoul jumps at you and pummels you with its rotting fists. You just manage to shove it off and scramble away. >s JC Zorkmid JC Zorkmid (16) was one of the most successful department stores during the time of the Great Underground Empire. The state of this store is mute testimony that those days were long ago. Every counter and clothing rack has been destroyed and every item of merchandise has been stolen. You can see an unusual machine here. The ghoul arrives from the north. The ghoul kicks at you and lands a blow right in your stomach, knocking the wind out of you and sending you to the ground! You weakly struggle back to your feet, gasping for breath. Before you have a chance to react, the ghoul leaps on you again. This time, it successfully knocks you onto your back, bouncing the back of your skull painfully off the ground. Stars explode in your vision as you feebly try to fight off the ghoul's relentless attacks. With a howl of triumph, the ghoul slashes your neck with its claws. It takes only a few moments for you to die. Please press SPACE to continue. You find yourself traveling toward a bright light. Just as you are about to reach it, a dreadful voice echoes unfamiliar words all around you and you are jerked painfully away from the light and back into a world of darkness, pain and misery, surrounded by other similarly tortured beings. There is no thought. There is only the horrifying fanged face of your new master. He is your whole world now. Forever. *** You have been turned into a ghoul. *** In that game you scored 20 out of a possible 75, in 320 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command? > restore Ok. >l Lower Level This is the lower level of what must have once been a majestic shopping mall. This north/south concourse is covered by an elaborate ceiling separating this level from the level above it. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris, signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. One store remains intact to the west. You can see Rufus One-Eye here. Rufus One-Eye continues his journey to the south. >s Lower Level South This is the southern end of the lower level. The destruction is even more pervasive here as a section of the upper level collapsed at some point in the past, leaving a large pile of rubble covering the floor almost from wall to wall. There are two stores here that are still intact: a Quendorian Phoenix to the east and a JC Zorkmid to the south. You can see Rufus One-Eye here. Something in the large pile of rubble catches your eye. >x rubble This pile of concrete, glass, metal, wood and other debris almost completely covers the lower level floor from one wall to the other and towers far above your head. As you move your gaze over the rubble, a sparkling light catches your eye deep in its center. Rufus One-Eye circles around and continues his journey to the north. >x rubble This pile of concrete, glass, metal, wood and other debris almost completely covers the lower level floor from one wall to the other and towers far above your head. As you move your gaze over the rubble, a sparkling light catches your eye deep in its center. >x light There's a small empty space in the middle of the pile. It's hard to say for sure, but there's a sparkling object in that space that might be a scroll. >x scroll There's a small empty space in the middle of the pile. It's hard to say for sure, but there's a sparkling object in that space that might be a scroll. >s JC Zorkmid JC Zorkmid (15) was one of the most successful department stores during the time of the Great Underground Empire. The state of this store is mute testimony that those days were long ago. Every counter and clothing rack has been destroyed and every item of merchandise has been stolen. You can see an unusual machine here. >f 15 15. That's strange. You could have sworn that the store's name was either "JCZorkmid" or "J.C. Zorkmids." It must be an example of the Bivotar and Juranda effect (16). >f 16 16. The Bivotar and Juranda effect describes the confabulation of false memories. The name originates from the phenomenon by which many people swear they have vivid memories of the classic folk myth "Zork" concerning a tale of one unnamed treasure-hunting adventurer, rather than the pair of historical nobles known as Bivotar and Juranda. >l JC Zorkmid JC Zorkmid was one of the most successful department stores during the time of the Great Underground Empire. The state of this store is mute testimony that those days were long ago. Every counter and clothing rack has been destroyed and every item of merchandise has been stolen. You can see an unusual machine here. >x machine The machine, which is fastened to a stand, reminds you a bit of a microscope. It consists of a vertical tube suspended over a tray (which is empty), but while there is a lens on the bottom of the tube, there is no eyepiece lens on the top such as a microscope would have. Instead, a yellow button sits at the top of the tube. There are two dials built into the tube: a red dial and a green dial. The following words are stenciled on the front of the tube in gold lettering: Frobozz Magic Jewelry Loupe Below that, in one continuous line that wraps around the tube several times is the following: Another fine product of the Frobozz Magic Loupe Company. While you were fiddling with the magic jewelry loupe machine, a silver notice fell to the ground. >x notice WARNING: Use of the Frobozz Magic Jewelry Loupe on highly reflective items which have not been properly treated with Frobozz Magic Jewelry Loupe Anti-Reflection Spray is a violation of GUE law 12592. >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a manuscript some fragments of linen a crumpled parchment a brass lantern a bullwhip a spell book You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. >l JC Zorkmid JC Zorkmid was one of the most successful department stores during the time of the Great Underground Empire. The state of this store is mute testimony that those days were long ago. Every counter and clothing rack has been destroyed and every item of merchandise has been stolen. You can see an unusual machine here. You can see a silver notice here. >get notice Taken. >x notice WARNING: Use of the Frobozz Magic Jewelry Loupe on highly reflective items which have not been properly treated with Frobozz Magic Jewelry Loupe Anti-Reflection Spray is a violation of GUE law 12592. >x machine The machine, which is fastened to a stand, reminds you a bit of a microscope. It consists of a vertical tube suspended over a tray (which is empty), but while there is a lens on the bottom of the tube, there is no eyepiece lens on the top such as a microscope would have. Instead, a yellow button sits at the top of the tube. There are two dials built into the tube: a red dial and a green dial. The following words are stenciled on the front of the tube in gold lettering: Frobozz Magic Jewelry Loupe Below that, in one continuous line that wraps around the tube several times is the following: Another fine product of the Frobozz Magic Loupe Company. >x red dial It looks like the red dial can be set to the following values: 2X, 4X and 6X. It is currently set to 2X. >x green dial It looks like the green dial can be set to the following values: 1/2 min, 1/4 min and 1/6 min. It is currently set to 1/2 min. >turn green to 1/4 You can't see any such thing. >turn green dial to 1/4 You can't see any such thing. >turn green dial You set the dial to 1/6 min. >put notice on tray You put the silver notice on the tray. >press yellow button A glowing blue beam briefly shoots out of the lens and hits the center of the silver notice, which suddenly grows to twice its normal size! The silver notice slides off the tray and falls to the floor. After ten seconds or so, the silver notice shrinks back to its normal size and you pick it up. >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a silver notice a manuscript some fragments of linen a crumpled parchment a brass lantern a bullwhip a spell book You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. >x linen The fabric has been torn into hundreds of pieces, many of which have blots and dashes of ink on them, but its original pattern is impossible to determine. >x parchment Which do you mean, the manuscript or the crumpled parchment? >crumpled The parchment is not much bigger than the palm of your hand. The following is printed on it in neat, but very faded writing: JC Z rk id r at Und und Sh ping M l G t Un gro d E pire E ch nter's St ff: 10zm Pl id S cks: 5zm ax: 30zm T tal: 45zm Jelly 1 th, 882 >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a silver notice a manuscript some fragments of linen a crumpled parchment a brass lantern a bullwhip a spell book You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. >n Lower Level South This is the southern end of the lower level. The destruction is even more pervasive here as a section of the upper level collapsed at some point in the past, leaving a large pile of rubble covering the floor almost from wall to wall. There are two stores here that are still intact: a Quendorian Phoenix to the east and a JC Zorkmid to the south. >x scroll There's a small empty space in the middle of the pile. It's hard to say for sure, but there's a sparkling object in that space that might be a scroll. >whip scroll With a loud CRACK! you crack the whip at the sparkling light. Nothing else happens. >in You can see that there are various gaps in the rubble that lead to the center, but they're far too small to fit through. >u The pile of rubble looks far too dangerous to climb. >s JC Zorkmid JC Zorkmid was one of the most successful department stores during the time of the Great Underground Empire. The state of this store is mute testimony that those days were long ago. Every counter and clothing rack has been destroyed and every item of merchandise has been stolen. You can see an unusual machine here. >put hand on tray You can't see any such thing. >put me on tray You won't fit on the tray. >l JC Zorkmid JC Zorkmid was one of the most successful department stores during the time of the Great Underground Empire. The state of this store is mute testimony that those days were long ago. Every counter and clothing rack has been destroyed and every item of merchandise has been stolen. You can see an unusual machine here. >n Lower Level South This is the southern end of the lower level. The destruction is even more pervasive here as a section of the upper level collapsed at some point in the past, leaving a large pile of rubble covering the floor almost from wall to wall. There are two stores here that are still intact: a Quendorian Phoenix to the east and a JC Zorkmid to the south. >save Ok. >w You can't go that way. >e Quendorian Phoenix You can still find Quendorian Phoenix stores around, their clothing marketed towards students, apprentices and other young adults. This store, like much of the mall, has been vandalized and its wares have long since disappeared. A door lies to the east. >e (first opening the door) BRAWWGGHHH! With an inhuman howl, a wretched figure charges from the dressing room and shoves you back into the store, knocking you onto your backside! As you scramble to your feet, you get a better look at your assailant. At one time, it was probably a handsome young man, but now it is a nightmarish figure of rotten gray flesh barely covered with shredded clothing. You recognize it as a ghoul (17). The ghoul kicks at you and lands a blow right in your stomach, knocking the wind out of you and sending you to the ground! You weakly struggle back to your feet, gasping for breath. >whip ghoul CRACK! The whip wraps around the ghoul's waist. Pressing your advantage, you pull the foul creature in close before kicking it right in the gut! The ghoul falls back with a howl before managing to untangle itself from your whip and backing away. The ghoul grabs you with its disgusting hands and tosses you into a wall. You get back to your feet, dazed. >whip ghoul CRACK! The whip wraps around the ghoul's legs. You pull on the whip, sending the fiend crashing to the ground. It howls furiously before freeing itself from your whip and scrambling away. The ghoul jumps at you and pummels you with its rotting fists. You just manage to shove it off and scramble away. >whip ghoul CRACK! The whip wraps around the ghoul's neck. You yank hard, decapitating the creature. Its head rolls a few feet away while the rest of the ghoul collapses motionless to the ground. A cloud of sinister black fog envelops both head and body, and when the fog lifts, the remains have disappeared. [Your score has just gone up by five points.] >l Quendorian Phoenix You can still find Quendorian Phoenix stores around, their clothing marketed towards students, apprentices and other young adults. This store, like much of the mall, has been vandalized and its wares have long since disappeared. A door lies to the east. >e Dressing Room This is a small area where people could try on clothes in relative privacy. You can see a crinkly scroll and a viridian vial here. >get scroll Taken. >read scroll The rella spell (mend torn fabric). The crinkly scroll and your spell book both glow with a brilliant golden light. When the light fades, you see that the crinkly scroll has disappeared. [Your score has just gone up by five points.] >mem rella Using your best habits, you learn the rella spell. The spell seems extremely clear and fixed in your mind. >rella linen The fragments of linen are engulfed in red sparkly lights. When the lights fade, the fragments have been mended into a linen scroll! >x linen scroll The aometh spell (sanctify a place). The linen scroll and your spell book both glow with a brilliant golden light. When the light fades, you see that the linen scroll has disappeared. [Your score has just gone up by five points.] >mem aometh Using your best habits, you learn the aometh spell. The spell seems extremely clear and fixed in your mind. >read spell book Hildy's Spell Book The aometh spell (sanctify a place). The noogle spell (dress the target in an outfit perfect for his or her personality). The plumdo spell (teleport to a chosen location, or to its nearest empty space, within ten feet of the caster). The rella spell (mend torn fabric). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). >l Dressing Room This is a small area where people could try on clothes in relative privacy. You can see a viridian vial here. >x vial It is a bit larger than most potion vials. The words "dysmu potion (temporarily change one's appearance to that of another)" are written on the vial. There is enough potion for four doses. >get vial As you pick up the vial, a slip of paper flutters to the ground. Taken. >x paper (the crumpled parchment) The parchment is not much bigger than the palm of your hand. The following is printed on it in neat, but very faded writing: JC Z rk id r at Und und Sh ping M l G t Un gro d E pire E ch nter's St ff: 10zm Pl id S cks: 5zm ax: 30zm T tal: 45zm Jelly 1 th, 882 >l Dressing Room This is a small area where people could try on clothes in relative privacy. You can see a slip of paper here. >get slip of paper Taken. >read slip of paper Hello, Imbiber! Instructions for use: To benefit from the full effects of the dysmu potion, one must first DRINK the potion and then LOOK AT or EXAMINE another being of similar size and shape (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) within the next five minutes. Another fine product of the Frobozz Magic Potion Company >l Dressing Room This is a small area where people could try on clothes in relative privacy. >l Dressing Room This is a small area where people could try on clothes in relative privacy. >w Quendorian Phoenix You can still find Quendorian Phoenix stores around, their clothing marketed towards students, apprentices and other young adults. This store, like much of the mall, has been vandalized and its wares have long since disappeared. A door lies to the east. >diagnose You are bruised and a bit sore from your encounter with the ghoul, but it's nothing too serious. >e Dressing Room This is a small area where people could try on clothes in relative privacy. >w Quendorian Phoenix You can still find Quendorian Phoenix stores around, their clothing marketed towards students, apprentices and other young adults. This store, like much of the mall, has been vandalized and its wares have long since disappeared. A door lies to the east. >w Lower Level South This is the southern end of the lower level. The destruction is even more pervasive here as a section of the upper level collapsed at some point in the past, leaving a large pile of rubble covering the floor almost from wall to wall. There are two stores here that are still intact: a Quendorian Phoenix to the east and a JC Zorkmid to the south. Rufus One-Eye arrives from the north. >buy shaving cream from rufus "Yo ho!" cries Rufus One-Eye. "So ye be seeking me out to purchase some o' me wares, eh? Very well, the tin of shaving cream be costin' but one mere zorkmid, me lassie." Do you wish to make the purchase? >n "Yarrr," cries Rufus One-Eye, "ye be wastin' me time. Off with ye!" >x placard The placard depicts various snacks that were popular before the fall of the Great Underground Empire (Jolly Adventurers, Bottle Corks, Crossbow Gum, Blockheads and Kettles) as well as various personal care products (shaving cream, toothpaste, makeup compacts and deodorant). Below the images is written the following: To purchase something from the Vendbot, say "BUY [ITEM] FROM [VENDBOT'S NAME]." Another fine product of the Frobozz Magic Vendbot Company. Rufus One-Eye circles around and continues his journey to the north. >s JC Zorkmid JC Zorkmid was one of the most successful department stores during the time of the Great Underground Empire. The state of this store is mute testimony that those days were long ago. Every counter and clothing rack has been destroyed and every item of merchandise has been stolen. You can see an unusual machine here. >x machine The machine, which is fastened to a stand, reminds you a bit of a microscope. It consists of a vertical tube suspended over a tray (which is empty), but while there is a lens on the bottom of the tube, there is no eyepiece lens on the top such as a microscope would have. Instead, a yellow button sits at the top of the tube. There are two dials built into the tube: a red dial and a green dial. The following words are stenciled on the front of the tube in gold lettering: Frobozz Magic Jewelry Loupe Below that, in one continuous line that wraps around the tube several times is the following: Another fine product of the Frobozz Magic Loupe Company. >x red dial It looks like the red dial can be set to the following values: 2X, 4X and 6X. It is currently set to 2X. >x green dial It looks like the green dial can be set to the following values: 1/2 min, 1/4 min and 1/6 min. It is currently set to 1/6 min. >turn green dial You set the dial to 1/4 min. >turn green dial You set the dial to 1/2 min. >turn red dial You set the red dial to 4X. >turn red dial You set the red dial to 6X. >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a slip of paper a viridian vial a silver notice a manuscript a crumpled parchment a brass lantern a bullwhip a spell book You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. >put silver notice on tray You put the silver notice on the tray. >press yellow button A glowing blue beam briefly shoots out of the lens and hits the center of the silver notice, which suddenly grows to six times its normal size! The silver notice slides off the tray and falls to the floor. After thirty seconds or so, the silver notice shrinks back to its normal size and you pick it up. >l JC Zorkmid JC Zorkmid was one of the most successful department stores during the time of the Great Underground Empire. The state of this store is mute testimony that those days were long ago. Every counter and clothing rack has been destroyed and every item of merchandise has been stolen. You can see an unusual machine here. >n Lower Level South This is the southern end of the lower level. The destruction is even more pervasive here as a section of the upper level collapsed at some point in the past, leaving a large pile of rubble covering the floor almost from wall to wall. There are two stores here that are still intact: a Quendorian Phoenix to the east and a JC Zorkmid to the south. >n Lower Level This is the lower level of what must have once been a majestic shopping mall. This north/south concourse is covered by an elaborate ceiling separating this level from the level above it. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris, signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. One store remains intact to the west. >w Waldenscrolls Although the structure of the store is intact, it appears to have been ransacked. The store is littered with shelves that have either been knocked over or completely destroyed. The only piece of furniture that seems to have been left upright is a display in the center of the store. You can see a dusty book here. >e Lower Level This is the lower level of what must have once been a majestic shopping mall. This north/south concourse is covered by an elaborate ceiling separating this level from the level above it. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris, signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. One store remains intact to the west. Rufus One-Eye arrives from the north. >e Mall Entrance This is the eastern entrance to the Great Underground Shopping Mall. Back in the heyday of the GUE, this mall would be teeming with citizens of all ages, but it was a special hangout for the empire's youth on the weekends. Now it reflects a mere shadow of its former glory. The glass in the doors shattered long ago and the sign above them has been vandalized. Strangely, even the engraved portrait of Dimwit Flathead has been replaced. You can't think of any reason why somebody would do that. >get glass They're hardly portable. >x portrait It was common for Lord Dimwit Flathead to have large engraved portraits of himself installed at entrances to sites of particular note in the Great Underground Empire. Normally these were 8-foot circular bronze engravings of His Majesty's profile with his various titles inscribed around the edge. This engraving is quite different. It is iron and pitted with rust. The profile is a man's face, gaunt, arrogant and full of something very like hunger. Along the edge of the disc are descriptions of every human weakness and offense using the most vile and obscene words imaginable. Intense feelings of dread and disgust overwhelm you and you turn away, unable to look any longer. >x sign It reads "THE GREAT UNDERGROUND SHOPPING MALL" (18). >f 18 18. The sign has been vandalized at some point; the first "L" in "MALL" has been painted over with a giant red "U." >w Lower Level This is the lower level of what must have once been a majestic shopping mall. This north/south concourse is covered by an elaborate ceiling separating this level from the level above it. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris, signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. One store remains intact to the west. You can see Rufus One-Eye here. >n Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. >n Cinema Lobby The lobby of the Great Underground Cinema is intact and in fairly good shape considering its age. Some posters advertising the movies "Now Showing" when the Empire fell in 883 hang around the room. The ticket booth is to the north, the will call window is to the east and the concession stand is to the west. A hallway to the northwest leads to the theater itself and the way south leads back to the mall proper. >e Will Call Window As you step up to the window, a puff of pink smoke appears on the other side of the glass. The smoke dissipates, leaving behind an ancient-looking elf. "Good evening," she croaks. "And welcome to the Great Underground Cinema. What name are your tickets under?" What name do you give?>dimwit flathead The elf looks through a drawer under the window for a moment, but finds nothing. "I'm sorry," she says. "We don't have any tickets under that name." With that, she vanishes in another puff of pink smoke. Defeated, you step back from the window. Cinema Lobby The lobby of the Great Underground Cinema is intact and in fairly good shape considering its age. Some posters advertising the movies "Now Showing" when the Empire fell in 883 hang around the room. The ticket booth is to the north, the will call window is to the east and the concession stand is to the west. A hallway to the northwest leads to the theater itself and the way south leads back to the mall proper. >s Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. You can see Rufus One-Eye here. >w Lower Level Northwest This is a short, enclosed hallway off the main section of the mall. There are no stores here and the destruction seems to be minimal. A door with the word "Maintenance" stenciled on it lies to the south. >s Maintenance This is a smallish room full of odd arcane machines of mysterious design. The machines seem to be connected to a panel on one wall. >n Lower Level Northwest This is a short, enclosed hallway off the main section of the mall. There are no stores here and the destruction seems to be minimal. A door with the word "Maintenance" stenciled on it lies to the south. >e Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. >e Lower Level Northeast You are standing at the western end of a short hallway off the main section of the mall. There is one store at the eastern end called "The Sharper Mage" which appears to be intact. The floor in front of you is covered in green slime, preventing further travel to the east. >w Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. >u You step into the elevator and ascend to the upper level of the mall. Upper Level North This is the northern end of the upper level of the mall. The destruction is just as bad up here as it is on the lower level. It looks like many of these stores collapsed onto the stores beneath them at some point, taking out two stores at once in the process. The Food Court is to the north and there is a store to the west which appears to be intact. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. You can see Rufus One-Eye here. >w Bab-Witches This was a popular magigame store back in the day. Home magigame systems were wildly popular during the height of the Great Underground Empire and Bab-Witches sold nearly every magiware program one could ever want. Unfortunately, it looks like this store was looted of nearly all of its wares long ago. >e Upper Level North This is the northern end of the upper level of the mall. The destruction is just as bad up here as it is on the lower level. It looks like many of these stores collapsed onto the stores beneath them at some point, taking out two stores at once in the process. The Food Court is to the north and there is a store to the west which appears to be intact. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. >s Upper Level This north/south concourse ends abruptly a few feet to the south, where a section of the mall has collapsed into a large pile of rubble on the lower level, leaving a twenty-foot gap between here and the southern side. None of the stores here are intact, but a sign for "PigeonShack" (19) did survive the destruction. >f 19 19. PigeonShack was originally known for selling all things related to communicating by carrier pigeon. They long ago expanded into various areas of magical communication. >save Ok. >s The gap is far too big to step across. Even jumping across it seems foolhardy. >x ceiling The ceiling above this section of the mall is quite elaborate. It is an arched ceiling painted with frescoes depicting major and minor events in the lives of The Twelve Flatheads. Given the style, you suspect that it was painted by Leonardo Flathead himself (13). >f 13 13. Well, that and the fact that the historical Leonardo was a slight balding figure, while every image of him in the fresco depicts a towering, ruddy figure with bulging pectorals and long, flowing blond hair. >whip ceiling With a loud CRACK! you crack the whip at the ceiling. Nothing else happens. >read spell book Hildy's Spell Book The aometh spell (sanctify a place). The noogle spell (dress the target in an outfit perfect for his or her personality). The plumdo spell (teleport to a chosen location, or to its nearest empty space, within ten feet of the caster). The rella spell (mend torn fabric). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). >plumdo gap As you finish the final words of the spell, you point dramatically at the twenty-foot gap and...CRACK! You pop out of existence and explode back into existence hovering a few feet above the pile of rubble! You crash awkwardly into the debris and tumble painfully down to the first level. Lower Level This is the lower level of what must have once been a majestic shopping mall. This north/south concourse is covered by an elaborate ceiling separating this level from the level above it. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris, signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. One store remains intact to the west. Rufus One-Eye arrives from the south. >undo Upper Level [Previous turn undone.] >l Upper Level This north/south concourse ends abruptly a few feet to the south, where a section of the mall has collapsed into a large pile of rubble on the lower level, leaving a twenty-foot gap between here and the southern side. None of the stores here are intact, but a sign for "PigeonShack" (19) did survive the destruction. >plumdo southern side The spell crackles and dies. Nothing else happens. Perhaps it doesn't work on something so far away. >x southern side It's about twenty feet away. >read spell book Hildy's Spell Book The aometh spell (sanctify a place). The noogle spell (dress the target in an outfit perfect for his or her personality). The plumdo spell (teleport to a chosen location, or to its nearest empty space, within ten feet of the caster). The rella spell (mend torn fabric). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). >* maths! I didn't understand that sentence. >l Upper Level This north/south concourse ends abruptly a few feet to the south, where a section of the mall has collapsed into a large pile of rubble on the lower level, leaving a twenty-foot gap between here and the southern side. None of the stores here are intact, but a sign for "PigeonShack" (19) did survive the destruction. >n Upper Level North This is the northern end of the upper level of the mall. The destruction is just as bad up here as it is on the lower level. It looks like many of these stores collapsed onto the stores beneath them at some point, taking out two stores at once in the process. The Food Court is to the north and there is a store to the west which appears to be intact. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. >w Bab-Witches This was a popular magigame store back in the day. Home magigame systems were wildly popular during the height of the Great Underground Empire and Bab-Witches sold nearly every magiware program one could ever want. Unfortunately, it looks like this store was looted of nearly all of its wares long ago. >e Upper Level North This is the northern end of the upper level of the mall. The destruction is just as bad up here as it is on the lower level. It looks like many of these stores collapsed onto the stores beneath them at some point, taking out two stores at once in the process. The Food Court is to the north and there is a store to the west which appears to be intact. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. You can see Rufus One-Eye here. >n Food Court This was once a grand plaza surrounded by a large number of food vendors offering delights from all over the Great Underground Empire. Weary shoppers could find a bite to eat here and a moment's rest before charging back into the maelstrom of commercial euphoria that was the main concourse of the mall. None of that former glory exists today. Whatever tables and chairs once existed are long gone. A pizzeria to the northeast is the only vendor still standing, the others all having collapsed some time in the past. An exit to the caverns outside has similarly been completely blocked by a cave-in. There is a restroom to the west. >w Restroom This is not a nice place. While most of the rest of the mall has been damaged by time, cave-ins and thieves, this room has been changed into something...unwholesome. The plumbing fixtures have all been removed and grotesque symbols have been carved into every available surface: floor, ceiling and walls. You don't recognize any of the symbols, but looking at them makes you feel unclean, like you're being secretly watched by someone plagued with nasty, profane thoughts. The only surface free of these symbols is the wall-length mirror which has been painted completely black with strange words painted across it in giant red letters. You do not like standing in here. >x symbols You've looked at the symbols enough. You have no desire to examine them more closely. >break mirror You can't attack inanimate objects. >x mirror Its placement, size and shape make it obvious that this large rectangle was once a mirror hanging over sinks which have long since been removed. But the entire reflective surface has been hidden underneath a coat of black paint and the words "Bow before Zava Dreden" have been painted across it. >e Bow before Zava Dreden >e Bow before Zava Dreden >e Bow before Zava Dreden >e Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Bow before Zava Dreden Your mind is whirling around that one phrase over and over and over and over and over and just when you decide to give yourself over to the incipient madness, it stops and you find yourself somewhere else... Please press SPACE to continue. Abyss You are in total darkness, yet you can clearly see yourself and all of your possessions as if they were well lit. Some distance away (distance and direction don't make a lot of sense here) you can make out a chest of some kind. Like you, it is inexplicably visible in the darkness. >read spell book Hildy's Spell Book The aometh spell (sanctify a place). The noogle spell (dress the target in an outfit perfect for his or her personality). The plumdo spell (teleport to a chosen location, or to its nearest empty space, within ten feet of the caster). The rella spell (mend torn fabric). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). >plumdo chest As you finish the final words of the spell, you point dramatically at the chest and...CRACK! You pop out of existence and explode back into existence right next to the chest. Abyss (Near Chest) You are in total darkness, yet you can clearly see yourself and all of your possessions as if they were well lit. You can see a chest (empty) here. >x chest It is made of black wood with copper bindings, hinges and lock. >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a silver notice a slip of paper a viridian vial a manuscript a crumpled parchment a brass lantern a bullwhip a spell book You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. >read manuscript The first part of the document tells the story of a cruel nobleman named Zava Dreden whose pursuit of immortality led him to learning the dark and perverted forms of magic necessary to turn himself into a vampire lord. Over the next several years, he converted thousands of his fellow countrymen into ghoulish slaves upon whom he fed in order to maintain his powers. Eventually, a cadre of the land's most powerful mages confronted him and although he proved too powerful to destroy, they were able to banish him from their realm to an abyss of eternal incarceration. There is an odd thing about this section of the document. It reads like a straight history, but the kingdoms mentioned are unfamiliar to you and the geography described matches no lands that you recognize. The second half of the document is a kind of political manifesto purporting to be written by Dreden himself. It briefly details his escape from the abyss, but after that point it consists mostly of ravings harshly condemning humanity for its perfidy as well as its lack of will, competence and vision. Reading it is an unpleasant experience. >z Time passes. >z Time passes. >z Time passes. >i You are wearing: a denim berzio jacket a pair of orange high tops a pair of yellow leggings a pair of pink shorts an oversized T-shirt a pair of ekato gloves a pair of gnusto glasses a memorizing headband You are carrying: a silver notice a slip of paper a viridian vial a manuscript a crumpled parchment a brass lantern a bullwhip a spell book You have 10 zorkmid coins in the pocket of your jacket. >read silver notice WARNING: Use of the Frobozz Magic Jewelry Loupe on highly reflective items which have not been properly treated with Frobozz Magic Jewelry Loupe Anti-Reflection Spray is a violation of GUE law 12592. The darkness begins to swirl around you and you feel yourself being taken elsewhere by strange forces... Please press SPACE to continue. Lower Level Northwest This is a short, enclosed hallway off the main section of the mall. There are no stores here and the destruction seems to be minimal. A door with the word "Maintenance" stenciled on it lies to the south. >read manuscript The first part of the document tells the story of a cruel nobleman named Zava Dreden whose pursuit of immortality led him to learning the dark and perverted forms of magic necessary to turn himself into a vampire lord. Over the next several years, he converted thousands of his fellow countrymen into ghoulish slaves upon whom he fed in order to maintain his powers. Eventually, a cadre of the land's most powerful mages confronted him and although he proved too powerful to destroy, they were able to banish him from their realm to an abyss of eternal incarceration. There is an odd thing about this section of the document. It reads like a straight history, but the kingdoms mentioned are unfamiliar to you and the geography described matches no lands that you recognize. The second half of the document is a kind of political manifesto purporting to be written by Dreden himself. It briefly details his escape from the abyss, but after that point it consists mostly of ravings harshly condemning humanity for its perfidy as well as its lack of will, competence and vision. Reading it is an unpleasant experience. >e Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. You can see Rufus One-Eye here. >n Cinema Lobby The lobby of the Great Underground Cinema is intact and in fairly good shape considering its age. Some posters advertising the movies "Now Showing" when the Empire fell in 883 hang around the room. The ticket booth is to the north, the will call window is to the east and the concession stand is to the west. A hallway to the northwest leads to the theater itself and the way south leads back to the mall proper. >e Will Call Window As you step up to the window, a puff of pink smoke appears on the other side of the glass. The smoke dissipates, leaving behind an ancient-looking elf. "Good evening," she croaks. "And welcome to the Great Underground Cinema. What name are your tickets under?" What name do you give?>zava dedren The elf looks through a drawer under the window for a moment, but finds nothing. "I'm sorry," she says. "We don't have any tickets under that name." With that, she vanishes in another puff of pink smoke. Defeated, you step back from the window. Cinema Lobby The lobby of the Great Underground Cinema is intact and in fairly good shape considering its age. Some posters advertising the movies "Now Showing" when the Empire fell in 883 hang around the room. The ticket booth is to the north, the will call window is to the east and the concession stand is to the west. A hallway to the northwest leads to the theater itself and the way south leads back to the mall proper. >read manuscript The first part of the document tells the story of a cruel nobleman named Zava Dreden whose pursuit of immortality led him to learning the dark and perverted forms of magic necessary to turn himself into a vampire lord. Over the next several years, he converted thousands of his fellow countrymen into ghoulish slaves upon whom he fed in order to maintain his powers. Eventually, a cadre of the land's most powerful mages confronted him and although he proved too powerful to destroy, they were able to banish him from their realm to an abyss of eternal incarceration. There is an odd thing about this section of the document. It reads like a straight history, but the kingdoms mentioned are unfamiliar to you and the geography described matches no lands that you recognize. The second half of the document is a kind of political manifesto purporting to be written by Dreden himself. It briefly details his escape from the abyss, but after that point it consists mostly of ravings harshly condemning humanity for its perfidy as well as its lack of will, competence and vision. Reading it is an unpleasant experience. >w As you step up to the concession stand, a puff of blue smoke appears out of nowhere and then dissipates unceremoniously. Nothing else happens. It appears that the cinema's food, snacks and beverages were all pillaged long ago, so you make your way back to the center of the lobby. >e Will Call Window As you step up to the window, a puff of pink smoke appears on the other side of the glass. The smoke dissipates, leaving behind an ancient-looking elf. "Good evening," she croaks. "And welcome to the Great Underground Cinema. What name are your tickets under?" What name do you give?>zava dreden The elf looks through a drawer under the window for a moment, but finds nothing. "I'm sorry," she says. "We don't have any tickets under that name." With that, she vanishes in another puff of pink smoke. Defeated, you step back from the window. Cinema Lobby The lobby of the Great Underground Cinema is intact and in fairly good shape considering its age. Some posters advertising the movies "Now Showing" when the Empire fell in 883 hang around the room. The ticket booth is to the north, the will call window is to the east and the concession stand is to the west. A hallway to the northwest leads to the theater itself and the way south leads back to the mall proper. >s Lower Level North This is the northern end of the lower level. Many of the stores are completely filled with dirt, rocks and other debris: signs of numerous cave-ins that have happened over the years. To the north is a cinema and short hallways lie to the east and west. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. Surprisingly, the elevator seems to have survived the general destruction much of the rest of the mall has suffered. >u You step into the elevator and ascend to the upper level of the mall. Upper Level North This is the northern end of the upper level of the mall. The destruction is just as bad up here as it is on the lower level. It looks like many of these stores collapsed onto the stores beneath them at some point, taking out two stores at once in the process. The Food Court is to the north and there is a store to the west which appears to be intact. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. You can see Rufus One-Eye here. >s Upper Level This north/south concourse ends abruptly a few feet to the south, where a section of the mall has collapsed into a large pile of rubble on the lower level, leaving a twenty-foot gap between here and the southern side. None of the stores here are intact, but a sign for "PigeonShack" (19) did survive the destruction. >n Upper Level North This is the northern end of the upper level of the mall. The destruction is just as bad up here as it is on the lower level. It looks like many of these stores collapsed onto the stores beneath them at some point, taking out two stores at once in the process. The Food Court is to the north and there is a store to the west which appears to be intact. A panoramic elevator stands in the middle of this section of the mall. You can see Rufus One-Eye here. Rufus One-Eye enters the panoramic elevator and descends to the lower level. >n Food Court This was once a grand plaza surrounded by a large number of food vendors offering delights from all over the Great Underground Empire. Weary shoppers could find a bite to eat here and a moment's rest before charging back into the maelstrom of commercial euphoria that was the main concourse of the mall. None of that former glory exists today. Whatever tables and chairs once existed are long gone. A pizzeria to the northeast is the only vendor still standing, the others all having collapsed some time in the past. An exit to the caverns outside has similarly been completely blocked by a cave-in. There is a restroom to the west. >nw You can't go that way. >ne Little Flatheads "Two pizzas for the price of four!" was the catchy motto of this once ubiquitous pizza shop. Designed to be one of many eateries in the food court, this particular franchise was smaller than the full-scale restaurants one could find in other parts of the empire. It consists of a counter, where customers would place their orders and an area behind the counter where the workers could prepare the pizzas in full view of those waiting in line. None of the ovens or other machinery remains, though a small lonely chalkboard still stands dolefully upon the counter. Hanging on the wall behind the counter is a framed portrait. On the counter is a tiny nub of chalk. >x chalkboard The phrase "This Month's Special: The Famous Garlic Lover's Pizza!" takes up most of the chalkboard. >x portrait This lifelike painting is a portrait of a pretty adolescent girl with a crooked smile wearing a flour-dusted uniform. A small plaque attached to the bottom of the frame reads "Employee of the Month." >get portrait You can't reach it from here and you can't think of anything you would do with it anyway. >x chalk You won't be able to write much with this. There's hardly any of it left. >get chalk Taken. >l Little Flatheads "Two pizzas for the price of four!" was the catchy motto of this once ubiquitous pizza shop. Designed to be one of many eateries in the food court, this particular franchise was smaller than the full-scale restaurants one could find in other parts of the empire. It consists of a counter, where customers would place their orders and an area behind the counter where the workers could prepare the pizzas in full view of those waiting in line. None of the ovens or other machinery remains, though a small lonely chalkboard still stands dolefully upon the counter. Hanging on the wall behind the counter is a framed portrait. >look behind counter You can't see any such thing. >x counter It once separated the customers from the workers making the pizzas and taking orders. A chalkboard is securely fastened to it. >n You can't go that way. >ne You can't go that way. >nw You can't go that way. >script Transcripting is already on. >script off End of transcript.