Here begins a transcript of interaction with SPELLBREAKER. SPELLBREAKER An Interactive Fantasy Copyright (c) 1985 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved. SPELLBREAKER is a trademark of Infocom, Inc. Release 87 / Serial number 860904 >restore Okay. >l Stone Hut The hut is made of irregular stones. The walls are chinked with moss, mud, small stones, a featureless white cube, and an occasional old fur. There is an exit to the east. Squatting on the floor is a wild-haired, bearded hermit who is looking at you with ill-concealed dislike. >spells The gnusto, rezrov, and frotz spells are yours forever. Other than that, you have the yomin spell once committed to memory. >learn caskly Using your best study habits, you learn the caskly spell. >read book My Spell Book The caskly spell (cause perfection). The throck spell (cause plants to grow). The blorple spell (explore an object's mystic connections). The yomin spell (mind probe). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). The frotz spell (cause something to give off light). The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book). The malyon spell (animate). The jindak spell (detect magic). The lesoch spell (gust of wind). >caskly hut The hut begins to melt, the stones dripping down like wax and the dirt spraying in all directions. "Now you've done it, you meddlesome mage!" screams the hermit. But then the stones start flowing back into place, and the dirt speeds into place between them, and all is changed. The hut looks considerably different, and the cube, no longer necessary, sits in lonely splendor on the ground between you and the hermit. >take cube Taken. >i You are carrying: a cube a gold coin a cube a zipper The zipper contains: a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a magic burin a spell book >put coin in zipper Done. >put burin in zipper Done. >i You are carrying: a cube a cube a zipper The zipper contains: a magic burin a gold coin a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a spell book >restore Okay. >i You are carrying: a gold coin a cube a zipper The zipper contains: a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a magic burin a spell book >write "earth" on cube The word "earth" is now written on the cube. >learn caskly Using your best study habits, you learn the caskly spell. >caskly hut The casting feels wrong, and sure enough, there is a distant rumble of thunder. >learn caskly Using your best study habits, you learn the caskly spell. >caskly hut The hut begins to melt, the stones dripping down like wax and the dirt spraying in all directions. "Now you've done it, you meddlesome mage!" screams the hermit. But then the stones start flowing back into place, and the dirt speeds into place between them, and all is changed. The hut looks considerably different, and the cube, no longer necessary, sits in lonely splendor on the ground between you and the hermit. >get cube Taken. >learn blorple Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell. >blorple cube Abruptly, your surroundings shift. Soft Room This place is soft, warm and slightly spongy. It glistens in the light. There are passages leading east and south. >n You can't go that way. >e Oddly, although there appears to be an exit there, you can't seem to force your way through it. >s As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand. Meadow This is a warm, sunny meadow nestled among low hills. Wildflowers abound, and insects buzz lazily through the air. The grass is soft and thick. Birds drift serenely through the sky, where puffy white clouds decorate the bright blue background. There is a weed plant here. It's tall, with yellow blossoms dripping pollen. There is a pair of pruning shears here. >examine shears This is a very nice pair of pruning shears, such as a gardener would own. >examine weed This is a ragweed plant. It's tall, with yellow blossoms dripping pollen. This is the only weed you can see anywhere in the meadow. It's like a well-kept garden. >save Okay. >i You are carrying: a cube a gold coin the "earth" cube a zipper The zipper contains: a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a magic burin a spell book A rabbit hops across the meadow, twitches its nose at you, and then scampers away. >put coin in zipper Done. >i You are carrying: a cube the "earth" cube a zipper The zipper contains: a gold coin a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a magic burin a spell book >write "soft" on cube The word "soft" is now written on the cube. >put "soft in zipper You forgot a second quote. >put "soft" in zipper Done. >i You are carrying: the "earth" cube a zipper The zipper contains: the "soft" cube a gold coin a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a magic burin a spell book >l Meadow This is a warm, sunny meadow nestled among low hills. Wildflowers abound, and insects buzz lazily through the air. The grass is soft and thick. Birds drift serenely through the sky, where puffy white clouds decorate the bright blue background. There is a weed plant here. It's tall, with yellow blossoms dripping pollen. There is a pair of pruning shears here. >save Okay. >cut weed What do you want to cut the weed with? >shears You aren't holding the pair of pruning shears. >get shears Taken. >cut weed What do you want to cut the weed with? >cut weed You aren't holding the weed. >cut weed with shears You now have a weed cutting. >l Meadow This is a warm, sunny meadow nestled among low hills. Wildflowers abound, and insects buzz lazily through the air. The grass is soft and thick. Birds drift serenely through the sky, where puffy white clouds decorate the bright blue background. >examine cutting This is a ragweed cutting. It's tall, with yellow blossoms dripping pollen. This is the only weed you can see anywhere in the meadow. It's like a well-kept garden. >learn blorple Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell. >blorple "earth" Abruptly, your surroundings shift. Packed Earth This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down. >w As you leave, the "earth" cube reappears in your hand. Cave Entrance A well-worn trail terminates here where a cave enters the cliff-side to the north. Outside the cave is a litter of bones, old hides and brush. The smell that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer cliff. >n Cave This is a natural fissure in the rock which was enlarged with crude skill into a spacious and comfortable room, at least if you're fond of caves. The floor is dirt, hard packed in some parts, loose in others. A low passage leads down. A large ogre bars the passage. >examine cutting This is a ragweed cutting. It's tall, with yellow blossoms dripping pollen. The ogre sneezes. >put pollen on ogre I don't know the word "pollen." >hit ogre with cutting The ogre contemptuously fends you off. The ogre sneezes. >shake cutting The ogre shrinks back and lets go an explosive sneeze. >again The ogre shrinks back and lets go an explosive sneeze. The ogre sneezes. >d The ogre moves quickly to bar your way. The ogre sneezes. >l Cave This is a natural fissure in the rock which was enlarged with crude skill into a spacious and comfortable room, at least if you're fond of caves. The floor is dirt, hard packed in some parts, loose in others. A low passage leads down. A large ogre bars the passage. >put cutting on ogre There's no good surface on the ogre. >read book My Spell Book The caskly spell (cause perfection). The throck spell (cause plants to grow). The blorple spell (explore an object's mystic connections). The yomin spell (mind probe). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). The frotz spell (cause something to give off light). The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book). The malyon spell (animate). The jindak spell (detect magic). The lesoch spell (gust of wind). The ogre sneezes. >learn throck Using your best study habits, you learn the throck spell. The ogre sneezes. >throck cutting The weed shivers, tries very hard to grow in its mutilated state and then gives up. The ogre sneezes. >restore Okay. >get weed The weed pulls partly out of the ground. >get weed The weed pulls out of the ground, taking a good-sized ball of earth with it. >examine weed This is a ragweed plant. It's tall, with yellow blossoms dripping pollen. This is the only weed you can see anywhere in the meadow. It's like a well-kept garden. >spells The gnusto, rezrov, and frotz spells are yours forever. Other than that, you have the yomin spell once committed to memory. >learn blorple, throck blorple spell: Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell. throck spell: Using your best study habits, you learn the throck spell. >learn blorple Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell yet another time. >forget yomin You can never forget, uh, whatever it was. >l Meadow This is a warm, sunny meadow nestled among low hills. Wildflowers abound, and insects buzz lazily through the air. The grass is soft and thick. Birds drift serenely through the sky, where puffy white clouds decorate the bright blue background. There is a pair of pruning shears here. >spells The gnusto, rezrov, and frotz spells are yours forever. Other than that, you have the throck spell once, the blorple spell twice and the yomin spell once committed to memory. >yomin weed The casting feels wrong, and sure enough, nothing happens. >spells The gnusto, rezrov, and frotz spells are yours forever. Other than that, you have the throck spell once and the blorple spell twice committed to memory. >blorple earth You can't see that here! >blorple "earth" Abruptly, your surroundings shift. Packed Earth This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down. >w As you leave, the "earth" cube reappears in your hand. Cave Entrance A well-worn trail terminates here where a cave enters the cliff-side to the north. Outside the cave is a litter of bones, old hides and brush. The smell that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer cliff. You hear a noise from within the cave that sounds like a sneeze. >save Okay. >spells The gnusto, rezrov, and frotz spells are yours forever. Other than that, you have the throck spell once and the blorple spell once committed to memory. >memorize throck Using your best study habits, you learn the throck spell yet another time. >save Okay. >throck weed The spell envelops the weed, quests around its roots looking for something, fails to find it and fades. >restore Okay. >n Cave This is a natural fissure in the rock which was enlarged with crude skill into a spacious and comfortable room, at least if you're fond of caves. The floor is dirt, hard packed in some parts, loose in others. A low passage leads down. A large ogre bars the passage. The ogre sneezes. >plant weed You plant the weed. It looks like it might even thrive if it gets some attention. >throck weed With a spurt of explosive growth, the weed expands to spectacular size. It is now as large as a small tree! As the weed grows, the ogre watches in horror. "Ragweed!" he screams, and then his further comments are cut off by a volley of sneezes like the reports of a small cannon. The ogre begins to rub his eyes, which are watering horrifically, and his sneezes are monumental. He is totally oblivious to your presence. The ogre doubles over in a spectacular paroxysm of sneezing. >d You saunter nonchalantly past the convulsively sneezing ogre. Ogre Lair This small but cozy hole is the ogre's lair. Moldy, filthy furs piled in one corner make a crude bed. There is a rocky crawl up to the main part of the cave. There is a gold box here. There is a dusty scroll here. You hear explosive sneezing from the cave. >save Okay. >read scroll The scroll reads "espnis spell: sleep." You hear explosive sneezing from the cave. >examine box The gold box is small, richly ornamented with allegorical figures of dolphins and cryptic symbols. It has a small latch which holds closed the lid. You hear explosive sneezing from the cave. >open box Opening the gold box reveals a cube. You hear explosive sneezing from the cave. >get all gold box: Taken. dusty scroll: Taken. You hear explosive sneezing from the cave. >l Ogre Lair This small but cozy hole is the ogre's lair. Moldy, filthy furs piled in one corner make a crude bed. There is a rocky crawl up to the main part of the cave. You hear explosive sneezing from the cave. >examine bed It looks exactly as you would expect. You hear explosive sneezing from the cave. >search it There is nothing there. You hear explosive sneezing from the cave. >blorple earth You can't see that here! >blorple "earth" Abruptly, your surroundings shift. Packed Earth This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down. >i You are carrying: a dusty scroll a gold box The gold box contains: a cube a zipper The zipper contains: the "soft" cube a gold coin a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a magic burin a spell book >i You are carrying: a dusty scroll a gold box The gold box contains: a cube a zipper The zipper contains: the "soft" cube a gold coin a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a magic burin a spell book >put box in zipper Done. >get box Taken. >get cube Taken. >put box in zipper Done. >i You are carrying: a cube a dusty scroll a zipper The zipper contains: a gold box the "soft" cube a gold coin a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a magic burin a spell book >read scroll The scroll reads "espnis spell: sleep." >gnusto espnis Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the espnis spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied. >i You are carrying: a cube a zipper The zipper contains: a gold box the "soft" cube a gold coin a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a magic burin a spell book >put burin in zipper Done. >s As you leave, the "earth" cube reappears in your hand. Cliff Middle A narrow ledge, barely wide enough to stand on, interrupts the cliff here. >l Cliff Middle A narrow ledge, barely wide enough to stand on, interrupts the cliff here. >i You are carrying: the "earth" cube a cube a zipper The zipper contains: a magic burin a gold box the "soft" cube a gold coin a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a spell book >blorple cube You don't have the blorple spell memorized! >learn blorple Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell. >blorple cube Abruptly, your surroundings shift. Water Room This is a damp, mossy room. Its floor is mud, and its walls and ceiling are coral. In the gaps in the coral you can see a shimmering film which you realize is actually the outer edge of a huge bubble of air enclosing you. On the north, east and south sides of the room are curtains of bubbles. >learn blorple Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell. >save Okay. >n As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand. Oubliette This is an oubliette. Sheer walls rise for twenty feet above you and lean inward to a narrow opening covered with wooden planks. A small but fast-flowing channel of water runs along the bottom of the chamber between two pipes. >write "water" on cube You don't have anything to write with. >get burin Taken. >write "water" on cube The word "water" is now written on the cube. >put burin in zipper Done. >learn blorple Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell yet another time. >blorple cube You'll have to be more specific about which one you mean. >blorple "water" Abruptly, your surroundings shift. Water Room This is a damp, mossy room. Its floor is mud, and its walls and ceiling are coral. In the gaps in the coral you can see a shimmering film which you realize is actually the outer edge of a huge bubble of air enclosing you. On the north, east and south sides of the room are curtains of bubbles. >learn blorple Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell yet another time. >save Okay. >e Oddly, although there appears to be an exit there, you can't seem to force your way through it. >s As you leave, the "water" cube reappears in your hand. You step out of the room and drop precipitously into the Flathead Ocean, making a terrific splash. The "water" cube, lost in the shock of the fall, makes a smaller splash. It is a little less buoyant than you and begins to sink slowly beneath the waves. Some of your possessions have been damaged by the water. Mid-Ocean You are swimming in mid-ocean. Floating nearby are the "water" cube and a bottle. A large grouper swims nearby. >get cube Taken. The grouper, nosing around for something tasty, swallows the bottle and starts to swim downward, temporarily sated. >read book The spell book is totally unreadable. The ink has run, and the pages are soaked. What a mess! >read book The spell book is totally unreadable. The ink has run, and the pages are soaked. What a mess! The grouper swims down out of sight. >restore Okay. >read book My Spell Book The espnis spell (sleep). The caskly spell (cause perfection). The throck spell (cause plants to grow). The blorple spell (explore an object's mystic connections). The yomin spell (mind probe). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). The frotz spell (cause something to give off light). The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book). The malyon spell (animate). The jindak spell (detect magic). The lesoch spell (gust of wind). >i You are carrying: the "earth" cube a zipper The zipper contains: a magic burin a gold box the "soft" cube a gold coin a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a spell book >i You are carrying: the "earth" cube a zipper The zipper contains: a magic burin a gold box the "soft" cube a gold coin a knife a smoked fish a chunk of rye bread (providing light) a spell book >memorize blorple Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell yet another time. >frotz zipper There is an almost blinding flash of light as the zipper begins to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the zipper is now a serviceable light source. >extinguish bread The magical glow fades. >get bread Taken. >put book in zipper Done. >i You are carrying: a chunk of rye bread the "earth" cube a zipper (providing light) The zipper contains: a spell book a magic burin a gold box the "soft" cube a gold coin a knife a smoked fish >close zipper The zipper now looks like an ordinary zipper. >s As you leave, the "water" cube reappears in your hand. You step out of the room and drop precipitously into the Flathead Ocean, making a terrific splash. The "water" cube, lost in the shock of the fall, makes a smaller splash. It is a little less buoyant than you and begins to sink slowly beneath the waves. Mid-Ocean You are swimming in mid-ocean. Floating nearby are the "water" cube and a bottle. A large grouper swims nearby. You are beginning to tire. >drop bread The chunk of rye bread begins to sink beneath the waves. The grouper, nosing around for something tasty, swallows the chunk of rye bread and starts to swim downward, temporarily sated. >get cube Taken. >get bottle Taken. The grouper swims down out of sight. >blorple "earth" Abruptly, your surroundings shift. Packed Earth This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down. >s As you leave, the "earth" cube reappears in your hand. Cliff Middle A narrow ledge, barely wide enough to stand on, interrupts the cliff here. >i You are carrying: the "earth" cube a bottle the "water" cube a zipper (providing light) >open zipper Opening the zipper reveals a dimly lit hole. >open bottle Opened. You are feeling tired. >look in it The bottle contains a damp scroll. >get damp Taken. >i You are carrying: a damp scroll the "earth" cube a bottle the "water" cube a zipper (providing light) The zipper contains: a spell book a magic burin a gold box the "soft" cube a gold coin a knife a smoked fish >read damp The scroll reads "liskon spell: shrink a living thing." >gnusto liskon The spell quests around in your hands, looking for your spell book, and not finding it, fades reluctantly. >get book Taken. >gnusto liskon Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the liskon spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied. >i You are carrying: a spell book the "earth" cube a bottle the "water" cube a zipper (providing light) The zipper contains: a magic burin a gold box the "soft" cube a gold coin a knife a smoked fish You are getting more and more tired. >save Okay. >sleep Ah, sleep! It's been a long day, and rest will do you good. You stretch out on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully. You sleep uneventfully and awake refreshed. >save Okay. >