Awakened Deeply An Interactive Fiction by Lamp Shade Light Games Release 1 / Serial number 240902 / Inform 7 v10.1.2 Inform 7 v10.1.2 Identification number: //066ADD7E-72D3-4022-84CD-C9471EEC6242// Interpreter version 2.2.1 / VM 3.1.3 Darkness You feel something in your hand. Besides a faint glow above your head.... It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing. >examine glow You can't see any such thing. >touch thing in hand You can't see any such thing. >wait Time passes. >exit You can't get out of the closed Cryotube. >pull lever You can't see any such thing. >turn on light You can't see any such thing. >wait Time passes. >feel (Release Button) You feel nothing unexpected. >release button That's not a verb I recognise. >look Darkness You feel something in your hand. Besides a faint glow above your head.... It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing. >wait Time passes. >wake up The dreadful truth is, this is not a dream. >struggle That's not a verb I recognise. >help If you have not played much Interactive Fiction, I would recommend reviewing the provided read me documentation with this entry. General tips would be to look at/examine everything in your surrounding environment within the game and take note of any key indicators of interest. See how you can interact with these. Does the description of such items offer any more information you can glean detail from? >open cryotube It seems to be locked. >unlock cryotube (with Release Button) That doesn't seem to fit the lock. >inventory You are carrying: Release Button >drop release button Dropped. >pick up release button You can't see any such thing. >use release button That's not a verb I recognise. >push release button You can't see any such thing. >wait Time passes. >wait Time passes. >feel What do you want to feel? >feel something You can't see any such thing. >feel release button You can't see any such thing. >examine release button You can't see any such thing. >examine button You can't see any such thing. >look at release button You can't see any such thing. >wait Time passes. >breathe That's not a verb I recognise. >shout I didn't understand that sentence. >yell That's not a verb I recognise. >scream for help That's not a verb I recognise. >knock on cryotube That's not a verb I recognise. >hit cryotube Violence isn't the answer to this one. >look Darkness You feel something in your hand. Besides a faint glow above your head.... It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing. >examine hand It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing. >listen Cryotube isn't open. You hear nothing unexpected. >smell Cryotube isn't open. You smell nothing unexpected. >taste What do you want to taste? >taste cryotube You taste nothing unexpected. >go to sleep You can't see any such thing. >sleep You aren't feeling especially drowsy. >wait Time passes. >touch cryotube You feel nothing unexpected. >press cryotube You can't move that. >press release button You can't see any such thing. >feel hand You can't see as it's too dark, but you notice you have something in your hand. It feels like a small button of some kind. >push button You can't see any such thing. >press button You can't see any such thing. >press button that i feel in hand You can't see any such thing. >feel button You can't see any such thing. >feel button You can't see any such thing. >examine hand It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing. >feel button in hand You can't see any such thing. >depress button That's not a verb I recognise. >inventory You are carrying nothing. >drop nothing You can't see any such thing. >push button in hand You can't see any such thing.