Start of a transcript of Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens Prime Pro-Rhyme Row entry 8 by Andrew Schultz Release 1 / Serial number 240630 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.36 lib 6/12N) Identification number: //F55C9291-C138-45DE-B05E-DF0C8CF7D17B// Standard interpreter 1.1 (1C) / Library serial number 080126 Standard Rules version 2/090402 by Graham Nelson Trivial Niceties version 1/140928 by Andrew Schultz Intro Restore Skip version 1/190730 by Andrew Schultz Old School Verb Total Carnage version 1/181008 by Andrew Schultz Prime Pro Rhyme Row Universal version 1/220705 by Andrew Schultz Prime Pro Rhyme Row Common version 1/220705 by Andrew Schultz Prime Pro Rhyme Row E34 version 1/220910 by Andrew Schultz Beef Beans Grief Greens Definitions version 1/240113 by Andrew Schultz Beef Beans Grief Greens Globals version 1/240113 by Andrew Schultz Beef Beans Grief Greens Mistakes version 1/240113 by Andrew Schultz Beef Beans Grief Greens Tables version 1/240113 by Andrew Schultz Beef Beans Grief Greens Tests version 1/240113 by Andrew Schultz Beef Beans Grief Greens Hints version 1/240624 by Andrew Schultz Trivial Text Shortcuts version 1/140928 by Andrew Schultz Punctuation Stripper version 1/200614 by Andrew Schultz Bold Final Question Rows version 1/220701 by Andrew Schultz Prime Pro Rhyme Row Leet Learner version 1/221103 by Andrew Schultz Prime Pro Rhyme Row Hints version 1/221111 by Andrew Schultz >x me You are Yves (or Eve) O. Sorry, I forgot to ask. You can choose if you want, or you can leave it undefined. You haven't worried much about appearances, recently. >i [NOTE: X on its own may be more useful for the items you have, since it views the list you need for Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens.] Currently carrying: a leet learner (on) Last Least Fast Feast >x last Last Least Fast Feast is a vague description of the stuff you need for the end-of-year memorial feast. Perhaps they wanted to allow you artistic license, or perhaps they (or I) realized it'd not be a really fulfilling quest if they were specific. Or perhaps there's some weird obscure reason the feast tastes better or is more spiritually nourishing if it's prepared ad-hoc. ( - ) small drinking container(s) ( - ) large drink holder ( - ) cake, of course ( - ) an appetizer, sort of ( - ) greens ( - ) protein panorama ( - ) vast veggies ( - ) powdered drink mix ( - ) prevents sticking ( - ) liquid seasoning ( - ) tasty pastry (0/4) silverware and such You'll probably need to cook up some ingredients, but you don't have the right appliance(s), yet. >l Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You know you should go OUT sooner rather than later, but you don't feel confident enough. Boosting yourself with the right phrase might help. A rayed rug covers part of the floor here. It's oddly bumpy. >x rug You aren't big on decor, but Steve Stowe insisted you keep this rug. It would be useful, he said. There are a lot of bright rays on the rug. It's bumpy, but you're scared to look under it without knowing or figuring what the bump might be. >about Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens is entry 8 of Prime Pro-Rhyme Row. It was written for ParserComp 2024. In such a long series, there's the possibility the concept may get stale. Puzzles overlap. I recognize a word I rhymed before, and I fail to recognize another. But then I also see, oh, this rhyme chain works well. It might be worth writing. There is a ceiling to all this, though, and a temptation to think, why bother? I said I wouldn't write another game without a specific theme, and, well, when I heard "beef and beans" I said, no, no way, I couldn't extend it to a whole feast, could I? I worry I'm stopping too late instead of too soon. But I am pleased with what I have, and I hope you are, too. There was an opportunity for a weird little story. So I hope it flies for you. The other Prime Pro-Rhyme Row entries are Very Vile Fairy File, Quite Queer Night Near, Low-Key Learny Jokey Journey, Civil Seeming Drivel Dreaming, There Those Dare Doze, Bright Brave Knight Knave and Taller Tech Mauler Mech. I hope you make time to play them if you haven't, though if you're playing this during ParserComp, do look at all the other entries there first. >help You need to find a way out. (+) >x learner It says LEET LEARNER/CHEAT CHURNER. It has two main settings: HUT! CAN! (on) and SHUT SCAN (off). It's currently on. LL/CC ON/OFF can turn it on or off. Also, to use it, LL (something). LL with no argument scans the current location. You can READ it for more detailed information, or HINT LL to see its mechanics. >read it The leet learner has three settings: HA HALF (on) and NAH NAFF (off) toggle noting when you are half right. It's currently on. TWO TOO (on) and DO DUE (off) toggle homonym detection, which is currently on. One slider setting has a range of values: GO GUESS to LO LESS to MO MESS to the most information-giving entry, YO YES. It's currently set to LO LESS, which means you'll only get information on how many things you need to sort out with the current double-rhyme. You can HINT LL to see what they all mean. >hint ll The leet learner and its parts only give hints. You can LL alone to scan a room, LL any thing or person, or READ the leet learner to see its options. Continuing to HINT LL will spell out the details of how it works and what the number means. >ll You scan the area. This will suffice most of the time, though you may wish to LL a thing that doesn't jibe with the area's rhymes. You notice four dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.75, 0.25.) >l Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You know you should go OUT sooner rather than later, but you don't feel confident enough. Boosting yourself with the right phrase might help. A rayed rug covers part of the floor here. It's oddly bumpy. >steve stowe Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >verbs Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens doesn't have many custom verbs that are used regularly. In fact, many standard verbs such as PUSH and PULL are disabled, and CLIMB or ATTACK, for instance, have minimal implementation. You shouldn't even need TAKE. This is to help you focus on certain phrases you need to guess to advance. The four cardinal directions and UP are used, as well as X or EXAMINE. READ may provide different output. Use I to take inventory as well. T lets you talk to people or entities. Useful meta-verbs: OPTS gives game options, and META gives general information commands. >meta CREDITS lists people who helped, and ABOUT gives general information about Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens. VERSION shows you release dates of each version, and EXT shows extension and internal Inform compiler information. THINK notes, among other things, where and when you guessed a useful command but weren't prepared yet. SOUNDS tells you the complete list of English sounds. OTHER tells you other games similar to Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens. >credits Thanks to Adam Sommerfield for holding the first ParserComp and fos1 for keeping it going this year, and Christopher Merriner for helping previously. Thanks to Onno Brouwer for testing. Thanks to people who tested previous entries in the series. They helped iron out some core bugs that made code reusable. Often they alerted me to stuff that couldn't be wrong Thanks to you for playing this. >l Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You know you should go OUT sooner rather than later, but you don't feel confident enough. Boosting yourself with the right phrase might help. A rayed rug covers part of the floor here. It's oddly bumpy. >eve go Yes. You are Eve. You haven't felt yourself lately. >yves go Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >x me You are Eve O. You haven't worried much about appearances, recently. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >heave go The HA HALF button on your Leet Learner lights up yellow--one of the words must work for a future solution. [ONE-TIME NOTE: typing NAH NAFF will cause the Leet Learner not to show when you have gotten one word right. It will make Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens more difficult. I wanted to make this feature opt-out so the player did not miss it.] >heave ho You try to pull the rayed rug, but it feels nailed down in enough places you can only look under a bit. You can't move it by yourself. You need a stronger assistant! NOTE: this command will be useful later, but you aren't ready to use it, yet. You can track commands like this by typing THINK, which will also clue you if they now work. >think You think about more specific challenges you've encountered and not solved, and what you've done and tried, and what you can do. You can HEAVE HO once you have a strong assistant here who can help you pull the rug up. [NOTE: Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens should indicate whenever you find the right rhyme but can't execute it yet. An asterisk or (+) will also appear in the score in the upper right once a good guess can work. Until then, you can THINK to see things you figured but aren't quite ready to do yet. >leave low You're already feeling a bit low. You don't need to advertise it, or sink lower. That has to be really, really close, though! Perhaps a potentially hearty interjection would work better. How to leave with your head held high, with a forceful word showing you're willing to take on the world? The Leet Learner vibrates back and forth rather violently. You must have been very close. [ONE-TIME NOTE: typing DO DUE will switch the homonym-detection option off on your Leet Learner. It will make Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens more difficult. I wanted to make this feature opt-out so the player did not miss it.] >leave lo Sometimes you just need the right time to say a simple phrase to get you going. And you do, here. Wandering ... Where? You have no clue where to wander yet, but you can go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. [Your score just went up by one point.] You note the Leet Learner lights up briefly, and then a dot winks out. Scanning what you solved may give something different, now, and you suspect this will be the case every time you figure something out. >in Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. A rayed rug covers part of the floor here. It's oddly bumpy. >ll You scan the area. You notice three dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 0.67.) >* OK three left! Noted. >* I forget what the numbers mean Noted. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >teens toe Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >weans woe Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >cleans clow Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sleeve slow You don't need to be encumbered by heavy clothes. You notice three dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, -0.33.) [NOTE: to switch on the option that shows how many similar rhyme pairs you have left in this area, you can type GO GUESS. To see more detailed guess information with THINK, type MO MESS. To be told if you have one word of a good non-point-scoring good guess, YO YES. These all also incorporate the LO LESS option, where the leet learner tells you how many rhymes are left to solve. NO NESS turns everything.] >go guess The PRO PRESS option is now set to GO GUESS, which means you'll see how many available good guesses are left in the double-rhyme set. >yo yes The PRO PRESS option is now set to YO YES, which will tell you if you've got one word right for a good guess. >ll You scan the area. You notice three dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 0.67.) >thieve though Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >weave woe You're trying to become less despondent, not more. You notice three dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 0.67.) For this location, you've discovered two of six available related good-guess rhyme pairs: SLEEVE SLOW, WEAVE WOE. >beeve bow Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >* "beeve" is another word for cattle Noted. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >peeve po Not wise, without a real raven-heal-haven. You notice three dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.67.) For this location, you've discovered three of six available related good-guess rhyme pairs: PEEVE PO/POE, SLEEVE SLOW, WEAVE WOE. >sieve sow Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >seive sow Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >seeve sow Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >cleave clow Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >grieve grow You reflect on things. You recognize too much of this is bad. All the same, it puts you in a mindset to do what you must do. [Your score just went up by one point.] >ll You scan the area. You notice two dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 0.50.) >x rug You aren't big on decor, but Steve Stowe insisted you keep this rug. It would be useful, he said. There are a lot of bright rays on the rug. It's bumpy, but you're scared to look under it without knowing or figuring what the bump might be. >l Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. A rayed rug covers part of the floor here. It's oddly bumpy. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >bayed bug The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >bade bug You don't need to deal with insects AND grief. You notice three dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.67, 0.33.) For the rayed rug, you've discovered one of nine available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BADE BUG. >hague hug The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >* no? Noted. >hague gg Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >adf hug The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >hayed hug The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >head hug The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >x rug You aren't big on decor, but Steve Stowe insisted you keep this rug. It would be useful, he said. There are a lot of bright rays on the rug. It's bumpy, but you're scared to look under it without knowing or figuring what the bump might be. >l Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. A rayed rug covers part of the floor here. It's oddly bumpy. >hayed hug The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >hade hug The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >jade jug A jade jug appears. It will be useful for the meal. A ray vanishes from the rug. Several rays on the rug (you'd say one-third) grow duller. [Your score just went up by one point.] >made mug A made mug appears. It will be useful for the meal. A ray vanishes from the rug. The rug's rays go from one-third dull to one-third bright. [Your score just went up by one point.] >paid pug You wonder if having a pet will help you overcome grief. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (2.00, 1.00.) For the rayed rug, you've discovered two of nine available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BADE BUG, PAID PUG. Thwup! You hear a sound...and notice a lurking lump has fallen. Gazing at its dull shine, you realize it could help you move ahead on a tricky rhyme, at the right place at the right time, with JJ or JERKING JUMP. You take the lump. >take lump You already have that. >drayed drug Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >glade glug You have better things to do than get drunk and pass out in bushes. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 0.00.) For the rayed rug, you've discovered three of nine available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BADE BUG, GLADE GLUG, PAID PUG. >plaid plug The HA HALF button on your Leet Learner lights up green--one of the words you thought must be right. >played plug Ah, that's what the bump in the rayed rug is. A ray vanishes from the rug. The final rays on the rug grow dull. You figure you're done with it, so you put it in a corner where you can just ignore it. [Your score just went up by one point.] >i Currently carrying: made mug and jade jug (uncookable) made mug and jade jug (for drinking stuff) played plug (to repair something, maybe) a lurking lump a leet learner (on) Last Least Fast Feast >x list You see nothing here like that. Or there may be, but it's a small part of something more prominent. Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens tries not to force you to look into any items too much. >x last You check Last Least Fast Feast again for what you need. ( X ) small drinking container(s) ( X ) large drink holder ( - ) cake, of course ( - ) an appetizer, sort of ( - ) greens ( - ) protein panorama ( - ) vast veggies ( - ) powdered drink mix ( - ) prevents sticking ( - ) liquid seasoning ( - ) tasty pastry (0/4) silverware and such You'll probably need to cook up some ingredients, but you don't have the right appliance(s), yet. >l Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. >out Wandering ... Where? You have no clue where to wander yet, but you can go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. >in Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. >ll You scan the area. You notice two dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 0.50.) >nw Diagonal directions aren't used in Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens. >ll You scan the area. You notice two dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 0.50.) >l Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. >out Wandering ... Where? You have no clue where to wander yet, but you can go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. >ll You scan the area. You notice four dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, -0.50.) >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >maundering mare You think up a storm and realize, there is a way to such a place, though maybe it's easier to go south in the future. The name is a bit more specific than what you'd imagined. Gap, Goo Ugh, not very lively here. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. [Your score just went up by one point.] >ll You scan the area. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, 0.00.) >map moo You wonder if there are cows around. You figure a way to get there, if there were. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, 0.00.) For this location, you've discovered one of nineteen available related good-guess rhyme pairs: MAP MOO. >soudns Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >cap coo You hear no birds cooing, and even if you did, you wouldn't want to stop them. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, 0.00.) For this location, you've discovered two of nineteen available related good-guess rhyme pairs: CAP COO, MAP MOO. >dap do Alas, there is nobody who would appreciate being dapped up here. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, 1.00.) For this location, you've discovered three of nineteen available related good-guess rhyme pairs: CAP COO, DAP DO/DUE, MAP MOO. >hap who Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >hap hoo Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >lap loo Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >nap new Not the time or place to sleep. Not even Reeve Row is, with your tasks. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, 0.00.) For this location, you've discovered four of nineteen available related good-guess rhyme pairs: CAP COO, DAP DO/DUE, MAP MOO, NAP NEW. >rap roo The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >wrap roo The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >wrap rue You moan to yourself how rap lost the social conscience it once had. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (-1.00, 0.00.) For this location, you've discovered five of nineteen available related good-guess rhyme pairs: CAP COO, DAP DO/DUE, MAP MOO, NAP NEW, RAP/WRAP RUE. The lurking lump pulses and grows. All your guesses have paid off. >zap zoo Yes, yes. Much better now. The terrain changes! So much appears: a ferret (fake,) a tree troop, and lotus life. They're all very nice and add local flavor, but perhaps you need to appreciate them right to achieve your own goals. [Your score just went up by one point.] >; Noted. >l (Zap!) Zoo The zoo is now bursting with lotus life! A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. A ferret (fake) scurries about here. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >ll You scan the area. Nothing comes up. The general area here has been changed enough. >ll troop You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (-1.00, -1.00.) >x troop They're just miscellaneous entities you can't put your finger on, all sitting around. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >bee boop Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >bree broop Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >key coop Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >key coup Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >he hoop Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >lee loop Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >pee poop Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >* sorry Noted. >sea soup Well, you need a lot, but not a whole sea of soup. The Leet Learner vibrates back and forth rather violently. You must have been very close. >see soup You nod to the tree troop. You see what you want. They are glad to give it to you. [Your score just went up by one point.] >l (Zap!) Zoo The zoo is now bursting with lotus life! A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. A ferret (fake) scurries about here. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >i Currently carrying: soup, made mug and jade jug (uncookable) made mug and jade jug (for drinking stuff) played plug (to repair something, maybe) a lurking lump a leet learner (on) Last Least Fast Feast >x soup It looks delicious. Not too watery and not too chunky. >x last You check Last Least Fast Feast again for what you need. ( X ) small drinking container(s) ( X ) large drink holder ( - ) cake, of course ( X ) an appetizer, sort of ( - ) greens ( - ) protein panorama ( - ) vast veggies ( - ) powdered drink mix ( - ) prevents sticking ( - ) liquid seasoning ( - ) tasty pastry (0/4) silverware and such You'll probably need to cook up some ingredients, but you don't have the right appliance(s), yet. >l (Zap!) Zoo The zoo is now bursting with lotus life! A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. A ferret (fake) scurries about here. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >ll You scan the area. Nothing comes up. The general area here has been changed enough. >ll troop You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (-1.00, -1.00.) >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >tea toop Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >brie broop Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >flee floop Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >free froop Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >glee gloop Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >gree groop Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >ski scoop Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >whee whoop Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >l (Zap!) Zoo The zoo is now bursting with lotus life! A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. A ferret (fake) scurries about here. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >x ferrer You see nothing here like that. Or there may be, but it's a small part of something more prominent. Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens tries not to force you to look into any items too much. >x ferret You keep thinking of food when you look at it. You don't want to, like, cook and eat it, but it reminds you of something... >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >carrot cake Splat! The ferret (fake) runs off to reveal an untouched carrot cake! Its generosity sure isn't fake. [Your score just went up by one point.] >l (Zap!) Zoo The zoo is now bursting with lotus life! A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >ll You scan the area. Nothing comes up. The general area here has been changed enough. >n Ugh. Somehow, it's not so easy to wander back. You wonder if you really deserved to find even some of the things you needed for the big feast. It wasn't a real quest, was it? Preoccupied with this, you go off the beaten path... Stuck State Oh man! You're stuck here and don't know what to do! What sort of action can you take? >save Ok. >muck mate Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >* aww I thought I could get a buddy Noted. >soudns Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >buck bate The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >buck beat The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >asdf bate Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >buck beet The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >buck bait You hope someone comes by, trying to make you feel worse. Or better. You'll show them! You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.00.) For this location, you've discovered one of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BUCK BAIT. >soudns Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >soudns Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >cuck kate Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >fuck fate Maybe you're doing the whole Kubler-Ross thing out of order, here, but so what? She's dead. She can't tell YOU how to grieve! You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.00.) For this location, you've discovered two of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BUCK BAIT, FUCK FATE. >* LOL Noted. > You think a bit. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >l Stuck State Oh man! You're stuck here and don't know what to do! What sort of action can you take? >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >luck late You wait a while hoping for something to happen. Well, you feel a bit more rested. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.00.) For this location, you've discovered three of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BUCK BAIT, FUCK FATE, LUCK LATE. >puck pate Alas, there is nobody around to call a hockey puck head. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.00.) For this location, you've discovered four of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BUCK BAIT, FUCK FATE, LUCK LATE, PUCK PATE. >* lol great Noted. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >ruck rate You don't have the energy to start a fight, and you wouldn't want one, but you dread starting one, even one you could win. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.00.) For this location, you've discovered five of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BUCK BAIT, FUCK FATE, LUCK LATE, PUCK PATE, RUCK RATE. >suck sate You have no thirst that needs quenching that way. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.00.) For this location, you've discovered six of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BUCK BAIT, FUCK FATE, LUCK LATE, PUCK PATE, RUCK RATE, SUCK SATE. >tuck tate Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >cluck cate Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >pluck plate You find one plate, and it give you a greater morale boost than expected. All of a sudden, you start noticing things around you. Like more plates! And even more plates! Plain plates! Gaudy plates! You're so involved, you don't realize you've walked out of the fog back to ... Wandering ... Where? [Your score just went up by one point.] >l Wandering ... Where? You can go SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. >ll You scan the area. You notice three dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, -0.33.) >i Currently carrying: plates, carrot cake, soup, made mug and jade jug (uncookable) made mug and jade jug (for drinking stuff) plates (utensils) played plug (to repair something, maybe) a lurking lump a leet learner (on) Last Least Fast Feast >x feast You check Last Least Fast Feast again for what you need. ( X ) small drinking container(s) ( X ) large drink holder ( X ) cake, of course ( X ) an appetizer, sort of ( - ) greens ( - ) protein panorama ( - ) vast veggies ( - ) powdered drink mix ( - ) prevents sticking ( - ) liquid seasoning ( - ) tasty pastry (1/4) silverware and such (got plates) You'll probably need to cook up some ingredients, but you don't have the right appliance(s), yet. >* progress! Noted. >l Wandering ... Where? You can go SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. >sonds Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >soudns Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >l Wandering ... Where? You can go SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. >ll You scan the area. You notice three dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, -0.33.) >pondering pear The HA HALF button on your Leet Learner lights up green. >pondering pare Yes to thinking, no to disrupting thinking. The Leet Learner vibrates back and forth rather violently. You must have been very close. >pandering pare Yes to thinking, no to disrupting thinking. The Leet Learner vibrates back and forth rather violently. You must have been very close. >think You think about more specific challenges you've encountered and not solved, and what you've done and tried, and what you can do. You can HEAVE HO once you have a strong assistant in Reeve Row who can help you pull the rug up. >pondering par The HA HALF button on your Leet Learner lights up green. >pondering pasdf The HA HALF button on your Leet Learner lights up green. >asdf pare Yes to thinking, no to disrupting thinking. The Leet Learner vibrates back and forth rather violently. You must have been very close. >asdf pear Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >asdf peer Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >asdf pare Yes to thinking, no to disrupting thinking. The Leet Learner vibrates back and forth rather violently. You must have been very close. >pondering pair You think up a storm and realize, there is a way to such a place, though maybe it's easier to go north in the future. The name is a bit more specific than what you'd imagined. Ooh, Ooh...! It's a bit too misty to see much here. Perhaps when you have a clearer idea of your goals, you'll be able to see more. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You feel a bit tongue-tied, as if you need to keep your thoughts extra short and to the point. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. [Your score just went up by one point.] >score You have scored a total of 11 out of 69 points and need 59 to win. You have found 0 of 10 bonus points so far. You haven't figured any ideas that might score a point later, but if you do, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens will explicitly warn you. THINK would give more detailed information. You have also used the lurking lump 0 times (2 left) and are 1 of 7 good-guess rhymes away from it recharging. You have made a total of 17 good guesses, as well. >save Ok. >l Ooh, Ooh...! It's a bit too misty to see much here. Perhaps when you have a clearer idea of your goals, you'll be able to see more. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You feel a bit tongue-tied, as if you need to keep your thoughts extra short and to the point. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >moo moo Cows aren't quite it, here. But you have the right sound(s). The Leet Learner vibrates back and forth rather violently. You must have been very close. >zoo Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >zoo zoo Zuzu and Loulou make the talky-talky gesture with their hands. Apparently, you are using too many words, even if it doesn't seem like you're using too many. You feel rebuked. You wonder, however, if you could sneak a hyphenated or hyphen-able word in. Well, if you wanted a change from the usual rhymes so far, you got it, sort of. >mu mu Loulou and Zuzu make the talky-talky gesture with their hands. Apparently, you are using too many words, even if it doesn't seem like you're using too many. You feel rebuked. You wonder, however, if you could sneak a hyphenated or hyphen-able word in. Well, if you wanted a change from the usual rhymes so far, you got it, sort of. >mumu Loulou and Zuzu shrug a bit. Why not? They come in so many different colors. Zuzu and Loulou seem to warm up to you. [Your score just went up by one point.] >coocoo Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >cuckoo You discuss, in an entirely sane manner, Swiss clocks with birds in them, and the chorus of the Mackenzie Brothers' '80s novelty smash hit Take Off. Loulou and Zuzu warm up to you further. [Your score just went up by one point.] >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >poohpooh You show Loulou and Zuzu ways to dismiss this little thought experiment. Zuzu and Loulou discuss among themselves, pointing at you. After some chatter, they both hold up one finger. [Your score just went up by one point.] >ll You scan the area. You notice four dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (-0.50, -0.50.) >booboo Sometimes, you just have to complain about small hurts, physical or mental, and exaggerate them. As long as you get back to your regular life soon after, it's not that bad, really. So you and Loulou and Zuzu do. Zuzu and Loulou pound you on the back. You sure have some great ideas in line with their thinking! After some awkward hand gestures they indicate they don't mind if you stay or go. You've earned this packet of cocoa. [Your score just went up by one point.] >i Currently carrying: cocoa, plates, carrot cake, soup, made mug and jade jug (uncookable) made mug and jade jug (for drinking stuff) plates (utensils) played plug (to repair something, maybe) a lurking lump a leet learner (on) Last Least Fast Feast >x last You check Last Least Fast Feast again for what you need. ( X ) small drinking container(s) ( X ) large drink holder ( X ) cake, of course ( X ) an appetizer, sort of ( - ) greens ( - ) protein panorama ( - ) vast veggies ( X ) powdered drink mix ( - ) prevents sticking ( - ) liquid seasoning ( - ) tasty pastry (1/4) silverware and such (got plates) You'll probably need to cook up some ingredients, but you don't have the right appliance(s), yet. >ll You scan the area. You notice three dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (-0.67, -0.67.) However, it's really dim, as if you don't need to do or think whatever there is to do or think. >look Ooh, Ooh...! It's a bit too misty to see much here. Perhaps when you have a clearer idea of your goals, you'll be able to see more. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You feel a bit tongue-tied, as if you need to keep your thoughts extra short and to the point. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >doodoo You patrol the area for animal waste, also remarking on other interesting swear-word replacements. Loulou and Zuzu look even happier now. Dare they expect more solidarity? [Your score and bonus points just went up by one point.] A stun-steed zooms by, bellowing "None-need-done deed!" Have you lost focus on what's really important? Or just put in a bit of extra rigor? You decide on the second, as you could also imagine a bin-bare-min mare to insult you for finding no extra neat stuff. The lurking lump pulses and grows. All your guesses have paid off. >foofoo Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >looloo Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >lulu Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >googoo Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >* like a baby? Noted. >hoohoo Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >tootoo Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >woowoo Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >choochoo Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >choo choo Zuzu and Loulou make the talky-talky gesture with their hands. Apparently, you are using too many words, even if it doesn't seem like you're using too many. You feel rebuked. >whoohoo Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >l Ooh, Ooh...! It's a bit too misty to see much here. Perhaps when you have a clearer idea of your goals, you'll be able to see more. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You feel a bit tongue-tied, as if you need to keep your thoughts extra short and to the point. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >s As you trudge back, a weird voice tells you you're looking bummed, and you don't need to. Behind you see big smiling mouths with small bodies, hands and feet. Joy Jaws! They are going to make you feel happy whether or not you want to, and they are going to make sure you're really happy and not just fake smiling, because nothing's worse than a fibber. They have fun and games planned for you! They take you to a place called the Toy Toss, which seems a little off because, well... you get the sense they're not going to listen. You're quite bad at the toy toss. But they make you play until you win, which is rather more torture than your failures at a few ring games as a kid. After an hour, win you do, but now ... you must decide on a prize! You're set to decline and trudge back, but the jaws (and the host) aren't going to let you off the hook that easily. It'd make them feel like failures! You are getting a gift, and that's that. Just, well, the right one. Toy Toss Okay, so the joy jaws brought you to a place where apparently you're supposed to be happy. And they're guarding passage out, until you ask for the right gift that will MAKE you happy. Boy Boss Roy Ross stands here, waiting for you to claim whatever gift you want, as long as it's the right one. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >moy moss Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >soy sauce Boy Boss Roy Ross nods. "Here you go. Not just packets. A whole big bottle! Don't drink it all at once. Heh." You fail to laugh at this joke, and your punishment is to be whisked back from whence you came. Which, to be honest, is a big help, because you were pretty sure you couldn't find the way back. Wandering ... Where? [Your score just went up by one point.] >* yay Noted. >read last [NOTE: READ and X/EXAMINE are functionally equivalent for all items except those giving general advice. Items you can READ usually say so when you examine them.] You check Last Least Fast Feast again for what you need. ( X ) small drinking container(s) ( X ) large drink holder ( X ) cake, of course ( X ) an appetizer, sort of ( - ) greens ( - ) protein panorama ( - ) vast veggies ( X ) powdered drink mix ( - ) prevents sticking ( X ) liquid seasoning ( - ) tasty pastry (1/4) silverware and such (got plates) You'll probably need to cook up some ingredients, but you don't have the right appliance(s), yet. >* almost halfway on the list? Noted. >ll You scan the area. You notice two dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.50, 0.00.) >l Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...! and SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. >soudns Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >rander rare Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >tondering tear Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >blandering blar Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >blandering blare Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >blunder blare Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >floundering flair Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >floundering flare Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >frandering frere Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >glander glare Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >prondering prayer Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >skondering scare Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >spondering spare Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >stonder stare Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >chondering chair Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sondering sare Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >thandering there Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >ll You scan the area. You notice two dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.50, 0.00.) >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >jj After some thought, you consider a good way forward: LAUNDERING LAIR... You think up a storm and realize, there is a way to such a place, though maybe it's easier to go west in the future. The name is a bit more specific than what you'd imagined. Dove 'N Doubt This is obviously a front for illegal activity. Nobody would actually pay money to visit this establishment. I mean, the only worse name could be the Guv 'n Gout. An oven is parked here, but it's really wedged in. Useful for cooking a big meal, you suspect. You can really only go back EAST to Wandering ... Where?. The lurking lump shrivels, but it still looks functional. [Your score just went up by one point.] >x lump The lurking lump shines dully. It looks to have two charges for you to make a JERKING JUMP (JJ) if anything is baffling you. >save Save failed. >unod vh-love-shove rule. No, here will be the place for slight colloquialisms. Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >undo Dove 'N Doubt [Previous turn undone.] >undo Dove 'N Doubt [Previous turn undone.] >undo Dove 'N Doubt [Previous turn undone.] >undo Wandering ... Where? [Previous turn undone.] >laundering lair You think up a storm and realize, there is a way to such a place, though maybe it's easier to go west in the future. The name is a bit more specific than what you'd imagined. Dove 'N Doubt This is obviously a front for illegal activity. Nobody would actually pay money to visit this establishment. I mean, the only worse name could be the Guv 'n Gout. An oven is parked here, but it's really wedged in. Useful for cooking a big meal, you suspect. You can really only go back EAST to Wandering ... Where?. [Your score just went up by one point.] >oven out You can't move the oven out by yourself! (useful command again saved to THINK for later reference.) >ll oven Nothing comes up. >ll You scan the area. You notice three dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, -1.00.) >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >boven bout vh-love-shove rule. No, here will be the place for slight colloquialisms. Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >bove n bout vh-love-shove rule. No, here will be the place for slight colloquialisms. I couldn't parse that command. You don't need any more than two words long. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >bove 'n bout vh-love-shove rule. No, here will be the place for slight colloquialisms. It looks like you may have tried to refer to the room name, or part of it. You often need to riff on the room name, but you never need to use the room name directly. >e Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. >n Ooh, Ooh...! It's a bit too misty to see much here. Perhaps when you have a clearer idea of your goals, you'll be able to see more. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You feel a bit tongue-tied, as if you need to keep your thoughts extra short and to the point. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >s Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. >w Dove 'N Doubt This is obviously a front for illegal activity. Nobody would actually pay money to visit this establishment. I mean, the only worse name could be the Guv 'n Gout. An oven is parked here, but it's really wedged in. Useful for cooking a big meal, you suspect. You can really only go back EAST to Wandering ... Where?. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >loving lout The HA HALF button on your Leet Learner lights up green. >lovin lout A lovin' lout strolls sheepishly into view, not sure to explain whether they've been terribly loyal, or they didn't mean to do the stuff the bad people suggested they do, or else. You assure them that's over now, and you want someone who can help a bit. For what, you're not sure yet. You take a closer look at the oven. It's missing a lot! You probably need to find bits and pieces to make it serviceable again. [Your score just went up by one point.] >over out The HA HALF button on your Leet Learner lights up yellow. >oven out You may need to dislodge the oven a bit before really moving it. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >e Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. >e You feel you should be able to go east. You already were able to make your way north, south and west, after all. >in Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. >heave ho You try to pull the rayed rug, but it feels nailed down in enough places you can only look under a bit. You can't move it by yourself. You need a stronger assistant! Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >w It's not a very big house. You've suspected there was a passage down, but you see nothing at the moment. There's always back OUT. >out Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. >w Dove 'N Doubt This is obviously a front for illegal activity. Nobody would actually pay money to visit this establishment. I mean, the only worse name could be the Guv 'n Gout. A lovin' lout stands around awkwardly, flexing their muscles, waiting for a command. An oven is parked here, but it's really wedged in. Useful for cooking a big meal, you suspect. You can really only go back EAST to Wandering ... Where?. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >oven out You may need to dislodge the oven a bit before really moving it. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >truvin trout vh-love-shove rule. No, here should still be the place for slight colloquialisms. Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >shovin shout You and the lovin' lout get together and push the oven forward. Something seems to crumble loose. There must be just one more thing to do. [Your score just went up by one point.] >oven out With the right commands and pacing, you and the lovin' lout move the oven from its former position. The lout, very unloutishly indeed, asks if you need the oven to move anywhere. You defer all "Oh, it'd be too much!" but after some nonsense back-and-forthing, you both realize that's wasted energy. You both move the oven back to Reeve Row pretty quickly. The oven is -- well, you sense it isn't ready to cook anything, but it's a lot easier to repair here. The lovin' lout waits around, as if they suspect they could help you with one more thing. Very considerate indeed, for a lout! Reeve Row [Your score just went up by one point.] >in It's not a very big house. You've suspected there was a passage down, but you see nothing at the moment. There's always back OUT. >heave ho You and the lovin' lout pull on one, two, THREE! It takes a couple of times, but the rug bursts free from the floor. You see an outline of the passage you believed was there. You shake hands with the lovin' lout, who exits and nods to wish you the best. Your kneeling on the floor to pull the rug up gave you a good view inside the oven. There you find something called a goon guide. But you can't use it, because you're too good to be a goon. That's how it works, right? Or maybe not... [Your score just went up by one point.] > You think a bit. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >o Sorry, that can't be corrected. >i Currently carrying: soy sauce, cocoa, plates, carrot cake, soup, made mug and jade jug (uncookable) made mug and jade jug (for drinking stuff) plates (utensils) played plug (to fix the oven here) a goon guide a lurking lump a leet learner (on) Last Least Fast Feast >x guide You think about it, but you're no goon. You hope you've lived a clean enough life, you could never be considered one. Your immediate reflexive thought is, reading a goon guide might raise such suspicions, even though there's nobody around to catch you out. Perhaps fixing your state of mind would help you read the goon guide. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >boon bide The guide may provide a boon if you look for it right. You notice two dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.00.) For the goon guide, you've discovered one of five available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BOON BIDE. >rune ride The goon guide offers no key to magical transport. You notice two dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.00.) For the goon guide, you've discovered two of five available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BOON BIDE, RUNE RIDE. >lune lied The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >loon lied You recall someone "exciting" and "aggressive" who HAD to be telling the truth, as someone would have caught them in their lies before. Actually, nobody had. You notice two dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.00.) For the goon guide, you've discovered three of five available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BOON BIDE, LOON LIED, RUNE RIDE. >moon mide Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >soon side Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >tune tide If the goon guide does offer music, it might be a bit rough. You notice two dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.00.) For the goon guide, you've discovered four of five available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BOON BIDE, LOON LIED, RUNE RIDE, TUNE TIDE/TIED. >bruin bride Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >croon cried Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >prune pried The HA HALF button on your Leet Learner lights up green. >prune pride You get over your rage at the goon guide allowing bad people to make food as tasty as good people could make. You realize you are not the judge. The goon guide will be there with further technical help when you need it, to help repair the oven. You have an idea of the exact parts that are missing now. You will be more observant in the future when you look around. [Your score just went up by one point.] >l Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. The oven you moved from Dove 'N Doubt is here, but it seems broken. >x oven Broken. Perhaps you could find replacement parts. >x last You check Last Least Fast Feast again for what you need. ( X ) small drinking container(s) ( X ) large drink holder ( X ) cake, of course ( X ) an appetizer, sort of ( - ) greens ( - ) protein panorama ( - ) vast veggies ( X ) powdered drink mix ( - ) prevents sticking ( X ) liquid seasoning ( - ) tasty pastry (1/4) silverware and such (got plates) You've moved an oven to Reeve Row, too. >save Ok. >ll You scan the area. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (2.00, 2.00.) >l Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. The oven you moved from Dove 'N Doubt is here, but it seems broken. >w It's not a very big house. You suspected the old passage-under-the-rug trick, but you just don't have faith it's REALLY there. There's always back OUT. >ll You scan the area. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (2.00, 2.00.) >out Oh no! Another area completed, another distraction. You failed to watch where you were going, and you wind up by a weird bakery that sells both very expensive and very cheap items. Because you're so broke, service is lacking. You won't get any help perusing the vast selection. In fact, you probably won't get any help unless you ask for something in stock, and it's there. And even then, you'll need to pay for it. This isn't a food pantry. "Hi-Ho, I Owe" Sty-Sto' A deli with very expensive and very cheap foods. Since you're not very rich, you'll probably have to go with the cheap ones. A fellow whose nametag reads BRI-BRO stands here, waiting for what you need to ask for. A brochure called Any Isles, Many Miles lies here. It's written by a group of authors including Jenny Giles, Kenny Kyles, Rennie Riles, Benny Biles, and Lenny Lyles. That may sound excessive, but I assure you there were MANY miles between the isles, so it was not practical for one author to explore them all! >l "Hi-Ho, I Owe" Sty-Sto' A deli with very expensive and very cheap foods. Since you're not very rich, you'll probably have to go with the cheap ones. A fellow whose nametag reads BRI-BRO stands here, waiting for what you need to ask for. A brochure called Any Isles, Many Miles lies here. It's written by a group of authors including Jenny Giles, Kenny Kyles, Rennie Riles, Benny Biles, and Lenny Lyles. That may sound excessive, but I assure you there were MANY miles between the isles, so it was not practical for one author to explore them all! >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >buy bow Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >* aw c'mon Noted. >dye dough The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >die dough You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, -3.00.) For this location, you've discovered one of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: DIE DOUGH. > fie foe You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, -1.00.) For this location, you've discovered two of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: DIE DOUGH, FIE FOE/PHO. >* is that a bug? Noted. >guy go Bri-Bro is staying. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, 0.00.) For this location, you've discovered three of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: DIE DOUGH, FIE FOE/PHO, GUY GO. The lurking lump pulses and grows. All your guesses have paid off. >lie low No, waiting around won't make Bri-Bro give you a handout so you can leave. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, -1.00.) For this location, you've discovered four of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: DIE DOUGH, FIE FOE/PHO, GUY GO, LIE LOW. >my moe The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >my mow You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, -1.00.) For this location, you've discovered five of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: DIE DOUGH, FIE FOE/PHO, GUY GO, LIE LOW, MY MOW. >pie po Yes, that is the cheapest item not on the menu, but you don't even have the measly cash to buy it. (useful command again saved to THINK for later reference.) >rye row You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, -1.00.) For this location, you've discovered six of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: DIE DOUGH, FIE FOE/PHO, GUY GO, LIE LOW, MY MOW, RYE ROW. >sigh sow The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >sigh so Bri-Bro is not moved to generosity by your poor-little-me act. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (-1.00, 0.00.) For this location, you've discovered seven of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: DIE DOUGH, FIE FOE/PHO, GUY GO, LIE LOW, MY MOW, RYE ROW, SIGH SO. >tie toe You check to see if Bri-Bro's footwear has laces. It does not. Foiled! You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, -1.00.) For this location, you've discovered eight of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: DIE DOUGH, FIE FOE/PHO, GUY GO, LIE LOW, MY MOW, RYE ROW, SIGH SO, TIE TOE. >why woe You question why Bri-Bro won't give you something for free or just tell you what you want. But you don't do anything super-crazy like wonder why you bothered to get so far through this game. (I'm glad you did, though, so thanks!) You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, -1.00.) For this location, you've discovered nine of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: DIE DOUGH, FIE FOE/PHO, GUY GO, LIE LOW, MY MOW, RYE ROW, SIGH SO, TIE TOE, WHY WOE/WHOAH/WHOA. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >awry arrow Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >cry crow You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, -2.00.) For this location, you've discovered ten of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: CRY CROW, DIE DOUGH, FIE FOE/PHO, GUY GO, LIE LOW, MY MOW, RYE ROW, SIGH SO, TIE TOE, WHY WOE/WHOAH/WHOA. >dry drow Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >fly floe Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >soudns Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >soudns Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >fry fro Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >pry pro Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sky sko Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sly slow Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >spy spo Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >sty stow It looks like you may have tried to refer to the room name, or part of it. You often need to riff on the room name, but you never need to use the room name directly. >spry spro Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >try trough Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >chi cho Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >thigh though Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >why woe You question why Bri-Bro won't give you something for free or just tell you what you want. But you don't do anything super-crazy like wonder why you bothered to get so far through this game. (I'm glad you did, though, so thanks!) You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, -1.00.) >jj After some thought, you consider a good way forward: PENNY PILES... Reading Any Isles, Many Miles carefully, you recognize that it, in fact, covers an isle not far from here (there were so many isles in the book, one was bound to be close,) rumored to hold particularly small-scale wealth. You excuse yourself to go look for it. Bri-Bro doesn't want to let you go at first, because he isn't here to provide a rest area for loiterers. But you offer some of your considerable inventory as collateral. It was getting kind of heavy, so the break is nice. You come back having found the penny piles. Now you just need to figure what to buy with it. Bri-Bro isn't going to keep such cheap stuff on the menu. Bri-Bro gives you your inventory back but does snatch Any Isles, Many Miles away, just because he notices you ARE carrying a lot, and it'd be a shame to drop any of that lovely food. Oh, and there might be an island he can loot once he's finished the day's work. You wouldn't deny him his fun, would you? The lurking lump shrivels, but it still looks functional. [Your score just went up by one point.] >und Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >undo "Hi-Ho, I Owe" Sty-Sto' [Previous turn undone.] >undo "Hi-Ho, I Owe" Sty-Sto' [Previous turn undone.] >l "Hi-Ho, I Owe" Sty-Sto' A deli with very expensive and very cheap foods. Since you're not very rich, you'll probably have to go with the cheap ones. A fellow whose nametag reads BRI-BRO stands here, waiting for what you need to ask for. A brochure called Any Isles, Many Miles lies here. It's written by a group of authors including Jenny Giles, Kenny Kyles, Rennie Riles, Benny Biles, and Lenny Lyles. That may sound excessive, but I assure you there were MANY miles between the isles, so it was not practical for one author to explore them all! >penny piles Reading Any Isles, Many Miles carefully, you recognize that it, in fact, covers an isle not far from here (there were so many isles in the book, one was bound to be close,) rumored to hold particularly small-scale wealth. You excuse yourself to go look for it. Bri-Bro doesn't want to let you go at first, because he isn't here to provide a rest area for loiterers. But you offer some of your considerable inventory as collateral. It was getting kind of heavy, so the break is nice. You come back having found the penny piles. Now you just need to figure what to buy with it. Bri-Bro isn't going to keep such cheap stuff on the menu. Bri-Bro gives you your inventory back but does snatch Any Isles, Many Miles away, just because he notices you ARE carrying a lot, and it'd be a shame to drop any of that lovely food. Oh, and there might be an island he can loot once he's finished the day's work. You wouldn't deny him his fun, would you? [Your score just went up by one point.] >l "Hi-Ho, I Owe" Sty-Sto' A deli with very expensive and very cheap foods. Since you're not very rich, you'll probably have to go with the cheap ones. A fellow whose nametag reads BRI-BRO stands here, waiting for what you need to ask for. >think You think about more specific challenges you've encountered and not solved, and what you've done and tried, and what you can do. (CAN DO NOW) You can buy a PIE PO now you have currency. For this location, you've discovered ten of twelve available related good-guess rhyme pairs: CRY CROW, DIE DOUGH, FIE FOE/PHO, GUY GO, LIE LOW, MY MOW, RYE ROW, SIGH SO, TIE TOE, WHY WOE/WHOAH/WHOA. For the goon guide, you've discovered four of five available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BOON BIDE, LOON LIED, RUNE RIDE, TUNE TIDE/TIED. >pie po You realize you're kind of broke, and you figure out what the cheapest item on the menu might be. It looks surprisingly good, and it's large, too. Bri-Bro whispers to you, "So many people demand the house special. I give them something frou-frou, but it's not really what I enjoy cooking. Now I'll have to pretend to kick you out." He pushes you out of the establishment, but you complain you don't know the way back. Fortunately, he helps you... Wandering ... Where? [Your score just went up by one point.] >ll You scan the area. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (2.00, 1.00.) >save Ok. >w Dove 'N Doubt This is obviously a front for illegal activity. Nobody would actually pay money to visit this establishment. I mean, the only worse name could be the Guv 'n Gout. You can see a shook shard here. You can really only go back EAST to Wandering ... Where?. >x shard It seems to have a weird hold on you, or have a bigger hold on you than it does. >ll shard You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (-1.00, -1.00.) >hook hard You grab the shard and feel pulled to somewhere new... Took, Tarred [Your score just went up by one point.] >l Took, Tarred Wherever the shard took you, it's pretty desolate. But maybe you can find things here. >look lard Lard, man. You're still not sure if you really need it, even if the cookbooks say you should. You've never had the guts to rebel and just prepare that dish without lard. Now's not the time to start. So you're glad you looked so diligently, and you're glad it turned up. You feel the area's hold on you weaken. [Your score just went up by one point.] >i Currently carrying: lard, pie (po'), soy sauce, cocoa, plates, carrot cake, soup, made mug and jade jug (uncookable) made mug and jade jug (for drinking stuff) plates (utensils) played plug (to fix the oven in Reeve Row) a lurking lump a goon guide a leet learner (on) Last Least Fast Feast >l Took, Tarred Wherever the shard took you, it's pretty desolate. But maybe you can find things here. >ll You scan the area. You notice two dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, -2.00.) >cook chard The HA HALF button on your Leet Learner lights up green. >cook card Oh my goodness. Could it be ... is it ... the missing insert from the goon guide? What luck! You feel the area's hold on you weaken. [Your score just went up by one point.] >gook guard Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >book bard You wait. People drift by. One is a bard. You book them for the ritual ahead. You feel sucked out of whatever the shard held you in. As you come back to Dove 'N Doubt, the shard shatters. You sense there's nothing more to do here, so you walk back to the center of the action. Wandering ... Where? [Your score just went up by one point.] >w Dove 'N Doubt This is obviously a front for illegal activity. Nobody would actually pay money to visit this establishment. I mean, the only worse name could be the Guv 'n Gout. You can really only go back EAST to Wandering ... Where?. >e Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >w Dove 'N Doubt This is obviously a front for illegal activity. Nobody would actually pay money to visit this establishment. I mean, the only worse name could be the Guv 'n Gout. You can really only go back EAST to Wandering ... Where?. >ll You scan the area. Nothing comes up. The general area here has been changed enough. >e Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >ll You scan the area. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (2.00, 1.00.) >in Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. The oven you moved from Dove 'N Doubt is here, but it seems broken. >ll You scan the area. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (2.00, 2.00.) >out Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >s (Zap!) Zoo The zoo is now bursting with lotus life! Vented vials lie cluttered here. A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >ll You scan the area. Nothing comes up. The general area here has been changed enough. >x vials They don't seem to be much use in their present form. >take vials You don't need to take anything in Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens. >ll vials You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, 0.00.) >l (Zap!) Zoo The zoo is now bursting with lotus life! Vented vials lie cluttered here. A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >rented royals Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >tented tiles Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >rented riles Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >pented piled Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >pented piles Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >dented dials The vented vials seem useless, but dented dials less so. They transmogrify. You take them. [Your score just went up by one point.] >i Currently carrying: lard, pie (po'), soy sauce, cocoa, plates, carrot cake, soup, made mug and jade jug (uncookable) made mug and jade jug (for drinking stuff) plates (utensils) dented dials, cook card and played plug (to fix the oven in Reeve Row) a lurking lump a goon guide a leet learner (on) Last Least Fast Feast >x last You check Last Least Fast Feast again for what you need. ( X ) small drinking container(s) ( X ) large drink holder ( X ) cake, of course ( X ) an appetizer, sort of ( - ) greens ( - ) protein panorama ( - ) vast veggies ( X ) powdered drink mix ( X ) prevents sticking ( X ) liquid seasoning ( X ) tasty pastry (1/4) silverware and such (got plates) You've moved an oven to Reeve Row, too. >ll You scan the area. Nothing comes up. The general area here has been changed enough. >l (Zap!) Zoo The zoo is now bursting with lotus life! Vented vials lie cluttered here. A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >ll vials You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, 0.00.) >scented sials Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >mented miles Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >trented trials Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >jj After some thought, you consider a good way forward: NOTICE KNIFE... Ah! Yes! The lotus life almost took over parts of the zoo. You had to look for the knife, but it is there. And once you do, you notice a whole bunch of knives. Wow, when this zoo blossoms, it blossoms. The lurking lump shrivels, but it still looks functional. [Your score just went up by one point.] >undo (Zap!) Zoo [Previous turn undone.] >l (Zap!) Zoo The zoo is now bursting with lotus life! Vented vials lie cluttered here. A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >notice knife Ah! Yes! The lotus life almost took over parts of the zoo. You had to look for the knife, but it is there. And once you do, you notice a whole bunch of knives. Wow, when this zoo blossoms, it blossoms. [Your score just went up by one point.] >l (Zap!) Zoo The lotus life still adds color, even though you noticed that knife. Vented vials lie cluttered here. A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >ll You scan the area. Nothing comes up. The general area here has been changed enough. >ll life You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.00.) >soudns Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >potus pice Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >scotus skies Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >asd spice Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >spife Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >strotus strife Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >wotus wife Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >hh The Leet Learner is already set to Ha Half. >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >l (Zap!) Zoo The lotus life still adds color, even though you noticed that knife. Vented vials lie cluttered here. A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >x last You check Last Least Fast Feast again for what you need. ( X ) small drinking container(s) ( X ) large drink holder ( X ) cake, of course ( X ) an appetizer, sort of ( - ) greens ( - ) protein panorama ( - ) vast veggies ( X ) powdered drink mix ( X ) prevents sticking ( X ) liquid seasoning ( X ) tasty pastry (2/4) silverware and such (got knives and plates) You've moved an oven to Reeve Row, too. >n Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >jj After some thought, you consider a good way forward: SQUANDERING SQUARE... You think up a storm and realize, there is a way to such a place, though maybe it's easier to go east in the future. The name is a bit more specific than what you'd imagined. Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. Some light lyres lie here, burning very slowly indeed. Weird! Maybe you can save something from them. A staller stare inhibits you from doing much of what you want. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. The lurking lump shrivels, but it still looks functional. [Your score just went up by one point.] >undo Wandering ... Where? [Previous turn undone.] >squandering square You think up a storm and realize, there is a way to such a place, though maybe it's easier to go east in the future. The name is a bit more specific than what you'd imagined. Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. Some light lyres lie here, burning very slowly indeed. Weird! Maybe you can save something from them. A staller stare inhibits you from doing much of what you want. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. [Your score just went up by one point.] >dollar dare The staller stare is visibly affected by the audacity of someone caring about them. Its eyes bug out. Is this a joke! Then the eyes blink. No, it's not crying, of course it's not, it's the squalor. [Your score just went up by one point.] >l Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. Some light lyres lie here, burning very slowly indeed. Weird! Maybe you can save something from them. A staller stare inhibits you from doing much of what you want. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >ll You scan the area. You notice three dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (-1.00, -2.00.) >waller ware You notice three dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, 0.00.) For this location, you've discovered one of seven available related good-guess rhyme pairs: WALLER WEAR/WARE. >taller tear Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >taller tare Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >pallor pear The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >pallor pair You notice three dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, 0.00.) For this location, you've discovered two of seven available related good-guess rhyme pairs: PALLOR PAIR, WALLER WEAR/WARE. The lurking lump pulses and grows. All your guesses have paid off. >holler hare The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >holler har Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >holler hair The leet learner beeps weirdly. One of the words made up part of a good guess, though not the right one to move on. >hauler hare You notice three dots in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, 0.00.) For this location, you've discovered three of seven available related good-guess rhyme pairs: HAULER HAIR/HARE, PALLOR PAIR, WALLER WEAR/WARE. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >collar care The Leet Learner shakes back and forth. Something you said sounded right, but it didn't feel right. >caller care The staller stare is visibly affected by the audacity of someone caring about them. Its eyes bug out. Is this a joke! Then the eyes blink. No, it's not crying, of course it's not, it's the squalor. The staller stare blinks repeatedly. The weirdness you introduced was too much for it. It was ready to judge squalor, but not THIS. It closes its eyes and fades into the wall it was on. Perhaps it will find another place to oversee. Sadly, it is replaced by an almost-as-distracting bleat-bloat. [Your score just went up by one point.] > You think a bit. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >l Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. A bleat bloat floats through here, in tune with the general dinginess. Some light lyres lie here, burning very slowly indeed. Weird! Maybe you can save something from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >wheat wote Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >meat moat Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >* eek Noted. >peat pote Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >neat note It seems silly to expect someone to just up and drop by with a neat note. But surprisingly, the bleat bloat dies out, and someone singularly unimpressive-looking walks in, slowly and without confidence. "Uh, hi. People call me the downed dork. I guess I deserve it, for not getting back up off the ground after being called a silly name. Anyway, I find weird stuff, nothing important--just, stuff more with-it people have no use for. Thanks for getting rid of the staller stare. Let me know if I can do anything for you." You find this part touching, because, well, you've been called a dork too. Even after being given this mission. You assure the downed dork that they might just be the person you need tosee. Ah! Much better! With a neat note to distract you, the bleat bloat seems less ubiquitous. After you read the note for a few minutes, the bleat bloat departs, feeling unloved and unnoticed. [Your score just went up by one point.] >i Currently carrying: knives, lard, pie (po'), soy sauce, cocoa, plates, carrot cake, soup, made mug and jade jug (uncookable) made mug and jade jug (for drinking stuff) knives and plates (utensils) dented dials, cook card and played plug (to fix the oven in Reeve Row) a neat note a lurking lump a goon guide a leet learner (on) Last Least Fast Feast >x note It provides an overview of how to get around Squalor Square without getting into trouble. >l Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. The downed dork sits here, looking helpless, lookikng like they wish they could help, even with a trivial-seeming task. Some light lyres lie here, burning very slowly indeed. Weird! Maybe you can save something from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >* "lookikng" typoe Noted. >wound work Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >found fork You tell the downed dork your plans and what you might be able to find together. They seem amenable. You both spend a lot of time looking for a fork, any old fork, but once you find one, you start uncovering others. Squalor Square is just full of litter. The forks are in good shape. The downed dork mumbles something about not wanting to leave you this quick, but also not hanging around if they're not wanted. You're in no rush, and you wonder what other secrets Squalor Square holds. [Your score just went up by one point.] >* ha! Noted. >l Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. The downed dork sits here, looking helpless, lookikng like they wish they could help, even with a trivial-seeming task. Some light lyres lie here, burning very slowly indeed. Weird! Maybe you can save something from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >ll You scan the area. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (-1.00, -2.00.) However, it's really dim, as if you don't need to do or think whatever there is to do or think. >l Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. The downed dork sits here, looking helpless, lookikng like they wish they could help, even with a trivial-seeming task. Some light lyres lie here, burning very slowly indeed. Weird! Maybe you can save something from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >save Ok. >x last You check Last Least Fast Feast again for what you need. ( X ) small drinking container(s) ( X ) large drink holder ( X ) cake, of course ( X ) an appetizer, sort of ( - ) greens ( - ) protein panorama ( - ) vast veggies ( X ) powdered drink mix ( X ) prevents sticking ( X ) liquid seasoning ( X ) tasty pastry (3/4) silverware and such (got forks, knives and plates) You've moved an oven to Reeve Row, too. >l Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. The downed dork sits here, looking helpless, lookikng like they wish they could help, even with a trivial-seeming task. Some light lyres lie here, burning very slowly indeed. Weird! Maybe you can save something from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >pound pork You meant pound OF pork, right? That must be it. No. There is meat here. But pork, especially in a place like Squalor Square, could contain all sorts of nasty microbes. BUG! We should've followed the "nothing to see here" code path. For downed dork, you've discovered one of two available related good-guess rhyme pairs: POUND PORK. >* oops! Noted. >hound hork Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >around arork Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >spound spork Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >stoned stork Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >l Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. The downed dork sits here, looking helpless, lookikng like they wish they could help, even with a trivial-seeming task. Some light lyres lie here, burning very slowly indeed. Weird! Maybe you can save something from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >fight fires What a good citizen you are! What a patron of the arts beyond giving money! You manage to stop the lyres from burning. Perhaps some part of them that you can use is left, though. [Your score just went up by one point.] >l Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. The downed dork sits here, looking helpless, lookikng like they wish they could help, even with a trivial-seeming task. Some light lyres lie here, unplayable, but maybe some parts will be useful. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >white wires You see what to look for in the lyres. The white wires have to come in handy to fix the oven. [Your score just went up by one point.] >l Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. The downed dork sits here, looking helpless, lookikng like they wish they could help, even with a trivial-seeming task. Some light lyres lie here, but you pulled what you needed from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >ll You scan the area. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (-1.00, -2.00.) However, it's really dim, as if you don't need to do or think whatever there is to do or think. >save Ok. >jj After some thought, you consider a good way forward: MEAT MOAT... A burly workman named Amped Ox takes you and the downed dork to the Damped Docks, where indeed a small meat moat (heavy meat, light gravy) is discovered. It looks and smells clean. Apparently, it was part of an all-you-can-eat buffet, and the workers ran out of stomach space. The downed dork asks if they should stay or go. Your instincts are to stay. Maybe there's one more thing here. The lurking lump shrivels, but it still looks functional. [Your score just went up by one point.] >undo Squalor Square [Previous turn undone.] >meat moat A burly workman named Amped Ox takes you and the downed dork to the Damped Docks, where indeed a small meat moat (heavy meat, light gravy) is discovered. It looks and smells clean. Apparently, it was part of an all-you-can-eat buffet, and the workers ran out of stomach space. The downed dork asks if they should stay or go. Your instincts are to stay. Maybe there's one more thing here. [Your score just went up by one point.] >undo Squalor Square [Previous turn undone.] >think You think about more specific challenges you've encountered and not solved, and what you've done and tried, and what you can do. But you don't remember anything that could work later. For this location, you've discovered three of seven available related good-guess rhyme pairs: HAULER HAIR/HARE, PALLOR PAIR, WALLER WEAR/WARE. For downed dork, you've discovered one of two available related good-guess rhyme pairs: POUND PORK. For the goon guide, you've discovered four of five available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BOON BIDE, LOON LIED, RUNE RIDE, TUNE TIDE/TIED. >meat mote The Leet Learner shakes back and forth. Something you said sounded right, but it didn't feel right. >* thought I already did that! Noted. >meat moat A burly workman named Amped Ox takes you and the downed dork to the Damped Docks, where indeed a small meat moat (heavy meat, light gravy) is discovered. It looks and smells clean. Apparently, it was part of an all-you-can-eat buffet, and the workers ran out of stomach space. The downed dork asks if they should stay or go. Your instincts are to stay. Maybe there's one more thing here. [Your score just went up by one point.] >x last You check Last Least Fast Feast again for what you need. ( X ) small drinking container(s) ( X ) large drink holder ( X ) cake, of course ( X ) an appetizer, sort of ( - ) greens ( X ) protein panorama ( - ) vast veggies ( X ) powdered drink mix ( X ) prevents sticking ( X ) liquid seasoning ( X ) tasty pastry (3/4) silverware and such (got forks, knives and plates) You've moved an oven to Reeve Row, too. >l Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. The downed dork sits here, looking helpless, lookikng like they wish they could help, even with a trivial-seeming task. Some light lyres lie here, but you pulled what you needed from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >mound mork Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >jj After some thought, you consider a good way forward: BEET BOAT... Amped Ox drops by again, leading you and the downed dork to a new area of the Damped Docks, where you are given a good-sized beet boat. He doesn't particularly like beets, and neither do his coworkers, but why let it go to waste? The downed dork looks around. "Anything else?" Squalor Square seems pretty empty. You thank them heartily. They say, well, it was nothing, really, and they are sure more with-it people could've found things quicker. It's tough. You've never done this before, but you sit the downed dork down and explain that, well, if they are good at something, they are good at something, and perhaps there is a reason they are good at something. Perhaps caring about things others find dorky is worthwhile. You've been there. You don't want to be all "don't let it bother you" or "cool is a state of mind" but you can't deny the dork's profound help in, well, finding weird stuff you could not have on your own. You apologize if you were too didactic before suggesting they resolve to show a bit of confidence beyond "turn that frown upside down." The dork agrees and thanks you. There is one last thing. You need to put the neat note where the next person who needs to navigate the area can find it. The downed dork has a surprisingly good suggestion Your work together done, you part ways. The lurking lump shrivels, but it still looks functional. [Your score just went up by one point.] >undo Squalor Square [Previous turn undone.] >l Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. The downed dork sits here, looking helpless, lookikng like they wish they could help, even with a trivial-seeming task. Some light lyres lie here, but you pulled what you needed from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >beet boat Amped Ox drops by again, leading you and the downed dork to a new area of the Damped Docks, where you are given a good-sized beet boat. He doesn't particularly like beets, and neither do his coworkers, but why let it go to waste? The downed dork looks around. "Anything else?" Squalor Square seems pretty empty. You thank them heartily. They say, well, it was nothing, really, and they are sure more with-it people could've found things quicker. It's tough. You've never done this before, but you sit the downed dork down and explain that, well, if they are good at something, they are good at something, and perhaps there is a reason they are good at something. Perhaps caring about things others find dorky is worthwhile. You've been there. You don't want to be all "don't let it bother you" or "cool is a state of mind" but you can't deny the dork's profound help in, well, finding weird stuff you could not have on your own. You apologize if you were too didactic before suggesting they resolve to show a bit of confidence beyond "turn that frown upside down." The dork agrees and thanks you. There is one last thing. You need to put the neat note where the next person who needs to navigate the area can find it. The downed dork has a surprisingly good suggestion Your work together done, you part ways. [Your score just went up by one point.] >i Currently carrying: meat moat (uncooked) beet boat, forks, knives, lard, pie (po'), soy sauce, cocoa, plates, carrot cake, soup, made mug and jade jug (uncookable) made mug and jade jug (for drinking stuff) forks, knives and plates (utensils) white wires, dented dials, cook card and played plug (to fix the oven in Reeve Row) a lurking lump a goon guide a leet learner (on) Last Least Fast Feast >l Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. Some light lyres lie here, but you pulled what you needed from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >e Oh no. You don't want to go deeper into this mess. >w Oh no! You hear an odd, insistent buzzing in the distance. It comes nearer. A giant bee tries to bop you ... must be a bopper bee! You may have to outsmart it, here. Edgy Ill Hedge-y Hill You sense there is shopping to be done behind the hills. But you can't quite remember the name of the store. You also sense behind each hill to each direction is a store like the one you want, but it isn't what you want. A bopper bee floats about here, agile and bigger and more aggressive than you. You're not going anywhere until you've disposed of it. >save Ok. >veggie vill The HA HALF button on your Leet Learner lights up yellow. >veggie ville That'd be somewhere to go, once you disposed of the flopper flea. (useful command again saved to THINK for later reference.) >mopper me Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >topper tee Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >popper pee No, one pea couldn't make a meal or even help. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.00.) For the Bopper Bee, you've discovered one of four available related good-guess rhyme pairs: PAUPER/POPPER PEE/PEA. >copper key Why, a copper key would be just the thing! One that somehow magically fits the lock to the basement! No, I'm afraid it'll be a bit trickier than that. The bee has to become something a little more like it. Or a little less unlike it. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.00.) For the Bopper Bee, you've discovered two of four available related good-guess rhyme pairs: COPPER KEY, PAUPER/POPPER PEE/PEA. >hopper he Frog legs aren't on the menu, and you don't need a hopper to store stuff. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 2.00.) For the Bopper Bee, you've discovered three of four available related good-guess rhyme pairs: COPPER KEY, HOPPER HE/HEE, PAUPER/POPPER PEE/PEA. >sopper sea Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >sounds The basic sounds in the English language are: one letter: b k d f g h j l m n p r s t v w x z (c q and x map to others.) two letters: ur ar or bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr pl pr sk sl sp st sw spr str tr. rarer two letters: ch so th (thing or this) wh ng nk oi ow oo (took) aw zh (vision.) >proper pree Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >flopper flea Wait! Something about the bee looks funny! Yes, it is not really a bee, but a less aggressive animal in disguise. Just knowing it is a flopper flea makes you less scared. Without fear, your running around gets more strategic, until it gets exhausted chasing you. It buzzes and mumbles off. You're not surprised that, as it does, it drops a copper key. [Your score just went up by one point.] >* ha! Noted. >x key You see nothing special about the copper key. >l Edgy Ill Hedge-y Hill You sense there is shopping to be done behind the hills. But you can't quite remember the name of the store. You also sense behind each hill to each direction is a store like the one you want, but it isn't what you want. >i Currently carrying: meat moat (uncooked) beet boat, forks, knives, lard, pie (po'), soy sauce, cocoa, plates, carrot cake, soup, made mug and jade jug (uncookable) made mug and jade jug (for drinking stuff) forks, knives and plates (utensils) white wires, dented dials, cook card and played plug (to fix the oven in Reeve Row) a copper key a lurking lump a goon guide a leet learner (on) Last Least Fast Feast >ll key Nothing comes up. >ll You scan the area. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (1.00, 1.50.) >think You think about more specific challenges you've encountered and not solved, and what you've done and tried, and what you can do. Now you're not too distracted, VEGGIE VILLE will probably work here. For the goon guide, you've discovered four of five available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BOON BIDE, LOON LIED, RUNE RIDE, TUNE TIDE/TIED. >veggie ville You realize that the fruit and vegetable groups are sorely underrepresented--well, the greens, at least. It's time to fix that! You know there will be many stores in the distance. So you begin your trek. On the way you ask the way to Veggie Ville. People are helpful. Once you get there, you worry you have no money to pay. But when they see the Last Least Fast Feast, they recognize what you are here for. Why, they have just the thing: veggies and fruits of irregular shapes, which get thrown out anyway! They're impressed with what you've gotten so far. They deem you a worthy leader of the ceremony. They wish you luck and provide directions back... Wandering ... Where? [Your score just went up by one point.] >l Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >ll You scan the area. Nothing comes up. The general area here has been changed enough. > You think a bit. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >s (Zap!) Zoo The lotus life still adds color, even though you noticed that knife. Vented vials lie cluttered here. A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >ll You scan the area. Nothing comes up. The general area here has been changed enough. >ll vials You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, 0.00.) >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >n Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >n Ooh, Ooh...! A passive pit surrounds you on all sides. It's not pulling you in, but the fall would still be lethal. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You feel a bit tongue-tied, as if you need to keep your thoughts extra short and to the point. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >jj After some thought, you consider a good way forward: MASSIVE MITT... Now that you know what to look for, you are patient enough to look through the passive pit. You sift through a phone book, a remote control, some matches, a paddleball, a thermos, and oil cans with gun holes in them before you uncover a massive mitt. The lurking lump shrivels, but it still looks functional. [Your score just went up by one point.] >undo Ooh, Ooh...! [Previous turn undone.] >l Ooh, Ooh...! A passive pit surrounds you on all sides. It's not pulling you in, but the fall would still be lethal. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You feel a bit tongue-tied, as if you need to keep your thoughts extra short and to the point. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >massive mitt Now that you know what to look for, you are patient enough to look through the passive pit. You sift through a phone book, a remote control, some matches, a paddleball, a thermos, and oil cans with gun holes in them before you uncover a massive mitt. [Your score just went up by one point.] >l Ooh, Ooh...! A passive pit surrounds you on all sides. It's not pulling you in, but the fall would still be lethal. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You feel a bit tongue-tied, as if you need to keep your thoughts extra short and to the point. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >jj pit Loulou and Zuzu make the talky-talky gesture with their hands. Apparently, you are using too many words, even if it doesn't seem like you're using too many. You feel rebuked. >ll pit You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, 1.00.) >x last You check Last Least Fast Feast again for what you need. ( X ) small drinking container(s) ( X ) large drink holder ( X ) cake, of course ( X ) an appetizer, sort of ( X ) greens ( X ) protein panorama ( X ) vast veggies ( X ) powdered drink mix ( X ) prevents sticking ( X ) liquid seasoning ( X ) tasty pastry (3/4) silverware and such (got forks, knives and plates) You've moved an oven to Reeve Row, too. >save Ok. >l Ooh, Ooh...! A passive pit surrounds you on all sides. It's not pulling you in, but the fall would still be lethal. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You feel a bit tongue-tied, as if you need to keep your thoughts extra short and to the point. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >s Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >w Dove 'N Doubt This is obviously a front for illegal activity. Nobody would actually pay money to visit this establishment. I mean, the only worse name could be the Guv 'n Gout. You can really only go back EAST to Wandering ... Where?. >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >e Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >e Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. Some light lyres lie here, but you pulled what you needed from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >w Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >in Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. The oven you moved from Dove 'N Doubt is here, ready to cook raw materials and such. With the plug, wires and dials, and with help from the goon guide's technical section, you replace the faulty parts of the oven. >x oven Serviceable, now you prepared it. >l Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. The oven you moved from Dove 'N Doubt is here, ready to cook raw materials and such. >ll You scan the area. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (2.00, 2.00.) >i Currently carrying: meat moat (uncooked) veggies, beet boat, forks, knives, lard, pie (po'), soy sauce, cocoa, plates, carrot cake, soup, made mug and jade jug (uncookable) made mug and jade jug (for drinking stuff) forks, knives and plates (utensils) a copper key a lurking lump a goon guide a leet learner (on) Last Least Fast Feast You and the lovin' lout managed to move an oven back here, which will assist in cooking the final meal. >cook key Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >l Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. The oven you moved from Dove 'N Doubt is here, ready to cook raw materials and such. >oven out But you've already moved the oven back to Reeve Row! >i Currently carrying: meat moat (uncooked) veggies, beet boat, forks, knives, lard, pie (po'), soy sauce, cocoa, plates, carrot cake, soup, made mug and jade jug (uncookable) made mug and jade jug (for drinking stuff) forks, knives and plates (utensils) a copper key a lurking lump a goon guide a leet learner (on) Last Least Fast Feast You and the lovin' lout managed to move an oven back here, which will assist in cooking the final meal. >x guide You did the tough technical stuff. Now there's mostly advice on finding odd dining implements in weird places. But what, specifically, do you ask for? And how? >cook meat Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >boil beef Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >hint you're done here in Reeve Row. >out Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >hint You've found all the passages out, but there's a secret passage I didn't have time to put in the hints. It's based on observing the status line. I'll be more explicit post-comp. >poem paw Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >loam law Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >home haw Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >foam faw Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >gnome gnaw Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >n Ooh, Ooh...! A passive pit surrounds you on all sides. It's not pulling you in, but the fall would still be lethal. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You feel a bit tongue-tied, as if you need to keep your thoughts extra short and to the point. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >hint The passive pit can't be passed, but it has an item inside. (+) >ll pit You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (0.00, 1.00.) >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >hint Not a food item, but a protective item,. (+) >hint A MASSIVE MITT. (-) [NOTE: a minus sign means you've reached the end of a hint loop. You can cycle through them again, though.] >massive mit Zuzu and Loulou make the talky-talky gesture with their hands. Apparently, you are using too many words, even if it doesn't seem like you're using too many. You feel rebuked. >hint The passive pit can't be passed, but it has an item inside. (+) >s Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >w Dove 'N Doubt This is obviously a front for illegal activity. Nobody would actually pay money to visit this establishment. I mean, the only worse name could be the Guv 'n Gout. You can really only go back EAST to Wandering ... Where?. >hint The oven is where it needs to be. Cooking something with it, will be done automatically. >e Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >s (Zap!) Zoo The lotus life still adds color, even though you noticed that knife. Vented vials lie cluttered here. A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >hint You already changed the area to the zoo. >hint You already changed the area to the zoo. >s You can only really go back north. You don't want to know how far the goo gap extends. >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >n Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >n Ooh, Ooh...! A passive pit surrounds you on all sides. It's not pulling you in, but the fall would still be lethal. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You feel a bit tongue-tied, as if you need to keep your thoughts extra short and to the point. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >juju You find ways to perform juju, or pretend to. Loulou and Zuzu are starting to look exhausted from all this imagining. [Your score and bonus points just went up by one point.] >s Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >w Dove 'N Doubt This is obviously a front for illegal activity. Nobody would actually pay money to visit this establishment. I mean, the only worse name could be the Guv 'n Gout. You can really only go back EAST to Wandering ... Where?. >veggie ville vh-love-shove rule. No, here was the place for slight colloquialisms. Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >e Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >s (Zap!) Zoo The lotus life still adds color, even though you noticed that knife. Vented vials lie cluttered here. A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >veggie gille Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >n Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >e Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. Some light lyres lie here, but you pulled what you needed from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >veggie ville Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >in Oh no. You don't want to go deeper into this mess. >d Oh no. You don't want to go deeper into this mess. >s Oh no. You don't want to go deeper into this mess. >w Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >veggie ville Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >veggie ville Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. (useful command again saved to THINK for later reference.) >think You think about more specific challenges you've encountered and not solved, and what you've done and tried, and what you can do. You can get a SPOON SPIED once you have managed to consult the goon guide with a clear mind. For the goon guide, you've discovered four of five available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BOON BIDE, LOON LIED, RUNE RIDE, TUNE TIDE/TIED. >x guide You did the tough technical stuff. Now there's mostly advice on finding odd dining implements in weird places. But what, specifically, do you ask for? And how? >prune pride You're already humble enough. >n Ooh, Ooh...! A passive pit surrounds you on all sides. It's not pulling you in, but the fall would still be lethal. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You feel a bit tongue-tied, as if you need to keep your thoughts extra short and to the point. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >s Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >w Dove 'N Doubt This is obviously a front for illegal activity. Nobody would actually pay money to visit this establishment. I mean, the only worse name could be the Guv 'n Gout. You can really only go back EAST to Wandering ... Where?. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >e Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >e Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. Some light lyres lie here, but you pulled what you needed from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >w Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >s (Zap!) Zoo The lotus life still adds color, even though you noticed that knife. Vented vials lie cluttered here. A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >n Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >d You can really only wander in the four cardinal directions, though actually, there is a way to see what's down later. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >in Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. The oven you moved from Dove 'N Doubt is here, ready to cook raw materials and such. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >l Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. The oven you moved from Dove 'N Doubt is here, ready to cook raw materials and such. >d You have no faith you can go down. Maybe you should, but you don't, right now. >veggie ville Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >w It's not a very big house. You suspected the old passage-under-the-rug trick, but you just don't have faith it's REALLY there. There's always back OUT. >out Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >maundering mare You You find your way back to (Zap!) Zoo. (Zap!) Zoo The lotus life still adds color, even though you noticed that knife. Vented vials lie cluttered here. A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >zap zoo But you already converted the goo to a zoo! >see soup You already got the soup! >carrot cake Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >dented dials You already got the dented dials! >notice knofe Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >notice knife You already noticed the knife! There is nothing more. >n Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >penny piles Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >n Ooh, Ooh...! A passive pit surrounds you on all sides. It's not pulling you in, but the fall would still be lethal. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You feel a bit tongue-tied, as if you need to keep your thoughts extra short and to the point. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >booboo You already feigned a booboo. >juju You already fake-performed juju. >muumuu You already pictured Loulou and Zuzu in muumuus. >tutu Loulou and Zuzu can't dance worth a dang, but that seems worth trying, not for the whole stale "ha ha dude in a dress" joke but because it does seem to fit the area's general vibe. Zuzu and Loulou wipe their brows after this latest feat of imagination. Nothing more to do here, really. [Your score and bonus points just went up by one point.] >massive mitt You already got the massive mitt from the passive pit! >s Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >veggie ville Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >w Dove 'N Doubt This is obviously a front for illegal activity. Nobody would actually pay money to visit this establishment. I mean, the only worse name could be the Guv 'n Gout. You can really only go back EAST to Wandering ... Where?. >e Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >grieve grow Your rhyming attempts bring up nothing. Or, if you tried a standard verb--well, Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens has eliminated a lot of them, so you can focus on the puzzle verbs. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >l Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >e Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. Some light lyres lie here, but you pulled what you needed from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >ll You scan the area. You notice one dot in the corner of the leet learner. The leet learner's display lights up and scrolls through LCD numbers which settle on the pair (-1.00, -2.00.) However, it's really dim, as if you don't need to do or think whatever there is to do or think. >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >w Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >n Ooh, Ooh...! A passive pit surrounds you on all sides. It's not pulling you in, but the fall would still be lethal. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >jjj Most special commands are more than one word. VERBS will give a list of useful, non-puzzle-solving verbs. >s Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >n Ooh, Ooh...! A passive pit surrounds you on all sides. It's not pulling you in, but the fall would still be lethal. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >s Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >w Dove 'N Doubt This is obviously a front for illegal activity. Nobody would actually pay money to visit this establishment. I mean, the only worse name could be the Guv 'n Gout. You can really only go back EAST to Wandering ... Where?. >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >e Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >s (Zap!) Zoo The lotus life still adds color, even though you noticed that knife. Vented vials lie cluttered here. A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >jj The lurking lump remains immovable. There's nothing critical to do here. >n Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >in Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. The oven you moved from Dove 'N Doubt is here, ready to cook raw materials and such. >jj After some thought, you consider a good way forward: BELIEVE BELOW... Aha! You wondered if something was below the rug. Now you see the outline of a trap door beneath the rug. You use the copper key on the trap door down. And it works! The lurking lump shrivels, but it still looks functional. [Your score just went up by one point.] >* oh hey Noted. >d You look at Last Least Fast Feast. You don't have everything, yet. >x list You see nothing here like that. Or there may be, but it's a small part of something more prominent. Beef, Beans, Grief, Greens tries not to force you to look into any items too much. >x last You check Last Least Fast Feast again for what you need. ( X ) small drinking container(s) ( X ) large drink holder ( X ) cake, of course ( X ) an appetizer, sort of ( X ) greens ( X ) protein panorama ( X ) vast veggies ( X ) powdered drink mix ( X ) prevents sticking ( X ) liquid seasoning ( X ) tasty pastry (3/4) silverware and such (got forks, knives and plates) You've moved an oven to Reeve Row, too. >l Reeve Row You remember buying this from the old owner, Steve Stowe. He knew you were the right person to continue living here. But it feels empty now. You feel you could go OUT again, if you wanted. No need for another LEAVE LO. The oven you moved from Dove 'N Doubt is here, ready to cook raw materials and such. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >think You think about more specific challenges you've encountered and not solved, and what you've done and tried, and what you can do. You can get a SPOON SPIED once you have managed to consult the goon guide with a clear mind. For this location, you've discovered three of six available related good-guess rhyme pairs: PEEVE PO/POE, SLEEVE SLOW, WEAVE WOE. For the goon guide, you've discovered four of five available related good-guess rhyme pairs: BOON BIDE, LOON LIED, RUNE RIDE, TUNE TIDE/TIED. >x guide You did the tough technical stuff. Now there's mostly advice on finding odd dining implements in weird places. But what, specifically, do you ask for? And how? >prune pride You're already humble enough. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >* Hmm I think I'm missing the spoon? Noted. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >out Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >n Ooh, Ooh...! A passive pit surrounds you on all sides. It's not pulling you in, but the fall would still be lethal. Zuzu and Loulou stand here, tired of the old repetitive actions, looking for new repetitive sounding ones. You can really only go back SOUTH to Wandering ... Where?. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >s Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >e Squalor Square Definitely one of the seedier places you've been in. Some light lyres lie here, but you pulled what you needed from them. You can really only go back WEST to Wandering ... Where?. >s Oh no. You don't want to go deeper into this mess. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >w Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >w Dove 'N Doubt This is obviously a front for illegal activity. Nobody would actually pay money to visit this establishment. I mean, the only worse name could be the Guv 'n Gout. You can really only go back EAST to Wandering ... Where?. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >e Wandering ... Where? You can go NORTH to Ooh, Ooh...!, SOUTH to (Zap!) Zoo, EAST to Squalor Square and WEST to Dove 'N Doubt. You can also go back INSIDE to your temporary home in Reeve Row. You've really been around, now, and perhaps you can discover one more way, even though you suspect you don't need it for the full feast. It might add more variety, though. >s (Zap!) Zoo The lotus life still adds color, even though you noticed that knife. Vented vials lie cluttered here. A tree troop sits around, waiting for you to ask for just the right thing. But you get the sense you could even gesture somehow. You can really only go back NORTH to Wandering ... Where?. >spoon spied You try to spy spoons based on your general impressions of the goon guide, but ... well, I'm going to make you read it more closely now you've pruned your pride. Hmph. That still doesn't quite work! You'll figure out the how and when and where, though. >save Ok. >