Start of a transcript of: 19 Once A Series Of Conversations by Yvonne Jeagon and Larissa Jemmy Release 1 / Serial number 240709 / Inform 7 v10.1.2 Inform 7 v10.1.2 Identification number: //4D7B75F2-667E-4E1F-BF23-E54BDBCB6EDB// Standard interpreter 1.1 (1C) >about I will only need to log, think about, or talk. I have in front of me Nora, Sofia, Esther and Wesley's chat screens (I can use the shortcuts N, S, E, and W). >x me I'm Paige. I'm doing a BA at the University of Nottworthy in English & Creative Writing. The Checkered books were always my fave growing up, but I'm trying to get into more serious literature. The uni is big on post-colonial stuff. >i I will only need to log, think about, or talk. I have in front of me Nora, Sofia, Esther and Wesley's chat screens (I can use the shortcuts N, S, E, and W). >l On My Laptop So I'm sitting in front of my laptop. Four chat screens open. My friends. We're all 19 now, sixth form feels like a lifetime ago, though final exams were only this time last year. I'm back home over the summer. Gonna invite them all to meet up and see the new Checkered film. We saw all the others together. My friends: Sofia, she went to uni too, we haven't spoke much since school. She was always very intense, always had a paperback sociology book in her back pocket. Pelicans. Wesley called her pelibutt. Esther stayed at sixth form, redoing her second year. She loves the Checkered series: her tumblr is all Bone Knight reposts. Nora got a job and she mostly communicates through inspirational quote images on Facebook. Wesley plays video games full time and lives in his Dad's attic. (I can use the shortcuts S/E/N/W to go to each respective chat screen.) >x laptop That noun did not make sense in this context. >think What do you want to think? >think about sofia Sofia is a capital "I" intellectual. She got the results to get into Puntingdon. Depending on how her politics progresses, in 20 years time, she might run Thingland, or she might destroy it. >think about esther Esther is the She screwed up her A-levels and now she's resitting them. I have every confidence she'll go onto great things... but first she needs to get out of Basilstoke. >think about nora I've known Nora since primary school. We used to live on the same street, but I think she's got a flat above the chippie now. She studied boring stuff like Business and went straight into work. >think about weslet That noun did not make sense in this context. >think about wesley I'm trying to think where things went wrong with Wesley, and what I realise is that when we were 16, him being zany and repetitive could be funny. Now we're all older, he's a lot more annoying but it isn't because he's changed, but because he hasn't. >n Nora's Chat Screen PAIGE: You want to go see the new Checkered film with the gang? NORA: sweetie u know I would. NORA: but NORA: i've got the interview for subregional sales manager coming up NORA: all the cinemas between middlington and basilstoke PAIGE: Sounds big! NORA: it is :) NORA: got no time now (New topic: Time) I can go to: Sofia's Chat Screen (S), Esther's Chat Screen (E) and Wesley's Chat Screen (W). >ask nora about time I will only need to log, think about, or talk. I can refer to these topics directly: Time. I have in front of me Nora, Sofia, Esther and Wesley's chat screens (I can use the shortcuts N, S, E, and W). >time PAIGE: You can't spare just one night? NORA: not really :) >e Esther's Chat Screen PAIGE: SO. You up for the Checkered film opening night? ESTHER: Blates! PAIGE: Great! ESTHER: Only, money's a bit tight. I don't get any grants or anything so am living off the bank of mum and dad PAIGE: Cinema is pretty expensive, yeah. PAIGE: if it wasn't for the ticket price you know I'd be there! (New Topic: Money) I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Sofia's Chat Screen (S) and Wesley's Chat Screen (W). >* should that last line be Esther's? (Noted.) >money (I already know money's tight for Esther.) >time PAIGE: You got much time nowadays? ESTHER: Hah, my evenings is mostly just revision atm. Day time I've got loooads of frees as I'm only retaking two things. PAIGE: Still rereading Checkered? PAIGE: Just finished my sixth run through. Did you see the quotes I put up on tumblr? PAIGE: Yep! >w Wesley's Chat Screen PAIGE: So, how's it going? WESLEY: PC Master Race reporting in. finally upgraded my rig & it's off the chizzay PAIGE: The? WESLEY: it goood PAIGE: Sooo... I'm getting the old gang back together to watch the new Checkered film. You in? WESLEY: last time I cared about Checkered, lolcats were still funny PAIGE: Uh, is that a no? WESLEY: girl I got vidcons to play. Movies? Aint nobody got time for that PAIGE: I didn't think people still said that WESLEY: my memes aint stale! They're just rare OK (New Topic: Memes) I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Sofia's Chat Screen (S) and Esther's Chat Screen (E). >memes PAIGE: How do you even decide when a meme is no longer cool? WESLEY: I have ascended to my planar form >time PAIGE: You have much free time nowadays? WESLEY: I'm a neet, what do you think? PAIGE: You're not neat. WESLEY: not in education or training. you know, not like you or Nora or Sofe >money PAIGE: How's funds? WESLEY: brassic mate WESLEY: spent all my allowance on vidcons >s Sofia's Chat Screen PAIGE: Hey you want to see the new Checkered film? SOFIA: One life to live and we spend it sucking on the mechanical teats of the entertainment industrial complex. PAIGE: Is that a no?? SOFIA: I like you P, really, but not sure I can stand letting the collective machinations of emotional manipulators have their way with my psyche for two hours. PAIGE: Even with friends? SOFIA: Few things are more important than friendship, but even still. (New topic: Friendship.) I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Esther's Chat Screen (E) and Wesley's Chat Screen (W). >friendship PAIGE: I was reading the #1 cause of death in this country is loneliness. SOFIA: All stats are lies, but that one takes the proverbial biscuit. PAIGE: Well maybe not #1, but like, top ten or whatever. Point is, we're social creatures, we need society. SOFIA: True... PAIGE: Even when that society is annoying, shallow or dull sometimes. We need friends. SOFIA: Are they all coming? >money PAIGE: You got a scholarship, right? SOFIA: I'm well aware of the internal contradiction of being funded by the very system of which I am critical. >time PAIGE: You must be at a loose end. Long summer. What you been up to? SOFIA: Reading, writing in my diary. If I'm going to write my memoirs one day, I've got to start recording now. (New Topic: Memories) >memes PAIGE: You seen that Checkered meme with the flowers? Let me find it... SOFIA: I hate memes. Memes are mental warfare. Humour is the sugar, hyper-normativity is the pill. SOFIA: Memes are volleys in a multi-front war over value, and most are on the side of the reactionary. SOFIA: PAIGE: Even lolcats? SOFIA: Especially lolcats. >memories PAIGE: If you're writing your memoirs, don't you need to do stuff... Like make new memories... SOFIA: Intellectual memoirs. I write down what I've been reading and thinking about. >e Esther's Chat Screen (I already know she wants to come but can't afford to.) I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Sofia's Chat Screen (S) and Wesley's Chat Screen (W). >memes PAIGE: What do you think about memes? ESTHER: tbh I don't really get most of them. I like the Checkered gif sets that get reposted though. >time (Esther has time to come to the cinema.) >friendship PAIGE: It'd be good to get everyone together again! ESTHER: Oh deffo! >memories PAIGE: Remember when the last book came out and we had a race to see who could finish it? ESTHER: I won PAIGE: Yeah, but I like to think I took more in that first time. ESTHER: Please. You didn't even see the Queen ending coming. >i I will only need to log, think about, or talk. I can refer to these topics directly: Friendship, Time, Money, Memories, Memes. I have in front of me Nora, Sofia, Esther and Wesley's chat screens (I can use the shortcuts N, S, E, and W). >w Wesley's Chat Screen PAIGE: So about the cinema trip? WESLEY: nah bro I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Sofia's Chat Screen (S) and Esther's Chat Screen (E). >friendship PAIGE: I bet you want to see the others. WESLEY: yeah but now Sofe is an SJW shill PAIGE: Aw c'mon. WESLEY: Still, trolling her in person might be bants... I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Sofia's Chat Screen (S) and Esther's Chat Screen (E). >memories PAIGE: Ever think back to sixth form? WESLEY: yeah back then I still thought a thread was something to do with Home Ec. The great intertubes had yet to claim me. I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Sofia's Chat Screen (S) and Esther's Chat Screen (E). >n I'm sure Wesley has gone back to the black hole of his gaming habit. I'm going to have to start from scratch next time. Nora's Chat Screen PAIGE: You couldn't spare one evening? NORA: i really have to prioritise this I can go to: Sofia's Chat Screen (S), Esther's Chat Screen (E) and Wesley's Chat Screen (W). >money PAIGE: So, does the cinema racket pay well? NORA: its ok NORA: i also get free popcorn and a loads of tickets each month NORA: i'm working my way up the chain PAIGE: Sounds good! NORA: hey if you want you can have some free checkered tickets PAIGE: Really?! NORA: no reason u can't enjoy yourself even if i can't NORA: i'll give you enough for the others if they're going to (New Topic: Tickets) >time (She thinks all her time should be spent preparing.) >memes PAIGE: Do you like memes? NORA: i like those minion pictures NORA: u know the ones where there minion is fed up of peoples shit PAIGE: Those ones really speak to you, huh? NORA: they do :) >friendship PAIGE: I'm sure you'd like to see everyone. Sofia, Esther, even Wesley? NORA: yeah but i can see them again another time >memories PAIGE: Remember when we saw the last film and Esther wore her full Bone Knight makeup... NORA: bit cringeworthy :0 PAIGE: It was fun! NORA: has anyone said they'd actually go this time?? >e Esther's Chat Screen (I already know she wants to come but can't afford to.) I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Sofia's Chat Screen (S) and Wesley's Chat Screen (W). >tickets PAIGE: Great news! ESTHER: Oh? PAIGE: Yeah, Nora says she can score us free tickets from her work. ESTHER: You're serious? PAIGE: I'm not anyone else. You up for it then? ESTHER: FREAKING YES! (WOO! I convinced Esther!) I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Sofia's Chat Screen (S) and Wesley's Chat Screen (W). >s Sofia's Chat Screen PAIGE: I though you liked the books? SOFIA: That's different. A book is always interactive. You co-create the mental world. That's the beauty of text. In film, there's no space between sign and signified. You imbibe someone else's vision and they don't have your wellness in mind. I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Esther's Chat Screen (E) and Wesley's Chat Screen (W). >friendship (This seems like a good approach, she's bound to come around if everyone else is.) >w Wesley's Chat Screen (I've got to take a different approach to get through to him.) I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Sofia's Chat Screen (S) and Esther's Chat Screen (E). >i I will only need to log, think about, or talk. I can refer to these topics directly: Friendship, Time, Money, Tickets, Memories, Memes. I have in front of me Nora, Sofia, Esther and Wesley's chat screens (I can use the shortcuts N, S, E, and W). >memes PAIGE: Don't you worry that you sound exactly like several million other people? WESLEY: my meme power is over 9000 >memes PAIGE: You used to speak entirely out of lines from the Checkered films, now it's just memes WESLEY: YOLO >memes PAIGE: Why do you always use that internet slang? WESLEY: feelsbadman.jpg >memes PAIGE: When did you stop having dreams and start having memes? WESLEY: jet fuel can't melt my steel memes >memes PAIGE: Don't you ever want to say something original? WESLEY: mfw you don't even know what mfw means >memes PAIGE: Your memes are like the opposite of rare. WESLEY: a normie like you wouldn't understand >memes PAIGE: How do you even decide when a meme is no longer cool? WESLEY: I know what pill you'd choose >memes PAIGE: When did you stop having dreams and start having memes? WESLEY: i bet you think pasta is food >memes PAIGE: Why do you always use that internet slang? WESLEY: I have ascended to my planar form >memes PAIGE: Your memes are like the opposite of rare. WESLEY: a normie like you wouldn't understand >memes PAIGE: You used to speak entirely out of lines from the Checkered films, now it's just memes WESLEY: I know what pill you'd choose >memes PAIGE: Don't you worry that you sound exactly like several million other people? WESLEY: i bet you think pasta is food >friendship PAIGE: I bet you want to see the others. WESLEY: Nora's a bit normcore tho PAIGE: I thought you had a crush on her WESLEY: like she'd go for my neet self I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Sofia's Chat Screen (S) and Esther's Chat Screen (E). >friendship (I just talked to him about friendship.) I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Sofia's Chat Screen (S) and Esther's Chat Screen (E). >memories PAIGE: Remember when you read the whole of the Checkered series behind your maths text book? WESLEY: I just pretended to read it a few times to make you and Esther laugh. I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Sofia's Chat Screen (S) and Esther's Chat Screen (E). >memories (I just talked to him about memories.). I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Sofia's Chat Screen (S) and Esther's Chat Screen (E). >memes PAIGE: Don't you ever want to say something original? WESLEY: jet fuel can't melt my steel memes >time PAIGE: So you have the time to come to the cinema then. WESLEY: well, the vicons don't play themselves >time (This seems like a dead end. Time isn't the issue here.) >money PAIGE: So you're saying you can't afford to go to the cinema...? WESLEY: I can't even holler for a dollar right now >tickets PAIGE: Nora can score us free tickets for Checkered if that sways you! WESLEY: fine. like my grandpappy always told me, YOLO. OK I'm in. (WOO! I convinced Wesley to come!) I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Sofia's Chat Screen (S) and Esther's Chat Screen (E). >s Sofia's Chat Screen PAIGE: So that's a no to the cinema? SOFIA: It's logically possible for me to be convinced otherwise, but I don't see how. I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Esther's Chat Screen (E) and Wesley's Chat Screen (W). >friendship (This seems like a good approach, she's bound to come around if everyone else is.) >n Nora's Chat Screen PAIGE: You couldn't spare one evening? NORA: i really have to prioritise this I can go to: Sofia's Chat Screen (S), Esther's Chat Screen (E) and Wesley's Chat Screen (W). >friendship (Hmm, she wants to see people but doesn't think now is the time.) >memories PAIGE: The others are coming. I've got confirmation from at least one of them now. This is the last film, it won't happen again. Only one chance to make memories! NORA: trying to make me feel fomo NORA: bit toxic babe PAIGE: Sorry, I just really would love you to be there. Everyone would. NORA: well NORA: this is the last film and it has been ages since i saw peeps NORA: ok NORA: i'll be there :) PAIGE: Great! You won't forget it! (Woo! I convinced Nora to come!) I can go to: Sofia's Chat Screen (S), Esther's Chat Screen (E) and Wesley's Chat Screen (W). >s Sofia's Chat Screen (She's not yet convinced by the cinema trip.) I can go to: Nora's Chat Screen (N), Esther's Chat Screen (E) and Wesley's Chat Screen (W). >friendship PAIGE: Everyone's going. The whole gang. I know you're not doing anything else. SOFIA: If you put this tenacity to a worthwhile cause, you'd be really formidable, Paige. PAIGE: Maybe you can tell me what kind of cause that could be over drinks after the movie... SOFIA: Fine. Fine. You win. I'll see the film. SOFIA: But I'm going because it's you, Paige. So we went to the cinema on Friday. Everyone turned up! Wesley made an effort, he shaved his fuzz. Esther did not disappoint and came in full skull face makeup (but afterwards she'd switched her love to the Wyvern Knight). Nora was obviously a bit embarrassed at first but she was soon laughing along too and sharing Wesley's popcorn. And Sofia? She denounced the whole thing as neocolonial agitprop or whatever, but I saw a tear come to her eye when the Last Pawn made his final sacrifice. Afterwards we all decamped to Spoons. Esther doesn't drink, but Nora and I had vodka and cokes, Wesley had some vile lager which would have been better off back in the horse. Sofia ordered a vermouth but clearly didn't enjoy it and I persuaded to go in for a BOGOF cocktail with me. At the end of the night, I made them all promise to come round mine when I'm back at the Christmas hols so we can have a watch party. *** END - (UNTIL THE WATCH PARTY) *** Would you like to RESTART or QUIT? > restart The final Checkered movie is out at the cinema next week. I saw all the others with my besties but that was a year ago. A lot can happen in a year. 19 Once A Series Of Conversations by Yvonne Jeagon and Larissa Jemmy Release 1 / Serial number 240709 / Inform 7 v10.1.2 On My Laptop So I'm sitting in front of my laptop. Four chat screens open. My friends. We're all 19 now, sixth form feels like a lifetime ago, though final exams were only this time last year. I'm back home over the summer. Gonna invite them all to meet up and see the new Checkered film. We saw all the others together. My friends: Sofia, she went to uni too, we haven't spoke much since school. She was always very intense, always had a paperback sociology book in her back pocket. Pelicans. Wesley called her pelibutt. Esther stayed at sixth form, redoing her second year. She loves the Checkered series: her tumblr is all Bone Knight reposts. Nora got a job and she mostly communicates through inspirational quote images on Facebook. Wesley plays video games full time and lives in his Dad's attic. (I can use the shortcuts S/E/N/W to go to each respective chat screen.) >watch party (I'd love to have a DVD watch party for Zugzwang when it's out, but right now I need to convince everyone to see it at the cinema with me.) >check mate That noun did not make sense in this context. >check. mate I only understood you as far as wanting to check. >check. mate. I only understood you as far as wanting to check. >checkmate I will only need to log, think about, or talk. I have in front of me Nora, Sofia, Esther and Wesley's chat screens (I can use the shortcuts N, S, E, and W). >check On My Laptop So I'm sitting in front of my laptop. Four chat screens open. My friends. We're all 19 now, sixth form feels like a lifetime ago, though final exams were only this time last year. I'm back home over the summer. Gonna invite them all to meet up and see the new Checkered film. We saw all the others together. My friends: Sofia, she went to uni too, we haven't spoke much since school. She was always very intense, always had a paperback sociology book in her back pocket. Pelicans. Wesley called her pelibutt. Esther stayed at sixth form, redoing her second year. She loves the Checkered series: her tumblr is all Bone Knight reposts. Nora got a job and she mostly communicates through inspirational quote images on Facebook. Wesley plays video games full time and lives in his Dad's attic. (I can use the shortcuts S/E/N/W to go to each respective chat screen.) >give up I close the lid of the laptop. This is pointless. What's the use? Only a year and we've all drifted apart. In another ten years we'll be strangers. I've made new friends at uni now. There'll always be a gulf between the people who leave their small towns and those that stay or return. My phone buzzes. It's Esther! ESTHER: Oh! I wanted to tell you something but you went offline. PAIGE: Go on........ ESTHER: I got into my first choice for uni! PAIGE: Nottworthy?! ESTHER: Yeah! You can show me around when I move in! PAIGE: And here I was thinking I'd got rid of you... ESTHER: Not so easily! *** CHECKMATE *** Would you like to RESTART or QUIT? > restart The final Checkered movie is out at the cinema next week. I saw all the others with my besties but that was a year ago. A lot can happen in a year. 19 Once A Series Of Conversations by Yvonne Jeagon and Larissa Jemmy Release 1 / Serial number 240709 / Inform 7 v10.1.2 On My Laptop So I'm sitting in front of my laptop. Four chat screens open. My friends. We're all 19 now, sixth form feels like a lifetime ago, though final exams were only this time last year. I'm back home over the summer. Gonna invite them all to meet up and see the new Checkered film. We saw all the others together. My friends: Sofia, she went to uni too, we haven't spoke much since school. She was always very intense, always had a paperback sociology book in her back pocket. Pelicans. Wesley called her pelibutt. Esther stayed at sixth form, redoing her second year. She loves the Checkered series: her tumblr is all Bone Knight reposts. Nora got a job and she mostly communicates through inspirational quote images on Facebook. Wesley plays video games full time and lives in his Dad's attic. (I can use the shortcuts S/E/N/W to go to each respective chat screen.) >checkmate I will only need to log, think about, or talk. I have in front of me Nora, Sofia, Esther and Wesley's chat screens (I can use the shortcuts N, S, E, and W). >