Awakened Deeply An Interactive Fiction by Lamp Shade Light Games Release 1 / Serial number 240902 / Inform 7 v10.1.2 Darkness You feel something in your hand. Besides a faint glow above your head.... It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing. >feel hand You can't see as it's too dark, but you notice you have something in your hand. It feels like a small button of some kind. >push button The Cryotube has been opened. "Hello, Captain Pitker. You have awoken." Immediately, you hear an alarm sounding off in the Sleep Chambers. "Captain, you have been asleep for 1,526 days. The year is 2890. A disturbance on the ship has awoken you. Please proceed to investigate immediately and report back to Station Landing Earth." Your head is pounding you can't remember a thing. The alarm suddenly shuts off. Sleep Chambers A small room with nothing but your Cryotube in it. You see the release mainframe to your right and the Port door to the west. The mainframe's tacky lights and fixtures blink erratically. Captain Kirk would be proud. The Port Door has a red light above it indicating it is locked. The vastness of space can be seen from this room. Thousands of stars surround you, planets streaming slowly across the sky go in all different directions. You can see Port door, Cryotube (empty), Hunting Knife and Bloody Note here. >read note It is a note with blood on it and a message written in ink. "Captain, if you awaken, please be careful. We were attacked sometime ago. We attempted to awake you, but we could not figure out the cryo system. Our weapons were taken, and most of the crew were killed. If you're reading this I'm likely gone myself. I left you what I could find that was left on the ship. Good luck. Sincerely, Sergeant Riker" >examine knife A large hunting knife with blood on it. You wonder what this is doing here. >examine blood You can't see any such thing. >take knife Taken. >examine port door The Port door leading to the ship's main tunnels and to the Sleep Chambers. >unlock port door (with Hunting Knife) That doesn't seem to fit the lock. >examine mainframe The release mainframe that handles the opening of the sleep chamber entry port. You don't remember how to operate this. You see a small lever stating "Release -Push for entry/Pull for hatch" >push lever You push the lever. The hatch leading to the ship's tunnels clicks and you see the light above it go to a solid green. The Port Door makes a loud creaking noise. >enter door (first opening Port door) Tunnels The main tunnels leading to the different areas of the ship. Nothing of interest is here. It looks like any old ship hallway that you've seen millions of times. It connects to a tunnel to the west and a tunnel to the north. You can see Port door here. >west Tunnel West You reach the West Tunnel. It leads to the beginning of the ship's internal subway station. The Platform Box that would take you across to the subway station is not functioning. The service panel is about ten feet above you on the wall with a crate below it. Between you and the platform box is a large drop down into the ship's depths. You need to find a way across the hole. Interesting spot for a large hole you always thought. You can see Crate here. >examine service panel A panel that covers the controls to the Subway Platform. >open service panel You can't reach the panel. It's too high. >stand on crate You jump onto the crate Tunnel West (on Crate) You are now on top of the crate. You are quite the athlete Captain. The Service Panel is right above your head now. >open service panel You've opened the Service panel. You lift the panel revealing the controls to the Subway Platform. >examine controls The controls to the Subway platform. There's a switch to the right next to a bundle of wires. >examine wires You can't see any such thing. >examine bundle of wires You can't see any such thing. >examine switch A small switch that has the I/O symbol on it. >flip switch That's not a verb I recognise. >use switch That's not a verb I recognise. >push switch You push the switch. The Platform Box lights turn on. The box rides along it's cable on the ceiling and makes it way to the West Tunnel where you stand. >east (first getting off Crate) Tunnels The main tunnels leading to the different areas of the ship. Nothing of interest is here. It looks like any old ship hallway that you've seen millions of times. It connects to a tunnel to the west and a tunnel to the north. You can see Port door here. >north Tunnel North You're in the tunnel immediately North of the main tunnels hallway. At the end of the hallway is a Storage Room welded shut for some reason. There's no way it will budge. The main Tunnels Hallway is south of you. The dead body of, Lieutenant Yostin, lies on the floor. It looks like his left arm has been severed from his body. >examine yostin He is wearing his dress uniform and dress coat with pockets. >look in pockets You check Yostin's pockets. You find a crumpled piece of paper. It has the numbers "364" scribbled on them. You place it in your pocket. "What the hell is this for?", you think to yourself. >examine arm You can't see any such thing. >examine severed left arm You can't see any such thing. >south Tunnels The main tunnels leading to the different areas of the ship. Nothing of interest is here. It looks like any old ship hallway that you've seen millions of times. It connects to a tunnel to the west and a tunnel to the north. You can see Port door here. >west Tunnel West The platform box is in front of you ready to take you to the subway station. The main Tunnel is to the east of the room. You can see Platform Box (empty) and Crate here. >enter platform box You entered the Platform Box. It rides along the cable line bringing you to the ships internal Subway Station. The Platform Box goes back to the West Tunnel after a short time. Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) and Recorder here. >examine recorder A small recorder issued to Cadets when they first arrive at the ship. The idea for these was to give the Cadets the opportunity to make personal audio logs to send to their families to feel better connected. The "personal" side was questionable. You had been in the surveillance room several times when the security officer screened every single audio log to document what it said. You would object, but be shut down by a ranking officer. This one lies covered in blood on the ground next to a bench. >play recorder That's not a verb I recognise. >turn on recorder It isn't something you can switch. >pick up recorder Taken. >examine bench Regular benches for sitting. Now is not the time to relax. >look under bench You find nothing of interest. >west Labs Hall The entryway to the Labs. It has a heavily barricaded gate with a six sided indentation on the middle of the gate. The Subway Station is to the east. You can see Gate here. >examine indentation You can't see any such thing. >examine gate A large steel gate sits between you and the Laboratory. On the gate in the middle is a six sided indentation making a hexagon type pattern. The indentations dip about an inch into the lock. Nothing else is on the door. >east Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >east Warehouse A large warehouse where all incoming and outgoing cargo or shipments of any kind process. The manager desk lies at the entryway. Along the far wall are three large Shelves that organize where each shipment is placed. The Subway Station is to the West of the Warehouse. >examine desk You look over the manager's desk. You see a clipboard on top of a small stack of items. >read clipboard On the clipboard paper there's a crude drawing of three shelves with colors marked on them, green, red and orange. >look under clipboard You find nothing of interest. >examine shelves Three large shelves that organize the shipment locations. There are three placards next to each shelf each with a color. One Placard is Green, One Placard is Red, and the last Placard is Orange. What does this mean? >examine shipment You can't see any such thing. >west Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >south Engineering Bay You cannot enter the Engineering Port until you open the Entry Gate. The bay once was busy with ships coming and going. You see no pods or escape options parked in the bay. You can see Entry Gate here. >examine entry gate The Entry Gate is a deceptively strong steel door. It looks simple, but it is the most solid door in the ship. In the middle of the gate a slot is placed for where a keycard can be inserted. The keycard slot's red light blinks at you over and over. You can see the twinkling moon of Jandari just beyond the window of the Entry Gate and Bay. >north Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >north Barracks Entry You take the Subway train to the Barracks. The Subway Station now lies to the south of you. The barracks housed close to 300 hundred cadets or enlisted personel. Along the floor is a half closed Personal Computer for one of the Cadets. On the Barracks entry door you see an electronic dial. The door light is flashing red. A message is on the screen of the door stating: "Officer combination for entry needed" You can see Barracks Door here. >enter combination 364 You can't see any such thing. >examine dial An electronic dial that allows three numbers to be spun to in order to unlock the barracks door. >push 364 You can't see any such thing. >press 3 button You can't use multiple objects with that verb. >enter combination You can't see any such thing. >spin dial I didn't understand that sentence. >unlock door What do you want to unlock Barracks Door with? >the number 364 You can't see any such thing. >use dial That's not a verb I recognise. >turn dial That's not something you can do. Though that'd be pretty cool. >rotate dia You can't see any such thing. >rotate dial That's not something you can do. Though that'd be pretty cool. >364 That's not a verb I recognise. >inventory You are carrying: Recorder Yostin Note Hunting Knife >unlock door What do you want to unlock Barracks Door with? >yostin note That doesn't seem to fit the lock. >key 364 You can't see any such thing. >key 3 You can't see any such thing. >open dial That's not something you can do. Though that'd be pretty cool. >spin dial I didn't understand that sentence. >spin dial to 364 The Barracks Door light flashes green. You hear the lock release the door to the barracks main hall to the North of you. >thank you, i appreciate that You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom. >north (first opening Barracks Door) Barracks Hall Immediately you hear the phone ring next to the entry way. You answer the phone: "Hello", you say curiously. "Hello, Captain. I'm watching you. If you want to get out of this you need to listen to me carefully. The only reason you're not dead right now is because I have jammed their video frequencies to the ship's main hub." "What?! Who the hell are you?" "You can call me Smith for now. That will suffice. I don't have much time. You will be hunted if they see you running around the ship on their monitors. Get to the South Rail Engineering as quickly as you can." "If who sees me running around? I don't know what the hell is going on. All of the crew is dead or nearly dead. What the hell is happening?" The phone line goes dead. "What the hell is happening on my ship?" you yell outloud. The Barracks Hall has nothing of interest in it. It looks like someone cleaned the place out in a hurry. This would normally be a place for socializing and interaction for the young cadets. You see a tunnel to the west and one to the east. The Subway Station is to the south of you. You can see Barracks Door here. >open barracks door That's already open. >east East Barracks The East Barracks housed mostly supplies, or the occasional ping pong battle for the cadets. There's a broken down small box forklift in the corner of the room. The Barracks Hall is to the west. >examine forklift A small forklift used on the ship to carry and transport boxes or small packages. It looks broken down. The control panel is still lit up on the front. You unhook the battery from the wires of the forklift. You place it in your pocket. Good thing you have such large pockets. >west Barracks Hall The Barracks Hall has nothing of interest in it. It looks like someone cleaned the place out in a hurry. This would normally be a place for socializing and interaction for the young cadets. You see a tunnel to the west and one to the east. The Subway Station is to the south of you. You can see Barracks Door here. >west West Barracks You reach the West Barracks. You see the main Barracks Hall to the east. This was the wing for new cadets. Looking into the room windows, they are emptied out and sad looking. "Who is it?" You hear it coming from behind the lounge table. You make your way to the table and find a cadet on the floor with what looks like a laser shot to his torso. You can see through his stomach. He reaches up to get your attention. You can see Cadet here. >talk to cadet You lean down and pull the Cadet into you. "What happened to the ship?" you ask him. "They just came out of nowhere and attacked us." The cadet says while coughing up blood. "What's your name, Cadet?" "It's Cadet Jones." "Cadet Jones, who attacked the ship?" "The home base." "The home base?" You ask puzzled. You stare at the Cadet's eyes. His eyes sink down and his arms and legs go completely limp. "Damnit. He said the home base attacked the ship. That makes no sense", you say outloud. You grab Cadet Jones's dog tags and place them into your pocket. "If I ever return home I'll see to it his family gets this back", you tell yourself. You see a trail of blood leading from the Cadet's body to the back of a wall. >examine wall You examine the trail of blood leading from Cadet Jones's body. It takes you to behind the wall at the far end of the Barracks room. You go behind the wall and find another dead body slumped over a chair. >examine body on chair I only understood you as far as wanting to examine Dead Body. >examine dead body You look at the dead body. After turning it over you realize it's Colonel Jimson. You see a laser pistol in his hand still. "What the hell did Jimson do?" you say outloud. You look into his coat pocket and find a slip of paper and put it into your pocket. You take his laser pistol and holster it in your belt. >inventory You are carrying: Laser Pistol Jimson's Orders Dog Tags Forklift Battery Recorder Yostin Note Hunting Knife >read jimson's orders It looks like orders sent directly from Station Earth to Jimson telling him to execute Plan 9. "What the hell is this!" you ask yourself. >examine dog tags Cadet Jones's dog tags. His blood is covering one of the tags. >examine recorder A small recorder issued to Cadets when they first arrive at the ship. The idea for these was to give the Cadets the opportunity to make personal audio logs to send to their families to feel better connected. The "personal" side was questionable. You had been in the surveillance room several times when the security officer screened every single audio log to document what it said. You would object, but be shut down by a ranking officer. This one lies covered in blood on the ground next to a bench. >look around You can't see any such thing. >look West Barracks A trail of blood leads from the body of the Cadet to behind a wall at the end of the room. The main Barracks Hall is to the east. You can see Cadet here. >east Barracks Hall The Barracks Hall has nothing of interest in it. It looks like someone cleaned the place out in a hurry. This would normally be a place for socializing and interaction for the young cadets. You see a tunnel to the west and one to the east. The Subway Station is to the south of you. You can see Barracks Door here. >south Barracks Entry The Barracks Entry door has been released opening north to the Barracks Hall. The Subway Station is in view to the south. You can see Barracks Door here. >south Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >west Labs Hall The entryway to the Labs. It has a heavily barricaded gate with a six sided indentation on the middle of the gate. The Subway Station is to the east. You can see Gate here. >examine gate A large steel gate sits between you and the Laboratory. On the gate in the middle is a six sided indentation making a hexagon type pattern. The indentations dip about an inch into the lock. Nothing else is on the door. >examine hexagon You can't see any such thing. >examine lock You can't see any such thing. >east Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >east Warehouse A large warehouse where all incoming and outgoing cargo or shipments of any kind process. The manager desk lies at the entryway. Along the far wall are three large Shelves that organize where each shipment is placed. The Subway Station is to the West of the Warehouse. >examine orange shelf I only understood you as far as wanting to examine Orange Placard. >examine orange placard An Orange Placard with an arrow pointing up on it. There's no pending shipments in this section currently. >examine shelves Three large shelves that organize the shipment locations. There are three placards next to each shelf each with a color. One Placard is Green, One Placard is Red, and the last Placard is Orange. What does this mean? >examine red placard A Red Placard with nothing on it. There's no pending shipments in this section currently. >examine green placard A Green Placard with an arrow pointing down on it. There's no pending shipments in this section currently. >examine desk You look over the manager's desk. You see a clipboard on top of a small stack of items. >look under clipboard You find nothing of interest. >look under desk You find nothing of interest. >put battery on orange placard Putting things on Orange Placard would achieve nothing. >examine shipment You can't see any such thing. >examine cargo There's nothing out of the ordinary. >examine clipboard On the clipboard paper there's a crude drawing of three shelves with colors marked on them, green, red and orange. >take drawing You can't see any such thing. >examine drawing You can't see any such thing. >take clipboard There's really no reason to take this. >move clipboard There's really no reason to do that. >west Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >south Engineering Bay You cannot enter the Engineering Port until you open the Entry Gate. The bay once was busy with ships coming and going. You see no pods or escape options parked in the bay. You can see Entry Gate here. >open entry gate It seems to be locked. >unlock entry gate What do you want to unlock Entry Gate with? >ohhhhhh You can't see any such thing. >north Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >north Barracks Entry The Barracks Entry door has been released opening north to the Barracks Hall. The Subway Station is in view to the south. You can see Barracks Door here. >west You can't go that way. >north Barracks Hall The Barracks Hall has nothing of interest in it. It looks like someone cleaned the place out in a hurry. This would normally be a place for socializing and interaction for the young cadets. You see a tunnel to the west and one to the east. The Subway Station is to the south of you. You can see Barracks Door here. >west West Barracks A trail of blood leads from the body of the Cadet to behind a wall at the end of the room. The main Barracks Hall is to the east. You can see Cadet here. >follow trail That's not a verb I recognise. >examine wall You investigate the area again and find nothing. >examine dead body Jimson's lifeless body lies there. >look in jimson's pocket I only understood you as far as wanting to look in Jimson's Orders. >examine jimson Jimson lies there dead. >examine cadet The cadet's dead body lies still on the ground. A trail of blood leads from his body to behind a wall at the end of the room. >take jimson keycard I only understood you as far as wanting to take Colonel Jimson. >look for keycard You can't see any such thing. >aest That's not a verb I recognise. >east Barracks Hall The Barracks Hall has nothing of interest in it. It looks like someone cleaned the place out in a hurry. This would normally be a place for socializing and interaction for the young cadets. You see a tunnel to the west and one to the east. The Subway Station is to the south of you. You can see Barracks Door here. >east East Barracks The East Barracks housed mostly supplies, or the occasional ping pong battle for the cadets. There's a broken down small box forklift in the corner of the room. The Barracks Hall is to the west. >examine ping pong table You can't see any such thing. >examine supplies Various cleaning supplies....Bilco Roger that. >examine bilco roger You can't see any such thing. >examine cleaning supplies You can't see any such thing. >west Barracks Hall The Barracks Hall has nothing of interest in it. It looks like someone cleaned the place out in a hurry. This would normally be a place for socializing and interaction for the young cadets. You see a tunnel to the west and one to the east. The Subway Station is to the south of you. You can see Barracks Door here. >examine barracks door The door has been unlocked. >south Barracks Entry The Barracks Entry door has been released opening north to the Barracks Hall. The Subway Station is in view to the south. You can see Barracks Door here. >south Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >west Labs Hall The entryway to the Labs. It has a heavily barricaded gate with a six sided indentation on the middle of the gate. The Subway Station is to the east. You can see Gate here. >open gate It seems to be locked. >unlock gate What do you want to unlock Gate with? >inventory You are carrying: Laser Pistol Jimson's Orders Dog Tags Forklift Battery Recorder Yostin Note Hunting Knife >open gate with laser pistol That doesn't seem to fit the lock. >shoot gate You can't see any such thing. >examine forklift battery A small battery that powers the forklift in the East Barracks. It looks like it's 12 volts. >examine jimson's orders It looks like orders sent directly from Station Earth to Jimson telling him to execute Plan 9. "What the hell is this!" you ask yourself. >examine laser pistol The standard issued laser sidearm for the Military since the year 2234. It shoots a powerful enough beam to liquidate Tungsten. >shoot lock with laser pistol You can't see any such thing. >east Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >south Engineering Bay You cannot enter the Engineering Port until you open the Entry Gate. The bay once was busy with ships coming and going. You see no pods or escape options parked in the bay. You can see Entry Gate here. >examine entry gate The Entry Gate is a deceptively strong steel door. It looks simple, but it is the most solid door in the ship. In the middle of the gate a slot is placed for where a keycard can be inserted. The keycard slot's red light blinks at you over and over. You can see the twinkling moon of Jandari just beyond the window of the Entry Gate and Bay. >examine moon You can't see any such thing. >examine keycard slot The slot on the gate that accepts a keycard of some kind. This keeps the Entry Gate locked in the Engineering Bay. Damn that little red light you say to yourself. >north Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >enter transport car You entered the return Transport Car. It takes you back to the Ship's West Tunnel. Tunnel West The platform box is in front of you ready to take you to the subway station. The main Tunnel is to the east of the room. You can see Platform Box (empty) and Crate here. >east Tunnels The main tunnels leading to the different areas of the ship. Nothing of interest is here. It looks like any old ship hallway that you've seen millions of times. It connects to a tunnel to the west and a tunnel to the north. You can see Port door here. >north Tunnel North You're in the tunnel immediately North of the main tunnels hallway. At the end of the hallway is a Storage Room welded shut for some reason. There's no way it will budge. The main Tunnels Hallway is south of you. The dead body of, Lieutenant Yostin, lies on the floor. It looks like his left arm has been severed from his body. >open door with pistol You can't see any such thing. >open welded door You can't see any such thing. >examine door You can't see any such thing. >examine storage room A Storage room where the hinges and door have been welded shut. You'd need something powerful to be able to cut this open. "Why the hell is this like this," you say to yourself. >cut door with laser pistol You can't see any such thing. >shoot door You can't see any such thing. >enter storage room That's not something you can enter. >cut storage door I only understood you as far as wanting to cut Storage Room. >cut storage room Cutting it up would achieve little. >shoot storage room (with Laser Pistol) You use the pistol on the door. The laser cuts away the welds quickly. The storage room door falls to the ground as you leap to the side to avoid being hit. A pile of corpses rolls out onto the floor. >examine corpses Among the many corpses is, Major Brickton. "Who did all of this," you say outloud. >examine brickton You examine the body of Major Brickton. You notice in his pocket he has a small orb like device. You place it into your pocket. >inventory You are carrying: Orb Laser Pistol Jimson's Orders Dog Tags Forklift Battery Recorder Yostin Note Hunting Knife >examine orb It's a small orb ornament of some kind. It has six lines along the sides of itself. You can see something behind the small lines in the object. "I wonder if Brickton had some way of opening this," you say to yourself outloud. >south Tunnels The main tunnels leading to the different areas of the ship. Nothing of interest is here. It looks like any old ship hallway that you've seen millions of times. It connects to a tunnel to the west and a tunnel to the north. You can see Port door here. >west Tunnel West The platform box is in front of you ready to take you to the subway station. The main Tunnel is to the east of the room. You can see Platform Box (empty) and Crate here. >enter platform box You entered the Platform Box. It rides along the cable line bringing you to the ships internal Subway Station. The Platform Box goes back to the West Tunnel after a short time. Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >west Labs Hall The entryway to the Labs. It has a heavily barricaded gate with a six sided indentation on the middle of the gate. The Subway Station is to the east. You can see Gate here. >unlock gate with orb The gate doesn't have any sort of traditional lock on it. It has a six sided indentation that looks like something can be placed inside of it. >open orb You press your fingers into one of the slits in the Orb top and pry it open. You pry open the whole top of the orb and it forms a six sided shape on the top of it. >unlock gate with orb The gate doesn't have any sort of traditional lock on it. It has a six sided indentation that looks like something can be placed inside of it. >unlock gate What do you want to unlock Gate with? >orb The gate doesn't have any sort of traditional lock on it. It has a six sided indentation that looks like something can be placed inside of it. >push orb into gate You can't see any such thing. >push orb into lock You can't see any such thing. >inventory You are carrying: Orb Laser Pistol Jimson's Orders Dog Tags Forklift Battery Recorder Yostin Note Hunting Knife >examine orb The orb has been opened on the top forming a six sided shape. >use orb on gate That's not a verb I recognise. >put orb on gate Putting things on Gate would achieve nothing. >put orb in gate You place the shaped orb onto the indentations on the gate. You hear a short ringing noise along with the sound of sprockets clanking. The indentation twists to the right twice with the orb inside of it. The gate then opens freely revealing the entry into the Laboratory to the West. >west (first opening Gate) Laboratory The labs are small. Even as a Captain on the Crusade you didn't know exactly what went on in these labs. You didn't care to know either. The Audio Log Mainframe sits in the middle of the back wall. The mainframe eraticly flashes red at you from across the room. You can see Gate, Storage Locker (closed) and Hard Drive here. >examine hard drive A small hard drive sitting on Dr. Jeffer's desk. It isn't labeled. There might be something on it if you can find somewhere to plug it into. >take hard drive You grab the Hard Drive. It uses a standard usb socket. Technology hasn't progressed in some ways.... >examine mainframe The Audio Log Mainframe housed all of the lab video entries. Normally it has some output/input sockets on one side. You can't remember which side. Every day the head Scientist Officer was to record their findings for the day. It's been turned off and the power light is flashing red. The Power Port on the side has been stripped of it's power source. >examine power port The Power Port to the Audio Log Mainframe has a slot for a power source. It looks like it would take a standard battery. >inventory You are carrying: Hard Drive Laser Pistol Jimson's Orders Dog Tags Forklift Battery Recorder Yostin Note Hunting Knife >put forklift battery in power port You take out the forklift battery and place it into the power port of the mainframe. The light above the mainframe goes green. You hear the voice of Doctor Jeffers: "Captain, if you're alive please listen. We were attacked by station landing Earth. We went too deep on "Project Progress" on our last exploration. The government wanted to take what we found on Planet Yoktar as a constant energy source. However, they didn't want anyone finding out the true power of the crystals we found. Once our team did our job and discovered the full extent of the power of the crystals, The Authority, decided to have the ship destroyed so no one would live to tell their potential secrets. However, they decided it would be better to create a facade that our ship is on an extended exploration. Eventually, The Authority, planned to lead the ship into the depths of space to be lost forever. I feel naive for not thinking of this sooner. I'm sorry, Captain. By this time likely there's no more pods. Find the panel on the wall to the left of the mainframe. Press the panel inwards. If there's any pods left they'll be in the engineering bay. Doctor Jeffers signing off" You press your hand along the wall to the left and find the panel. After pressing in the panel, it slides revealing Doctor Jeffer's lab coat. >examine coat You check Doctor Jeffer's lab coat. In the pockets you find a keycard to the Engineering Room. You hear the Subway Train being called back from the Labs Room. "Who the hell could be on the ship?" you say outloud. You hear the Subway Train quickly coming back from the station approaching the Labs. "Either they're friendly or not," you say to yourself. Suddenly, the Subway Car doors open and you hear footsteps approaching the room you're standing in. >take keycard You already have that. >hide That's not a verb I recognise. >pull out laser pistol I only understood you as far as wanting to pull outside. >enter storage locker Darkness It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing. You shove yourself into the tight locker. You can barely breathe. You hear a voice. "I know that bastard is somewhere on this ship. Let's go check the Barracks." You hear the footsteps slowly dissipate away in the distance. >exit locker I only understood you as far as wanting to exit. >exit storage locker I only understood you as far as wanting to exit. >open storage locker You open Storage Locker. Laboratory (in Storage Locker) The Laboratory sits empty. The Audio Log Mainframe now has a solid green light above it. The Subway Station is to the east. You can see Gate here. >east You would have to get out of Storage Locker first. >get out of locker I only understood you as far as wanting to get outside. >get out of storage locker I only understood you as far as wanting to get outside. >get out You get out of Storage Locker. Laboratory The Laboratory sits empty. The Audio Log Mainframe now has a solid green light above it. The Subway Station is to the east. You can see Gate and Storage Locker (empty) here. >east Labs Hall The gate is now released allowing entry into the laboratory to the west of this room. The Subway Station is to the east. You can see Gate here. >east Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >south Engineering Bay You cannot enter the Engineering Port until you open the Entry Gate. The bay once was busy with ships coming and going. You see no pods or escape options parked in the bay. You can see Entry Gate here. >unlock entry gate What do you want to unlock Entry Gate with? >keycard (Engineering Keycard) That doesn't seem to fit the lock. >examine entry gate The Entry Gate is a deceptively strong steel door. It looks simple, but it is the most solid door in the ship. In the middle of the gate a slot is placed for where a keycard can be inserted. The keycard slot's red light blinks at you over and over. You can see the twinkling moon of Jandari just beyond the window of the Entry Gate and Bay. >insert keycard What do you want to insert Engineering Keycard in? >slot (Engineering Keycard in Keycard Slot) You insert the Engineering Keycard in the keycard slot. A loud beep rings out. The door in front of you unlocks then swings open revealing the hallway leading to the Engineering Port to the south. >south Engineering Port You enter the port. Immediately in front of you is an armed Authority soldier. You fake a heart attack as he holds you up with his weapon. He comes to you slowly and stumbles dropping his pistol to the ground. You pick up the pistol and immediately shoot him in the head. His lifeless body now lies on the floor. You are quite the actor, Captain Pitker. The Engineering Port usually held the Star Force's cutting edge of tech, vehicles, and weaponry. Everything was taken. One destroyed Land Dweller burned nearly to non recognition is all that remains in the port. The Authority symbol is plastered all over the walls. This was the government's crown jewel of rooms on the ship. The main port window is lit up with cosmic color. The communicator on the ship is the only thing that appears to be functioning. You can see Entry Gate here. >examine window The port window is lit up with hues of dark purple and blue. Space really looks endless from here. >examine communicator The communicator has the capability to contact any substation or station landings across the galaxies. The power button is to the left of the unlit screen. There's a keypad to the left of the Communicator. >press power button You push the button to the on position. The screen flickers for a moment then shuts itself off. >examine communicator The communicator has the capability to contact any substation or station landings across the galaxies. The power button is to the left of the unlit screen. There's a keypad to the left of the Communicator. >press power button You push the button to the on position. The screen flickers for a moment then shuts itself off. >examine keypad The keypad has three columns on it. The columns at the top have a color marked. The columns are ordered as Red, Green, Orange. The keypad has numbers on it that can be used to enter any combination. >key 6 (into the Keypad) The keypad blinks once and makes a postive sounding ring in the room. >key 4 (into the Keypad) The keypad blinks once and makes a postive sounding ring in the room. >key 3 (into the Keypad) The Keypad blinks red three times. You hear a loud buzz noise. The communicator makes a slight whining noise like it wants to gain power, but it immediately stops. >key 6 (into the Keypad) The keypad blinks once and makes a postive sounding ring in the room. >key 3 (into the Keypad) The keypad blinks once and makes a postive sounding ring in the room. >key 4 (into the Keypad) The Keypad blinks red three times. You hear a loud buzz noise. The communicator makes a slight whining noise like it wants to gain power, but it immediately stops. >inventory You are carrying: Engineering Keycard Hard Drive Laser Pistol Jimson's Orders Dog Tags Recorder Yostin Note Hunting Knife >examine yostin note The note that was in Yostin's pocket. It says "364" on it. >key 3 (into the Keypad) The keypad blinks once and makes a postive sounding ring in the room. >key 5 (into the Keypad) The keypad blinks once and makes a postive sounding ring in the room. >key 4 (into the Keypad) The Keypad blinks red three times. You hear a loud buzz noise. The communicator makes a slight whining noise like it wants to gain power, but it immediately stops. >key 3 (into the Keypad) The keypad blinks once and makes a postive sounding ring in the room. >key 6 (into the Keypad) The keypad blinks once and makes a postive sounding ring in the room. >key 4 (into the Keypad) The Keypad blinks red three times. You hear a loud buzz noise. The communicator makes a slight whining noise like it wants to gain power, but it immediately stops. >east You can't go that way. >look around You can't see any such thing. >look Engineering Port The Engineering Port usually held the Star Force's cutting edge of tech, vehicles, and weaponry. Everything was taken. One destroyed Land Dweller burned nearly to non recognition is all that remains in the port. The Authority symbol is plastered all over the walls. This was the government's crown jewel of rooms on the ship. The main port window is lit up with cosmic color. The communicator on the ship is the only thing that appears to be functioning. You can see Entry Gate here. >north Engineering Bay The entry gate is now unlocked. You can see the beginning of the hallway leading to the Engineering Port to the south. You can see Entry Gate here. >north Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >east Warehouse A large warehouse where all incoming and outgoing cargo or shipments of any kind process. The manager desk lies at the entryway. Along the far wall are three large Shelves that organize where each shipment is placed. The Subway Station is to the West of the Warehouse. >examine clipboard On the clipboard paper there's a crude drawing of three shelves with colors marked on them, green, red and orange. >examine drawing You can't see any such thing. >examine paper You can't see any such thing. >take drawing You can't see any such thing. >examine green placard A Green Placard with an arrow pointing down on it. There's no pending shipments in this section currently. >look under shelf You can't see any such thing. >look under green placard You find nothing of interest. >examine orange placard An Orange Placard with an arrow pointing up on it. There's no pending shipments in this section currently. >examine red placard A Red Placard with nothing on it. There's no pending shipments in this section currently. >west Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >south Engineering Bay The entry gate is now unlocked. You can see the beginning of the hallway leading to the Engineering Port to the south. You can see Entry Gate here. >south Engineering Port The Engineering Port usually held the Star Force's cutting edge of tech, vehicles, and weaponry. Everything was taken. One destroyed Land Dweller burned nearly to non recognition is all that remains in the port. The Authority symbol is plastered all over the walls. This was the government's crown jewel of rooms on the ship. The main port window is lit up with cosmic color. The communicator on the ship is the only thing that appears to be functioning. You can see Entry Gate here. >examine mainframe You can't see any such thing. >examine communicator The communicator has the capability to contact any substation or station landings across the galaxies. The power button is to the left of the unlit screen. There's a keypad to the left of the Communicator. >examine keypad The keypad has three columns on it. The columns at the top have a color marked. The columns are ordered as Red, Green, Orange. The keypad has numbers on it that can be used to enter any combination. >key 4 (into the Keypad) The keypad blinks once and makes a postive sounding ring in the room. >key 3 (into the Keypad) The keypad blinks once and makes a postive sounding ring in the room. >key 6 (into the Keypad) The Keypad blinks red three times. You hear a loud buzz noise. The communicator makes a slight whining noise like it wants to gain power, but it immediately stops. >examine power A small orange power button that can be pushed to the on position. >press power button You push the button to the on position. The screen flickers for a moment then shuts itself off. >check power cable I only understood you as far as wanting to check Power Button. >check power A small orange power button that can be pushed to the on position. >north Engineering Bay The entry gate is now unlocked. You can see the beginning of the hallway leading to the Engineering Port to the south. You can see Entry Gate here. >north Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >east Warehouse A large warehouse where all incoming and outgoing cargo or shipments of any kind process. The manager desk lies at the entryway. Along the far wall are three large Shelves that organize where each shipment is placed. The Subway Station is to the West of the Warehouse. >examine red placard A Red Placard with nothing on it. There's no pending shipments in this section currently. >examine green placard A Green Placard with an arrow pointing down on it. There's no pending shipments in this section currently. >look down You stand in front of the Green Placard and look down. Etched onto the floor is the number "1" with the word Green scratched next to it." >examine orange placard An Orange Placard with an arrow pointing up on it. There's no pending shipments in this section currently. >look up You stand in front of the Orange Placard and look up. Etched onto the ceiling is the number "2" with the word Orange scratched next to it." Etched onto the ceiling next to this is the number "9" with the word red scratched next to it." >west Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >west Labs Hall The gate is now released allowing entry into the laboratory to the west of this room. The Subway Station is to the east. You can see Gate here. >south You can't go that way. >east Subway Station What usually is a massive hub of transit with bustling stores, occupied benches, busy paper vendors, and eateries is now desolate and depressing. There are laser marks on the walls indicating there was a shootout of some kind. You see four rails marked in the Subway Station: North Rail - Barracks Hall/Entry East Rail - Warehouse West Rail - Laboratory Hall South Rail - Engineering Bay An auto piloted Transport car is docked at the station to use if you need to return to the Tunnel West. You can see Transport Car (empty) here. >south Engineering Bay The entry gate is now unlocked. You can see the beginning of the hallway leading to the Engineering Port to the south. You can see Entry Gate here. >south Engineering Port The Engineering Port usually held the Star Force's cutting edge of tech, vehicles, and weaponry. Everything was taken. One destroyed Land Dweller burned nearly to non recognition is all that remains in the port. The Authority symbol is plastered all over the walls. This was the government's crown jewel of rooms on the ship. The main port window is lit up with cosmic color. The communicator on the ship is the only thing that appears to be functioning. You can see Entry Gate here. >examine communicator The communicator has the capability to contact any substation or station landings across the galaxies. The power button is to the left of the unlit screen. There's a keypad to the left of the Communicator. >examine keypad The keypad has three columns on it. The columns at the top have a color marked. The columns are ordered as Red, Green, Orange. The keypad has numbers on it that can be used to enter any combination. >key 9 (into the Keypad) The keypad blinks once and makes a postive sounding ring in the room. >key 1 (into the Keypad) The keypad blinks once and makes a postive sounding ring in the room. >key 2 (into the Keypad) The keypad blinks green three times. You hear a loud hum and clank come into the room. A small surge of power hits the Communicator causing it's screen to have a slight hue of green. >examine communicator The screen and keypad are now lit with a faint hue of green. The power button has a slight orange glow to it that shines across the room. >press power button You push the button to the on position. The screen of the Communicator turns on. The computer's green color fills the screen. You hear a voice come over the Communicator. "Captain, this is Smith. You made it. Well done. As you might have noticed the Authority has already sent multiple troops to find you. We are pressed for time. I have been able to hijack and have an escape pod arrive at the Engineering Port for your use. I have disabled the tracking beacon, so they can't find you." You look outside and see the small pod arrive slowly at the bay door. "You have the choice of either taking the escape pod and leaving this all behind. Instead of doing that you could also lead the ship directly into the Station Landing on Earth. The materials your crew discovered are powerful enough upon any extreme collision to cause an explosion larger than any blast known to man. It would destroy the Station Landing and lead to a much needed upheaval this planet has so long needed. I have entered the coordinates to the Station Landing as your ship's destination and jammed their frequencies. I will leave the choice up to you. Captain, I wish you luck if I don't hear from you again." The line then dropped. The small hum of the Communicator is all you can hear in the room. >take escape pod You can't take that. You can get in it though....and you know....leave. >get in escape pod You enter the escape pod. You feel the engine start to thrust the small ship away from the SS Crusade. The year is now 2910. You hide in seclusion on the far moon of Handere. You have no visitors. Out of fear of the Authority finding you, you remain incognito for the rest of your years. Besides the anonymous package you sent to the relatives of Cadet Jones containing his dog tags, you have been completely shut off from the world. The Authority continues controlling the galaxies with an iron fist. *** The End *** Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command? > undo Engineering Port [Previous turn undone.] >crash ship That's not a verb I recognise. >navigate ship That's not a verb I recognise. >go to station landing You can't see any such thing. >look Engineering Port The Engineering Port usually held the Star Force's cutting edge of tech, vehicles, and weaponry. Everything was taken. One destroyed Land Dweller burned nearly to non recognition is all that remains in the port. The Authority symbol is plastered all over the walls. This was the government's crown jewel of rooms on the ship. The main port window is lit up with cosmic color. The communicator on the ship is the only thing that appears to be functioning. You can see Destination Button, Escape Pod (empty) and Entry Gate here. >press destination button After much thought, you decide to push the Destination Button. You feel the roar of the ship's engines rumble throughout the ship. You quickly strap youself into the jumpseat next to the button and Communicator. The color of the galaxy from the port window then blends to dark and bright shades of purple and teal. After ten seconds you see Earth in the distance approaching. The ship begins to rattle harshly. Sparks can be seen and heard throughout the Engineering Port. You close your eyes.....there's darkness.... then you suddenly feel cold. The year is 2910. The twenty year anniversary of the revolution of Earth is celebrated. A statue of your likeness is bolstered high above the buildings. Parades can be heard for miles ringing out with music, cheer, and fireworks. They shout your name over and over. Freedom was found because of you and your self sacrifice. *** The End ***