Then it really has happened, after all. You are Where Nothing Is Ever Named It's very cool and shady. You can see something and the other thing here. >examine moth You can't see any such thing. >examine something It's black and white and rather small. >examine other thing It's big and brown. >examine black and white thing It's black and white and rather small. >examine marble You can't see any such thing. >touch something You pet it. It purrs slightly. >examine cat You can't see any such thing. >touch other thing You stroke it. It looks pleased. >listen to something All is silent. >pick up something Taken. >listen to something All is silent. Everything is deadly silent. >smell something Futile. >set something down Unintelligible. >drop something Dropped. >look It's very cool and shady. You can see something and the other thing here. >talk to other thing It looks at you, but doesn't answer. You're scared. >examine self You don't know who you are. >wait You wait. >examine nothing Nothing will come of nothing. You're scared and disorientated. >look up It's all the same wherever you look. >become cat Unintelligible. >walk north You walk for a while. It's all the same. Cold. Empty. Nameless. Starting to feel tired, you return where you began. You need to get out of here. >wake up You're wide awake. >examine tree You can't see any such thing. >examine source of shade You can't see any such thing. >examine light You can't see any such thing. >examine shade You can't see any such thing. >look It's very cool and shady. You can see something and the other thing here. >x other thing It's big and brown. >pick up other thing It's too heavy. Something moves. >x something It's black and white and rather small. Then the other thing moves, too. >follow something Incomprehensible. >wait You wait. Something meows. >x something It's black and white and rather small. >meow Nothing will come of it. The other thing snorts. >bark Unintelligible. >get on other thing You get onto the other thing. >ride forward You can't see any such thing. >take something It's difficult to do while sitting on the other thing. >get off other thing You get off the other thing. It's very cool and shady. You can see something and the other thing here. You're scared. >take something Taken. >get on other thing You get onto the other thing. >ride You gently squeeze the other thing, telling it to go, and leave the damned place for good. You ride on and on. Slowly, one by one, the names return. The soft and warm furry creature in your arms, clinging to you, is a cat. The one you're sitting on is a horse. A cat. A horse. All around you are trees. Trees in the wood. And the beautiful shining ahead... that's sunlight. The End.