Here begins a transcript of interaction with TRINITY An Interactive Fantasy Copyright (C)1986 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved. Trinity is a trademark of Infocom, Inc. Interpreter 1 Version C Release 12 / Serial Number 860926 >u With a fearful gulp, you ascend the narrow stairway. Halfway Up The breeze feels noticeably cooler here, about halfway to the vertex. The landscape below is gray in the shadow of the triangle. >u The air grows colder as you continue your ascent. Vertex The temperature on this tiny platform is well below freezing. But it isn't just the cold that makes your teeth chatter when you look down that narrow stairway, thousands of feet high. Far below, the shadow of the structure stretches across the landscape. From this great altitude it looks like a dark finger, accusing a point on the west horizon. A long metal lever stands at a sharp angle to the platform. At the center of the platform stands a handsome antique sundial. The circumference is enclosed in a wide brass ring. >turn ring to second symbol The sun sweeps across the sky as you rotate the brass ring. It clicks into place at the dial's second symbol. >s Fighting back fear, you descend the stairway. Halfway Down The breeze feels noticeably warmer here, about halfway to the ground. The landscape below is gray in the shadow of the triangle. >s The air grows warmer as you continue your descent. Bottom of Stairs The triangular structure before you must be thousands of feet high. It divides the sky like a razor, casting a stern, precise shadow over the surrounding landscape. A narrow stairway climbs north, up the hypotenuse of the triangle. Footpaths converge on the stair from every direction. You see a birdcage, an axe, a lump of metal, an umbrella, a bag of crumbs and a piece of paper here. Inside the birdcage you see a magpie. "It go BOOM." >w South Bog The ground is damp and squishy underfoot, especially along the stream that wanders west and southeast between the black trees. A dark shadow lies across the ground. >w Waterfall A curtain of water tumbles off the western cliffs into a deep, rocky pool. From there, a mountain stream wanders off into the forest. Footpaths follow the stream east, past a giant toadstool. The white door in its stem is wide open. A flight of stone steps has been hewn into the face of the north cliff. A triangular shadow lies across the ground. Its sharp point rests exactly on the open door in the toadstool. >enter door You slowly edge yourself through the white door. Earth Orbit You're five hundred miles above a sea of ice, hurtling in profound silence over the Arctic atmosphere. Layers of crimson and violet describe the curve of the horizon, blending imperceptibly into a black sky crowded with stars. The white door drops away behind you. The total lack of air pressure is making you uncomfortable. You watch helplessly as the white door dwindles to a distant speck, vanishing at last between the horns of the rising moon. Hmm. It seems that your blood is beginning to boil. >x moon The moon is a delicate crescent, hovering just above the horizon. Far ahead, a satellite drifts into view. You lose consciousness just as your internal organs begin to rupture. The River You're on a lifeless strip of sand beside a great river. The water is unnaturally dark and still; ribbons of mist coil across its surface like ghostly fingers, obscuring what lies beyond. As you peer across the river you notice a lone vessel gliding out of the fog. You can make out a dark oarsman at the stern. The oarsman guides his dory to a soundless landing. Something in the way he crooks his skeletal finger compels you to board. You surrender a silver coin you didn't know you had, take a seat and wait patiently for your first glimpse of the opposite shore. [Your score is 37 points out of 100, in 447 moves. This gives you the rank of Explorer.] Do you want to restart the story, restore a saved position, or quit? [Type RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT.] >restore [RESTORE completed.] Bottom of Stairs The triangular structure before you must be thousands of feet high. It divides the sky like a razor, casting a stern, precise shadow over the surrounding landscape. A narrow stairway climbs north, up the hypotenuse of the triangle. Footpaths converge on the stair from every direction. You see a birdcage, an axe, a lump of metal, an umbrella, a bag of crumbs and a piece of paper here. Inside the birdcage you see a magpie. >n With a fearful gulp, you ascend the narrow stairway. Halfway Up The breeze feels noticeably cooler here, about halfway to the vertex. The landscape below is gray in the shadow of the triangle. >n The air grows colder as you continue your ascent. Vertex The temperature on this tiny platform is well below freezing. But it isn't just the cold that makes your teeth chatter when you look down that narrow stairway, thousands of feet high. Far below, the shadow of the structure stretches across the landscape. From this great altitude it looks like a dark finger, accusing a point on the west horizon. A long metal lever stands at a sharp angle to the platform. At the center of the platform stands a handsome antique sundial. The circumference is enclosed in a wide brass ring. >turn ring to third symbol The sun sweeps across the sky as you rotate the brass ring. It clicks into place at the dial's third symbol. >s Fighting back fear, you descend the stairway. Halfway Down The breeze feels noticeably warmer here, about halfway to the ground. The landscape below is gray in the shadow of the triangle. >s The air grows warmer as you continue your descent. Bottom of Stairs The triangular structure before you must be thousands of feet high. It divides the sky like a razor, casting a stern, precise shadow over the surrounding landscape. A narrow stairway climbs north, up the hypotenuse of the triangle. Footpaths converge on the stair from every direction. You see a birdcage, an axe, a lump of metal, an umbrella, a bag of crumbs and a piece of paper here. Inside the birdcage you see a magpie. The magpie screeches, "It go BOOM." >w South Bog The ground is damp and squishy underfoot, especially along the stream that wanders west and southeast between the black trees. >w Waterfall A curtain of water tumbles off the western cliffs into a deep, rocky pool. From there, a mountain stream wanders off into the forest. Footpaths follow the stream east, past a giant toadstool. The white door in its stem is closed. A flight of stone steps has been hewn into the face of the north cliff. >n You carefully ascend the stone steps. Cemetery Gloomy statues lie toppled among the tombstones, their broken limbs and heads scattered like the carnage of a ghastly battle. A granite crypt lies across the ground. Beyond it rises the mound of an ancient barrow. A black tunnel leads north, into the barrow. Sudden drops fall away on every side but south, where a flight of stone steps descends the cliff. >n Barrow The splinter's ghostly flicker does little to dispel the gloom of this subterranean passage. Craggy walls bend away to the north and south. A barrow wight is skulking about in the darkness close at hand. A skeleton key is sticking out of the wall. A clatter breaks the silence! You turn, and watch helplessly as a spiked door crashes down across the south exit. The barrow wight is watching you with interest. >n The barrow wight slinks out of your way. Ossuary Naked slopes veer upward on every side, forming a natural hollow that is filled to a depth of several inches with human bones. The only exit is a dark opening to the south. A giant toadstool is flourishing in the rich fertilizer. The white door in its stem is wide open. A triangular shadow lies across the ground. Its sharp point rests exactly on the open door in the toadstool. >enter door You explore the door's edge with a timid foot. Underground You're in a narrow underground chamber, illuminated by an open door in the east wall. The walls and ceiling are gouged with deep spiral ruts; they look as if they've been routed out with heavy machinery. A large cylinder occupies most of the chamber. The maze of cables and pipes surrounding it trails west, into the depths of a tunnel. A lantern is lying in the dirt at your feet. >get lantern Taken. [Your score just went up by 1 point. The total is now 38 out of 100.] >x lantern The waterproof lantern is more than a foot long. Its switch is turned off. >x cylinder The cylinder is about three feet in diameter and ten feet long. Warnings indicate the presence of radioactivity. >e You slip through the white door. Ossuary Naked slopes veer upward on every side, forming a natural hollow that is filled to a depth of several inches with human bones. The only exit is a dark opening to the south. A giant toadstool is flourishing in the rich fertilizer. A triangular shadow lies across the ground. Its sharp point rests exactly on the toadstool. The white door fades away into the texture of the toadstool. >w Underground The cables and pipes lining the tunnel's walls look like bloated veins and arteries in the splinter's flickering glow. Deep tunnels bend off to the east and west. Some careless technician has left a walkie-talkie lying in the dirt. As you study the equipment you spot something moving in the corner of your eye. It's... what do you call them?... yes! A skink. The skink blinks helplessly in the glow of the splinter, and scrambles away down the west tunnel. >get walkie [the walkie-talkie] Taken. [Your score just went up by 1 point. The total is now 39 out of 100.] >x it The walkie-talkie has a rocker switch, a numbered slider, a telescoping antenna (now lowered) and a large orange button. >x cables The cables and pipes lead west, into the tunnel. >w Underground The west end of the tunnel is sealed off with a landslide of rocks and dirt. Numerous cables and pipes emerge from the rubble, trailing away to the east. The splinter's feeble glow reveals a narrow crevice in the wall of the tunnel. A skink is squinting at you from the shadows nearby. With a nimble leap, the skink scrambles into the dark crevice. >x skink It's too dark to see anything in the crevice. >x crevice It's too dark to see anything in the crevice. You can hear something moving in the crevice. >put lantern in crevice The lantern won't fit into the crevice. >put splinter in crevice It doesn't look as if the splinter is going to fit. But you twist it harder against the narrow opening, harder... Thunk. The soft wood falls to the bottom of the crevice, filling it with pale light. The skink scrambles out of the lighted crevice, slips between your legs and scurries away into the east tunnel. >e It's completely dark. Something is scratching around in the darkness. >turn on lantern Click. The lantern emits a warm, yellow beam. Underground The cables and pipes lining the tunnel's walls look like bloated veins and arteries in the dancing beam of the lantern. Deep tunnels bend off to the east and west. A skink is squinting at you from the shadows nearby. The skink blinks helplessly in the beam of the lantern, and scrambles away down the west tunnel. >w Underground The west end of the tunnel is sealed off with a landslide of rocks and dirt. Numerous cables and pipes emerge from the rubble, trailing away to the east. Feeble light shines from a narrow crevice in the wall of the tunnel. A skink is squinting at you from the shadows nearby. The skink winces in the stab of the lantern, and scurries away into the east tunnel. >e Underground The cables and pipes lining the tunnel's walls look like bloated veins and arteries in the dancing beam of the lantern. Deep tunnels bend off to the east and west. A skink is squinting at you from the shadows nearby. The skink blinks helplessly in the beam of the lantern, and scrambles away down the west tunnel. >drop lantern You drop the lantern. >w Underground The west end of the tunnel is sealed off with a landslide of rocks and dirt. Numerous cables and pipes emerge from the rubble, trailing away to the east. Feeble light shines from a narrow crevice in the wall of the tunnel. A skink is squinting at you from the shadows nearby. The skink scurries away into the east tunnel. A moment later it reappears, blinking helplessly from the glow of the lantern. With no place to hide, the flummoxed skink runs in circles at your feet. >take skink Taken. [Your score just went up by 3 points. The total is now 42 out of 100.] The skink squirms violently in your hand. >put skink in pocket You put the skink in your pocket. The skink squirms uncomfortably for a moment, then lies still. >x skink You'll have to take it out of your pocket first. The skink squirms in your pocket. >get skink You take the skink out of your pocket. The skink squirms violently in your hand. >x skink It's a scaly lizard, four inches long, with big eyes and a little pink mouth. With a sudden lurch, the skink wiggles out of your grasp and scurries into the lighted crevice. >put skink in pocket You put the skink in your pocket. The skink squirms uncomfortably for a moment, then lies still. >e Underground The cables and pipes lining the tunnel's walls look like bloated veins and arteries in the beam of the lantern. Deep tunnels bend off to the east and west. There's a lantern (providing light) here. >get lantern You pick up the lantern. >e Underground You're in a narrow underground chamber, illuminated by an open door in the east wall. The walls and ceiling are gouged with deep spiral ruts; they look as if they've been routed out with heavy machinery. A large cylinder occupies most of the chamber. The maze of cables and pipes surrounding it trails west, into the depths of a tunnel. The skink in your pocket scratches restlessly. >w Underground The cables and pipes lining the tunnel's walls look like bloated veins and arteries in the dancing beam of the lantern. Deep tunnels bend off to the east and west. >w Underground The west end of the tunnel is sealed off with a landslide of rocks and dirt. Numerous cables and pipes emerge from the rubble, trailing away to the east. Feeble light shines from a narrow crevice in the wall of the tunnel. >get splinter You can't quite reach the splinter. The crevice is too deep. You can feel the skink moving in your pocket. >e Underground The cables and pipes lining the tunnel's walls look like bloated veins and arteries in the dancing beam of the lantern. Deep tunnels bend off to the east and west. >e Underground You're in a narrow underground chamber, illuminated by an open door in the east wall. The walls and ceiling are gouged with deep spiral ruts; they look as if they've been routed out with heavy machinery. A large cylinder occupies most of the chamber. The maze of cables and pipes surrounding it trails west, into the depths of a tunnel. >e You slip through the white door. Ossuary Naked slopes veer upward on every side, forming a natural hollow that is filled to a depth of several inches with human bones. The only exit is a dark opening to the south. A giant toadstool is flourishing in the rich fertilizer. A triangular shadow lies across the ground. Its sharp point rests exactly on the toadstool. The white door fades away into the texture of the toadstool. >save [SAVE completed.] >