Here begins a transcript of interaction with TRINITY An Interactive Fantasy Copyright (C)1986 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved. Trinity is a trademark of Infocom, Inc. Interpreter 1 Version C Release 12 / Serial Number 860926 >x book The open book is so wide, it's impossible to touch both edges with your arms outstretched. Its thousands of vellum leaves form a two-foot heap on either side of the spine; the rich binding probably required the cooperation of twenty calves. >read book It's hard to divine the purpose of the calligraphy. Every page begins with a descriptive heading ("How Wabewalker enters the first of Seven Portals," for instance) followed by a list of imperatives (prayers? formulae?), each preceded by an arrow-shaped glyph. The writing ends abruptly on the page you found open, under the heading "How Wabewalker ponders yet again over the Book of Hours." The last few incantations read: >SCRIPT >X BOOK >READ BOOK >w Bluff A spectacular crop of toadstools extends far and wide across the valley below. Narrow trails curve southeast and southwest, away from the edge of the bluff. To the east stands a little cottage, nestled in a shady copse. The front door is open. >sw Chasm's Brink The chasm at your feet is striped with colorful layers of rock. Narrow paths twist northeast and northwest, uneasily close to the edge. Other trails lead off into the forest. To the north, a rocky mesa towers like a golf tee from the depths of the chasm. Only thirty feet separate you from its flattened summit. An oak tree lies fallen across the chasm. >s The forest is too dense that way. >se The Bend An exhausted stream trickles into a river that bends to the south and east. The opposite shore is veiled behind a thick mist. Paths meander off in many directions from the river's edge. >sw Trellises A fortresslike wall of arborvitaes stretches east and west through the forest. The only breach is an identical pair of arched trellises. A mountain stream trickles between the trees. Paths wander from its banks in many directions. >n Bottom of Stairs The triangular structure before you must be thousands of feet high. It divides the sky like a razor, casting a stern, precise shadow over the surrounding landscape. A narrow stairway climbs north, up the hypotenuse of the triangle. Footpaths converge on the stair from every direction. You see a birdcage, an umbrella, a bag of crumbs, a piece of paper and an axe here. Inside the birdcage you see a magpie. The magpie blinks at you. >i You're holding a splinter (providing light). You're wearing a wristwatch, and you have a small coin and a credit card in your pocket. >get axe Taken. >put splinter in pocket The splinter is too big to fit in your pocket. "Awk! Put splinter in pocket." >w South Bog The ground is damp and squishy underfoot, especially along the stream that wanders west and southeast between the black trees. >n North Bog A thick, suffocating miasma lingers among the trees; the black earth is squishy with corruption. You can hear dripping liquids and other moist sounds close by. Paths wander off in many directions. High rock walls curve away to the north and southwest. A big Venus flytrap is growing nearby. Its crimson jaws are wide open, exposing a cavity that gleams with sweet-smelling ichor. >x flytrap The flytrap's open jaws are fully three feet across. The inside is coated with a glistening ichor that resembles morning dew. >search flytrap The inside of the flytrap is coated with a glistening ichor that resembles morning dew. >w The cliff blocks your path. >n Promontory This crag of rock juts out over the surrounding chasm, ending at an abrupt drop several hundred feet deep. Rugged trails wind south and southeast. A rather large boy sits nearby, listening to a pair of headphones and idly blowing soap bubbles. There's a dish full of soapy water by his side. The boy dips the bubble wand in the dish and swishes it around. >s North Bog A thick, suffocating miasma lingers among the trees; the black earth is squishy with corruption. You can hear dripping liquids and other moist sounds close by. Paths wander off in many directions. High rock walls curve away to the north and southwest. A big Venus flytrap is growing nearby. Its crimson jaws are wide open, exposing a cavity that gleams with sweet-smelling ichor. >s South Bog The ground is damp and squishy underfoot, especially along the stream that wanders west and southeast between the black trees. >w Waterfall A curtain of water tumbles off the western cliffs into a deep, rocky pool. From there, a mountain stream wanders off into the forest. Footpaths follow the stream east, past a giant toadstool. The white door in its stem is closed. A flight of stone steps has been hewn into the face of the north cliff. >w You edge around the curtain of water. Ice Cavern You're in a vast underground cavern, cold enough to see your breath. Icicles on the ceiling glitter in the light shining in through an opening in the east wall. Beyond it, a curtain of water fills the cavern with its splashing roar. >x icicle The icicles cover the ceiling of the cavern, high out of reach. >hit icicle with axe Nice try. Unfortunately, the axe isn't long enough to reach the icicles. >throw axe at icicle The axe strikes the icicles and lands at your feet. An icicle breaks off the ceiling and falls to the ground. >x icicle The icicle looks like a crystal needle, eighteen inches long. >get icicle Taken. [Your score just went up by 1 point. The total is now 33 out of 100.] >e You edge your way around the waterfall. Waterfall A curtain of water tumbles off the western cliffs into a deep, rocky pool. From there, a mountain stream wanders off into the forest. Footpaths follow the stream east, past a giant toadstool. The white door in its stem is closed. A flight of stone steps has been hewn into the face of the north cliff. >e South Bog The ground is damp and squishy underfoot, especially along the stream that wanders west and southeast between the black trees. >e Bottom of Stairs The triangular structure before you must be thousands of feet high. It divides the sky like a razor, casting a stern, precise shadow over the surrounding landscape. A narrow stairway climbs north, up the hypotenuse of the triangle. Footpaths converge on the stair from every direction. You see a birdcage, an umbrella, a bag of crumbs and a piece of paper here. Inside the birdcage you see a magpie. The warm air makes the icicle glisten. "Awk! Crescent moon." >ne Under Cliff Smooth walls of rock vault straight up and then lean inward, forming a natural roof that partially hides the sky. Trails lead out from under the cliff in many directions. A swarm of bees has staked out this formation for itself by building an enormous hive under the arch. The faint buzzing sound from the hive is magnified by the cliff's acoustics into a loud, frightening drone. It's getting hard to hold the slippery icicle. >e Crater's Edge The forest around you is bent and splintered, as if a mighty fist had smashed through the branches. Sooty fumes hang in the air; the earth is dark with ashes and rubble. The eastern path ends at the lip of a deep crater, forty or fifty feet across. The icicle is almost too slippery to hold. >e You climb down into the crater. Crater A dark cloud of smoke fills the air with an acrid, smoldering stench. Blackened rubble covers the sides and bottom of the crater. A glowing lump of metal lies half-buried at your feet. The melting icicle slips from your grasp and shatters to bits at your feet. >x metal The lump of metal is roughly the size and shape of a large grapefruit. Its surface glows with heat. >w You scramble out of the crater. Crater's Edge The forest around you is bent and splintered, as if a mighty fist had smashed through the branches. Sooty fumes hang in the air; the earth is dark with ashes and rubble. The eastern path ends at the lip of a deep crater, forty or fifty feet across. >w Under Cliff Smooth walls of rock vault straight up and then lean inward, forming a natural roof that partially hides the sky. Trails lead out from under the cliff in many directions. A swarm of bees has staked out this formation for itself by building an enormous hive under the arch. The faint buzzing sound from the hive is magnified by the cliff's acoustics into a loud, frightening drone. >e Crater's Edge The forest around you is bent and splintered, as if a mighty fist had smashed through the branches. Sooty fumes hang in the air; the earth is dark with ashes and rubble. The eastern path ends at the lip of a deep crater, forty or fifty feet across. >sw The Bend An exhausted stream trickles into a river that bends to the south and east. The opposite shore is veiled behind a thick mist. Paths meander off in many directions from the river's edge. >w Bottom of Stairs The triangular structure before you must be thousands of feet high. It divides the sky like a razor, casting a stern, precise shadow over the surrounding landscape. A narrow stairway climbs north, up the hypotenuse of the triangle. Footpaths converge on the stair from every direction. You see a birdcage, an umbrella, a bag of crumbs and a piece of paper here. Inside the birdcage you see a magpie. >w South Bog The ground is damp and squishy underfoot, especially along the stream that wanders west and southeast between the black trees. >w Waterfall A curtain of water tumbles off the western cliffs into a deep, rocky pool. From there, a mountain stream wanders off into the forest. Footpaths follow the stream east, past a giant toadstool. The white door in its stem is closed. A flight of stone steps has been hewn into the face of the north cliff. >w You edge around the curtain of water. Ice Cavern You're in a vast underground cavern, cold enough to see your breath. Icicles on the ceiling glitter in the light shining in through an opening in the east wall. Beyond it, a curtain of water fills the cavern with its splashing roar. There's an axe here. >throw axe at icicle You're not holding an axe. >get axe You take the axe. >throw it at icicle The axe strikes the icicles and lands at your feet. You're showered with useless ice fragments. >get axe You take the axe. >throw it at icicle The axe strikes the icicles and lands at your feet. You're showered with useless ice fragments. >get axe You pick up the axe. >x icicles The icicles cover the ceiling of the cavern, high out of reach. >restore [RESTORE completed.] Cottage An iron cauldron, brown with the crust of years, squats in the middle of this tiny chamber. Coils of steam writhe from its depths, filling the air with a greasy stench that makes your nose wrinkle. Luckily, the front and back doors are both wide open. A crudely drawn map hangs upon the wall. The biggest book you've ever seen lies open on a pedestal in the corner. >w Bluff A spectacular crop of toadstools extends far and wide across the valley below. Narrow trails curve southeast and southwest, away from the edge of the bluff. To the east stands a little cottage, nestled in a shady copse. The front door is open. >sw Chasm's Brink The chasm at your feet is striped with colorful layers of rock. Narrow paths twist northeast and northwest, uneasily close to the edge. Other trails lead off into the forest. To the north, a rocky mesa towers like a golf tee from the depths of the chasm. Only thirty feet separate you from its flattened summit. An oak tree lies fallen across the chasm. >se The Bend An exhausted stream trickles into a river that bends to the south and east. The opposite shore is veiled behind a thick mist. Paths meander off in many directions from the river's edge. >w Bottom of Stairs The triangular structure before you must be thousands of feet high. It divides the sky like a razor, casting a stern, precise shadow over the surrounding landscape. A narrow stairway climbs north, up the hypotenuse of the triangle. Footpaths converge on the stair from every direction. You see a birdcage, an umbrella, a bag of crumbs, a piece of paper and an axe here. Inside the birdcage you see a magpie. >get axe Taken. The magpie blinks at you. >w South Bog The ground is damp and squishy underfoot, especially along the stream that wanders west and southeast between the black trees. >w Waterfall A curtain of water tumbles off the western cliffs into a deep, rocky pool. From there, a mountain stream wanders off into the forest. Footpaths follow the stream east, past a giant toadstool. The white door in its stem is closed. A flight of stone steps has been hewn into the face of the north cliff. >w You edge around the curtain of water. Ice Cavern You're in a vast underground cavern, cold enough to see your breath. Icicles on the ceiling glitter in the light shining in through an opening in the east wall. Beyond it, a curtain of water fills the cavern with its splashing roar. >throw axe at icicle The axe strikes the icicles and lands at your feet. An icicle breaks off the ceiling and falls to the ground. >get icicle You take the icicle. [Your score just went up by 1 point. The total is now 33 out of 100.] >e You edge your way around the waterfall. Waterfall A curtain of water tumbles off the western cliffs into a deep, rocky pool. From there, a mountain stream wanders off into the forest. Footpaths follow the stream east, past a giant toadstool. The white door in its stem is closed. A flight of stone steps has been hewn into the face of the north cliff. >e South Bog The ground is damp and squishy underfoot, especially along the stream that wanders west and southeast between the black trees. >e Bottom of Stairs The triangular structure before you must be thousands of feet high. It divides the sky like a razor, casting a stern, precise shadow over the surrounding landscape. A narrow stairway climbs north, up the hypotenuse of the triangle. Footpaths converge on the stair from every direction. You see a birdcage, an umbrella, a bag of crumbs and a piece of paper here. Inside the birdcage you see a magpie. The warm air makes the icicle glisten. The magpie croaks, "Awk! Crescent moon." >n With a fearful gulp, you ascend the narrow stairway. Halfway Up The breeze feels noticeably cooler here, about halfway to the vertex. The landscape below is gray in the shadow of the triangle. It's getting hard to hold the slippery icicle. >n The air grows colder as you continue your ascent. Vertex The temperature on this tiny platform is well below freezing. But it isn't just the cold that makes your teeth chatter when you look down that narrow stairway, thousands of feet high. Far below, the shadow of the structure stretches across the landscape. From this great altitude it looks like a dark finger, accusing a point on the west horizon. A long metal lever stands at a sharp angle to the platform. At the center of the platform stands a handsome antique sundial. The circumference is enclosed in a wide brass ring. The icicle hardens in the thin, frosty air. >x icicle The icicle looks like a crystal needle, eighteen inches long. >z Time passes. >z Time passes. >s Fighting back fear, you descend the stairway. Halfway Down The breeze feels noticeably warmer here, about halfway to the ground. The landscape below is gray in the shadow of the triangle. >s The air grows warmer as you continue your descent. Bottom of Stairs The triangular structure before you must be thousands of feet high. It divides the sky like a razor, casting a stern, precise shadow over the surrounding landscape. A narrow stairway climbs north, up the hypotenuse of the triangle. Footpaths converge on the stair from every direction. You see a birdcage, an umbrella, a bag of crumbs and a piece of paper here. Inside the birdcage you see a magpie. >ne Under Cliff Smooth walls of rock vault straight up and then lean inward, forming a natural roof that partially hides the sky. Trails lead out from under the cliff in many directions. A swarm of bees has staked out this formation for itself by building an enormous hive under the arch. The faint buzzing sound from the hive is magnified by the cliff's acoustics into a loud, frightening drone. The warm air makes the icicle glisten. >e Crater's Edge The forest around you is bent and splintered, as if a mighty fist had smashed through the branches. Sooty fumes hang in the air; the earth is dark with ashes and rubble. The eastern path ends at the lip of a deep crater, forty or fifty feet across. It's getting hard to hold the slippery icicle. >e You climb down into the crater. Crater A dark cloud of smoke fills the air with an acrid, smoldering stench. Blackened rubble covers the sides and bottom of the crater. A glowing lump of metal lies half-buried at your feet. The icicle is almost too slippery to hold. >put icicle on lump The icicle disappears in a hissing cloud as it touches the hot lump of metal. When the steam clears, the surface of the lump is black and wet. [Your score just went up by 3 points. The total is now 36 out of 100.] >get lump Taken. [Your score just went up by 1 point. The total is now 37 out of 100.] >x it The lump of metal is roughly the size and shape of a large grapefruit. Its surface is black and scorched. >w You scramble out of the crater. Crater's Edge The forest around you is bent and splintered, as if a mighty fist had smashed through the branches. Sooty fumes hang in the air; the earth is dark with ashes and rubble. The eastern path ends at the lip of a deep crater, forty or fifty feet across. >sw The Bend An exhausted stream trickles into a river that bends to the south and east. The opposite shore is veiled behind a thick mist. Paths meander off in many directions from the river's edge. >w Bottom of Stairs The triangular structure before you must be thousands of feet high. It divides the sky like a razor, casting a stern, precise shadow over the surrounding landscape. A narrow stairway climbs north, up the hypotenuse of the triangle. Footpaths converge on the stair from every direction. You see a birdcage, an umbrella, a bag of crumbs and a piece of paper here. Inside the birdcage you see a magpie. "Mix 'em with a pinch o' garlic." >drop lump You put down the lump of metal. >w South Bog The ground is damp and squishy underfoot, especially along the stream that wanders west and southeast between the black trees. >w Waterfall A curtain of water tumbles off the western cliffs into a deep, rocky pool. From there, a mountain stream wanders off into the forest. Footpaths follow the stream east, past a giant toadstool. The white door in its stem is closed. A flight of stone steps has been hewn into the face of the north cliff. >w You edge around the curtain of water. Ice Cavern You're in a vast underground cavern, cold enough to see your breath. Icicles on the ceiling glitter in the light shining in through an opening in the east wall. Beyond it, a curtain of water fills the cavern with its splashing roar. There's an axe here. >get axe Taken. >e You edge your way around the waterfall. Waterfall A curtain of water tumbles off the western cliffs into a deep, rocky pool. From there, a mountain stream wanders off into the forest. Footpaths follow the stream east, past a giant toadstool. The white door in its stem is closed. A flight of stone steps has been hewn into the face of the north cliff. >e South Bog The ground is damp and squishy underfoot, especially along the stream that wanders west and southeast between the black trees. >e Bottom of Stairs The triangular structure before you must be thousands of feet high. It divides the sky like a razor, casting a stern, precise shadow over the surrounding landscape. A narrow stairway climbs north, up the hypotenuse of the triangle. Footpaths converge on the stair from every direction. You see a lump of metal, a birdcage, an umbrella, a bag of crumbs and a piece of paper here. Inside the birdcage you see a magpie. >drop axe Dropped. The magpie squawks, "Awk! Then stand back! 'Cause it go BOOM. Awk!" >look Bottom of Stairs The triangular structure before you must be thousands of feet high. It divides the sky like a razor, casting a stern, precise shadow over the surrounding landscape. A narrow stairway climbs north, up the hypotenuse of the triangle. Footpaths converge on the stair from every direction. You see an axe, a birdcage, a lump of metal, an umbrella, a bag of crumbs and a piece of paper here. Inside the birdcage you see a magpie. >save [SAVE completed.] >