Opening file "..\..\Silicon Dreams (1986)(Level 9 Computing)[cr ASS+SWS]\Snowball_v3.dat"... V3 datafile found... Datafile length: 7363 startmd: 031e endmd: 303e defdict: 303e enddict: 4a56 dictdata: 4a56 dictdatalen: 0068 wordtable: 4bf6 unknown10: 0000 absdatablock:002c list0: 0000 list1: 0220 list2: 8000 list3: 02c0 list4: 0248 list5: 0248 list6: 0248 list7: 8110 list8: 8150 list9: 81d0 acodeptr: 4cf9 acodeend: 7363 ----------------------------------------- Dictionary: ----------------------------------------- Bank 000: 303e (000) 000: 0 001: 000 002: 1 003: 10 004: 100 005: 1000 006: 100m 007: 100th 008: 101 009: 1986 00a: 2 00b: 3 00c: 39 00d: 4 00e: 5 00f: 6 010: 7 011: 8 012: 800 013: 9 014: 9UR Bank 001: 307b (015) 015: A 016: a 017: aAAAR 018: about 019: above 01a: abyss 01b: acceleration 01c: Accommodation 01d: accommodation 01e: according 01f: achieve 020: across 021: activate 022: additional 023: adjusting 024: ADMIN 025: advancing 026: adventure 027: adventures 028: aerosol 029: AFFECTED 02a: AFFIRMATIVE 02b: affirmative 02c: afraid 02d: again 02e: agaliarept 02f: ahead 030: ahem Bank 002: 3119 (031) 031: Air 032: air 033: airbed 034: aircon 035: airflask 036: airlock 037: aisle 038: alcove 039: alert 03a: alien 03b: all 03c: allows 03d: almost 03e: alongside 03f: Alpha 040: alpha 041: already 042: also 043: although 044: always 045: am 046: amble 047: amidst 048: an 049: ancient 04a: And 04b: and 04c: Android 04d: android 04e: angel 04f: animals 050: answer 051: any 052: anyone 053: anything 054: apart 055: aperture 056: apparently 057: apple Bank 003: 3196 (058) 058: archive 059: Arcturan 05a: are 05b: area 05c: AREAS 05d: arf 05e: arfle 05f: armour 060: around 061: arrives 062: as 063: assortment 064: asteroid 065: at 066: atoll 067: attach 068: attached 069: attack 06a: attempts 06b: attention 06c: attract 06d: audible 06e: Austin 06f: author 070: authorisation 071: authorised 072: authors 073: autodoctor 074: autopilot 075: Avon 076: away Bank 004: 3211 (077) 077: back 078: backwards 079: bad 07a: badly 07b: bank 07c: bare 07d: barely 07e: barfle 07f: barrier 080: bars 081: base 082: basin 083: bath 084: bathroom 085: batpack 086: batpak 087: battered 088: battering 089: battery 08a: bay 08b: BE 08c: be 08d: beach 08e: beam 08f: bearing 090: becomes 091: becoming 092: bed 093: bedroom 094: been 095: beep 096: before 097: behaviour 098: behind 099: beige 09a: bein 09b: bellowed 09c: below 09d: benches 09e: beside 09f: Beta 0a0: better 0a1: between 0a2: beyond Bank 005: 3211 (077) [repeat] Bank 006: 328c (0a3) 0a3: bit 0a4: bite 0a5: black 0a6: blade 0a7: blast 0a8: blaster 0a9: blasts 0aa: blaze 0ab: blazes 0ac: blinds 0ad: blink 0ae: blinking 0af: blocks 0b0: blow 0b1: blue 0b2: board 0b3: body 0b4: bolt 0b5: bolted 0b6: bomb 0b7: bony 0b8: boosts 0b9: bothered 0ba: bottled 0bb: bottom 0bc: bounces 0bd: bovver 0be: Box 0bf: box Bank 007: 32d8 (0c0) 0c0: bracelet 0c1: branches 0c2: breathe 0c3: bridge 0c4: brief 0c5: bright 0c6: brighter 0c7: brightly 0c8: brightness 0c9: Brilliant 0ca: broken 0cb: brown 0cc: BS24 0cd: bubble 0ce: buckled 0cf: BUG 0d0: bulk 0d1: bumble 0d2: bump 0d3: bunch 0d4: burning 0d5: burns 0d6: burnt 0d7: Business 0d8: but 0d9: butler 0da: button 0db: buttoned 0dc: buttons Bank 008: 3345 (0dd) 0dd: by Bank 009: 3348 (0de) 0de: C 0df: C2H2 0e0: cab 0e1: cabin 0e2: cable 0e3: call 0e4: calling 0e5: can 0e6: can't 0e7: candles 0e8: cannot 0e9: carbon 0ea: card 0eb: carefully 0ec: carpetted 0ed: carriage 0ee: carried 0ef: carry 0f0: carrying 0f1: carved 0f2: case 0f3: cases 0f4: cassette 0f5: cat 0f6: catch 0f7: catsucker 0f8: cave 0f9: ceiling 0fa: cell 0fb: central 0fc: ceramic 0fd: chain 0fe: chair 0ff: change 100: changes 101: chaos 102: chemicals 103: Choosing 104: chop 105: Christians 106: chuck 107: churned 108: chute Bank 00a: 33ce (109) 109: circular 10a: Citizen 10b: clank 10c: clanking 10d: classic 10e: clawhooks 10f: clean 110: cleaning 111: cleans 112: clear 113: clearly 114: cliff 115: climb 116: climbing 117: clinging 118: close 119: closed 11a: closes 11b: closing 11c: clustered 11d: coated 11e: COBOL 11f: cocoon 120: code 121: COFFIN 122: coffin 123: coffins 124: collapses 125: collar 126: collide 127: collision 128: COLONIST 129: colonists 12a: colony 12b: colossal 12c: combination 12d: comes 12e: comfortable 12f: completely 130: complex 131: component 132: comprehensive 133: computers 134: Computing 135: concise 136: condo 137: confusion 138: connector 139: console 13a: contacted 13b: container 13c: containers 13d: contents 13e: context 13f: contoured 140: Control 141: control 142: controls 143: converse 144: cool 145: copyright 146: coral 147: corner 148: corpse 149: Correct 14a: corridor 14b: corroded 14c: couch 14d: could 14e: couldn't 14f: counter 150: course 151: covered Bank 00b: 3502 (152) 152: craft 153: cramped 154: crash 155: crate 156: crate's 157: crates 158: crawlway 159: credit 15a: credits 15b: crew 15c: crewmember 15d: crewmembers 15e: criss-cross 15f: crops 160: cross 161: crucial 162: crude 163: crudely 164: crushes 165: crystal 166: cubic 167: cubicle 168: cubicles 169: cup 16a: cupboard 16b: current 16c: currents 16d: curved 16e: curves 16f: curving 170: custard 171: cut 172: cute Bank 00c: 356b (173) 173: cyladder 174: cylinder 175: cylinders 176: cylindrical Bank 00d: 357f (177) 177: d 178: Damage 179: damaged 17a: damaging 17b: dangerous 17c: dark 17d: dash 17e: date 17f: dazzle 180: dazzlingly 181: dead 182: dear 183: debt 184: decades 185: deceleration 186: decorate 187: decrepit 188: deep 189: defects 18a: dent 18b: depths 18c: descended 18d: descends 18e: describe 18f: desert 190: design 191: designed 192: DESK 193: Desk 194: despite 195: details Bank 00e: 35ed (196) 196: diagnostic 197: Diary 198: diary 199: didn't 19a: dig 19b: digging 19c: dilithium 19d: diner 19e: dioxide 19f: direction 1a0: directions 1a1: directly 1a2: disc 1a3: discs 1a4: disgust 1a5: disk 1a6: disks 1a7: dispense 1a8: display 1a9: displays 1aa: distance 1ab: distraught 1ac: divides 1ad: do 1ae: docking 1af: doctor 1b0: does 1b1: doesn't 1b2: dome 1b3: don't 1b4: door 1b5: doors 1b6: doorway 1b7: double 1b8: down 1b9: downwards 1ba: dozen 1bb: dozer Bank 00f: 3669 (1bc) 1bc: drapes 1bd: dream 1be: Dreams 1bf: drink 1c0: drinks 1c1: droid 1c2: DROID-HANDLED 1c3: DROIDS 1c4: Droids 1c5: drop 1c6: duct 1c7: dumpy 1c8: dusted 1c9: dusty 1ca: dwarfed Bank 010: 36b4 (1cb) 1cb: e 1cc: each 1cd: early 1ce: Earth 1cf: easier 1d0: east 1d1: east-west 1d2: easy 1d3: eat 1d4: eating 1d5: Eden 1d6: edge 1d7: EEEEEK 1d8: effect 1d9: eh Bank 011: 36b4 (1cb) [repeat] Bank 012: 36ea (1da) 1da: eight 1db: eighteenth 1dc: eighth 1dd: elaborate 1de: electroflute 1df: eLEVATOR 1e0: elevator 1e1: eleventh 1e2: elite 1e3: embarkation 1e4: embedded 1e5: emerges 1e6: empty 1e7: encouraging 1e8: end 1e9: ends 1ea: Engine 1eb: engine 1ec: engineered 1ed: engineering 1ee: engines 1ef: England 1f0: engraved 1f1: engulfs 1f2: enormous 1f3: enter 1f4: entered 1f5: enters 1f6: entirely 1f7: entrance 1f8: entries Bank 013: 3774 (1f9) 1f9: equipment 1fa: equipped 1fb: escaped 1fc: escaping 1fd: etc 1fe: Eurogibburocratish 1ff: even 200: everything 201: examine 202: except 203: exercisers 204: Exit 205: exit 206: exits 207: expanded 208: expanse 209: expect 20a: explodes 20b: explore 20c: explosion 20d: extensively 20e: exterior 20f: extinguish 210: extinguisher 211: extra Bank 014: 37e1 (212) 212: eyes Bank 015: 37e5 (213) 213: faceless 214: facility 215: fades 216: fails 217: faint 218: fall 219: fallen 21a: fans 21b: far 21c: farm 21d: fast 21e: fasten 21f: fatal 220: faults 221: favourite 222: featureless 223: feel 224: feels 225: fends 226: few Bank 016: 381c (227) 227: fibres 228: fiercely 229: fifteenth 22a: fifth 22b: fight 22c: figure 22d: Files 22e: filing 22f: fill 230: filled 231: filling 232: fills 233: filters 234: filthy 235: find 236: finish 237: fire 238: fires 239: FIRST 23a: First 23b: first 23c: fit 23d: fits 23e: five 23f: fix 240: fixed 241: fixes 242: flames 243: flashing 244: flask 245: flat 246: FLESHIE 247: flexible 248: flexiconnector 249: flicker 24a: flickering 24b: flickers 24c: flickery 24d: flies 24e: Flight 24f: flight 250: float 251: floating 252: floats 253: floor 254: flowers 255: flute 256: foamed 257: following 258: for 259: forced 25a: forest 25b: forgot 25c: form 25d: forming 25e: forms 25f: forwards 260: four 261: fourteenth 262: fourth Bank 017: 38e3 (263) 263: fragrant 264: frail 265: free 266: Freezer 267: freezer 268: Freezers 269: freezers 26a: freshness 26b: from 26c: fronds 26d: front 26e: frozen 26f: FUEL 270: fuel 271: full 272: fundroids 273: furniture 274: furry 275: further 276: Fusion 277: futile Bank 018: 3938 (278) 278: game 279: game-relevance 27a: games 27b: gangway 27c: gap 27d: gaping 27e: garbage 27f: garment 280: Genetics 281: gentle 282: gently 283: get Bank 019: 3938 (278) [repeat] Bank 01a: 3964 (284) 284: Gigabrain 285: GIGO 286: Gimme 287: give 288: glade 289: glare 28a: glaring 28b: glass 28c: glasses 28d: glassy 28e: gleaming 28f: glittering 290: gloom 291: gloop 292: glowgems 293: go 294: goes 295: going 296: good 297: gouged 298: government's 299: gown Bank 01b: 39af (29a) 29a: grabs 29b: grained 29c: graphics 29d: grasses 29e: gratefully 29f: GRAUNCH 2a0: great 2a1: green 2a2: Greetings 2a3: grey 2a4: grill 2a5: grimy 2a6: grip 2a7: Groan 2a8: ground 2a9: ground's 2aa: guards 2ab: guess 2ac: gulf 2ad: gulls 2ae: gun Bank 01c: 3a00 (2af) 2af: habidome 2b0: habidome 2b1: hacked 2b2: had 2b3: hall 2b4: hand 2b5: handels 2b6: handgun 2b7: handles 2b8: hang 2b9: hanger 2ba: hangs 2bb: happens 2bc: hard 2bd: has 2be: hat 2bf: HAVE 2c0: have 2c1: he 2c2: head 2c3: heading 2c4: heap 2c5: hear 2c6: Heatsink 2c7: heavy 2c8: held 2c9: helmet 2ca: Help 2cb: help 2cc: helps 2cd: hemidome 2ce: her 2cf: here Bank 01d: 3a00 (2af) [repeat] Bank 01e: 3a60 (2d0) 2d0: hidden 2d1: high 2d2: higher 2d3: highlights 2d4: Hilton 2d5: hippo's 2d6: his 2d7: hiss 2d8: hit 2d9: hold 2da: holding 2db: holds 2dc: hole 2dd: hollow 2de: holo 2df: holojectors 2e0: holowand 2e1: hopper 2e2: Horsler 2e3: hospital 2e4: hot 2e5: How 2e6: however Bank 01f: 3aad (2e7) 2e7: huge 2e8: Huh 2e9: Human 2ea: human 2eb: humming 2ec: Hundred 2ed: hundreds 2ee: hung 2ef: hurl 2f0: hushed Bank 020: 3ad0 (2f1) 2f1: hypo Bank 021: 3ad4 (2f2) 2f2: I 2f3: i 2f4: I'll 2f5: I'm 2f6: i'm 2f7: ice 2f8: iceblocks 2f9: icefield 2fa: idea 2fb: ideal 2fc: if 2fd: ignorant Bank 022: 3af8 (2fe) 2fe: illuminate 2ff: illuminates 300: illumination 301: immense 302: immovable 303: impenetrable 304: important 305: impressive 306: IN 307: In 308: in 309: incomprehensible 30a: increasing 30b: indeed 30c: indicate 30d: indicator 30e: indicators 30f: industries 310: inflated 311: INFO 312: Info 313: infomatic 314: inform 315: inlaid 316: inner 317: insert 318: inside 319: inspect 31a: Instructions 31b: instructions 31c: instrument 31d: insubstantial 31e: intensifies 31f: intensity 320: interest 321: interface 322: into 323: intones 324: intricate 325: inv 326: inventory 327: invigorating 328: invisibly 329: inwardly Bank 023: 3bc4 (32a) 32a: iris 32b: irrational 32c: irreparably 32d: IS 32e: is 32f: island 330: IT 331: it 332: it's 333: its 334: itself 335: IX Bank 024: 3bee (336) 336: Jacob's 337: jacuzzi 338: James 339: jammed 33a: janitor 33b: jargon 33c: jets Bank 025: 3bee (336) [repeat] Bank 026: 3c0e (33d) 33d: jog 33e: join 33f: joining 340: joins 341: jokaholics Bank 027: 3c1e (342) 342: jump 343: junction 344: jungle 345: junk 346: just Bank 028: 3c2c (347) 347: Keep 348: keep 349: kept 34a: kevlar 34b: key 34c: keyhole 34d: keys Bank 029: 3c2c (347) [repeat] Bank 02a: 3c3f (34e) 34e: kick 34f: kidney 350: kill 351: kills 352: Kim 353: klom 354: knife 355: knotted 356: know Bank 02b: 3c59 (357) 357: l 358: label 359: labelled 35a: Ladder 35b: ladder 35c: lamp 35d: lance 35e: landing-craft 35f: large 360: larger 361: laser 362: lashes 363: Last 364: launch 365: lead 366: leading 367: leads 368: leaf 369: leaking 36a: leapt 36b: learndromats 36c: leather 36d: leave 36e: leaving 36f: led 370: ledge 371: LEDs 372: leds 373: left 374: legend 375: legs 376: lengthy 377: lentil 378: leotard 379: less 37a: let 37b: LEVEL 37c: Level 37d: level 37e: levels 37f: lever 380: levers Bank 02c: 3c59 (357) [repeat] Bank 02d: 3c59 (357) [repeat] Bank 02e: 3ce0 (381) 381: Library 382: library 383: lid 384: lie 385: lies 386: life 387: lift 388: lifter 389: light 38a: lightly 38b: lights 38c: like 38d: line 38e: lined 38f: linedrives 390: linked 391: lip 392: Liquid 393: liquid 394: list 395: listen 396: lit 397: little 398: LL9 399: load 39a: lob 39b: lock 39c: locked 39d: Log 39e: long 39f: look 3a0: looking 3a1: looks 3a2: LOOSE 3a3: loose 3a4: loud 3a5: lounge 3a6: love 3a7: low 3a8: lower 3a9: lowest Bank 02f: 3d55 (3aa) 3aa: lumbers 3ab: luminous 3ac: lumpy Bank 030: 3d61 (3ad) 3ad: lying Bank 031: 3d66 (3ae) 3ae: machine 3af: machinery 3b0: made 3b1: main 3b2: maintenance 3b3: major 3b4: make 3b5: makes 3b6: manual 3b7: many 3b8: map 3b9: MAPS 3ba: Maps 3bb: maps 3bc: marble 3bd: marblon 3be: march 3bf: massage 3c0: massages 3c1: massive 3c2: match 3c3: matches 3c4: material 3c5: maximise 3c6: maximum 3c7: Maxwell 3c8: maxwell 3c9: MAY 3ca: may 3cb: maze 3cc: McBride 3cd: me 3ce: meadow 3cf: meadowsweet 3d0: mean 3d1: meant 3d2: mechanical 3d3: Mechanics 3d4: mechanism 3d5: mechanisms 3d6: melted 3d7: melting 3d8: memory 3d9: mempack 3da: mempak 3db: mempaks 3dc: mended 3dd: mends 3de: mention 3df: menu 3e0: message 3e1: metal 3e2: metallic 3e3: meters 3e4: metre Bank 032: 3e24 (3e5) 3e5: micro 3e6: mid-air 3e7: midbrain 3e8: middle 3e9: Mike 3ea: miles 3eb: millions 3ec: Mineral 3ed: miniature 3ee: minute 3ef: mirror 3f0: Missing 3f1: missing 3f2: ml 3f3: modern 3f4: moment 3f5: money 3f6: monofibes 3f7: monokini 3f8: monomol 3f9: monorail 3fa: more 3fb: mortuary 3fc: moss 3fd: most 3fe: motors 3ff: moulded 400: mouth 401: mouthful 402: move 403: moves 404: moving Bank 033: 3e92 (405) 405: much 406: multi-coloured 407: murderers 408: murmuring 409: musical 40a: Must 40b: must 40c: mutters Bank 034: 3eb8 (40d) 40d: my 40e: mysterious Bank 035: 3ec1 (40f) 40f: n 410: narrow 411: narrowing 412: natural 413: ne 414: near 415: nearby 416: necklace 417: need 418: Need 419: need 41a: needed 41b: needs 41c: NEGATIVE 41d: Negative 41e: negative 41f: negotiable 420: net 421: never 422: next Bank 036: 3f0e (423) 423: nibble 424: nicely 425: Nick 426: Nightingale 427: nightingale 428: Nightingales 429: nine 42a: nineteenth 42b: ninth 42c: nitrogen 42d: NO 42e: no 42f: noise 430: north 431: north-south 432: northeast 433: northern 434: northwest 435: nose 436: Not 437: not 438: notable 439: notes 43a: nothing 43b: notice 43c: noticed 43d: nought 43e: now 43f: Noyce 440: nozzle Bank 037: 3f83 (441) 441: Numbers 442: nurse 443: Nutrimat 444: nutrimat 445: nw Bank 038: 3f9c (446) 446: O2 447: objects 448: obligatory 449: obscure 44a: observatory 44b: obviously 44c: odd 44d: OF 44e: of 44f: OFF 450: off 451: offer 452: oh Bank 039: 3f9c (446) [repeat] Bank 03a: 3fce (453) 453: Oi 454: oi 455: OK 456: old 457: ominous 458: ON 459: on 45a: once 45b: one 45c: one-shot 45d: ONLY 45e: only 45f: onto 460: oo 461: oo-ar 462: OOPS 463: oops 464: opaque 465: open 466: opened 467: opening 468: openings 469: opens 46a: opposite Bank 03b: 4020 (46b) 46b: or 46c: orange 46d: ordinary 46e: other 46f: others 470: ouch 471: OUT 472: Out 473: out 474: outcrops 475: outside 476: over 477: overflowing 478: overhead 479: Overview 47a: own 47b: owner Bank 03c: 405b (47c) 47c: oz10 Bank 03d: 4062 (47d) 47d: P1 47e: P45 47f: pack 480: packed 481: padded 482: padding 483: page 484: page-a-day 485: painful 486: paint 487: pair 488: pale 489: palm 48a: panel 48b: panels 48c: parlour 48d: part 48e: partially 48f: passage 490: passageway 491: passenger 492: Passengers 493: passengers 494: passes 495: passing 496: past 497: path 498: pathways 499: patterns 49a: pauses 49b: peer 49c: peg 49d: people 49e: perfectly 49f: perhaps 4a0: Pete 4a1: Peter 4a2: petrol Bank 03e: 40e3 (4a3) 4a3: pictures 4a4: pile 4a5: piles 4a6: pink 4a7: pipes 4a8: pirates 4a9: pit 4aa: pitched 4ab: place 4ac: plaitted 4ad: plan 4ae: plasteel 4af: plastic 4b0: plate 4b1: plate-meals 4b2: platform 4b3: play 4b4: Playgirl 4b5: plays 4b6: PLEASE 4b7: Please 4b8: please 4b9: plod 4ba: plover 4bb: plugh 4bc: PO 4bd: pokes 4be: policies 4bf: polished 4c0: polystyrene 4c1: poo 4c2: portable 4c3: porters 4c4: position 4c5: positions 4c6: pour 4c7: powder 4c8: power 4c9: powered Bank 03f: 416e (4ca) 4ca: Present 4cb: press 4cc: pressurised 4cd: prevent 4ce: previous 4cf: PRIVATE 4d0: probe 4d1: processor 4d2: programmed 4d3: projected 4d4: propaganda 4d5: protecting 4d6: protrudes 4d7: prove 4d8: providing 4d9: psionic 4da: psychobot 4db: psychomods 4dc: puffs 4dd: pull 4de: pulp 4df: purple 4e0: push 4e1: pushed 4e2: pushes 4e3: pushing 4e4: pussy 4e5: put Bank 040: 41de (4e6) 4e6: pylon 4e7: pylons Bank 041: 41e5 (4e8) 4e8: querying 4e9: queued 4ea: quickly 4eb: quiet 4ec: quit 4ed: quite Bank 042: 41e5 (4e8) [repeat] Bank 043: 41e5 (4e8) [repeat] Bank 044: 41f7 (4ee) 4ee: Race 4ef: racks 4f0: raised 4f1: RAM 4f2: ram 4f3: ramp 4f4: rapid 4f5: rapidly 4f6: raspberry 4f7: reach 4f8: reaches 4f9: reads 4fa: ready 4fb: real 4fc: realise 4fd: really 4fe: rear 4ff: recharging 500: recoil 501: recreation 502: red 503: redescribe 504: Redisplay 505: reference 506: refers 507: reflects 508: refuel 509: reinforcement 50a: rejects 50b: release 50c: remove 50d: rephrase 50e: reptiles 50f: resounding 510: Respected 511: respectively 512: rest 513: RESTART 514: restfully 515: RESTORE 516: restore 517: retracts 518: RETURN 519: return 51a: reveal 51b: revival 51c: reviver 51d: revolting 51e: reward 51f: rhythms Bank 045: 41f7 (4ee) [repeat] Bank 046: 42d5 (520) 520: ribbon 521: right 522: rim 523: rippled 524: rise 525: rises 526: risky 527: RNA 528: Roar 529: Robodome 52a: robot 52b: roboticide 52c: robots 52d: rocky 52e: rolling 52f: roof 530: Room 531: room 532: rooms 533: rope 534: ropes 535: rotates 536: round Bank 047: 431b (537) 537: rub 538: rubbish 539: ruined 53a: rummages 53b: running 53c: runs 53d: rush 53e: rushes 53f: russet 540: rutted Bank 048: 4338 (541) 541: s 542: sagging 543: sand 544: sandstone 545: SAVE 546: save 547: saved 548: say 549: scale 54a: scaled 54b: scalpel 54c: scans 54d: scarred 54e: scenery 54f: score 550: scored 551: scramble 552: scratch 553: screams 554: screen 555: screwdriver 556: screwtop 557: scruffy 558: scuffles 559: se 55a: sealed 55b: search 55c: seated 55d: second 55e: section 55f: security 560: see 561: seem 562: seemingly 563: seems 564: seen 565: segmented 566: selected 567: Send 568: sensor 569: separates 56a: SERVICE 56b: service 56c: sesame 56d: set 56e: seven 56f: seventeenth 570: seventh 571: several 572: shade 573: shadows 574: shaft 575: shake 576: shakes 577: shaped 578: shapes 579: sharp 57a: shatters 57b: she 57c: shining 57d: shiny 57e: ship 57f: shoots 580: shorty 581: should 582: shoulder 583: shovel 584: show 585: shower 586: showing 587: shows 588: shuffles 589: shut 58a: shuttle Bank 049: 4338 (541) [repeat] Bank 04a: 4421 (58b) 58b: side 58c: sign 58d: significant 58e: signs 58f: Silicon 590: silly 591: silver 592: similar 593: simple 594: simrock 595: simulated 596: single 597: sink 598: sip 599: sit 59a: sitting 59b: six 59c: sixteenth 59d: sixth 59e: size 59f: skeleton 5a0: skin 5a1: slab 5a2: slash 5a3: slide 5a4: slides 5a5: sliding 5a6: slip 5a7: slithering 5a8: sloping 5a9: slot 5aa: slow 5ab: slowly 5ac: slumped 5ad: Small 5ae: small 5af: smash 5b0: smashed 5b1: smooth 5b2: smooth-surfaced 5b3: snake 5b4: snarls 5b5: snort 5b6: snow 5b7: Snowball 5b8: snowball 5b9: Snowball's 5ba: snowdesic 5bb: Snowdozer 5bc: snowdozer 5bd: snowdozer's 5be: snowfield 5bf: snowrail 5c0: so 5c1: soar 5c2: soft 5c3: solid 5c4: solved 5c5: some 5c6: something 5c7: Song 5c8: soon 5c9: SORRY 5ca: Sorry 5cb: sorry 5cc: sounds 5cd: sources 5ce: south 5cf: southeast 5d0: southwest 5d1: SPACE 5d2: space 5d3: spade 5d4: spanner 5d5: spans 5d6: spare 5d7: spartan 5d8: spears 5d9: special 5da: specific 5db: specs 5dc: spectacles 5dd: speed 5de: speeds 5df: spherical 5e0: spidroid 5e1: spindly 5e2: spins 5e3: spiral 5e4: splashes 5e5: splintered 5e6: split 5e7: splits 5e8: sponge 5e9: Spose 5ea: spotless 5eb: Spring 5ec: springs Bank 04b: 457e (5ed) 5ed: square 5ee: squeeze 5ef: squinting 5f0: stacked 5f1: stacker 5f2: staffed 5f3: staggers 5f4: stairs 5f5: stand 5f6: standard 5f7: standing 5f8: stands 5f9: star 5fa: stars 5fb: starship 5fc: start 5fd: station 5fe: status 5ff: steps 600: stop 601: STORE 602: store 603: storeroom 604: STORES 605: stores 606: straight 607: strand 608: stratoglider 609: stratogliders 60a: streams 60b: stretch 60c: stretches 60d: strewn 60e: strong 60f: stronger 610: studying 611: stuff 612: substantial 613: success 614: successfully 615: sucks 616: suit 617: suitable 618: sumptuous 619: sun 61a: sunken 61b: sunlight 61c: sunlit 61d: superb 61e: supply 61f: support 620: supported 621: sure 622: surface 623: surge 624: surround 625: surrounded 626: surrounding 627: surrounds 628: SUSPENDED 629: suspended 62a: suspicious 62b: Sustenance 62c: sw 62d: swallow 62e: sweeping 62f: sweet 630: switch 631: switches Bank 04c: 4690 (632) 632: symbol 633: syringes 634: system 635: systematically Bank 04d: 46a4 (636) 636: T-junction 637: table 638: take 639: takes 63a: tall 63b: tapering 63c: taps 63d: target 63e: taste 63f: tasteful 640: tastefully 641: tastes 642: team 643: technical 644: tell 645: tenth 646: terrified 647: text 648: than 649: that 64a: That'll 64b: that's 64c: The 64d: the 64e: their 64f: them 650: then 651: there 652: There's 653: there's 654: therefore 655: these 656: they 657: they're 658: thick 659: thickly 65a: thin 65b: thing 65c: think 65d: third 65e: thirteenth 65f: This 660: this 661: thorough 662: those 663: though 664: thousands 665: three 666: through 667: throw Bank 04e: 4746 (668) 668: ticket 669: tidy 66a: tie 66b: tight 66c: tiled 66d: Tim 66e: time 66f: tiny 670: tip 671: tired 672: titanium 673: titles 674: TM 675: TO 676: To 677: to 678: told 679: too 67a: toolbox 67b: top 67c: tops 67d: toroidal 67e: torus 67f: tough 680: tow-behind 681: towards 682: towers 683: towing 684: toxins Bank 04f: 4795 (685) 685: track 686: tracks 687: trampled 688: translucent 689: Transmission 68a: transpex 68b: trapdoor 68c: trapdoor's 68d: trapdoors 68e: trash 68f: trashbank 690: TRAY 691: tray 692: tree 693: trees 694: tries 695: trilogy 696: triumph 697: trodden 698: try 699: Tsk 69a: tsk 69b: tube 69c: tubers 69d: tubes 69e: Tuffkwilt 69f: tune 6a0: tunnel 6a1: turn 6a2: turns 6a3: twelfth 6a4: twentieth 6a5: twenty 6a6: twinkle 6a7: twisted 6a8: twists 6a9: two Bank 050: 481a (6aa) 6aa: u 6ab: UB40 6ac: ugly Bank 051: 481a (6aa) [repeat] Bank 052: 4828 (6ad) 6ad: ultrasound 6ae: un 6af: unclimbably 6b0: uncomfortable 6b1: undamaged 6b2: under 6b3: undergrowth 6b4: underneath 6b5: understand 6b6: undo 6b7: unfasten 6b8: unislime 6b9: Unit 6ba: unit 6bb: unless 6bc: unlock 6bd: untidy 6be: untie 6bf: until 6c0: up 6c1: upper 6c2: upwards Bank 053: 487a (6c3) 6c3: us 6c4: USAR 6c5: use 6c6: used 6c7: usual Bank 054: 488b (6c8) 6c8: vac 6c9: vacuum 6ca: variety 6cb: vast 6cc: veered 6cd: vegetation 6ce: velcron 6cf: velocities 6d0: vending 6d1: venomous 6d2: vent 6d3: verbose 6d4: version 6d5: vertical 6d6: very Bank 055: 488b (6c8) [repeat] Bank 056: 48bd (6d7) 6d7: vibrates 6d8: video 6d9: videyes 6da: vids 6db: viewer 6dc: vigilant 6dd: visible 6de: visit 6df: visor 6e0: voice 6e1: voices 6e2: void Bank 057: 48e0 (6e3) 6e3: w 6e4: wade 6e5: wait 6e6: wake 6e7: waldo 6e8: waldroid 6e9: walkway 6ea: walkways 6eb: wall 6ec: walls 6ed: wand 6ee: want 6ef: warehouse 6f0: warily 6f1: warm 6f2: warp 6f3: was 6f4: watcher 6f5: water 6f6: wave 6f7: wavery 6f8: waves 6f9: way 6fa: ways 6fb: WC 6fc: we 6fd: Wear 6fe: wear 6ff: wearing 700: web 701: Welcome 702: welcome 703: weld 704: welding 705: welds 706: well 707: were 708: weren't 709: west 70a: Weston-super-Mare 70b: What 70c: what 70d: whatsits 70e: wheezes 70f: when 710: where 711: where's 712: Which 713: which 714: while 715: whines 716: whiskas 717: whistles 718: WHITE 719: white 71a: who 71b: whole 71c: wholefood 71d: whoosh 71e: whose Bank 058: 48e0 (6e3) [repeat] Bank 059: 48e0 (6e3) [repeat] Bank 05a: 4995 (71f) 71f: wide 720: widening 721: width 722: will 723: Win 724: winch 725: winding 726: windows 727: winds 728: wink 729: wire 72a: wires 72b: with 72c: within 72d: without 72e: woman 72f: WON 730: won't 731: wood 732: word 733: words 734: work 735: worn 736: worried 737: worse 738: worth 739: would 73a: wound Bank 05b: 49df (73b) 73b: written Bank 05c: 49e5 (73c) 73c: x Bank 05d: 49e5 (73c) [repeat] Bank 05e: 49e7 (73d) 73d: xyzzy Bank 05f: 49e7 (73d) [repeat] Bank 060: 49e7 (73d) [repeat] Bank 061: 49ec (73e) 73e: y 73f: yang 740: yawning 741: Years 742: yEEEAH 743: yellow 744: YES 745: yes 746: yet 747: yeuch Bank 062: 4a14 (748) 748: yin 749: You 74a: yOU 74b: you 74c: you'd 74d: you'll 74e: You're 74f: you're 750: you've 751: YOUR 752: Your 753: your Bank 063: 4a47 (754) 754: zaps 755: zero Bank 064: 4a47 (754) [repeat] Bank 065: 4a47 (754) [repeat] Bank 066: 4a4e (756) 756: zZAP Bank 067: 4a4e (756) [repeat] Bank 068: 4a4e (756) [repeat] Highest word: #0756 ----------------------------------------- Message database: ----------------------------------------- M0001: M0003: , M0004: . M0005: M0006: and M0007: . M0008: north M0009: northeast M0010: east M0011: south M0012: southeast M0013: southwest M0014: west M0015: northwest M0016: up M0017: down M0018: in M0019: out M0020: across M0021: exits lead M0022: (through a door) M0023: (through an open door) M0024: You are M0025: you own M0026: and you're wearing M0027: you can see M0028: What now? M0029: I don't understand. M0030: eh? M0031: arfle barfle gloop? M0032: you'll need to say more than that! M0033: could you elaborate? M0034: sorry, I can't guess what you mean. M0035: could you rephrase that? M0036: please be more specific. M0037: I don't quite understand. M0038: what a mouthful! I'm only an ignorant micro! M0039: you can't do that. M0040: don't be silly! M0041: you can't see M0042: you don't have M0043: you already have M0044: you can't carry any more. M0045: you can't take that! M0046: you can't wear M0047: you're carrying too much to take M0048: it is dark, you cannot see. M0049: the light is dazzlingly bright! M0050: nothing happens. M0051: doesn't seem to work. M0052: there's no effect. M0053: really stop? M0054: would you like to play again? M0055: really restore? M0056: Please answer AFFIRMATIVE or NEGATIVE. M0057: you scored M0058: out of 1000. M0059: it is nothing special M0060: nothing. M0061: you can't go in that direction. M0062: you bump your nose on a door! M0063: the door closes behind you. M0064: it's already open. M0065: it's already closed. M0066: there's nothing here worth opening. M0067: there's nothing here worth closing M0068: there's nothing to attack! M0069: you find nothing of interest. M0070: the only visible exit is M0071: what do you want to do with M0072: you find M0073: it holds M0074: indicator lights flicker M0075: an encouraging beep sounds from within the door mechanism. M0076: the door sounds a resounding raspberry. M0079: a square section of plastic material, about 1 metre across. M0080: ceramic armour M0081: a translucent visor M0082: dark glasses [aka] spectacles M0083: a hospital gown M0084: an intricate bracelet [aka] meters M0085: a battered bubble helmet M0086: a kevlar leotard M0087: a glittering necklace M0090: an aerosol paint can M0091: an LL9 batpak [aka] batpack battery M0092: the body of a crewmember [aka] corpse M0093: a debt card [aka] credit money M0094: a cute pussy cat [aka] catsucker M0095: a freezer coffin [aka] Freezer M0096: a square cup [aka] water liquid custard lentil M0097: a set of linked cylinders M0098: an electroflute [aka] flute M0099: a fire extinguisher M0100: a diagnostic probe [aka] leds M0101: a sealed flask [aka] airflask M0102: a red form [aka] forms M0103: an orange form [aka] forms M0104: a yellow form [aka] forms M0105: a green form [aka] forms M0106: a handgun [aka] gun M0107: a holo wand [aka] holowand M0108: a bunch of keys [aka] key M0110: a lance M0111: a portable laser M0112: a mempak [aka] mempack M0114: a memory rope M0117: an ultrasound scalpel [aka] knife M0118: a yin yang screwdriver M0119: a titanium shovel [aka] spade M0120: an adjusting spanner M0121: a red ticket M0122: a green ticket M0124: a bomb M0125: a bumble bearing M0126: a maxwell sink M0127: a peg warp M0128: a 101 way ribbon cable M0129: a stacker lift M0135: a lamp M0136: a video viewer M0137: a silver tray M0138: a floating table M0139: a toolbox [aka] box M0141: you hear nothing extra. M0142: A psychobot taps you on the shoulder. "Ahem. Your behaviour patterns seem irrational". You feel a hypo.. Then nothing. M0143: I didn't think you meant it! M0144: I didn't expect you to say that! M0145: time passes M0146: there's no one to give it to. M0147: you can't fill M0148: you can't empty M0149: there's no door here! M0150: yeuch! M0160: Welcome to Snowball, the first of the Silicon Dreams, copyright (C) 1986 Level 9 Computing. The colony freezer ship, Snowball 9, has entered its target star system and it will soon collide with the star unless you can do something! M0161: in M0162: on M0163: it's empty. M0164: a crewmember is inside. M0165: "PLEASE RETURN YOUR COFFIN FIRST!" M0167: You're standing on a coffin M0170: the panel has 10 buttons: black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, grey and white M0171: the panel has yellow and green buttons M0172: the button is easy to press M0174: the door ahead opens. M0175: the door behind you closes. M0176: the door is too smooth to grip. M0177: the trapdoor's too high to reach unless you stand on something. M0178: you scramble through a trapdoor. M0179: the door slides open. M0180: you can feel a pit in the floor. M0181: there's a trapdoor in the floor. M0182: there's a trapdoor in the ceiling. M0183: the tube walls are very thin. M0184: you notice a lever beside you. M0185: there are LEDs under the bed. M0186: the machine is a bit loose. M0187: you notice signs of digging. M0188: "SORRY! A COLONIST MAY BE LOOSE ON WHITE LEVEL! ELEVATOR SERVICE TO AFFECTED AREAS IS SUSPENDED!" M0189: you can't see it M0190: you've nothing to dig with. M0191: you can't dig here! M0192: you dent the shovel. M0193: you're in a tiny hole. M0194: you're in a large hole. M0195: you're at the bottom of a deep pit. M0196: the bottom of the hole collapses. You fall into space! M0197: You've no air to breathe! M0198: Your air supply is running out! M0199: The paint explodes in the vacuum! M0200: there's no web that way. You sure? M0201: your attempts to change direction are futile. M0202: deep snow blocks you. M0203: you bump into a wall. Ouch! M0204: a crate's in the way. M0205: padding blocks you. M0206: the elevator arrives with a whoosh and its door opens. M0207: the floor shakes and the door opens. M0208: a coffin slides from an aperture at the other end of the mortuary. M0209: the indicator lights are M0210: black M0211: brown M0212: red M0213: orange M0214: yellow M0215: green M0216: blue M0217: purple M0218: grey M0219: white M0220: the coffin slides away. M0221: the lid above rises and a light comes on.. M0222: "OK, take something." M0223: "I say! Where's your red ticket?" M0224: "Not so fast, Citizen. Hand over a green ticket!" M0225: the android crushes M0226: to pulp! M0227: the robot takes it and mutters, "OK". M0228: "That'll do nicely!!" M0229: "Oi! Where's your authorisation form for that?" M0230: the robot snarls and grabs it back. You need the right form. M0231: the robot blocks you: "Present your authorisation first!" M0232: "Huh! No good to me!" M0233: "Spose I could let you have something.." M0234: a damaged janitor droid is slumped amidst the junk. M0235: "Groan!" M0236: "Please give me a spare part", it wheezes. M0237: clank.. Scratch.. "Help me". M0238: the robot tries it in place: M0239: it's OK. The droid is mended! It rummages around for a reward to give you, then bounces away. M0240: GRAUNCH! ZZAP! Crash! Hiss.. M0241: a dead droid lies nearby. M0242: the robot fends you off! M0243: the droid needs M0244: a notice reads "ADMIN". M0245: a notice reads "STORES". M0246: the nutrimat machine is decrepit. It's also loose M0247: it moves a bit. M0248: the machine is psionic and designed to dispense your favourite drink if you insert a cup M0249: . A gap leads west behind the machine M0250: a robot head pokes out M0251: "Greetings, Respected Citizen. You are most welcome!" M0252: you slide down a garbage chute.. M0253: "BUG OFF, FLESHIE!" M0254: and retracts again with a snort of disgust. M0255: "DROIDS ONLY!" M0256: the couch massages you. It's M0257: most invigorating. You feel stronger. M0258: not too bad. M0259: becoming very painful. M0260: fatal! M0261: the trashbank sucks it in. M0262: the machine fills it with thin lentil custard. M0263: the custard tastes even worse than it looks. M0264: it's empty. M0265: full of liquid M0266: a scruffy robot shuffles from the M0267: the scruffy robot shuffles M0268: cyladder M0269: onto the cyladder and is carried up M0270: top of the cyladder M0271: ramp above M0272: up the ramp M0273: onto the cyladder and is carried down M0274: ramp below M0275: a dumpy droid scuffles about M0276: : "Tsk! Tsk! Always dusty" M0277: : "How untidy! Dear, dear" M0278: : "I'll never get it clean" M0279: the cyladder has descended, leaving a hole! M0280: the cyladder rejects you. M0281: you fall through the open cyladder. M0282: you are carried down. M0283: you're carried up. M0284: you lever it out with the screwdriver. M0285: the battery is deep inside, you can't get a grip. M0286: The screen lights! M0287: The screen fades. M0288: your coffin code is blue mortuary M0289: and there's a frozen crewmember in green with code M0290: it is closed M0291: a crewmember is inside. M0292: (tight shut) M0294: that's your 100th collision with a wall! M0295: you float down.. M0296: it IS lit. M0297: it already is. M0298: you've no power. M0299: it illuminates brightly. M0300: it fades to black. M0301: shining brightly M0302: with what, eh? M0303: you cut a gaping slash and the escaping air sucks you out! M0304: too heavy! M0305: the stacker helps you carry it. M0306: a machine grabs and opens the coffin! M0307: "Gimme Liquid Sustenance!" M0308: "Must inform.. Habidome code.. Need water." M0309: "Need water to converse." M0310: "EEEEEK! YEEEAH! AAAAR!" The woman, who is obviously just an ordinary passenger, is terrified and her screams attract the Nightingales.. M0311: a Nightingale is rolling away east. M0312: a Nightingale is here! Its spherical body divides to reveal syringes and grabs. Then it reaches for you... M0313: a black spherical Nightingale is advancing from the west. M0314: a clanking noise comes from the west. M0315: you can hear quiet clanking. M0316: the clanking fades away. M0317: the clanking pauses outside your room.. M0318: loud clanking comes from outside. M0319: you hear quiet clanking outside. M0320: there's a faint mechanical noise. M0321: a nightingale enters. Its vast bulk splits and a hypo lashes out.. M0322: the coffin holding the crewmember is held in place. M0323: the recoil spins you round. M0324: the gun matches your speed to the ground's. M0325: you could enter a spidroid hopper. M0326: she drinks it gratefully. Apparently you should visit the habidome whose code is M0327: you need a spanner. M0328: a massive snowdozer stands beside a pile of fuel blocks, a doorway leads into it. One wide track needs welding. M0329: a colossal snowdozer towers over you. M0330: no, you can't weld anything here. M0331: you can't weld without M0332: you successfully weld the snowdozer's track. It is mended! M0333: the dozer won't start until mended. M0334: it turns! A voice intones "Please leave the snowdozer." M0335: the dozer lumbers off, pushing iceblocks into the hole to refuel the Snowball starship as it goes. M0336: "OUT OF FUEL!" M0337: it turns! Engines Roar! The Snowball turns away from the sun.. YOU HAVE WON! M0338: you can't move in that direction. M0341: Sorry, you seem to be dead. M0342: the monorail shuttle arrives and its doors open. M0343: the shuttle rushes to the next station and opens its doors. M0344: it whistles. M0345: a distraught butler robot pushes past and rushes off. M0346: the cat scuffles about, cleaning. M0347: it completely cleans the ramp. M0348: the ramp is coated in unislime. M0349: the cat sucks up M0350: 1 Instructions. 2 Info. 3 Desk. 4 Library. 5 Maps. 6 Redisplay. M0351: INFO. 1 Damage. 2 Flight Log. 3 Droids. 4 Passengers. 5 Exit. M0352: DESK. 1 In tray. 2 Out tray. 3 Files. 4 Diary. 5 Exit. M0353: MAPS. 1 Overview. 2 Freezers. 3 Accommodation. 4 Engine Unit. 5 Exit. M0354: IN TRAY. 1 Flight. 2 Beta Missing. 3 Help! 4 Exit. M0355: OUT TRAY. 1 Send. 2 Exit. M0356: instructions: "Wear visor, look and blink". (Interface design copyright (C) 1986 Level 9 Computing) M0357: a comprehensive technical library with millions of entries M0358: the ship to be undamaged M0359: that the Snowball has veered off course. It's heading for the sun M0360: all droid positions M0361: that all 1, 800, 000 passengers are well M0362: an impenetrable filing system M0363: a page-a-day diary. The author was worried about "Alpha" M0364: a map of the Snowball: engine unit at the front, towing a great hollow ice asteroid M0365: maps of the 10 great freezer disks M0366: the accommodation dome embedded in the south of asteroid wall M0367: the engine unit: four motors round a vast bay below the control room M0368: a lengthy message querying the Snowball's flight plan M0369: a worried message about two crewmembers who seem to be missing M0370: "Help! Alpha is battering down the door".. M0371: "Transmission u/ s" M0372: it becomes brighter. M0373: the screen changes to show M0374: the screen shows: M0375: the screen flickers as you look M0376: . Then you return to the menu. M0377: a massive waldroid guards the ladder. M0378: a figure with a petrol bomb stands at the west of the room. M0379: the room is on fire! M0380: the blaze intensifies. M0381: the fire blazes fiercely. M0382: flames are melting the walls. M0383: the robot blocks you. M0384: you slip and fall. M0385: a laser blast spears out. M0386: burning petrol engulfs you. M0387: it plays a scale, from low notes to very high. M0388: . The petrol bomb shatters, surrounding its owner in fire. She staggers back through a hidden airlock - you will not see her again! M0389: the tray reflects a laser beam back on itself. You hear an explosion. M0390: nitrogen blasts out. M0391: and kills the fire! M0392: paint puffs from the can. M0393: the paint blinds the robot which staggers away. M0394: Snowball IX explodes! M0395: "Keep back or I throw the bomb!" M0396: "You cannot get to the controls!" M0397: "You won't stop me!" M0398: the flask joins invisibly with the helmet, recharging its air. M0399: you feel a surge of acceleration, then rapid deceleration as the hopper comes to rest. M0401: at a junction of monomol ropes. Some look negotiable M0402: in the web M0403: at a junction M0404: at a junction in the web. Plasteel ropes lead away M0405: at a web junction. Ropes lead in many directions M0406: at a junction of the web M0407: at a junction of the web M0408: at a junction of the web M0409: in the web M0410: at a junction of the web M0411: in the web M0412: at a junction of the web M0413: at a junction of the web M0414: in the web M0415: at a junction of the web M0416: at a junction of the web M0417: at a junction of the web M0418: near the web base M0419: holding a rope M0420: at a junction of the web M0421: at a junction of the web M0422: on a rope joining solid ice. It fans out as it enters the snow M0423: floating in space M0424: in space near the inner surface of the hollow snowball protecting the freezers [aka] Snowball M0425: about to hit the fast moving ice below. You'd better match velocities.. M0426: on a flat snowfield north of an immense, unclimbably smooth cliff. A pylon stands nearby M0427: on trodden snow between a tall pylon and a hemidome calling itself the "Snowball Hilton" M0428: on churned and rutted snow below a tall pylon M0429: beside the northern ice cliff which has a tiny cave at its base. A pylon stands nearby M0430: on smooth snow beside a pylon, dwarfed by the north cliff M0431: on trampled snow outside a major snowdesic dome. Brilliant light from an entrance split in the hemidome illuminates a nearby pylon M0432: on smooth snow, beside one of a chain of pylons. A ladder leads up the pylon to a cabin [aka] Ladder M0433: on soft snow outside a sagging warehouse. A dark plastic path leads from the warehouse to a nearby pylon M0434: at the rim of a colossal hole, hundreds of meters in width. Stars are visible in its depths. The ice rim is splintered and gouged as if great heavy objects have been pushed over the edge M0435: on a smooth icefield, lightly dusted with powder snow M0436: in a large hanger packed with stratogliders queued for launch. The doors of the first are open ready for embarkation M0437: on a shuttle platform. A button protrudes from the barrier M0438: on a ladder up the pylon [aka] Ladder M0439: in the Robodome. A wide, rippled ramp leads down into the ground M0440: on a straight ramp M0441: at the west corner of the cave M0442: at the north corner of the cave M0443: at the south corner M0444: at the east corner of the cave M0445: at the base of a straight ramp, in the middle of a cave hacked from the ice M0446: in a snowrail carriage. Uncomfortable lumpy benches are moulded from the trash strewn floor and the filthy windows are opaque. There's a "go" button M0447: in the high control bubble of the Snowdozer. An engraved panel at the front of the cab has a keyhole set into it M0448: in the snowdozer's engine room M0451: on a significant cylindrical ledge above steps to a toroidal walkway. Transpex tubes lead away through a maze of wires and machinery M0452: floating in a flexible transpex tube through the central torus of a major freezer unit. Scaled up mechanisms are visible through the soft walls and, far below, a circular path surrounds you M0453: following a winding transpex tunnel between vast lumpy metallic discs. Tiny light sources flicker far below, providing the only illumination M0454: on a toroidal walkway M0455: on a curving path in a 100m torus. A wide glassy tube spans the space above through a net of wires and pipes. A button protrudes from the floor M0456: on a toroidal walkway M0457: on a toroidal walkway M0458: on a toroidal walkway beside a ramp. Tubes criss-cross the space above M0459: on a toroidal walkway M0460: in the winch room beside a pair of linedrives. A trapdoor is bolted to the low ceiling and monofibes hang down into the gloom M0461: clinging to ropes in the gloom M0462: on the elevator roof [aka] lift M0463: in a blue glass elevator. A sliding door makes up one wall; the others are featureless apart from a panel of multi-coloured buttons. Square trapdoors show in floor and ceiling [aka] lift M0464: clinging to a single rope below the elevator M0465: in a grimy pit. A rope hangs down from above M0466: in a curving east-west corridor south of a wide entrance. A button protrudes from the floor and indicator lights decorate the ceiling M0467: in a spotless white alcove beside a complex revival machine M0468: in a curving east-west corridor below indicator lights M0469: in a curving east-west corridor beside a green door. Lights show above it M0470: in a curving east-west corridor beside a blue door. Lights show above it M0471: at the entrance to a blue mortuary beside indicator lights and a control panel M0472: by the entrance to a green mortuary beside lights and a panel M0473: in a blue mortuary beside a smooth ceramic slab. Lights twinkle beside a trapdoor on the ceiling M0474: in a green mortuary beside a smooth slab. Indicators illuminate a trapdoor above M0475: at the south end of a narrowing marblon cylinder. A button emerges beside an airlock door M0476: at the north end of a widening marblon cylinder. A button pokes from the floor beside an airlock door M0477: in a wide simulated marble tube. An immovable grill is set into the floor, and an empty padded cell can be seen between the bars M0478: in a vast smooth-surfaced cylinder beside a contoured ramp M0479: standing on smooth simrock to the side of a large tube. A cyladder descends through red light M0480: standing inside a substantial smooth cylinder. A ramp leads down beside you and a similar, larger ramp is just visible opposite, across the tube M0481: in a carpetted massage parlour hung about with red velcron drapes. The ceiling is polished to a mirror finish. A sumptuous leather couch stands in the middle of the floor M0482: in a bare storeroom M0483: in a large low room, surrounded by lights and vids. A barely audible high pitched humming emerges from a vast display panel with the legend "Snowball IX Freezer Control" to the south. A luminous cyladder rises through the ceiling M0484: in the southeast corner of Freezer Control M0485: in the northeast corner of Freezer Control M0486: behind the display panel. You are surrounded by the shiny warm cases of a dozen holojectors M0487: in a wood grained library M0488: in a cramped mempak archive. Locked racks hold titles like Fusion Mechanics, Genetics by Numbers, The Last Christians, Choosing Your Small Business Android, COBOL for the Arcturan Gigabrain, Playgirl the First Hundred Years, and The Human Race and How To Win. Each pack zaps selected highlights (much better than its real contents) at your midbrain M0489: in the condo: a small, comfortable rest area. An airbed is suspended from the ceiling M0490: in a small tiled room. Very little space is needed to hold a WC, shower and basin but there's nothing of any game-relevance M0491: in the diner: a minute corner of the condo, equipped for eating etc. A "natural wholefood no chemicals" machine is fixed to the wall, alongside a square hole for garbage M0492: in a cupboard M0493: in a narrow service duct, beside an aircon vent M0494: in a tight east-west crawlway M0496: in a dusty corner M0497: on a rubbish tip. A garbage chute is supported by corroded wires far above, much too high for you to reach it [aka] damaged janitor droid M0498: on a great pile of garbage M0499: in an overflowing, broken junk processor (made by GIGO industries) M0500: on a wide ramp to a heavy plasteel door. A bank of videyes surround a notable flashing sign: "DROID-HANDLED STORE SERVICE. PRIVATE" [aka]droid M0501: on a gently sloping spiral ramp above a vast warehouse. Crates reach the ceiling M0502: at a small counter staffed by a faceless android [aka] Android M0503: at a wide counter staffed by a faceless android [aka] Android M0504: in a corner, beside a red ticket machine M0505: in a corner, beside a green ticket machine M0506: in a store room M0507: in a beige, kidney shaped entrance hall south of a buttoned airlock M0508: in a tasteful pink and green alcove beside a security door. There's a combination panel M0509: in a small round room M0510: on narrow, winding stairs leading down to an airlock iris. There is the usual floor button M0512: in a ruined bubble farm. There is a small button on the floor M0513: in an observatory. All the equipment has been systematically broken and the room is in chaos M0514: at the base of Jacob's Ladder. A very long opaque tube, wound about with plaitted plasteel fibres, rises dead straight above you. A ladder runs up the middle [aka] Ladder M0515: climbing Jacob's Ladder. Looking up and down, you realise it must be miles long! However, in some mysterious way, it seems easier to climb than it should M0516: climbing Jacob's Ladder. Although you're climbing slowly, it feels as if you're moving very rapidly.. M0517: near the top of Jacob's Ladder. Above is the light at the end of the tunnel M0518: on a tiny platform, suspended in the middle of a colossal metallic cylinder. A yawning gulf separates the platform from a seemingly small metallic lip round the outside. Four frail walkways join it across the abyss and a major twisted rope hangs down to support a corroded 5 klom snowball far below [aka] Snowball M0519: on a wide lip west of a colossal red cylinder M0520: on a wide ledge round the north edge of a huge red cylinder. A thick ramp winds upwards, there's a tiny opening in the cylinder wall, an insubstantial bridge is suspended over the abyss below the cylinder, and if you feel tired of life there's always down.. M0521: on a wide ledge south of a the abyss at the bottom of a colossal red cylinder. A 5 klom snowball hangs from a strong (!) Wire down the middle of the tube. A spindly bridge joins the wire [aka] Snowball M0522: on a wide ledge east of the abyss. A small hole enters the cylinder wall nearby, and a narrow bridge leads out over the abyss M0523: on a wide sloping ramp west of the red cylinder M0524: on a wide sloping ramp south of the red cylinder M0525: on a wide sloping ramp east of the red cylinder. Squinting up through the glare, you can make out a bunch of enormous clawhooks, each attached to a segmented wire M0526: at the top of the wide ramp, north of the red cylinder. The ramp curves west through a pair of heavy blast doors M0527: in a wide, dark east-west corridor. A snowdozer is jammed in a pair of buckled blast doors to the east M0528: at a T-junction where the dark passage ends at a brightly lit corridor. Looks risky.. M0529: in a bright north-south corridor, at a pair of locked doors. You don't have time to explore the rooms beyond them: the important thing is to go south to the Control Room M0530: at a junction in a north-south corridor M0531: at the end of the corridor, beside the entrance to the control room M0532: beside the main instrument panel. The only control that you can understand (without psychomods/ RNA boosts) is a red lever: "manual/ autopilot" M0533: in a sloping crawlway M0534: in a sloping crawlway M0536: in the southwest corner of Freezer Control, beside a control chair. The south wall is a wavery and obscure confusion of flickery projected vids M0537: in a comfortable cave carved into warm sandstone. Bright sunlight streams in from the east M0538: in a beige alcove at the rear of the cave. A small fire burns at one side, and there's a wide ledge strewn with cut meadowsweet at the other M0539: in one cubicle of a great library. Thousands of people are studying at similar cubicles all around, their hushed voices filling the air with a low murmuring M0540: in a soft, pink room. Gentle shapes move restfully across the walls to soft musical rhythms M0541: in a grey room, lit by flickering candles M0542: in a solid black room filled with a glaring white light. Despite the intensity of the illumination, you know it does not show everything clearly. Yet increasing the brightness would only dazzle M0543: on a wide sunlit beach of yellow sand. Several large rocky outcrops rise up all around. Gulls call as they soar overhead M0544: on a desert island in the middle of a sweeping coral atoll. Palm trees rise overhead: their fallen fronds forming a soft heap M0545: in a superb recreation lounge, surrounded by a great variety of ways of passing the time: dream games, exercisers, learndromats, fundroids etc. All are irreparably smashed M0546: in a sumptuous bathroom with sunken bath, jacuzzi etc. M0547: in a bright meadow, full of flowers and sweet grasses M0548: under the shade of an old apple tree. The ground is covered with thick, soft moss M0549: in a forest glade (yes, really). Warm sunlight filters through the branches overhead, and cute little furry animals peer out from the undergrowth. Narrow leaf strewn pathways lead in all directions through fragrant vegetation M0550: in a snake pit. Venomous reptiles are slithering towards you M0551: in an open plan control room. As the ship flies itself there are few controls, just an assortment of computers and displays of no interest to anyone. They're decades out of date - only kept in case the modern stuff fails M0552: in a cylindrical airlock between two iris doors. There is a small control panel on the wall M0553: in a featureless cylindrical airlock between two iris doors. There is a small control panel on the wall M0554: in a cubic airlock between two iris doors. There is a small control panel on the wall M0555: in a vertical airlock between two iris doors. There is a small control panel on the wall M0556: in an ice tunnel M0557: in a tiny stratoglider. It is extensively damaged M0558: in a padded room M0559: in the flexible bubble body of a spidroid M0560: in a vast docking bay, surrounded by piles of metallic junk. The massive exterior doors are open to space and, through them, lights are visible in the far south. A thickly knotted rope stretches into the void. At the back of the docking bay is an airlock iris with a floor button M0561: in the bright, tidy docking bay of the crew habidome. An airlock iris (with button) leads further into the dome M0562: sitting on a plasteel container high up in the robot stores. More crates stretch south as far as you can see, while to the north is a revolting expanse of garbage. There's a square aperture in the wall by your head M0563: north of a wall of crates M0564: in a cramped space between crates and piles of rubbish M0565: on a sloping junk heap M0566: in a gangway between stacked cases M0567: at the base of a spiral ramp, surrounded by stacked crates and containers M0568: in a gangway between stacked cases M0569: in an aisle between stacked cases M0570: in the stores. Piles of cases stretch in all directions M0571: in an aisle between stacked cases in the stores M0572: in an aisle between crates in the stores M0573: in a gangway between stacked containers M0574: in a sponge lined coffin M0575: lying on a comfortable couch M0576: in a broken waldo cocoon M0577: on the airbed, floating amidst warm air currents M0578: in a padded cell. The walls are lined by Tuffkwilt (TM) padding, and the only door (in the ceiling) cannot be opened by you though a wide passageway is visible through its bars. A "Nutrimat" machine is the only furniture M0579: seated at the console M0598: on a great pile of garbage M0600: in the southwest corner of Freezer Control, beside a control chair. To the south is an alcove full of machinery M0601: in a beige room M0602: in a beige bedroom M0603: in a pink room M0604: in a pink bedroom M0605: in a russet room M0606: in a russet bedroom beside a crude pit M0607: in a yellow room M0608: in a yellow bedroom M0609: in a well equipped, but spartan, recreation lounge M0610: in an ugly bathroom M0611: in a pale green room M0612: in a green bedroom M0613: in a large round room with many exits M0614: in a crudely gouged pit M0630: the armour is scarred by hot metal splashes. It's just your size M0631: very intricate: translucent with an embedded sensor web M0632: ordinary sun watcher specs M0633: an ugly garment which fits like a second skin.. Perhaps a hippo's M0634: clustered glowgems indicate M0635: a standard USAR vac hat. It would attach to a suit collar and has a connector at the back M0636: just your size: full body with monokini reinforcement and a circular metal collar. Very tough material M0637: it's an impressive status symbol: as worn by the elite M0640: a light, pressurised, 100 ml can. Paint jets out if you squeeze it M0641: a miniature dilithium crystal battery M0642: dead, I'm afraid M0643: the card is green, tastefully inlaid in purple M0644: the cat feels hard and bony, with a large circular mouth. It vibrates as you hold it M0645: it's smooth and black with indicators showing M0646: the expanded polystyrene cup is an engineering triumph. Even its defects (the slow leaking of the contents and the release of toxins from the plastic) led directly to the crucial Maxwell Heatsink M0647: the two cylinders are labelled O2 and C2H2 respectively M0648: the flute can play high or low notes. Or, indeed, a tune M0649: a one-shot, carbon dioxide fire extinguisher: "squeeze to activate" M0650: an infomatic probe for android faults. Attach to your robot M0651: the flask is labelled "Mineral Air, Spring bottled for natural freshness". There's a flexiconnector at one end M0652: a P45! It's incomprehensible jargon M0653: a UB40, written in Eurogibburocratish M0654: an ominous P1. Simple and concise, but all it does is reference other forms M0655: the form is almost entirely propaganda for the current government's policies M0656: it has a wide, tapering nozzle M0657: the wand whistles and vibrates as it moves M0658: the obligatory bunch of keys that crops up in all adventures M0660: it looks like a welding lance M0661: the laser is partially melted and will never work again M0662: according to the label, it holds details of passengers M0664: it's very odd M0667: very sharp M0668: it's an ordinary screwdriver with a double curved blade to maximise screwtop grip M0669: the shovel has a light foamed blade: ideal for digging snow M0670: the spanner will fit any bolt M0671: it's red M0672: it's green M0674: it looks dangerous M0675: looks like something out of a robot M0676: a droid component M0677: a robot part M0678: a robot spare M0679: a tow-behind lifter, suitable for moving coffins M0685: battery powered M0686: the viewer has openings for a battery and a mempak M0687: it's perfectly polished M0688: it floats in mid-air M0689: a very well engineered toolbox M1001: north [aka] n M1002: northeast [aka] ne M1003: east [aka] e M1004: south [aka] s M1005: southeast [aka] se M1006: southwest [aka] sw M1007: west [aka] w M1008: northwest [aka] nw M1009: up [aka] upwards u over stand M1010: down [aka] downwards d under sit lie M1011: in [aka] inside enter into on board M1012: out [aka] outside leave off M1013: across [aka] cross M1014: climb M1015: jump M1016: backwards M1017: forwards ahead M1018: left M1019: right M1020: again a M1021: attack kick fight kill chop hit smash cut M1022: inventory inv list i M1023: listen hear M1024: mends welds M1025: plugh plover sesame xyzzy agaliarept M1026: quit RESTART stop M1027: restore load restore load M1028: save save M1029: score M1030: yes y affirmative please OK M1031: negative no n M1032: wait M1035: search examine inspect M1036: blink wink M1037: look describe redescribe l M1040: take get carry keep catch remove M1041: drop free M1042: wear M1043: throw hurl chuck lob M1044: give [aka] offer M1045: fill M1046: empty pour M1047: open unlock M1048: close lock shut M1049: bite eat nibble swallow taste M1050: drink sip M1051: light M1052: extinguish M1053: press push squeeze M1054: fasten tie attach fix M1055: shake wave M1056: blow play M1058: rub M1059: dig M1060: untie unfasten M1061: insert [aka] put M1062: turn rotates [aka] twists M1063: fires shoots M1064: pull move M1065: exits M1066: ram M1067: oops undo M1068: words text M1069: credits authors copyright M1070: pictures graphics M1071: help M1140: angel M1141: nightingale [aka] nurse M1142: maintenance M1143: janitor M1144: butler M1145: robots [aka] droid robot M1146: tracks M1150: dozer [aka] snowdozer Snowdozer M1151: hopper M1152: shuttle M1153: landing-craft [aka] craft M1155: disc [aka] disk M1156: hole M1157: skeleton M1158: vending [aka] machine slot nutrimat M1159: autodoctor [aka] doctor M1160: reviver M1161: tube [aka] wall M1162: eyes M1165: buttons [aka] panels lights indicators button panel light indicator control combination M1166: handles [aka] handels M1167: levers [aka] lever M1168: switches [aka] switch M1169: screen M1170: crate M1171: padding M1172: wall [aka] floor M1173: web [aka] strand M1175: door [aka] doors sliding M1176: trapdoor [aka] trapdoors M1200: black [aka] zero nought 0 M1201: brown [aka] one 1 M1202: red [aka] two 2 M1203: orange [aka] three 3 M1204: yellow [aka] four 4 M1205: green [aka] five 5 M1206: blue [aka] six 6 M1207: purple [aka] seven 7 M1208: grey [aka] eight 8 M1209: white [aka] nine 9 M1250: everything all M1251: except [aka] but M1252: it [aka] his her them M1253: then M1254: x M1800: sorry, you're on your own here. M1801: have you noticed that lever by your side? M1802: the Nightingales are on board ship to prevent any colonists who wake up early from damaging the ship. When you escaped from your coffin, those on the lowest level (white level) of the freezer area of the ship were put on special alert. They are carrying out a thorough search at this very moment! On higher levels, they may be less vigilant. M1803: try going up and down. M1804: this seems a blinking good idea to me. M2002: it M2003: I don't understand the word M2004: when used in that way M2005: you don't need to use the word M2006: OK. M2007: to finish the game M2010: I don't understand M2011: you can't see M2012: you don't have M2013: you already have M2014: you'll have to drop it first. M2017: it's not there. M2020: I can't find any mention of " M2021: " here. M2022: there doesn't seem to be anything around. M2023: sorry, I can't say any more. M2030: that's just scenery. M2031: I think that's scenery. M2032: that's not important. M2053: it's not clear what IT refers to in that context. M2300: Sorry, we couldn't fit that facility into this version. M2301: (this version allows you to use RAM SAVE and RAM RESTORE to save a position in memory). M2302: (this version allows you to use RAM SAVE and RAM RESTORE to save a position in memory, and OOPS to "take back" bad moves). M2303: you must use RAM SAVE first. M2304: you can't use OOPS to go back further than this. M2310: Press SPACE to play again. M2311: Which do you want to do, RESTART or RESTORE? M2312: please answer YES or NO. M2313: if you now SAVE this position to disk/ cassette, and RESTORE it at the start of the next game, you can go on to achieve the maximum score for the whole trilogy. Do you want to SAVE? M2314: that position was not saved from this part of the adventure. M2315: And you solved the previous part(s) of the game. M2319: This game was designed and programmed by Pete, Mike and Nick Austin, with pictures by Tim Noyce and James Horsler and additional help from the Level 9 team. It is copyright (C) 1986 Level 9 Computing, who can be contacted at PO Box 39, Weston-super-Mare, Avon BS24 9UR, England. M2999: . M3000: , M3001: . M3002: : M3003: M3004: . M3005: the M3006: a M3007: an M3008: " M3009: the M3010: and M3011: M3012: : M3020: there seem to be exits leading M3021: an exit leads M3901: at M3902: underneath below under M3903: behind M3904: in into inside M3905: out M3906: with M3907: off M3908: up M3909: down M3910: to M3911: from M3912: on onto M3913: through M4000: the this these that some a and also before wade jog M4001: plod rush dash march amble good of cute there M4002: go about therefore am to of on my your try carefully slowly warily quickly M4003: rapidly want like love say please brief verbose wait bed airbed M4004: upper lower small large what is M4200: A gleaming robot speeds from the shadows and waves a blaster in your direction, "There's an alert out for alien pirates. To prove you are an authorised human, we want you to tell us one word from Eden Song, the ancient Earth classic by Peter McBride. M4201: word from the M4203: line of page M4204: ." M4205: The robot scans quickly through its mempaks and fixes you with a suspicious glare. "We don't think so. You had better try again. M4206: The robot springs to attention, "Correct! Sorry to have bothered you", and whines away into the distance. M4207: what is the M4208: "Negative! You're going back on ice." M4210: first M4211: second M4212: third M4213: fourth M4214: fifth M4215: sixth M4216: seventh M4217: eighth M4218: ninth M4219: tenth M4220: eleventh M4221: twelfth M4222: thirteenth M4223: fourteenth M4224: fifteenth M4225: sixteenth M4226: seventeenth M4227: eighteenth M4228: nineteenth M4229: twentieth M4230: twenty first M4301: weren't M4302: forgot M4304: robot M4305: forced M4306: as M4307: itself M4308: jokaholics M4310: tubers M4311: to M4313: raised M4314: she M4315: plate-meals [aka] plate M4316: almost M4317: told M4318: too M4319: of M4321: have M4322: bad M4323: work M4324: yet M4325: to M4327: leapt M4331: cool M4332: they M4333: arf M4334: legs M4335: the M4336: he M4337: for M4338: make M4340: do M4341: that M4342: bellowed M4343: porters M4346: furry M4348: second M4349: badly M4353: the M4355: success M4356: way M4357: jungle M4359: to M4360: of M4361: bovver M4362: roboticide M4364: inwardly M4365: oh M4366: on M4367: tops [aka] oi M4369: burnt M4370: room [aka] in M4371: to M4372: shaft M4373: change M4374: there M4375: inflated M4376: whiskas M4377: the M4378: get M4379: them M4380: written M4381: let M4383: the M4384: only M4385: once M4388: curved M4390: oo [aka] oo-ar un M4391: Kim M4392: whatsits [aka] oi M4393: that M4394: he M4395: oz10 M4396: down M4398: behind M4399: murderers M4400: the M4401: my M4403: one M4404: you M4405: a M4406: look M4407: what M4408: bein' [aka]bein M4409: the M4410: you M4411: that M4412: shorty M4413: to M4414: poo [aka] i M4415: hall ----------------------------------------- A-code disassembly: ----------------------------------------- 00000 [#0000] : GOTO 02373 [#0945] ----------------------------------------- 00003 [#0003] : GOSUB 08865 [#22a1] 00006 [#0006] : G143 = #00 00009 [#0009] : G142 = #01 00012 [#000c] : G149 = #00 00015 [#000f] : G138 = G141 00018 [#0012] : GOSUB 00271 [#010f] 00021 [#0015] : G151 = #00 00024 [#0018] : G152 = #00 00027 [#001b] : G153 = #00 00030 [#001e] : G154 = #00 00033 [#0021] : IF G144 == #00 GOTO 00056 [#0038] 00037 [#0025] : G151 = #03e8 00041 [#0029] : G151 += G142 00044 [#002c] : G143 += G011 00047 [#002f] : IF G143 != #02 GOTO 00054 [#0036] 00051 [#0033] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3020) 00054 [#0036] : GOSUB 00086 [#0056] 00056 [#0038] : G142 += G011 00059 [#003b] : IF G142 < #10 GOTO 00015 [#000f] 00063 [#003f] : IF G143 > #01 GOTO 00074 [#004a] 00067 [#0043] : IF G143 == #00 GOTO 00083 [#0053] 00071 [#0047] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3021) 00074 [#004a] : G151 = #00 00077 [#004d] : G152 = #00 00080 [#0050] : GOSUB 00086 [#0056] 00083 [#0053] : GOTO 03215 [#0c8f] ----------------------------------------- 00086 [#0056] : G153 = #00 00089 [#0059] : G154 = #00 00092 [#005c] : IF G151 == #00 GOTO 00160 [#00a0] 00096 [#0060] : G130 = G149 00099 [#0063] : G136 = G151 00102 [#0066] : GOSUB 00207 [#00cf] 00104 [#0068] : G136 = G152 00107 [#006b] : GOSUB 00207 [#00cf] 00109 [#006d] : G136 = G153 00112 [#0070] : GOSUB 00207 [#00cf] 00114 [#0072] : G136 = G154 00117 [#0075] : GOSUB 00207 [#00cf] 00119 [#0077] : G149 = G130 00122 [#007a] : IF G149 != #18 GOTO 00159 [#009f] 00126 [#007e] : G130 = #00 00129 [#0081] : GOSUB 00188 [#00bc] 00131 [#0083] : G127 = #00 00134 [#0086] : G128 = #08 00137 [#0089] : G129 = LIST#07 [G128] 00140 [#008c] : LIST#07 [G127] = G129 00143 [#008f] : G127 += G011 00146 [#0092] : G128 += G011 00149 [#0095] : IF G127 < #10 GOTO 00137 [#0089] 00153 [#0099] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3000) 00156 [#009c] : G149 = #10 00159 [#009f] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00160 [#00a0] : IF G149 == #00 GOTO 00159 [#009f] 00164 [#00a4] : G130 = #00 00167 [#00a7] : GOSUB 00188 [#00bc] 00169 [#00a9] : IF G149 == #08 GOTO 00181 [#00b5] 00173 [#00ad] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3010) 00176 [#00b0] : G130 = #08 00179 [#00b3] : GOSUB 00188 [#00bc] 00181 [#00b5] : G149 = #00 00184 [#00b8] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3001) 00187 [#00bb] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00188 [#00bc] : G129 = #03 00191 [#00bf] : GOSUB 00226 [#00e2] 00193 [#00c1] : G127 = G136 00196 [#00c4] : PRINTMESSAGE (G136) 00198 [#00c6] : G129 -= G011 00201 [#00c9] : IF G129 < #c350 GOTO 00191 [#00bf] 00206 [#00ce] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00207 [#00cf] : G130 += G011 00210 [#00d2] : LIST#07 [G130] = G136 00213 [#00d5] : G130 -= G011 00216 [#00d8] : GOSUB 01888 [#0760] 00219 [#00db] : LIST#07 [G130] = G136 00222 [#00de] : G130 += G012 00225 [#00e1] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00226 [#00e2] : G136 = LIST#07 [G130] 00229 [#00e5] : GOSUB 01863 [#0747] 00232 [#00e8] : G130 += G011 00235 [#00eb] : G127 = LIST#07 [G130] 00238 [#00ee] : G136 += G127 00241 [#00f1] : G130 += G011 00244 [#00f4] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00245 [#00f5] : G148 = G127 00248 [#00f8] : IF G127 < #50 GOTO 00270 [#010e] 00252 [#00fc] : IF G127 > #8c GOTO 00261 [#0105] 00256 [#0100] : G128 = #00 00259 [#0103] : GOTO 00265 [#0109] ----------------------------------------- 00261 [#0105] : G128 = #03e8 00265 [#0109] : G128 += G127 00268 [#010c] : PRINTMESSAGE (G128) 00270 [#010e] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00271 [#010f] : G175 = #00 00274 [#0112] : G144 = #00 00277 [#0115] : EXIT G138 G142 G140 G139 00282 [#011a] : IF G139 == #00 GOTO 00306 [#0132] 00286 [#011e] : G127 = G140 00289 [#0121] : IF G127 < #04 GOTO 00299 [#012b] 00293 [#0125] : G175 = #01 00296 [#0128] : G127 -= G014 00299 [#012b] : IF G127 > #01 GOTO 00306 [#0132] 00303 [#012f] : G144 = #01 00306 [#0132] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00307 [#0133] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3003) 00310 [#0136] : G174 += G011 00313 [#0139] : IF G174 < #03 GOTO 00320 [#0140] 00317 [#013d] : G174 = #00 00320 [#0140] : G127 = G155 00323 [#0143] : G127 += G174 00326 [#0146] : PRINTMESSAGE (G127) 00328 [#0148] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00329 [#0149] : GOSUB 01580 [#062c] 00332 [#014c] : G133 = #ff 00335 [#014f] : G163 = #00 00338 [#0152] : G145 = #ff 00341 [#0155] : GOTO 03215 [#0c8f] ----------------------------------------- 00344 [#0158] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3003) 00347 [#015b] : G142 = G010 00350 [#015e] : GOSUB 02257 [#08d1] 00353 [#0161] : IF G131 == G010 GOTO 00360 [#0168] 00357 [#0165] : G169 = G131 00360 [#0168] : GOSUB 02235 [#08bb] 00363 [#016b] : IF G163 == #01 GOTO 00400 [#0190] 00367 [#016f] : G145 = G011 00370 [#0172] : G146 = LIST#08 [G145] 00373 [#0175] : IF G146 == G010 GOTO 00390 [#0186] 00377 [#0179] : G133 = G146 00380 [#017c] : G171 = #01 00383 [#017f] : GOTO 00452 [#01c4] ----------------------------------------- 00385 [#0181] : G145 += G011 00388 [#0184] : GOTO 00370 [#0172] ----------------------------------------- 00390 [#0186] : IF G171 == #01 GOTO 02023 [#07e7] 00395 [#018b] : G133 = #ff 00398 [#018e] : GOTO 00452 [#01c4] ----------------------------------------- 00400 [#0190] : G145 = #8c 00403 [#0193] : G133 = #ff 00406 [#0196] : G146 = G145 00409 [#0199] : IF G146 == #5f GOTO 00435 [#01b3] 00413 [#019d] : GOSUB 00495 [#01ef] 00416 [#01a0] : IF G150 == #00 GOTO 00435 [#01b3] 00420 [#01a4] : GOSUB 01061 [#0425] 00423 [#01a7] : IF G150 == #01 GOTO 00435 [#01b3] 00427 [#01ab] : G133 = G145 00430 [#01ae] : G171 = #01 00433 [#01b1] : GOTO 00452 [#01c4] ----------------------------------------- 00435 [#01b3] : G145 -= G011 00438 [#01b6] : IF G145 > #4f GOTO 00406 [#0196] 00442 [#01ba] : G133 = #ff 00445 [#01bd] : IF G171 == #01 GOTO 02023 [#07e7] 00450 [#01c2] : GOTO 00452 [#01c4] ----------------------------------------- 00452 [#01c4] : IF G131 == #00 GOTO 02065 [#0811] 00457 [#01c9] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3003) 00460 [#01cc] : IF G133 == #ff GOTO 00492 [#01ec] 00464 [#01d0] : IF G163 == #01 GOTO 00472 [#01d8] 00468 [#01d4] : IF G170 < G012 GOTO 00492 [#01ec] 00472 [#01d8] : IF G163 == #00 GOTO 00479 [#01df] 00476 [#01dc] : G167 = G133 00479 [#01df] : IF G133 == #de GOTO 00492 [#01ec] 00483 [#01e3] : G127 = G133 00486 [#01e6] : GOSUB 00245 [#00f5] 00489 [#01e9] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3002) 00492 [#01ec] : GOTO 02065 [#0811] ----------------------------------------- 00495 [#01ef] : IF G146 < #01 GOTO 00506 [#01fa] 00499 [#01f3] : IF G146 > #00 GOTO 00506 [#01fa] 00503 [#01f7] : G127 = #01 00506 [#01fa] : IF G146 > #f0 GOTO 00896 [#0380] 00511 [#01ff] : IF G147 != #1f GOTO 00524 [#020c] 00515 [#0203] : GOSUB 08738 [#2222] 00518 [#0206] : IF G150 == #01 GOTO 00536 [#0218] 00522 [#020a] : GOTO 00528 [#0210] ----------------------------------------- 00524 [#020c] : IF G147 != #01 GOTO 00533 [#0215] 00528 [#0210] : GOSUB 08836 [#2284] 00531 [#0213] : GOTO 00536 [#0218] ----------------------------------------- 00533 [#0215] : GOSUB 08738 [#2222] 00536 [#0218] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00537 [#0219] : G150 = #01 00540 [#021c] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00541 [#021d] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3008) 00544 [#0220] : PRINTINPUT 00545 [#0221] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3008) 00548 [#0224] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00549 [#0225] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2005) 00552 [#0228] : GOSUB 00541 [#021d] 00554 [#022a] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2007) 00557 [#022d] : G155 = G010 00560 [#0230] : GOTO 00597 [#0255] ----------------------------------------- 00562 [#0232] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2003) 00565 [#0235] : GOSUB 00541 [#021d] 00567 [#0237] : G155 = #07d4 00571 [#023b] : GOTO 00597 [#0255] ----------------------------------------- 00573 [#023d] : G165 = #01 00576 [#0240] : G167 = #ff 00579 [#0243] : G146 = G010 00582 [#0246] : G171 = #01 00585 [#0249] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2020) 00588 [#024c] : PRINTINPUT 00589 [#024d] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2021) 00592 [#0250] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00593 [#0251] : G155 = #07da 00597 [#0255] : PRINTMESSAGE (G155) 00599 [#0257] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3004) 00602 [#025a] : GOTO 00329 [#0149] ----------------------------------------- 00605 [#025d] : G171 = #00 00608 [#0260] : GOSUB 01604 [#0644] 00611 [#0263] : G131 = G010 00614 [#0266] : IF G161 == #01 GOTO 00787 [#0313] 00619 [#026b] : G157 = #02 00622 [#026e] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 00625 [#0271] : IF G136 != G010 GOTO 00649 [#0289] 00629 [#0275] : G157 = #08 00632 [#0278] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 00635 [#027b] : IF G136 > #c350 GOTO 00562 [#0232] 00641 [#0281] : IF G136 > #0bb7 GOTO 00605 [#025d] 00646 [#0286] : GOTO 00562 [#0232] ----------------------------------------- 00649 [#0289] : IF G136 != #14 GOTO 00659 [#0293] 00653 [#028d] : G131 = G169 00656 [#0290] : GOTO 00787 [#0313] ----------------------------------------- 00659 [#0293] : G131 = G136 00662 [#0296] : IF G131 == G010 GOTO 00669 [#029d] 00666 [#029a] : G169 = G131 00669 [#029d] : LIST#08 [G010] = G010 00672 [#02a0] : LIST#08 [G011] = G010 00675 [#02a3] : G163 = #00 00678 [#02a6] : G159 = #00 00681 [#02a9] : G132 = G010 00684 [#02ac] : G179 = G010 00687 [#02af] : G133 = #ff 00690 [#02b2] : G134 = #ff 00693 [#02b5] : G170 = G010 00696 [#02b8] : G173 = #00 00699 [#02bb] : G182 = #00 00702 [#02be] : IF G131 < #09 GOTO 00787 [#0313] 00706 [#02c2] : GOSUB 02257 [#08d1] 00709 [#02c5] : GOSUB 02235 [#08bb] 00712 [#02c8] : GOSUB 01604 [#0644] 00715 [#02cb] : IF G162 == #01 GOTO 00712 [#02c8] 00719 [#02cf] : IF G161 == #01 GOTO 00787 [#0313] 00723 [#02d3] : IF G131 == #2f GOTO 00741 [#02e5] 00727 [#02d7] : IF G131 == #40 GOTO 00741 [#02e5] 00731 [#02db] : G157 = #06 00734 [#02de] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 00737 [#02e1] : IF G136 != G010 GOTO 00795 [#031b] 00741 [#02e5] : G146 = G136 00744 [#02e8] : GOSUB 01255 [#04e7] 00747 [#02eb] : IF G146 != G010 GOTO 00811 [#032b] 00751 [#02ef] : IF G165 == #01 GOTO 00712 [#02c8] 00755 [#02f3] : G157 = #00 00758 [#02f6] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 00761 [#02f9] : IF G136 == #2c GOTO 00712 [#02c8] 00765 [#02fd] : IF G136 != G010 GOTO 00712 [#02c8] 00769 [#0301] : G157 = #0e 00772 [#0304] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 00775 [#0307] : IF G136 == G010 GOTO 00784 [#0310] 00779 [#030b] : G170 += G011 00782 [#030e] : GOTO 00712 [#02c8] ----------------------------------------- 00784 [#0310] : GOSUB 01698 [#06a2] 00787 [#0313] : IF G179 == G010 GOTO 00794 [#031a] 00791 [#0317] : G132 = G179 00794 [#031a] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00795 [#031b] : IF G132 != G010 GOTO 00562 [#0232] 00800 [#0320] : G132 = G136 00803 [#0323] : GOSUB 02257 [#08d1] 00806 [#0326] : GOSUB 02235 [#08bb] 00809 [#0329] : GOTO 00712 [#02c8] ----------------------------------------- 00811 [#032b] : IF G146 != #fc GOTO 00828 [#033c] 00815 [#032f] : G146 = G167 00818 [#0332] : IF G146 < #ff GOTO 00828 [#033c] 00822 [#0336] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2053) 00825 [#0339] : GOTO 00329 [#0149] ----------------------------------------- 00828 [#033c] : IF G132 != G010 GOTO 01216 [#04c0] 00833 [#0341] : IF G146 == #fa GOTO 00877 [#036d] 00837 [#0345] : IF G146 == #fb GOTO 01210 [#04ba] 00842 [#034a] : G167 = G146 00845 [#034d] : IF G146 < #01 GOTO 00859 [#035b] 00849 [#0351] : IF G146 > #00 GOTO 00859 [#035b] 00853 [#0355] : G134 = G146 00856 [#0358] : GOTO 00712 [#02c8] ----------------------------------------- 00859 [#035b] : G127 = #c0 00862 [#035e] : IF G159 == #01 GOTO 00869 [#0365] 00866 [#0362] : G127 = #80 00869 [#0365] : G133 = G146 00872 [#0368] : GOSUB 00923 [#039b] 00874 [#036a] : GOTO 00712 [#02c8] ----------------------------------------- 00877 [#036d] : G163 = #01 00880 [#0370] : GOTO 00712 [#02c8] ----------------------------------------- 00883 [#0373] : IF G127 < #40 GOTO 00895 [#037f] 00887 [#0377] : G128 = #40 00890 [#037a] : G127 -= G128 00893 [#037d] : GOTO 00883 [#0373] ----------------------------------------- 00895 [#037f] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00896 [#0380] : GOSUB 08865 [#22a1] 00899 [#0383] : G127 = G146 00902 [#0386] : G128 = #fda8 00906 [#038a] : G127 -= G128 00909 [#038d] : IF G127 == G141 GOTO 00915 [#0393] 00913 [#0391] : GOTO 00919 [#0397] ----------------------------------------- 00915 [#0393] : G150 = #01 00918 [#0396] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00919 [#0397] : G150 = #00 00922 [#039a] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00923 [#039b] : IF G146 > #ff GOTO 01060 [#0424] 00928 [#03a0] : G128 = LIST#08 [G010] 00931 [#03a3] : IF G128 == G010 GOTO 00940 [#03ac] 00935 [#03a7] : IF G127 != G128 GOTO 00593 [#0251] 00940 [#03ac] : G128 = G011 00943 [#03af] : G129 = LIST#08 [G128] 00946 [#03b2] : IF G131 != #35 GOTO 00956 [#03bc] 00950 [#03b6] : IF G146 == #a5 GOTO 01060 [#0424] 00954 [#03ba] : GOTO 01031 [#0407] ----------------------------------------- 00956 [#03bc] : IF G146 < #c8 GOTO 00974 [#03ce] 00960 [#03c0] : IF G146 > #d1 GOTO 00974 [#03ce] 00964 [#03c4] : G182 = G146 00967 [#03c7] : G130 = #c8 00970 [#03ca] : G182 -= G130 00973 [#03cd] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 00974 [#03ce] : IF G146 < #66 GOTO 00996 [#03e4] 00978 [#03d2] : IF G146 > #69 GOTO 00996 [#03e4] 00982 [#03d6] : IF G182 < #02 GOTO 00996 [#03e4] 00986 [#03da] : IF G182 > #05 GOTO 00996 [#03e4] 00990 [#03de] : G146 = #64 00993 [#03e1] : G146 += G182 00996 [#03e4] : IF G146 != #79 GOTO 01014 [#03f6] 01000 [#03e8] : IF G182 != #02 GOTO 01007 [#03ef] 01004 [#03ec] : G146 = #79 01007 [#03ef] : IF G182 != #05 GOTO 01014 [#03f6] 01011 [#03f3] : G146 = #7a 01014 [#03f6] : IF G146 != #a5 GOTO 01027 [#0403] 01018 [#03fa] : G146 = G182 01021 [#03fd] : G130 = #c8 01024 [#0400] : G146 += G130 01027 [#0403] : IF G129 == G146 GOTO 01060 [#0424] 01031 [#0407] : IF G129 == G010 GOTO 01040 [#0410] 01035 [#040b] : G128 += G011 01038 [#040e] : GOTO 00943 [#03af] ----------------------------------------- 01040 [#0410] : IF G128 > #3c GOTO 00593 [#0251] 01045 [#0415] : G170 += G011 01048 [#0418] : LIST#08 [G010] = G127 01051 [#041b] : LIST#08 [G128] = G146 01054 [#041e] : G128 += G011 01057 [#0421] : LIST#08 [G128] = G010 01060 [#0424] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01061 [#0425] : G150 = #00 01064 [#0428] : G127 = LIST#08 [G010] 01067 [#042b] : IF G127 != #c0 GOTO 01091 [#0443] 01071 [#042f] : G128 = G011 01074 [#0432] : G127 = LIST#08 [G128] 01077 [#0435] : G128 += G011 01080 [#0438] : IF G127 == G010 GOTO 01091 [#0443] 01084 [#043c] : IF G127 != G146 GOTO 01074 [#0432] 01088 [#0440] : G150 = #01 01091 [#0443] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01092 [#0444] : IF G181 == #01 GOTO 01187 [#04a3] 01096 [#0448] : G165 = #00 01099 [#044b] : GOSUB 08865 [#22a1] 01102 [#044e] : IF G131 != #23 GOTO 01200 [#04b0] 01106 [#0452] : G165 = #01 01109 [#0455] : G167 = #ff 01112 [#0458] : G171 = #01 01115 [#045b] : G146 = G010 01118 [#045e] : G181 = #01 01121 [#0461] : IF G141 == #3f GOTO 01173 [#0495] 01125 [#0465] : IF G141 == #4f GOTO 01173 [#0495] 01129 [#0469] : IF G141 == #51 GOTO 01173 [#0495] 01133 [#046d] : IF G141 == #53 GOTO 01173 [#0495] 01137 [#0471] : IF G141 == #5b GOTO 01173 [#0495] 01141 [#0475] : IF G141 == #61 GOTO 01173 [#0495] 01145 [#0479] : IF G141 < #66 GOTO 01153 [#0481] 01149 [#047d] : IF G141 < #6a GOTO 01173 [#0495] 01153 [#0481] : IF G141 == #6c GOTO 01173 [#0495] 01157 [#0485] : IF G141 == #84 GOTO 01173 [#0495] 01161 [#0489] : IF G141 == #88 GOTO 01173 [#0495] 01165 [#048d] : G155 = #07ee 01169 [#0491] : GOSUB 00310 [#0136] 01172 [#0494] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01173 [#0495] : G061 = #07e7 01177 [#0499] : IF G131 == #23 GOTO 01185 [#04a1] 01181 [#049d] : G061 = #07e8 01185 [#04a1] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 01187 [#04a3] : G165 = #01 01190 [#04a6] : G167 = #ff 01193 [#04a9] : G171 = #01 01196 [#04ac] : G146 = G010 01199 [#04af] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01200 [#04b0] : G165 = #01 01203 [#04b3] : G146 = #de 01206 [#04b6] : G165 = #01 01209 [#04b9] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01210 [#04ba] : G159 = #01 01213 [#04bd] : GOTO 00712 [#02c8] ----------------------------------------- 01216 [#04c0] : IF G134 != #ff GOTO 00593 [#0251] 01221 [#04c5] : G134 = G146 01224 [#04c8] : GOTO 00712 [#02c8] ----------------------------------------- 01227 [#04cb] : G137 = #00 01230 [#04ce] : GOSUB 01711 [#06af] 01233 [#04d1] : IF G136 == #00 GOTO 01254 [#04e6] 01237 [#04d5] : IF G158 != #0e GOTO 01244 [#04dc] 01241 [#04d9] : G137 += G012 01244 [#04dc] : G137 += G012 01247 [#04df] : G172 = #01 01250 [#04e2] : IF G158 != G157 GOTO 01230 [#04ce] 01254 [#04e6] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01255 [#04e7] : IF G132 == G010 GOTO 01262 [#04ee] 01259 [#04eb] : G147 = #1f 01262 [#04ee] : GOSUB 01559 [#0617] 01265 [#04f1] : IF G150 == #01 GOTO 01276 [#04fc] 01269 [#04f5] : G165 = #00 01272 [#04f8] : G146 = G010 01275 [#04fb] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01276 [#04fc] : GOSUB 01334 [#0536] 01278 [#04fe] : IF G150 == #00 GOTO 01289 [#0509] 01282 [#0502] : G165 = #01 01285 [#0505] : G146 = G010 01288 [#0508] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01289 [#0509] : GOSUB 01372 [#055c] 01291 [#050b] : IF G150 == #00 GOTO 01302 [#0516] 01295 [#050f] : G165 = #00 01298 [#0512] : G146 = G136 01301 [#0515] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01302 [#0516] : GOSUB 01430 [#0596] 01304 [#0518] : IF G150 == #00 GOTO 01309 [#051d] 01308 [#051c] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01309 [#051d] : GOSUB 01517 [#05ed] 01312 [#0520] : IF G150 == #01 GOTO 01092 [#0444] 01317 [#0525] : GOSUB 01472 [#05c0] 01320 [#0528] : IF G150 == #00 GOTO 01328 [#0530] 01324 [#052c] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01325 [#052d] : GOTO 01092 [#0444] ----------------------------------------- 01328 [#0530] : IF G146 > #ff GOTO 00573 [#023d] 01333 [#0535] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01334 [#0536] : G157 = #08 01337 [#0539] : G137 = G010 01340 [#053c] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 01342 [#053e] : G146 = G010 01345 [#0541] : IF G136 == G010 GOTO 01364 [#0554] 01349 [#0545] : IF G136 < #0bb8 GOTO 01364 [#0554] 01354 [#054a] : IF G136 < #0c1c GOTO 01368 [#0558] 01359 [#054f] : GOSUB 01230 [#04ce] 01362 [#0552] : GOTO 01345 [#0541] ----------------------------------------- 01364 [#0554] : G150 = #00 01367 [#0557] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01368 [#0558] : G150 = #01 01371 [#055b] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01372 [#055c] : G157 = #08 01375 [#055f] : G137 = G010 01378 [#0562] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 01381 [#0565] : G146 = G010 01384 [#0568] : IF G136 == G010 GOTO 01416 [#0588] 01388 [#056c] : IF G136 == #fc GOTO 01423 [#058f] 01392 [#0570] : IF G136 == #fb GOTO 01423 [#058f] 01396 [#0574] : IF G136 == #fa GOTO 01423 [#058f] 01400 [#0578] : IF G136 == #1c GOTO 01423 [#058f] 01404 [#057c] : IF G136 == #1b GOTO 01423 [#058f] 01408 [#0580] : G157 = #08 01411 [#0583] : GOSUB 01230 [#04ce] 01414 [#0586] : GOTO 01384 [#0568] ----------------------------------------- 01416 [#0588] : G146 = G010 01419 [#058b] : G150 = #00 01422 [#058e] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01423 [#058f] : G146 = G136 01426 [#0592] : G150 = #01 01429 [#0595] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01430 [#0596] : G150 = #01 01433 [#0599] : G157 = #08 01436 [#059c] : G137 = G010 01439 [#059f] : G146 = G010 01442 [#05a2] : GOSUB 01230 [#04ce] 01445 [#05a5] : IF G136 == #00 GOTO 01468 [#05bc] 01449 [#05a9] : IF G136 > #f0 GOTO 01442 [#05a2] 01453 [#05ad] : IF G136 < #4f GOTO 01442 [#05a2] 01457 [#05b1] : G146 = G136 01460 [#05b4] : GOSUB 00495 [#01ef] 01463 [#05b7] : IF G150 == #00 GOTO 01442 [#05a2] 01467 [#05bb] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01468 [#05bc] : G150 = #00 01471 [#05bf] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01472 [#05c0] : G157 = #08 01475 [#05c3] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 01478 [#05c6] : GOSUB 08865 [#22a1] 01481 [#05c9] : IF G136 == G010 GOTO 01513 [#05e9] 01485 [#05cd] : G127 = G136 01488 [#05d0] : G128 = #03e8 01492 [#05d4] : G127 += G128 01495 [#05d7] : IF G127 < #a4 GOTO 01508 [#05e4] 01499 [#05db] : IF G127 > #018f GOTO 01508 [#05e4] 01504 [#05e0] : G150 = #01 01507 [#05e3] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01508 [#05e4] : GOSUB 01230 [#04ce] 01511 [#05e7] : GOTO 01481 [#05c9] ----------------------------------------- 01513 [#05e9] : G150 = #00 01516 [#05ec] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01517 [#05ed] : G157 = #08 01520 [#05f0] : G137 = G010 01523 [#05f3] : GOSUB 08865 [#22a1] 01526 [#05f6] : GOSUB 01230 [#04ce] 01529 [#05f9] : IF G136 == G010 GOTO 01555 [#0613] 01533 [#05fd] : G127 = G136 01536 [#0600] : G128 = #fda8 01540 [#0604] : G127 -= G128 01543 [#0607] : G146 = G136 01546 [#060a] : G150 = #01 01549 [#060d] : IF G127 == G141 GOTO 01558 [#0616] 01553 [#0611] : GOTO 01526 [#05f6] ----------------------------------------- 01555 [#0613] : G150 = #00 01558 [#0616] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01559 [#0617] : G157 = #08 01562 [#061a] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 01565 [#061d] : IF G136 != #00 GOTO 01576 [#0628] 01569 [#0621] : G146 = G136 01572 [#0624] : G150 = #00 01575 [#0627] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01576 [#0628] : G150 = #01 01579 [#062b] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01580 [#062c] : IF G164 == #01 GOTO 01600 [#0640] 01584 [#0630] : G137 = G010 01587 [#0633] : GOSUB 01711 [#06af] 01589 [#0635] : IF G136 == G010 GOTO 01600 [#0640] 01593 [#0639] : G166 = #01 01596 [#063c] : GOSUB 01604 [#0644] 01598 [#063e] : GOTO 01580 [#062c] ----------------------------------------- 01600 [#0640] : G166 = #00 01603 [#0643] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01604 [#0644] : IF G164 == #01 GOTO 01633 [#0661] 01608 [#0648] : IF G160 == #01 GOTO 01633 [#0661] 01612 [#064c] : INPUT #7f #7f #7f #7f 01617 [#0651] : G157 = #00 01620 [#0654] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 01623 [#0657] : IF G136 < #21 GOTO 01631 [#065f] 01627 [#065b] : IF G136 < #26 GOTO 01604 [#0644] 01631 [#065f] : GOSUB 01637 [#0665] 01633 [#0661] : G160 = #00 01636 [#0664] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01637 [#0665] : G137 = G010 01640 [#0668] : GOSUB 01711 [#06af] 01642 [#066a] : G162 = #00 01645 [#066d] : G161 = #00 01648 [#0670] : IF G136 == G010 GOTO 01691 [#069b] 01652 [#0674] : G157 = #04 01655 [#0677] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 01658 [#067a] : IF G136 == #fd GOTO 01694 [#069e] 01662 [#067e] : G157 = #00 01665 [#0681] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 01668 [#0684] : IF G166 == #01 GOTO 01677 [#068d] 01672 [#0688] : IF G136 == #80 GOTO 00549 [#0225] 01677 [#068d] : IF G136 == #2c GOTO 01686 [#0696] 01681 [#0691] : IF G136 == #2e GOTO 01694 [#069e] 01685 [#0695] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01686 [#0696] : G162 = #01 01689 [#0699] : GOTO 01694 [#069e] ----------------------------------------- 01691 [#069b] : G164 = #01 01694 [#069e] : G161 = #01 01697 [#06a1] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01698 [#06a2] : G137 = G010 01701 [#06a5] : GOSUB 01711 [#06af] 01703 [#06a7] : IF G136 == G010 GOTO 01710 [#06ae] 01707 [#06ab] : G160 = #01 01710 [#06ae] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01711 [#06af] : G136 = LIST#09 [G137] 01714 [#06b2] : IF G136 != G011 GOTO 01731 [#06c3] 01718 [#06b6] : G158 = #0e 01721 [#06b9] : G127 = G137 01724 [#06bc] : G127 += G011 01727 [#06bf] : G136 = LIST#09 [G127] 01730 [#06c2] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01731 [#06c3] : G158 = G136 01734 [#06c6] : G127 = #20 01737 [#06c9] : IF G136 < #20 GOTO 01746 [#06d2] 01741 [#06cd] : G136 -= G127 01744 [#06d0] : GOTO 01737 [#06c9] ----------------------------------------- 01746 [#06d2] : GOSUB 01863 [#0747] 01748 [#06d4] : G127 = G011 01751 [#06d7] : G127 += G137 01754 [#06da] : G128 = LIST#09 [G127] 01757 [#06dd] : G136 += G128 01760 [#06e0] : G128 = G158 01763 [#06e3] : G158 = #00 01766 [#06e6] : G127 = #00 01769 [#06e9] : IF G128 < #20 GOTO 01844 [#0734] 01773 [#06ed] : G158 = #02 01776 [#06f0] : G127 = #03e8 01780 [#06f4] : IF G128 < #40 GOTO 01844 [#0734] 01784 [#06f8] : G158 = #04 01787 [#06fb] : G127 = #03e8 01791 [#06ff] : IF G128 < #60 GOTO 01844 [#0734] 01795 [#0703] : G158 = #06 01798 [#0706] : G127 = #0f3c 01802 [#070a] : IF G128 < #80 GOTO 01844 [#0734] 01806 [#070e] : G158 = #08 01809 [#0711] : G127 = #03e8 01813 [#0715] : IF G128 < #a0 GOTO 01844 [#0734] 01817 [#0719] : G158 = #0a 01820 [#071c] : G127 = #00 01823 [#071f] : IF G128 < #c0 GOTO 01844 [#0734] 01827 [#0723] : G158 = #0c 01830 [#0726] : G127 = #10cc 01834 [#072a] : IF G128 < #e0 GOTO 01844 [#0734] 01838 [#072e] : G158 = #07 01841 [#0731] : G127 = G010 01844 [#0734] : IF G158 != #08 GOTO 01859 [#0743] 01848 [#0738] : IF G136 < #50 GOTO 01859 [#0743] 01852 [#073c] : IF G136 > #8b GOTO 01859 [#0743] 01856 [#0740] : G127 = #00 01859 [#0743] : G136 -= G127 01862 [#0746] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01863 [#0747] : G136 += G136 01866 [#074a] : G136 += G136 01869 [#074d] : G136 += G136 01872 [#0750] : G136 += G136 01875 [#0753] : G136 += G136 01878 [#0756] : G136 += G136 01881 [#0759] : G136 += G136 01884 [#075c] : G136 += G136 01887 [#075f] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01888 [#0760] : G127 = G010 01891 [#0763] : G128 = #0100 01895 [#0767] : G136 -= G128 01898 [#076a] : IF G136 > #c350 GOTO 01908 [#0774] 01903 [#076f] : G127 += G011 01906 [#0772] : GOTO 01895 [#0767] ----------------------------------------- 01908 [#0774] : G136 = G127 01911 [#0777] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 01912 [#0778] : G039 = G010 01915 [#077b] : G040 = G010 01918 [#077e] : G041 = G010 01921 [#0781] : G042 = G010 01924 [#0784] : G180 = #01 01927 [#0787] : GOTO 02002 [#07d2] ----------------------------------------- 01929 [#0789] : G039 = G010 01932 [#078c] : G040 = G010 01935 [#078f] : G041 = G010 01938 [#0792] : G042 = G010 01941 [#0795] : G164 = #00 01944 [#0798] : G160 = #00 01947 [#079b] : G166 = #01 01950 [#079e] : GOSUB 01604 [#0644] 01953 [#07a1] : G137 = G010 01956 [#07a4] : GOSUB 01711 [#06af] 01959 [#07a7] : IF G136 == G010 GOTO 01994 [#07ca] 01963 [#07ab] : IF G042 > G011 GOTO 01941 [#0795] 01967 [#07af] : G157 = #02 01970 [#07b2] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 01973 [#07b5] : IF G136 == G010 GOTO 01941 [#0795] 01977 [#07b9] : G042 += G011 01980 [#07bc] : IF G042 == G011 GOTO 01989 [#07c5] 01984 [#07c0] : G040 = G136 01987 [#07c3] : GOTO 01941 [#0795] ----------------------------------------- 01989 [#07c5] : G039 = G136 01992 [#07c8] : GOTO 01941 [#0795] ----------------------------------------- 01994 [#07ca] : IF G042 == G010 GOTO 01929 [#0789] 01998 [#07ce] : G166 = #00 02001 [#07d1] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 02002 [#07d2] : G039 = G010 02005 [#07d5] : G040 = G010 02008 [#07d8] : G041 = G010 02011 [#07db] : IF G133 == #ff GOTO 02023 [#07e7] 02015 [#07df] : IF G163 == #01 GOTO 00435 [#01b3] 02020 [#07e4] : GOTO 00385 [#0181] ----------------------------------------- 02023 [#07e7] : G133 = #ff 02026 [#07ea] : IF G164 == #00 GOTO 02049 [#0801] 02030 [#07ee] : G164 = #00 02033 [#07f1] : IF G172 == #00 GOTO 02049 [#0801] 02037 [#07f5] : G172 = #00 02040 [#07f8] : IF G180 == #00 GOTO 02049 [#0801] 02044 [#07fc] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0028) 02046 [#07fe] : G181 = #00 02049 [#0801] : G163 = #00 02052 [#0804] : G133 = #00 02055 [#0807] : GOSUB 00605 [#025d] 02058 [#080a] : IF G131 == #00 GOTO 02023 [#07e7] 02062 [#080e] : GOTO 00344 [#0158] ----------------------------------------- 02065 [#0811] : IF G131 == #41 GOTO 00003 [#0003] 02070 [#0816] : G039 = G131 02073 [#0819] : IF G131 == #00 GOTO 02115 [#0843] 02077 [#081d] : G040 = G132 02080 [#0820] : IF G133 == #ff GOTO 02087 [#0827] 02084 [#0824] : G040 = G133 02087 [#0827] : IF G134 == #ff GOTO 02094 [#082e] 02091 [#082b] : G041 = G134 02094 [#082e] : G042 = G013 02097 [#0831] : IF G041 != G010 GOTO 02118 [#0846] 02101 [#0835] : G042 = G012 02104 [#0838] : IF G040 != G010 GOTO 02118 [#0846] 02108 [#083c] : G042 = G011 02111 [#083f] : IF G039 != G010 GOTO 02118 [#0846] 02115 [#0843] : G042 = G010 02118 [#0846] : IF G040 != #79 GOTO 02125 [#084d] 02122 [#084a] : G041 = #ca 02125 [#084d] : IF G040 != #7a GOTO 02132 [#0854] 02129 [#0851] : G041 = #cd 02132 [#0854] : IF G040 < #66 GOTO 02149 [#0865] 02136 [#0858] : IF G040 > #69 GOTO 02149 [#0865] 02140 [#085c] : G041 = G040 02143 [#085f] : G127 = #64 02146 [#0862] : G041 += G127 02149 [#0865] : IF G131 != #35 GOTO 02160 [#0870] 02153 [#0869] : IF G040 != #00 GOTO 02160 [#0870] 02157 [#086d] : G040 = #a5 02160 [#0870] : IF G131 != #23 GOTO 02181 [#0885] 02164 [#0874] : IF G141 != #b3 GOTO 02181 [#0885] 02168 [#0878] : IF G182 == #00 GOTO 02181 [#0885] 02172 [#087c] : G040 = G182 02175 [#087f] : G127 = #c8 02178 [#0882] : G040 += G127 02181 [#0885] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 02182 [#0886] : GOSUB 01604 [#0644] 02185 [#0889] : G157 = #02 02188 [#088c] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 02191 [#088f] : IF G136 != G010 GOTO 02118 [#0846] 02195 [#0893] : G157 = #08 02198 [#0896] : GOSUB 01227 [#04cb] 02201 [#0899] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 02202 [#089a] : G145 = #ff 02205 [#089d] : G133 = #ff 02208 [#08a0] : G134 = #ff 02211 [#08a3] : G164 = #01 02214 [#08a6] : G172 = #01 02217 [#08a9] : G167 = #ff 02220 [#08ac] : G127 = G010 02223 [#08af] : LIST#02 [G127] = G010 02226 [#08b2] : G127 += G011 02229 [#08b5] : IF G127 < #0200 GOTO 02223 [#08af] 02234 [#08ba] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 02235 [#08bb] : G147 = #01 02238 [#08be] : IF G131 == #29 GOTO 02256 [#08d0] 02242 [#08c2] : IF G131 == #2b GOTO 02256 [#08d0] 02246 [#08c6] : G147 = #02 02249 [#08c9] : IF G131 == #28 GOTO 02256 [#08d0] 02253 [#08cd] : G147 = #1f 02256 [#08d0] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 02257 [#08d1] : GOSUB 08865 [#22a1] 02260 [#08d4] : IF G131 != #25 GOTO 02274 [#08e2] 02264 [#08d8] : IF G132 == #00 GOTO 02274 [#08e2] 02268 [#08dc] : G131 = #23 02271 [#08df] : G132 = #00 02274 [#08e2] : IF G131 == #0b GOTO 02286 [#08ee] 02278 [#08e6] : IF G131 != #28 GOTO 02304 [#0900] 02282 [#08ea] : IF G132 != #0c GOTO 02304 [#0900] 02286 [#08ee] : IF G141 == #51 GOTO 02332 [#091c] 02290 [#08f2] : IF G141 == #af GOTO 02332 [#091c] 02294 [#08f6] : IF G141 != #49 GOTO 02304 [#0900] 02298 [#08fa] : G131 = #09 02301 [#08fd] : G132 = #00 02304 [#0900] : IF G131 == #0c GOTO 02320 [#0910] 02308 [#0904] : IF G131 != #28 GOTO 02338 [#0922] 02312 [#0908] : IF G132 == #08 GOTO 02298 [#08fa] 02316 [#090c] : IF G132 != #07 GOTO 02338 [#0922] 02320 [#0910] : IF G141 == #51 GOTO 02298 [#08fa] 02324 [#0914] : IF G141 == #af GOTO 02298 [#08fa] 02328 [#0918] : IF G141 != #49 GOTO 02338 [#0922] 02332 [#091c] : G131 = #0a 02335 [#091f] : G132 = #00 02338 [#0922] : IF G131 != #28 GOTO 02353 [#0931] 02342 [#0926] : IF G132 != #07 GOTO 02353 [#0931] 02346 [#092a] : IF G133 != #ff GOTO 02353 [#0931] 02350 [#092e] : G132 = #00 02353 [#0931] : IF G131 != #48 GOTO 02372 [#0944] 02357 [#0935] : IF G132 != #0c GOTO 02372 [#0944] 02361 [#0939] : IF G133 != #ff GOTO 02372 [#0944] 02365 [#093d] : G131 = #2a 02368 [#0940] : G132 = #00 02371 [#0943] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 02372 [#0944] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 02373 [#0945] : CLEARWORKSPACE 02375 [#0947] : G011 = #01 02378 [#094a] : G012 = #02 02381 [#094d] : G013 = #03 02384 [#0950] : SCREEN GRAPHMODE #0b 02387 [#0953] : CLEARTG GRAPHMODE 02389 [#0955] : GOSUB 02526 [#09de] 02392 [#0958] : GOSUB 02202 [#089a] 02395 [#095b] : G001 = #04 02398 [#095e] : G002 = #00 02401 [#0961] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0160) 02403 [#0963] : GOSUB 09161 [#23c9] 02406 [#0966] : G014 = #04 02409 [#0969] : G015 = #e1 02412 [#096c] : G016 = #e2 02415 [#096f] : G017 = #fe 02418 [#0972] : G018 = #ff 02421 [#0975] : G033 = #66 02424 [#0978] : G038 = #a1 02427 [#097b] : G043 = #25 02430 [#097e] : G046 = #01 02433 [#0981] : G060 = #09 02436 [#0984] : G075 = G014 02439 [#0987] : G079 = #00 02442 [#098a] : G102 = #3c 02445 [#098d] : G084 = G012 02448 [#0990] : G085 = G012 02451 [#0993] : G026 = #50 02454 [#0996] : G028 = LIST#01 [G026] 02457 [#0999] : LIST#02 [G026] = G028 02460 [#099c] : G026 += G011 02463 [#099f] : IF G026 < #8c GOTO 02454 [#0996] 02467 [#09a3] : LIST#02 [G026] = G019 02470 [#09a6] : G026 += G011 02473 [#09a9] : IF G026 < #0119 GOTO 02467 [#09a3] 02478 [#09ae] : G040 = #8b 02481 [#09b1] : G082 = #41 02484 [#09b4] : G083 = G082 02487 [#09b7] : GOSUB 07446 [#1d16] 02490 [#09ba] : G086 = #09 02493 [#09bd] : G087 = #09 02496 [#09c0] : G082 = #ae 02499 [#09c3] : G083 = G082 02502 [#09c6] : G005 = #01f4 02506 [#09ca] : RANDOM G068 02509 [#09cd] : GOSUB 07531 [#1d6b] 02512 [#09d0] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0005) 02514 [#09d2] : IF G056 > G019 GOTO 02541 [#09ed] 02518 [#09d6] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0048) 02520 [#09d8] : GOSUB 02526 [#09de] 02523 [#09db] : GOTO 02852 [#0b24] ----------------------------------------- 02526 [#09de] : G108 = #13 02529 [#09e1] : LIST#09 [#00] = G108 02532 [#09e4] : LIST#09 [#01] = G010 02535 [#09e7] : LIST#09 [#02] = G010 02538 [#09ea] : CALLDRIVER 02540 [#09ec] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 02541 [#09ed] : G108 = #01f4 02545 [#09f1] : G108 += G082 02548 [#09f4] : IF G108 == G156 GOTO 02559 [#09ff] 02552 [#09f8] : CLEARTG GRAPHMODE 02554 [#09fa] : G156 = G108 02557 [#09fd] : PICTURE G156 02559 [#09ff] : IF G007 > G019 GOTO 02581 [#0a15] 02563 [#0a03] : G108 = #0190 02567 [#0a07] : G108 += G082 02570 [#0a0a] : G108 += G037 02573 [#0a0d] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0024) 02575 [#0a0f] : PRINTMESSAGE (G108) 02577 [#0a11] : IF G007 == G019 GOTO 02583 [#0a17] 02581 [#0a15] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0167) 02583 [#0a17] : G030 = G019 02586 [#0a1a] : G022 = G011 02589 [#0a1d] : EXIT G082 G022 G093 G083 02594 [#0a22] : IF G083 == G019 GOTO 02624 [#0a40] 02598 [#0a26] : IF G082 != #49 GOTO 02610 [#0a32] 02602 [#0a2a] : IF G022 != #0a GOTO 02610 [#0a32] 02606 [#0a2e] : IF G060 == #09 GOTO 02624 [#0a40] 02610 [#0a32] : IF G093 < G014 GOTO 02617 [#0a39] 02614 [#0a36] : G093 -= G014 02617 [#0a39] : IF G093 > #01 GOTO 02624 [#0a40] 02621 [#0a3d] : G030 += G011 02624 [#0a40] : G022 += G011 02627 [#0a43] : IF G022 < #10 GOTO 02589 [#0a1d] 02631 [#0a47] : G027 = G019 02634 [#0a4a] : G022 = G011 02637 [#0a4d] : EXIT G082 G022 G093 G083 02642 [#0a52] : IF G083 == G019 GOTO 02748 [#0abc] 02647 [#0a57] : IF G082 != #49 GOTO 02659 [#0a63] 02651 [#0a5b] : IF G022 != #0a GOTO 02659 [#0a63] 02655 [#0a5f] : IF G060 == #09 GOTO 02748 [#0abc] 02659 [#0a63] : G108 = G093 02662 [#0a66] : IF G108 < G014 GOTO 02669 [#0a6d] 02666 [#0a6a] : G108 -= G014 02669 [#0a6d] : IF G108 > #01 GOTO 02748 [#0abc] 02674 [#0a72] : G027 += G011 02677 [#0a75] : IF G027 > G011 GOTO 02695 [#0a87] 02681 [#0a79] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0004) 02683 [#0a7b] : IF G030 > G011 GOTO 02691 [#0a83] 02687 [#0a7f] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0070) 02689 [#0a81] : GOTO 02705 [#0a91] ----------------------------------------- 02691 [#0a83] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0021) 02693 [#0a85] : GOTO 02705 [#0a91] ----------------------------------------- 02695 [#0a87] : IF G027 == G030 GOTO 02703 [#0a8f] 02699 [#0a8b] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0003) 02701 [#0a8d] : GOTO 02705 [#0a91] ----------------------------------------- 02703 [#0a8f] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0006) 02705 [#0a91] : G061 = #07 02708 [#0a94] : G061 += G022 02711 [#0a97] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 02713 [#0a99] : IF G093 < #04 GOTO 02748 [#0abc] 02717 [#0a9d] : G108 = #16 02720 [#0aa0] : IF G024 == G019 GOTO 02743 [#0ab7] 02724 [#0aa4] : IF G024 == #cd GOTO 02734 [#0aae] 02728 [#0aa8] : IF G080 == G083 GOTO 02746 [#0aba] 02732 [#0aac] : GOTO 02738 [#0ab2] ----------------------------------------- 02734 [#0aae] : IF G080 != G083 GOTO 02746 [#0aba] 02738 [#0ab2] : G108 = #17 02741 [#0ab5] : GOTO 02746 [#0aba] ----------------------------------------- 02743 [#0ab7] : G108 += G021 02746 [#0aba] : PRINTMESSAGE (G108) 02748 [#0abc] : G022 += G011 02751 [#0abf] : IF G022 < #10 GOTO 02637 [#0a4d] 02755 [#0ac3] : IF G082 != #b2 GOTO 02765 [#0acd] 02759 [#0ac7] : IF G063 < G012 GOTO 02765 [#0acd] 02763 [#0acb] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0249) 02765 [#0acd] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0007) 02767 [#0acf] : G083 = G082 02770 [#0ad2] : G061 = #1b 02773 [#0ad5] : GOSUB 08256 [#2040] 02776 [#0ad8] : IF G082 != #61 GOTO 02798 [#0aee] 02780 [#0adc] : IF G100 != G019 GOTO 02792 [#0ae8] 02784 [#0ae0] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0234) 02786 [#0ae2] : G061 = #eb 02789 [#0ae5] : GOSUB 08721 [#2211] 02792 [#0ae8] : IF G100 != G018 GOTO 02798 [#0aee] 02796 [#0aec] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0241) 02798 [#0aee] : IF G105 != G083 GOTO 02821 [#0b05] 02802 [#0af2] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0275) 02805 [#0af5] : RANDOM G108 02808 [#0af8] : IF G108 > #64 GOTO 02819 [#0b03] 02812 [#0afc] : G061 = #0114 02816 [#0b00] : GOSUB 08721 [#2211] 02819 [#0b03] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0007) 02821 [#0b05] : IF G082 != #4f GOTO 02832 [#0b10] 02825 [#0b09] : IF G105 != #53 GOTO 02832 [#0b10] 02829 [#0b0d] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0279) 02832 [#0b10] : IF G038 != G082 GOTO 02839 [#0b17] 02836 [#0b14] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0325) 02839 [#0b17] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0005) 02841 [#0b19] : PRINTMESSAGE (G091) 02843 [#0b1b] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0005) 02845 [#0b1d] : PRINTMESSAGE (G092) 02847 [#0b1f] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0005) 02849 [#0b21] : G083 = G082 02852 [#0b24] : G083 = G082 02855 [#0b27] : G085 = G084 02858 [#0b2a] : G087 = G086 02861 [#0b2d] : GOSUB 07531 [#1d6b] 02864 [#0b30] : IF G035 == G019 GOTO 02878 [#0b3e] 02868 [#0b34] : IF G005 > #1e GOTO 02878 [#0b3e] 02872 [#0b38] : IF G005 == G019 GOTO 02887 [#0b47] 02876 [#0b3c] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0198) 02878 [#0b3e] : IF G006 == G019 GOTO 02887 [#0b47] 02882 [#0b42] : G004 = G019 02885 [#0b45] : GOTO 02897 [#0b51] ----------------------------------------- 02887 [#0b47] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0197) 02889 [#0b49] : G004 += G011 02892 [#0b4c] : IF G004 > G014 GOTO 07188 [#1c14] 02897 [#0b51] : IF G003 > G019 GOTO 02929 [#0b71] 02901 [#0b55] : G040 = #5a 02904 [#0b58] : GOSUB 07868 [#1ebc] 02907 [#0b5b] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 02929 [#0b71] 02911 [#0b5f] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0199) 02913 [#0b61] : GOSUB 08426 [#20ea] 02916 [#0b64] : IF G091 != #0179 GOTO 02929 [#0b71] 02921 [#0b69] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0393) 02924 [#0b6c] : G096 = G011 02927 [#0b6f] : GOTO 02852 [#0b24] ----------------------------------------- 02929 [#0b71] : IF G082 != #af GOTO 02974 [#0b9e] 02933 [#0b75] : IF G039 < #14 GOTO 02974 [#0b9e] 02937 [#0b79] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0256) 02940 [#0b7c] : G009 = #0114 02944 [#0b80] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 02947 [#0b83] : G061 = #0101 02951 [#0b87] : G061 += G064 02954 [#0b8a] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 02956 [#0b8c] : G064 += G011 02959 [#0b8f] : G075 = #08 02962 [#0b92] : IF G064 == G011 GOTO 02974 [#0b9e] 02966 [#0b96] : G075 = #04 02969 [#0b99] : IF G064 > G013 GOTO 07188 [#1c14] 02974 [#0b9e] : G108 = #64 02977 [#0ba1] : G105 = LIST#03 [G104] 02980 [#0ba4] : IF G105 != G082 GOTO 03008 [#0bc0] 02984 [#0ba8] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0267) 02987 [#0bab] : G026 = G104 02990 [#0bae] : G026 += G012 02993 [#0bb1] : G028 = LIST#03 [G026] 02996 [#0bb4] : IF G028 < G108 GOTO 03003 [#0bbb] 03000 [#0bb8] : G028 += G108 03003 [#0bbb] : PRINTMESSAGE (G028) 03005 [#0bbd] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3001) 03008 [#0bc0] : G104 += G013 03011 [#0bc3] : G105 = LIST#03 [G104] 03014 [#0bc6] : IF G105 != G019 GOTO 03023 [#0bcf] 03018 [#0bca] : G104 = G019 03021 [#0bcd] : GOTO 03011 [#0bc3] ----------------------------------------- 03023 [#0bcf] : IF G105 != G082 GOTO 03051 [#0beb] 03027 [#0bd3] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0266) 03030 [#0bd6] : G026 = G104 03033 [#0bd9] : G026 += G011 03036 [#0bdc] : G028 = LIST#03 [G026] 03039 [#0bdf] : IF G028 < G108 GOTO 03046 [#0be6] 03043 [#0be3] : G028 += G108 03046 [#0be6] : PRINTMESSAGE (G028) 03048 [#0be8] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3001) 03051 [#0beb] : IF G083 < #17 GOTO 03083 [#0c0b] 03055 [#0bef] : IF G083 > #19 GOTO 03083 [#0c0b] 03059 [#0bf3] : G034 += G011 03062 [#0bf6] : IF G034 < G012 GOTO 03083 [#0c0b] 03066 [#0bfa] : G034 = G019 03069 [#0bfd] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0295) 03072 [#0c00] : G082 += G011 03075 [#0c03] : IF G082 > #19 GOTO 07188 [#1c14] 03080 [#0c08] : GOTO 02509 [#09cd] ----------------------------------------- 03083 [#0c0b] : G071 -= G011 03086 [#0c0e] : IF G071 == G019 GOTO 03102 [#0c1e] 03090 [#0c12] : IF G082 == #3f GOTO 03107 [#0c23] 03094 [#0c16] : IF G082 < #42 GOTO 03102 [#0c1e] 03098 [#0c1a] : IF G082 < #4b GOTO 03107 [#0c23] 03102 [#0c1e] : G071 = #10 03105 [#0c21] : GOTO 03174 [#0c66] ----------------------------------------- 03107 [#0c23] : IF G071 > #05 GOTO 03174 [#0c66] 03111 [#0c27] : G061 = #0136 03115 [#0c2b] : G061 += G071 03118 [#0c2e] : IF G082 == #42 GOTO 03136 [#0c40] 03122 [#0c32] : IF G082 < #44 GOTO 03130 [#0c3a] 03126 [#0c36] : IF G082 < #47 GOTO 03136 [#0c40] 03130 [#0c3a] : G108 = #05 03133 [#0c3d] : G061 += G108 03136 [#0c40] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 03138 [#0c42] : IF G061 == #0138 GOTO 07188 [#1c14] 03144 [#0c48] : IF G071 != G012 GOTO 03174 [#0c66] 03148 [#0c4c] : IF G021 == G011 GOTO 03168 [#0c60] 03152 [#0c50] : IF G082 == #43 GOTO 03168 [#0c60] 03156 [#0c54] : IF G082 == #47 GOTO 03164 [#0c5c] 03160 [#0c58] : IF G082 != #49 GOTO 03174 [#0c66] 03164 [#0c5c] : IF G060 != #09 GOTO 03174 [#0c66] 03168 [#0c60] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0321) 03171 [#0c63] : GOTO 07188 [#1c14] ----------------------------------------- 03174 [#0c66] : IF G091 != #0142 GOTO 03186 [#0c72] 03179 [#0c6b] : G061 = #0133 03183 [#0c6f] : GOSUB 08721 [#2211] 03186 [#0c72] : IF G081 == G019 GOTO 03203 [#0c83] 03190 [#0c76] : G081 += G011 03193 [#0c79] : IF G081 != #05 GOTO 03203 [#0c83] 03197 [#0c7d] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0394) 03200 [#0c80] : GOTO 07188 [#1c14] ----------------------------------------- 03203 [#0c83] : IF G091 != #017a GOTO 03215 [#0c8f] 03208 [#0c88] : G061 = #018b 03212 [#0c8c] : GOSUB 08721 [#2211] 03215 [#0c8f] : CLEARSTACK 03217 [#0c91] : GOSUB 03222 [#0c96] 03219 [#0c93] : GOTO 03508 [#0db4] ----------------------------------------- 03222 [#0c96] : G073 = G011 03225 [#0c99] : G059 = G019 03228 [#0c9c] : G083 = G082 03231 [#0c9f] : GOSUB 09323 [#246b] 03234 [#0ca2] : GOSUB 01912 [#0778] 03237 [#0ca5] : IF G042 == #00 GOTO 03222 [#0c96] 03241 [#0ca9] : IF G039 == G019 GOTO 08688 [#21f0] 03246 [#0cae] : IF G040 == #66 GOTO 03254 [#0cb6] 03250 [#0cb2] : IF G040 != #79 GOTO 03283 [#0cd3] 03254 [#0cb6] : IF G041 < #ca GOTO 08706 [#2202] 03259 [#0cbb] : IF G041 > #cd GOTO 08706 [#2202] 03264 [#0cc0] : G108 = #ca 03267 [#0cc3] : G040 += G041 03270 [#0cc6] : G040 -= G108 03273 [#0cc9] : G041 = G019 03276 [#0ccc] : IF G040 < #7b GOTO 03283 [#0cd3] 03280 [#0cd0] : G040 = #7a 03283 [#0cd3] : IF G039 < #28 GOTO 03317 [#0cf5] 03287 [#0cd7] : IF G039 > #41 GOTO 03317 [#0cf5] 03291 [#0cdb] : IF G039 == #3b GOTO 03317 [#0cf5] 03295 [#0cdf] : IF G039 > #4f GOTO 08661 [#21d5] 03300 [#0ce4] : IF G040 > #4f GOTO 03317 [#0cf5] 03304 [#0ce8] : IF G042 < G012 GOTO 08693 [#21f5] 03309 [#0ced] : IF G042 > #08 GOTO 08711 [#2207] 03314 [#0cf2] : GOTO 08706 [#2202] ----------------------------------------- 03317 [#0cf5] : G097 += G011 03320 [#0cf8] : IF G039 != #14 GOTO 03327 [#0cff] 03324 [#0cfc] : GOSUB 03544 [#0dd8] 03327 [#0cff] : IF G040 == #df GOTO 03335 [#0d07] 03331 [#0d03] : IF G041 != #df GOTO 03338 [#0d0a] 03335 [#0d07] : GOSUB 03616 [#0e20] 03338 [#0d0a] : G043 = G039 03341 [#0d0d] : G044 = G040 03344 [#0d10] : G045 = G041 03347 [#0d13] : G046 = G042 03350 [#0d16] : IF G040 == #e0 GOTO 03557 [#0de5] 03355 [#0d1b] : IF G039 > #47 GOTO 08688 [#21f0] 03360 [#0d20] : JUMPTABLE 03364 [#0d24] <- G039 ----------------------------------------- JUMPTABLE: JT #00 : 03364 [#0d24] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #01 : 03366 [#0d26] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #02 : 03368 [#0d28] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #03 : 03370 [#0d2a] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #04 : 03372 [#0d2c] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #05 : 03374 [#0d2e] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #06 : 03376 [#0d30] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #07 : 03378 [#0d32] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #08 : 03380 [#0d34] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #09 : 03382 [#0d36] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #0a : 03384 [#0d38] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #0b : 03386 [#0d3a] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #0c : 03388 [#0d3c] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #0d : 03390 [#0d3e] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #0e : 03392 [#0d40] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #0f : 03394 [#0d42] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #10 : 03396 [#0d44] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #11 : 03398 [#0d46] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #12 : 03400 [#0d48] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #13 : 03402 [#0d4a] : GOTO 03634 [#0e32] JT #14 : 03404 [#0d4c] : GOTO 03544 [#0dd8] JT #15 : 03406 [#0d4e] : GOTO 04218 [#107a] JT #16 : 03408 [#0d50] : GOTO 04253 [#109d] JT #17 : 03410 [#0d52] : GOTO 04283 [#10bb] JT #18 : 03412 [#0d54] : GOTO 07073 [#1ba1] JT #19 : 03414 [#0d56] : GOTO 04301 [#10cd] JT #1a : 03416 [#0d58] : GOTO 04315 [#10db] JT #1b : 03418 [#0d5a] : GOTO 04329 [#10e9] JT #1c : 03420 [#0d5c] : GOTO 04356 [#1104] JT #1d : 03422 [#0d5e] : GOTO 04364 [#110c] JT #1e : 03424 [#0d60] : GOTO 04361 [#1109] JT #1f : 03426 [#0d62] : GOTO 04361 [#1109] JT #20 : 03428 [#0d64] : GOTO 04399 [#112f] JT #21 : 03430 [#0d66] : GOTO 08688 [#21f0] JT #22 : 03432 [#0d68] : GOTO 08688 [#21f0] JT #23 : 03434 [#0d6a] : GOTO 06225 [#1851] JT #24 : 03436 [#0d6c] : GOTO 06993 [#1b51] JT #25 : 03438 [#0d6e] : GOTO 04286 [#10be] JT #26 : 03440 [#0d70] : GOTO 08688 [#21f0] JT #27 : 03442 [#0d72] : GOTO 08688 [#21f0] JT #28 : 03444 [#0d74] : GOTO 04634 [#121a] JT #29 : 03446 [#0d76] : GOTO 04800 [#12c0] JT #2a : 03448 [#0d78] : GOTO 04809 [#12c9] JT #2b : 03450 [#0d7a] : GOTO 04834 [#12e2] JT #2c : 03452 [#0d7c] : GOTO 04424 [#1148] JT #2d : 03454 [#0d7e] : GOTO 04843 [#12eb] JT #2e : 03456 [#0d80] : GOTO 04869 [#1305] JT #2f : 03458 [#0d82] : GOTO 04880 [#1310] JT #30 : 03460 [#0d84] : GOTO 05069 [#13cd] JT #31 : 03462 [#0d86] : GOTO 05140 [#1414] JT #32 : 03464 [#0d88] : GOTO 05146 [#141a] JT #33 : 03466 [#0d8a] : GOTO 05172 [#1434] JT #34 : 03468 [#0d8c] : GOTO 05211 [#145b] JT #35 : 03470 [#0d8e] : GOTO 05268 [#1494] JT #36 : 03472 [#0d90] : GOTO 05675 [#162b] JT #37 : 03474 [#0d92] : GOTO 05752 [#1678] JT #38 : 03476 [#0d94] : GOTO 05805 [#16ad] JT #39 : 03478 [#0d96] : GOTO 08688 [#21f0] JT #3a : 03480 [#0d98] : GOTO 08716 [#220c] JT #3b : 03482 [#0d9a] : GOTO 05835 [#16cb] JT #3c : 03484 [#0d9c] : GOTO 05746 [#1672] JT #3d : 03486 [#0d9e] : GOTO 05928 [#1728] JT #3e : 03488 [#0da0] : GOTO 06067 [#17b3] JT #3f : 03490 [#0da2] : GOTO 05903 [#170f] JT #40 : 03492 [#0da4] : GOTO 06102 [#17d6] JT #41 : 03494 [#0da6] : GOTO 08688 [#21f0] JT #42 : 03496 [#0da8] : GOTO 09113 [#2399] JT #43 : 03498 [#0daa] : GOTO 09228 [#240c] JT #44 : 03500 [#0dac] : GOTO 09035 [#234b] JT #45 : 03502 [#0dae] : GOTO 08869 [#22a5] JT #46 : 03504 [#0db0] : GOTO 09040 [#2350] JT #47 : 03506 [#0db2] : GOTO 06176 [#1820] ----------------------------------------- 03508 [#0db4] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0005) 03510 [#0db6] : IF G082 != #ae GOTO 03541 [#0dd5] 03514 [#0dba] : IF G050 > G019 GOTO 03541 [#0dd5] 03518 [#0dbe] : IF G039 == #23 GOTO 03541 [#0dd5] 03522 [#0dc2] : RANDOM G108 03525 [#0dc5] : IF G108 > #50 GOTO 03541 [#0dd5] 03529 [#0dc9] : G083 = G082 03532 [#0dcc] : G039 = #23 03535 [#0dcf] : G040 = G019 03538 [#0dd2] : GOSUB 06225 [#1851] 03541 [#0dd5] : GOTO 02852 [#0b24] ----------------------------------------- 03544 [#0dd8] : G039 = G043 03547 [#0ddb] : G040 = G044 03550 [#0dde] : G041 = G045 03553 [#0de1] : G042 = G046 03556 [#0de4] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 03557 [#0de5] : IF G039 == #28 GOTO 03568 [#0df0] 03561 [#0de9] : IF G039 == #29 GOTO 03592 [#0e08] 03565 [#0ded] : GOTO 08631 [#21b7] ----------------------------------------- 03568 [#0df0] : G029 = #50 03571 [#0df3] : G040 = G029 03574 [#0df6] : GOSUB 07883 [#1ecb] 03577 [#0df9] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 03584 [#0e00] 03581 [#0dfd] : GOSUB 04634 [#121a] 03584 [#0e00] : G029 += G011 03587 [#0e03] : IF G029 < #8d GOTO 03571 [#0df3] 03591 [#0e07] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 03592 [#0e08] : G029 = #50 03595 [#0e0b] : G028 = LIST#02 [G029] 03598 [#0e0e] : IF G028 != G015 GOTO 03608 [#0e18] 03602 [#0e12] : G040 = G029 03605 [#0e15] : GOSUB 04800 [#12c0] 03608 [#0e18] : G029 += G011 03611 [#0e1b] : IF G029 < #8d GOTO 03595 [#0e0b] 03615 [#0e1f] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 03616 [#0e20] : IF G040 != #df GOTO 03623 [#0e27] 03620 [#0e24] : G040 = G044 03623 [#0e27] : IF G041 != #df GOTO 03630 [#0e2e] 03627 [#0e2b] : G041 = G045 03630 [#0e2e] : GOSUB 08158 [#1fde] 03633 [#0e31] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 03634 [#0e32] : IF G039 < #09 GOTO 03657 [#0e49] 03638 [#0e36] : IF G039 > #0c GOTO 03657 [#0e49] 03642 [#0e3a] : IF G040 == #29 GOTO 05928 [#1728] 03647 [#0e3f] : IF G040 == #3d GOTO 05928 [#1728] 03652 [#0e44] : IF G040 == #25 GOTO 04222 [#107e] 03657 [#0e49] : IF G039 < #0e GOTO 03710 [#0e7e] 03661 [#0e4d] : IF G039 != #0e GOTO 03675 [#0e5b] 03665 [#0e51] : G039 = #09 03668 [#0e54] : IF G040 != #0a GOTO 03675 [#0e5b] 03672 [#0e58] : G039 = G040 03675 [#0e5b] : IF G039 != #0f GOTO 03682 [#0e62] 03679 [#0e5f] : G039 = #0a 03682 [#0e62] : IF G039 < #0f GOTO 03710 [#0e7e] 03686 [#0e66] : IF G039 == #11 GOTO 03707 [#0e7b] 03690 [#0e6a] : GOSUB 08089 [#1f99] 03693 [#0e6d] : IF G039 == #13 GOTO 03707 [#0e7b] 03697 [#0e71] : GOSUB 08089 [#1f99] 03700 [#0e74] : IF G039 == #10 GOTO 03707 [#0e7b] 03704 [#0e78] : GOSUB 08089 [#1f99] 03707 [#0e7b] : G039 = G023 03710 [#0e7e] : IF G039 != #09 GOTO 03734 [#0e96] 03714 [#0e82] : G040 = #5f 03717 [#0e85] : GOSUB 07883 [#1ecb] 03720 [#0e88] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 03734 [#0e96] 03724 [#0e8c] : IF G007 == G011 GOTO 03734 [#0e96] 03728 [#0e90] : G007 = G011 03731 [#0e93] : GOTO 02509 [#09cd] ----------------------------------------- 03734 [#0e96] : IF G039 != #0a GOTO 03748 [#0ea4] 03738 [#0e9a] : IF G007 == G019 GOTO 03748 [#0ea4] 03742 [#0e9e] : G007 = G019 03745 [#0ea1] : GOTO 02509 [#09cd] ----------------------------------------- 03748 [#0ea4] : EXIT G082 G039 G093 G083 03753 [#0ea9] : IF G083 > G019 GOTO 03760 [#0eb0] 03757 [#0ead] : GOTO 08539 [#215b] ----------------------------------------- 03760 [#0eb0] : G108 = G093 03763 [#0eb3] : IF G093 < #04 GOTO 03794 [#0ed2] 03767 [#0eb7] : IF G021 > G019 GOTO 03792 [#0ed0] 03771 [#0ebb] : IF G024 == G019 GOTO 03789 [#0ecd] 03775 [#0ebf] : IF G024 == #cd GOTO 03785 [#0ec9] 03779 [#0ec3] : IF G080 != G083 GOTO 03792 [#0ed0] 03783 [#0ec7] : GOTO 03789 [#0ecd] ----------------------------------------- 03785 [#0ec9] : IF G080 == G083 GOTO 03792 [#0ed0] 03789 [#0ecd] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0062) 03791 [#0ecf] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 03792 [#0ed0] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0063) 03794 [#0ed2] : G108 = #0a 03797 [#0ed5] : IF G082 != #44 GOTO 03808 [#0ee0] 03801 [#0ed9] : IF G083 != #46 GOTO 03808 [#0ee0] 03805 [#0edd] : G087 += G108 03808 [#0ee0] : IF G082 != #46 GOTO 03828 [#0ef4] 03812 [#0ee4] : IF G083 != #44 GOTO 03828 [#0ef4] 03816 [#0ee8] : IF G087 < G108 GOTO 03825 [#0ef1] 03820 [#0eec] : G087 -= G108 03823 [#0eef] : GOTO 03828 [#0ef4] ----------------------------------------- 03825 [#0ef1] : G083 = #42 03828 [#0ef4] : IF G082 != #45 GOTO 03843 [#0f03] 03832 [#0ef8] : IF G083 != #44 GOTO 03843 [#0f03] 03836 [#0efc] : IF G087 < #5a GOTO 03843 [#0f03] 03840 [#0f00] : G083 = #42 03843 [#0f03] : IF G082 != #42 GOTO 03857 [#0f11] 03847 [#0f07] : IF G083 != #45 GOTO 03857 [#0f11] 03851 [#0f0b] : G109 = #5a 03854 [#0f0e] : G087 += G109 03857 [#0f11] : IF G082 != #3f GOTO 03872 [#0f20] 03861 [#0f15] : IF G083 != #42 GOTO 03872 [#0f20] 03865 [#0f19] : IF G060 > G019 GOTO 03872 [#0f20] 03869 [#0f1d] : G083 = #37 03872 [#0f20] : IF G082 != #34 GOTO 03888 [#0f30] 03876 [#0f24] : IF G083 != #35 GOTO 03888 [#0f30] 03880 [#0f28] : IF G085 > #08 GOTO 08539 [#215b] 03885 [#0f2d] : G085 += G011 03888 [#0f30] : IF G082 != #35 GOTO 03908 [#0f44] 03892 [#0f34] : IF G083 != #34 GOTO 03908 [#0f44] 03896 [#0f38] : IF G085 > G019 GOTO 03905 [#0f41] 03900 [#0f3c] : G083 = #99 03903 [#0f3f] : GOTO 03908 [#0f44] ----------------------------------------- 03905 [#0f41] : G085 -= G011 03908 [#0f44] : IF G082 == #49 GOTO 03916 [#0f4c] 03912 [#0f48] : IF G082 != #4a GOTO 03959 [#0f77] 03916 [#0f4c] : IF G039 != #09 GOTO 03942 [#0f66] 03920 [#0f50] : IF G007 > G019 GOTO 03927 [#0f57] 03924 [#0f54] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0177) 03926 [#0f56] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 03927 [#0f57] : IF G060 == G011 GOTO 08539 [#215b] 03932 [#0f5c] : G060 -= G011 03935 [#0f5f] : G087 -= G011 03938 [#0f62] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0178) 03940 [#0f64] : GOTO 03959 [#0f77] ----------------------------------------- 03942 [#0f66] : IF G039 != #0a GOTO 03959 [#0f77] 03946 [#0f6a] : IF G060 == #09 GOTO 08539 [#215b] 03951 [#0f6f] : G060 += G011 03954 [#0f72] : G087 += G011 03957 [#0f75] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0178) 03959 [#0f77] : IF G082 != #ae GOTO 03973 [#0f85] 03963 [#0f7b] : IF G050 == G019 GOTO 08539 [#215b] 03968 [#0f80] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0220) 03970 [#0f82] : G065 = G068 03973 [#0f85] : IF G082 != #b2 GOTO 03982 [#0f8e] 03977 [#0f89] : IF G063 < G012 GOTO 08539 [#215b] 03982 [#0f8e] : IF G082 != #5b GOTO 03992 [#0f98] 03986 [#0f92] : IF G083 != #61 GOTO 03992 [#0f98] 03990 [#0f96] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0252) 03992 [#0f98] : IF G082 != #4e GOTO 04022 [#0fb6] 03996 [#0f9c] : IF G083 != #64 GOTO 04022 [#0fb6] 04000 [#0fa0] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0250) 04002 [#0fa2] : IF G069 > G019 GOTO 04014 [#0fae] 04006 [#0fa6] : G061 = #fd 04009 [#0fa9] : GOSUB 08721 [#2211] 04012 [#0fac] : GOTO 04022 [#0fb6] ----------------------------------------- 04014 [#0fae] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0251) 04016 [#0fb0] : G021 = G011 04019 [#0fb3] : GOTO 07206 [#1c26] ----------------------------------------- 04022 [#0fb6] : IF G082 != #4f GOTO 04057 [#0fd9] 04026 [#0fba] : IF G083 != #53 GOTO 04057 [#0fd9] 04030 [#0fbe] : IF G069 == G019 GOTO 04039 [#0fc7] 04034 [#0fc2] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0282) 04037 [#0fc5] : GOTO 04057 [#0fd9] ----------------------------------------- 04039 [#0fc7] : IF G105 == #53 GOTO 04047 [#0fcf] 04043 [#0fcb] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0280) 04046 [#0fce] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04047 [#0fcf] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0281) 04050 [#0fd2] : G009 = #0108 04054 [#0fd6] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 04057 [#0fd9] : IF G082 != #53 GOTO 04068 [#0fe4] 04061 [#0fdd] : IF G083 != #4f GOTO 04068 [#0fe4] 04065 [#0fe1] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0283) 04068 [#0fe4] : IF G082 != #26 GOTO 04082 [#0ff2] 04072 [#0fe8] : IF G083 == #25 GOTO 04082 [#0ff2] 04076 [#0fec] : G083 = G085 04079 [#0fef] : G085 = G019 04082 [#0ff2] : IF G083 != #26 GOTO 04093 [#0ffd] 04086 [#0ff6] : IF G082 == #25 GOTO 04093 [#0ffd] 04090 [#0ffa] : G085 = G082 04093 [#0ffd] : IF G091 != #0179 GOTO 04106 [#100a] 04098 [#1002] : IF G083 != #73 GOTO 04106 [#100a] 04102 [#1006] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0383) 04105 [#1009] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04106 [#100a] : IF G091 != #015c GOTO 04121 [#1019] 04111 [#100f] : IF G083 != #7c GOTO 04121 [#1019] 04115 [#1013] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0384) 04118 [#1016] : GOTO 07188 [#1c14] ----------------------------------------- 04121 [#1019] : IF G083 != #82 GOTO 04135 [#1027] 04125 [#101d] : IF G058 > G019 GOTO 04135 [#1027] 04129 [#1021] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0385) 04132 [#1024] : GOTO 07188 [#1c14] ----------------------------------------- 04135 [#1027] : IF G083 != #84 GOTO 04149 [#1035] 04139 [#102b] : IF G081 > #06 GOTO 04149 [#1035] 04143 [#102f] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0386) 04146 [#1032] : GOTO 07188 [#1c14] ----------------------------------------- 04149 [#1035] : IF G083 != #9f GOTO 04171 [#104b] 04153 [#1039] : IF G038 != G082 GOTO 08539 [#215b] 04158 [#103e] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0399) 04161 [#1041] : G108 = #0141 04165 [#1045] : G108 -= G038 04168 [#1048] : G038 = G108 04171 [#104b] : IF G082 != #9f GOTO 04178 [#1052] 04175 [#104f] : G083 = G038 04178 [#1052] : IF G082 != #1c GOTO 04191 [#105f] 04182 [#1056] : IF G083 != #2f GOTO 04191 [#105f] 04186 [#105a] : IF G091 == G019 GOTO 08539 [#215b] 04191 [#105f] : IF G082 != #2f GOTO 04209 [#1071] 04195 [#1063] : IF G083 != #1c GOTO 04209 [#1071] 04199 [#1067] : IF G025 < G012 GOTO 04209 [#1071] 04203 [#106b] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0335) 04206 [#106e] : G025 = G013 04209 [#1071] : GOSUB 09285 [#2445] 04212 [#1074] : G023 = G039 04215 [#1077] : GOTO 07197 [#1c1d] ----------------------------------------- 04218 [#107a] : IF G040 != #25 GOTO 04237 [#108d] 04222 [#107e] : G039 = #23 04225 [#1081] : G040 = G041 04228 [#1084] : G043 = #23 04231 [#1087] : G044 = G041 04234 [#108a] : GOTO 06225 [#1851] ----------------------------------------- 04237 [#108d] : IF G082 != #35 GOTO 04250 [#109a] 04241 [#1091] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0303) 04244 [#1094] : G082 = #17 04247 [#1097] : GOTO 02509 [#09cd] ----------------------------------------- 04250 [#109a] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0068) 04252 [#109c] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04253 [#109d] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0025) 04255 [#109f] : G061 = #02 04258 [#10a2] : G083 = G015 04261 [#10a5] : GOSUB 08256 [#2040] 04264 [#10a8] : G072 = G074 04267 [#10ab] : IF G072 > G019 GOTO 04273 [#10b1] 04271 [#10af] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0060) 04273 [#10b1] : G061 = #1a 04276 [#10b4] : G083 = G016 04279 [#10b7] : GOSUB 08256 [#2040] 04282 [#10ba] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04283 [#10bb] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0141) 04285 [#10bd] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04286 [#10be] : IF G036 == G019 GOTO 04298 [#10ca] 04290 [#10c2] : G061 = #c0 04293 [#10c5] : G061 += G036 04296 [#10c8] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 04298 [#10ca] : GOTO 02509 [#09cd] ----------------------------------------- 04301 [#10cd] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0142) 04303 [#10cf] : G083 = #b2 04306 [#10d2] : G085 = G019 04309 [#10d5] : G087 = G019 04312 [#10d8] : GOTO 07197 [#1c1d] ----------------------------------------- 04315 [#10db] : G061 = #35 04318 [#10de] : GOSUB 08210 [#2012] 04321 [#10e1] : IF G115 > G019 GOTO 09008 [#2330] 04326 [#10e6] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0143) 04328 [#10e8] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04329 [#10e9] : G061 = #37 04332 [#10ec] : GOSUB 08210 [#2012] 04335 [#10ef] : IF G115 > G019 GOTO 04342 [#10f6] 04339 [#10f3] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0143) 04341 [#10f5] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04342 [#10f6] : GOSUB 09460 [#24f4] 04345 [#10f9] : IF G150 == #00 GOTO 09053 [#235d] 04350 [#10fe] : RESTORE 04352 [#1100] : GOTO 09053 [#235d] ----------------------------------------- 04355 [#1103] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04356 [#1104] : SAVE 04358 [#1106] : GOTO 02509 [#09cd] ----------------------------------------- 04361 [#1109] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0144) 04363 [#110b] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04364 [#110c] : G094 = G019 04367 [#110f] : G108 = #32 04370 [#1112] : G026 = #0105 04374 [#1116] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 04377 [#1119] : IF G028 == G019 GOTO 04384 [#1120] 04381 [#111d] : G094 += G108 04384 [#1120] : G026 += G011 04387 [#1123] : IF G026 < #0119 GOTO 04374 [#1116] 04392 [#1128] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0057) 04394 [#112a] : PRINTNUMBER G094 04396 [#112c] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0058) 04398 [#112e] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04399 [#112f] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0145) 04401 [#1131] : G108 = G019 04404 [#1134] : G109 = G019 04407 [#1137] : G109 += G011 04410 [#113a] : IF G109 < #c8 GOTO 04407 [#1137] 04414 [#113e] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0004) 04416 [#1140] : G108 += G011 04419 [#1143] : IF G108 < #06 GOTO 04404 [#1134] 04423 [#1147] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04424 [#1148] : GOSUB 08515 [#2143] 04427 [#114b] : G073 = G019 04430 [#114e] : IF G083 == #66 GOTO 04438 [#1156] 04434 [#1152] : IF G083 != #67 GOTO 04539 [#11bb] 04438 [#1156] : IF G040 == #5d GOTO 06970 [#1b3a] 04443 [#115b] : IF G040 < #79 GOTO 04485 [#1185] 04448 [#1160] : IF G040 > #7a GOTO 04485 [#1185] 04453 [#1165] : IF G083 == #66 GOTO 04468 [#1174] 04457 [#1169] : IF G040 != #79 GOTO 04472 [#1178] 04461 [#116d] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0222) 04463 [#116f] : G098 += G011 04466 [#1172] : GOTO 04480 [#1180] ----------------------------------------- 04468 [#1174] : IF G040 == #7a GOTO 04475 [#117b] 04472 [#1178] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0232) 04474 [#117a] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04475 [#117b] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0222) 04477 [#117d] : G099 += G011 04480 [#1180] : G073 = G011 04483 [#1183] : GOTO 04539 [#11bb] ----------------------------------------- 04485 [#1185] : IF G040 < #66 GOTO 06984 [#1b48] 04490 [#118a] : IF G040 > #69 GOTO 06984 [#1b48] 04495 [#118f] : IF G083 == #67 GOTO 04509 [#119d] 04499 [#1193] : IF G040 == #66 GOTO 04517 [#11a5] 04503 [#1197] : IF G040 == #68 GOTO 04517 [#11a5] 04507 [#119b] : GOTO 04536 [#11b8] ----------------------------------------- 04509 [#119d] : IF G040 == #66 GOTO 04536 [#11b8] 04513 [#11a1] : IF G040 == #68 GOTO 04536 [#11b8] 04517 [#11a5] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0233) 04519 [#11a7] : G033 = G040 04522 [#11aa] : G033 += G011 04525 [#11ad] : IF G033 < #6a GOTO 08426 [#20ea] 04530 [#11b2] : G033 = G018 04533 [#11b5] : GOTO 08426 [#20ea] ----------------------------------------- 04536 [#11b8] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0232) 04538 [#11ba] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04539 [#11bb] : IF G083 != #61 GOTO 04581 [#11e5] 04543 [#11bf] : IF G100 > G019 GOTO 04581 [#11e5] 04547 [#11c3] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0238) 04549 [#11c5] : GOSUB 08426 [#20ea] 04552 [#11c8] : IF G040 == G101 GOTO 04562 [#11d2] 04556 [#11cc] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0240) 04558 [#11ce] : G100 = G018 04561 [#11d1] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04562 [#11d2] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0239) 04564 [#11d4] : G100 = G011 04567 [#11d7] : G040 = #55 04570 [#11da] : GOSUB 07392 [#1ce0] 04573 [#11dd] : G009 = #010c 04577 [#11e1] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 04580 [#11e4] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04581 [#11e5] : IF G091 != #0142 GOTO 04624 [#1210] 04586 [#11ea] : IF G040 != #60 GOTO 08636 [#21bc] 04591 [#11ef] : IF G103 == G019 GOTO 08636 [#21bc] 04596 [#11f4] : G052 += G011 04599 [#11f7] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0326) 04602 [#11fa] : G108 = G053 04605 [#11fd] : G109 = #65 04608 [#1200] : G073 = G011 04611 [#1203] : GOSUB 07989 [#1f35] 04614 [#1206] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3001) 04617 [#1209] : G009 = #010e 04621 [#120d] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 04624 [#1210] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 04631 [#1217] 04628 [#1214] : GOTO 08426 [#20ea] ----------------------------------------- 04631 [#1217] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0146) 04633 [#1219] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04634 [#121a] : IF G040 != #5f GOTO 04679 [#1247] 04638 [#121e] : IF G052 > G019 GOTO 08631 [#21b7] 04643 [#1223] : IF G007 > G019 GOTO 08636 [#21bc] 04648 [#1228] : G040 = #81 04651 [#122b] : GOSUB 07145 [#1be9] 04654 [#122e] : IF G073 > G019 GOTO 04662 [#1236] 04658 [#1232] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0304) 04661 [#1235] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04662 [#1236] : G040 = #5f 04665 [#1239] : GOSUB 07883 [#1ecb] 04668 [#123c] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 04700 [#125c] 04672 [#1240] : GOSUB 07392 [#1ce0] 04675 [#1243] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0305) 04678 [#1246] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04679 [#1247] : GOSUB 07883 [#1ecb] 04682 [#124a] : IF G073 > G019 GOTO 04712 [#1268] 04686 [#124e] : IF G028 == G016 GOTO 07389 [#1cdd] 04691 [#1253] : IF G028 == G015 GOTO 04704 [#1260] 04695 [#1257] : IF G040 > #8b GOTO 08631 [#21b7] 04700 [#125c] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0041) 04702 [#125e] : GOTO 04706 [#1262] ----------------------------------------- 04704 [#1260] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0043) 04706 [#1262] : PRINTMESSAGE (G040) 04708 [#1264] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2999) 04711 [#1267] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04712 [#1268] : IF G083 != #67 GOTO 04723 [#1273] 04716 [#126c] : IF G098 > G019 GOTO 04723 [#1273] 04720 [#1270] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0223) 04722 [#1272] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04723 [#1273] : IF G083 != #66 GOTO 04734 [#127e] 04727 [#1277] : IF G099 > G019 GOTO 04734 [#127e] 04731 [#127b] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0224) 04733 [#127d] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04734 [#127e] : IF G040 == #6e GOTO 04746 [#128a] 04738 [#1282] : IF G040 < #66 GOTO 04758 [#1296] 04742 [#1286] : IF G040 > #69 GOTO 04758 [#1296] 04746 [#128a] : IF G033 < G040 GOTO 04752 [#1290] 04750 [#128e] : GOTO 04758 [#1296] ----------------------------------------- 04752 [#1290] : G061 = #e5 04755 [#1293] : GOTO 08721 [#2211] ----------------------------------------- 04758 [#1296] : IF G040 != #5b GOTO 04787 [#12b3] 04762 [#129a] : G028 = LIST#02 [G040] 04765 [#129d] : IF G028 == #c5 GOTO 04773 [#12a5] 04769 [#12a1] : IF G028 != #c6 GOTO 04787 [#12b3] 04773 [#12a5] : IF G095 > G019 GOTO 04781 [#12ad] 04777 [#12a9] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0285) 04780 [#12ac] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04781 [#12ad] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0284) 04784 [#12b0] : GOTO 07392 [#1ce0] ----------------------------------------- 04787 [#12b3] : IF G072 < G075 GOTO 07389 [#1cdd] 04792 [#12b8] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0047) 04794 [#12ba] : PRINTMESSAGE (G040) 04796 [#12bc] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2999) 04799 [#12bf] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04800 [#12c0] : GOSUB 08515 [#2143] 04803 [#12c3] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2006) 04806 [#12c6] : GOTO 07446 [#1d16] ----------------------------------------- 04809 [#12c9] : GOSUB 07883 [#1ecb] 04812 [#12cc] : IF G028 == G016 GOTO 04826 [#12da] 04816 [#12d0] : IF G073 > G019 GOTO 04823 [#12d7] 04820 [#12d4] : GOSUB 08515 [#2143] 04823 [#12d7] : GOTO 07416 [#1cf8] ----------------------------------------- 04826 [#12da] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0043) 04828 [#12dc] : PRINTMESSAGE (G040) 04830 [#12de] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2999) 04833 [#12e1] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04834 [#12e2] : GOSUB 08515 [#2143] 04837 [#12e5] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2006) 04840 [#12e8] : GOTO 07446 [#1d16] ----------------------------------------- 04843 [#12eb] : GOSUB 08515 [#2143] 04846 [#12ee] : IF G040 != #60 GOTO 04861 [#12fd] 04850 [#12f2] : IF G083 != #5b GOTO 08631 [#21b7] 04855 [#12f7] : G041 = #9e 04858 [#12fa] : GOTO 05928 [#1728] ----------------------------------------- 04861 [#12fd] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0147) 04863 [#12ff] : PRINTMESSAGE (G040) 04865 [#1301] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2999) 04868 [#1304] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04869 [#1305] : GOSUB 08515 [#2143] 04872 [#1308] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0148) 04874 [#130a] : PRINTMESSAGE (G040) 04876 [#130c] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2999) 04879 [#130f] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04880 [#1310] : IF G040 == G019 GOTO 04969 [#1369] 04884 [#1314] : IF G040 > #8b GOTO 04969 [#1369] 04888 [#1318] : GOSUB 07145 [#1be9] 04891 [#131b] : IF G040 != #8b GOTO 04906 [#132a] 04895 [#131f] : IF G078 == G011 GOTO 05001 [#1389] 04899 [#1323] : G078 = G011 04902 [#1326] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2006) 04905 [#1329] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04906 [#132a] : IF G040 != #5f GOTO 08631 [#21b7] 04911 [#132f] : IF G077 == G011 GOTO 05001 [#1389] 04915 [#1333] : G077 = G011 04918 [#1336] : IF G088 != #49 GOTO 04940 [#134c] 04922 [#133a] : IF G089 != #02 GOTO 04940 [#134c] 04926 [#133e] : IF G090 != #09 GOTO 04940 [#134c] 04930 [#1342] : IF G067 != G068 GOTO 04940 [#134c] 04934 [#1346] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0163) 04936 [#1348] : G051 = G019 04939 [#134b] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04940 [#134c] : IF G088 != G116 GOTO 04963 [#1363] 04944 [#1350] : IF G089 != G117 GOTO 04963 [#1363] 04948 [#1354] : IF G090 != G118 GOTO 04963 [#1363] 04952 [#1358] : IF G067 != G070 GOTO 04963 [#1363] 04956 [#135c] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0291) 04959 [#135f] : G051 = G012 04962 [#1362] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04963 [#1363] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0164) 04965 [#1365] : G051 = G011 04968 [#1368] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04969 [#1369] : GOSUB 08128 [#1fc0] 04972 [#136c] : IF G020 > G019 GOTO 04979 [#1373] 04976 [#1370] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0066) 04978 [#1372] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04979 [#1373] : IF G082 != #3c GOTO 04997 [#1385] 04983 [#1377] : G026 = #78 04986 [#137a] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 04989 [#137d] : IF G028 == G015 GOTO 04997 [#1385] 04993 [#1381] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0327) 04996 [#1384] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 04997 [#1385] : IF G021 == G019 GOTO 05004 [#138c] 05001 [#1389] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0064) 05003 [#138b] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05004 [#138c] : IF G083 == #25 GOTO 05060 [#13c4] 05008 [#1390] : IF G083 == #2e GOTO 05060 [#13c4] 05012 [#1394] : IF G083 == #37 GOTO 05060 [#13c4] 05016 [#1398] : IF G083 == #42 GOTO 05060 [#13c4] 05020 [#139c] : IF G083 == #4b GOTO 05060 [#13c4] 05024 [#13a0] : IF G083 == #4c GOTO 05060 [#13c4] 05028 [#13a4] : IF G083 == #64 GOTO 05060 [#13c4] 05032 [#13a8] : IF G083 == #6b GOTO 05060 [#13c4] 05036 [#13ac] : IF G083 == #6c GOTO 05060 [#13c4] 05040 [#13b0] : IF G083 == #6e GOTO 05060 [#13c4] 05044 [#13b4] : IF G083 == #70 GOTO 05060 [#13c4] 05048 [#13b8] : IF G083 < #98 GOTO 05063 [#13c7] 05052 [#13bc] : IF G083 < #a0 GOTO 05060 [#13c4] 05056 [#13c0] : IF G083 != #a1 GOTO 05063 [#13c7] 05060 [#13c4] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0176) 05062 [#13c6] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05063 [#13c7] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0179) 05065 [#13c9] : G021 = G011 05068 [#13cc] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05069 [#13cd] : IF G040 == #a2 GOTO 06993 [#1b51] 05074 [#13d2] : IF G040 == G019 GOTO 05116 [#13fc] 05078 [#13d6] : IF G040 > #8b GOTO 05116 [#13fc] 05082 [#13da] : GOSUB 07145 [#1be9] 05085 [#13dd] : IF G040 != #5f GOTO 05100 [#13ec] 05089 [#13e1] : IF G077 == G019 GOTO 05130 [#140a] 05093 [#13e5] : G077 = G019 05096 [#13e8] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2006) 05099 [#13eb] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05100 [#13ec] : IF G040 != #8b GOTO 08631 [#21b7] 05105 [#13f1] : IF G078 == G019 GOTO 05130 [#140a] 05109 [#13f5] : G078 = G019 05112 [#13f8] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2006) 05115 [#13fb] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05116 [#13fc] : GOSUB 08128 [#1fc0] 05119 [#13ff] : IF G020 > G019 GOTO 05126 [#1406] 05123 [#1403] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0067) 05125 [#1405] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05126 [#1406] : IF G021 > G019 GOTO 05133 [#140d] 05130 [#140a] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0065) 05132 [#140c] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05133 [#140d] : G021 = G019 05136 [#1410] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2006) 05139 [#1413] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05140 [#1414] : GOSUB 07145 [#1be9] 05143 [#1417] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0150) 05145 [#1419] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05146 [#141a] : GOSUB 07145 [#1be9] 05149 [#141d] : IF G040 != #60 GOTO 08636 [#21bc] 05154 [#1422] : G061 = #0108 05158 [#1426] : IF G103 == G019 GOTO 05169 [#1431] 05162 [#142a] : G103 = G019 05165 [#142d] : G061 = #0107 05169 [#1431] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 05171 [#1433] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05172 [#1434] : GOSUB 08515 [#2143] 05175 [#1437] : IF G040 != #87 GOTO 08631 [#21b7] 05180 [#143c] : G026 = #5b 05183 [#143f] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 05186 [#1442] : IF G028 == #c6 GOTO 05194 [#144a] 05190 [#1446] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0298) 05193 [#1449] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05194 [#144a] : IF G057 == G019 GOTO 05202 [#1452] 05198 [#144e] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0296) 05201 [#1451] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05202 [#1452] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0299) 05205 [#1455] : G057 = G011 05208 [#1458] : GOTO 02509 [#09cd] ----------------------------------------- 05211 [#145b] : IF G040 != G019 GOTO 05218 [#1462] 05215 [#145f] : G040 = #63 05218 [#1462] : GOSUB 07145 [#1be9] 05221 [#1465] : IF G040 != #87 GOTO 08631 [#21b7] 05226 [#146a] : IF G040 == #63 GOTO 07054 [#1b8e] 05231 [#146f] : IF G057 > G019 GOTO 05239 [#1477] 05235 [#1473] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0297) 05238 [#1476] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05239 [#1477] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0300) 05242 [#147a] : G057 = G019 05245 [#147d] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05246 [#147e] : GOTO 08631 [#21b7] ----------------------------------------- 05249 [#1481] : IF G141 == #b3 GOTO 05267 [#1493] 05253 [#1485] : IF G040 < #c8 GOTO 05267 [#1493] 05257 [#1489] : IF G040 > #d1 GOTO 05267 [#1493] 05261 [#148d] : G041 = G040 05264 [#1490] : G040 = #a5 05267 [#1493] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05268 [#1494] : GOSUB 05249 [#1481] 05271 [#1497] : IF G040 == #a7 GOTO 06102 [#17d6] 05276 [#149c] : IF G040 != #a5 GOTO 05646 [#160e] 05281 [#14a1] : IF G083 == #25 GOTO 05384 [#1508] 05285 [#14a5] : IF G083 == #2e GOTO 05391 [#150f] 05290 [#14aa] : IF G083 == #37 GOTO 05415 [#1527] 05295 [#14af] : IF G083 == #42 GOTO 05415 [#1527] 05300 [#14b4] : IF G083 == #3f GOTO 05478 [#1566] 05305 [#14b9] : IF G083 == #47 GOTO 05503 [#157f] 05310 [#14be] : IF G083 == #48 GOTO 05503 [#157f] 05315 [#14c3] : IF G083 == #6c GOTO 05432 [#1538] 05320 [#14c8] : IF G083 == #4b GOTO 05359 [#14ef] 05324 [#14cc] : IF G083 == #4c GOTO 05359 [#14ef] 05328 [#14d0] : IF G083 == #6b GOTO 05359 [#14ef] 05332 [#14d4] : IF G083 == #6e GOTO 05359 [#14ef] 05336 [#14d8] : IF G083 == #70 GOTO 05359 [#14ef] 05340 [#14dc] : IF G083 == #a0 GOTO 05359 [#14ef] 05344 [#14e0] : IF G083 == #a1 GOTO 05359 [#14ef] 05348 [#14e4] : IF G083 < #98 GOTO 05356 [#14ec] 05352 [#14e8] : IF G083 < #9e GOTO 05364 [#14f4] 05356 [#14ec] : GOTO 08623 [#21af] ----------------------------------------- 05359 [#14ef] : G021 = G011 05362 [#14f2] : GOTO 05381 [#1505] ----------------------------------------- 05364 [#14f4] : IF G041 == G019 GOTO 08706 [#2202] 05369 [#14f9] : IF G041 == #cc GOTO 05378 [#1502] 05373 [#14fd] : IF G041 != #cd GOTO 08636 [#21bc] 05378 [#1502] : G024 = G041 05381 [#1505] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0179) 05383 [#1507] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05384 [#1508] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0342) 05387 [#150b] : G021 = G011 05390 [#150e] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05391 [#150f] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0343) 05394 [#1512] : G021 = G011 05397 [#1515] : G009 = #010f 05401 [#1519] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 05404 [#151c] : G084 += G011 05407 [#151f] : IF G084 < #22 GOTO 05414 [#1526] 05411 [#1523] : G084 = #1a 05414 [#1526] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05415 [#1527] : IF G052 > G019 GOTO 05426 [#1532] 05419 [#152b] : IF G060 < #09 GOTO 05426 [#1532] 05423 [#152f] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0188) 05425 [#1531] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05426 [#1532] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0206) 05428 [#1534] : G021 = G011 05431 [#1537] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05432 [#1538] : IF G041 < #c8 GOTO 08706 [#2202] 05437 [#153d] : IF G041 > #d1 GOTO 08706 [#2202] 05442 [#1542] : GOSUB 07837 [#1e9d] 05445 [#1545] : IF G065 != G053 GOTO 05462 [#1556] 05449 [#1549] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0179) 05451 [#154b] : G021 = G011 05454 [#154e] : G009 = #0110 05458 [#1552] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 05461 [#1555] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05462 [#1556] : IF G066 != G013 GOTO 05475 [#1563] 05466 [#155a] : G065 = G019 05469 [#155d] : G066 = G019 05472 [#1560] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0076) 05474 [#1562] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05475 [#1563] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0075) 05477 [#1565] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05478 [#1566] : IF G041 < #c8 GOTO 08706 [#2202] 05483 [#156b] : IF G041 > #d1 GOTO 08706 [#2202] 05488 [#1570] : G060 = G041 05491 [#1573] : G108 = #c8 05494 [#1576] : G060 -= G108 05497 [#1579] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0207) 05499 [#157b] : G021 = G011 05502 [#157e] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05503 [#157f] : IF G041 < #c8 GOTO 08706 [#2202] 05508 [#1584] : IF G041 > #d1 GOTO 08706 [#2202] 05513 [#1589] : IF G088 == G019 GOTO 05594 [#15da] 05517 [#158d] : G026 = #5f 05520 [#1590] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 05523 [#1593] : IF G028 != G088 GOTO 05591 [#15d7] 05527 [#1597] : G026 += G102 05530 [#159a] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 05533 [#159d] : IF G028 != G089 GOTO 05591 [#15d7] 05537 [#15a1] : G026 += G102 05540 [#15a4] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 05543 [#15a7] : IF G028 != G090 GOTO 05591 [#15d7] 05547 [#15ab] : G083 = G082 05550 [#15ae] : G083 += G012 05553 [#15b1] : G040 = #5f 05556 [#15b4] : GOSUB 07883 [#1ecb] 05559 [#15b7] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 05565 [#15bd] 05563 [#15bb] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0220) 05565 [#15bd] : G073 = G011 05568 [#15c0] : GOSUB 08426 [#20ea] 05571 [#15c3] : LIST#02 [G040] = G019 05574 [#15c6] : G088 = G019 05577 [#15c9] : G083 = G082 05580 [#15cc] : G065 = G019 05583 [#15cf] : G066 = G019 05586 [#15d2] : G077 = G019 05589 [#15d5] : GOTO 05594 [#15da] ----------------------------------------- 05591 [#15d7] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0165) 05593 [#15d9] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05594 [#15da] : GOSUB 07837 [#1e9d] 05597 [#15dd] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0074) 05599 [#15df] : G112 = G084 05602 [#15e2] : G113 = G086 05605 [#15e5] : G114 = G065 05608 [#15e8] : GOSUB 07154 [#1bf2] 05611 [#15eb] : IF G066 < #03 GOTO 05645 [#160d] 05615 [#15ef] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0208) 05617 [#15f1] : G040 = #5f 05620 [#15f4] : G083 += G012 05623 [#15f7] : GOSUB 07446 [#1d16] 05626 [#15fa] : G088 = G083 05629 [#15fd] : G089 = G085 05632 [#1600] : G090 = G087 05635 [#1603] : G067 = G065 05638 [#1606] : G009 = #0106 05642 [#160a] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 05645 [#160d] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05646 [#160e] : IF G040 == #af GOTO 04880 [#1310] 05651 [#1613] : IF G040 > #c7 GOTO 08706 [#2202] 05656 [#1618] : GOSUB 08515 [#2143] 05659 [#161b] : IF G040 == #63 GOTO 07054 [#1b8e] 05664 [#1620] : IF G040 != #5a GOTO 05672 [#1628] 05668 [#1624] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0392) 05671 [#1627] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05672 [#1628] : GOTO 08631 [#21b7] ----------------------------------------- 05675 [#162b] : GOSUB 07145 [#1be9] 05678 [#162e] : G061 = #27 05681 [#1631] : IF G040 != #64 GOTO 05709 [#164d] 05685 [#1635] : G061 = #f2 05688 [#1638] : IF G083 != #61 GOTO 05706 [#164a] 05692 [#163c] : G061 = #f2 05695 [#163f] : IF G100 == G018 GOTO 05706 [#164a] 05699 [#1643] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0243) 05701 [#1645] : PRINTMESSAGE (G101) 05703 [#1647] : G061 = #07 05706 [#164a] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 05708 [#164c] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05709 [#164d] : IF G040 != #65 GOTO 05743 [#166f] 05713 [#1651] : G040 = #55 05716 [#1654] : GOSUB 07868 [#1ebc] 05719 [#1657] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 05743 [#166f] 05723 [#165b] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0398) 05726 [#165e] : G005 = #07d0 05730 [#1662] : G009 = #0111 05734 [#1666] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 05737 [#1669] : G040 = #65 05740 [#166c] : GOTO 08426 [#20ea] ----------------------------------------- 05743 [#166f] : GOTO 08631 [#21b7] ----------------------------------------- 05746 [#1672] : GOSUB 07145 [#1be9] 05749 [#1675] : GOTO 08631 [#21b7] ----------------------------------------- 05752 [#1678] : GOSUB 08515 [#2143] 05755 [#167b] : IF G040 != #6b GOTO 05776 [#1690] 05759 [#167f] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0344) 05762 [#1682] : IF G082 < #88 GOTO 05776 [#1690] 05766 [#1686] : IF G082 > #97 GOTO 05776 [#1690] 05770 [#168a] : G037 = #40 05773 [#168d] : GOTO 02509 [#09cd] ----------------------------------------- 05776 [#1690] : IF G040 != #89 GOTO 05802 [#16aa] 05780 [#1694] : IF G082 != #80 GOTO 05802 [#16aa] 05784 [#1698] : IF G058 > G019 GOTO 05802 [#16aa] 05788 [#169c] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0389) 05791 [#169f] : G058 = G011 05794 [#16a2] : G009 = #0116 05798 [#16a6] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 05801 [#16a9] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05802 [#16aa] : GOTO 08716 [#220c] ----------------------------------------- 05805 [#16ad] : GOSUB 08515 [#2143] 05808 [#16b0] : IF G040 != #62 GOTO 08636 [#21bc] 05813 [#16b5] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0387) 05816 [#16b8] : IF G091 != #017a GOTO 05834 [#16ca] 05821 [#16bd] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0388) 05824 [#16c0] : G081 += G011 05827 [#16c3] : G009 = #0117 05831 [#16c7] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 05834 [#16ca] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05835 [#16cb] : G061 = #be 05838 [#16ce] : G026 = #77 05841 [#16d1] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 05844 [#16d4] : IF G028 != G015 GOTO 05895 [#1707] 05848 [#16d8] : G061 = #bf 05851 [#16db] : IF G083 < #1a GOTO 05895 [#1707] 05855 [#16df] : G061 = #c0 05858 [#16e2] : IF G083 > #23 GOTO 05895 [#1707] 05862 [#16e6] : G036 += G011 05865 [#16e9] : G061 += G036 05868 [#16ec] : IF G083 != #1c GOTO 05895 [#1707] 05872 [#16f0] : G040 = #6c 05875 [#16f3] : G028 = LIST#02 [G040] 05878 [#16f6] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0072) 05880 [#16f8] : IF G028 == #fe GOTO 05888 [#1700] 05884 [#16fc] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0060) 05886 [#16fe] : GOTO 05895 [#1707] ----------------------------------------- 05888 [#1700] : PRINTMESSAGE (G040) 05890 [#1702] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0007) 05892 [#1704] : GOSUB 07446 [#1d16] 05895 [#1707] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 05897 [#1709] : IF G036 > G013 GOTO 07188 [#1c14] 05902 [#170e] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05903 [#170f] : GOSUB 08515 [#2143] 05906 [#1712] : IF G040 != #6a GOTO 08636 [#21bc] 05911 [#1717] : IF G082 == #19 GOTO 05919 [#171f] 05915 [#171b] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0323) 05918 [#171e] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05919 [#171f] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0324) 05922 [#1722] : G082 = #1a 05925 [#1725] : GOTO 02509 [#09cd] ----------------------------------------- 05928 [#1728] : IF G040 > #4f GOTO 05950 [#173e] 05932 [#172c] : G039 = #3d 05935 [#172f] : G040 = G041 05938 [#1732] : G041 = G019 05941 [#1735] : G043 = #3d 05944 [#1738] : G044 = G040 05947 [#173b] : G045 = G019 05950 [#173e] : GOSUB 08515 [#2143] 05953 [#1741] : IF G041 == G019 GOTO 05970 [#1752] 05957 [#1745] : IF G041 > #8b GOTO 05970 [#1752] 05961 [#1749] : GOSUB 06817 [#1aa1] 05964 [#174c] : IF G073 > G019 GOTO 08631 [#21b7] 05969 [#1751] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 05970 [#1752] : IF G083 != #5b GOTO 06013 [#177d] 05974 [#1756] : IF G041 == G019 GOTO 05982 [#175e] 05978 [#175a] : IF G041 < #8c GOTO 06013 [#177d] 05982 [#175e] : IF G040 == #60 GOTO 05999 [#176f] 05986 [#1762] : IF G041 == #9e GOTO 06009 [#1779] 05990 [#1766] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0261) 05993 [#1769] : G083 = #61 05996 [#176c] : GOTO 07446 [#1d16] ----------------------------------------- 05999 [#176f] : G103 = G011 06002 [#1772] : G009 = #010b 06006 [#1776] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 06009 [#1779] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0262) 06012 [#177c] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06013 [#177d] : G041 = #87 06016 [#1780] : GOSUB 06817 [#1aa1] 06019 [#1783] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 06066 [#17b2] 06023 [#1787] : G041 = #88 06026 [#178a] : GOSUB 06817 [#1aa1] 06029 [#178d] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 06066 [#17b2] 06033 [#1791] : G041 = #8b 06036 [#1794] : GOSUB 06817 [#1aa1] 06039 [#1797] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 06066 [#17b2] 06043 [#179b] : G041 = #8a 06046 [#179e] : GOSUB 06817 [#1aa1] 06049 [#17a1] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 06066 [#17b2] 06053 [#17a5] : G041 = #89 06056 [#17a8] : GOSUB 06817 [#1aa1] 06059 [#17ab] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 06066 [#17b2] 06063 [#17af] : GOTO 08631 [#21b7] ----------------------------------------- 06066 [#17b2] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06067 [#17b3] : GOSUB 08515 [#2143] 06070 [#17b6] : IF G040 != #6c GOTO 08631 [#21b7] 06075 [#17bb] : IF G082 != #2f GOTO 08716 [#220c] 06080 [#17c0] : IF G025 > G019 GOTO 06088 [#17c8] 06084 [#17c4] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0333) 06087 [#17c7] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06088 [#17c8] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0334) 06091 [#17cb] : G025 = G012 06094 [#17ce] : G009 = #0113 06098 [#17d2] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 06101 [#17d5] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06102 [#17d6] : IF G040 != #a7 GOTO 06158 [#180e] 06106 [#17da] : IF G083 != #ae GOTO 06130 [#17f2] 06110 [#17de] : IF G050 > G019 GOTO 08716 [#220c] 06115 [#17e3] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0221) 06117 [#17e5] : G050 = G011 06120 [#17e8] : G009 = #0105 06124 [#17ec] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 06127 [#17ef] : GOTO 02509 [#09cd] ----------------------------------------- 06130 [#17f2] : IF G083 != #84 GOTO 06158 [#180e] 06134 [#17f6] : IF G025 > G011 GOTO 06142 [#17fe] 06138 [#17fa] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0336) 06141 [#17fd] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06142 [#17fe] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0337) 06145 [#1801] : G009 = #0118 06149 [#1805] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 06152 [#1808] : GOSUB 08885 [#22b5] 06155 [#180b] : GOTO 07191 [#1c17] ----------------------------------------- 06158 [#180e] : IF G083 != #b2 GOTO 06173 [#181d] 06162 [#1812] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0247) 06164 [#1814] : G063 += G011 06167 [#1817] : IF G063 > G011 GOTO 02509 [#09cd] 06172 [#181c] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06173 [#181d] : GOTO 08716 [#220c] ----------------------------------------- 06176 [#1820] : IF G082 != #ae GOTO 06184 [#1828] 06180 [#1824] : PRINTMESSAGE (M1801) 06183 [#1827] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06184 [#1828] : IF G082 < #44 GOTO 06196 [#1834] 06188 [#182c] : IF G082 > #48 GOTO 06196 [#1834] 06192 [#1830] : PRINTMESSAGE (M1802) 06195 [#1833] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06196 [#1834] : IF G082 != #3f GOTO 06204 [#183c] 06200 [#1838] : PRINTMESSAGE (M1803) 06203 [#183b] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06204 [#183c] : IF G082 == #88 GOTO 06212 [#1844] 06208 [#1840] : IF G082 != #b3 GOTO 06216 [#1848] 06212 [#1844] : PRINTMESSAGE (M1804) 06215 [#1847] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06216 [#1848] : PRINTMESSAGE (M1800) 06219 [#184b] : GOTO 08869 [#22a5] ----------------------------------------- 06222 [#184e] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0079) 06224 [#1850] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06225 [#1851] : GOSUB 05249 [#1481] 06228 [#1854] : IF G040 == G019 GOTO 06699 [#1a2b] 06233 [#1859] : G061 = #3b 06236 [#185c] : IF G040 == #b0 GOTO 06222 [#184e] 06240 [#1860] : IF G040 > #8b GOTO 06261 [#1875] 06244 [#1864] : IF G040 < #50 GOTO 06261 [#1875] 06248 [#1868] : GOSUB 07145 [#1be9] 06251 [#186b] : G061 = #0226 06255 [#186f] : G061 += G040 06258 [#1872] : G062 = G012 06261 [#1875] : IF G040 != #5c GOTO 06276 [#1884] 06265 [#1879] : G026 = #57 06268 [#187c] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 06271 [#187f] : IF G028 == #be GOTO 08041 [#1f69] 06276 [#1884] : IF G040 != #a5 GOTO 06415 [#190f] 06281 [#1889] : G061 = #bd 06284 [#188c] : IF G083 == #34 GOTO 06300 [#189c] 06288 [#1890] : IF G083 == #42 GOTO 06300 [#189c] 06292 [#1894] : IF G083 < #44 GOTO 06336 [#18c0] 06296 [#1898] : IF G083 > #4a GOTO 06336 [#18c0] 06300 [#189c] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0209) 06302 [#189e] : G112 = G085 06305 [#18a1] : G113 = G087 06308 [#18a4] : GOSUB 07169 [#1c01] 06311 [#18a7] : G061 = #02 06314 [#18aa] : IF G082 < #47 GOTO 06331 [#18bb] 06318 [#18ae] : IF G082 > #4a GOTO 06331 [#18bb] 06322 [#18b2] : G108 = G065 06325 [#18b5] : G109 = #65 06328 [#18b8] : GOSUB 07989 [#1f35] 06331 [#18bb] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0007) 06333 [#18bd] : G061 = #02 06336 [#18c0] : IF G083 == #3f GOTO 06352 [#18d0] 06340 [#18c4] : IF G082 == #47 GOTO 06352 [#18d0] 06344 [#18c8] : IF G082 == #48 GOTO 06352 [#18d0] 06348 [#18cc] : IF G082 != #6c GOTO 06357 [#18d5] 06352 [#18d0] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0170) 06354 [#18d2] : G061 = #07 06357 [#18d5] : IF G083 < #98 GOTO 06368 [#18e0] 06361 [#18d9] : IF G083 > #9d GOTO 06368 [#18e0] 06365 [#18dd] : G061 = #ab 06368 [#18e0] : IF G083 == #25 GOTO 06412 [#190c] 06372 [#18e4] : IF G083 == #2e GOTO 06412 [#190c] 06376 [#18e8] : IF G083 == #37 GOTO 06412 [#190c] 06380 [#18ec] : IF G083 == #42 GOTO 06412 [#190c] 06384 [#18f0] : IF G083 == #4b GOTO 06412 [#190c] 06388 [#18f4] : IF G083 == #4c GOTO 06412 [#190c] 06392 [#18f8] : IF G083 == #6b GOTO 06412 [#190c] 06396 [#18fc] : IF G083 == #6e GOTO 06412 [#190c] 06400 [#1900] : IF G083 == #70 GOTO 06412 [#190c] 06404 [#1904] : IF G083 == #a0 GOTO 06412 [#190c] 06408 [#1908] : IF G083 != #a1 GOTO 06415 [#190f] 06412 [#190c] : G061 = #ac 06415 [#190f] : IF G040 != #9e GOTO 06433 [#1921] 06419 [#1913] : IF G083 != #5b GOTO 06426 [#191a] 06423 [#1917] : G061 = #f8 06426 [#191a] : IF G083 != #b2 GOTO 06433 [#1921] 06430 [#191e] : G061 = #f6 06433 [#1921] : IF G031 == G019 GOTO 06499 [#1963] 06437 [#1925] : IF G040 != #a9 GOTO 06447 [#192f] 06441 [#1929] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0374) 06444 [#192c] : GOTO 07041 [#1b81] ----------------------------------------- 06447 [#192f] : IF G040 < #c8 GOTO 06499 [#1963] 06451 [#1933] : IF G040 > #d1 GOTO 06499 [#1963] 06455 [#1937] : IF G040 == #c8 GOTO 08636 [#21bc] 06460 [#193c] : G108 = #c8 06463 [#193f] : G040 += G031 06466 [#1942] : G040 -= G108 06469 [#1945] : G026 = G031 06472 [#1948] : G026 += G011 06475 [#194b] : IF G026 == G040 GOTO 06489 [#1959] 06479 [#194f] : G028 = LIST#03 [G026] 06482 [#1952] : IF G028 != #28 GOTO 06472 [#1948] 06486 [#1956] : GOTO 08636 [#21bc] ----------------------------------------- 06489 [#1959] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0372) 06492 [#195c] : G032 = G040 06495 [#195f] : G040 = G016 06498 [#1962] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06499 [#1963] : IF G040 != #88 GOTO 06560 [#19a0] 06503 [#1967] : G026 = #5b 06506 [#196a] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 06509 [#196d] : IF G028 != #c5 GOTO 06560 [#19a0] 06513 [#1971] : G026 = #70 06516 [#1974] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 06519 [#1977] : IF G028 != #c5 GOTO 06560 [#19a0] 06523 [#197b] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0288) 06526 [#197e] : G112 = #02 06529 [#1981] : G113 = #09 06532 [#1984] : G114 = G068 06535 [#1987] : GOSUB 07154 [#1bf2] 06538 [#198a] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0289) 06541 [#198d] : G112 = G117 06544 [#1990] : G113 = G118 06547 [#1993] : G114 = G070 06550 [#1996] : G009 = #010a 06554 [#199a] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 06557 [#199d] : GOTO 07154 [#1bf2] ----------------------------------------- 06560 [#19a0] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 06562 [#19a2] : IF G061 == #0285 GOTO 06586 [#19ba] 06567 [#19a7] : IF G040 == #54 GOTO 06586 [#19ba] 06571 [#19ab] : IF G061 == #07 GOTO 06586 [#19ba] 06575 [#19af] : IF G061 == #04 GOTO 06586 [#19ba] 06579 [#19b3] : IF G061 == #02 GOTO 06586 [#19ba] 06583 [#19b7] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2999) 06586 [#19ba] : IF G040 != #54 GOTO 06603 [#19cb] 06590 [#19be] : G112 = G082 06593 [#19c1] : G113 = G084 06596 [#19c4] : GOSUB 07169 [#1c01] 06599 [#19c7] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3001) 06602 [#19ca] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06603 [#19cb] : IF G040 != #5f GOTO 06644 [#19f4] 06607 [#19cf] : G112 = G089 06610 [#19d2] : G113 = G090 06613 [#19d5] : G114 = G067 06616 [#19d8] : GOSUB 07154 [#1bf2] 06619 [#19db] : IF G077 == G019 GOTO 06643 [#19f3] 06623 [#19df] : G061 = #a3 06626 [#19e2] : IF G051 == G019 GOTO 06641 [#19f1] 06630 [#19e6] : G061 = #a4 06633 [#19e9] : IF G051 == G011 GOTO 06641 [#19f1] 06637 [#19ed] : G061 = #0123 06641 [#19f1] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 06643 [#19f3] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06644 [#19f4] : G083 = #c1 06647 [#19f7] : IF G040 == #89 GOTO 06689 [#1a21] 06651 [#19fb] : G083 = #c3 06654 [#19fe] : IF G040 == #8a GOTO 06689 [#1a21] 06658 [#1a02] : G083 = #c4 06661 [#1a05] : IF G040 != #8b GOTO 06675 [#1a13] 06665 [#1a09] : IF G078 > G019 GOTO 06689 [#1a21] 06669 [#1a0d] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0292) 06672 [#1a10] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3001) 06675 [#1a13] : G083 = #c5 06678 [#1a16] : IF G040 == #88 GOTO 06689 [#1a21] 06682 [#1a1a] : G083 = #c6 06685 [#1a1d] : IF G040 != #87 GOTO 06695 [#1a27] 06689 [#1a21] : G061 = #49 06692 [#1a24] : GOSUB 08256 [#2040] 06695 [#1a27] : G083 = G082 06698 [#1a2a] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06699 [#1a2b] : G061 = #45 06702 [#1a2e] : G062 = G012 06705 [#1a31] : IF G083 != #8e GOTO 06712 [#1a38] 06709 [#1a35] : G061 = #b4 06712 [#1a38] : IF G083 != #3f GOTO 06722 [#1a42] 06716 [#1a3c] : G061 = #b5 06719 [#1a3f] : G062 = #b6 06722 [#1a42] : IF G083 != #3c GOTO 06729 [#1a49] 06726 [#1a46] : G061 = #b6 06729 [#1a49] : IF G083 < #34 GOTO 06740 [#1a54] 06733 [#1a4d] : IF G083 > #35 GOTO 06740 [#1a54] 06737 [#1a51] : G061 = #b7 06740 [#1a54] : IF G083 != #ae GOTO 06747 [#1a5b] 06744 [#1a58] : G061 = #b8 06747 [#1a5b] : IF G083 != #59 GOTO 06767 [#1a6f] 06751 [#1a5f] : G040 = #64 06754 [#1a62] : G028 = LIST#02 [G040] 06757 [#1a65] : IF G028 != #fe GOTO 06767 [#1a6f] 06761 [#1a69] : G061 = #b9 06764 [#1a6c] : GOSUB 07446 [#1d16] 06767 [#1a6f] : IF G083 != #ba GOTO 06774 [#1a76] 06771 [#1a73] : G061 = #ba 06774 [#1a76] : IF G083 != #1c GOTO 06781 [#1a7d] 06778 [#1a7a] : G061 = #bb 06781 [#1a7d] : IF G083 != #66 GOTO 06788 [#1a84] 06785 [#1a81] : G061 = #f4 06788 [#1a84] : IF G083 != #67 GOTO 06795 [#1a8b] 06792 [#1a88] : G061 = #f5 06795 [#1a8b] : IF G061 != #45 GOTO 06808 [#1a98] 06799 [#1a8f] : IF G082 < #8e GOTO 06808 [#1a98] 06803 [#1a93] : IF G082 < #9c GOTO 06281 [#1889] 06808 [#1a98] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 06810 [#1a9a] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0005) 06812 [#1a9c] : PRINTMESSAGE (G062) 06814 [#1a9e] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0005) 06816 [#1aa0] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06817 [#1aa1] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 06966 [#1b36] 06822 [#1aa6] : IF G040 == #88 GOTO 06831 [#1aaf] 06826 [#1aaa] : IF G040 > #80 GOTO 06966 [#1b36] 06831 [#1aaf] : G047 = G040 06834 [#1ab2] : G040 = G041 06837 [#1ab5] : G044 = G041 06840 [#1ab8] : GOSUB 07868 [#1ebc] 06843 [#1abb] : G040 = G047 06846 [#1abe] : G044 = G047 06849 [#1ac1] : IF G073 > G019 GOTO 06857 [#1ac9] 06853 [#1ac5] : G073 = G011 06856 [#1ac8] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06857 [#1ac9] : IF G040 == #70 GOTO 06872 [#1ad8] 06861 [#1acd] : IF G040 != #5b GOTO 06879 [#1adf] 06865 [#1ad1] : G083 = #c6 06868 [#1ad4] : IF G041 == #87 GOTO 06957 [#1b2d] 06872 [#1ad8] : G083 = #c5 06875 [#1adb] : IF G041 == #88 GOTO 06957 [#1b2d] 06879 [#1adf] : IF G040 < #52 GOTO 06926 [#1b0e] 06883 [#1ae3] : IF G040 < #55 GOTO 06919 [#1b07] 06887 [#1ae7] : IF G040 < #5a GOTO 06926 [#1b0e] 06891 [#1aeb] : IF G040 == #5c GOTO 06926 [#1b0e] 06895 [#1aef] : IF G040 < #5e GOTO 06919 [#1b07] 06899 [#1af3] : IF G040 < #66 GOTO 06926 [#1b0e] 06903 [#1af7] : IF G040 < #6e GOTO 06919 [#1b07] 06907 [#1afb] : IF G040 < #75 GOTO 06926 [#1b0e] 06911 [#1aff] : IF G040 == #77 GOTO 06926 [#1b0e] 06915 [#1b03] : IF G040 > #7a GOTO 06926 [#1b0e] 06919 [#1b07] : G083 = #c4 06922 [#1b0a] : IF G041 == #8b GOTO 06957 [#1b2d] 06926 [#1b0e] : G083 = #c1 06929 [#1b11] : IF G041 == #89 GOTO 06957 [#1b2d] 06933 [#1b15] : IF G040 == #5c GOTO 06966 [#1b36] 06937 [#1b19] : IF G040 == #5f GOTO 06966 [#1b36] 06941 [#1b1d] : IF G040 == #6f GOTO 06966 [#1b36] 06945 [#1b21] : IF G040 == #7c GOTO 06966 [#1b36] 06949 [#1b25] : G083 = #c3 06952 [#1b28] : IF G041 == #8a GOTO 06957 [#1b2d] 06956 [#1b2c] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06957 [#1b2d] : GOSUB 07446 [#1d16] 06960 [#1b30] : G073 = G019 06963 [#1b33] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2006) 06966 [#1b36] : G083 = G082 06969 [#1b39] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 06970 [#1b3a] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0228) 06972 [#1b3c] : G033 = G018 06975 [#1b3f] : G098 = G018 06978 [#1b42] : G098 = G018 06981 [#1b45] : GOTO 08426 [#20ea] ----------------------------------------- 06984 [#1b48] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0225) 06986 [#1b4a] : PRINTMESSAGE (G040) 06988 [#1b4c] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0226) 06990 [#1b4e] : GOTO 08426 [#20ea] ----------------------------------------- 06993 [#1b51] : IF G031 == G019 GOTO 08716 [#220c] 06998 [#1b56] : IF G032 == G019 GOTO 08716 [#220c] 07003 [#1b5b] : G009 = #0109 07007 [#1b5f] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 07010 [#1b62] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0373) 07013 [#1b65] : G028 = LIST#03 [G032] 07016 [#1b68] : IF G028 < #28 GOTO 07028 [#1b74] 07020 [#1b6c] : G031 = G028 07023 [#1b6f] : G032 = G019 07026 [#1b72] : GOTO 07041 [#1b81] ----------------------------------------- 07028 [#1b74] : G108 = #015e 07032 [#1b78] : G108 += G028 07035 [#1b7b] : PRINTMESSAGE (G108) 07037 [#1b7d] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0376) 07040 [#1b80] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07041 [#1b81] : G108 = #015e 07045 [#1b85] : G028 = LIST#03 [G031] 07048 [#1b88] : G108 += G028 07051 [#1b8b] : PRINTMESSAGE (G108) 07053 [#1b8d] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07054 [#1b8e] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0390) 07057 [#1b91] : IF G082 != #97 GOTO 07072 [#1ba0] 07061 [#1b95] : IF G091 < #017b GOTO 07072 [#1ba0] 07066 [#1b9a] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0391) 07069 [#1b9d] : G081 = G018 07072 [#1ba0] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07073 [#1ba1] : IF G091 == #0148 GOTO 07082 [#1baa] 07078 [#1ba6] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0330) 07081 [#1ba9] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07082 [#1baa] : G040 = #50 07085 [#1bad] : G028 = LIST#02 [G040] 07088 [#1bb0] : IF G028 != G016 GOTO 07136 [#1be0] 07092 [#1bb4] : G040 = #52 07095 [#1bb7] : G028 = LIST#02 [G040] 07098 [#1bba] : IF G028 != G016 GOTO 07136 [#1be0] 07102 [#1bbe] : G040 = #61 07105 [#1bc1] : G028 = LIST#02 [G040] 07108 [#1bc4] : IF G028 != G015 GOTO 07136 [#1be0] 07112 [#1bc8] : G040 = #6e 07115 [#1bcb] : G028 = LIST#02 [G040] 07118 [#1bce] : IF G028 != G015 GOTO 07136 [#1be0] 07122 [#1bd2] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0332) 07125 [#1bd5] : G025 = G011 07128 [#1bd8] : G009 = #0112 07132 [#1bdc] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 07135 [#1bdf] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07136 [#1be0] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0331) 07139 [#1be3] : PRINTMESSAGE (G040) 07141 [#1be5] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2999) 07144 [#1be8] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07145 [#1be9] : GOSUB 07868 [#1ebc] 07148 [#1bec] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 08515 [#2143] 07153 [#1bf1] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07154 [#1bf2] : GOSUB 07169 [#1c01] 07157 [#1bf5] : G108 = G114 07160 [#1bf8] : G109 = #65 07163 [#1bfb] : GOSUB 07989 [#1f35] 07166 [#1bfe] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0007) 07168 [#1c00] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07169 [#1c01] : G108 = G112 07172 [#1c04] : G109 = #02 07175 [#1c07] : GOSUB 07989 [#1f35] 07178 [#1c0a] : G108 = G113 07181 [#1c0d] : G109 = #0b 07184 [#1c10] : GOSUB 07989 [#1f35] 07187 [#1c13] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07188 [#1c14] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0341) 07191 [#1c17] : GOSUB 04364 [#110c] 07194 [#1c1a] : GOTO 08989 [#231d] ----------------------------------------- 07197 [#1c1d] : G021 = G019 07200 [#1c20] : G024 = G019 07203 [#1c23] : G037 = G019 07206 [#1c26] : IF G083 != #42 GOTO 07213 [#1c2d] 07210 [#1c2a] : G087 = G060 07213 [#1c2d] : IF G083 != #3f GOTO 07220 [#1c34] 07217 [#1c31] : G087 = G019 07220 [#1c34] : IF G083 != #99 GOTO 07227 [#1c3b] 07224 [#1c38] : G085 = G019 07227 [#1c3b] : G080 = G082 07230 [#1c3e] : G082 = G083 07233 [#1c41] : G084 = G085 07236 [#1c44] : G086 = G087 07239 [#1c47] : G036 = G019 07242 [#1c4a] : G066 = G019 07245 [#1c4d] : G007 = G019 07248 [#1c50] : IF G083 == #49 GOTO 07259 [#1c5b] 07252 [#1c54] : IF G083 == #4a GOTO 07259 [#1c5b] 07256 [#1c58] : G065 = G019 07259 [#1c5b] : IF G116 > G019 GOTO 07321 [#1c99] 07263 [#1c5f] : IF G083 == #5e GOTO 07271 [#1c67] 07267 [#1c63] : IF G083 > #3c GOTO 07321 [#1c99] 07271 [#1c67] : G116 = #4a 07274 [#1c6a] : RANDOM G117 07277 [#1c6d] : IF G117 > #09 GOTO 07274 [#1c6a] 07281 [#1c71] : RANDOM G118 07284 [#1c74] : IF G118 > #31 GOTO 07281 [#1c71] 07288 [#1c78] : G108 = G118 07291 [#1c7b] : G118 += G108 07294 [#1c7e] : G118 += G011 07297 [#1c81] : RANDOM G053 07300 [#1c84] : RANDOM G070 07303 [#1c87] : RANDOM G101 07306 [#1c8a] : IF G101 < #7d GOTO 07303 [#1c87] 07310 [#1c8e] : IF G101 > #80 GOTO 07303 [#1c87] 07314 [#1c92] : G009 = #0107 07318 [#1c96] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 07321 [#1c99] : IF G083 != #43 GOTO 07372 [#1ccc] 07325 [#1c9d] : G040 = #5f 07328 [#1ca0] : G028 = LIST#02 [G040] 07331 [#1ca3] : IF G028 != G015 GOTO 07372 [#1ccc] 07335 [#1ca7] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0306) 07338 [#1caa] : IF G077 > G019 GOTO 07345 [#1cb1] 07342 [#1cae] : GOSUB 04880 [#1310] 07345 [#1cb1] : GOSUB 07446 [#1d16] 07348 [#1cb4] : IF G051 != G011 GOTO 07358 [#1cbe] 07352 [#1cb8] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0310) 07355 [#1cbb] : GOTO 07188 [#1c14] ----------------------------------------- 07358 [#1cbe] : IF G051 != G012 GOTO 07372 [#1ccc] 07362 [#1cc2] : G052 = G011 07365 [#1cc5] : G009 = #010d 07369 [#1cc9] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 07372 [#1ccc] : IF G083 != #91 GOTO 07386 [#1cda] 07376 [#1cd0] : IF G008 > G019 GOTO 07386 [#1cda] 07380 [#1cd4] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0345) 07383 [#1cd7] : G008 = G011 07386 [#1cda] : GOTO 02509 [#09cd] ----------------------------------------- 07389 [#1cdd] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2006) 07392 [#1ce0] : GOSUB 08426 [#20ea] 07395 [#1ce3] : LIST#02 [G040] = G015 07398 [#1ce6] : G072 += G011 07401 [#1ce9] : IF G083 != #67 GOTO 07408 [#1cf0] 07405 [#1ced] : G098 -= G011 07408 [#1cf0] : IF G083 != #66 GOTO 07415 [#1cf7] 07412 [#1cf4] : G099 -= G011 07415 [#1cf7] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07416 [#1cf8] : IF G040 > #59 GOTO 08636 [#21bc] 07421 [#1cfd] : GOSUB 08426 [#20ea] 07424 [#1d00] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2006) 07427 [#1d03] : LIST#02 [G040] = G016 07430 [#1d06] : G108 = G040 07433 [#1d09] : G108 += G102 07436 [#1d0c] : LIST#02 [G108] = G019 07439 [#1d0f] : G108 += G102 07442 [#1d12] : LIST#02 [G108] = G019 07445 [#1d15] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07446 [#1d16] : GOSUB 08426 [#20ea] 07449 [#1d19] : LIST#02 [G040] = G083 07452 [#1d1c] : G108 = G040 07455 [#1d1f] : G108 += G102 07458 [#1d22] : LIST#02 [G108] = G085 07461 [#1d25] : G108 += G102 07464 [#1d28] : LIST#02 [G108] = G087 07467 [#1d2b] : IF G040 != #5e GOTO 07492 [#1d44] 07471 [#1d2f] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0346) 07474 [#1d32] : IF G091 != #015c GOTO 07492 [#1d44] 07479 [#1d37] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0347) 07482 [#1d3a] : G079 = G011 07485 [#1d3d] : G009 = #0115 07489 [#1d41] : LIST#02 [G009] = G011 07492 [#1d44] : G049 = G040 07495 [#1d47] : G040 = #5e 07498 [#1d4a] : IF G040 == G049 GOTO 07530 [#1d6a] 07502 [#1d4e] : GOSUB 07883 [#1ecb] 07505 [#1d51] : G040 = G049 07508 [#1d54] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 07530 [#1d6a] 07512 [#1d58] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0349) 07515 [#1d5b] : PRINTMESSAGE (G040) 07517 [#1d5d] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2999) 07520 [#1d60] : GOSUB 08426 [#20ea] 07523 [#1d63] : G108 = #63 07526 [#1d66] : LIST#02 [G040] = G108 07529 [#1d69] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07530 [#1d6a] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07531 [#1d6b] : G091 = G012 07534 [#1d6e] : G092 = G012 07537 [#1d71] : G035 = G019 07540 [#1d74] : GOSUB 08128 [#1fc0] 07543 [#1d77] : G054 = G019 07546 [#1d7a] : IF G083 < #24 GOTO 07561 [#1d89] 07550 [#1d7e] : IF G050 > G019 GOTO 07558 [#1d86] 07554 [#1d82] : IF G083 == #ae GOTO 07561 [#1d89] 07558 [#1d86] : G054 = G011 07561 [#1d89] : G003 = G019 07564 [#1d8c] : G006 = G019 07567 [#1d8f] : G026 = #55 07570 [#1d92] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 07573 [#1d95] : IF G028 != G016 GOTO 07600 [#1db0] 07577 [#1d99] : G026 = #56 07580 [#1d9c] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 07583 [#1d9f] : IF G028 != G016 GOTO 07600 [#1db0] 07587 [#1da3] : G035 = G011 07590 [#1da6] : IF G005 == G019 GOTO 07658 [#1dea] 07594 [#1daa] : G006 = G011 07597 [#1dad] : G005 -= G011 07600 [#1db0] : IF G083 < #31 GOTO 07658 [#1dea] 07604 [#1db4] : IF G083 < #72 GOTO 07652 [#1de4] 07608 [#1db8] : IF G083 < #88 GOTO 07658 [#1dea] 07612 [#1dbc] : IF G083 < #97 GOTO 07652 [#1de4] 07616 [#1dc0] : IF G083 < #9f GOTO 07626 [#1dca] 07620 [#1dc4] : IF G083 < #a2 GOTO 07658 [#1dea] 07624 [#1dc8] : GOTO 07652 [#1de4] ----------------------------------------- 07626 [#1dca] : IF G024 == G019 GOTO 07652 [#1de4] 07630 [#1dce] : IF G083 == #99 GOTO 07652 [#1de4] 07634 [#1dd2] : IF G083 == #9e GOTO 07652 [#1de4] 07638 [#1dd6] : IF G024 == #cd GOTO 07646 [#1dde] 07642 [#1dda] : IF G080 < #6f GOTO 07658 [#1dea] 07646 [#1dde] : GOTO 07652 [#1de4] ----------------------------------------- 07648 [#1de0] : IF G080 > #6f GOTO 07658 [#1dea] 07652 [#1de4] : G003 = G011 07655 [#1de7] : G006 = G011 07658 [#1dea] : G055 = G019 07661 [#1ded] : G040 = #87 07664 [#1df0] : GOSUB 07868 [#1ebc] 07667 [#1df3] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 07678 [#1dfe] 07671 [#1df7] : IF G057 == G019 GOTO 07678 [#1dfe] 07675 [#1dfb] : G055 = G011 07678 [#1dfe] : G069 = G019 07681 [#1e01] : G026 = #57 07684 [#1e04] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 07687 [#1e07] : IF G028 != G016 GOTO 07694 [#1e0e] 07691 [#1e0b] : G069 = G011 07694 [#1e0e] : G026 = #76 07697 [#1e11] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 07700 [#1e14] : G095 = G011 07703 [#1e17] : IF G028 == G015 GOTO 07710 [#1e1e] 07707 [#1e1b] : G095 = G019 07710 [#1e1e] : IF G083 != #b3 GOTO 07736 [#1e38] 07714 [#1e22] : G026 = #51 07717 [#1e25] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 07720 [#1e28] : IF G028 != G016 GOTO 07736 [#1e38] 07724 [#1e2c] : IF G031 > G019 GOTO 07746 [#1e42] 07728 [#1e30] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0286) 07731 [#1e33] : G031 = #28 07734 [#1e36] : GOTO 07746 [#1e42] ----------------------------------------- 07736 [#1e38] : IF G031 == G019 GOTO 07746 [#1e42] 07740 [#1e3c] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0287) 07743 [#1e3f] : G031 = G019 07746 [#1e42] : IF G052 != G011 GOTO 07764 [#1e54] 07750 [#1e46] : G040 = #5f 07753 [#1e49] : GOSUB 07883 [#1ecb] 07756 [#1e4c] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 07764 [#1e54] 07760 [#1e50] : G091 = #0142 07764 [#1e54] : IF G082 == #78 GOTO 07772 [#1e5c] 07768 [#1e58] : IF G082 != #7b GOTO 07780 [#1e64] 07772 [#1e5c] : IF G079 > G019 GOTO 07780 [#1e64] 07776 [#1e60] : G091 = #015c 07780 [#1e64] : IF G082 != #72 GOTO 07792 [#1e70] 07784 [#1e68] : IF G096 > G019 GOTO 07792 [#1e70] 07788 [#1e6c] : G091 = #0179 07792 [#1e70] : IF G082 != #97 GOTO 07807 [#1e7f] 07796 [#1e74] : IF G081 > G014 GOTO 07807 [#1e7f] 07800 [#1e78] : G091 = #017a 07804 [#1e7c] : G091 += G081 07807 [#1e7f] : IF G082 != #1c GOTO 07822 [#1e8e] 07811 [#1e83] : IF G025 > G011 GOTO 07822 [#1e8e] 07815 [#1e87] : G091 = #0148 07819 [#1e8b] : G091 += G025 07822 [#1e8e] : G056 = G054 07825 [#1e91] : IF G055 == G019 GOTO 07836 [#1e9c] 07829 [#1e95] : IF G057 == G019 GOTO 07836 [#1e9c] 07833 [#1e99] : G056 = G011 07836 [#1e9c] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07837 [#1e9d] : G113 = G065 07840 [#1ea0] : G113 += G065 07843 [#1ea3] : G065 = G113 07846 [#1ea6] : G113 += G065 07849 [#1ea9] : G065 += G113 07852 [#1eac] : G065 += G113 07855 [#1eaf] : G065 += G041 07858 [#1eb2] : G113 = #c8 07861 [#1eb5] : G065 -= G113 07864 [#1eb8] : G066 += G011 07867 [#1ebb] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07868 [#1ebc] : GOSUB 07883 [#1ecb] 07871 [#1ebf] : IF G028 == G015 GOTO 07879 [#1ec7] 07875 [#1ec3] : IF G028 != G016 GOTO 07882 [#1eca] 07879 [#1ec7] : G073 = G011 07882 [#1eca] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07883 [#1ecb] : G073 = G019 07886 [#1ece] : G108 = G040 07889 [#1ed1] : G028 = LIST#02 [G108] 07892 [#1ed4] : IF G028 != G083 GOTO 07921 [#1ef1] 07896 [#1ed8] : G108 += G102 07899 [#1edb] : G028 = LIST#02 [G108] 07902 [#1ede] : IF G028 != G085 GOTO 07921 [#1ef1] 07906 [#1ee2] : G108 += G102 07909 [#1ee5] : G028 = LIST#02 [G108] 07912 [#1ee8] : IF G028 != G087 GOTO 07921 [#1ef1] 07916 [#1eec] : G073 = G011 07919 [#1eef] : GOTO 07985 [#1f31] ----------------------------------------- 07921 [#1ef1] : IF G059 > G019 GOTO 07985 [#1f31] 07925 [#1ef5] : G059 += G011 07928 [#1ef8] : G048 = G040 07931 [#1efb] : G040 = #89 07934 [#1efe] : IF G028 == #c1 GOTO 07977 [#1f29] 07938 [#1f02] : G040 = #8a 07941 [#1f05] : IF G028 == #c3 GOTO 07977 [#1f29] 07945 [#1f09] : IF G078 == G019 GOTO 07956 [#1f14] 07949 [#1f0d] : G040 = #8b 07952 [#1f10] : IF G028 == #c4 GOTO 07977 [#1f29] 07956 [#1f14] : G040 = #88 07959 [#1f17] : IF G028 == #c5 GOTO 07977 [#1f29] 07963 [#1f1b] : G040 = #87 07966 [#1f1e] : IF G028 == #c6 GOTO 07977 [#1f29] 07970 [#1f22] : G040 = #88 07973 [#1f25] : IF G028 != #c7 GOTO 07979 [#1f2b] 07977 [#1f29] : GOSUB 07868 [#1ebc] 07979 [#1f2b] : G059 -= G011 07982 [#1f2e] : G040 = G048 07985 [#1f31] : G028 = LIST#02 [G040] 07988 [#1f34] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 07989 [#1f35] : G110 = #03e8 07993 [#1f39] : GOSUB 08011 [#1f4b] 07995 [#1f3b] : G110 = #64 07998 [#1f3e] : GOSUB 08011 [#1f4b] 08000 [#1f40] : G110 = #0a 08003 [#1f43] : GOSUB 08011 [#1f4b] 08005 [#1f45] : G110 = #01 08008 [#1f48] : GOSUB 08011 [#1f4b] 08010 [#1f4a] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08011 [#1f4b] : G111 = #d2 08014 [#1f4e] : IF G110 > G108 GOTO 08026 [#1f5a] 08018 [#1f52] : G108 -= G110 08021 [#1f55] : G111 += G011 08024 [#1f58] : GOTO 08014 [#1f4e] ----------------------------------------- 08026 [#1f5a] : IF G111 > #d2 GOTO 08035 [#1f63] 08030 [#1f5e] : IF G109 > G110 GOTO 08035 [#1f63] 08034 [#1f62] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08035 [#1f63] : G109 += G011 08038 [#1f66] : PRINTMESSAGE (G111) 08040 [#1f68] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08041 [#1f69] : G029 = G083 08044 [#1f6c] : G083 = G028 08047 [#1f6f] : G061 = #48 08050 [#1f72] : GOSUB 08256 [#2040] 08053 [#1f75] : G026 = #50 08056 [#1f78] : G028 = LIST#02 [G026] 08059 [#1f7b] : IF G028 != G083 GOTO 08081 [#1f91] 08063 [#1f7f] : G108 = G026 08066 [#1f82] : LIST#02 [G108] = G029 08069 [#1f85] : G108 += G102 08072 [#1f88] : LIST#02 [G108] = G085 08075 [#1f8b] : G108 += G102 08078 [#1f8e] : LIST#02 [G108] = G087 08081 [#1f91] : G026 += G011 08084 [#1f94] : IF G026 < #8c GOTO 08056 [#1f78] 08088 [#1f98] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08089 [#1f99] : G108 = G023 08092 [#1f9c] : G023 += G012 08095 [#1f9f] : IF G108 == #02 GOTO 08103 [#1fa7] 08099 [#1fa3] : IF G108 != #04 GOTO 08106 [#1faa] 08103 [#1fa7] : G023 += G011 08106 [#1faa] : IF G108 == #03 GOTO 08114 [#1fb2] 08110 [#1fae] : IF G108 != #05 GOTO 08117 [#1fb5] 08114 [#1fb2] : G023 -= G011 08117 [#1fb5] : IF G023 < #09 GOTO 08127 [#1fbf] 08121 [#1fb9] : G108 = #08 08124 [#1fbc] : G023 -= G108 08127 [#1fbf] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08128 [#1fc0] : G020 = G019 08131 [#1fc3] : G022 = G011 08134 [#1fc6] : EXIT G083 G022 G093 G108 08139 [#1fcb] : IF G108 == G019 GOTO 08150 [#1fd6] 08143 [#1fcf] : IF G093 < G014 GOTO 08150 [#1fd6] 08147 [#1fd3] : G020 = G011 08150 [#1fd6] : G022 += G011 08153 [#1fd9] : IF G022 < #14 GOTO 08134 [#1fc6] 08157 [#1fdd] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08158 [#1fde] : IF G041 == G019 GOTO 08175 [#1fef] 08162 [#1fe2] : IF G040 < G041 GOTO 08175 [#1fef] 08166 [#1fe6] : G108 = G040 08169 [#1fe9] : G040 = G041 08172 [#1fec] : G041 = G108 08175 [#1fef] : IF G040 == G019 GOTO 08192 [#2000] 08179 [#1ff3] : IF G039 < G040 GOTO 08192 [#2000] 08183 [#1ff7] : G108 = G039 08186 [#1ffa] : G039 = G040 08189 [#1ffd] : G040 = G108 08192 [#2000] : IF G041 == G019 GOTO 08209 [#2011] 08196 [#2004] : IF G040 < G041 GOTO 08209 [#2011] 08200 [#2008] : G108 = G040 08203 [#200b] : G040 = G041 08206 [#200e] : G041 = G108 08209 [#2011] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08210 [#2012] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0005) 08212 [#2014] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 08214 [#2016] : GOSUB 08240 [#2030] 08216 [#2018] : IF G039 == #01 GOTO 08232 [#2028] 08220 [#201c] : IF G039 == #1f GOTO 08232 [#2028] 08224 [#2020] : IF G039 == #1e GOTO 08236 [#202c] 08228 [#2024] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0056) 08230 [#2026] : GOTO 08210 [#2012] ----------------------------------------- 08232 [#2028] : G115 = G019 08235 [#202b] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08236 [#202c] : G115 = G011 08239 [#202f] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08240 [#2030] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0005) 08242 [#2032] : GOSUB 01929 [#0789] 08245 [#2035] : RANDOM G119 08248 [#2038] : IF G042 == G019 GOTO 08242 [#2032] 08252 [#203c] : GOSUB 08158 [#1fde] 08255 [#203f] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08256 [#2040] : G026 = #50 08259 [#2043] : G076 = G019 08262 [#2046] : G108 = G026 08265 [#2049] : G028 = LIST#02 [G108] 08268 [#204c] : IF G028 != G083 GOTO 08299 [#206b] 08272 [#2050] : IF G083 > #bd GOTO 08296 [#2068] 08276 [#2054] : G108 += G102 08279 [#2057] : G028 = LIST#02 [G108] 08282 [#205a] : IF G028 != G085 GOTO 08299 [#206b] 08286 [#205e] : G108 += G102 08289 [#2061] : G028 = LIST#02 [G108] 08292 [#2064] : IF G028 != G087 GOTO 08299 [#206b] 08296 [#2068] : G076 += G011 08299 [#206b] : G026 += G011 08302 [#206e] : IF G026 < #8c GOTO 08262 [#2046] 08306 [#2072] : G026 = #50 08309 [#2075] : G074 = G019 08312 [#2078] : G108 = G026 08315 [#207b] : G109 = #02 08318 [#207e] : G028 = LIST#02 [G108] 08321 [#2081] : IF G028 != G083 GOTO 08351 [#209f] 08325 [#2085] : IF G028 > #bd GOTO 08365 [#20ad] 08329 [#2089] : G108 += G102 08332 [#208c] : G028 = LIST#02 [G108] 08335 [#208f] : IF G028 != G085 GOTO 08351 [#209f] 08339 [#2093] : G108 += G102 08342 [#2096] : G028 = LIST#02 [G108] 08345 [#2099] : IF G028 != G087 GOTO 08351 [#209f] 08349 [#209d] : GOTO 08365 [#20ad] ----------------------------------------- 08351 [#209f] : G026 += G011 08354 [#20a2] : IF G026 < #8c GOTO 08312 [#2078] 08358 [#20a6] : IF G074 == G019 GOTO 08364 [#20ac] 08362 [#20aa] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0007) 08364 [#20ac] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08365 [#20ad] : G074 += G011 08368 [#20b0] : IF G074 == G011 GOTO 08384 [#20c0] 08372 [#20b4] : IF G074 == G076 GOTO 08380 [#20bc] 08376 [#20b8] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0003) 08378 [#20ba] : GOTO 08386 [#20c2] ----------------------------------------- 08380 [#20bc] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0006) 08382 [#20be] : GOTO 08386 [#20c2] ----------------------------------------- 08384 [#20c0] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 08386 [#20c2] : PRINTMESSAGE (G026) 08388 [#20c4] : IF G026 != #60 GOTO 08399 [#20cf] 08392 [#20c8] : IF G103 == G019 GOTO 08399 [#20cf] 08396 [#20cc] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0265) 08399 [#20cf] : IF G026 != #8b GOTO 08413 [#20dd] 08403 [#20d3] : IF G078 > G019 GOTO 08413 [#20dd] 08407 [#20d7] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3011) 08410 [#20da] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0292) 08413 [#20dd] : IF G026 != #87 GOTO 08424 [#20e8] 08417 [#20e1] : IF G057 == G019 GOTO 08424 [#20e8] 08421 [#20e5] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0301) 08424 [#20e8] : GOTO 08351 [#209f] ----------------------------------------- 08426 [#20ea] : G028 = LIST#02 [G040] 08429 [#20ed] : IF G028 != G015 GOTO 08436 [#20f4] 08433 [#20f1] : G072 -= G011 08436 [#20f4] : G026 = G040 08439 [#20f7] : G028 = G018 08442 [#20fa] : G026 += G102 08445 [#20fd] : LIST#02 [G026] = G019 08448 [#2100] : G026 += G102 08451 [#2103] : LIST#02 [G026] = G019 08454 [#2106] : IF G040 != #79 GOTO 08461 [#210d] 08458 [#210a] : G028 = #68 08461 [#210d] : IF G040 != #7a GOTO 08468 [#2114] 08465 [#2111] : G028 = #69 08468 [#2114] : IF G040 == #67 GOTO 08476 [#211c] 08472 [#2118] : IF G040 != #69 GOTO 08479 [#211f] 08476 [#211c] : G028 = #66 08479 [#211f] : IF G040 == #66 GOTO 08487 [#2127] 08483 [#2123] : IF G040 != #68 GOTO 08490 [#212a] 08487 [#2127] : G028 = #67 08490 [#212a] : IF G040 != #5b GOTO 08497 [#2131] 08494 [#212e] : G057 = G019 08497 [#2131] : LIST#02 [G040] = G028 08500 [#2134] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08501 [#2135] : IF G040 > #8b GOTO 08636 [#21bc] 08506 [#213a] : GOSUB 07883 [#1ecb] 08509 [#213d] : IF G073 == G019 GOTO 08651 [#21cb] 08514 [#2142] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08515 [#2143] : G073 = G019 08518 [#2146] : IF G040 > #8b GOTO 08636 [#21bc] 08523 [#214b] : G028 = LIST#02 [G040] 08526 [#214e] : IF G028 == G015 GOTO 08535 [#2157] 08530 [#2152] : IF G028 != G016 GOTO 08641 [#21c1] 08535 [#2157] : G073 = G011 08538 [#215a] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08539 [#215b] : G061 = #c8 08542 [#215e] : IF G082 > #16 GOTO 08560 [#2170] 08546 [#2162] : GOSUB 08210 [#2012] 08549 [#2165] : IF G115 == G019 GOTO 02852 [#0b24] 08554 [#216a] : G082 = #17 08557 [#216d] : GOTO 02509 [#09cd] ----------------------------------------- 08560 [#2170] : G061 = #c9 08563 [#2173] : IF G082 < #1a GOTO 08620 [#21ac] 08567 [#2177] : G061 = #ca 08570 [#217a] : IF G082 < #24 GOTO 08620 [#21ac] 08574 [#217e] : IF G082 < #a2 GOTO 08590 [#218e] 08578 [#2182] : G061 = #cc 08581 [#2185] : IF G082 < #ae GOTO 08620 [#21ac] 08585 [#2189] : G061 = #cd 08588 [#218c] : GOTO 08620 [#21ac] ----------------------------------------- 08590 [#218e] : G061 = #27 08593 [#2191] : IF G039 > #0f GOTO 08620 [#21ac] 08597 [#2195] : G061 = #3d 08600 [#2198] : IF G039 > #08 GOTO 08620 [#21ac] 08604 [#219c] : G061 = #cb 08607 [#219f] : G106 += G011 08610 [#21a2] : IF G106 != #64 GOTO 08620 [#21ac] 08614 [#21a6] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0294) 08617 [#21a9] : GOTO 04301 [#10cd] ----------------------------------------- 08620 [#21ac] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 08622 [#21ae] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08623 [#21af] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0189) 08625 [#21b1] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3001) 08628 [#21b4] : GOTO 03508 [#0db4] ----------------------------------------- 08631 [#21b7] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0039) 08633 [#21b9] : GOTO 03508 [#0db4] ----------------------------------------- 08636 [#21bc] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0040) 08638 [#21be] : GOTO 03508 [#0db4] ----------------------------------------- 08641 [#21c1] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0042) 08643 [#21c3] : PRINTMESSAGE (G040) 08645 [#21c5] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2999) 08648 [#21c8] : GOTO 03508 [#0db4] ----------------------------------------- 08651 [#21cb] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0041) 08653 [#21cd] : PRINTMESSAGE (G040) 08655 [#21cf] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2999) 08658 [#21d2] : GOTO 03508 [#0db4] ----------------------------------------- 08661 [#21d5] : IF G039 != #89 GOTO 08671 [#21df] 08665 [#21d9] : G040 = G039 08668 [#21dc] : GOTO 05752 [#1678] ----------------------------------------- 08671 [#21df] : IF G039 > #8b GOTO 08688 [#21f0] 08675 [#21e3] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0071) 08677 [#21e5] : PRINTMESSAGE (G039) 08679 [#21e7] : G044 = G039 08682 [#21ea] : G045 = G040 08685 [#21ed] : GOTO 03508 [#0db4] ----------------------------------------- 08688 [#21f0] : G061 = #1d 08691 [#21f3] : GOTO 08721 [#2211] ----------------------------------------- 08693 [#21f5] : IF G163 == #01 GOTO 08702 [#21fe] 08697 [#21f9] : G061 = #20 08700 [#21fc] : GOTO 08721 [#2211] ----------------------------------------- 08702 [#21fe] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2022) 08705 [#2201] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08706 [#2202] : G061 = #23 08709 [#2205] : GOTO 08721 [#2211] ----------------------------------------- 08711 [#2207] : PRINTMESSAGE (M0038) 08713 [#2209] : GOTO 03215 [#0c8f] ----------------------------------------- 08716 [#220c] : G061 = #32 08719 [#220f] : GOTO 08721 [#2211] ----------------------------------------- 08721 [#2211] : G062 += G011 08724 [#2214] : IF G062 < #03 GOTO 08731 [#221b] 08728 [#2218] : G062 = G019 08731 [#221b] : G061 += G062 08734 [#221e] : PRINTMESSAGE (G061) 08736 [#2220] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08737 [#2221] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08738 [#2222] : IF G146 == #b0 GOTO 08801 [#2261] 08743 [#2227] : IF G146 < #c8 GOTO 08751 [#222f] 08747 [#222b] : IF G146 < #d2 GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08751 [#222f] : IF G146 == #a5 GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08755 [#2233] : IF G146 < #4f GOTO 08857 [#2299] 08759 [#2237] : IF G146 > #ff GOTO 08857 [#2299] 08763 [#223b] : IF G146 > #db GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08767 [#223f] : IF G146 != #9e GOTO 08779 [#224b] 08771 [#2243] : IF G082 == #b2 GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08775 [#2247] : IF G082 == #5b GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08779 [#224b] : IF G146 != #a5 GOTO 08788 [#2254] 08783 [#224f] : IF G163 == #00 GOTO 00915 [#0393] 08788 [#2254] : IF G146 > #8c GOTO 08857 [#2299] 08792 [#2258] : G150 = LIST#02 [G146] 08795 [#225b] : IF G150 == G082 GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08799 [#225f] : GOTO 08857 [#2299] ----------------------------------------- 08801 [#2261] : IF G082 == #33 GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08805 [#2265] : IF G082 == #3c GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08809 [#2269] : IF G082 == #3e GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08813 [#226d] : IF G082 == #3f GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08817 [#2271] : IF G082 == #49 GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08821 [#2275] : IF G082 == #4a GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08825 [#2279] : GOTO 08857 [#2299] ----------------------------------------- 08827 [#227b] : G150 = LIST#01 [G146] 08830 [#227e] : IF G150 == G082 GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08834 [#2282] : GOTO 08857 [#2299] ----------------------------------------- 08836 [#2284] : IF G146 < #4f GOTO 08857 [#2299] 08840 [#2288] : IF G146 > #8c GOTO 08857 [#2299] 08844 [#228c] : G150 = LIST#02 [G146] 08847 [#228f] : IF G150 == G015 GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08851 [#2293] : IF G150 == G016 GOTO 08861 [#229d] 08855 [#2297] : GOTO 08857 [#2299] ----------------------------------------- 08857 [#2299] : G150 = #00 08860 [#229c] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08861 [#229d] : G150 = #01 08864 [#22a0] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08865 [#22a1] : G141 = G082 08868 [#22a4] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08869 [#22a5] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2319) 08872 [#22a8] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08873 [#22a9] : IF G010 != #01 GOTO 08884 [#22b4] 08877 [#22ad] : IF G002 != #02 GOTO 08884 [#22b4] 08881 [#22b1] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2315) 08884 [#22b4] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08885 [#22b5] : IF G010 != #01 GOTO 08897 [#22c1] 08889 [#22b9] : IF G002 != #02 GOTO 08989 [#231d] 08893 [#22bd] : IF G010 != #00 GOTO 08927 [#22df] 08897 [#22c1] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2313) 08900 [#22c4] : GOSUB 08932 [#22e4] 08902 [#22c6] : IF G150 == #00 GOTO 08897 [#22c1] 08906 [#22ca] : IF G039 == #1e GOTO 08920 [#22d8] 08910 [#22ce] : IF G039 == #1f GOTO 08989 [#231d] 08914 [#22d2] : IF G039 == #01 GOTO 08989 [#231d] 08918 [#22d6] : GOTO 08897 [#22c1] ----------------------------------------- 08920 [#22d8] : G002 = #01 08923 [#22db] : SAVE 08925 [#22dd] : GOTO 08897 [#22c1] ----------------------------------------- 08927 [#22df] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2316) 08930 [#22e2] : GOTO 08989 [#231d] ----------------------------------------- 08932 [#22e4] : GOSUB 01580 [#062c] 08935 [#22e7] : GOSUB 01929 [#0789] 08938 [#22ea] : IF G039 == #42 GOTO 08971 [#230b] 08942 [#22ee] : IF G039 == #43 GOTO 08977 [#2311] 08946 [#22f2] : IF G039 == #1b GOTO 08954 [#22fa] 08950 [#22f6] : G150 = #01 08953 [#22f9] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08954 [#22fa] : GOSUB 09460 [#24f4] 08957 [#22fd] : IF G150 == #00 GOTO 08985 [#2319] 08961 [#2301] : RESTORE 08963 [#2303] : IF G183 == #01 GOTO 02373 [#0945] 08968 [#2308] : GOTO 09053 [#235d] ----------------------------------------- 08971 [#230b] : G164 = #01 08974 [#230e] : GOTO 09142 [#23b6] ----------------------------------------- 08977 [#2311] : GOSUB 09238 [#2416] 08980 [#2314] : IF G150 == #01 GOTO 09053 [#235d] 08985 [#2319] : G150 = #00 08988 [#231c] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 08989 [#231d] : G183 = #01 08992 [#2320] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2311) 08995 [#2323] : GOSUB 08932 [#22e4] 08997 [#2325] : IF G150 == #00 GOTO 08989 [#231d] 09001 [#2329] : IF G039 == #1a GOTO 02373 [#0945] 09006 [#232e] : GOTO 08989 [#231d] ----------------------------------------- 09008 [#2330] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2310) 09011 [#2333] : G010 = #00 09014 [#2336] : G011 = #01 09017 [#2339] : G013 = #03 09020 [#233c] : LIST#09 [G010] = G013 09023 [#233f] : CALLDRIVER 09025 [#2341] : G108 = LIST#09 [G011] 09028 [#2344] : IF G108 != #20 GOTO 09011 [#2333] 09032 [#2348] : GOTO 02373 [#0945] ----------------------------------------- 09035 [#234b] : SCREEN TEXTMODE 09037 [#234d] : GOTO 08737 [#2221] ----------------------------------------- 09040 [#2350] : IF G132 == #07 GOTO 09035 [#234b] 09044 [#2354] : SCREEN GRAPHMODE #0a 09047 [#2357] : G156 = #00 09050 [#235a] : GOTO 04286 [#10be] ----------------------------------------- 09053 [#235d] : G010 = #00 09056 [#2360] : G156 = #00 09059 [#2363] : IF G002 != #01 GOTO 09090 [#2382] 09063 [#2367] : IF G001 == #04 GOTO 07188 [#1c14] 09068 [#236c] : IF G010 != #01 GOTO 09090 [#2382] 09072 [#2370] : IF G001 != #00 GOTO 09090 [#2382] 09076 [#2374] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2317) 09079 [#2377] : CLEARWORKSPACE 09081 [#2379] : G001 = #04 09084 [#237c] : G002 = #02 09087 [#237f] : GOTO 02395 [#095b] ----------------------------------------- 09090 [#2382] : IF G001 != #04 GOTO 09107 [#2393] 09094 [#2386] : IF G011 != #01 GOTO 09107 [#2393] 09098 [#238a] : IF G012 != #02 GOTO 09107 [#2393] 09102 [#238e] : IF G013 == #03 GOTO 04286 [#10be] 09107 [#2393] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2314) 09110 [#2396] : GOTO 09008 [#2330] ----------------------------------------- 09113 [#2399] : G136 = G040 09116 [#239c] : IF G136 == #1b GOTO 09142 [#23b6] 09120 [#23a0] : G128 = G010 09123 [#23a3] : GOSUB 09366 [#2496] 09126 [#23a6] : IF G150 != G010 GOTO 09136 [#23b0] 09130 [#23aa] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2006) 09133 [#23ad] : GOTO 08737 [#2221] ----------------------------------------- 09136 [#23b0] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2300) 09139 [#23b3] : GOTO 00329 [#0149] ----------------------------------------- 09142 [#23b6] : G128 = G010 09145 [#23b9] : GOSUB 09337 [#2479] 09148 [#23bc] : IF G150 != G010 GOTO 09136 [#23b0] 09152 [#23c0] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2006) 09155 [#23c3] : PRINTMESSAGE (M3003) 09158 [#23c6] : GOTO 09053 [#235d] ----------------------------------------- 09161 [#23c9] : G124 = G010 09164 [#23cc] : G122 = G010 09167 [#23cf] : G123 = G010 09170 [#23d2] : G125 = G010 09173 [#23d5] : G126 = G010 09176 [#23d8] : G128 = G011 09179 [#23db] : GOSUB 09366 [#2496] 09182 [#23de] : IF G150 == G010 GOTO 09201 [#23f1] 09186 [#23e2] : G128 = G010 09189 [#23e5] : GOSUB 09366 [#2496] 09192 [#23e8] : IF G150 != G010 GOTO 09227 [#240b] 09196 [#23ec] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2301) 09199 [#23ef] : GOTO 09210 [#23fa] ----------------------------------------- 09201 [#23f1] : G123 = G011 09204 [#23f4] : G125 = G011 09207 [#23f7] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2302) 09210 [#23fa] : G012 = #fde8 09214 [#23fe] : GOSUB 09366 [#2496] 09217 [#2401] : G128 += G011 09220 [#2404] : IF G150 == G010 GOTO 09214 [#23fe] 09224 [#2408] : G012 = #02 09227 [#240b] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09228 [#240c] : GOSUB 09238 [#2416] 09230 [#240e] : IF G150 == #01 GOTO 09053 [#235d] 09235 [#2413] : GOTO 08737 [#2221] ----------------------------------------- 09238 [#2416] : IF G123 != G010 GOTO 09249 [#2421] 09242 [#241a] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2300) 09245 [#241d] : G150 = #00 09248 [#2420] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09249 [#2421] : IF G123 != G011 GOTO 09267 [#2433] 09253 [#2425] : IF G122 != G010 GOTO 09264 [#2430] 09257 [#2429] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2304) 09260 [#242c] : G150 = #00 09263 [#242f] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09264 [#2430] : G123 = G122 09267 [#2433] : G188 = #01 09270 [#2436] : G123 -= G011 09273 [#2439] : G128 = G123 09276 [#243c] : GOSUB 09337 [#2479] 09278 [#243e] : G164 = #01 09281 [#2441] : G150 = #01 09284 [#2444] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09285 [#2445] : IF G123 == G010 GOTO 09322 [#246a] 09289 [#2449] : G124 = G082 09292 [#244c] : G125 = G123 09295 [#244f] : G126 = G122 09298 [#2452] : G128 = G125 09301 [#2455] : GOSUB 09366 [#2496] 09303 [#2457] : IF G150 == G010 GOTO 09319 [#2467] 09307 [#245b] : IF G125 < #02 GOTO 09322 [#246a] 09311 [#245f] : G126 = G125 09314 [#2462] : G125 = G011 09317 [#2465] : GOTO 09298 [#2452] ----------------------------------------- 09319 [#2467] : G125 += G011 09322 [#246a] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09323 [#246b] : IF G082 == G124 GOTO 09336 [#2478] 09327 [#246f] : G123 = G125 09330 [#2472] : G122 = G126 09333 [#2475] : G124 = G082 09336 [#2478] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09337 [#2479] : G127 = #17 09340 [#247c] : GOSUB 09369 [#2499] 09342 [#247e] : IF G012 != #02 GOTO 09347 [#2483] 09346 [#2482] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09347 [#2483] : IF G188 != #01 GOTO 09360 [#2490] 09351 [#2487] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2304) 09354 [#248a] : G188 = #00 09357 [#248d] : GOTO 09008 [#2330] ----------------------------------------- 09360 [#2490] : PRINTMESSAGE (M2303) 09363 [#2493] : GOTO 09008 [#2330] ----------------------------------------- 09366 [#2496] : G127 = #16 09369 [#2499] : G184 = LIST#09 [G010] 09372 [#249c] : G185 = LIST#09 [G011] 09375 [#249f] : G186 = LIST#09 [G012] 09378 [#24a2] : G187 = LIST#09 [G013] 09381 [#24a5] : LIST#09 [G010] = G127 09384 [#24a8] : LIST#09 [G011] = G128 09387 [#24ab] : LIST#09 [G012] = G010 09390 [#24ae] : CALLDRIVER 09392 [#24b0] : G010 = #00 09395 [#24b3] : G150 = LIST#09 [G010] 09398 [#24b6] : LIST#09 [#00] = G184 09401 [#24b9] : LIST#09 [#01] = G185 09404 [#24bc] : LIST#09 [#02] = G186 09407 [#24bf] : LIST#09 [#03] = G187 09410 [#24c2] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09411 [#24c3] : G164 = #00 09414 [#24c6] : G160 = #00 09417 [#24c9] : G166 = #01 09420 [#24cc] : GOSUB 01604 [#0644] 09423 [#24cf] : G137 = #00 09426 [#24d2] : GOSUB 01711 [#06af] 09429 [#24d5] : IF G136 == #00 GOTO 09411 [#24c3] 09433 [#24d9] : G157 = #0c 09436 [#24dc] : GOSUB 01230 [#04ce] 09439 [#24df] : IF G136 == #00 GOTO 09449 [#24e9] 09443 [#24e3] : IF G136 == G193 GOTO 09456 [#24f0] 09447 [#24e7] : GOTO 09433 [#24d9] ----------------------------------------- 09449 [#24e9] : G136 = #00 09452 [#24ec] : G166 = #00 09455 [#24ef] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09456 [#24f0] : G166 = #00 09459 [#24f3] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09460 [#24f4] : IF G194 != #00 GOTO 09469 [#24fd] 09464 [#24f8] : GOSUB 09521 [#2531] 09466 [#24fa] : G194 = G193 09469 [#24fd] : G196 = #00 09472 [#2500] : PRINTMESSAGE (M4200) 09475 [#2503] : PRINTMESSAGE (M4207) 09478 [#2506] : GOSUB 09550 [#254e] 09481 [#2509] : G193 = G194 09484 [#250c] : GOSUB 09411 [#24c3] 09487 [#250f] : IF G196 != #01 GOTO 09509 [#2525] 09491 [#2513] : G196 += G011 09494 [#2516] : IF G196 < #03 GOTO 09504 [#2520] 09498 [#251a] : PRINTMESSAGE (M4208) 09501 [#251d] : GOTO 07188 [#1c14] ----------------------------------------- 09504 [#2520] : PRINTMESSAGE (M4205) 09507 [#2523] : GOTO 09475 [#2503] ----------------------------------------- 09509 [#2525] : PRINTMESSAGE (M4206) 09512 [#2528] : GOSUB 09521 [#2531] 09514 [#252a] : G194 = G193 09517 [#252d] : G150 = #01 09520 [#2530] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09521 [#2531] : RANDOM G108 09524 [#2534] : G109 = #64 09527 [#2537] : GOSUB 09644 [#25ac] 09530 [#253a] : G193 = G108 09533 [#253d] : IF G193 < #05 GOTO 09521 [#2531] 09537 [#2541] : G195 = G193 09540 [#2544] : GOSUB 09665 [#25c1] 09542 [#2546] : G193 = G195 09545 [#2549] : IF G189 == #00 GOTO 09521 [#2531] 09549 [#254d] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09550 [#254e] : G108 = #1072 09554 [#2552] : G108 += G191 09557 [#2555] : PRINTMESSAGE (G108) 09559 [#2557] : PRINTMESSAGE (M4201) 09562 [#255a] : G108 = #1072 09566 [#255e] : G108 += G190 09569 [#2561] : PRINTMESSAGE (G108) 09571 [#2563] : PRINTMESSAGE (M4203) 09574 [#2566] : PRINTNUMBER G189 09576 [#2568] : PRINTMESSAGE (M4204) 09579 [#256b] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09580 [#256c] : G108 = G192 09583 [#256f] : G108 += G108 09586 [#2572] : G108 += G108 09589 [#2575] : G108 += G108 09592 [#2578] : G108 += G108 09595 [#257b] : G108 += G108 09598 [#257e] : G108 += G108 09601 [#2581] : G108 += G108 09604 [#2584] : G108 += G108 09607 [#2587] : G109 = #0a 09610 [#258a] : G108 += G109 09613 [#258d] : G108 -= G192 09616 [#2590] : G108 += G108 09619 [#2593] : G108 += G108 09622 [#2596] : G108 += G192 09625 [#2599] : G109 = #01 09628 [#259c] : G108 += G109 09631 [#259f] : G192 = G108 09634 [#25a2] : G109 = #1f 09637 [#25a5] : LIST#09 [G109] = G108 09640 [#25a8] : G108 = LIST#09 [G109] 09643 [#25ab] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09644 [#25ac] : IF G108 < G109 GOTO 09653 [#25b5] 09648 [#25b0] : G108 -= G109 09651 [#25b3] : GOTO 09644 [#25ac] ----------------------------------------- 09653 [#25b5] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09654 [#25b6] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09655 [#25b7] : G189 = #00 09658 [#25ba] : G190 = #00 09661 [#25bd] : G191 = #00 09664 [#25c0] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- 09665 [#25c1] : IF G193 == #03 GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09669 [#25c5] : IF G193 == #09 GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09673 [#25c9] : IF G193 == #0c GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09677 [#25cd] : IF G193 == #1a GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09681 [#25d1] : IF G193 == #1c GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09685 [#25d5] : IF G193 == #1d GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09689 [#25d9] : IF G193 == #1e GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09693 [#25dd] : IF G193 == #27 GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09697 [#25e1] : IF G193 == #2c GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09701 [#25e5] : IF G193 == #2d GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09705 [#25e9] : IF G193 == #2f GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09709 [#25ed] : IF G193 == #33 GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09713 [#25f1] : IF G193 == #34 GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09717 [#25f5] : IF G193 == #36 GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09721 [#25f9] : IF G193 == #3a GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09725 [#25fd] : IF G193 == #3f GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09729 [#2601] : IF G193 == #52 GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09733 [#2605] : IF G193 == #57 GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09737 [#2609] : IF G193 == #59 GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09741 [#260d] : IF G193 == #61 GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09745 [#2611] : IF G193 == #66 GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09749 [#2615] : G192 = #2835 09753 [#2619] : GOSUB 09580 [#256c] 09756 [#261c] : G193 -= G011 09759 [#261f] : IF G193 != #00 GOTO 09753 [#2619] 09763 [#2623] : GOSUB 09580 [#256c] 09766 [#2626] : G109 = #31 09769 [#2629] : GOSUB 09644 [#25ac] 09772 [#262c] : G189 = G108 09775 [#262f] : IF G189 != #00 GOTO 09782 [#2636] 09779 [#2633] : G189 = #01 09782 [#2636] : GOSUB 09580 [#256c] 09785 [#2639] : G109 = #14 09788 [#263c] : GOSUB 09644 [#25ac] 09791 [#263f] : G190 = G108 09794 [#2642] : GOSUB 09580 [#256c] 09797 [#2645] : G109 = #08 09800 [#2648] : GOSUB 09644 [#25ac] 09803 [#264b] : G191 = G108 09806 [#264e] : IF G189 != #02 GOTO 09815 [#2657] 09810 [#2652] : IF G190 > #08 GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09815 [#2657] : IF G189 != #05 GOTO 09824 [#2660] 09819 [#265b] : IF G190 > #07 GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09824 [#2660] : IF G189 != #13 GOTO 09833 [#2669] 09828 [#2664] : IF G190 > #0a GOTO 09655 [#25b7] 09833 [#2669] : RETURN ----------------------------------------- End of A-code Highest variable: G196