You have recently inherited a large collection of books and artifacts from your late grandfather, who implored you to continue his researches. It was his dying wish that you make some discovery that long eluded him. Of its nature, you know little, except that the old man was preoccupied with the Illuvian Empire and a ruby-adorned princess. Study This was your grandfather's refuge from the world, which he seldom left in his waning years. An immense library of arcane lore is contained within these walls. Nearly all of the capacious chamber is dominated by books, which tower above you on great oaken shelves and overflow onto almost every surface. What other accoutrements adorn the room are of an equally scholarly bent. Rolled up maps spill from the desk drawers, a globe sits beside a telescope, looking out on the night sky, and a distinguished-looking brass bust perches on the mantel above the fireplace. For comfort, you can sink into a velvet armchair or view your reflection in an ornate mirror. "Books, books!" your grandfather's parrot yaps. >search desk You carefully investigate the contents of the desk, which you expect will contain items of a mystical nature. It does in fact contain a number of stones engraved with runes. Rifling through the contents of the drawer, you find a small blue crystal and a gruesome statuette. Near the back of the drawer is a large bag of bird food. >x food There is a bag of bird food in the drawer. "So many books," the bird squawks. >restore Restored. Inside the Structure on the Moon The inside of the structure is dazzlingly bright. Its shining silver walls are lined with strange implements, the purpose of which you can only guess. There is an immaculate beige carpet and sparse furniture in a thoroughly unfamiliar design. In the middle of the room, two bipedal reptilians converse, and more poke and prod various devices elsewhere. >think about home As you concentrate on the thought of the home, you find yourself reappearing in your grandfather's library. Study This was your grandfather's refuge from the world, which he seldom left in his waning years. An immense library of arcane lore is contained within these walls. Nearly all of the capacious chamber is dominated by books, which tower above you on great oaken shelves and overflow onto almost every surface. What other accoutrements adorn the room are of an equally scholarly bent. Maps cover the desk, a globe sits beside a telescope, looking out on the night sky, and a distinguished-looking brass bust perches on the mantel above the fireplace. For comfort, you can sink into a velvet armchair or view your reflection in an ornate mirror. Your grandfather's parrot balances on its perch, periodically interjecting its thoughts. >search desk You carefully investigate the contents of the desk, which you expect will contain items of a mystical nature. It does in fact contain a number of stones engraved with runes. Rifling through the contents of the drawer, you find a small blue crystal and a gruesome statuette. Near the back of the drawer is a large bag of bird food. >x food There is a bag of bird food in the drawer. >give food to bird (first taking the bag of bird food) You take the bird food. The bird eagerly accepts some food, eating it gratefully from the palm of your hand. "Much obliged!" the bird says. >g The bird eagerly accepts some food, eating it gratefully from the palm of your hand. >g The bird eagerly accepts some food, eating it gratefully from the palm of your hand. >x statuette This small statuette is terrifying to behold. There is something about its bizarre proportions that unsettles you deeply. >get it Though it is deeply unsettling, you remove the statuette from the drawer. >x crystal The small blue spherical crystal is immensely beautiful. >get it You take the crystal from the drawer and slip it into one of your pockets. >think about moon You contemplate the moon. >enter mirror Inside the Structure on the Moon The inside of the structure is dazzlingly bright. Its shining silver walls are lined with strange implements, the purpose of which you can only guess. There is an immaculate beige carpet and sparse furniture in a thoroughly unfamiliar design. In the middle of the room, two bipedal reptilians converse, and more poke and prod various devices elsewhere. >give crystal to snakes You hand over the crystal. >x snakes There are several reptilian creatures here. >ask about crystal The creatures make no response to that topic. >l Inside the Structure on the Moon The inside of the structure is dazzlingly bright. Its shining silver walls are lined with strange implements, the purpose of which you can only guess. There is an immaculate beige carpet and sparse furniture in a thoroughly unfamiliar design. In the middle of the room, two bipedal reptilians converse, and more poke and prod various devices elsewhere. >think about home As you concentrate on the thought of the home, you find yourself reappearing in your grandfather's library. Study This was your grandfather's refuge from the world, which he seldom left in his waning years. An immense library of arcane lore is contained within these walls. Nearly all of the capacious chamber is dominated by books, which tower above you on great oaken shelves and overflow onto almost every surface. What other accoutrements adorn the room are of an equally scholarly bent. Maps cover the desk, a globe sits beside a telescope, looking out on the night sky, and a distinguished-looking brass bust perches on the mantel above the fireplace. For comfort, you can sink into a velvet armchair or view your reflection in an ornate mirror. Your grandfather's parrot balances on its perch, periodically interjecting its thoughts. >think about kardeva You turn your mind to the temple at Kardeva, which your grandfather discovered. >enter mirror You step through the mirror and emerge a second later inside the temple. Great Temple of Kardeva You find yourself in an immense chamber with huge rock walls, where it looks like any sound would echo. The main feature of the room is a sparse bloodstained stone altar at its head, behind which stairs descend into the darkness. The priests appear to be on alert, anticipating a repeat of your intrusion. >give statuette to priests You hand over the statuette. >l Great Temple of Kardeva You find yourself in an immense chamber with huge rock walls, where it looks like any sound would echo. The main feature of the room is a sparse bloodstained stone altar at its head, behind which stairs descend into the darkness. The priests appear to be on alert, anticipating a repeat of your intrusion. >d The priests bar you from proceeding toward the staircase. >think about home As you concentrate on the thought of the home, you find yourself reappearing in your grandfather's library. Study This was your grandfather's refuge from the world, which he seldom left in his waning years. An immense library of arcane lore is contained within these walls. Nearly all of the capacious chamber is dominated by books, which tower above you on great oaken shelves and overflow onto almost every surface. What other accoutrements adorn the room are of an equally scholarly bent. Maps cover the desk, a globe sits beside a telescope, looking out on the night sky, and a distinguished-looking brass bust perches on the mantel above the fireplace. For comfort, you can sink into a velvet armchair or view your reflection in an ornate mirror. Your grandfather's parrot balances on its perch, periodically interjecting its thoughts. >think about kardeva You turn your mind to the temple at Kardeva, which your grandfather discovered. >enter mirror You step through the mirror and emerge a second later inside the temple. Great Temple of Kardeva You find yourself in an immense chamber with huge rock walls, where it looks like any sound would echo. The main feature of the room is a sparse bloodstained stone altar at its head, behind which stairs descend into the darkness. The priests appear to be on alert, anticipating a repeat of your intrusion. >ask priests about statuette The priests are not especially talkative, at least not on that subject. >shoot fire at priests Power rages through you. It takes only a thought to conjure up the fire you need. Before any of them can move, you have acted, summoning burst after burst of flame. You incinerate the priests, killing them instantly. >d You proceed down the staircase. Dark Chamber After a long descent, deep into the darkness, you find yourself in a room with an immense chasm, the two sides joined by a narrow stone bridge. On the other side is a grotesque statue. There is something in here with you, but the ruby necklace keeps it at bay. >e You proceed carefully across the bridge. Temple You have reached the far side of the chasm, where the statue stands, looking down at you ominously. >push statue in chasm With all your effort, you push the statue towards the chasm and heave it over the edge. A moment later, you hear it shatter on the ground below with a reassuring crash. Having thwarted the great primordial enemy and provided the reptilians with the ability to operate in this world, your task is complete. You suspect that your new allies will soon make use of their power to influence affairs. *** You have either saved mankind or doomed it. *** Would you like to RESTORE a saved position, RESTART the story, UNDO the last move, or QUIT? >undo Taking back one turn: “push statue in chasm”. Temple You have reached the far side of the chasm, where the statue stands, looking down at you ominously. >think about home As you concentrate on the thought of the home, you find yourself reappearing in your grandfather's library. Study This was your grandfather's refuge from the world, which he seldom left in his waning years. An immense library of arcane lore is contained within these walls. Nearly all of the capacious chamber is dominated by books, which tower above you on great oaken shelves and overflow onto almost every surface. What other accoutrements adorn the room are of an equally scholarly bent. Maps cover the desk, a globe sits beside a telescope, looking out on the night sky, and a distinguished-looking brass bust perches on the mantel above the fireplace. For comfort, you can sink into a velvet armchair or view your reflection in an ornate mirror. Your grandfather's parrot balances on its perch, periodically interjecting its thoughts. >think about moon You contemplate the moon. >enter mirror Inside the Structure on the Moon The inside of the structure is dazzlingly bright. Its shining silver walls are lined with strange implements, the purpose of which you can only guess. There is an immaculate beige carpet and sparse furniture in a thoroughly unfamiliar design. In the middle of the room, two bipedal reptilians converse, and more poke and prod various devices elsewhere. >banish snakes You perform the spell and the creatures are simply...gone. Even though they were your enemy, you cannot help but shudder. >enter sequence The story doesn’t understand that command. >x implements The walls are lined with strange implements, whose purpose you can only guess. Many buttons are visible, covered in symbols very similar to the Eoixete glyphs, some flashing, some glowing. >enter sequence in implements As you begin to wonder whether you have completed this arcane ritual correctly, you hear a catastrophic explosion and the ground begins to shake. >z There is no time to waste. >think about home As you concentrate on the thought of the home, you find yourself reappearing in your grandfather's library. Study This was your grandfather's refuge from the world, which he seldom left in his waning years. An immense library of arcane lore is contained within these walls. Nearly all of the capacious chamber is dominated by books, which tower above you on great oaken shelves and overflow onto almost every surface. What other accoutrements adorn the room are of an equally scholarly bent. Maps cover the desk, a globe sits beside a telescope, looking out on the night sky, and a distinguished-looking brass bust perches on the mantel above the fireplace. For comfort, you can sink into a velvet armchair or view your reflection in an ornate mirror. Your grandfather's parrot balances on its perch, periodically interjecting its thoughts. >think about moon You contemplate the moon. >enter mirror Inside the Structure on the Moon The inside of the structure is dazzlingly bright. Its shining silver walls are lined with strange implements, the purpose of which you can only guess. There is an immaculate beige carpet and sparse furniture in a thoroughly unfamiliar design. >x implements The walls are lined with strange implements, whose purpose you can only guess. Many buttons are visible, covered in symbols very similar to the Eoixete glyphs, some flashing, some glowing. >enter sequence in implements As you begin to wonder whether you have completed this arcane ritual correctly, you hear a catastrophic explosion and the ground begins to shake. >l Inside the Structure on the Moon The inside of the structure is dazzlingly bright. Its shining silver walls are lined with strange implements, the purpose of which you can only guess. There is an immaculate beige carpet and sparse furniture in a thoroughly unfamiliar design. >out You cannot leave the structure in the way you entered it. >think about home As you concentrate on the thought of the home, you find yourself reappearing in your grandfather's library. Study This was your grandfather's refuge from the world, which he seldom left in his waning years. An immense library of arcane lore is contained within these walls. Nearly all of the capacious chamber is dominated by books, which tower above you on great oaken shelves and overflow onto almost every surface. What other accoutrements adorn the room are of an equally scholarly bent. Maps cover the desk, a globe sits beside a telescope, looking out on the night sky, and a distinguished-looking brass bust perches on the mantel above the fireplace. For comfort, you can sink into a velvet armchair or view your reflection in an ornate mirror. Your grandfather's parrot balances on its perch, periodically interjecting its thoughts. >think about kardeva You turn your mind to the temple at Kardeva, which your grandfather discovered. >enter mirror You step through the mirror and emerge a second later inside the temple. Great Temple of Kardeva You find yourself in an immense chamber with huge rock walls, where it looks like any sound would echo. The main feature of the room is a sparse bloodstained stone altar at its head, behind which stairs descend into the darkness. >d You proceed down the staircase. Dark Chamber After a long descent, deep into the darkness, you find yourself in a room with an immense chasm, the two sides joined by a narrow stone bridge. On the other side is a grotesque statue. There is something in here with you, but the ruby necklace keeps it at bay. >push statue in chasm That is too far away. >e You proceed carefully across the bridge. Temple You have reached the far side of the chasm, where the statue stands, looking down at you ominously. >push statue in chasm With all your effort, you push the statue towards the chasm and heave it over the edge. A moment later, you hear it shatter on the ground below with a reassuring crash. Having thwarted both calamities, you have completed the task your grandfather bequeathed you, allowing him to rest in peace. You are free to return to his library and continue your studies, or to do anything else you should choose. *** You have thwarted mankind's enemies, for the time being at least. *** Would you like to RESTORE a saved position, RESTART the story, UNDO the last move, or QUIT? >restore Restored. Inside the Structure on the Moon The inside of the structure is dazzlingly bright. Its shining silver walls are lined with strange implements, the purpose of which you can only guess. There is an immaculate beige carpet and sparse furniture in a thoroughly unfamiliar design. In the middle of the room, two bipedal reptilians converse, and more poke and prod various devices elsewhere. >think about home As you concentrate on the thought of the home, you find yourself reappearing in your grandfather's library. Study This was your grandfather's refuge from the world, which he seldom left in his waning years. An immense library of arcane lore is contained within these walls. Nearly all of the capacious chamber is dominated by books, which tower above you on great oaken shelves and overflow onto almost every surface. What other accoutrements adorn the room are of an equally scholarly bent. Maps cover the desk, a globe sits beside a telescope, looking out on the night sky, and a distinguished-looking brass bust perches on the mantel above the fireplace. For comfort, you can sink into a velvet armchair or view your reflection in an ornate mirror. Your grandfather's parrot balances on its perch, periodically interjecting its thoughts. >search desk You carefully investigate the contents of the desk, which you expect will contain items of a mystical nature. It does in fact contain a number of stones engraved with runes. Rifling through the contents of the drawer, you find a small blue crystal and a gruesome statuette. Near the back of the drawer is a large bag of bird food. >get crystal You take the crystal from the drawer and slip it into one of your pockets. >get statuette Though it is deeply unsettling, you remove the statuette from the drawer. >think about kardeva You turn your mind to the temple at Kardeva, which your grandfather discovered. >give statuette to priests You see no priests here. >enter mirror You step through the mirror and emerge a second later inside the temple. Great Temple of Kardeva You find yourself in an immense chamber with huge rock walls, where it looks like any sound would echo. The main feature of the room is a sparse bloodstained stone altar at its head, behind which stairs descend into the darkness. The priests appear to be on alert, anticipating a repeat of your intrusion. >give statuette to priests You hand over the statuette. >think about home As you concentrate on the thought of the home, you find yourself reappearing in your grandfather's library. Study This was your grandfather's refuge from the world, which he seldom left in his waning years. An immense library of arcane lore is contained within these walls. Nearly all of the capacious chamber is dominated by books, which tower above you on great oaken shelves and overflow onto almost every surface. What other accoutrements adorn the room are of an equally scholarly bent. Maps cover the desk, a globe sits beside a telescope, looking out on the night sky, and a distinguished-looking brass bust perches on the mantel above the fireplace. For comfort, you can sink into a velvet armchair or view your reflection in an ornate mirror. Your grandfather's parrot balances on its perch, periodically interjecting its thoughts. >think about moon You contemplate the moon. >enter mirror Inside the Structure on the Moon The inside of the structure is dazzlingly bright. Its shining silver walls are lined with strange implements, the purpose of which you can only guess. There is an immaculate beige carpet and sparse furniture in a thoroughly unfamiliar design. In the middle of the room, two bipedal reptilians converse, and more poke and prod various devices elsewhere. >banish snakes You perform the spell and the creatures are simply...gone. Even though they were your enemy, you cannot help but shudder. >enter sequence in implements As you begin to wonder whether you have completed this arcane ritual correctly, you hear a catastrophic explosion and the ground begins to shake. With the reptilians thwarted and the priests able to proceed with their ritual, your task is complete. You suspect that your new allies will soon have the power to turn the governments of the world to their favor. *** You have either saved mankind or doomed it. *** Would you like to RESTORE a saved position, RESTART the story, UNDO the last move, or QUIT? > Inside the Structure on the Moon