Start of a transcript of The Hidden King's Tomb An Interactive Fiction by Joshua Fratis Release 1 / Serial number 220917 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.34 lib 6/12N) Built beneath a lake dark and deep, The Hidden King's Tomb was once well protected against would-be thieves. Between its only marked entrance was built a labyrinth of locked doors and false vaults. All ways were sealed, save one which remained for the king's foretold return. But in the centuries since, a sinkhole has revealed a new route to his treasure. You and your adventuring partner have come to The Hidden King's tomb like many before you, in search of fame and fortune. You stand over the sinkhole, planning your descent. But you've been tricked! Your former friend has pushed you from the precipice into The Hidden King's Tomb, plotting to take the treasure for himself. Now you must escape the catacombs, or this tomb may become your own. New to Interactive Fiction? Use the command "HELP" to learn how to get started. Identification number: //84305748-1689-4CC1-942B-BAD85E7CE9DF// Interpreter version 1.3.5 / VM 3.1.2 / Library serial number 080126 Standard Rules version 3/120430 by Graham Nelson >x me As good-looking as ever. >* ah well That's not a verb I recognise. >i You are carrying nothing. >about > Introduction to The Hidden King's Tomb Instructions for Play Tips for Playing The Hidden King's Tomb Built beneath a lake dark and deep, The Hidden King's Tomb was once well protected against would-be thieves. Between its only marked entrance was built a labyrinth of locked doors and false vaults. All ways were sealed, save one which remained for the king's foretold return. But in the centuries since, a sinkhole has revealed a new route to his treasure. You and your adventuring partner have come to The Hidden King's tomb like many before you, in search of fame and fortune. You stand over the sinkhole, planning your descent. But you've been tricked! Your former friend has pushed you from the precipice into The Hidden King's Tomb, plotting to take the treasure for himself. Now you must escape the catacombs, or this tomb may become your own. Please press SPACE to continue. > Introduction to The Hidden King's Tomb Instructions for Play Tips for Playing The Hidden King's Tomb > Introduction to The Hidden King's Tomb Instructions for Play Tips for Playing The Hidden King's Tomb Introduction to The Hidden King's Tomb > Instructions for Play Tips for Playing The Hidden King's Tomb Introduction to The Hidden King's Tomb > Instructions for Play Tips for Playing The Hidden King's Tomb > About Interactive Fiction What to do with > Getting Started Rooms and Travel Objects Controlling the Game How the World is Assembled If You Get Stuck Introduction to The Hidden King's Tomb > Instructions for Play Tips for Playing The Hidden King's Tomb Introduction to The Hidden King's Tomb Instructions for Play > Tips for Playing The Hidden King's Tomb Introduction to The Hidden King's Tomb Instructions for Play > Tips for Playing The Hidden King's Tomb > Escape! Explore! Read Carefully! Make a Map Try Anything! The goal of this game is to escape the dungeon. You'll do this by exploring, gaining an understanding of the dungeon in order to find and navigate towards the exit, and clearing any obstacles that stand in your way. These obstacles can be thought of as "doors" opened by "keys," though these "doors" and "keys" are usually disguised as other objects entirely. For example, a key could be a secret password used to gain entry to a thieves" hideout, a rope used to climb a cliff, or a lantern used to light a dark room. These are puzzles. By thouroughly exploring the dungeon, you can find clues to help you solve these puzzles. Please press SPACE to continue. > Escape! Explore! Read Carefully! Make a Map Try Anything! > Escape! Explore! Read Carefully! Make a Map Try Anything! Escape! > Explore! Read Carefully! Make a Map Try Anything! Escape! > Explore! Read Carefully! Make a Map Try Anything! Explore. Taking a closer look around with the EXAMINE command is a good way to find clues to help you solve puzzles. If a thing is listed in a room's description, chances are you can EXAMINE that thing. Be thorough. If you still can't figure out what to do, try opening windows, looking under beds, etc. Sometimes objects are well-hidden. Please press SPACE to continue. Escape! > Explore! Read Carefully! Make a Map Try Anything! Escape! > Explore! Read Carefully! Make a Map Try Anything! Escape! Explore! > Read Carefully! Make a Map Try Anything! Escape! Explore! > Read Carefully! Make a Map Try Anything! Read carefully. If the game mentions something, it's probably something you can interact with, or at least examine. If the game gives a detailed description of something, it's probably important. Please press SPACE to continue. Escape! Explore! > Read Carefully! Make a Map Try Anything! Escape! Explore! > Read Carefully! Make a Map Try Anything! Escape! Explore! Read Carefully! > Make a Map Try Anything! Escape! Explore! Read Carefully! > Make a Map Try Anything! Make a map. This can be as simple as writing down the names of rooms you explore and drawing lines to connect them. This can be very helpful for keeping track of where you are, where you've been, and were you have yet to explore. Please press SPACE to continue. Escape! Explore! Read Carefully! > Make a Map Try Anything! Escape! Explore! Read Carefully! > Make a Map Try Anything! Escape! Explore! Read Carefully! Make a Map > Try Anything! Escape! Explore! Read Carefully! Make a Map > Try Anything! Try anything! You can't "lose" this game. There's no harm in attempting any command if you think it might give you more information. Please press SPACE to continue. Escape! Explore! Read Carefully! Make a Map > Try Anything! Escape! Explore! Read Carefully! Make a Map > Try Anything! Introduction to The Hidden King's Tomb Instructions for Play > Tips for Playing The Hidden King's Tomb Bottom of The Sinkhole You stand at the bottom of a massive sinkhole. Mosses and mushrooms cover the damp cavern walls, from which water steadily drips. Sunlight shines down from a blue sky far above. Halfway up the cavern wall, a stream of water falls from the mouth of a cave. It gathers in a shallow, sparkling pool at your feet, then flows through a narrow gap, deeper into the earth. A stair is carved into the cavern wall by the mouth of the cave from which the water falls. It spirals higher to the surface. Another tunnel, this one square-shaped, intersects the sinkhole at your elevation. It leads east and west. >x water Crystal clear water fills the shallow pool. In the shallow pool are some bones, an unlit candle and a treasure. >x moss You can't see any such thing. >x mosses You can't see any such thing. >* aww That's not a verb I recognise. >x mushrooms You can't see any such thing. >l Bottom of The Sinkhole You stand at the bottom of a massive sinkhole. Mosses and mushrooms cover the damp cavern walls, from which water steadily drips. Sunlight shines down from a blue sky far above. Halfway up the cavern wall, a stream of water falls from the mouth of a cave. It gathers in a shallow, sparkling pool at your feet, then flows through a narrow gap, deeper into the earth. A stair is carved into the cavern wall by the mouth of the cave from which the water falls. It spirals higher to the surface. Another tunnel, this one square-shaped, intersects the sinkhole at your elevation. It leads east and west. >x bones They look to be human. >take bones Taken. >eat bones They're plainly inedible. >break bones Violence isn't the answer to this one. >to make my bread That's not a verb I recognise. >x candle The candle is unlit. >take it Taken. >x treasure You see nothing special about the treasure. >take it Taken. >* This is somewhat unimpressive That's not a verb I recognise. >l Bottom of The Sinkhole You stand at the bottom of a massive sinkhole. Mosses and mushrooms cover the damp cavern walls, from which water steadily drips. Sunlight shines down from a blue sky far above. Halfway up the cavern wall, a stream of water falls from the mouth of a cave. It gathers in a shallow, sparkling pool at your feet, then flows through a narrow gap, deeper into the earth. A stair is carved into the cavern wall by the mouth of the cave from which the water falls. It spirals higher to the surface. Another tunnel, this one square-shaped, intersects the sinkhole at your elevation. It leads east and west. >x pool Crystal clear water fills the shallow pool. >drink water There's nothing suitable to drink here. >x stair The stairs begin by the mouth of the cave from which the water falls, too far above you to climb from here. Still, they promise escape, if only you could reach them. Perhaps there's a path that will lead you to them through the cave. >x gap Water flows from the shallow pool through the narrow gap. Through it you can see a small coffin floating in the water. >x coffin The Furtive Child's Coffin is closed, and there are a cloth doll, a bead necklace and a colorful shawl on top. >take coffin You can only look from this distance. >x doll It has a little golden crown. >x crown You can't see any such thing. >x necklace The beads, reflecting what little light reaches them like gemstones, are arranged in no particular pattern. The colors are hapazardly combined, as if by a child. Yet, the necklace is beautiful. >x shawl The shawl is expertly made from the finest materials. It looks like a precious gift. >take all There are none at all available! >l Bottom of The Sinkhole You stand at the bottom of a massive sinkhole. Mosses and mushrooms cover the damp cavern walls, from which water steadily drips. Sunlight shines down from a blue sky far above. Halfway up the cavern wall, a stream of water falls from the mouth of a cave. It gathers in a shallow, sparkling pool at your feet, then flows through a narrow gap, deeper into the earth. A stair is carved into the cavern wall by the mouth of the cave from which the water falls. It spirals higher to the surface. Another tunnel, this one square-shaped, intersects the sinkhole at your elevation. It leads east and west. >open gap It isn't something you can open. >d You can't go that way. >push coffin You can only look from this distance. >* I'm having a hard time picturing this, but that might be on me You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom. >x east You see nothing unexpected in that direction. >e East Tunnel This tunnel runs east to west. The walls are decorated with skeletons. You can't imagine anything living in the stillness of the settled air. >x skeletons The skeletons have been arranged in a repeating pattern. Each kneels with its skull bowed. They face east. >x skull You can't see any such thing. >e Hidden King's Tomb The decrepit tomb is dominated by a massive coffin resting at its center and lit by a single flickering candle set atop it. Dust drifts from a low stone ceiling supported by six columns. Detailed reliefs carved into the walls depict The Hidden King's mighty rein and terrible defeat. A coffer rests at the foot of the coffin. Its lock has been broken. This room's only exit is a wide and shallow stair ascending to the west. >* oh hey, didn't take long to get to the eponymous toom You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom. >x coffin The Hidden King's Coffin is closed, and there is a lit candle on top. >light candle You light the candle. >i You are carrying: a treasure a lit candle (providing light) some bones >save Ok. >x columns You can't see any such thing. >x column You can't see any such thing. >x relief You can't see any such thing. >x reliefs You can't see any such thing. >x walls You can't see any such thing. >x rise You can't see any such thing. >x defeat You can't see any such thing. >x coffer You see nothing special about The Hidden King's coffer. >l Hidden King's Tomb The decrepit tomb is dominated by a massive coffin resting at its center and lit by a single flickering candle set atop it. Dust drifts from a low stone ceiling supported by six columns. Detailed reliefs carved into the walls depict The Hidden King's mighty rein and terrible defeat. A coffer rests at the foot of the coffin. Its lock has been broken. This room's only exit is a wide and shallow stair ascending to the west. >open coffer You open The Hidden King's coffer, revealing a treasure. >x treasure You see nothing special about the treasure. >take it You already have that. >take treasure from coffer Taken. >i You are carrying: two treasures a lit candle (providing light) some bones >open coffin (first removing the lit candle) Taken. Resting in the coffin is a rag-wrapped skeleton. You open The Hidden King's Coffin, revealing The Hidden King (wrapped). >x skeleton The mummified remains of The Hidden King. Decaying bones show through rotting wrappings. He's terribly imposing, even as he lies motionless. It looks as though he's holding something on his chest beneath his wrappings. >x rags You can't see any such thing. >search skeleton You can't see inside, since The Hidden King is closed. >open king You pull the wrappings from The Hidden King, revealing The Hidden King's sword and The Book of the Dead. >x sword You see nothing special about The Hidden King's sword. >take it Taken. >x book A hefty, leatherbound tome with a broken latch. The pages are so warped they resemble the grain of a fallen tree eaten away by woodworms. Books buried with the dead often contain spells to see them through the afterlife. >read it (first taking The Book of the Dead) Taken. You read: First make prayer to The Grey Grave Watcher. They have long warded off would-be theives and non-believers, those who would desecrate this holy house of rest. Then reclaim your kingdom. Hide yourself no longer. >g You read: First make prayer to The Grey Grave Watcher. They have long warded off would-be theives and non-believers, those who would desecrate this holy house of rest. Then reclaim your kingdom. Hide yourself no longer. >pray What do you want to pray to? >grey grave watcher You can't see any such thing. >pray to the grey grave watcher You can't see any such thing. >w East Tunnel This tunnel runs east to west. The walls are decorated with skeletons. You can't imagine anything living in the stillness of the settled air. >e Hidden King's Tomb The decrepit tomb is dominated by a massive coffin resting at its center. Dust drifts from a low stone ceiling supported by six columns. Detailed reliefs carved into the walls depict The Hidden King's mighty rein and terrible defeat. A coffer rests at the foot of the coffin. Its lock has been broken. This room's only exit is a wide and shallow stair ascending to the west. >take skeleton Best not disturb the dead. >take all There are none at all available! >w East Tunnel This tunnel runs east to west. The walls are decorated with skeletons. You can't imagine anything living in the stillness of the settled air. >w Bottom of The Sinkhole You stand at the bottom of a massive sinkhole. Mosses and mushrooms cover the damp cavern walls, from which water steadily drips. Sunlight shines down from a blue sky far above. Halfway up the cavern wall, a stream of water falls from the mouth of a cave. It gathers in a shallow, sparkling pool at your feet, then flows through a narrow gap, deeper into the earth. A stair is carved into the cavern wall by the mouth of the cave from which the water falls. It spirals higher to the surface. Another tunnel, this one square-shaped, intersects the sinkhole at your elevation. It leads east and west. >w West Tunnel This tunnel runs east to west. The walls are decorated with skeletons. The floor is strangely smooth. A chill breeze blows from the west like a wandering ghost. >x floor It's as smooth as a riverbed, as if it's been worn down by running water. >w Shrine The flickering candles encircling the shrine give it a warm glow. By their light you see a large statue, set in the west wall, which depicts a kneeling man. Carved into the hood cast over his blank face is a single, closed eye. A smooth depression in the floor runs from the statue to a tunnel leading east. Water pools at the bottom of a set of stairs descending to the south. Layers of thin black fabric lay across a set of stairs descending to the north. Dozens of gold coins are stacked on the statue's base. You can also see twelve lit candles here. >x coins You see nothing special about the treasure. >take coins Taken. >x candles You can't use multiple objects with that verb. >x candle The candle flickers gently in the dark. >i You are carrying: three treasures The Book of the Dead The Hidden King's sword some wrappings two lit candles (providing light) some bones >take all candle: Taken. candle: Taken. candle: Taken. candle: Taken. candle: Taken. candle: Taken. candle: Taken. candle: Taken. candle: Taken. candle: Taken. candle: Taken. candle: Taken. >i You are carrying: fourteen lit candles (providing light) three treasures The Book of the Dead The Hidden King's sword some wrappings some bones >l Shrine The flickering candles encircling the shrine give it a warm glow. By their light you see a large statue, set in the west wall, which depicts a kneeling man. Carved into the hood cast over his blank face is a single, closed eye. A smooth depression in the floor runs from the statue to a tunnel leading east. Water pools at the bottom of a set of stairs descending to the south. Layers of thin black fabric lay across a set of stairs descending to the north. >x water You can't see any such thing. >* Guess that's where the small coffin is That's not a verb I recognise. >x cloth You can't see any such thing. >x fabric You can't see any such thing. >x layers You can't see any such thing. >x depression You can't see any such thing. >x statue The gray statue shows a man with his face cast down and covered by a hood. Carved into the hood is a single, giant eye. You can't help but feel as it follow you beneath its lid. >pray to statue You bow your head and pray to the statue. You hear a sound like stone grinding against stone and the chamber begins to shake. Then the statue rotates, revealing a secret passage in the west wall. Suddenly, a river rushes forth from either side of the statue, nearly knocking you off your feet. Soon the torrent slows to a stream. >undo Shrine [Previous turn undone.] >d You can't go that way. >undo Shrine [Previous turn undone.] >pray to statue You bow your head and pray to the statue. You hear a sound like stone grinding against stone and the chamber begins to shake. Then the statue rotates, revealing a secret passage in the west wall. Suddenly, a river rushes forth from either side of the statue, nearly knocking you off your feet. Soon the torrent slows to a stream. >d You can't go that way. >l Shrine The flickering candles encircling the shrine give it a warm glow. By their light you can see a secret passage opened in the west wall, revealed by a rotated statue. Water streams from either side, across the room, and through a tunnel leading east. Water pools at the bottom of a set of stairs descending to the south. Layers of thin black fabric lay across a set of stairs descending to the north. >e West Tunnel This tunnel runs east to west. The walls are decorated with skeletons. A stream of water rushes past your feet. It runs west to east. A chill breeze blows from the west like a wandering ghost. >e Bottom of The Sinkhole You stand at the bottom of a massive sinkhole. Mosses and mushrooms cover the damp cavern walls, from which water steadily drips. Sunlight shines down from a blue sky far above. The waterfall has ceased. Now, a river rushes from a square tunnel to the west. The water gathers in a shallow pool at your feet, then flows through a narrow gap into the depths of the cave. The tunnel seems to intersect the sinkhole, as another exit lies to the east. A stone stair is carved into the cavern wall. It winds its way to the surface from a cave halfway up the wall. >d You can't go that way. >take coffin You can only look from this distance. >w West Tunnel This tunnel runs east to west. The walls are decorated with skeletons. A stream of water rushes past your feet. It runs west to east. A chill breeze blows from the west like a wandering ghost. >w Shrine The flickering candles encircling the shrine give it a warm glow. By their light you can see a secret passage opened in the west wall, revealed by a rotated statue. Water streams from either side, across the room, and through a tunnel leading east. Water pools at the bottom of a set of stairs descending to the south. Layers of thin black fabric lay across a set of stairs descending to the north. >w Caved In Chamber You duck through the secret passage into what must have once been the tomb's infamously hidden entrance... and The Hidden King's escape. Though now it seems that dream died with him, as the stairway to the surface, lined by extinguished braziers and faded murals of patient pilgrims, is blocked by rubble fallen from the ceiling. It seems the caves run deeper than the sinkhole your former friend cast you into, for a stream of water falls down through a wide hole in the ceiling. It runs over the shallow steps and through the secret passage you entered through. With the passage opened, you can see the statue is double-sided. >x stairway You can't see any such thing. >x rubble You can't see any such thing. >x murals You can't see any such thing. >x statue Two statues of the same deity are placed back to back. With the passage opened, you can see them both. One bows in quiet deference, as if kneeling before The Hidden King. Perhaps this is the only time they close their watchful eye. The other bears a heavy tower shield and a long spear. The sentinel's single eye appears far more piercing than their spear. >x eye You can't see any such thing. >x shield You can't see any such thing. >x spear You can't see any such thing. >take shield You can't see any such thing. >take all There are none at all available! >pray to statue You bow your head and pray to the statue. The statue rotates, sealing the secret passage. On this side, the statue is different. The same man now stands tall, bearing his tower sheild. His hood is thrown back to reveal his face. Its only feature is a single, opened eye. With nowhere left to run, the water spilling from the ceiling begins to flood the chamber. Soon, you're at the bottom of a deep pool. Above you, the water rises above the broken ceiling. >undo Caved In Chamber [Previous turn undone.] >e Shrine The flickering candles encircling the shrine give it a warm glow. By their light you can see a secret passage opened in the west wall, revealed by a rotated statue. Water streams from either side, across the room, and through a tunnel leading east. Water pools at the bottom of a set of stairs descending to the south. Layers of thin black fabric lay across a set of stairs descending to the north. >s Furtive Child's Tomb The absence of this room's crumbled eastern wall reveals a vast pool of dark, stagnant water. In the center of the room, seemily floating in the water, is a diminuitive coffin. A stair which escapes the stagnant water leads north. You can see a Furtive Child's Coffin (on which are a cloth doll, a bead necklace and a colorful shawl) here. >take all cloth doll: Taken. bead necklace: Taken. colorful shawl: Taken. >n Shrine The flickering candles encircling the shrine give it a warm glow. By their light you can see a secret passage opened in the west wall, revealed by a rotated statue. Water streams from either side, across the room, and through a tunnel leading east. Water pools at the bottom of a set of stairs descending to the south. Layers of thin black fabric lay across a set of stairs descending to the north. >save Ok. >n Secret Queen's Tomb Threadbare drapes are hung like spider's webs across this room. This room's only exit is the stair which ascends south. Through the drapes you can see a coffin. You can also see The Secret Queen's coffer (closed) here. >x coffin The Secret Queen's Coffin is closed, and there are some drapes on top. >x coffer It was once beautiful, but its lid has since been collapsed by rot. >open coffin (first removing the drapes) Taken. Its lid is a simple slab of stone. Unmarked, but for a sharp and cruel crown carved near the head. You open The Secret Queen's Coffin, revealing The Secret Queen (wrapped). >x drapes You see nothing special about the drapes. >x queen The mummified remains of The Secret Queen. A smooth skull shows through black wrappings. You can feel her gaze, even with her empty sockets. >x crown You can't see any such thing. >x skull The mummified remains of The Secret Queen. A smooth skull shows through black wrappings. You can feel her gaze, even with her empty sockets. >open it You pull the wrappings from The Secret Queen, revealing a dagger. >x dagger A cruel, curved dagger with a black hilt. >take it Taken. >s Shrine The flickering candles encircling the shrine give it a warm glow. By their light you can see a secret passage opened in the west wall, revealed by a rotated statue. Water streams from either side, across the room, and through a tunnel leading east. Water pools at the bottom of a set of stairs descending to the south. Layers of thin black fabric lay across a set of stairs descending to the north. >w Caved In Chamber A wide stone stairway is blocked by fallen rubble. The broken ceiling reveals a cave above, from which water falls. It flows past a double sided statue, rotated to reveal a secret passage in the east wall. >pray What do you want to pray to? >statue You bow your head and pray to the statue. The statue rotates, sealing the secret passage. On this side, the statue is different. The same man now stands tall, bearing his tower sheild. His hood is thrown back to reveal his face. Its only feature is a single, opened eye. With nowhere left to run, the water spilling from the ceiling begins to flood the chamber. Soon, you're at the bottom of a deep pool. Above you, the water rises above the broken ceiling. >u Flooded Cave Water spills from a narrow shelf in this cave's west wall into a deep pool, then flows east through the cave. >w You can't go that way. >x shelf You can't see any such thing. >e The Waterfall Ledge You stand on a small ledge in the wall of the sinkhole. Water, flowing from a cave to the west, rushes past your feet and falls over the edge. A stone stair carved into the cavern wall winds upward to the surface. >x stair The stairs were long ago carved into the walls of the cavern. They are steep, yet they promise an escape from the sinkhole. >x ledge You can't see any such thing. >u You climb to the surface, escaping the sinkhole and The Hidden King's Tomb! *** The End *** Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command? > quit