Start of a transcript of Alchemist's Gold Copyright © 2022 Garry Francis Type ABOUT for further info and credits. Release 1 / Serial number 220701 / Inform v6.36 PunyInform v4.0 > about This game is an aggregation of three ideas. The first part was inspired by 'The Cabin', which was written in Inform 6 by Lucian Blebea as an assignment for CIS 487/587 at the University of Michigan-Dearborn in Autumn 2005. The second part was inspired by a puzzle I found in a magazine or newspaper. The third part was inspired by 'The Alchemist's Home' by Mike Manard, which was written in Inform 6 as an assignment for CIS 487/587 at the University of Michigan-Dearborn in Autumn 2006. In 2017, I rewrote the two student games from scratch using Inform 6. In the process, I fixed the bugs and spelling errors, removed the sudden death, changed the maps, descriptions and responses, expanded the vocabulary, added new objects, modified the existing puzzles and added new puzzles. In 2022, I ported these two games to PunyInform, wrote a small game for the middle puzzle and aggregated the three games. I then expanded the game further to create 'Alchemist's Gold'. The final game was first published for ParserComp 2022. Concept by Lucian Blebea and Mike Manard. Game design and coding by Garry Francis. Play testing by Christopher Merriner, Dee Cooke, Edo Rajh, Jade J Aincioa, Phil Riley, Rovarsson and Stu Dobbie. > * That's an interesting genealogy, guess we'll see how coherent things are That's not a verb I recognise. > l Forest You're on a well-trodden trail surrounded by tall trees. You can follow the trail to the north or south. > i You are empty handed. > x me As you look down at your clothing, you see that your clean clothes are now dirty and torn from trudging through the forest. It doesn't matter. When you return home with the alchemist's gold, you'll be able to buy clothing of the finest linen and silks and dress like a nobleman. > * why would we take the alchemist's gold, instead of understanding his process That's not a verb I recognise. > * Inflation, I suppose is the killjoy answer That's not a verb I recognise. > * We don’t seem to have any sense of morality, so figures that we’d be an econ That's not a verb I recognise. > l Forest You're on a well-trodden trail surrounded by tall trees. You can follow the trail to the north or south. > x trail It's a well-travelled trail of mud and leaves. A squirrel runs in from the north. > x trees There are all sorts of trees that tower over your head. The squirrel runs away to the north. > x squirrel You can't see any such thing. > n Trail You're following a north-south trail that looks like mud mixed with leaves. A branch to the east continues further into the forest. You can see a squirrel here. The squirrel runs away to the east. > e Clearing You're in a small clearing surrounded by dense forest. You can only go back to the west. There's an axe embedded in a tree stump. A woodsman must have left it behind. You can also see a squirrel here. The squirrel runs away to the west. > w Trail You're following a north-south trail that looks like mud mixed with leaves. A branch to the east continues further into the forest. You can see a squirrel here. The squirrel runs away to the north. > n End of Trail The trail ends at a gate to the north. The gate is in a fence that is roughly chest height and covered in barbed wire. Unless you can find a way to open the gate, it looks like you'll have to return to the south. You can see an oak tree, a squirrel and a sign here. The squirrel scratches around in the leaf litter. > take squirrel As you approach the squirrel, it evades you and runs out of your reach. The squirrel forages for seeds and nuts. > x squirrel It's a fluffy squirrel with a bushy tail. It's quite cute. The squirrel runs away to the south. > s Trail You're following a north-south trail that looks like mud mixed with leaves. A branch to the east continues further into the forest. You can see a squirrel here. The squirrel runs away to the north. > n End of Trail The trail ends at a gate to the north. The gate is in a fence that is roughly chest height and covered in barbed wire. Unless you can find a way to open the gate, it looks like you'll have to return to the south. You can see an oak tree, a squirrel and a sign here. The squirrel stands erect, looks at you briefly, then continues foraging. > ask squirrel about squirrel There is no reply. The squirrel runs away to the south. > * OK, maybe chasing a squirrel around gormlessly isn't going to make me rich That's not a verb I recognise. > s Trail You're following a north-south trail that looks like mud mixed with leaves. A branch to the east continues further into the forest. You can see a squirrel here. The squirrel runs away to the north. > s Forest You're on a well-trodden trail surrounded by tall trees. You can follow the trail to the north or south. > s You didn't come all this way for nothing. You aren't leaving without the alchemist's gold. > n Trail You're following a north-south trail that looks like mud mixed with leaves. A branch to the east continues further into the forest. > x mud It's a well-travelled trail of mud and leaves. > x leaves It's a well-travelled trail of mud and leaves. > take mud Yuck. Not likely. > search mud You find nothing special. > s Forest You're on a well-trodden trail surrounded by tall trees. You can follow the trail to the north or south. > climb tree You have no reason to climb any of these trees. You came here to find the alchemist's gold, not to play jungle boy. A squirrel runs in from the north. > * I mean do we need a reason to play jungle boy? That's not a verb I recognise. > n Trail You're following a north-south trail that looks like mud mixed with leaves. A branch to the east continues further into the forest. A squirrel runs in from the south. > e Clearing You're in a small clearing surrounded by dense forest. You can only go back to the west. There's an axe embedded in a tree stump. A woodsman must have left it behind. > x stump It's the stump of a large tree. It must have been felled a long time ago, as there are no longer any signs of the fallen tree. There's an axe embedded in the tree stump. > x axe It looks weathered, but serviceable. > take axe Taken. > * All good alchemy begins with an axe That's not a verb I recognise. > cut tree You're not Paul Bunyan. You can't just go around chopping down trees without a good reason. > * Ah, this must be one of those New World alchemists That's not a verb I recognise. > * Can't we get rich by lumberjacking? That's not a verb I recognise. > * I suppose that's environmentally unusustainable That's not a verb I recognise. > w Trail You're following a north-south trail that looks like mud mixed with leaves. A branch to the east continues further into the forest. > n End of Trail The trail ends at a gate to the north. The gate is in a fence that is roughly chest height and covered in barbed wire. Unless you can find a way to open the gate, it looks like you'll have to return to the south. You can see an oak tree, a squirrel and a sign here. The squirrel sniffs around as though it's looking for food. > x gate It's a tall gate that is clearly intended to keep stock in and trespassers out. The squirrel sniffs around as though it's looking for food. > x wire The fence to the north is roughly chest height and covered in barbed wire. The squirrel forages for seeds and nuts. > open gate It seems to be locked. The squirrel sniffs around as though it's looking for food. > unlock gate You don't have the key. The squirrel sniffs around as though it's looking for food. > l End of Trail The trail ends at a gate to the north. The gate is in a fence that is roughly chest height and covered in barbed wire. Unless you can find a way to open the gate, it looks like you'll have to return to the south. You can see an oak tree, a squirrel and a sign here. The squirrel scratches around in the leaf litter. > x tree It's a young oak tree stationed outside the gate as though it's guarding the entrance. At this time of year, it's full of acorns. The squirrel forages for seeds and nuts. > take acorns The acorns are out of reach. The squirrel stands erect, looks at you briefly, then continues foraging. > climb tree You can't get a good foothold and the lower branches are out of reach. The squirrel forages for seeds and nuts. > cut tree (with the axe) You chop into the oak tree and hear the axe handle crack. Oh, oh. You continue chopping until the axe breaks, then throw it away. Just as you do, the weakened trunk splinters and comes crashing down onto the fence. Oops. This also flattens the gate, so you can now get through the opening where the gate used to stand. The squirrel forages for seeds and nuts. [The score has just gone up by 10 points.] > * I was actually just trying to help the squirrel get some acorns, but I guess That's not a verb I recognise. > score You have so far scored 10 out of a possible 100, in 42 turns. > l End of Trail The trail ends at a gate to the north. The felled tree has flattened the fence and the gate, so you can now proceed to the north or return to the south. You can see an oak tree, a squirrel and a sign here. The squirrel scratches around in the leaf litter. > x sign It looks like a crudely-made warning sign. The squirrel scratches around in the leaf litter. > read it It says, 'KEEP OUT'. The squirrel runs away to the south. > * oops That's not a verb I recognise. > x tree It's lying across the flattened fence and gate. Nice work, Paul Bunyan. The acorns are now within your reach. > take acorns According to the rules of this forest, you can only take one acorn at a time. > take acorn Taken. > l End of Trail The trail ends at a gate to the north. The felled tree has flattened the fence and the gate, so you can now proceed to the north or return to the south. You can see an oak tree and a sign here. > * The rules of Inform's world model, you mean! That's not a verb I recognise. > s Trail You're following a north-south trail that looks like mud mixed with leaves. A branch to the east continues further into the forest. > e Clearing You're in a small clearing surrounded by dense forest. You can only go back to the west. You can see a squirrel and a tree stump here. The squirrel forages for seeds and nuts. > give acorn to squirrel The squirrel approaches you, sniffs the acorn and grabs it from you in its little paws. Aw, how cute. > pett squirrel That's not a verb I recognise. > pet squirrel You'll have to catch it first. > take squirrel The squirrel is preoccupied with its acorn and doesn't object when you pick it up. [The score has just gone up by 10 points.] > pet squirrel The squirrel is soft and cuddly like a child's teddy bear. > * Yay! That's not a verb I recognise. > * The real alchemist's gold was the friends we made along the way That's not a verb I recognise. > w Trail You're following a north-south trail that looks like mud mixed with leaves. A branch to the east continues further into the forest. > ask squirrel if he's cool with being my sidekick I think you wanted to say "ask someone about something". Please try again. > talk to squirrel The squirrel cocks its head and gives you a strange look as if to say, "I'm a squirrel you twit. Squirrels can't talk." > * I wasn't necessarily looking for a response That's not a verb I recognise. > * Sometimes it's enough just to be heard, you know? That's not a verb I recognise. > n End of Trail The trail ends at a gate to the north. The felled tree has flattened the fence and the gate, so you can now proceed to the north or return to the south. You can see an oak tree and a sign here. > n Pasture This is a well-grazed pasture in the middle of the forest. An old man is sitting on a rock towards the north of the pasture. You assume he's a shepherd, as he appears to be tending the sheep. You can leave the pasture via the gate to the south, but there's also a path to the east. You can see an oak tree, a shepherd and some sheep here. > x tree The bulk of the tree is on the other side of the flattened fence. > x sheep They are fleecy white sheep with black heads and legs and long black ears. They are well known in these parts for the superior flavour of their mutton. > pet sheep You stroke one of the sheep and it baas at you. It's fleece feels smooth, yet tangled. The shepherd yells, "Oi, hands off the sheep." > * it's -> its That's not a verb I recognise. > talk to sheep You say "Hello" to the sheep and the nearest one says, "B-a-a-a". > talk to man You ask him if he knows how to find the alchemist's house. He says, "Yes, I do, but I'll only help you if you bring me a squirrel for my supper." > x man He's an old man with a long straggly white beard that makes him look very wise. You wonder if he can help you find the alchemist's house. > * WAIT WHAT??? That's not a verb I recognise. > ask man about squirrel "Squirrels make good tucker. If you bring me one and I'll give you a map to the forest east of here." > tell man about vegetarianism This provokes no reaction. > tell man about tofu This provokes no reaction. > tell man about Buddhism This provokes no reaction. > tell man about Jainism This provokes no reaction. > weep That's not a verb I recognise. > hug squirrel You give the squirrel a kiss and a cuddle and it bites you on the finger. Ouch! > hug squirrel forlornly I only understood you as far as "hug squirrel" but then you lost me. > hug squirrel one last time I only understood you as far as "hug squirrel" but then you lost me. > shed solitary tear Sorry, I don't understand what "solitary" means. > give squirrel to man You hand him the squirrel. "Ah, you found one. A promise is a promise." He digs into his rags and gives you a hand-drawn map. "This is a magic map. It will show you the way through the forest and also show you where you are if you get lost. Good luck, my friend." [The score has just gone up by 10 points.] > x map | o--o--o--o<-o->o--o | | | | ^ ^ | o--o--o--o<-o<-o--o ^ ^ | | v ^ | o--o--o<-o<-o<-o->o v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | C--o->o->o<-o--o<-o->o v ^ | ^ v ^ | o->o--o<-o<-o->o->o v v ^ ^ v v | o<-o->o->o->o->o--o | ^ v | v | | o--o--o--o--o--o<-o C = Cart, X = You > * Is the cart where the alchemist ist? That's not a verb I recognise. > * Also we're not on the map, right? That's not a verb I recognise. > l Pasture This is a well-grazed pasture in the middle of the forest. An old man is sitting on a rock towards the north of the pasture. You assume he's a shepherd, as he appears to be tending the sheep. You can leave the pasture via the gate to the south, but there's also a path to the east. You can see an oak tree, a shepherd and some sheep here. > tend sheep That's not a verb I recognise. > e Path through Forest You're on a path through the forest. It appears to stop at an abandoned cart. The only obvious way out of here is back to the west, although the map indicates a path east of the cart. You can see an abandoned cart (which contains some dirt, plants and weeds) here. > x map | o--o--o--o<-o->o--o | | | | ^ ^ | o--o--o--o<-o<-o--o ^ ^ | | v ^ | o--o--o<-o<-o<-o->o v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | C--o->o->o<-o--o<-o->o v ^ | ^ v ^ | o->o--o<-o<-o->o->o v v ^ ^ v v | o<-o->o->o->o->o--o | ^ v | v | | o--o--o--o--o--o<-o C = Cart, X = You > * Ah That's not a verb I recognise. > x cart The cart is old and rusty and looks like it's got a broken axle. You're not surprised that it's been abandoned. The abandoned cart contains some dirt, plants and weeds. > x axle You get down on your hands and knees to look under the cart. Yep, it's certainly got a broken axle. That cart won't be going anywhere any time soon. > fix cart That's not broken. > * Au contraire! That's not a verb I recognise. > x dirt It looks like a garden gone wrong. > x plants It looks like a garden gone wrong. > x weeds It looks like a garden gone wrong. > weed dirt That's not a verb I recognise. > take dirt You're dirty enough as it is without taking the dirt, plants and weeds. > search dirt You find nothing special. > l Path through Forest You're on a path through the forest. It appears to stop at an abandoned cart. The only obvious way out of here is back to the west, although the map indicates a path east of the cart. You can see an abandoned cart (which contains some dirt, plants and weeds) here. > push cart e Is that the best you can think of? > push cart You try your hardest to move the cart, but there's no way it'll budge with that broken axle. > * hum That's not a verb I recognise. > e You clear the weeds around the cart until you find a path to the east. You would never have found it without the map. Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go south, east and west. > x map | o--o--o--o<-o->o--o | | | | ^ ^ | o--o--o--o<-o<-o--o ^ ^ | | v ^ | o--o--o<-o<-o<-o->o v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | C--X->o->o<-o--o<-o->o v ^ | ^ v ^ | o->o--o<-o<-o->o->o v v ^ ^ v v | o<-o->o->o->o->o--o | ^ v | v | | o--o--o--o--o--o<-o C = Cart, X = You > e Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north and east. You hear something scamper through the forest nearby. It's probably another squirrel. > n Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, east and west. > e Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north and west. > n Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, south, east and west. > x map | o--o--o--o<-o->o--o | | | | ^ ^ | o--o--X--o<-o<-o--o ^ ^ | | v ^ | o--o--o<-o<-o<-o->o v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | C--o->o->o<-o--o<-o->o v ^ | ^ v ^ | o->o--o<-o<-o->o->o v v ^ ^ v v | o<-o->o->o->o->o--o | ^ v | v | | o--o--o--o--o--o<-o C = Cart, X = You > e Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, south and west. > s Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north and west. > s There's nothing but dense forest in that direction. > w Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north and west. > s There's nothing but dense forest in that direction. > w Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, east and west. > w Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, south and east. > s Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go south, east and west. > e Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north and east. > e Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north and south. > s Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north and west. You wonder who carved all these arrows in the trees. > x arrows The arrows carved in the trees correspond to the arrows shown on the map. They apparently show you which directions you can go. > x map | o--o--o--o<-o->o--o | | | | ^ ^ | o--o--o--o<-o<-o--o ^ ^ | | v ^ | o--o--o<-o<-o<-o->o v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | C--o->o->o<-o--o<-o->o v ^ | ^ v ^ | o->o--X<-o<-o->o->o v v ^ ^ v v | o<-o->o->o->o->o--o | ^ v | v | | o--o--o--o--o--o<-o C = Cart, X = You > w Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, south and east. The leaves of the trees overhead rustle in the breeze. > s Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go east and west. You feel a cool breeze. > e Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, south and east. > e Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, south and east. > x map | o--o--o--o<-o->o--o | | | | ^ ^ | o--o--o--o<-o<-o--o ^ ^ | | v ^ | o--o--o<-o<-o<-o->o v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | C--o->o->o<-o--o<-o->o v ^ | ^ v ^ | o->o--o<-o<-o->o->o v v ^ ^ v v | o<-o->o->X->o->o--o | ^ v | v | | o--o--o--o--o--o<-o C = Cart, X = You > e Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go south and east. You feel something brush against your back, but when you turn around, it's only a tree. > n There's nothing but dense forest in that direction. You wonder who carved all these arrows in the trees. > n There's nothing but dense forest in that direction. > n There's nothing but dense forest in that direction. You feel something brush against your back, but when you turn around, it's only a tree. > e Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go south and east. > n There's nothing but dense forest in that direction. > n There's nothing but dense forest in that direction. > x map | o--o--o--o<-o->o--o | | | | ^ ^ | o--o--o--o<-o<-o--o ^ ^ | | v ^ | o--o--o<-o<-o<-o->o v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | C--o->o->o<-o--o<-o->o v ^ | ^ v ^ | o->o--o<-o<-o->o->o v v ^ ^ v v | o<-o->o->o->o->X--o | ^ v | v | | o--o--o--o--o--o<-o C = Cart, X = You > e Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, south and west. > n Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north and south. The leaves of the trees overhead rustle in the breeze. > n Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north and south. > n Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north and south. You feel something brush against your back, but when you turn around, it's only a tree. > n Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, south and west. This forest sure is dense. > w Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, east and west. > x map | o--o--o--o<-o->o--o | | | | ^ ^ | o--o--o--o<-o<-X--o ^ ^ | | v ^ | o--o--o<-o<-o<-o->o v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | C--o->o->o<-o--o<-o->o v ^ | ^ v ^ | o->o--o<-o<-o->o->o v v ^ ^ v v | o<-o->o->o->o->o--o | ^ v | v | | o--o--o--o--o--o<-o C = Cart, X = You > w Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, south and west. > n Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, east and west. A bird chirps somewhere in the distance. > n Path through Forest The path winds through the trees. You can see something in a break in the trees to the north. Otherwise, you can return to the dense forest to the south. > n The path ends at a stone building. You're fairly sure that this is the alchemist's house. All is quiet. You just need to figure out how to break into his house and find that stash of gold. South of House You're standing outside the alchemist's house. The front door faces you to the north. The undergrowth is cleared around the outside of the house to the east and west. You can hear the sound of running water nearby. The main path, the one that brought you here, heads back to the south. You can see an iron door here. [The score has just gone up by 10 points.] > s Path through Forest The path winds through the trees. You can see something in a break in the trees to the north. Otherwise, you can return to the dense forest to the south. > n South of House You're standing outside the alchemist's house. The front door faces you to the north. The undergrowth is cleared around the outside of the house to the east and west. You can hear the sound of running water nearby. The main path, the one that brought you here, heads back to the south. You can see an iron door here. > x map | o--o--o--o<-o->o--o | | | | ^ ^ | o--o--o--o<-o<-o--o ^ ^ | | v ^ | o--o--o<-o<-o<-o->o v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | C--o->o->o<-o--o<-o->o v ^ | ^ v ^ | o->o--o<-o<-o->o->o v v ^ ^ v v | o<-o->o->o->o->o--o | ^ v | v | | o--o--o--o--o--o<-o C = Cart, X = You > l South of House You're standing outside the alchemist's house. The front door faces you to the north. The undergrowth is cleared around the outside of the house to the east and west. You can hear the sound of running water nearby. The main path, the one that brought you here, heads back to the south. You can see an iron door here. > x door It's a secure iron door set into the wall of the building to the north. This is probably a good sign, as it means the owner has something worth protecting. It has a large steel lock. The iron door is currently closed. > knock on door You attack the iron door with your bare fists. Ouch! If you're trying to break it, I think you should attack it with something more substantial. > * Not what I was trying to do! That's not a verb I recognise. > hit door with axe You can't see any such thing. > i You're carrying a map. > l South of House You're standing outside the alchemist's house. The front door faces you to the north. The undergrowth is cleared around the outside of the house to the east and west. You can hear the sound of running water nearby. The main path, the one that brought you here, heads back to the south. You can see an iron door here. > listen You can hear a swiftly flowing river to the west. > e Southeast of House You're at the southeast corner of the house. The clearing around the house continues to the north and west. There are a few large rocks scattered about, but nothing else of interest. > x rocks The rocks appear to be the same type of stone that the building is made from. You wonder if there might be a key hidden underneath one of them. > lift rock You start looking under the rocks when a snake scares the bejesus out of you. Fortunately for you, it slithers into the undergrowth. You decide to leave the rocks alone from now on. > x rocks The rocks appear to be the same type of stone that the building is made from. > take rock Don't get any funny ideas. The rocks are not the least bit useful to you. > e There's nothing but dense forest in that direction. > n East of House You're at the east side of the house. The trunk of a large tree juts into the faint clearing that continues to the north and south around the edge of the house. > x tree You're no expert, but it looks like a beech. You can tell by the smooth bark on the trunk. A few of the higher branches have grown over the roof of the alchemist's house. The lower branches are just outside your reach. > climb tree You try to scramble up the tree trunk, but just keep slipping back down again. > jump You jump on the spot like a little kid. Grow up! > i You're carrying a map. > e There's nothing but dense forest in that direction. > n Northeast of House You're at the northeast corner of the house. There's nothing interesting around here, except for lots of forest. The faint clearing around the house continues to the south and west. > x forest The dense forest surrounds the alchemist's house. There's a tangle of undergrowth at the base of the trees. > search forest You find nothing special. > x undergrowth The dense undergrowth at the edge of the forest prevents you from exploring it any further. > w North of House You're now at the north side of the house. The faint clearing continues to the east and west, but it is barely perceptible, as though no one has any need to venture around the back of the house. You see an empty wooden crate resting against the side of the house. > take crate When you pick up the crate, you find an old canvas sack underneath it. > x sack It's an old canvas sack. The canvas sack is empty. > take it Taken. > e Northeast of House You're at the northeast corner of the house. There's nothing interesting around here, except for lots of forest. The faint clearing around the house continues to the south and west. > s East of House You're at the east side of the house. The trunk of a large tree juts into the faint clearing that continues to the north and south around the edge of the house. > drop crate Dropped. > stand onit I think you wanted to say "stand". Please try again. > stand on crate You turn the crate upside down and climb onto it. > climb tree You reach up to the lower branches and pull yourself into the tree. Top of Tree You're in amongst the branches of a tall tree. One branch extends to the west over the roof of the alchemist's house, but it doesn't look very strong. Otherwise, you can climb back down and drop the last few feet to the ground below. [The score has just gone up by 10 points.] > d You climb down as far as you can go and drop the last few feet to the ground below. East of House You're at the east side of the house. The trunk of a large tree juts into the faint clearing that continues to the north and south around the edge of the house. You can see a wooden crate here. > n Northeast of House You're at the northeast corner of the house. There's nothing interesting around here, except for lots of forest. The faint clearing around the house continues to the south and west. > w North of House You're now at the north side of the house. The faint clearing continues to the east and west, but it is barely perceptible, as though no one has any need to venture around the back of the house. > w Northwest of House The west side of the house ends abruptly at the river bank. The faint clearing around the house peters out here. The river current is too swift to venture any further, so you can only return to the east. > x river The swiftly-flowing river prevents you travelling any further to the west. > s You are blocked by the stone wall of the alchemist's house. > e North of House You're now at the north side of the house. The faint clearing continues to the east and west, but it is barely perceptible, as though no one has any need to venture around the back of the house. > e Northeast of House You're at the northeast corner of the house. There's nothing interesting around here, except for lots of forest. The faint clearing around the house continues to the south and west. > s East of House You're at the east side of the house. The trunk of a large tree juts into the faint clearing that continues to the north and south around the edge of the house. You can see a wooden crate here. > s Southeast of House You're at the southeast corner of the house. The clearing around the house continues to the north and west. There are a few large rocks scattered about, but nothing else of interest. > w South of House You're standing outside the alchemist's house. The front door faces you to the north. The undergrowth is cleared around the outside of the house to the east and west. You can hear the sound of running water nearby. The main path, the one that brought you here, heads back to the south. You can see an iron door here. > w Southwest of House The west side of the house ends abruptly at a river bank. The current is too swift to venture any further. You can only return to the east. > x river The swiftly-flowing river prevents you travelling any further to the west. > e South of House You're standing outside the alchemist's house. The front door faces you to the north. The undergrowth is cleared around the outside of the house to the east and west. You can hear the sound of running water nearby. The main path, the one that brought you here, heads back to the south. You can see an iron door here. > e Southeast of House You're at the southeast corner of the house. The clearing around the house continues to the north and west. There are a few large rocks scattered about, but nothing else of interest. > n East of House You're at the east side of the house. The trunk of a large tree juts into the faint clearing that continues to the north and south around the edge of the house. You can see a wooden crate here. > u You try to scramble up the tree trunk, but just keep slipping back down again. > stand on crate You climb onto the crate. > climb on tree That doesn't seem to be something you can enter. > climb tree You reach up to the lower branches and pull yourself into the tree. Top of Tree You're in amongst the branches of a tall tree. One branch extends to the west over the roof of the alchemist's house, but it doesn't look very strong. Otherwise, you can climb back down and drop the last few feet to the ground below. > w You carefully manoeuvre your way along the branch and it starts to bend under your weight. Crack! Oh, oh. The branch snaps and you come crashing down onto the roof of the alchemist's house. Roof of House You're on the roof of the alchemist's house with a panoramic view of the surrounding forest. There's no way off the roof, unless you want to break your neck, so don't bother trying. The only escape is down the chimney. You can see a broken branch here. > take branch You can't lug a broken tree branch around with you. It's too heavy. > x it This is the branch that snapped off the large beech tree to the east of the alchemist's house. It's currently blocking access to the chimney. > x chimney It's a stone chimney with a wide opening. It looks like a tight squeeze, but you could probably climb down. If you do, it might be an idea to save the game first, just in case. > save Ok. > climb chimney The broken branch is blocking access to the chimney. You'll have to move it out of the way. > push branch Being careful not to slip, you try manoeuvering the broken branch away from the chimney, when gravity takes over and the branch slides down the steeply-sloping roof and over the edge. You hear it come crashing down on the north side of the house. > n It's a long way to the ground. If you jump off the roof, you could break a leg. > d You squeeze through the opening and straddle the inside of the chimney. You slowly, carefully ease your way down until your feet lose their grip on the metal lining the lower part of the chimney. You slip and fall the last few feet into the fireplace. You won't be going back that way! Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. You can see an oak door, an iron door and a rug (on which is a log) here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > x ashes Fortunately for you, the ashes in the fireplace are cold. > search ashes You find nothing but more ashes. > x iron It's a secure iron door set into the south wall of the alchemist's laboratory. It has a large steel lock. The iron door is currently closed. > unlock iron You don't have the key. > open iron It seems to be locked. > l Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. You can see an oak door, an iron door and a rug (on which is a log) here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > x oak It's a strong oak door set into the west wall of the alchemist's laboratory. It has a medium steel lock. The oak door is currently closed. > open oak It seems to be locked. > x medium The medium lock on the oak door looks pretty sturdy. > x steel Do you mean the medium lock or the large lock? > large The large lock on the iron door looks very strong. > l Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. You can see an oak door, an iron door and a rug (on which is a log) here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > break medium You pound away at the oak door, but it withstands your blows. > x log It's a large log that's probably used as a seat. Either that, or it's intended to be chopped up for fuel for the fireplace. > take log Taken. > i You're carrying a log, a canvas sack and a map. > break medium with lock Do you mean the medium lock or the large lock? > break medium with log You pound away at the oak door, but it withstands your blows. > l Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. You can see an oak door, an iron door and a rug here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > x rug It's a beautiful rug, but it's not straight. There appears to be a bump under it. There is nothing on the rug. > pull rug When you move the rug, you find a trapdoor. In your excitement, you roll the rug up and push it into the corner so that you can get to the trapdoor. [The score has just gone up by 10 points.] > l Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. There's also a trapdoor in the floor. You can see a trapdoor, an oak door, an iron door and a rug here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > x flames The small flames appear to be fuelled by a slow-burning oil that's poured into depressions in the workbench. > take oil The oil-fuelled flames may be small, but they're still hot. You can't just pick them up in your hands. > x experiments Leave them alone. > x workbench Judging by the many connected tubes and bottles and jars, there appear to be several experiments underway. A few of the jars have brightly-coloured liquids bubbling away, kept simmering by small flames in depressions in the workbench. You'd better not touch anything or you might do yourself a serious injury or turn into a toad. > x jars Leave them alone. > l Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. There's also a trapdoor in the floor. You can see a trapdoor, an oak door, an iron door and a rug here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > x papers It looks like the alchemist's notes on his experiments. > read papers You can't read the handwriting. It looks like an ancient script full of strange symbols. > x parephernalia Sorry, I don't understand what "parephernalia" means. > x paraphernalia Leave it alone. > open trapdoor It seems to be locked. > i You're carrying a log, a canvas sack and a map. > x trapdoor It's a large wooden trapdoor set into the floor of the alchemist's laboratory. It has a small steel lock. The trapdoor is currently closed. > x small Do you mean the small flames or the small lock? > lock I think you wanted to say "lock something". Please try again. > x small lock The small lock on the trapdoor looks quite strong. > break small lock with log You pound away at the trapdoor, but it withstands your blows. > hit small lock with log You pound away at the trapdoor, but it withstands your blows. > hit medium lock with log You pound away at the oak door, but it withstands your blows. > i You're carrying a log, a canvas sack and a map. > x sack It's an old canvas sack. The canvas sack is empty. > put log in sack The log won't fit in the canvas sack. > put map in sack You put the map into the canvas sack. > l Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. There's also a trapdoor in the floor. You can see a trapdoor, an oak door, an iron door and a rug here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > help Tell me what to do using simple commands starting with a verb. Use LOOK (or L) to refresh the location description. Identify all the objects in the description and EXAMINE (or X) each one. Read responses carefully for hints. Use compass directions (N, S, E, W, U and D) to move around. Draw a map as you go. Use GET or TAKE to take objects and DROP to drop them again. Use INVENTORY (or I) to see what you're carrying. Use AGAIN (or G) to repeat the last command. Use MAP OFF to turn the ASCII map off and MAP ON to turn it on again. Use UNDO to undo the last command if you make a mistake. Use SCORE to get your current score and number of turns taken. Use FULLSCORE to get your score and a list of the tasks that you've achieved. Use SAVE to save the game and RESTORE to restore it again. There are over 100 verbs that you can use, so if something doesn't work, try a different verb or a different way of doing things. Use HINT if you get stuck. > score You have so far scored 60 out of a possible 100, in 240 turns. > l Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. There's also a trapdoor in the floor. You can see a trapdoor, an oak door, an iron door and a rug here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > x log It's a large log that's probably used as a seat. Either that, or it's intended to be chopped up for fuel for the fireplace. > put log in fireplace You put the log into the fireplace. > climb chimney You try to get a hand hold in the chimney, but the metal lining is far too slippery and the brickwork is out of your reach. You'll have to find another way out. > l Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. There's also a trapdoor in the floor. You can see a trapdoor, an oak door, an iron door and a rug here. In the fireplace you can see a log and some ashes. > take log Taken. > burn log You'll have to tell me what to burn it with. > flame That's not a verb I recognise. > burn log with flame The small flames aren't hot enough to burn a large log. > burn map with flame You don't have anything to burn it with. > take map Taken. > burn map with flame You don't have anything to burn it with. > * ? That's not a verb I recognise. > * Though maybe asphyxiating myself isn't a great idea That's not a verb I recognise. > l Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. There's also a trapdoor in the floor. You can see a trapdoor, an oak door, an iron door and a rug here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > x rug It's a beautiful rug, but it's now crumpled up in the corner. > search rug You find nothing special. > take rug The rug is too heavy. There's no need to lug it around with you anyway. > push rug That's fixed in place. > x workbench Judging by the many connected tubes and bottles and jars, there appear to be several experiments underway. A few of the jars have brightly-coloured liquids bubbling away, kept simmering by small flames in depressions in the workbench. You'd better not touch anything or you might do yourself a serious injury or turn into a toad. > look under workbench You find nothing of interest. > look behind workbench Sorry, I don't understand what "behind" means. > search workbench You find nothing special. > l Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. There's also a trapdoor in the floor. You can see a trapdoor, an oak door, an iron door and a rug here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > break I think you wanted to say "break something". Please try again. > break lock Do you mean the medium lock, the large lock or the small lock? > small You pound away at the trapdoor, but it withstands your blows. > bream medium lock That's not a verb I recognise. > break medium lock You pound away at the oak door, but it withstands your blows. > bream large lock That's not a verb I recognise. > break large lock You attack the iron door with your bare fists. Ouch! If you're trying to break it, I think you should attack it with something more substantial. > break large lock with log Clang! That wasn't very effective. Try using something else. > break small lock with log You pound away at the trapdoor, but it withstands your blows. > break medium lock with log You pound away at the oak door, but it withstands your blows. > l Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. There's also a trapdoor in the floor. You can see a trapdoor, an oak door, an iron door and a rug here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > i You're carrying a map, a log and a canvas sack. > take all There are no things available that match "take all". > take I think you wanted to say "take something". Please try again. > x shelving Unlike the workbench, the shelving is somewhat bare. On the shelving is a bottle of acid. > * oh duh That's not a verb I recognise. > x acid It's a small brown glass bottle. You can tell from the label that it contains a highly-corrosive acid, but there isn't much left. > take acid Taken. > corrode small That's not a verb I recognise. > put acid on small lock You pour all the acid onto the trapdoor's lock and it dissolves the metal. The trapdoor is now unlocked, but the bottle is empty. You get the horrible feeling that you may have done the wrong thing. > undo Previous turn undone. > * I guess that's better than nothing, but still not great design That's not a verb I recognise. > put acid on large lock You pour all the acid onto the iron door's lock and it dissolves the metal. The iron door is now unlocked, but the bottle is empty. You get the horrible feeling that you may have done the wrong thing. > undo Previous turn undone. > put acid on medium lock You pour all the acid onto the oak door's lock and it dissolves the metal. The oak door is now unlocked, but the bottle is empty. [The score has just gone up by 10 points.] > w You can't, since the oak door is closed. > open oak You open the oak door. > w Den This is a small, sparsely-furnished area where the alchemist must rest after working on his experiments to turn base metals into gold. The room is brightly lit by a window in the west wall. The only exit is to the east. You can see an oak door, a lounge chair and a side table here. > x window The window has a majestic view over the wild river below. > open window It seems to be locked. > break window (with the log) Crash! The glass shatters and falls into the river below. The alchemist isn't going to be happy when he comes home and finds that his window has been broken. > undo Previous turn undone. > x chair The lounge chair looks pretty comfortable, but you don't have time for lounging around. There is nothing on the lounge chair. > look under chair You find nothing of interest. > sit on chair You sit on the lounge chair. It's really comfortable, but do you really have time to be lounging around? What if the alchemist comes back? > x table It's a simple wooden side table, no doubt used for resting drinks and that sort of thing. On the side table are a key and a candle. > x candle It's a beeswax candle. These are very popular in these parts because they emit the brightest light, burn slower, last longer and drip less wax. This one is not lit, though. > take it Taken. > take key Taken. > x it It's a small key, but a key to what? > e First, you'd have to leave the lounge chair. > get up You get off the lounge chair. > e Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. There's also a trapdoor in the floor. You can see a trapdoor, an oak door, an iron door and a rug here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > unlock front door You don't have the key. > unlock trap door (with the key) You unlock the trapdoor. > d You can't, since the trapdoor is closed. > open trap door You open the trapdoor. > d Darkness It is pitch dark here! > u Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. There's also a trapdoor in the floor. You can see a trapdoor, an oak door, an iron door and a rug here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > light candle You light the candle on one of the small flames on the workbench. Within a moment or two, the candle is emitting a bright light. > d Basement This is the basement below the alchemist's laboratory. The flickering light of your candle reveals small piles of gold heaped against the walls. There are no exits, apart from the one leading back up to the laboratory. You can see a trapdoor and a poker here. [The score has just gone up by 10 points.] > x poker It's a strong metal rod used to poke the fire. You wonder why it's down here in the basement, rather than upstairs by the fireplace. > take it Taken. > x gold The gold consists of small pellets that look like they've been poured into a crucible when the gold was smelted, then allowed to cool. > put gold in sack You put the gold in the sack, but the weight of the gold is too heavy for the old weathered sack and it falls through the bottom. > i You're carrying a poker, a key, a candle (providing light), an empty bottle, a map, a log and a canvas sack. > take gold There's too much to carry. If you want to take the gold, you'll have to put it in a container. > x sack It's an old canvas sack with a hole in the bottom. The canvas sack is empty. > l Basement This is the basement below the alchemist's laboratory. The flickering light of your candle reveals small piles of gold heaped against the walls. There are no exits, apart from the one leading back up to the laboratory. You can see a trapdoor here. > u Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. There's also a trapdoor in the floor. You can see a trapdoor, an oak door, an iron door and a rug here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > break lock with poker Do you mean the medium lock, the large lock or the small lock? > medium It's no longer locked, so there's no need to resort to violence. > break large lock with poker You wedge the poker between the iron door and the stone wall. By levering it with all your might, you manage to break the lock. You should now be able to open the door. > s You can't, since the iron door is closed. > open door You open the iron door. > e You can't go that way. > s South of House You're standing outside the alchemist's house. The front door faces you to the north. The undergrowth is cleared around the outside of the house to the east and west. You can hear the sound of running water nearby. The main path, the one that brought you here, heads back to the south. You can see an iron door here. > e Southeast of House You're at the southeast corner of the house. The clearing around the house continues to the north and west. There are a few large rocks scattered about, but nothing else of interest. > n East of House You're at the east side of the house. The trunk of a large tree juts into the faint clearing that continues to the north and south around the edge of the house. You can see a wooden crate here. > take crate Taken. > s Southeast of House You're at the southeast corner of the house. The clearing around the house continues to the north and west. There are a few large rocks scattered about, but nothing else of interest. > w South of House You're standing outside the alchemist's house. The front door faces you to the north. The undergrowth is cleared around the outside of the house to the east and west. You can hear the sound of running water nearby. The main path, the one that brought you here, heads back to the south. You can see an iron door here. > n Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. There's also a trapdoor in the floor. You can see a trapdoor, an oak door, an iron door and a rug here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > d Basement This is the basement below the alchemist's laboratory. The flickering light of your candle reveals small piles of gold heaped against the walls. There are no exits, apart from the one leading back up to the laboratory. You can see a trapdoor here. > put gold in crate You fill the crate with as much gold as you can carry. [The score has just gone up by 10 points.] > u Laboratory This must be the alchemist's laboratory. It's very gloomy due to the lack of windows. The only light comes from small flames that are heating experiments on the workbench in the middle of the room. All sorts of papers and paraphernalia are strewn about. The chimney you came down ends in a fireplace against the north wall. There's an oak door in the west wall and shelving on the east wall. The iron door to the south is no doubt the front door. There's also a trapdoor in the floor. You can see a trapdoor, an oak door, an iron door and a rug here. In the fireplace you can see some ashes. > s South of House You're standing outside the alchemist's house. The front door faces you to the north. The undergrowth is cleared around the outside of the house to the east and west. You can hear the sound of running water nearby. The main path, the one that brought you here, heads back to the south. You can see an iron door here. > s Path through Forest The path winds through the trees. You can see something in a break in the trees to the north. Otherwise, you can return to the dense forest to the south. > s Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, east and west. > x map | o--o--o--o<-X->o--o | | | | ^ ^ | o--o--o--o<-o<-o--o ^ ^ | | v ^ | o--o--o<-o<-o<-o->o v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | C--o->o->o<-o--o<-o->o v ^ | ^ v ^ | o->o--o<-o<-o->o->o v v ^ ^ v v | o<-o->o->o->o->o--o | ^ v | v | | o--o--o--o--o--o<-o C = Cart, X = You > w Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go south and west. > s Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, south and west. > w Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, south, east and west. > s Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north and west. > w Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, east and west. > s There's nothing but dense forest in that direction. > w Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go north, south and east. The leaves of the trees overhead rustle in the breeze. > x map | o--o--o--o<-o->o--o | | | | ^ ^ | o--o--o--o<-o<-o--o ^ ^ | | v ^ | X--o--o<-o<-o<-o->o v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | C--o->o->o<-o--o<-o->o v ^ | ^ v ^ | o->o--o<-o<-o->o->o v v ^ ^ v v | o<-o->o->o->o->o--o | ^ v | v | | o--o--o--o--o--o<-o C = Cart, X = You You feel something brush against your back, but when you turn around, it's only a tree. > s Dense Forest You're in a forest of tangled trees. There's no clear path, but arrows carved into a tree indicate you can go south, east and west. > w Path through Forest You're on a path through the forest. It appears to stop at an abandoned cart. The only obvious way out of here is back to the west, although the map indicates a path east of the cart. You can see an abandoned cart (which contains some dirt, plants and weeds) here. > w Pasture This is a well-grazed pasture in the middle of the forest. The shepherd is gone. He must have gone home to make his squirrel stew. You can leave the pasture via the gate to the south, but there's also a path to the east. You can see an oak tree, a rock and some sheep here. > s End of Trail The trail ends at a gate to the north. The felled tree has flattened the fence and the gate, so you can now proceed to the north or return to the south. You can see an oak tree and a sign here. > s Trail You're following a north-south trail that looks like mud mixed with leaves. A branch to the east continues further into the forest. You can hear someone to the south. It must be the alchemist. > save Ok. > * ah, this is why the game isn't over That's not a verb I recognise. > s Forest You're on a well-trodden trail surrounded by tall trees. You can follow the trail to the north or south. You can see an alchemist carrying a bag of groceries here. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 339 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > n End of Trail The trail ends at a gate to the north. The felled tree has flattened the fence and the gate, so you can now proceed to the north or return to the south. You can see an oak tree and a sign here. You can hear someone to the south. It must be the alchemist. > e There's nothing but dense forest in that direction. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 340 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > n Pasture This is a well-grazed pasture in the middle of the forest. The shepherd is gone. He must have gone home to make his squirrel stew. You can leave the pasture via the gate to the south, but there's also a path to the east. You can see an oak tree, a rock and some sheep here. You can hear someone to the south. It must be the alchemist. > e In your rush to escape from the alchemist, you trip over the rock and spill your crate of gold all over the place. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > hide This is no time for playing hide and seek. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > i You're carrying a wooden crate (which contains some gold), a poker, a key, a candle (providing light), an empty bottle, a map, a log and a canvas sack. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > x rock This is the rock that the shepherd was sitting on. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > move rock It won't budge. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > hide behind rock I only understood you as far as "hide" but then you lost me. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > hide This is no time for playing hide and seek. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > undo Previous turn undone. > undo Previous turn undone. > l Trail You're following a north-south trail that looks like mud mixed with leaves. A branch to the east continues further into the forest. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 339 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > hide This is no time for playing hide and seek. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 339 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > w There's nothing but dense forest in that direction. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 339 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > n End of Trail The trail ends at a gate to the north. The felled tree has flattened the fence and the gate, so you can now proceed to the north or return to the south. You can see an oak tree and a sign here. You can hear someone to the south. It must be the alchemist. > hide This is no time for playing hide and seek. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 340 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > climb tree You can't very well climb the tree now that it's lying on the ground. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 340 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > hide behind tree I only understood you as far as "hide" but then you lost me. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 340 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > d You can't go that way. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 340 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > x sign It looks like a crudely-made warning sign. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 340 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > n Pasture This is a well-grazed pasture in the middle of the forest. The shepherd is gone. He must have gone home to make his squirrel stew. You can leave the pasture via the gate to the south, but there's also a path to the east. You can see an oak tree, a rock and some sheep here. You can hear someone to the south. It must be the alchemist. > close gate You can't open or close the gate now that it's been flattened by the tree. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > climb tree You can't very well climb the tree now that it's lying on the ground. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > hide This is no time for playing hide and seek. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > * I think it kinda is time for hide and seek That's not a verb I recognise. > k That's not a verb I recognise. > i You're carrying a wooden crate (which contains some gold), a poker, a key, a candle (providing light), an empty bottle, a map, a log and a canvas sack. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > drop crate Dropped. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > restore Ok. > l Trail You're following a north-south trail that looks like mud mixed with leaves. A branch to the east continues further into the forest. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 339 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > drop crate Dropped. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 339 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > * Timing here is pretty tight That's not a verb I recognise. > l Trail You're following a north-south trail that looks like mud mixed with leaves. A branch to the east continues further into the forest. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 339 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > hint Squirrels are fond of acorns. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 339 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > n End of Trail The trail ends at a gate to the north. The felled tree has flattened the fence and the gate, so you can now proceed to the north or return to the south. You can see an oak tree and a sign here. You can hear someone to the south. It must be the alchemist. > undo Previous turn undone. > n End of Trail The trail ends at a gate to the north. The felled tree has flattened the fence and the gate, so you can now proceed to the north or return to the south. You can see an oak tree and a sign here. You can hear someone to the south. It must be the alchemist. > hint Squirrels are fond of acorns. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 340 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > n Pasture This is a well-grazed pasture in the middle of the forest. The shepherd is gone. He must have gone home to make his squirrel stew. You can leave the pasture via the gate to the south, but there's also a path to the east. You can see an oak tree, a rock and some sheep here. You can hear someone to the south. It must be the alchemist. > hint Examine everything you find and draw a map. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > se There are no diagonal directions in this game. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > e In your rush to escape from the alchemist, you trip over the rock and spill your crate of gold all over the place. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > d You can't go that way. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > u You can't go that way. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > l Pasture This is a well-grazed pasture in the middle of the forest. The shepherd is gone. He must have gone home to make his squirrel stew. You can leave the pasture via the gate to the south, but there's also a path to the east. You can see an oak tree, a rock and some sheep here. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > pet sheep You stroke one of the sheep and it baas at you. It's fleece feels smooth, yet tangled. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > give crate to sheep "B-a-a-a." The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > enter flock Sorry, I don't understand what "flock" means. > enter sheep The sheep bucks you off. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > hide crate I only understood you as far as "hide" but then you lost me. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > i You're carrying a wooden crate (which contains some gold), a poker, a key, a candle (providing light), an empty bottle, a map, a log and a canvas sack. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > hint Examine everything you find and draw a map. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > e In your rush to escape from the alchemist, you trip over the rock and spill your crate of gold all over the place. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > put sack on crate You can only put things in the crate. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > put sack in crate There's no room left. The crate is full of gold. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > empty crate gold: Dropped. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > i You're carrying a wooden crate (which contains some gold), a poker, a key, a candle (providing light), an empty bottle, a map, a log and a canvas sack. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > drop log Dropped. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > sit on log You can't get on the log while you're holding it. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > restore Ok. > l Trail You're following a north-south trail that looks like mud mixed with leaves. A branch to the east continues further into the forest. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 339 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > hint Squirrels are fond of acorns. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 339 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > s Forest You're on a well-trodden trail surrounded by tall trees. You can follow the trail to the north or south. You can see an alchemist carrying a bag of groceries here. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 339 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > n End of Trail The trail ends at a gate to the north. The felled tree has flattened the fence and the gate, so you can now proceed to the north or return to the south. You can see an oak tree and a sign here. You can hear someone to the south. It must be the alchemist. > close gate You can't open or close the gate now that it's been flattened by the tree. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 340 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > e There's nothing but dense forest in that direction. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 340 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > n Pasture This is a well-grazed pasture in the middle of the forest. The shepherd is gone. He must have gone home to make his squirrel stew. You can leave the pasture via the gate to the south, but there's also a path to the east. You can see an oak tree, a rock and some sheep here. You can hear someone to the south. It must be the alchemist. > d You can't go that way. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > i You're carrying a wooden crate (which contains some gold), a poker, a key, a candle (providing light), an empty bottle, a map, a log and a canvas sack. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > wear sack That doesn't seem to be something you can wear. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > put sack on shee Sorry, I don't understand what "shee" means. > put sack on sheep Try giving it instead. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > give sack to sheep "B-a-a-a." The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > burn sheep My, my. Aren't we the pyromaniac? The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > talk to sheelp Sorry, I don't understand what "sheelp" means. > talk to sheep You say "Hello" to the sheep and the nearest one says, "B-a-a-a". The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > scare sheep That's not a verb I recognise. > hit sheep Leave the poor defenceless sheep alone. What did they ever do to you? The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > shout Shush! You don't want to attract attention to yourself. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > n You can't go that way. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > e In your rush to escape from the alchemist, you trip over the rock and spill your crate of gold all over the place. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > x rock This is the rock that the shepherd was sitting on. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > hide behind rock I only understood you as far as "hide" but then you lost me. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? hundo Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > put crate behind rock I think you wanted to say "put something in something". Please try again. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > put crate on rock You can't put things on top of that. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > hint Examine everything you find and draw a map. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > x map | o--o--o--o<-o->o--o | | | | ^ ^ | o--o--o--o<-o<-o--o ^ ^ | | v ^ | o--o--o<-o<-o<-o->o v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | C--o->o->o<-o--o<-o->o v ^ | ^ v ^ | o->o--o<-o<-o->o->o v v ^ ^ v v | o<-o->o->o->o->o--o | ^ v | v | | o--o--o--o--o--o<-o C = Cart, X = You The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > e In your rush to escape from the alchemist, you trip over the rock and spill your crate of gold all over the place. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > throw crate Dropped. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > hint Examine everything you find and draw a map. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > walkthrough That's not a verb I recognise. > eat gold But you are not holding the gold. > drop gold You aren't holding it. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > eat crate That's plainly inedible. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > n You can't go that way. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > w You can't go that way. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > s End of Trail The trail ends at a gate to the north. The felled tree has flattened the fence and the gate, so you can now proceed to the north or return to the south. You can see an oak tree, an alchemist carrying a bag of groceries and a sign here. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > e In your rush to escape from the alchemist, you trip over the rock and spill your crate of gold all over the place. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > walk e That's not a verb I recognise. > go east In your rush to escape from the alchemist, you trip over the rock and spill your crate of gold all over the place. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. > l Pasture This is a well-grazed pasture in the middle of the forest. The shepherd is gone. He must have gone home to make his squirrel stew. You can leave the pasture via the gate to the south, but there's also a path to the east. You can see an oak tree, a rock and some sheep here. The alchemist walks in from the south. "Who are you? What are you doing with my gold?" The alchemist pulls out a wand, mumbles some sort of incantation, waves the wand around like a lunatic and turns you into a frog. Well, it could have been worse. He could have turned you into a toad. You try to explain your actions to the alchemist. "Ribbet." *** You've been caught *** In that game you scored 90 out of a possible 100, in 341 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT? undo Previous turn undone. >