treasureRoom : Room 'Treasure Chamber'
"This is a small octagonal room with thrones, armour and ceremonial regalia and
an ornate display cabinet in the centre. The walls are covered with red curtains.
A door leads east and there is a recessed area to the north."
doneUnlock = 0
moneyHide = 0
scringe = 0
surpriseUnstoff = 0
roomBeforeAction() {
if(moneyHide) {
if(gActionIs(Hide)) {
"You hide.\b
The castle Captain walks in with a tall middle aged man. \n
Captain: This is the treasure room. It is securely guarded. \n
Man: I would like to deposit a quantity of money for safekeeping \n
Captain: This is highly irregular...\n
Man: Just for the night... I can make a contribution
to the expenses involved, of course...\n
Captain: Very good. Bring the money and it shall be protected.\b
The man and the Captain leave the treasure room \n
A shrieve remains.\n";
moneyHide = 0;;
outsideGuestRoomDoor.voicesInside = true;
outsideGuestRoomDoor.listen1 = true;
else {
"Shrieves and the Captain enter. \n
Shreve: What are you doing in here? Thieves! \n
You have been caught by the shrieves!\n";
finishGameMsg('THE END', []);
} else
afterTravel(traveler,connector) {
if(traveler == me && !me.boredFuse==nil) {me.boredFuse.removeEvent(); me.boredFuse=nil;}
if(traveler == me && scringe) {
"As you walk into the Treasure Room, you can see a number of people.
The man from earlier is here, with an aristocratic man in elegant
armour. He is accompanied by his Sergeant and a few soldiers. \b
Man: As you can see, the money will be safe here. \n
Aristocrat: Yes, it will be safe here...\b
The aristocratic man sees the lump of Jethrick.\b
Aristocrat: (to his Sergeant) Do you see it Sholakh?\n
Sholakh: Yes my Lord, I can see it.\n
Aristocrat: (to a shrieve) What is that?\n
He points at the Jethrick.\n
Shrieve: Aaaaargh, that be the Scringe Stone. While you
carry a small piece you won\'t ever be suffering the Scringe.\n
Shrieve: My poor old dad died trying to find the Scringe Stone mine.
You see, the secret was lost during the last Ice Time and now nobody
can find it. My poor old dad was found froze to death in the
mountains, with this piece of parchment showing where the Scringe
Stone mine is.\b
Man: Ah these local folk with their colourful stories. Give me
the money, and the Captain will lock it up\b
The aristocratic man hands over the money and the Captain locks it up
in a chest. He hands the aristocratic man a reciept\b
Captain: Your money will be safe here.\b
Captain: (Noticing you and Romana) Who are you, strangers?\n
You: Oh, we are from the North.\b
The man, the Captain, the Aristocrat and his soldiers leave.\n";
scringe = 0;
outsidetreasureroom.curfewConversation = true;
inherited(traveler, connector);
if(traveler == me && surpriseUnstoff) {
"As you enter the Treasure Room, you surprise a young man who
has just removed the lump of Jethrick from the display cabinet.
He immediately runs away to the east, past a shrieve.\b
Shrieve: Stop! Thief! Shrieves, come quickly to the Treasure room!!!\n
You can hear footsteps approaching from the east as shrieves run to
the treasure room.";
detector.dOfset = 2;
surpriseUnstoff = 0;
ropeLadder2.isThere = true;
outsidetreasureroom.preventEscapeEast = true;
me.patrolDaemon = nil;
me.escapeFuse = new Fuse(me,&escapeCheck,3);
abovetreasureroom.readyGrafArrest = true;
inherited(traveler, connector);
east = treasureRoomDoor
north = shrivenzaleAlcove