; NULLsoft Scriptable Install System ; use this to bundle an interpreter and an IF game ; ; based on: ; "make a REBOL Script executable" ; provided by www.digicamsoft.com ; downloaded from http://nsis.sourceforge.net/How_to_turn_a_REBOL_script_into_EXE ; ; crudely adapted for IF purposes by StJohnLimbo ; Name of the installer (don't really care here because of silent below) Name "Curses" ; Don't want a window, just unpack files and execute SilentInstall silent ; Set a name for the resulting executable OutFile "Curses.exe" ; Set an icon (optional) Icon "IF.ico" ; The stuff to install Section "" ; Set output path to a temporary directory. InitPluginsDir SetOutPath $PLUGINSDIR ; put the required files here File /r WindowsFrotz ; add the interpreter directory and its contents recursively File "curses.z5" ; IF game file ; Execute and wait for the session to end ExecWait '"$PLUGINSDIR\WindowsFrotz\Frotz.exe" "$PLUGINSDIR\curses.z5"' ; Set working directory to something else ; If it's not set, $PLUGINSDIR will not be deleted SetOutPath $TEMP SectionEnd