Z-Comp #1

If you prefer, you are allowed to just send a message to me if you want to enter (you can even reply to this message with the file attached if you like), and I will do it for you. Is that fine with you, please?

So you don’t need any specific account, no form, etc, just use any way which works for you. (Also, IF Comp does require an entry form, as well as an account (I have seen them); Z-Comp uses an existing account system instead of its own, although like I wrote above, you don’t even need that!!)

It is good you where able to see things from our perspective. One final question. Can I use the original theme? I had an idea for that.

Do you mean “Siderotil”? Yes you can use that, although you won’t get any points for “theme” (it isn’t that important; most of the points are for things other than theme, anyways).

Here is the SQL code for how the votes are tabulated (although there is the possibility that it will change, especially of people give suggestions on what would be better weights for these things) (you can ignore this if you want to; for example, if you don’t care that much about winning):CREATE VIEW `RANKING` AS SELECT `ENTRY_ID`, `COMPO_ID`, `ENTRY_NUMBER`, `E_TITLE`, CAST(MAX(100 +((TOTAL(`V_QUALIFY`-2.5)+3)/(SQRT(COUNT(`V_QUALIFY`)+0.5))*0.25 +((TOTAL(`V_THEME`-2.5)+3)/(SQRT(COUNT(`V_THEME`)+0.5))*5 +((TOTAL(`V_PUZZLE`-2.5)+3)/(SQRT(COUNT(`V_PUZZLE`)+0.5))*45 +((TOTAL(`V_ORIGINAL`-2.5)+3)/(SQRT(COUNT(`V_ORIGINAL`)+0.5))*60 +((TOTAL(`V_TECHNICAL`-2.5)+3)/(SQRT(COUNT(`V_TECHNICAL`)+0.5))*50 +((TOTAL(`V_LITERATURE`-2.5)+3)/(SQRT(COUNT(`V_LITERATURE`)+0.5))*52 +((TOTAL(`V_PLOT`-2.5)+3)/(SQRT(COUNT(`V_PLOT`)+0.5))*52 +((TOTAL(`V_DIFFICULTY`-2.5)+3)/(SQRT(COUNT(`V_DIFFICULTY`)+0.5))*7 +((TOTAL(`V_GAMEPLAY`-2.5)+3)/(SQRT(COUNT(`V_GAMEPLAY`)+0.5))*80 +((TOTAL(`V_ATMOSPHERE`-2.5)+3)/(SQRT(COUNT(`V_ATMOSPHERE`)+0.5))*51 +((TOTAL(`V_GOODJOB`-2.5)+3)/(SQRT(COUNT(`V_GOODJOB`)+0.5))*25 +((TOTAL(`V_OVERALL`-2.5)+3)/(SQRT(COUNT(`V_OVERALL`)+0.5))*550 ,0) AS INTEGER) AS `SCORE` FROM `ENTRY` NATURAL JOIN `VOTE` GROUP BY `ENTRY_ID` ORDER BY `SCORE` DESC;

You have only two weeks to enter.

It has been again extended by two million seconds.