XYZZY Awards ceremony

The ceremony for the Awards will be held on ifMUD on April 6th, at 1:30 PM Pacific time. Hope to see you there!

Ugh, that’s 4:30am on a work day for me. I hate West Australia.

(Alternatively, I hate the rest of the IF community for living on the wrong side of the world?)

Hate the meridian, love the community.

Ach, sorry about that. I suppose that’s one less invite I have to send out. Boo.

Can’t be helped, it has to be held at 4:30am somewhere in the world. I’m an early riser, so I’ll probably make it to part of the ceremony, anyway.

It’s an amateur event. Any reason it can’t be held over weekend?

Most of the world, it is.

I think there’s a fair argument to do it in the early morning on Saturday Pacific time. East Asia and Australia would have to stay up late Saturday night, but at least they could sleep in the following morning.

It’s probably too late to reschedule this year’s ceremony, but it’s worth thinking about.

Hear, hear!

The previous Saturday wouldn’t have worked - the IF theorygroup is scheduled then, and running those back-to-back would test the most hardened MUDder’s endurance. And I have a thing the following Saturday. And so on.

There Is Always Something. At least I didn’t manage to schedule the ceremony opposite GDC this year.

It increasingly looks like I’ll be unable to attend. Could someone please simulcast the results on Twitter?

Aw, sorry to hear that.

Can I get a volunteer-monkey for this? I’d totally do it myself, but realistically if I try to balance another plate during the ceremony, the odds are high that I’ll end up giving the MC the wrong card again, or forget to regulate the ratio of sulphur dioxide to methane in Porpentine’s dressing-room, or forget the hiiiiilarious bit where I point out how hard it is to take a group selfie in an all-text medium.

OK, who’s really good at ASCII art?

I have squatted the @xyzzyawards Twitter handle which I’m willing to pass to either the organizers or a live-tweeting volunteer. (If no-one else volunteers I can handle the tweeting this time.)

So after some discussion, we will indeed be using @xyzzyawards to livetweet the results.

(Thanks for the foresight, Juhana; thanks also Taleslinger, who has volunteered to be the monkey Twitter-jockey.)

A final reminder: this Thursday is the last day of voting. Polls close one minute after midnight on Friday, Pacific time; you have until then to add or update your votes.

There are still some damn close categories. Your vote could CHANGE IF HISTORY. When your grandchildren ask you about this day, what will you answer them, other than ‘shut up and fix me another G&T, kid’?

Just in case you missed it, the results are here!

I got a 500 Internal Server Error from that link when I tried to check it out just now.

This has already been announced elsewhere, but: the XYZZY Awards winners will be announced in ifMUD’s Grand Auditorium on April 26th, with the ceremony beginning at 12 Pacific / 3 Eastern / 8 PM UK. The ceremony generally takes a couple of hours; I hope to see you there.

Lucian Smith being indisposed, a new MC has generously taken up the reins this year: Jenni Polodna of Pissy Little Sausages.

FINAL DAY OF VOTING. If you were waiting until the last minute in the hope of squeezing in a few more games… this is it.

Voting remains very close in several categories. Your vote matters.