Still using 1.68. I’ll switch over when the new version comes out. Promise.
Anyway, this gets a “Translating the source-- Failed” message:
Lab is a room.
Amy is a woman in lab.
The woman's hand is part of Amy.
Taking something is goodhandaction.
Kissing something is goodhandaction.
Instead of doing anything other than goodhandaction to the woman's hand:
say "Amy will probably stab you if you do that.".
What’s the problem here? I tried naming the hand something easier, but same thing. Gotta have a syntax issue here but don’t know what it is.
Huh, very weird! No idea what’s going on, but I was able to tweak the syntax to get it to compile:
Before doing anything other than goodhandaction:
If the noun is the woman's hand, say "Amy will probably stab you if you do that." instead.
Curious for what one of the mad scientists will say about what’s going on here!
(Obviously the can’t take component parts rule and the lack of understood grammar for kissing anything other than a person mean TAKE and KISS don’t work without more tweaks, but I assume you’ve got those sorted out in the real project).
This is a known bug which will be fixed in the next release.
It should be generating an error message:
You wrote ‘Instead of doing anything other than goodhandaction to the
woman’s hand’ (source text, line 11), which seems to introduce a rule
taking effect only if the action is ‘doing anything other than
goodhandaction to the woman’s hand’. But that did not make sense as a
description of an action. I am unable to place this rule into any rulebook.